Arnold Schönberg Center - Brief Datenbank
Source Abbreviation: ASC
Content: Arnold Schönberg Center, Wien
Letters from source ASC

from/to: Name, Company
First Line
FROM:Palmer, Nicholas, Belmont Music Publishers TO:[unknown] 1967.08.01 We are in the process of preparing a new and compl print preview
FROM:Berlin, Harry TO:[unknown] 1967.02.00 An expression of deep and sincere print preview
FROM:American Cancer Society TO:[unknown] 1967.02.00 in memory of your mother print preview
FROM:Bancroft Junior High School Faculty TO:[unknown] 1967.02.00 With our deepest sympathy print preview
FROM:Buchanan, Herbert H. TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1966.06.10 It was pleasant talking to you by phone concerning print preview
FROM:Twittenhoff, Wilhelm, Bundesvereinigung Musische Jugendbildung e.V. TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1965.10.29 Nach längerem Schweigen muss ich Ihnen zu meinem g print preview
FROM:Segebrecht, Bosworth & Co., Musik-Verlag, Köln TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1965.08.25 Auf eine Anfrage bei der deutschen und amerikanisc print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 1965.08.15 ich hoffe Sie haben sich jetzt schon recht gut erh print preview
FROM:Bowmar, Bryce, Bowmar Records, INC. TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1965.07.27 As the producers of records and aids to music educ print preview
FROM:Brown, R.G. TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1965.05.30 You have published a book print preview
FROM:Bernstein, Leonard TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1965.04.02 Forgive me my long silence on the print preview
FROM:Bónis, Ferenc TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1964.07.11 ich habe die Absicht die nächste Nummer des von mi print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 1964.04.12 Herzlichsten Dank für die Zusendung Ihres Artikels print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1964.04.06 hier schicke ich Ihnen den Durchschlag print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1964.03.31 tausend Dank für Ihre Zeilen. Ich bin von Herzen f print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1963.10.29 aus Italien zurückgekehrt, finde ich Ihren Brief u print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1963.10.11 Ihr Brief vom 16. Dezember vorigen Jahres, der sic print preview
FROM:Barry Editorial Comercial e Industrial S.R.L. TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1963.06.17 The composer Alberto Ginastera has requested us to print preview
FROM:Brown, M.Elina, Museum of Fine Arts TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1963.04.25 I saw the self-portrait print preview
FROM:Adorno, Gretel TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1963 print preview
FROM:Barce, Ramón TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1962.10.20 Como usted sabrá por comunicación de la Editorial print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Colescott, Vera, Pierre Beres INC. 1962.04.29 In regards to your letter of April 20, I should im print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1962.04.17 tausend Dank für Ihren Brief vom 1. April, der mic print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 1962.04.01 herzlichsten Dank für Brief und Vortrag. Meine print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1962.03.22 den Text, den ich Ihnen gleichzeitig sende, habe i print preview
FROM:Blazhkov, Igor 1961.12.29 A year has already passed since I got "Die Verklär print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1961.06.27 es ist mir ein Bedürfnis, Ihnen zu sagen, welch un print preview
FROM:Bank of America TO:Schönberg, Gertrude 1961.05.10 Advice of charge Nr. 875333 print preview
FROM:Breicha, Otto TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1961.05.06 Als Kusthistoriker arbeite ich an einer Monographi print preview
FROM:R.E. Banta Bookseller & Publisher TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1960.07.12 Order 073966 print preview
TO: Klitsch, Wilhelm 1960.06.00 es war sehr schön; insbesondere 1m 13. Aber das print preview
FROM:Seligmann, Otto TO:Kolisch, Rudolf 1960.05.17 I am sending you by separate mail print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1959.07.14 haben Sie tausend Dank für Ihren Brief. Es ist wir print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1959.06.05 herzlichsten Dank für Ihren lieben Brief und Ihre print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1959.05.11 tausend Dank für Ihren so lieben Brief. print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 1959.05.01 print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Bell 1958.11.08 I received a letter from Ascap advising print preview
FROM:Kolisch, Rudolf TO:Seligmann, Otto 1958.05.17 eben bemerke ich, dass Du wahrscheinlich nicht meh print preview
FROM:Wilson, Charles P., Buick Motor Division TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1958.04.17 I reply to your letter dated April 14, 1958 in reg print preview
FROM:Brinkmann, Reinhold TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1958.04.15 verzeihen Sie mir, daß ich Sie mit einer print preview
FROM:Burg, J. TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1958.04.07 Nach einer wunderbaren Wiedergabe print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1958.03.15 In einem Brief vom 10.V.1938 schreibt mir Papa: " print preview
TO: 1957.00.00 Die Musik-Ãœberschwemmung print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.09.22 Nun sind Sie also wieder über den grossen Teich zu print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.08.15 Welche Überraschung, Sie im alten Europa! print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.07.31 Sie denken sicher, dass ich nicht mehr lebe. print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.04.21 vor ein paar Tagen wandte sich in Baden-Baden bei print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.03.12 tausend Dank für Ihren Brief. Die Verzögerung mein print preview
FROM:Binkley, Thomas TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.03.04 A group of graduate students here at the Universit print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 1956.01.27 hier das Verlangte: print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1956.01.09 Ihr Brief hat mich sehr erschreckt. Dass Sie ausge print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, Institut für Sozialforschung TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1955.12.23 dies ist zu berichten: die Leitung des Werkes print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1955.12.19 Zum Weihnachtsfest und zum print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried 1955.10.21 es ist schrecklich, was Sie mir da print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1955.10.14 Darf ich zunächst einiges von mir, bez. print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried 1955.10.03 Herr willy Strecker schrieb mir dass Sie nun den print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 1955.09.25 obwohl ich noch nicht Zeit gehabt print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1955.09.24 die einliegende Kritik meines Schülers Friedländer print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1955.09.05 hier schicke ich Ihnen einiges von Arbeiten aus print preview
TO: [various] 1955.08.08 Mrs. Arnold Schoenberg is very happy to announce print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried 1955.05.09 In aller Eile! Ich habe sofort an Schirner print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1955.05.05 Dass ein so belangloses Ereignis als das, dass ein print preview
TO: Gerhard, Leopoldina "Poldi" 1955.03.08 Also vor allem, herzlichste Gratulation zur print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.12.12 Zunächst vielen vielen Dank für Ihren langen liebe print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.11.15 Ich möchte Sie höflichst darum bitten print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.10.29 Wie seltsam, ich hatte mich eben an die Maschine g print preview
TO: [various] 1954.09.12 Mrs. Arnold Schoenberg Cordially invites you to he print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1954.05.22 Hast Du meinen Brief erhalten den ich über H. Zil print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Bergfeld 1954.05.20 von meiner Europareise print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.03.30 Ausgerechnet, wenn Sie in Frankfurt sind, bin print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.03.23 schönsten Dank für Ihren Brief. Sie können print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1954.03.09 KOENNEN LEIDER FREITAG ABEND NICHT KOMMEN HOEREN R print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1954.02.27 Nun sind die Würfel gefallen. Ich komme am print preview
FROM:Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.02.12 tausend Dank für Ihren Brief vom 22.1., print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1954.02.09 Endlich komme ich zu dem längst beabsichtigten lan print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Bender, George H., United States Congress 1954.00.00 Want to repeat at this time print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1953.12.23 Vor allem wünsche ich Ihnen und print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried 1953.11.12 herzlichsten Dank für Ihren lieben Brief print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1953.11.05 Verzeihen Sie mein langes Schweigen. Aber die Hetz print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1953.10.21 Zunaechst nochmals vielen Dank fuer das suesse print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1953.08.04 Ich bestätige die ordnungsgemässe Übernahme von print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1953.07.18 Aufführungerechte Schönberg, Von Heute auf Morgen print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1953.07.08 Materialgebühren, Chaves, Toccata, Rem. Academia S print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1953.06.22 In der Anlage sende ich dir gemäss der Benachricht print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1953.06.18 Was ist denn los? Ich habe sein 2 Monaten keine Na print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1953.06.11 Vielen Dank für Ihre lieben Zeilen, Ich bin wirkli print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried 1953.05.28 Heute nur eine vertrauliche Anfrage. Da print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1953.03.10 Sie haben mich tief beschämt und print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Zillig, Winfried 1953.01.05 herzlichsten Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich kann print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1952.11.20 Vielen Dank für Ihre Zeilen, ich beeile mich, mein print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1952.11.06 Ihr lieber Brief hat mich riesig gefreut. Vielen print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1952.10.16 Sicher sind Sie – und mir Recht – sehr böse auf mi print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1952.10.07 Deinen l. Brief sowie die Formulare habe ich erhal print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1952.05.01 Ich habe den mir von Dor geschickten, letzten Will print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1952.02.21 Eben deinen lieben Brief erhalten! Du bist die Ein print preview
FROM: Kaye, S. A., World Biography 1952.01.21 I have the honor to inform you that your biography print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1952.01.21 We announce with deep sorrow the death of our coll print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1952.01.18 ich habe heute Deinen Brief erhalten und mich eini print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Bing 1951.12.12 As I promised you, I am sending print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.11.28 Immer wieder kam etwas dazwischen, Deinen Brief zu print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.10.11 Zuerst Antwort auf Deine Fragen. Dünnebeil ist, wi print preview
FROM: Janney, Vernon W. 1951.10.04 By direction of the Superior Court your name has b print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.09.22 Vor Allem vielen Dank für Eure Briefe und für die print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.08.31 mit einer Verspätung, die für mein Gefühl print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Richard 1951.08.31 besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 3., der mich erst print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.08.30 Ich habe gestern Deinen vorwurfsvollen Brief erhal print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.08.20 Dein Brief hat mich aufs Neue schwer erschüttert, print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.08.06 Verzeih´daß ich Deinen Brief nicht sofort beantwor print preview
FROM:Neutra, Richard TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.08.04 May we express to you our deep and heartfelt print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.08.04 Herzlichen Dank für Ihren lieben Brief, der nun de print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1951.08.03 Shortly before Mr. Schoenberg passed away he was print preview
FROM:Piatigorsky, Gregor TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.08.01 It is very difficult to express in words print preview
FROM:Kahn, Erich Itor TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.26 Zu tiefst erschüttert vom Tode unserer Meisters print preview
FROM:Mitropoulos, Dimitri TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.25 Fate wanted it that I should be the last print preview
FROM:Apostel, Hans Erich TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.25 Entschuldigen Sie, dass ich Ihnen erst heute print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.24 Obwol ich annehme, dass ein Brief von dir an mich print preview
FROM:Buhlig, Richard TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.23 Krankheit hat mich gehindert print preview
FROM:Torberg, Friedrich TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.18 in der nahezu pausenlosen Arbeitsklausur print preview
FROM:Gerhard, Roberto TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.18 Our thoughts are with you and children print preview
FROM:Antheil, George TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.18 My deepest sympathy for you print preview
FROM:Zillig, Winfried TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.17 Aufs tiefste erschüttert hat mich die print preview
FROM:Varèse, Edgar TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.16 we sorrow for you and with you print preview
FROM:Pisk, Paul Amadeus, University of Texas at Austin TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.16 Ich brauche Ihnen wohl nicht zu sagen, wie sehr er print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.16 Das Ableben Deines verehrten Mannes print preview
FROM:Feuchtwanger, Lion TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.16 mein und meiner Frau herzliches, herzliches Beilie print preview
FROM:Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.16 We are shocked to learn print preview
FROM:Bauer, Julius TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.16 Die Nachricht vom Ableben Ihres print preview
FROM:Walter, Bruno TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.15 please accept the expression of my warmest sympath print preview
FROM:Sessions, Roger TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.15 we are thinking of you with deep sympathy print preview
FROM:Bampton, Rose Elizabeth TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.15 have just heard of the passing print preview
FROM:Leibowitz, René TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.15 so eben erfahre ich es und weis gar nicht print preview
FROM:Dallapiccola, Luigi TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.15 Deeply grieved by passing of the master print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Georg TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.15 Noch beeinflusst von der furchtbaren Nachricht, print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.14 Sind ungluecklich ueber den Verlust unseres Vaters print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.07.14 Wird sind tiefst erschuettert es wurde uns viel ge print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.07.14 Wir kommen auf die Vollmacht zurück, die Sie uns i print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1951.07.14 Arnold passed away this night. print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.07.14 Obwol ich nach dem letzten schrecklichen Bild mein print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.07.13 Our beloved Arnold passed away at 11:45 pm, Friday print preview
TO: Kurth, William H., The Library of Congress 1951.07.13 I am writing on behalf of Mrs. Schoenberg regardin print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.07.11 I appreciate very much the information you have gi print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne 1951.07.10 Die allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.07.10 Vielen vielen Dank für Deine Bemühungen ich freue print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.07.10 Ihr Brief an Herrn Schlee vom 3.Juli trifft soeben print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.07.10 Zu Deinem Geburtstag kann ich Dir nur das Eine wün print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.07.10 The State Department informed Mr. Schoenberg that print preview
FROM: David, Herbert D., United States Department of Justice 1951.07.09 Acknowledgement is made of your letter of June 27, print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.07.09 wie weit ist die Komposition der ganzen Oper gedie print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1951.07.08 Dein Brief ist mir eine große Freude--es ist als print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1951.07.08 Innigste Wünsche für Ihre baldige Genesung! Ich sc print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.07.07 ich komme eben von Darmstadt zurück, wo ich den "T print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St., Writers Service Center 1951.07.07 gute Nachricht! Die Library of Congress hat das Ge print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.07.06 die Uraufführung des "Tanzes um das goldene Kalb\ print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1951.07.06 Enclosed are three photographs of the sword. print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1951.07.05 Wir möchten Ihnen erzählen, daß wir Proben und print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1951.07.04 Ich war von Ihrem lieben Brief sehr erschüttert. E print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1951.07.03 Am greatly honored by your suggestion to score Jac print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil, Associated Musicians, Inc 1951.07.03 Your kind letter of last Saturday was received. We print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1951.07.03 Wir haben uns sehr gefreut von Dir zu hören. Ich b print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.07.03 Der Brief in welchem ich Ihnen die beiden Material print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.07.03 Ich hoffe Du bekommst bald den Phonographen, der d print preview
FROM: Finkelstein, Louis 1951.07.02 Tried to reach you by telephone with[out] success. print preview
FROM: Brown, Earle A. 1951.07.01 I have just returned from Aspen and was very happy print preview
FROM:Eisler, Hanns TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.07.00 Mit grösster Erschütterung denke ich an Sie print preview
FROM: Tomlin, Edward J. 1951.07.00 I must thank you for your kind offer to send me th print preview
TO: Johnson, Ake 1951.06.30 Ihre Mitteilung über die Aufführung meines IV. Str print preview
TO: Winton, H.T., American Institute of Accountants 1951.06.30 Thank you for sending me the list of your associat print preview
TO: Curjel, Hans 1951.06.30 Mr. Schoenberg will not leave his residence during print preview
TO: Tomlin, Edward J. 1951.06.30 Mr. Schoenberg has had dubbings made of the two re print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.06.29 Wenn Sie die Dichtung ansehen werden Sie bemerken, print preview
TO: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.06.29 I am in the position to offer you publication of t print preview
TO: Hilb, Emil, Associated Musicians, Inc 1951.06.29 Enclosed the signed letters with a few corrections print preview
TO: Jarnach, Philipp, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg 1951.06.27 Es war mir sehr traurig, daß man mir von Ihrer Wa print preview
TO: Hilb, Emil, Associated Musicians, Inc 1951.06.27 As I informed you, during our conversation last Th print preview
TO: David, Herbert D., United States Department of Justice 1951.06.27 In reply to your kind letter of June 21. Associate print preview
TO: Varga, Tibor 1951.06.27 Bisher hat mich meine Krankheit verhindert Ihre Pl print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.06.27 Wir haben Dir zwei Pakete enthaltend: print preview
TO: Rankl, Karl 1951.06.27 Es ist die Möglichkeit, dass ich einsehen muss, print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.06.27 I will try to provide a translation which might be print preview
TO: Brown, Earle A. 1951.06.27 If it is not too expensive for you to pay $25 per print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.06.26 Ihren letzten Brief habe ich offengestanden nicht print preview
FROM: Sykes, James 1951.06.26 My efforts to find the right person and equipment print preview
FROM: Winton, H.T., American Institute of Accountants 1951.06.26 Your letter of June 18th, addressed to The Society print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.06.25 I appreciate very much your frankness contained in print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil, Associated Musicians, Inc 1951.06.25 As always, my visit with you was a most enjoyable print preview
FROM: Johnson, Ake, Ivan Ericson-Kvartetten 1951.06.25 Wir möchten Ihnen unsere herzlichsten Grüße schic print preview
FROM: Villar, Osualdo O. 1951.06.24 Como en nuestro pair tenemor en este momento grand print preview
FROM: Dumont du Voitel, Rudolf 1951.06.24 Da ich Sie leider nicht noch einmal waehrend meine print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.06.23 Dr. Kalmus hat uns mitgeteilt, daß in Wien die re print preview
FROM: Finkelstein, Louis, Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion 1951.06.22 As you may know, for the past eleven years the con print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1951.06.22 Some of Mr. Schoenberg's friends have brought to print preview
TO: Craft, Robert 1951.06.22 I am answering your letter of June 20 on behalf o print preview
FROM: David, Herbert D., United States Department of Justice 1951.06.21 Acknowledgement is made of your letter of June 16, print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.06.21 I want to tell you again that I am very sorry you print preview
FROM: Curjel, Hans 1951.06.21 seit einigen Wochen befinde ich mich auf einer Stu print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.06.20 In receipt of your cordial letter dated June 12, I print preview
FROM: Brown, Earle A. 1951.06.20 I am taking my courage in both hands in writing print preview
FROM: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.06.20 I agree with you that Presser has had the manuscri print preview
FROM: Howard, Walter 1951.06.20 Nehmen Sie meinen herzlichsten Dank für Ihr freund print preview
FROM: Craft, Robert 1951.06.20 Greetings and best wishes to you and I hope this f print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.06.20 Both Sch[oenberg] and I have made lists but there print preview
TO: Sykes, James, Colgate University 1951.06.20 Only true sincerity could make me write a convinci print preview
TO: Landesbibliothek zu Kassel 1951.06.19 Ich wende mich an Sie in der Angelegenheit des Her print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.06.19 Thank you for your kind letter. Certainly there is print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.06.19 Thank you for your letter of the 5th. We shall be print preview
FROM: Jarnach, Philipp, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg 1951.06.19 verzeihen Sie bitte die Verzögerung meiner bereits print preview
FROM: Kurth, William H., The Library of Congress 1951.06.19 Your letter of June 9 requesting an acknowledgemen print preview
TO: Besseler, Heinrich, Universität Jena 1951.06.19 Ich wende mich an Sie in der Angelegenheit des Her print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.06.19 Many cordial congratulations to your 60. birthday. print preview
FROM: Gorton, Ronald W. 1951.06.18 I have just learned that you have been ill for som print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1951.06.18 vom 1. bis 5. Juli 1951 tagt in Darmstadt am Krani print preview
