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Original TIF File2332 × 2436 pixels (5.68 MP) 19.7 cm × 20.6 cm @ 300 PPI | 17.1 MB | Restricted |
Low resolution print1915 × 2000 pixels (3.83 MP) 16.2 cm × 16.9 cm @ 300 PPI | 1.1 MB | Restricted |
Screen670 × 700 pixels (0.47 MP) 5.7 cm × 5.9 cm @ 300 PPI | 167 KB | Download |
PreviewFull screen preview | 167 KB | View |
Diaries and Calendars
Arnold Schönberg Center - Wien
1931 - 1935
United States
1934: The Standard Diary
Kolisch Rudolf, Jalowetz Heinrich, Lorre Peter, Knopf Alfred A., Klatzkin Jacob, Johnson Alva, Kussevitzky Serge
New School of Social Research, Kniže & Comp.
Dr. Heinrich Jalowetz
Arbesbergg. [Arbesbachgasse] 21
Wien XIX
bei Kallei
IX Thurngasse 3, II/11
Alva Johnson
66 W. 12 ST.
New York City
New School for Sound Research
Rudolf Kolisch PARIS XVIme 7 bis. VILLA MALAKOFF
bis c/o Ibbs and Tillet
101 Wigmore Street
Molveno [x][a la seo?][/x] al Lago Trento, Italy
Jacob Klatzkin
Vevey, Case postale 29 – Switzera
Knize & Co Champ Elysee
Paris Elysee 39428 & 6829
Knopf Alfred 730 V. Av
Blanche Mrs 400 East, 57th Str.
Tel: El[d]orado 5-1542
Kussewitzky Serge
[x]Lorre Peter
Santa Monica