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Original TIF File2346 × 2404 pixels (5.64 MP) 19.9 cm × 20.4 cm @ 300 PPI | 16.9 MB | Restricted |
Low resolution print1952 × 2000 pixels (3.9 MP) 16.5 cm × 16.9 cm @ 300 PPI | 1.1 MB | Restricted |
Screen683 × 700 pixels (0.48 MP) 5.8 cm × 5.9 cm @ 300 PPI | 163 KB | Download |
PreviewFull screen preview | 163 KB | View |
Diaries and Calendars
Arnold Schönberg Center - Wien
1931 - 1935
United States
1934: The Standard Diary
Berg Alban, Bampton Rose, Buhlig Richard, Bruce Robert, Bricken Carl, Bodanzky Artur, Bloomfield Meyer D., Birchard Clarence C., Bestor Arthur Eugene, Bok Mary Louise Curtis
Birchard Clarence Kenmore 3876
221 Columbus Av. Boston Mass
Pronoville 3399 Hubhard 3666
Bodanzky Arthur 315W, 100 St {Pariser Adr Erich Simon[?]}
New York Riverside 4979
Berg Alban, Waldhaus Auen am Wörthersee
Post Velden, Kärnten
Bestor jr Arthur Eugene, 63 Clifford Str
Whitneyville, Connecticut
Bricken 1002 57th Str
Tel: Dorchester 10098
Bloomfield 250 We 57Str
1221 East 57
Banton Rosa Bampton
1 W 64 Str Trafalgar 7-2733
Bok Curtis
Merion 848
Buhlig 1025 Carondolet Str
Bruce Robert M. P. A. {[Fitzroy?] 0724}
1501 Broadway, Paramount
Building, New York City
Tel. Chickering 4 – 7431
Wohnung: 201 W. 70 Str. Trafalgar
7 – 1183