TO: Society of Public Accountants 1951.06.18 I am in business relations with several publishers print preview
TO: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.06.18 I would like to have Presser's desision at once, print preview
TO: American Stationery Co 1951.06.18 Kindly mail to the above address 375 sheets (65/8 print preview
FROM: Winter, Hanns 1951.06.16 sehr herzlich danke ich Ihnen für Ihre freundliche print preview
FROM: Ducloux, Walter, United States Department of State 1951.06.16 Your letter of June 5, 1951 has been forwarded to print preview
TO: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1951.06.16 RCA Victor has issued records of my Gurrelieder an print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.06.16 Haben Sie vergessen, dass der Ausschluss der Assoc print preview
TO: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.06.16 I would consider getting in closer contact with yo print preview
TO: Kratka, I., Relax Records 1951.06.16 Variations on a Recitative for Organ, opus 40 has print preview
TO: Hilb, Emil 1951.06.16 There might be a possibility that I could consider print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1951.06.15 im Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin und Frankfurt beginnt di print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.06.15 mit gleicher Post sende ich einen ersten Probeabzu print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1951.06.15 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I inform you that he p print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.06.15 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg. print preview
TO: Partos, Ödön, Israel Academy of Music 1951.06.15 Man kann keinen Lehrplan aufstellen, der für alle print preview
TO: Benoff, Mac 1951.06.15 Mr. Schoenberg thanks you for your interesting let print preview
FROM: Benoff, Mac 1951.06.14 After some correspondence with Mr. Fassett, who is print preview
FROM: Sykes, James, Colgate University 1951.06.14 It is eleven years since I last saw you when I cal print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.06.13 Thank you very kindly for your letter of May 22, 1 print preview
FROM: Kratka, I., Relax Records 1951.06.13 Some time ago a composition for organ, written by print preview
FROM: Dumont du Voitel, Rudolf 1951.06.13 Ich befinde mich zur Zeit auf Einladung des State print preview
TO: Perlman, William J., Bureau of Musical Research 1951.06.13 On account of the many possibilities of mistaking print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.06.13 This letter should be an addenda to the Instrument print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1951.06.13 Ich bin seit vielen Wochen nicht nur nicht wohlauf print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.06.13 I am glad to hear that you plan a performance of m print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.06.13 Could you formulate the following law and try to m print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.06.12 Abrechnung für Verlagstantiemen und Orchestermater print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.06.12 Abrechnung für Verlagstantiemen und Orchestermater print preview
FROM: Perlman, William J., Bureau of Musical Research 1951.06.12 Thank you for your article to be included in our f print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.06.12 I send you included a new formulation of the Instr print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.06.12 I thank you cordially for your lovely letter of Ju print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1951.06.10 es scheint mir eine sehr lange Zeit seit ich direk print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1951.06.10 Herr Schoenberg, der sich momentan nicht sehr wohl print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.06.09 daß Sie also nicht nach Darmstadt kommen, hatte ic print preview
FROM: Tennis Patrons of Santa Monica 1951.06.09 Membership Dues - 1951-52 $10.00 print preview
FROM: Jelinek, Hanns 1951.06.09 Endlich kann ich Ihnen weitere Hefte meines \"Zwöl print preview
TO: Katz, M., Israel Ministry of Education and Culture 1951.06.09 Mr. Schoenberg is not well at the moment and asks print preview
TO: Kurth, William H., The Library of Congress 1951.06.09 Today the following Schoenberg holographs were sen print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1951.06.09 Railway Express: Insured for $40,000.00 print preview
TO: Howard, Walter 1951.06.09 Ich hatte von Ihnen schon vor dem Krieg gehört un print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.06.08 I am glad you received the two packages of the mat print preview
FROM: McNamara, Daniel I., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.06.08 Mr. Harbach has asked me to reply to your letter o print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.06.08 Schade, ich hätte mich sehr gefreut, mit Ihnen übe print preview
FROM: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1951.06.08 Acknowledgement is made of your letter of May 15, print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.06.07 Thanks ever so much for your very cordial letters print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.06.07 eben von der Reise zurück muß ich zur neuen Auffüh print preview
FROM: Hübner, Herbert, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1951.06.06 Der NWDR Hamburg widmete den 4.Abend seiner öffent print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1951.06.05 Heute morgen erhielt ich den freundlichen Brief Dr print preview
TO: Voice of America 1951.06.05 Re: Recording and Broadcasting of my work:- GURREL print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.06.05 I had forgotten that you refused to accept my Prog print preview
TO: Perlman, William J., Bureau of Musical Research 1951.06.05 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to send you the article, " print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1951.06.04 Nun habe ich also die Erwartung in Hamburg mit dem print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1951.06.04 I would welcome the idea of having Mr. Rufer for a print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1951.06.04 It is self-evident that I will send you the proofs print preview
FROM: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.06.02 It is with the greatest apology that I have not wr print preview
FROM: Tack, Hans Arnold 1951.06.02 Wenn ich mir erlauben darf, im Auftrage des Sinfon print preview
TO: New York Herald Tribune 1951.06.02 It seems that Mr. Virgil Thomson is on vacation. print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.06.02 Mitropoulos returned to me the score of my Five Or print preview
TO: Tomlin, Edward J. 1951.06.02 In a short time I will be able to send you replace print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1951.06.02 Several months ago I have written Miss Carol Truax print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.06.02 I received yesterday two packages: one containing print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1951.06.02 For many days we try at various times to reach print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.06.02 Ich kann nicht nach Darmstadt kommen: bitte verstä print preview
FROM: Saunders, Richard Drake, Bureau of Musical Research 1951.06.01 Thank you for your letter. I am sure Mr. Schoenber print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.06.00 only the absence of every cultural or artistic con print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1951.06.00 The time has come to note the passing of another s print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger 1951.06.00 I found your book forwarded from Berkeley, waiting print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1951.05.31 Many thanks for your letter--I am very glad that y print preview
FROM: Katz, M., Israel Ministry of Education and Culture 1951.05.31 Mr. Pelleg who left suddenly for Europe a few day print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.05.30 vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 12.V.51--ich hatte print preview
FROM: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1951.05.30 Your letters, arriving in my absence from New York print preview
TO: Waters, Edward N., The Library of Congress 1951.05.30 I had sold to the Gertrude Clarke Whittal Foundati print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.05.30 Thank you very much for your three letters, for yo print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1951.05.29 Herzlichen Dank für Ihre beiden letzten Briefe. I print preview
FROM: Harbach, Otto A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.29 As you are aware, your Society has long urged that print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1951.05.29 I was very sorry not to have been able to talk wit print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1951.05.29 I wonder what happened with my Hebrew Psalm, compo print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.28 Aus einem allerdings nicht ganz verständlichen Tel print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger 1951.05.28 As you see, I am writing you from the Kolisch hous print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.05.26 I have your favor stating Mrs. S. owned the manusc print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.05.26 The enclosures are self explanatory - I recommend print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.26 Ich bin nicht in der Lage nach Darmstadt zu kommen print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1951.05.26 Mr. Schoenberg thanks you very much for your offer print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.05.26 As I heard from your wonderful performance of the print preview
TO: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.26 I reply to your letter of May 22. on behalf of Mr. print preview
TO: Harbach, Otto A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.26 It seems to me very important to find your interes print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.05.26 Dies Pakete sind an dich heute abgegangen: print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1951.05.26 I am answering your letter of May 13 on behalf of print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.05.26 In answer to your letter of May 15. The String Tri print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.05.26 Enclosed a copy of part of a letter from Schirmer print preview
TO: Robertson, Leroy J., University of Utah 1951.05.26 Your invitation to stop and lecture in Salt Lake C print preview
FROM: Keller, Hans 1951.05.25 Newspaper says you will lecture at Darmstadt, is t print preview
TO: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1951.05.25 Would you please announce that my health does not print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1951.05.25 Miss Carol Truax should have informed the papers t print preview
TO: Searle, Humphrey 1951.05.25 Your letter is at present in New York. print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1951.05.25 Was Du mir von Deiner Tätigkeit als National Chair print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1951.05.24 In the first place I must tell you how often I thi print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.05.23 Mr. Heinsheimer has shown me your letter of April print preview
FROM: Robertson, Leroy J., University of Utah 1951.05.23 Mr. Rudolph Kolisch, who was in Salt Lake City las print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1951.05.23 How are you? We have had no news in a very long ti print preview
FROM: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.22 With reference to our letter of May 7th, we have n print preview
TO: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.05.22 I will try to cause a former pupil of mine, who ha print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1951.05.22 I am glad to hear from you at once and that you st print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1951.05.21 Ich habe Ihnen heute mehrfach u. sehr herzlich zu print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.21 In den Zeitungen steht wieder zu lesen, daß Sie i print preview
FROM: Brooks, M.E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.21 In answer to your letter of May 11, I have searche print preview
TO: Russell, Ross 1951.05.21 I have the suspicion that you have entered into an print preview
FROM: Zetty, Claude E., Indiana University 1951.05.20 Thank you for your letter of May 11th. The informa print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.05.19 vor acht Tagen kam Ihr Brief mit der Kopie Ihres S print preview
FROM: Miller, Max, First Methodist Church of Pasadena 1951.05.19 I am sending you a program of my Graduate Recital. print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1951.05.19 ich war zwei Tage hier, um als Richter in den Semi print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.05.19 Have been spending some time at the Library of Mus print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.19 Wenn die Nachricht, dass ich an Associated Music P print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.05.19 In his letter of April 19 Mr. Schoenberg already i print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.05.19 Would you be kind enough to return the parts of th print preview
TO: Benoff, Mac 1951.05.19 Thank you very much for your activities in my beha print preview
FROM: Lange, Francisco Curt, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 1951.05.18 Thanks for your letter of May 11. I have written t print preview
FROM: Robertson, David Ritchie, Oberlin Conservatory of Music 1951.05.18 Mr. Emil Danenberg has talked with me concerning y print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1951.05.18 Many thanks for your letter suggesting a lecture b print preview
FROM: Dale, George B., Columbia Recording Corporation 1951.05.17 Thank you very much for lending us your photograph print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St., Writers Service Center 1951.05.17 will gerne mein Glück versuchen. Habe bereits eine print preview
FROM: Benoff, Mac 1951.05.17 I am taking a chance and writing without knowing y print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1951.05.16 die von Ihrem Sekretär Richard Hoffmann gezeichnet print preview
FROM: Bollew, Joseph A., WCB Artists & Concert Management, Inc 1951.05.16 Thank you very much for your letter of May 11th. print preview
FROM: Drake, Milton, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.16 Enclosed is the official ballot for election of wr print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.05.15 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.05.15 Since I have not heard from you I am reluctantly f print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.05.15 Bitte höfl. teilen Sie uns in Bezug auf Ihre folge print preview
TO: United States Department of Commerce 1951.05.15 I will be 77 this year and my sister will celebrat print preview
TO: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1951.05.15 I have cancelled my contract with Universal Editio print preview
TO: United States Department of Commerce 1951.05.15 1 Radio-Phonograph, playing all speeds, table mode print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1951.05.15 Ich hätte sie ja gerne jetzt herüber gebracht, wen print preview
TO: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1951.05.14 Deine Graduation bringt mir erneut zu Bewusstsein print preview
FROM: Goldthwaite, Scott, University of Chicago 1951.05.14 I was delighted to have your letter after this lon print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.05.14 I am in receipt of your letter of April 21, 1951 f print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1951.05.13 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 24. April. Mein Sc print preview
TO: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1951.05.12 You were so kind to offer me space in your paper a print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.05.12 Es freut mich sehr zu hören, daß Sie mit der Herst print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius, Mills College 1951.05.11 I am terribly sorry that Mills College can not giv print preview
TO: Jarnach, Philipp, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg 1951.05.11 Man hat mir gesagt, daß Sie ein eifriger Anhänger print preview
TO: Bollew, Joseph A., WCB Artists & Concert Management, Inc 1951.05.11 At present it is so difficult to establish the dif print preview
TO: Brooks, M.E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.11 I am writing in answer to your letter of May 7 on print preview
TO: Winter, Hanns 1951.05.11 Die Unterlegung des deutschen Textes unter meine M print preview
TO: Shilkret, Arthur 1951.05.11 On account of the missing copyright, Mr. Scherchen print preview
TO: Letty, Claude E. 1951.05.11 I am answering your letter of March 13 in behalf o print preview
TO: Lange, Francisco Curt 1951.05.11 Ernest Gottlieb, 450 N. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hil print preview
TO: Irino, Yoshiro 1951.05.11 I would be pleased if I could read your article. print preview
TO: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1951.05.11 I don't know whether you recall that in my Vienne print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.05.11 Ich fürchte, daß ich dir weder das Gramophon, noch print preview
FROM: Lawson, G.E. 1951.05.10 As an appreciative listener to your music may I as print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1951.05.10 Thank you for your letter and I am sorry for the d print preview
FROM: Howard, Walter 1951.05.10 So sieht der aus dem Ihr Urteil über seine Tonmitt print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.09 Abrechnung für Orchestermateriale "Neue Werke" Ink print preview
FROM: Gutchë, Gene 1951.05.08 You have no idea what great pleasure your construc print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.05.08 I assume, this is a typing error, when you tell me print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.05.08 Thank you very much for your kind letter, and it i print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.07 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 21.4. Ich freue mi print preview
FROM: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.05.07 I am sorry that Mr. Schoenberg found it necessary print preview
FROM: Brooks, M.E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.05.07 Your quarterly royalty check was mailed out to you print preview
FROM: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1951.05.07 Thank you very much for your letter of April 20 in print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.05.05 Yes, we never forgot you - always have you in our print preview
FROM: Shilkret, Arthur, Nathaniel Shilkret Music Co., Inc. 1951.05.04 My father, Nathaniel Shilkret, early this week gav print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1951.05.04 I am very sorry indeed to hear that you have been print preview
TO: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1951.05.04 I have already succeeded in procuring three of the print preview
TO: Krenek, Ernst 1951.05.04 Ich bin entsetzt, daß es zugelassen wurde, daß F print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1951.05.04 Wir haben einmal miteinander mit Glück ein Geschäf print preview
TO: Ratz, Erwin 1951.05.04 Bitten lesen Sie zuerst den beiliegenden Brief übe print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1951.05.04 Wir haben einmal miteinander mit Glück ein Geschäf print preview
TO: 1951.05.03 Das Schwert des Prinzen Eugene print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1951.05.03 Bitte entschuldige daß Pap zu unterschreiben verga print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1951.05.03 Endlich bin ich so weit, daß ich dir die Fehlerlis print preview
FROM: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.05.03 We have received the manuscript of Structural Func print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1951.05.03 Mein Bericht, der eine feststehende Gepflogenheit print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.05.02 Abrechnung für Orchestermateriale Inkasso Schott R print preview
TO: Gelatt, Roland, The Saturday Review 1951.05.01 I have received a note from Thomas Mann requesting print preview
FROM: Beilin, Harry, Israel, Consulate 1951.05.01 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter toge print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1951.05.01 Ich bemühe mich für Sie eine Lecturetour zu arrang print preview
TO: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1951.05.01 I should have foreseen that the Music Department - print preview
TO: Thayer, Jean S., American Book Company 1951.05.01 In answer to your letter of April 26. print preview
TO: Fichte, Richard 1951.05.01 Trotzdem der Anblick der Menscheit von heute nicht print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1951.05.00 Auf dem Sprung nach Berlin möchte ich Ihnen doch print preview
TO: Saunders, Richard Drake 1951.05.00 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to inform you that he has f print preview
FROM: Gutchë, Gene 1951.04.30 Thank you for your letter of 11 April. I am very s print preview
FROM: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1951.04.30 In answer to your letter--I have referred same to print preview
FROM: Winter, Hanns 1951.04.30 als eines der frühesten Mitglieder des \"Vereins f print preview
TO: University of Southern California 1951.04.28 Enclosed stamps in the value of .58. | Please forw print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.04.28 I see now in your letter of December 12, 1950 that print preview
TO: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.04.28 I am ready to allow a reasonable time for the deci print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.04.28 As I have not yet received my quarterly check this print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.04.28 Herewith Mr. Schoenberg returns the three BIEM she print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1951.04.28 I am sorry you had so much trouble with Mr. Flemin print preview
TO: Gutchë, Gene 1951.04.28 Mr. Schoenberg received your interesting compositi print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.04.27 As per your request of April 23, 1951, I enclose h print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.04.27 ich bin sehr betrübt zu lesen daß Sie wieder erkäl print preview
TO: Israel, Consulate 1951.04.27 We missed, by mistake, your diplomatic courier thi print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.04.27 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren aufschlussreichen print preview
FROM: Lange, Francisco Curt, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 1951.04.26 Ich ersehe aus der Rückseite Ihres Schreibens vom print preview
FROM: Thayer, Jean S., American Book Company 1951.04.26 We are preparing the illustrations for our college print preview
TO: Pelleg, Frank, Israel Ministry of Education and Culture 1951.04.26 Mit Stolz und Befriedigung die Ernennung zum Ehren print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1951.04.25 I hardly know how to answer your letter of April 1 print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.04.25 The letter from Mr. Jennings Wood was answered, bu print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.04.25 I am very sorry that the Phantasy produces so much print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1951.04.24 Enclosed please find copy of our statement dated O print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1951.04.24 I deeply regretted not having the opportunity to s print preview
FROM: Silva, Helen[?] H[..?] 1951.04.24 Last Saturday I was lucky enough to turn on the ra print preview
FROM: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.04.24 It is not clear from your letter of the twenty-fir print preview
TO: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.04.24 Copy of Structural Functions (copy returned by Lei print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1951.04.24 Für heute, um nicht zu spät zu kommen, bloss meine print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1951.04.24 Es geht mir eigentlich wie Ihnen. Ich möchte Ihnen print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1951.04.24 Besten Dank dafür, dass Sie mich an den 70. Dr. Wo print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1951.04.24 Ich will Ihnen doch noch über die Suite Records sc print preview
FROM: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.04.23 A few weeks ago our Exchange and Gift Division sen print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.04.23 I will send you your share of Bomart's remaining print preview
