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Diaries and Calendars
Arnold Schönberg Center - Wien
1931 - 1935
United States
1934: The Standard Diary
Weiss Adolph, Weil Summers S., Wise Stephen, Waitzfelder Frederick, Walton Ernest Foster, Zito, Zilzer Georg
Adolphe Weiss, 21 West, 8th Street
New York City, GRamercy 5-1371
Dr. Wolff
Tel: Kenmore 8100
ASP 1162
Mrs Summer S. Weil
246 East 68th Regent 4-0007
Rabbi Stephen Wise
Free Synagogue House
40 West 68 Street
300 Central Park West, 90th Str
Mr E. F. Walton
25 Washington Square North
Dr Waizfelder,
6 Str. Western ave
Dr Zito
130 W 57th St
Prof Zilzer Dr. Georg
Fifth Av.-Hotel