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Original TIF File2319 × 2395 pixels (5.55 MP) 19.6 cm × 20.3 cm @ 300 PPI | 16.7 MB | Restricted |
Low resolution print1937 × 2000 pixels (3.87 MP) 16.4 cm × 16.9 cm @ 300 PPI | 942 KB | Restricted |
Screen678 × 700 pixels (0.47 MP) 5.7 cm × 5.9 cm @ 300 PPI | 133 KB | Download |
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Diaries and Calendars
Arnold Schönberg Center - Wien
1931 - 1935
United States
1934: The Standard Diary
conducting, Princeton University, lecture
[Tuesday, 6 March:]
Princeton Lecture
[Wednesday, 7 March:]
New York
[Monday, 12 March:]
New York
[Tuesday, 13 March:]
[Wednesday, 14 March:]
" 10h
[Thursday, 15 March:]
" 10h
[Friday, 16 March:]
Konzert 2h {Boston}
[Saturday, 16 March:]
Konzert [gen?]