TO: Tomlin, Edward J. 1951.04.23 Your kind letter procured me much joy. print preview
FROM: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1951.04.21 Sagen Sie doch bitte- fanden Sie meinen Brief anma print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.04.21 I receive very many informations[!] about my perfo print preview
TO: Boelke, Walter R., Bomart Music Publications 1951.04.21 Long ago I have already discovered that someone ma print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.04.21 I wonder whether you realize that if I make a chea print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.04.21 Da mir jeden Augenblick ein anderer als Chef der U print preview
TO: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.04.21 I am afraid I will not find time within the next f print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel, RKO Pathe Inc 1951.04.21 In 1945 I composed on account of your commission t print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1951.04.21 In my last letter I demanded accountings of royalt print preview
TO: Pelleg, Frank, Israel Ministry of Education and Culture 1951.04.21 Mr. Schoenberg was not well enought to finish his print preview
TO: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.04.21 There is only one copy left at present of Struct. print preview
TO: Columbia Recording Corporation 1951.04.21 At first I am very glad to learn that Columbia Rec print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1951.04.20 Vor Allem meine allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1951.04.20 Ich habe dem Kontrakt der Saturday Review of Liter print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.04.20 According to the law, the copyright is only preser print preview
TO: Goldberg, Joyce, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1951.04.20 The three choruses are published with a German and print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.04.20 Herzlichsten Dank für Ihre Mitteilungen über die e print preview
TO: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1951.04.20 Mr. Schoenberg is ready to see Mr. Debusmann, prov print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1951.04.20 Es tut mir leid Ihnen sagen zu müssen, daß Sie do print preview
TO: Lange, Francisco Curt 1951.04.20 Your plans are of great interest to me, though I c print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.04.19 With further reference to the pending matter of th print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.04.19 I am sorry, but I must now tell you definitely, th print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.04.18 Entschuldigen Sie bitte, dass wir Ihnen nicht früh print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.04.17 Pursuant to your request noted in your letter date print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.04.17 No.89219. The attached check is in payment of the print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1951.04.17 die "Saturday Review of Literature" teilt mit, d print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.04.17 I am anxious to hear how you are feeling and wheth print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.04.16 Abrechnung für Aufführungstantiemen u. Orchesterma print preview
FROM: Gelatt, Roland, Saturday Review of Literature 1951.04.13 As the enclosed mimeographed sheet explains, Banta print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1951.04.11 Mr. Schoenberg has been sick for several weeks print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1951.04.11 To Whom it may Concern: Mr. Schoenberg has been print preview
TO: Russell, Ross 1951.04.11 I have the suspicion that you have entered into an print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.04.11 Mr. Schoenberg has been sick for several weeks and print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.04.11 I have received the return-receipt of my registere print preview
FROM: Bollew, Joseph A., WCB Artists & Concert Management, Inc 1951.04.10 About two weeks ago I wrote to you at the suggesti print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1951.04.10 ich sende Ihnen anbei zwei Artikel, die am 1. und print preview
FROM: Fleischer, Herbert, Il Diapason, rivista di musica contemporanea 1951.04.07 mein lieber und verehrter Freund Hermann Scherchen print preview
TO: Fleischer, Herbert, Il Diapason, rivista di musica contemporanea 1951.04.07 Tut [mir] leid aber unmöglich etwas zu schreiben u print preview
FROM: Jarnach, Philipp, Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Hamburg 1951.04.06 Die Herren vom Kranichsteiner Institut in Darmstad print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1951.04.06 Sehr gerne wüßte ich, ob Sie meine Briefe vom 17.J print preview
FROM: Tobison, Ernst 1951.04.05 Unterzeichneter, der Autographe berühmter Tonkünst print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.04.05 Thank you for your letter and let me tell you that print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.04.04 am 28.III. der "Survivor" in Rom vor dem normale print preview
FROM: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1951.04.04 The Department of State, Washington, D.C., has req print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.04.02 bitte verzeihen Sie, daß ich erst heute Ihren lieb print preview
FROM: Atterberg, Kurt, Kungl. Musikaliska Akademien 1951.03.31 Hierdurch beehre ich mich Ihnen mitzuteilen, daß print preview
FROM: Pelleg, Frank, Israel Ministry of Education and Culture 1951.03.30 I was happy to hear from Mr. O. Partosh, the art print preview
FROM: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.03.29 I have not answered your letter before as I wanted print preview
FROM: Lathrop, Douglas, Los Angeles Municipal Court 1951.03.26 As a registered voter of the Los Angeles Judicial print preview
FROM: Bollew, Joseph A., WCB Artists & Concert Management, Inc 1951.03.26 Dr. Sigmund Spaeth & Mr. Wm. Perlman, with whom I print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.03.26 I am so sorry not to be able to come to California print preview
FROM: Gutchë, Gene 1951.03.26 That form of address well expresses my sensations. print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1951.03.26 Herr Oedoen Partos vom Israel Philharmonic Orche print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1951.03.25 Verzeih, bitte, daß ich erst jetzt schreibe, aber print preview
FROM: Goldberg, Joyce, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1951.03.23 Forgive the delay in answering your letter of Marc print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.03.21 Abrechnung für Orchestermateriale Inkasso Dünnebei print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1951.03.16 je suis honteux de répondre à peine aujourd\'hui à print preview
FROM: Wood, Jennings, The Library of Congress 1951.03.14 I am enclosing two copies of an Instrument of Gift print preview
FROM: Zetty, Claude E. 1951.03.13 As a graduate student in Musicology at Indiana Uni print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1951.03.12 My sincerest apologies for so overlong a silence! print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1951.03.12 In reply to your letter of March 8, 1951 which you print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1951.03.12 The translation is in the main very good and in ma print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1951.03.09 Ich bin so glücklich, daß Sie die Widmung der Oper print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.03.08 I wish to confirm our telephone conversation of th print preview
FROM: Hachten, Richard, Curtis Circulation Co 1951.03.08 Regarding our telephone conversation today wherein print preview
TO: Boelke, Walter R., Bomart Music Publications 1951.03.08 Mr. Seymour S. Guthman (whose power of Attorney I print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.03.07 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief vom 24. Febru print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.03.07 Ende Sommer habe ich Euch geschrieben, mich für Ar print preview
FROM: Partos, Ödön, Israel Academy of Music 1951.03.06 Kaum habe ich meine Arbeit hier begonnen, so erheb print preview
FROM: University of California Regents 1951.03.05 The Regents of the University of California acknow print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1951.03.05 Daß Ihr Bild am Tage der Premiere von Troilus und print preview
FROM: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1951.03.05 Thank you sincerely for your reply of last week fr print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.03.05 The manner in which you acted in the matters with print preview
FROM: Fichte, Richard 1951.03.03 Zuerst aus Deutschland einen ebenso herzlichen wie print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz, Die Neue Zeitung 1951.03.03 Ich glaube sie können das Foto ruhig für den Atlan print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1951.03.03 In spite of my protest, you have published Leibowi print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1951.03.03 Das ist sehr traurig, dass Sie Ihre Stellung am Fr print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1951.03.03 Thank you for your letter of March 2. Mr. Schoenbe print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1951.03.03 Thank you very much for your information. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.03.03 Für die Herstellung der Stimmen meiner Werke, habe print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1951.03.03 Herr F. A. Hartmann hat mir nichts von der Münchne print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1951.03.03 Eben erhielt ich Dein Buch, Das Testament der Astr print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1951.03.03 Under separate cover I send you the photograph whi print preview
FROM: Seefehlner, Egon Hugo, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1951.03.02 Im Auftrage von Herrn Dr. h.c. Manfred Mautner Mar print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.03.02 ich freue mich Ihnen berichten zu können, daß de print preview
FROM: Lange, Francisco Curt, Instituto Interamericano de Musicologia 1951.03.02 I am organizing and directing since one year and a print preview
TO: Goldberg, Joyce, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1951.03.02 My request that you send me a royalty statement, c print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.03.01 Semi-Annual Royalty Statement from G. Schirmer, In print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1951.03.01 You may now use the enclosed check - without the s print preview
FROM: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.03.01 I gather from your letter of February twenty-fourt print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.03.01 I am planning to come to California for Spring vac print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.02.27 I am pleased to send you herewith check of Bomart print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.02.26 Supplementing my recent communication with you, it print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1951.02.26 The Hollywood String Quartet is grateful to you fo print preview
FROM: Boelke, Walter R., Bomart Music Publications 1951.02.26 Enclosed I am sending you another check in the amo print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1951.02.25 Einer Erkrankung halber kann ich mich leider erst print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1951.02.24 Soeben haben wir das Klavier Konzert in Stuttgart print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.02.24 Meine Zustimmung zur Aufführung des Survivors in W print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.02.24 In answer to your letter of January 31. Norton wer print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.02.24 Warum ich indirekt mit U-E verhandle, hat vor alle print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.02.24 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg regarding print preview
TO: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.02.24 Thank you for your kind letter of February 6. print preview
TO: Tangeman, Nell 1951.02.24 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I am answering your le print preview
TO: Rankl, Karl 1951.02.24 Ihre Absicht mir Ihre Oper zu widmen, freut mich s print preview
TO: Hill, Richard S. 1951.02.24 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I want to inform you t print preview
TO: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1951.02.24 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I want to inform you t print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.02.23 Today I have the pleasure of answering Mr. Hoffman print preview
FROM: Goldberg, Joyce, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1951.02.23 As per your request, we take pleasure in sending y print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.02.21 über Ihren Brief v.5. bin ich erschrocken und betr print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.02.21 We would appreciate it very much if you would let print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1951.02.20 Endlich heute komme ich dazu, Deinen letzten Brief print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.02.20 I had been told, that Franz Schalk, who became dir print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.02.19 ich freue mich Ihnen die Abschrift eines Briefes a print preview
FROM: Tangeman, Nell 1951.02.15 Mme. Erika Stiedry has advised me to write you abo print preview
FROM: McClung, C.M., Jr. 1951.02.15 Do you know a good music publisher who would be in print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1951.02.13 First of all, in rechecking the information I sent print preview
FROM: Pacht, Isaac, Los Angeles Jewish Community Council 1951.02.13 Would be honored if you will accept our cordial in print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.02.12 In receipt of the various statements dated Februar print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1951.02.10 Ihr Bild hat mir eine unendliche Freude gemacht. E print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.02.10 Vielen Dank für Ihre ausführliche Antwort. Ich sch print preview
FROM: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1951.02.09 An illness which has kept me from the office for s print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz, Die Neue Zeitung 1951.02.09 Sie haben uns mit Ihren beiden Sendungen, dem Buch print preview
TO: Village Radio and Music 1951.02.09 I have asked you now several times (in fact, over print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1951.02.08 Vielen Dank! Sie haben mir eine Riesenfreude mit print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1951.02.08 Thank you very much for your letter. I am very gla print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1951.02.07 We have not received any news from you for so long print preview
FROM: Stiedry Wagner, Erika 1951.02.06 Also nun bin ich zurück u. muß berichten: es war print preview
FROM: Collins, Alan C., Curtis Brown, Ltd 1951.02.06 I hear from our London office that you are looking print preview
TO: Strobel, Heinrich, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1951.02.06 Vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihren sehr freundlichen print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.02.05 Mr. Richard Hoffmann is a pupil of mine who as a c print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1951.02.05 Ich kann bestimmt nicht alle Fragen beantworten, e print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.02.04 vorgestern kamen die vier Langspielplatten mit Ihr print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.02.03 Mit Deinem Bild hast Du mir eine sehr große Freude print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1951.02.02 Nun habe ich gerade Ihren guten Weihnachtsgruß erh print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1951.02.02 es ist so schwer sich am Telephon zu verständigen print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.02.02 I am afraid you over-rated my patience. All the fr print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1951.02.02 What will you do to make people know about my musi print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1951.02.01 Warum führen wir unsere Korrespondenz eigentlich a print preview
FROM: Inman, Philip 1951.01.31 I have not earlier replied[!] to your letter becau print preview
FROM: Strobel, Heinrich, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1951.01.31 Ihr Brief hat mir eine große Freude bereitet, obsc print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.01.30 I was pleased to receive yours of the 19th instant print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.01.30 gestern kam Ihr Bild mit den lieben Weihnachts und print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.01.30 Ich weiß nicht ob Sie eine Kopie Ihres Briefes vom print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1951.01.30 Will you please read (and return thereafter) the e print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.01.30 Ich verstehe den Vorgang doch nicht ganz. Wenn die print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1951.01.30 Thank you very much for your competent and complet print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1951.01.30 I am afraid you cannot understand the delay of my print preview
TO: Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1951.01.29 Die Einladung, dem Ehrenkommitee des IV IMF beizu print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang, Kranichsteiner Musikinstitut 1951.01.29 Herzlichsten Dank für Ihren mich sehr freuenden Br print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.01.29 Your telegram and the subsequent letter, filled me print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.01.29 Deine Idee einer Partiturherstellung ist sicher in print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.01.29 Ich nehme an, daß Sie mit der Entscheidung meines print preview
FROM: Hill, Richard S. 1951.01.28 It has been many years since I wrote to you about print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1951.01.27 Concerning your negotiations with Williams a print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.01.24 Ich erlaube mir, Sie auf meinen Freund Dr. Herbert print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.01.23 In receipt of your letter of January 12, may I rem print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.01.23 Sie waren erstaunt einen von mir unterschriebenen print preview
FROM: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.01.22 It is with great satisfaction that I can report to print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.01.22 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 10.Jänner. Eben ha print preview
FROM: Bleier, Leah J., C.F. Peters 1951.01.22 Mr. Hinrichsen has just returned from a trip to Ca print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.01.22 Ich bestätige bestens dankend Ihr gesch. Schreiben print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.01.22 On account of ASCAP's secret handling of all busi print preview
FROM: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1951.01.21 Gurre-Lieder rehearsals progressing splendidly, ou print preview
FROM: Ameringen, Sylvia van 1951.01.20 Gestatten Sie einer Ihnen vollständig Unbekannten, print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1951.01.19 Aus einer Bermerkung des Herrn Fritz Dorian Deutsc print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang, Kranichsteiner Musikinstitut 1951.01.19 Zwei Gründe sind es, weswegen ich nicht sogleich a print preview
TO: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1951.01.19 Aus einer Bemerkung des Herrn Fritz Dorian Deutsch print preview
TO: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.01.19 I am in principal inclined to publish with you a n print preview
FROM: O\'Hara, Geoffrey, Composers-Authors Guild 1951.01.18 Your very fine letter to Mr. Harbach will, I am su print preview
FROM: Spelman, Leslie Pratt, University of Redlands 1951.01.17 Richard Beaman, head of our Art Department, would print preview
FROM: Felter, David Swing 1951.01.17 It made me very happy to receive your note. The la print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1951.01.17 My former attorney, Mr. Maurice Thorner, seems to print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.01.16 Thank you very much for your letter of the 8th ins print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1951.01.15 We have received today a letter from our British c print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1951.01.14 Von Monat zu Monat zwangen mich oft recht widrige print preview
TO: Patterson, David 1951.01.13 Please excuse the great delay of my answer: I have print preview
TO: Hodgson, Hugh, University of Georgia 1951.01.12 Mr. Schoenberg reciprocates your kind seasonal gre print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1951.01.11 Gestern bekamen wir einen Brief von einem Herrn Ho print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.01.11 This will acknowledge, with thanks receipt of your print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.01.10 I have your letter of January 6, 1951, enclosing t print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1951.01.10 gestern abend hörte ich im sogenannten \"third pro print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.01.10 Don\'t have any qualms about the letter that you w print preview
FROM: Craft, Robert 1951.01.10 Very best wishes to you for the New Year. Thank yo print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.01.10 Ich habe Herrn Siciliani für einen Ihrer Mittelsmä print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1951.01.10 Many cordial thanks for the excellent goose-liver. print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.01.09 I am embarrassed to say whether it was wise to ext print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1951.01.08 We are very happy with the wooden plates. We wante print preview
FROM: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1951.01.08 We have read and re-read the two articles you sent print preview
TO: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1951.01.08 I have for sometime planned to make a new version print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1951.01.08 Wenn ich Schweizer Franc, Belgisches, Holländische print preview
TO: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1951.01.08 Vielen Dank für Ihre guten Neujahrswünsche, die ic print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1951.01.07 ebenso wie über Ihr Telegramm nach Napoli erfreut print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1951.01.07 von Ihrer Schwester erfuhr ich, daß Sie im Novemb print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.01.06 I agree to call the lecture class "Artistic Evalu print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1951.01.06 This is a very complicated affair, and I must beg print preview
TO: Carpenter, Patricia 1951.01.06 Mr. Schoenberg has tentatively agreed to teach at print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.01.05 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1951.01.05 The records arrived a few days ago - thank you so print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.01.05 I am pleased to send you herewith check of Bomart print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1951.01.05 Zunächst herzlichsten Dank für das Paket mit all d print preview
TO: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.01.05 Upon request of a group of serious American compos print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1951.01.05 Ein Retour-rezepisse, unterzeichnet: print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1951.01.04 In pursuance of request noted in your recent corre print preview
FROM: Boelke, Walter R., Bomart Music Publications 1951.01.04 With reference to your letter of December 29, 1950 print preview
FROM: Siciliani, Francesco, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 1951.01.03 Ho ricevuto la Sua cortese lettera del 27 novembre print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Gertrud TO:Bustini, Alessandro, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia 1951.01.02 Herzlichsten Dank für Ihre lieben Zeilen. print preview
FROM: Sloman, Mrs. Henry M. 1951.01.02 Could you please tell me where one could get a com print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1951.01.02 I was glad to get your letter and also to talk to print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.01.02 No doubt you know that I spent the greater part of print preview
FROM: Carpenter, Patricia 1951.01.02 I have heard from Mrs. Steuermann that Mr. Schoenb print preview
TO: Bustini, Alessandro, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia 1951.01.02 Herzlichsten Dank für Ihre lieben Zeilen. Glauben print preview
TO: Forman, E. C., Radio Corporation of America 1951.01.02 I don't know to which department to address mysel print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1951.01.02 Ich folge Ihren Nummern. 1) Ebenfalls viele herzli print preview
TO: Langlie, Warren M. 1951.01.02 I want to send to Mrs. Erika Wagner-Stiedry, who w print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1951.01.01 Statement of Foreign Royalties and Miscellaneous E print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1951.01.01 Mit den herzlichsten Wünschen für ein gesegnetes N print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1951.01.01 May I first of all send you my best wishes for the print preview
TO: Pisk, Paul Amadeus 1951.00.00 Your kind expression of sympathy is deeply appreci print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1951.00.00 [not seen] ... Hat Papa noch die von mir angeferti print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1951.00.00 Da Moedling / 2 11 9 6 1745 -- Einverstanden -- print preview
FROM: Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1951.00.00 Die Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft erlaubt sich He print preview
FROM: Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1951.00.00 einzuladen, dem Ehrenkomitee des IV. International print preview
FROM: Tomlin, Edward J. 1951.00.00 I have for a long time been a keen admirer of your print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.00.00 Serious music survey | form 2a. Use this form for print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.00.00 Serious music survey | form 4. Use this form for c print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1951.00.00 Serious music survey | form 2. Use this form for s print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1951.00.00 Vor allem, ich bin oft krank, bekomme aber soviele print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1951.00.00 I am writing on Mr. Schoenberg's behalf in answer print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1950.12.31 Vor allem wollen wir Euch für die lieben Geschenke print preview
FROM: Hundley, Richard 1950.12.31 Some three weeks ago I wrote Mr. Schönberg asking print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.12.30 I am very glad to learn through your letter, that print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.12.30 Herr Schoenberg, der momentan krank ist, beauftrag print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1950.12.30 Enclosed is a copy of a letter which Mr. Schoenber print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.12.29 I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of De print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.12.29 Drahtet ob Uraufführung Moses in großartiger Auf print preview
TO: McBride, Charles 1950.12.29 I am sorry to have delayed the answer of your lett print preview
TO: Lange, Francisco Curt 1950.12.29 Mr. Schoenberg would like to know whether a transl print preview
FROM: Scolari, Henri 1950.12.28 Permettez-moi de vous offrir ce petit livre qui pa print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1950.12.28 It is my understanding that you have not assigned print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.12.28 Thank you so much for your letter of the 18th of D print preview
FROM: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1950.12.28 Widme Ihnen inliegendes Werkchen - mit ergebenen G print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1950.12.27 un mot pour vous envoyer mes voeux les plus sincèr print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.12.26 Mr. Schoenberg's eyes would not permit him to rea print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1950.12.26 I am ready to give you the power of attorney as yo print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.12.25 Frohe Weihnachten wünscht herzlichst Ihr dankbarer print preview
FROM: Barati, George 1950.12.25 I am sorry that you were not able to come North fo print preview
FROM: Coon, Leland A., University of Wisconsin 1950.12.22 Much to my chagrin I have discovered that your kin print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.12.22 Mr. Schoenberg is anxious to learn whether you rec print preview
FROM: Hodgson, Hugh, University of Georgia 1950.12.21 Is the enclosed picture of the \'cellist actually print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.12.21 This will acknowledge receipt of Mr. Richard Hoffm print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.12.20 This check includes an award of $100.00 for works print preview
TO: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.12.20 Your last letter was more enjoyable than your prec print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.12.20 Perhaps my letter was not clear enough not to be m print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1950.12.19 Eben wollte ich Ihnen schreiben, um verbunden mit print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.12.19 I have your letter of December 12, 1950, with the print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.12.18 Please do not be angry with me for having delayed print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.12.18 Ich will heute - nachdem ich verschiedene Informat print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.12.18 Enclosed please find photostat copies of the contr print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.12.18 The performance of my Kammersymphonie of[!] Op. 9B print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.12.17 wir danken Ihnen herzlichst für das schöne und gut print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.12.16 Your letter to President Gill was a great shock to print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1950.12.16 Ich fürchte das wird ein langweiliger Brief werden print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.12.16 Euer herrliches packet haben wir mit großer freude print preview
TO: Koldofsky, Adolf 1950.12.15 Mr. Schoenberg would like you to return the parts print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.12.15 Deine "chinesische" Vase wird an dich zurückgese print preview
FROM: Pierce, Ralph 1950.12.14 I have recently succeeded in getting a copy of you print preview
FROM: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.12.12 Thank you very much for your letter of the 29th No print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.12.12 Enclosed find letter from Mr. Guthman in whom I ha print preview
FROM: Ferreri, A., Jazz Disques 1950.12.12 We beg to inform you that we have forwarded to you print preview
FROM: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.12.12 Thank you for your letter. We are very pleased at print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1950.12.12 das Pressing der Schallplatten Ihres opus 29 war E print preview
TO: Strobel, Heinrich, Melos: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik 1950.12.12 Verdi ist ein Gegenstand über den ich unter allen print preview
TO: Gill, William H., Colorado College 1950.12.12 The sudden start of World War III has changed my v print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.12.12 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für alles Erfreuliche, daß a print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1950.12.12 I did not see Mr. Tompkins. I refused him an appoi print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.12.11 Enclosed you will find some of the first galley pr print preview
FROM: Markévitch, Zoia (Zoya) 1950.12.11 Comme suite à votre lettre du 21 Novembre dernier print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1950.12.10 Längst schon hatte ich versprochen, Ihnen über \"S print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.12.09 I think you will be glad to learn that Mr. and Mrs print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.12.07 vor allem meine besten Wünsche für ein frohes und print preview
FROM: Bull, Storm, Musikkens Verden 1950.12.06 I hope you will find time to answer the enclosed q print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.12.06 On November 16 I wrote to the two photographers yo print preview
FROM: Gill, William H., Colorado College 1950.12.06 I am delighted to learn from Miss Carol Truax, Exe print preview
TO: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1950.12.06 Enclosed you find the information you requested in print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis, Syracuse University 1950.12.05 On December 28, 1950, I am playing your Violin Con print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.12.05 Thanks for your special delivery with seriatim que print preview
FROM: Mandel, Abraham B., Musart Record Co 1950.12.05 Enclosed please find the following: 1. Copy of por print preview
TO: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.12.05 I.) Fee of $100 satisfactory for short article, ab print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.12.05 You are mistaken if you think you can talk to me i print preview
TO: Harbach, Otto A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.12.05 Not having been informed about the causes of the d print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1950.12.05 Thank you very much for sending me your article of print preview
TO: Hundley, Richard 1950.12.05 Mr. Schoenberg is at present too much occupied wit print preview
FROM: Strobel, Heinrich, Melos: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik 1950.12.04 Melos bringt im Januar ein Sonderheft zum 50. Tode print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.12.04 Here is a list of my most urgent troubles. print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.12.02 Durch das Telegramm, das die Dozenten der diesjähr print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.12.02 In reply to your communication of November 22. print preview
FROM: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1950.12.01 On October 11th, the following letter was sent to print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.12.01 Ich will heute bloss Ihr geschätzt. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.12.01 vielen Dank für Deinen lieben Brief. Ich war natür print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1950.12.01 ich war tief gerührt über die warme Teilnahme f print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter 1950.12.00 In harmony with the Season\'s spirit We wish you print preview
TO: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1950.12.00 I would very much like to support the application print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.11.30 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.11.30 Although your last letter signed by Mr. Hoffmann m print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.11.29 ich habe am 22. mit stärkstem Erfolg für das herrl print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.11.29 Thank you very kindly for the information you give print preview
TO: Kissel, Natalie P., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.29 I am replying to your letter of November 14. on be print preview
FROM: Evenings on the Roof 1950.11.28 Evenings on the Roof presents the premiere perform print preview
FROM: Spelman, Leslie Pratt, University of Redlands 1950.11.28 I want to sincerely thank you for the opportunity print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1950.11.28 Many thanks for your thoughtfulness in sending me print preview
FROM: Craft, Robert 1950.11.28 Many thanks for your generous letter. I enclose th print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1950.11.27 Ein langer, allerdings unschön mit der Hand zusamm print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.11.27 I hasten to reply to your letter of November 18, 1 print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1950.11.27 Sie waren so lieb, an den Brief, den mir Mr. Langl print preview
FROM: Miller, Max, First Methodist Church of Pasadena 1950.11.27 This is just a note to thank you for your splendid print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1950.11.27 The applicant for a Guggenheim Fellowship whose pa print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.11.27 Re: String Quartets Nos. 2 and 3 (Arnold Schoenber print preview
TO: Siciliani, Francesco, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 1950.11.27 Ich höre von Ihrer Absicht, meine Oper Moses und A print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.11.26 vielen Dank für Ihren Brief v.1.ds. - ich habe die print preview
FROM: Hundley, Richard 1950.11.26 Every since the management of the Cincinnati print preview
TO: Ralph C. Coxhead Corporation 1950.11.26 I consider buying a Vary-Type machine, if the pric print preview
TO: Hundley, Richard 1950.11.26 What has been written half a century ago seems old print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1950.11.25 ich bin vor ein paar Wochen aus Europa zurückgekeh print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.11.25 I have been informed that you are called the "ari print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.11.25 Before taking legal steps, I protest emphatically print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.11.25 Dass Sie sich mit Herrn Winter and Tompkins auf e print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.11.25 You are entitled to be "bös" with me. Every seco print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.11.24 May I thank you most sincerely for your cordial le print preview
TO: Keller, Hans 1950.11.24 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to enquire about Dr. Oscar print preview
TO: CARE Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe 1950.11.23 X, ten | 1, Standard food, ten | X, ten | 1, stand print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.11.22 I feel very sorry that you didn\'t hear the broadc print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1950.11.22 With our best wishes and à bientot--Milhaud print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.11.22 Wollen Sie bitte so liebenswürdig sein uns umge print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.11.22 obwohl ich soviel zu schreiben habe, daß ich oft print preview
TO: Munch, Charles, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1950.11.22 I am very pleased about your performing the versio print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.11.21 Im Anschluss an unser Schreiben vom 27. Oktober, b print preview
TO: Markévitch, Zoia (Zoya) 1950.11.21 I have a contract about the translation of my Harm print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.11.20 Thank you for your letter of November 15, 1950. print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1950.11.20 Due to a mishap, the second disk of Schoenberg's print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.11.20 I am very sorry about Nuria's cancellation of her print preview
TO: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.11.20 It is true that I have cancelled my contract with print preview
FROM: Patterson, David 1950.11.19 It is shameful that I have not sought word of you print preview
FROM: Spelman, Leslie Pratt, University of Redlands 1950.11.18 Thank you for your letter and the music which arri print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.11.18 Ich verstehe einige Teile Ihres Briefes garnicht. print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1950.11.18 In a letter from the Universal-Edition I read the print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1950.11.17 I don\'t know what Jupiter Pluvius has against Por print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.11.17 I thought you might be interested to know that you print preview
FROM: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.11.17 Our top fee is $100 - and we pay on publication. W print preview
FROM: Harbach, Otto A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.17 On December 9, 1949, there were sent to you two co print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.11.17 I am sorry I did not know the date of your perform print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.11.17 I was sorry to hear of your illness and hope your print preview
TO: Skinner, Paul 1950.11.17 It is best to compare at first Schirmer's pamphle print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1950.11.16 Wir sind schon ganz verzweifelt, weil wir von Euch print preview
FROM: Bari[?], Enrique[?], G. Ricordi & Co 1950.11.16 We have received your letter dated 27th October la print preview
FROM: Gerstenberg, Walter, Freie Universität Berlin 1950.11.16 wenn ich erst heute auf Ihre liebenswürdige Zuschr print preview
TO: 1950.11.16 I herewith grant permission for one negative and o print preview
FROM: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1950.11.15 In answer to your letter of November 4, 1950--I wa print preview
FROM: Markévitch, Zoia (Zoya) 1950.11.15 If I am not mistaken, your Harmonielehre is not ye print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.11.15 I was greatly distressed when I learned that you h print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.11.15 I want to direct your attention to our contract wh print preview
FROM: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.11.14 Thank you for your letter of November 10th. I am s print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.11.14 Please forgive my overlong silence. Once again I w print preview
FROM: Morton, Lawrence 1950.11.14 I must tell you what a great joy it was to hear yo print preview
FROM: Kissel, Natalie P., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.14 Inasmuch as we have no record of the above composi print preview
TO: Harben, Robert, Robert Harben Literary Agency 1950.11.14 Ich glaube das ist ein Mißverständnis. Ich habe da print preview
TO: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.11.14 You did not offer me a fee. print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.11.14 As you have frequently mentioned in your interest print preview
TO: Benoff, Mac 1950.11.14 Thank you very much for your activity in favor of print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1950.11.13 ich höre von Dr. Morrison, daß es Herrn Schönberg print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1950.11.13 I regret very much that I must write you this lett print preview
FROM: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.11.13 May we anticipate the [pleasure] of having your da print preview
FROM: O\'Hara, Geoffrey, Composers-Authors Guild 1950.11.13 We have received numerous letters and protests con print preview
TO: Spelman, Leslie Pratt, University of Redlands 1950.11.13 I am a little embarrassed, because I have only one print preview
TO: McNamara, Daniel I., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.13 In response to your request for biographical data, print preview
FROM: Siciliani, Francesco, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 1950.11.11 mi è grato communicar Le che questo Ente autonomo print preview
FROM: Gräter, Manfred 1950.11.11 Vor etwa zwei Jahren habe ich mir erlaubt, Ihnen i print preview
TO: Truax, Carol 1950.11.11 It would be a great pleasure for me to se Mr. and print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.11.11 Herr Schoenberg (ich schreibe, was er verlangt) em print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1950.11.11 The news of Clara's recovery made me so jubilant print preview
TO: Craft, Robert 1950.11.11 Thank you very much for the good news of the succe print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil 1950.11.10 Thanks for your inscribed photo. Please do not fai print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.11.10 Mr. Schoenberg wants to inform you that he was una print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1950.11.10 I have been warned that a book of an American auth print preview
TO: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.10 I have been informed that a British Society, "Bri print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl, Royal Opera House 1950.11.09 I received your letter of 3rd Nov. this morning, a print preview
FROM: Douglas, Basil, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1950.11.09 It was a great pleasure to receive your letter of print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.11.09 CHECK NO. 4016 . . . Payment of royalties period A print preview
FROM: Craft, Robert 1950.11.09 I am back in California for a few days after the w print preview
FROM: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.11.08 We\'d like very much to have your article. print preview
FROM: Thibault, Paula, Educational Testing Service 1950.11.08 Thank you very much for your letter of November 13 print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1950.11.07 I feel sorry that I wasn\'t able to see you at the print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.07 We are endeavoring to bring our Survey up to date, print preview
FROM: Spelman, Leslie Pratt, University of Redlands 1950.11.06 As you may see from the enclosed program, one of m print preview
FROM: Stephenson, Virginia L., Colorado College 1950.11.06 Miss Truax has asked me to write to you to ask how print preview
FROM: McNamara, Daniel I., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.11.06 To insure an adequate entry under your name in the print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol 1950.11.06 I was glad to get your letter of November 3, and I print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.11.06 Mr. Schoenberg wonders whether you received your f print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.11.06 I am afraid I might miss your broadcasts; not only print preview
FROM: Strang, Clara 1950.11.05 We have wonderful news to tell you. I have had co print preview
FROM: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1950.11.05 Ich habe keinen besonderen Grund, Ihnen zu schreib print preview
FROM: Felter, David Swing 1950.11.05 In the October issue of \"Musical America\" I read print preview
TO: Mandl, Erich 1950.11.04 Man hat so viel erlebt in den letzten Dezenien, da print preview
TO: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.11.04 Thank you for sending me the very interesting maga print preview
TO: Douglas, Basil, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1950.11.04 The delay of this letter is caused by my sickness. print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1950.11.04 I just learned that somebody in Germany has acquir print preview
TO: McBride, Charles 1950.11.04 Mr. Schoenberg is not in the position to study the print preview
TO: Howard, Walter 1950.11.04 Ihr Manuskript ist gestern angekommen. print preview
TO: Hayes, P. Harold 1950.11.04 For more than four weeks I was extremely sick, in print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1950.11.04 Es ist schrecklich, daß ich Ihren Brief vom 15. S print preview
TO: Thibault, Paula, Princeton University 1950.11.03 Excuse the delay of my answer. There are so many l print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.11.03 I am sorry, but due to an oversight I failed to wr print preview
TO: Truax, Carol 1950.11.03 I am ready to wait until December 1. print preview
TO: Rankl, Karl 1950.11.03 Ihr Brief und alles was Sie darin sagen, besonders print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.11.02 With reference to your letter dated September 30, print preview
FROM: Benoff, Mac 1950.11.02 I just received a letter from James Fassett in whi print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.11.01 I have heard that Mr. Schoenberg is not in the bes print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.11.01 Ich bin jetzt erst diese Woche aus meinem Krankenz print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.11.01 In Beantwortung Ihres Briefes v. 28.10.50 *Herr Ho print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.11.00 Ich habe, endlich, gute Nachricht und warte nur no print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.10.31 Statement of royalty receipts from August 1, 1950. print preview
FROM: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.10.30 We\'re sorry not to have a statement from you; but print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.10.28 endlich habe ich, nach langem Suchen, eine Stelle print preview
TO: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.10.28 I am sorry: it is one of my principles not to enga print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.10.27 Ich habe solange auf Deine Antwort auf meinen letz print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.10.27 Ich freue mich ausserordentlich Ihnen mitteilen zu print preview
TO: Williams and Norgate 1950.10.27 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg. print preview
TO: G. Ricordi & Co 1950.10.27 I am very pleased and honored by your interest in print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.10.26 It was a great pleasure just now to talk to Mrs. S print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.10.25 Packages arrived safely. Thanks very much. print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1950.10.25 längst schon hätte Dir geschrieben und Dir für print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1950.10.25 herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 15. Oktober, d print preview
TO: Kaba, L., Jazz Disques 1950.10.25 In reply to your letter of September 29. Mr. Schoe print preview
FROM: Rodriguez, José, Los Angeles Examiner 1950.10.24 I am happy to have heard from you. I had already t print preview
FROM: Harbach, Otto A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.10.24 This is in answer to the stream of letters I have print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.10.24 I am principally inclined to come to Colorado to t print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.10.23 As per your request, we have sent today to Miss Di print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1950.10.23 Ich danke Ihnen vielmals für Ihren lieben Brief vo print preview
FROM: Briggs, John, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1950.10.23 In our January, 1951, issue, going into the second print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1950.10.21 Enclosed a dummy of a manuscript paper, of which I print preview
TO: Circle Blue Print Corporation, Inc 1950.10.21 Enclosed a dummy of a manuscript paper, of which I print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.10.21 I wonder what happened this month to my quarterly print preview
FROM: Harben, Robert, Robert Harben Literary Agency 1950.10.20 Unter Bezugnahme auf Ihre Korrespondenz mit Frau Z print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.10.20 You disregard two facts. print preview
FROM: Simon, Walter, Europa Service, Europa Publications Limited 1950.10.19 I am returning to you the material you sent us for print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.10.19 Enclosed you find a copy of the chorus "Dreimal T print preview
TO: Rodriguez, José 1950.10.19 I beg you to excuse the delay of my answer. print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.10.18 Ueber Einladung und auf Ersuchen des Mr. De La Cha print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.10.18 Mr. Schoenberg would like you to send a score of t print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.10.17 Nehmen Sie bitte Kenntnis von beiliegenden Auszüge print preview
FROM: Bari[?], Enrique[?], G. Ricordi & Co 1950.10.17 We refer to our previous correspondence to confirm print preview
TO: Cohen, P., Students' Orchestra "Sweelinck" 1950.10.17 I am answering your letter of October 10. on behal print preview
TO: Broisson, Rosy 1950.10.17 I agree that the text of my music should always, i print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1950.10.15 Ich habe von meinem Verleger eine ziemlich große print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.10.14 I am glad to hear that you repeat the performance print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.10.13 We sent accounting on your Theory of Harmony last print preview
FROM: Gillis, Albert, University of Texas at Austin 1950.10.12 Thank you for your letter of the 9th of October. I print preview
FROM: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.10.12 I am writing to tell you that Mrs. Whittall has pr print preview
FROM: Saunders, Richard Drake, Bureau of Musical Research 1950.10.12 I must apologize for not sending you a check soone print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1950.10.11 I have gone through my files very carefully and fo print preview
FROM: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1950.10.11 We have a request in regard to your recent composi print preview
FROM: McBride, Charles 1950.10.10 I am sorry to hear that Mr. Schoenberg is unable t print preview
FROM: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.10.10 Please know that I am extremely grateful to you fo print preview
FROM: Gerhardt, Rainer Maria, Verlag der Gruppe der Fragmente 1950.10.10 als neffe des herrn Hans Erich Apostel in Wien erl print preview
FROM: Cohen, P., Students' Orchestra "Sweelinck" 1950.10.10 I herewith beg to inform you that our orchestra, c print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.10.10 vorige Woche kam Ihre Briefkopie an Zillig mit Ihr print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.10.10 Klavierkonzert 5.355, erstes Viertel heißt in der print preview
FROM: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1950.10.10 I am pleased to enclose a statement showing the sa print preview
FROM: Stein, Leonard 1950.10.09 I forgot to give you a coin with the knife to safe print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.10.09 I am enclosing a copy of a letter we have just rec print preview
TO: Valerio, Raphael 1950.10.09 I am answering your letter of October 3. on behalf print preview
TO: Gillis, Albert, University of Texas at Austin 1950.10.09 I am answering your letter of September 21. on beh print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.10.09 I must ask you again to send me an account for bot print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.10.09 Thank you for your letter of October 4. print preview
TO: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.10.09 I am answering your letter of September 28. on beh print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.10.06 Just two words to ask you the following favor: The print preview
FROM: Howard, Walter 1950.10.06 Noch erinnere ich mich, wie ich Ihre eben herausge print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.10.06 Vor allem muß ich Sie dringendst bitten, das durch print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.10.05 As music editor of the Test Development Department print preview
FROM: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.10.04 I was very pleased to receive your letter of Septe print preview
FROM: Valerio, Raphael 1950.10.03 Just this morning, I received a letter from Dallap print preview
TO: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1950.10.03 About six years ago (May, 1944) Mr. Schoenberg sen print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1950.10.03 Herzlichsten Dank Ihnen une Ihrer lieben Frau für print preview
FROM: Quinn, Sarah A., Philosophical Library 1950.10.02 Would you be so kind as to send us the full addres print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1950.10.02 With reference to Style and Idea, it would be prem print preview
FROM: McBride, Charles 1950.10.02 Will you please do me the honour of examining the print preview
FROM: Allenberg, Mildred, American Fund for Israel Institutions 1950.10.02 This is to express our gratitude for your kindness print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.10.02 I. Ich habe mit Peters angefangen über Style and I print preview
FROM: ALCO Recording Co 1950.10.01 Statement of royalties on ALP 1002 -1005 (inclusiv print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1950.10.01 Solltest du über musikalische oder theoretische Pr print preview
FROM: Valerio, Raphael 1950.10.00 Following your instruction and directions I was ab print preview
TO: ALACA 1950.09.30 \"Die U.E. ist grundsätzlich dazu bereit, einen ge print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.09.30 vorerst: wenn Sie die Beziehungen mit der Arsviva print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.09.30 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg to reques print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.09.30 I. With respect to the production of orchestral pa print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.09.30 Mr. Schoenberg is just now compiling the articles print preview
TO: Robinson, Keith 1950.09.29 In answer to your letter I recommend that you come print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.09.29 In receipt of your letter dated September 26th, wo print preview
FROM: Kaba, L., Jazz Disques 1950.09.29 Nous nous permettons de vous envoyer ci-joint copi print preview
TO: Bacon, A.E., International Who's Who 1950.09.29 Enclosed you will find material requested for your print preview
TO: Robinson, Keith 1950.09.29 In answer to your letter I recommend that you come print preview
FROM: Truax, Carol, Colorado College 1950.09.28 It is the policy of Colorado College to invite eac print preview
TO: Mason, Marilyn, University of Michigan 1950.09.27 Mr. Schoenberg is very pleased to hear of your fre print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.09.27 I am writing in answer to your letter of September print preview
TO: Paley, Irving, New Orleans Symphony Society 1950.09.27 Mr. Schoenberg suggests you read the article about print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.09.27 I am answering your letter of September 18. print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.09.26 Supplementing my confirmation of receiving your le print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.09.26 I am answering your letter of September 7 on behal print preview
TO: American Committee for Relief of Yemenite Jews, Israel 1950.09.26 Please find enclosed check as contribution to the print preview
FROM: Mandl, Erich 1950.09.25 Ich glaube kaum, daß Sie sich noch daran erinnern print preview
FROM: Smith, Martha M., Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.09.22 In answer to your letter of July 15, I have delaye print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St., Writers Service Center 1950.09.22 heute erhielt ich Antwort von meinem verläßlichen print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.09.22 Ihren Radio Vortrag erhalten. Er ist ausgezeichnet print preview
TO: Kaplan, Abraham, University of California at Los Angles 1950.09.22 Mr. Schoenberg regrets that he could not see you a print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1950.09.22 Herr Schoenberg hat von Ihnen, seit ungefähr einem print preview
FROM: Gillis, Albert, University of Texas at Austin 1950.09.21 I am addressing you in care of Bomart Music Public print preview
FROM: Mason, Marilyn, University of Michigan 1950.09.19 I am enclosing a program in which you might be int print preview
FROM: Robinson, Keith 1950.09.19 It is very possible that you will not remember me. print preview
TO: Robinson, Keith 1950.09.19 Mr. Sch[oenberg] recommends that you come print preview
FROM: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.09.18 When I returned from my vacation, I found on my de print preview
FROM: Keller, Hans 1950.09.18 Just heard of Survivors overwhelming success at print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.09.17 Endlich kann ich Dir ausführlich über alle Fragen print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1950.09.15 Many happy returns and all good wishes fond love print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.09.14 Fortunately I found I had brought this translation print preview
FROM: Kirchner, Leon 1950.09.14 A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1950.09.14 I was deeply unhappy not being able to see you yes print preview
FROM: Rodriguez, José 1950.09.14 I met Nuria last Sunday and begged her to tell you print preview
FROM: Paley, Irving, New Orleans Symphony Society 1950.09.14 I know you will be happy to hear of the plans of o print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.09.14 I wish to thank you on behalf of the Jewish Agency print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.09.13 Are in spirits with you best wishes. print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Syracuse University 1950.09.13 What a pleasure to receive, on \"your\" day, the g print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1950.09.13 Most heartfelt wishes for happiness, health and pr print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1950.09.13 Most cordial congratulatîons for your birthday print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1950.09.13 Happy birthday to you dear master print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.09.13 Warmest congratulations from all of us print preview
FROM: Reinhardt, Lally 1950.09.13 Our very best wishes on this day print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.09.13 auch ich feiere Ihren Geburtstag heute, indem ich print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1950.09.13 Für die Übersendung Ihres wunderbaren Buches \"Sty print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.09.13 Birthday Greetings. \"13\" is an unlucky number... print preview
FROM: Lindsay, Kenneth 1950.09.13 Thank you very much for your answer to my letter. print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.09.12 Roalty Statement print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.09.12 Purchase order print preview
FROM: Craft, Robert 1950.09.12 Not three men in a thousand but only one. Blessing print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.09.12 Congratulations and all best wishes for your birth print preview
FROM: Achron, Marie 1950.09.12 Sincerest wishes on the occasion of your birthday print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.09.12 Ich bestätige bestens dankend Ihr gesch. Schreiben print preview
TO: 1950.09.12 I started: Wedn\'sday September 6, at noon print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1950.09.11 This letter is to convey my greetings to you and t print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1950.09.11 Sie werden sich wundern, von hier aus einen Brief print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1950.09.11 Mir tut das Herz weh, daß ich nicht wie im Vorjahr print preview
FROM: Fish, Richard, Richard Fish Photography 1950.09.11 I am sending herewith two of the photographs of yo print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1950.09.10 je vous prie de bien vouloir accepter mes voeux le print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.09.10 I hope this arrives in time to wish you every good print preview
FROM: Broisson, Rosy 1950.09.09 I do hope that this letter will not disturb you to print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Syracuse University 1950.09.09 As Mr. Runes will like to have Mr. Schoenberg's s print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.09.08 Ich sende Ihnen hiermit meine herzlichste[n] Glück print preview
FROM: Lakond, Wladimir, Southern Music Publishing Company 1950.09.08 We would deem it a great honor to represent some o print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1950.09.08 Wenn Du wüßtest, welch große Freude Du mir bereite print preview
TO: G. Ricordi & Co 1950.09.08 I wonder whether the opera you mention is not Mose print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.09.07 I just returned from a trip to Europe and find you print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.09.07 Just returned to my desk and have the pleasure of print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.09.06 We have signed an agreement today with Williams & print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.09.06 Nun ist im Sturmschritt wieder ein Jahr vorbeigela print preview
FROM: Travnicek, Josef 1950.09.06 Ihr Schreiben hat mich zugleich gluecklich und tra print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.09.06 es ist wieder so weit, daß wir alle die Sie lieben print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1950.09.06 ich war tiefgerührt \"style and Idea\" mit einer e print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.09.06 drahte ob Geld, Noten und Tennisschläger erhalten. print preview
TO: Mayer-Serra, Otto 1950.09.06 In Beanwortung Ihrer Frage kann ich Ihnen Folgende print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.09.06 Thank you very much for your good letter and great print preview
TO: Fendler, Harold A. 1950.09.06 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I am thanking you for print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1950.09.05 Zu Ihrem Geburtstage moechte ich nicht versaeumen, print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1950.09.05 Von meinem Urlaub bitte ich Sie, meine innigsten W print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1950.09.05 nach meiner Rückkehr aus London habe ich in Paris print preview
TO: La Chapelle, G. de, Bureau International de l'Edition Mecanique 1950.09.05 I am answering you letter of August 30 on behalf o print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1950.09.03 Der dreizehnte September nähert sich. Ich hoffe, d print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1950.09.03 Wir möchten nicht versäumen, Ihnen zum kommenden G print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.09.03 I have your interesting letter of August 31st and print preview
FROM: Bari[?], Enrique[?], G. Ricordi & Co 1950.09.02 One of the most important Italian theatres has inf print preview
FROM: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1950.09.01 There is transmitted herewith Check No. 12894 date print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.09.01 Semi-Annual Royalty Statement from G. Schirmer, In print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.09.01 Ihr werdet glauben, daß ich meinen Brief wieder, print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.09.01 About a week ago Mr. Toldi\'s communication concer print preview
FROM: Waters, Edward N., The Library of Congress 1950.09.01 Mr. Spivacke is out of the city on vacation, and s print preview
FROM: Fendler, Harold A. 1950.09.01 It has occurred to me that Mr. Aaron Sapiro, an at print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.09.00 Sie erhalten beiliegend eine Abrechnung ueber mech print preview
TO: G. Ricordi & Co 1950.09.00 Responding to your letter from Sept. 2. I wonder w print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.08.31 This will acknowledge with thanks receipt of your print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1950.08.31 Auf einer Dienstreise über Mittag hier--[Traunkirc print preview
FROM: Albersheim, Gerhard 1950.08.31 ich hatte vor Jahren die Gelegenheit, Sie bei eine print preview
TO: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.31 Envelope with instructions was not contained in th print preview
TO: Capitol Records, Inc 1950.08.31 Program Notes to Recording of Verklärte Nacht $100 print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.08.31 Ich bin fast den ganzen Monat krank gewesen und au print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.08.31 Please excuse the great delay of my thanks for you print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo 1950.08.30 This is only to let you know that I just returned print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1950.08.30 Wir haben dankend Deinen lieben Brief erhalten. Au print preview
FROM: La Chapelle, G. de, Bureau International de l'Edition Mecanique 1950.08.30 Capitol Records, Inc., is planning a release of th print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.08.30 Beantwortung Ihres Briefes vom 18. August. print preview
TO: Lindsay, Kenneth 1950.08.30 It is possible that I have exchanged three or four print preview
TO: Myron, Paul V., United States Department of Justice 1950.08.29 Enclosed you find the original, duplicate and trip print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1950.08.29 I received from the Alien Property Custodian $75.5 print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.08.28 Wir haben Ihren Brief vom 19\'d.M. empfangen und k print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.08.27 Mr. Schoenberg, as he previously wrote you, would print preview
TO: Davies, Clarence A., Civil Information & Education Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers 1950.08.27 I received with great pleasure your very interesti print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.08.27 Enclosed you find the program notes and examples. print preview
FROM: Mayer-Serra, Otto 1950.08.26 Unser gemeinsamer Freund, Herr Rodolfo Halffter, H print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.08.26 I cannot wait any longer for your decision about t print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.08.26 Auch ich freue mich sehr, dass der Manuskriptverka print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.08.26 I am astonished about your last letter, because it print preview
FROM: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.25 I have prescribed and am forwarding medicines for print preview
FROM: Stahl, Richard 1950.08.23 Philco Table Radio repaired, screened cable replac print preview
FROM: Hayes, P. Harold 1950.08.23 Can prescribe at once terms 20.00 in advance. print preview
FROM: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.08.22 Thank you very much for your letter of August 16th print preview
FROM: Nelson, Boris Erich, Hampton Institute 1950.08.22 Thank you for your kind permission to use the thre print preview
FROM: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.08.22 I don\'t quite know how to answer your letter of A print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1950.08.22 en faisant suite à ma lettre du 13 cour. je vous a print preview
TO: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.22 Would like to start treatment at once. Please advi print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.08.22 I am just as happy as you, and perhaps even more, print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.08.22 Sandten $250 zur Deckung deiner Not. Du erhältst print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.08.21 I was glad to know that the essays had reached you print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.08.21 I.) Ich habe vor drei Monaten zwei Raquets der Sus print preview
FROM: Murphy, James P.J. 1950.08.20 I received your letter and was made most happy tha print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.08.20 Tiefstein[!] Dank und herzlichste Gratulation zu print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.08.19 I have your letter of the 16th inst. and hasten to print preview
TO: Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.08.19 Ich habe Grund anzunehmen, dass von der Plattenauf print preview
FROM: Davies, Clarence A., Civil Information & Education Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers 1950.08.18 I have been asked by one of the leading musicologi print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.08.18 Wir bestätigend den Erhalt Ihres oberwähnten Schre print preview
FROM: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1950.08.18 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of A print preview
TO: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.08.18 Mr. Schoenberg has not yet received an accounting print preview
FROM: Zolla, Theodore, Microstat Company of California 1950.08.17 This will acknowledge with thanks, receipt of chec print preview
FROM: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.17 I have your letter giving me further particulars a print preview
FROM: Byrns, Harold, Los Angeles Chamber-Symphony Society 1950.08.16 gestatten Sie mir, Ihnen ganz kurz zu sagen, wie d print preview
TO: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.16 In my letter of August 14, I forgot to mention the print preview
TO: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.08.16 Thank you very much for your extremely pleasant le print preview
TO: Kaplan, Abraham, University of California at Los Angles 1950.08.16 You will perhaps not understand why I wait with su print preview
TO: Zolla, Theodore, Microstat Company of California 1950.08.16 Enclosed you will find a check [in] the amount of print preview
TO: Nelson, Boris Erich, Hampton Institute 1950.08.16 I agree with your suggestion that you include thes print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.08.16 Thank you for sending me the four articles. print preview
FROM: Myron, Paul V., United States Department of Justice 1950.08.15 Enclosed herewith you will find a document entitle print preview
FROM: Lindsay, Kenneth 1950.08.15 Miss Dika Newlin was kind enough to give me your a print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.08.15 I have your interesting letter and regret to hear print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, Los Angeles Chamber-Symphony Society 1950.08.15 Vor wenigen Tagen erhielt ich anliegenden Brief in print preview
TO: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1950.08.15 You have not even announced the release of the fou print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.08.15 Mr. Schoenberg received with thanks your kind lett print preview
FROM: Rankl, Adele 1950.08.14 Etwas verspätet, da der Sekretär meines Mannes auf print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1950.08.14 wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass die "Einladung" von print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.08.14 For personal reasons I would like to forbid Mr. By print preview
TO: Murphy, James P.J. 1950.08.14 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to write you that he will a print preview
TO: Byrns, Harold 1950.08.14 Sie wollen mich bestrafen dafür, daß ich nicht ei print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.08.13 Thanks for your sweet greetings which we reciproca print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1950.08.13 en rentrant à Florence, mi-juillet, après une abse print preview
FROM: Byrns, Harold, Los Angeles Chamber-Symphony Society 1950.08.12 ich habe, Ihrem Wunsch entsprechend, Ihre Zeilen b print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.08.12 Mr. Schoenberg thanks you very much for the check. print preview
TO: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.12 Thank you very much for your kind letter and the g print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.08.12 Under separate cover I have sent you a photostatic print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.08.11 You have issued records of some of my works, but y print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.08.11 Ich sende Dir heute die ersten Seiten der Jakobsle print preview
FROM: Teitelbaum, Esther, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.08.10 Enclosed herewith we are sending you the check abo print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.08.09 Here are as many of the essays as we\'ve thus far print preview
TO: Fanning, [?], Los Angeles Postmaster 1950.08.09 It has become the habit of Post Office Zone 49, Lo print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.08.09 Ihren Brief vom 21/VI/50 kann ich nicht finden und print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.08.09 Montag den 31. habe ich das Manuskript nach Washi print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.08.09 I will have to molest you with many problems, but print preview
TO: Caruso, Francesco 1950.08.09 I answer you that you have my full sympathy for yo print preview
TO: Byrns, Harold 1950.08.09 bitte klären Sie doch die Waschweiber Ihres Kommit print preview
FROM: Murphy, James P.J. 1950.08.08 I am taking the liberty of writing to you in the h print preview
FROM: Kaplan, Abraham, University of California at Los Angles 1950.08.08 I read your book with very great interest and plea print preview
FROM: Kurth, William H., The Library of Congress 1950.08.08 Manuscripts received. Check being sent airmail tod print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.08.08 I thank you very much for your kind letter of July print preview
FROM: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.07 I have your examination blank and letter and have print preview
FROM: Lateiner, Jacob 1950.08.05 I feel very badly not to have been able to start m print preview
FROM: De Lorenzo, Leonardo 1950.08.04 I have known you and admired you for over half-cen print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.08.02 I can\'t thank you enough for your wonderful lette print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.08.02 It is with pride that I address you "dear friend", print preview
TO: Hayes, P. Harold, Hayes Method 1950.08.02 My case differs in some respects from the average. print preview
FROM: Garrido, Pablo, Universidad de Puerto Rico 1950.08.01 I am answering your letter of February 27, 1948. T print preview
TO: Kurth, William H., The Library of Congress 1950.08.01 Enclosed you find the signed invoice of $11,015.37 print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold, American Export Lines 1950.08.00 Ich habe soeben Deinen Brief vom 21. Juli erhalten print preview
TO: Whittall, Gertrude Clarke, The Library of Congress 1950.08.00 I cannot refrain from telling you the story of thi print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.07.31 Statement of rental and performance fees period Ma print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.07.31 Statement of royalty receipts from August 1 1949 t print preview
FROM: Caruso, Francesco 1950.07.29 I hope that the seeming impertinence of this lette print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.07.29 I hoped to hear from you and to receive news that print preview
TO: Fendler, Harold A. 1950.07.29 Through your information I learned that I have not print preview
FROM: Nelson, Boris Erich, Hampton Institute 1950.07.28 Sometime in early 1948 I took the liberty of writi print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.07.28 Ich bestätige dankend den Erhalt Ihres gesch. print preview
FROM: Inman, Philip, Williams and Norgate 1950.07.27 Mr. Humphrey Searle has suggested that I write to print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.07.27 I am terribly sorry that I had to leave California print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.07.27 Vor allem: herzlichste Glückwünsche zur Geburt dei print preview
FROM: Waltenberger, Esther, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.07.26 Please allow me to thank you in behalf of Mr. John print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.07.26 May I, at first express my great joy about your le print preview
TO: Gottlieb, Ernest E. 1950.07.26 Ich habe keine Lust irgend ein Manuskript unter $1 print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1950.07.26 Ihr Brief bringt mir interessante Neuigkeiten. print preview
TO: Waters, Edward N., The Library of Congress 1950.07.26 Mrs. Frederika Zweig has informed me that the mone print preview
FROM: Keller, Hans 1950.07.25 Knapp vor meiner Abreise nach Salzburg erhielt ich print preview
FROM: The Library of Congress 1950.07.25 There is inclosed herewith the official check of T print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1950.07.25 Thank you very much indeed for sending me \"Style print preview
FROM: Casals, Pablo 1950.07.25 Vous me faites un grand honneur en m\'envoyant vot print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St., Writers Service Center 1950.07.24 als ich Ihnen von dem erreichten Resultat schrieb print preview
FROM: Kaplan, Abraham, University of California at Los Angles 1950.07.24 I shall be quite delighted to read your book, and print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.07.24 ich erhielt Ihre Briefe v.8.und 14. inzwischen auc print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.07.24 This is to acknowledge the letter of June 26th, 19 print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.07.24 Your letter from July 19. touched me very much, be print preview
TO: Smith, Martha M., Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.07.24 Mr. Schoenberg reached one of his best photographe print preview
TO: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.07.24 I was very much pleased by getting the message tha print preview
TO: Young, Robert R., Carnegie Institute 1950.07.24 Mr. Schoenberg has long hesitated to make a decisi print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.07.24 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für die Informationen, die Si print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1950.07.23 auch ich möchte Euch viele herzliche Grüße senden print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.07.23 Nachdem wir schon fast zwei Monate keine Nachricht print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.07.22 Unexpectedly and suddenly called home. Will send t print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1950.07.21 auf dem Titelblatt des Buches \"Style and Idea\" s print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.07.21 I ask always[!] all my friends never to send me cl print preview
TO: Kaplan, Abraham, University of California at Los Angles 1950.07.21 Philosophical Library has just published my book print preview
TO: Greissle, Arnold 1950.07.21 Du und Antoinette, (schreibe ich den Namen deines print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.07.21 ten | 1 | / print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.07.20 As to your query concerning Style and Idea, we hav print preview
TO: Goldstein, Sylvia, Boosey & Hawkes 1950.07.20 Thank you very much for sending me the form M//3 a print preview
FROM: Johnson, Thor, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.07.19 On next February 2 and 3, we are planning the comp print preview
FROM: Evarts, John, United States Office of the High Commissioner for Germany 1950.07.19 Many thanks for your letter of 6 July and the chec print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.07.19 I received Mr. Richard Hoffmann\'s letter, dated J print preview
FROM: Gottlieb, Ernest E., Ernest E. Gottlieb Musical Literature 1950.07.19 Ich wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mir die gen print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1950.07.19 Es war wirklich eine großzügige Überraschung, als print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.07.19 Wire definite decision about Structural Functions print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.07.18 I've been wondering if the negotiations with print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.07.18 In receipt of your letter dated 12 July, I want to print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.07.18 ich schreibe Ihnen heute im Namen meines Mannes print preview
FROM: Rubin, Nathan 1950.07.17 Please accept my appreciation for your kind decisi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.07.17 I have your letter of July 12th. Our contract form print preview
FROM: Goldstein, Sylvia, Boosey & Hawkes 1950.07.17 Our London office has asked me to forward to you t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1950.07.16 ich hoffe Du verzeihst mir, daß ich den so lange print preview
TO: Smith, Martha M., Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.07.15 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I answer your letter f print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.07.14 Wir sind sicher, dass Sie unser Schreiben vom 5. J print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.07.14 das Buch von Roh habe ich bekommen, das Portemonna print preview
TO: Rittenberg, Louis 1950.07.14 In response to your letter, Mr. Schoenberg informs print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.07.14 Mr. Schoenberg is waiting for your answer to his l print preview
TO: Gerstenberg, Walter, Freie Universität Berlin 1950.07.14 Es ist mir ein Vergnügen Ihnen Auskunft über meine print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.07.13 Ich habe jetzt auch für den 20. August in das groß print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.07.12 Mr. Hinrichsen (Peters Corporation) wants to use y print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.07.12 I affirm receipt of your check of $200. print preview
TO: ALACA 1950.07.12 Auf Ihren Vorschlag hin, ermächtige ich Sie hiemit print preview
TO: Rubin, Nathan 1950.07.12 In reply to your letter of July 9, Mr. Schoenberg print preview
TO: Chailley, Jacques 1950.07.12 Mr. Schoenberg is at present much too much occupie print preview
FROM: Smith, Martha M., Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.07.11 I received the note written by Richard Hoffmann, A print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.07.10 vor einigen Tagen kam Ihr Buch - ich hab mir schon print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1950.07.10 Gestern ist "Style and Idea" mit so lieber Widmung print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.07.10 Having returned recently from Europe and finally s print preview
FROM: Haraldster, Leif, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.07.10 Wir danken Ihnen für Ihren freundlichen Brief vom print preview
FROM: Young, Robert R., Carnegie Institute 1950.07.10 We are happy to hear that it may be possible for y print preview
FROM: Rubin, Nathan 1950.07.09 Last winter I wrote to you inquiring about print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.07.08 I am replying to your letter of July 6 on behalf o print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.07.08 Ich habe an unseren Freund, Mr. John Evarts, einen print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.07.07 First: I would like to know immediately, whether o print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.07.07 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre große Aktivität in print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.07.06 I understand you have about completed a book on th print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.07.06 au 13.IX. auf meinem großen Festkonzert der Bienna print preview
FROM: Burkley, Francis, Our Lady of Lourdes Rectory 1950.07.06 Perhaps you will not remember a former private pu print preview
FROM: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.07.06 Mr. Richard Jones of this firm forwarded the mecha print preview
TO: Evarts, John, United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1950.07.06 It is a long time that I did not hear from you. print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.07.05 Wir bestätigen den Erhalt Ihrer frdl. Zeilen vom 3 print preview
TO: Waters, Edward N., The Library of Congress 1950.07.05 Thank you most cordially for delivering to me, the print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.07.04 Ihre gute Dedikation des Buches hat mich tief erfr print preview
FROM: Byrns, Harold, Los Angeles Chamber-Symphony Society 1950.07.04 ich bin sehr gluecklich, Ihnen sagen zu koennen da print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.07.04 Es tut mir sehr leid, daß Sie weder Style and Ide print preview
TO: Young, Robert R., Carnegie Institute 1950.07.04 Your invitation to participate in your educational print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.07.04 As repeatedly stated I agree with eleven thousand print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.07.04 Believe me, it was not my intention to hurt you. print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.07.03 We have your welcome letter with enclosure which w print preview
FROM: Harris, Roy 1950.07.03 We are doing a survey of Twentieth Century music a print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1950.07.03 Danke Ihnen vielmals für Ihr schönes Buch "STYLE print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Emanuella Maria 1950.07.02 Our thoughts are very often but in particular, now print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.07.02 auf meinen Brief, in dem ich der Library mitteilte print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.07.02 eben habe ich nach Washington telefoniert um Nachf print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.07.01 It seems to me, your standpoint that an author sho print preview
FROM: Bull, Sverre Hagerup, Musikkens Verden 1950.07.00 An important work regarding music under the title print preview
FROM: Liese, Johannes, Gesellschaft der Freunde des Internationalen Musiker-Brief-Archivs 1950.07.00 Die wirtschaftliche Situation des Notstandgebietes print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.06.31 No.101 Suite for Strings Nordwestdeutscher Rundfun print preview
FROM: Waters, Edward N., The Library of Congress 1950.06.30 Just a couple of hours ago I had a long distance t print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.06.30 Enclosed the signed contracts. When I signed them, print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.06.30 In Beantwortung Ihres Briefes vom 21.VI.1950, teil print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.06.29 I thank you for your letter and I hope that your h print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1950.06.28 Vielen Dank für Ihren guten Brief vom 17. Juni. Na print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.06.28 I am enclosing mechanical license authorization fo print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.06.27 I must confess that your last letter hurt me more print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.06.27 Wir sind im Besitze Ihres Briefes vom 18. Mai und print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.06.27 Ich glaube doch nicht, daß ich bei einem deutschen print preview
TO: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.06.27 For one dollar, receipt of which is hereby acknowl print preview
TO: Gottlieb, Ernest E. 1950.06.27 These are photostatic copies of a piano reduction print preview
TO: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.06.26 Enclosed you find data about Mr. Schoenberg's Str print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1950.06.26 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg to ask wh print preview
TO: Craft, Robert 1950.06.26 Your plans interest me very much, among them espec print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.06.24 Thanks to your furnishing me the translation and a print preview
TO: 1950.06.23 I am interested in buying a fireproof safe with a print preview
TO: 1950.06.23 [not seen] print preview
TO: Sparks, Hale S., Radio Station KNX 1950.06.23 In a recent broadcast, University Explorer, a new print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.06.21 Wir bestätigen bestens dankend Ihr frdl. Schreiben print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1950.06.21 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to answer your letters of J print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.06.21 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to write you regarding a co print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.06.20 gestern schickte ich Ihnen das gewünschte Portemon print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.06.20 We find that we never received a survey Form for y print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.06.19 Thank you so very much for your gift! It was terri print preview
FROM: Gottlieb, Ernest E., Ernest E. Gottlieb Musical Literature 1950.06.19 Ich danke Ihnen sehr fuer Ihre freundlichen Zeilen print preview
FROM: Young, Robert R., Carnegie Institute 1950.06.19 We are planning our second year of adult education print preview
TO: Pons, Bernice, Hollywood Bowl Association 1950.06.19 I am sorry to inform you that Mr. Schoenberg is un print preview
TO: Lawrence, Allen 1950.06.19 I am replying to your letter of June 15 on behalf print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1950.06.18 Thank you ever so much for the copy of Style and I print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.06.18 Upon your request I inform you that I still have t print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.06.17 Graz ist sicher noch das alte Nazinest, sodaß es print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1950.06.17 We have seen to it that the error appearing in the print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1950.06.17 Seien Sie versichert, daß es in meinem Leben keine print preview
FROM: Craft, Robert 1950.06.17 October 21, next, I will conduct your Suite op. 29 print preview
TO: Searle, Humphrey 1950.06.17 I am very much interested to see your article for print preview
TO: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.06.16 This is to acknowledge receipt of the Survivor fro print preview
TO: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.06.16 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I am answering your le print preview
TO: Lindholm, Howard S. 1950.06.16 Thank you very much for your nice letter of May 22 print preview
TO: Gottlieb, Ernest E. 1950.06.16 I think I can furnish a manuscript of one to three print preview
TO: Benoff, Mac 1950.06.16 If only in order to become personally acquainted w print preview
FROM: Pilara, Dante 1950.06.15 Tiene por objeto la presente, abusando de su delic print preview
FROM: Lawrence, Allen 1950.06.15 For the past three years I have been engaged in wr print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1950.06.14 die Arbeit des Herrn Langlie, der ein Schüler von print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1950.06.14 Vielen vielen Dank für Deinen Brief. Ich habe mich print preview
FROM: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.06.14 As the situation appears now, I shall leave New Yo print preview
FROM: Ling, W.C., Radio Corporation of America 1950.06.14 We have your letter of June 3 in reply to ours of print preview
FROM: Benoff, Mac 1950.06.14 I received another letter from Mr. Zirato regardin print preview
FROM: E.G.N., The Library of Congress 1950.06.13 The normal way to determine whether any work publi print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1950.06.13 Sorry I overlooked the duplicate! And many Thanks print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1950.06.13 Further to my previous letter, may I inform you th print preview
FROM: Toldi, Julius 1950.06.12 Es war sehr lieb von Ihnen mir Ihr großartig aufs print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.06.11 Eben komme ich aus Wien, wo ich Berthold Viertel t print preview
FROM: Rittenberg, Louis 1950.06.11 For several months now I have been engaged in prep print preview
TO: Philosophical Library 1950.06.11 The idea to have Fischer as distributor for my boo print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St., Writers Service Center 1950.06.10 nun schreibt mir (8. Juni) die Music Division von print preview
TO: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.06.09 It seems to me that your background is satisfactor print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.06.08 In accordance with your request of May 20, we are print preview
FROM: Flanneury, James 1950.06.08 Although I am quite unknown to you, kindly allow m print preview
TO: Hill, Richard S., The Library of Congress 1950.06.07 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg to ascert print preview
FROM: Pons, Bernice, Hollywood Bowl Association 1950.06.06 Hollywood Bowl Association is inaugurating a progr print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1950.06.06 Erst heute nach der Rückkehr von einer längeren Re print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.06.06 Thank you for your kind letter and the enclosed co print preview
TO: Keller, Hans, Music Survey 1950.06.06 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg. print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1950.06.05 Erklären hiermit fristgerecht daß wir unberechtigt print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1950.06.05 wie Ihnen mein Büro bereits mitgeteilt hat, ist Ih print preview
FROM: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.06.05 Some time ago, I dispatched a number of my scores print preview
FROM: Brylawski, Fulton 1950.06.05 I have your letter of June 2, addressed to me at t print preview
TO: Sveta-Maneva, [?], Revue Internationale 1950.06.05 Mit großem Vergnügen erfahre ich von der Gründung print preview
TO: Petrillo, James Caesar, American Federation of Musicians 1950.06.05 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I am sending the enclo print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.06.04 Please forgive the long delay in answering the sec print preview
FROM: Mazur, Harry 1950.06.04 I am sincerely sorry that your health does not per print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.06.03 I thought you now had back all of the \"extra\" ma print preview
FROM: Marée, Lucienne 1950.06.03 Combien j\'ai tardé de vous remercier de la photog print preview
TO: Ling, W.C., Radio Corporation of America 1950.06.03 I am sorry to molest you again, because some of my print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.06.03 Sometime has passed since Mr. Schoenberg wrote you print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.06.03 In Beantwortung der Fragen von Ihren Brief vo print preview
TO: Petrillo, James Caesar, American Federation of Musicians 1950.06.03 Thank you very much for your letter of June 1. print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1950.06.02 I am sorry to hear of all the trouble you had in c print preview
FROM: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.06.02 Thank you for your 31 May letter about the license print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.06.02 If I could compose this Psalm which you sent me, I print preview
TO: Brylawski, Fulton, The Library of Congress 1950.06.02 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg to ascert print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.06.02 Ich kann nicht vor Montag entscheiden, wie die Par print preview
TO: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.06.02 In a few days' time Mr. Schoenberg will send you print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.06.02 Ich danke Dir für die rasche Übersendung der Relea print preview
TO: Jilka, Alfred 1950.06.02 Herr Schoenberg möchte Ihnen mitteilen, daß Sie d print preview
FROM: Petrillo, James Caesar, American Federation of Musicians 1950.06.01 This is in answer to yours of May 24th. Kindly let print preview
FROM: Heifetz, Benar Olga 1950.06.01 Soeben von der Reise zurückgekehrt beeile ich mich print preview
TO: 1950.06.00 List of people who received a copy of STYLE AND ID print preview
FROM: Chailley, Jacques 1950.06.00 La Revue Internationale de Musique, dont nous avon print preview
FROM: Benoff, Mac 1950.06.00 I am going out of town today and will not be back print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.06.00 Not being able to be present at your wedding cerem print preview
FROM: Ling, W.C., Radio Corporation of America 1950.05.31 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of Ma print preview
TO: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.05.31 I return herewith the two contracts and the additi print preview
TO: Benoff, Mac 1950.05.31 I am very pleased that you wrote to Columbia Broad print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.05.29 Thank you for your kind letter of May 13th, which print preview
FROM: Sveta-Maneva, [?], Revue Internationale 1950.05.29 Une nouvelle Revue Internationale \"Musique Contem print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.05.29 Ihr Brief mit den Durchschlägen Ihrer Aufsätze war print preview
FROM: Gottlieb, Ernest E., Ernest E. Gottlieb Musical Literature 1950.05.29 Heute bekam ich Antwort von meinem Kunden über die print preview
TO: Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.05.29 List and contents of packages mailed on May 29, 19 print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.28 As Mr. Schoenberg is not particularly well at the print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.05.28 Herr Schoenberg, der momentan krank ist, ersucht m print preview
TO: Zolla, Theodore, Microstat Company of California 1950.05.28 Thank you for the promptness with which you attend print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.05.28 Ich sende Ihnen heute die 6 Seiten, des Jakobsleit print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.05.28 Herr Schoenberg fühlt sich nicht sehr wohl momenta print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.05.28 Ich habe $5 von einem Herrn hier erhalten, offenba print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.05.27 Vor allem: Gestern habe ich unter Mitwirkung von P print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.05.27 ich beeile mich, Dir die \"Releases\" zu schicken. print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1950.05.26 Auf Wunsch des Herrn Arnold Schönberg bestätigen w print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1950.05.26 Görgi ist bei mir im Büro und ich benütze die Gele print preview
FROM: Zolla, Theodore, Microstat Company of California 1950.05.26 Enclosed herewith please find 1 18\"x24\" enlargem print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1950.05.26 Ihrem Wunsche gemäß sende ich Ihnen die unterzeich print preview
FROM: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.05.26 Thank you for your 25 May letter about Pelleas und print preview
FROM: Harbach, Otto A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.05.26 I wish I could meet and chat with you and your fel print preview
FROM: David, Mack, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.05.26 Enclosed is the official ballot for election of wr print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1950.05.26 Enclosed is the reply to my letter in which I comp print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.26 Mr. Schoenberg has asked me to advise you that he print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Ernst, Universal-Edition A.G. 1950.05.25 Ihr an die Universal-Edition und Herrn Alfred Schl print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1950.05.25 To pay tribute to Kurt Weill\'s memory the Stadium print preview
FROM: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.05.25 Thank you for your letter of May 23rd. Of course I print preview
FROM: Avshalomoff, Jacob, Columbia University 1950.05.25 Last week I visited Felix Griessle and told him I print preview
FROM: Benoff, Mac 1950.05.25 I do not know your address and hope that this lett print preview
TO: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.05.25 Enclosed a form, which I received some years ago t print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1950.05.25 Only today I received the check of $1680.00 print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.24 Thank you very, very much indeed for your thoughtf print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, L. Wolfe Gilbert, Music Enterprises 1950.05.24 I am flattered to have been again chosen as the ch print preview
TO: Petrillo, James Caesar, American Federation of Musicians 1950.05.24 In response to your last letter, my lawyer, Mr. Ma print preview
FROM: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1950.05.23 There is transmitted herewith Check No. 11895, dat print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.05.23 I was today advised by the Office of Alien Propert print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.05.23 Wir danken Ihnen für Ihren Brief vom 18'd.M. Wir print preview
FROM: Jilka, Alfred, Jilka-Streichtrio 1950.05.23 Hoffentlich halten Sie mich nicht für unbescheiden print preview
FROM: Field, Luisa, Capitol Records, Inc 1950.05.23 The Repertoire Department is interested in your Sy print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.05.23 Herrn Ross Russell's DIAL Recording Company hat d print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1950.05.23 On account of their failure to reprint my music wh print preview
TO: Dial Records 1950.05.23 On account of their failure to reprint my music wh print preview
TO: Capitol Records, Inc 1950.05.23 On account of their failure to reprint my music wh print preview
TO: Esoteric Records 1950.05.23 On account of their failure to reprint my music wh print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1950.05.23 I am very dissatisfied with Associated Music Publi print preview
TO: Gibson, George H., Macmillan Company 1950.05.23 Mr. Schoenberg spells his name with "oe", as in print preview
TO: Mazur, Harry 1950.05.23 Mr. Schoenberg suggests you telephone him on Thurs print preview
FROM: Thomson, Robert 1950.05.22 I have recently been able to obtain several of you print preview
FROM: Lindholm, Howard S. 1950.05.22 With the greatest of respect and admiration for yo print preview
FROM: Gorton, Ronald W. 1950.05.22 Please forgive me for not replying to your very ki print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.05.22 die Besetzung der "Jakobsleiter" werde ich Ihnen print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1950.05.20 Anläßlich einiger Konzerte in der Türkei sind die print preview
FROM: Mazur, Harry 1950.05.20 This letter is a request for a meeting to discuss print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.20 I forgot yesterday to mention that I would like to print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.05.20 I am sorry I cannot admit[!] decreasing my prices. print preview
TO: Garouette, Jeanne, Epsilon Alpha Gamma 1950.05.20 I am replying in behalf of Mr. Schoenberg to your print preview
FROM: Gibson, George H., Macmillan Company 1950.05.18 Your name has come up in a casual reference in a b print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.05.18 Es war mir eine grosse Freude vorgestern Ihr Buch print preview
FROM: Holst, Frida, Ausbildungsschule für Bühnentanz 1950.05.18 Erlauben Sie mir, daß ich mich von einer andern Ku print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.05.18 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief vom 9. Mai, d print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.18 I am very happy that the book is now out and that print preview
TO: Campbell, John Scott 1950.05.18 I am writing for Mr. Schoenberg, who would very mu print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.05.17 Folgende Notiz stand heute in einigen Wiener Zeitu print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C., Studio für Neue Musik 1950.05.17 Nun sende ich Ihnen dieses, damit Sie sehen, daß print preview
TO: Los Angeles Times 1950.05.17 Please find enclosed self-addressed envelope for t print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.05.17 The only thing I heard from you in the last few mo print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.05.16 Unfortunately the Musical Quarterly is in no posit print preview
FROM: Zirato, Bruno, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1950.05.16 A clipping of the Los Angeles Times of May 7, 1950 print preview
TO: Lundblad, Jane, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1950.05.16 Thank you for your letter of May 8. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.05.16 Beiliegend ein Brief an die Universal-Edition, den print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.15 I have air-expressed to you last Friday six copies print preview
FROM: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1950.05.15 Enclosed herewith you will find a document entitle print preview
TO: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1950.05.14 This beautiful [shrine] surpasses words to tell. print preview
TO: Halpern, Benjamin, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.05.13 I would very much like to furnish you with a compo print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.05.12 Ich sollte schleunigst wissen: 1)die genaue Orches print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.05.12 Rome seeths with Holy Zeal this Jubilee year addin print preview
TO: Balentine, George L., Ouachita College 1950.05.12 I wonder whether this letter which is a facsimile, print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.05.12 Ich beantworte Ihre Punkte der Reihe nach. print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.05.12 Um die wichtigsten Ihrer Punkte rasch zu beantwort print preview
TO: Freidin, Beatrice 1950.05.12 I am sorry, I cannot answer your questions. print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1950.05.12 Ich habe bereits vermutet, daß Sie mit Leibowitz print preview
FROM: Reed, Faith 1950.05.11 When I wrote to you the other day I forgot to answ print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.05.11 By the time you receive this letter you should hav print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.05.11 Thank you very much for your letter of May 9th. In print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.05.10 Both Mrs. Steuermann and Miss Silvers (she still e print preview
FROM: Balentine, George L., Ouachita College 1950.05.10 I am a student in the above college and am also a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude Susanna 1950.05.10 ich habe deinen Brief und dieses Briefpapier schon print preview
FROM: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.05.09 I am enclosing three compositions, all of which ha print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.05.09 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 2.Mai. Es freut u print preview
FROM: Freidin, Beatrice, University of Southern California 1950.05.09 In completing my work at the University of Souther print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.05.09 CHECK NO. 3475 . . . Payment of mechanical royalty print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.05.09 Mr. Schoenberg is very disappointed for he expecte print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.05.09 Ich habe jetzt längere Zeit nichts von Dir gehört. print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.05.09 Mr. Schoenberg was glad to receive your compositio print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.05.08 I am pleased to advise of word this day received f print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.05.08 Herzlichen Dank für Ihren ausführlichen Brief. 1.\ print preview
FROM: Lundblad, Jane, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1950.05.08 Having received your letter of April 21st, I am mo print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.05.08 I am sending under separate cover a copy of my Str print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.05.08 X, ten | 1 | /, X, / print preview
FROM: Reed, Faith 1950.05.07 Mr. Mitropoulos is away in Italy now, and he will print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1950.05.07 soeben erhalte ich Ihr Rundschreiben datiert vom 1 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.05.06 Gestern ist Euer Kleiderpaket angekommen und wurde print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.05.06 das ist der Grund, der mich entschuldigen mag dafü print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1950.05.06 Immediately after receiving your letter, I wrote t print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1950.05.05 Please excuse me for addressing myself[!] with a b print preview
TO: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.05.05 I have overlooked your offer to send me proofs of print preview
FROM: Fleming, William, Syracuse University 1950.05.04 Thank you for your recent letter and for calling t print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1950.05.03 Ich habe mit Freude und Dank Ihren Brief vom 19.4. print preview
FROM: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.05.02 On March 20, we communicated with you stating that print preview
FROM: Halpern, Benjamin, Jewish Agency for Palestine 1950.05.02 It may interest you to hear that the Jewish Agency print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.05.02 Endlich sind wir hier so weit in Ordnung, daß ich print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1950.05.02 Wie geht es Ihnen? Ich habe so lange schon nichts print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1950.05.02 Here is the sketch of my way to cancel my contract print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.05.02 Herr Schönberg hat Ihnen vor kurzem einen langen B print preview
FROM: Garouette, Jeanne, Los Angeles City College 1950.05.01 The officers and members of Epsilon Alpha Gamma, H print preview
TO: Petrillo, James Caesar, American Federation of Musicians 1950.05.01 I am replying in behalf of Mr. Arnold Schoenberg o print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1950.05.00 1) During the years 1933 to 1938 when it still was print preview
FROM: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.05.00 Naturally, I was a great deal distressed when the print preview
TO: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.05.00 If you have not a person capable of proof-reading, print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1950.04.30 The article was here when I returned from calling print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.04.30 Statement of royalty receipts from February 1 1950 print preview
TO: Kissinger, Jack 1950.04.30 In reply to your letter of April 25, I wish to inf print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Syracuse University 1950.04.29 Many thanks for sending me the communication with print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.04.29 Es scheint doch, daß mindestens einer Ihrer Brief print preview
TO: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.04.29 Thank you for your letter of March 20. print preview
TO: Ludgate, Florence Fraser 1950.04.29 Mr. Schoenberg thinks he would have to write a who print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.04.28 CBS excludes my music - as controversial print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1950.04.28 CBS excludes my music--as controversial from their print preview
TO: Koldofsky, Adolf 1950.04.28 CBS excludes my music--as controversial from their print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1950.04.27 On April 27, at 9:25. A.M. my wife presented me wi print preview
TO: Fassett, James H., CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1950.04.26 CBS excludes my music--as controversial--from thei print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1950.04.26 Ich habe von Ihrer Aufführung meines Violinkonzert print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, New York Philharmonic 1950.04.26 I was very disappointed that you, whose speech upo print preview
TO: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1950.04.26 I was unable to reach you by phone, so Mr. Schoenb print preview
TO: Bainbridge, Otis 1950.04.26 Mr. Otis Bainbridge has attended classes of mine a print preview
FROM: Mason, Marilyn, University of Michigan 1950.04.25 I am enclosing you a program which you might be in print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.04.25 I have your letter of the 19th and am returning th print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.04.25 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 17.April. Leider h print preview
FROM: Kissinger, Jack 1950.04.25 I understand you conduct classes in composition an print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.04.25 I have received your letter of 17th April and I am print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.04.24 Mr. Waters entschuldigt sich noch keine Antwort ge print preview
FROM: [unknown] 1950.04.24 Mr. Waters entschuldigt sich noch keine Antwort ge print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.04.24 Ich bestätige bestens dankend Ihr gesch. Schreiben print preview
FROM: Bainbridge, Otis 1950.04.24 Thank you very much for granting me an interview l print preview
TO: Petrillo, James Caesar, American Federation of Musicians 1950.04.24 In response to your kind letter of April 21, it se print preview
FROM: Malkin, Joseph 1950.04.22 Thank you for your kind letter which I received th print preview
TO: Limon, José 1950.04.22 The outline of the action of a dance to my Second print preview
FROM: Ludgate, Florence Fraser 1950.04.21 May I ask a few moments of your very valuable time print preview
FROM: Bingham Desmond, Olga, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.04.21 In the absence of Dr. Nissim, who is presently on print preview
TO: Lundblad, Jane, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1950.04.21 I received your issue in which you reprint my lett print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1950.04.20 Yes my wife and I are both Catholic. She is a good print preview
FROM: Brown, Howard Mayer, Harvard University 1950.04.20 A group of students, including myself, from the Bo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.04.20 X, 10.00 | 1 | //6, // print preview
FROM: Baynton, Harold I., United States Department of Justice 1950.04.19 The enclosed order to return vested property has b print preview
FROM: Limon, José 1950.04.19 I\'m sorry not to have answered your very kind let print preview
TO: Gray, H. Willard, H.W. Gray Company 1950.04.19 This refers to your letter from February 28. I w print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1950.04.19 Enclosed my contribution to your symposium. print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.04.19 This answer of mine is a little delayed. print preview
TO: Reder, Wilhelm A. 1950.04.19 Ich danke Ihnen für Ihren sehr erfreulichen Brief print preview
TO: Fendler, Harold A. 1950.04.19 My friend, Mr. Milton S. Koblitz, before his depar print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan 1950.04.19 Enclosed you [will] find the essay which you wante print preview
TO: Apostel, Hans Erich 1950.04.19 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren, für mich in höchst print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.04.18 Du wirst bestimmt schon böse sein, daß wir so lang print preview
FROM: Keyes, Nelson H. 1950.04.18 Just a note to thank you for the very valuable les print preview
FROM: Cealdel[?], Jan, Council of Cultural Societies 1950.04.17 In August of this year the students of the Univers print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Alfred A. Kalmus 1950.04.17 With reference to Mr. Hugo Winter, I have to tell print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.04.17 Ich bin ein bißchen überrascht, daß in Ihrem News print preview
TO: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.04.17 Your letter from March 29. does not clear up my qu print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.04.17 ad (a) Ich bin nicht Mitglied einer europäischen G print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1950.04.17 Sie erinnern sich, daß Sie mir hier in Los Angele print preview
TO: Lateiner, Jacob 1950.04.17 I thank you very much for the flattering expressio print preview
TO: Kostal, Irwin 1950.04.17 Fluttertongue is to me nothing else than one of th print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.04.17 Dein Bericht über den Erfolg der fünf Konzerte, u print preview
TO: Gorton, Ronald W. 1950.04.17 The original edition of my string sextet "Verklär print preview
TO: Craig, Minsa 1950.04.17 In former times I have never agreed my pieces print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1950.04.16 endlich kann ich Dir mitteilen, daß die Record-An print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.04.16 Gott sei Dank habe ich Eure beiden Briefe erhalten print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1950.04.16 Mrs. Schoenberg believes, you are katholic. print preview
TO: Universal Enterprises 1950.04.16 Enclosed Check of $2.66, that is $2 plus 66 cents print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.04.15 Yesterday I discovered a letter in my overcoat poc print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1950.04.14 ich komme von der Warschauer Kantate und ich werde print preview
FROM: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1950.04.14 A distinguished composer of European birth, who ha print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.04.14 The evening was momentous in the lives of all who print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.04.14 I am enclosing with this letter a pamphlet showing print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.04.13 We are sending under other cover three copies of a print preview
FROM: Dick, Hugh G., University of California at Los Angles 1950.04.12 In answer to your letter of March 25 I am genuinel print preview
TO: Stanley, Louis, New York Times 1950.04.12 It seems to me that you have been misinformed abou print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.04.11 I was much upset by your letter. I did send Mr. Sc print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph 1950.04.11 It was very nice to hear once again from you, afte print preview
FROM: Lateiner, Jacob 1950.04.10 Please excuse me for bothering you with this lette print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1950.04.09 Ever since that afternoon that you helped Miss Mas print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.04.09 Erlauben Sie, dass wir Ihnen in Bezug auf die mech print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1950.04.08 Thank you for your so kind letter. Be assured that print preview
FROM: Marsh, Charles Howard 1950.04.08 You probably will not remember me but I was Distri print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.04.08 Ich habe alle Ihre Fragen exzerpiert, und will nun print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.04.08 Mr. Schoenberg has just received a package contain print preview
TO: 1950.04.06 Music programs in general are arranged by consulta print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1950.04.04 Undoubtedly you have already received [a] copy of print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.04.04 Ich schreibe Ihnen aus dem Flugzeug in dem ich wie print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.04.04 Verzeih\' mir, dass ich Dir erst heute über den Re print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, Look Magazine 1950.04.04 Just a note to say that we now have a new high-fid print preview
FROM: Craig, Minsa, Studio for Creative Dance 1950.04.04 I\'ve always been an admirer of your music and hav print preview
FROM: Saunders, Richard Drake, Bureau of Musical Research 1950.04.04 On behalf of the Bureau of Musical Research, I am print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.04.04 Vor allem wünsche ich Euch ein sehr frohes und glü print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1950.04.04 Erst vorgestern habe ich Ihre Aufführung von Pelle print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Alfred A. Kalmus 1950.04.03 With reference to our correspondence, I have now a print preview
FROM: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.04.03 Greetings. Miss Reed has asked me to send you the print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.04.02 Thank you so much for your letter and the good wis print preview
FROM: Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1950.04.02 Tibor Varga spielt morgen Montag 20 Uhr deutsche Z print preview
TO: Smith, Martha M., Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.04.01 I am replying to your recent letter in behalf of M print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.03.31 nebenstehend eine Liste des Pakets das wir v print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.03.29 At last the 30 days are expiring - I enclose the o print preview
FROM: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.03.29 In reply to your inquiry of March 7th, please be a print preview
TO: O'Rourke, John T. 1950.03.28 I am answering your letter of March 20. in behalf print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.27 I have not written to you in answer to your letter print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.03.27 Please forgive my not answering your last letter a print preview
TO: Oswald, Emil, Gesellschaft der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger 1950.03.27 Ich gebe hiermit gerne meine Zustimmung als ein Mi print preview
TO: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.03.27 Mr. Schoenberg, who is unwell at the moment asks m print preview
TO: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.03.27 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg, who is unwell at pres print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.03.27 [ilg.] print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1950.03.27 In February I had been asked by Mr José Limón whet print preview
TO: Dick, Hugh G., University of California at Los Angles 1950.03.25 About a year ago I have been allotted a Research G print preview
FROM: Smith, Martha M., Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1950.03.24 Thor Johnson, conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony print preview
TO: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1950.03.24 This is on behalf of Mr. Nelson H. Keyes, who has print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1950.03.22 Ich danke Ihnen herzlichst für die schnelle Beantw print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.03.22 Sie würden Berlin nicht mehr erkennen. Es ist herz print preview
FROM: Oswald, Emil, Gesellschaft der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger 1950.03.21 Die Revue der Confédération \"Interauteurs\" soll print preview
FROM: Evarts, John, United States Office of the High Commissioner for Germany 1950.03.21 Two nights ago I had dinder with Tibor Varga and d print preview
FROM: O\'Rourke, John T., Washington Daily News 1950.03.20 Several of the late Dr. Hans Kindler\'s friends ar print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.03.20 Erbitte baldige Nachricht auf Triesterbrief verehr print preview
FROM: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.03.20 Arrangements are being made to finance our studies print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.03.18 Sie können sich leicht vorstellen wie ich mich übe print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.03.18 Rene Leibowitz just called me to report that he ha print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.03.18 I am preparing a second book of my essays. Could print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.03.18 Ich weiß nicht ob ich heute alle Ihre Fragen beant print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.17 I have your letter of the 14th. This house publish print preview
FROM: Bostrom, Elsa 1950.03.17 Because I have no one to introduce me formally, I print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1950.03.16 Your letter of explanation, received yesterday, ha print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.03.16 Heute benütze ich zum erstenmal die Luftpost um D print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.03.15 Your book will be out by the end of next month. Mi print preview
FROM: Reder, Wilhelm A. 1950.03.15 Bevor ich von einem außerordentlichen Erlebnis ber print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.03.15 Many thanks for your letter. As per your request, print preview
FROM: Field, Michael 1950.03.15 Thanks for your kind note in reference to our film print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1950.03.15 in Ihrem letzten Brief sagen Sie mir: danke - dass print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.03.15 Daß Sie sagen, "daß es mir leid tut", ist mir wi print preview
FROM: Jungk, Robert, Die Tat 1950.03.14 beiliegend finden Sie einen Durchschlag meines Art print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.03.14 hoffentlich ist mein langer und dicker Brief v.2.M print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.03.14 It gives me great pleasure to inform you that at a print preview
TO: Who's Who in Music 1950.03.14 Ther are so many wrong dates and other incorrect print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.14 Thank you very much for your offer to publish my p print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.03.14 etwas verspätet senden wir dir heute wieder ein Ca print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.03.13 Ihre Briefe, die ich soeben erhalte, haben mich er print preview
TO: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1950.03.13 Photostatic negatives of George Lieder print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1950.03.13 Having been reprimanded by Mrs. Morse, I address m print preview
TO: Lundblad, Jane, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1950.03.13 Mr Schoenberg would very much like to receive copi print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.03.13 Ich warte jetzt schon mit gespanntester Neugierde print preview
TO: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1950.03.13 I could not reach my blueprinter, that is, I came print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.03.12 Vor allem: Wie geht es Euch? Wir haben schon so la print preview
TO: Russell, Ross 1950.03.12 Wire your terms whether I shall start recording Od print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1950.03.12 I am sorry: this is a disastrous misunderstanding. print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.03.12 In the typewritten manuscripts of my Program notes print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.12 If not one of the employees of the Schirmer firm print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.03.10 1) bis wann frühestens kann "Moses und Aaron" be print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.03.10 I would have answered your last letter sooner but print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.03.10 nun kündigen Sie mir die Freundschaft, welche ja h print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1950.03.09 My company was formed on, what I realize now, a co print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.03.09 Ich verstehe nicht warum und wieso Sie so plötzlic print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1950.03.08 It distresses me that you are disturbed by the fac print preview
FROM: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.03.08 Thank you for your kind response. The article was print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.03.08 Mit gleicher Post senden wir Ihnen auf Anregung de print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Alfred A. Kalmus 1950.03.07 Ihr Brief v. 13. Febr. ist mir hieher (leider per print preview
FROM: Schlezinger, Julius, United States Department of Justice 1950.03.07 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, Look Magazine 1950.03.07 Just a line to say that the music manuscripts are print preview
FROM: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1950.03.07 Thank you for your beautiful letter! It was wonder print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.03.07 I received your check No.23518 on the Guaranty Tru print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1950.03.06 [not seen] I can only point out again that we are print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.06 Thank you for your letter of the 3rd of March. I h print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.06 Thank you for your telegram. The Musical Quarterly print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.03.06 Thank you for your letter. Upon receiving it, I te print preview
TO: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.03.06 Enclosed you find the article which I promised you print preview
TO: Raines, Fyat, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.06 In your letter of March 3, you request a recent ph print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.03.04 Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass ich Ihr sehr gesch. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.03.04 Ich plane die Herausgabe eines Buches von mir, im print preview
FROM: Raines, Fyat, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.03 In our efforts to promote your music it is often t print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.03 I don't know whether this interests your departme print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.03.03 I confirm my telegram: "Rebuke Leibowitz' French print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.03.03 Rebuke Leibowitz French company's unauthorized Od print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1950.03.03 In Eile. Ich habe so viele Briefe zu erledigen. print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.03.02 vielen Dank für die große Freude, die mir Ihr lieb print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1950.03.02 A great interest in you and in your works has been print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.03.01 L 3666 Semi-Annual Royalty Statement from G. Schir print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.03.01 I have received the separate prints of your progra print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1950.03.00 We are enclosing to you a ballot for the election print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1950.02.28 This is to let you know that I received today the print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.02.28 Dein Brief hat mir eine sehr große Freude bereitet print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1950.02.28 I am afraid we are still some leagues apart in our print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1950.02.28 Having not yet received your reply to my letter fr print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.02.28 Mr. Schoenberg requests that you return the Progra print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.02.27 Besten Dank für Ihren sehr freundlichen Brief, und print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.02.27 Perhaps it would be less offending if you inform M print preview
TO: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.02.27 Many thanks for your very enjoyable letter and you print preview
FROM: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.02.26 Thank you for your kind acceptance. The staff awai print preview
FROM: Nelson, Robert Uriel 1950.02.26 I received and read your considerate and kind lett print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1950.02.26 Zufolge der immerwährenden Dinge, die getan sein m print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.02.25 Please forgive my not answering your letters soone print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.02.25 Nachdem ich mit Herrn Russel in Verbindung gekomme print preview
TO: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1950.02.25 I find Mr Copland's letter reconciliatory, thus f print preview
TO: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.02.25 In reply to your letter I wish to inform you that print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.02.24 No.83991 The attached check is in payment of the f print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.02.24 Happy about your grand work, hearty thanks, letter print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.02.24 You have not heard from me because I have been so print preview
FROM: Jenny, Hans 1950.02.24 Two weeks ago I entered your home rather unexpecte print preview
TO: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.02.24 Mr. Schoenberg received your letter of February in print preview
TO: Armitage, Merle, Look Magazine 1950.02.24 Mr. Schoenberg is not quite well at the moment. print preview
TO: Taylor, Ellen, United States Department of State 1950.02.24 Enclosed you will find a glossy photograph of Mr. print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.02.24 Frankly, your not answering my offer of the Violin print preview
FROM: Joe, Dale, University of California Occident, Associated Students University of California 1950.02.23 Occident, the University of California literary ma print preview
FROM: Basave, Agustin, El Norte 1950.02.23 \"El Norte\" is the most important newspaper of th print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.02.22 -1- Check No.157030 über $.30.--a/Swiss bank Corpo print preview
FROM: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1950.02.22 I thank you for the charming letter and the answer print preview
TO: Hindus, Milton, Brandeis University 1950.02.22 Excuse delayed answer. Being sick no hope t print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.02.21 ich bin glücklich, Dir berichten zu können, daß da print preview
FROM: Berger, Clarence Quinn, Brandeis University 1950.02.21 Reference is made to our letter of January 27th si print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.02.21 Thank you for your letter of February 13, 1950. print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.02.21 I have read your letter with considerable interest print preview
TO: Dunn, [?], United States Department of Justice 1950.02.21 I have been informed that the check for my royalti print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.02.21 Would like to add about eight pages. print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.02.21 Auf keinen Fall würde ich zulassen, dass die mir b print preview
TO: Copland, Aaron 1950.02.21 Your letter from February 13 pleases me very much. print preview
FROM: Gerdine, L., Miami University 1950.02.20 In planning our lecture series for the next academ print preview
FROM: Taylor, Ellen, United States Department of State 1950.02.20 The editors of Neue Auslese a magazine published print preview
FROM: Sasonkin, Manus 1950.02.20 We wish to apply to you for acceptance as students print preview
FROM: Morton, Lawrence 1950.02.20 I am delighted to know that my article about you i print preview
FROM: Rogers, Leslie, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1950.02.20 Please wire collect where orchestra material print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.02.20 I have not heard from you for some time, and would print preview
TO: Rogers, Leslie 1950.02.20 It must be quite a time that we met, because I can print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.02.20 I have been informed that the records of the Ode, print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Evelyn, C.F. Peters 1950.02.18 I should have written sooner to confirm to you tha print preview
TO: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.02.18 My classification has been changed slightly, about print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.02.17 Your letter, dear Master Schoenberg, was not disre print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1950.02.17 The West Coast Committee will hold a meeting on Fr print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1950.02.17 Dr. Alfred A. Kalmus, der derzeit auch öffentliche print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf, University of Wisconsin 1950.02.17 Das ist ja grossartig, wenn du wirkl[ich] all dies print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1950.02.17 Mr. Schoenberg would very much like to have a few print preview
TO: Coon, Leland A. 1950.02.17 Let me at first tell you that I am very proud abou print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1950.02.16 I am very sorry that you are under the impression print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.02.16 Your letter of 7th February, for which I thank you print preview
FROM: McManus, George S. 1950.02.15 Très cher et admiré maestro--avec [ilg.] print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.02.15 es ist sehr traurig zu hören, daß Du wieder bettl print preview
FROM: Casals, Pablo 1950.02.15 Très cher et admiré maestro--avec l'ami McManus, n print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1950.02.15 Seit Oktober bin ich leider wieder ohne Nachricht print preview
TO: Morton, Lawrence 1950.02.15 Your article about me in this wonderful magazine, print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.02.15 Mr. Schoenberg thanks [you] for the copy of the Ju print preview
TO: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.02.15 I forgot to mention the singer of the Serenade, pe print preview
TO: Columbia Recording Corporation 1950.02.15 I return here this "check." It is very generous print preview
TO: Zweig, Friderika St. 1950.02.15 In Wirklichkeit habe ich nicht daran gedacht alle print preview
TO: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1950.02.15 I received your records and at once played them. print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, Look Magazine 1950.02.14 I thought at the time, and I have had every reason print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.02.14 x, ten, one | 1 print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.02.14 Afraid you delayed printing trio by reinstating co print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1950.02.13 I am so sorry to know that the people of the Unive print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1950.02.13 Ihr lieber Brief war eine große Ehre und Freude print preview
FROM: Gorton, Ronald W. 1950.02.13 I have admired you as a musician, sir, for a great print preview
FROM: Copland, Aaron 1950.02.13 Virgil Thomson allowed me to read the letter you s print preview
FROM: Braun, Rudolf A. 1950.02.13 Heute schrieb mir die Zeitung \"Neues Oesterreich\ print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.02.13 Bevor ich auf Ihre Anregungen eingehen kann, muss print preview
TO: Philosophical Library 1950.02.13 Don't you know that the boycott-racket has alread print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1950.02.13 Thank you very much for your nice letters, in whic print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1950.02.13 Upon my request, Dr. List, enquired when you would print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.02.13 You have been disregarding my request for accounti print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1950.02.12 Unsere Feier zu Arnold Schönbergs 75. Geburtstag w print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.02.12 Ich danke Ihnen herzlich für ihren lieben Brief, a print preview
FROM: Zweig, Friderika St., Writers Service Center 1950.02.11 Meine Freundin Bessie Koblitz mahnt mich Ihnen noc print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.02.11 Ich werde eben von Mr. Richard Hoffmann (einem Sch print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.02.10 In reply to your letter of February 7, I am enclos print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1950.02.10 Excuse me for being rough with you. I must say thi print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1950.02.10 Beiliegend ein Artikel, "Selbstanalyse". Ich möc print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.02.09 Mr. Mark Schubart of the Juilliard School of Music print preview
FROM: Littell, Walter W. 1950.02.09 20 years ago my sister began her music career. She print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1950.02.09 I am sorry to learn that you had to postpone the print preview
TO: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1950.02.09 I just see the book list of the student store and print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.02.07 erst heute erhalte ich Ihre schöne Weihnachstsgabe print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L. 1950.02.07 In reply to your note of January 30, 1950; Mr. Sch print preview
TO: Schuller, Gunther Alexander 1950.02.07 Thank you very much for your letter which informs print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.02.07 Mr. Schoenberg requests that I write you regarding print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.02.07 Ich freue mich sehr, daß Sie in New York angetrof print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.02.07 I can have a photostatic copy, in reduced size, ma print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.02.07 In order to respond to your letter, I have to disc print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.02.07 As Mr. Schoenberg is indisposed at the moment, he print preview
FROM: Schuller, Gunther Alexander 1950.02.06 Durch Herrn Stiedry haben Sie mich schon zweimal g print preview
FROM: Lochner, Louis P. 1950.02.06 Bitte verzeihen Sie die Verzögerung in meiner Dank print preview
FROM: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.02.06 Your letter of praise of the \"Serenade\" Op 24 re print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.02.04 Gestatten Sie mir, Ihnen Mitteilung davon zu mache print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.02.04 Herr Winter hat Ihnen, glaube ich, schon mitgeteil print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C. 1950.02.04 Many cordial thanks for the splendid gift of the l print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1950.02.04 Thank you for kind letter. Unfortunately I cannot print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.02.03 \'Tis done, nämlich das dritte Streichquartett und print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1950.02.03 I am sorry I cannot agree with you. Expenses minus print preview
TO: Erlanger, Th. d', Atlas Musical 1950.02.03 In answer to your letter of January 30, requesting print preview
TO: Taubman, Howard, New York Times 1950.02.02 I am sorry: there must be a misunderstanding. print preview
TO: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.02.02 Let me first explain the delay of my answer: Long- print preview
TO: Limon, José 1950.02.02 Thank you very much for your pleasant letter. In f print preview
FROM: Smith, Carlton Sprague 1950.02.00 We have just heard a beautiful intimate performanc print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1950.02.00 I received yesterday your generous present--the lo print preview
FROM: Limon, José 1950.01.31 This is to ask you if you will kindly give me your print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.01.31 Mr Schoenberg would like to mention that the scor print preview
FROM: Menasce, Jacques de 1950.01.30 I have just received word from Paris that the publ print preview
FROM: Taubman, Howard, New York Times 1950.01.30 I am at a loss to understand the basis for your co print preview
FROM: Erlanger, Th. d', Atlas Musical 1950.01.30 As we are editing a musical work of a particularly print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.01.29 Sie sind mir doch hoffentlich nicht bös, weil ich print preview
TO: Spelman, Leslie Pratt, University of Redlands 1950.01.29 Excuse me for the great delay of my answer. print preview
TO: Cohen, Elliot E., Commentary 1950.01.28 On the enclosed sheet you will find my comment aga print preview
FROM: Nye[?], Ada M., United States Treasury Department 1950.01.27 This office is in receipt of information from the print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.01.27 Thank you very much for going to the trouble of co print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1950.01.27 We have given careful consideration to your sugges print preview
FROM: Hindus, Milton, Brandeis University 1950.01.27 Last year Brandeis University instituted an adult print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.01.27 Ich habe Ihnen heute Partitur des Tanzes um das Go print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.01.27 Dieses Paket enthält: Tanz um das Goldene Kalb print preview
TO: Serini, Peter A. 1950.01.27 I am answering your letter of January 4., in behal print preview
FROM: Menasce, Jacques de 1950.01.26 Let me assure you in the first place of my sincere print preview
FROM: Newman, Jerry R., Esoteric Records 1950.01.26 We have shipped you today, via insured parcel post print preview
TO: Searle, Humphrey 1950.01.26 Many cordial thanks for dedication of your Passac print preview
TO: Lochner, Louis P. 1950.01.26 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für diese lustige Photographi print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.25 In receipt of your letter dated January 15, we wis print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1950.01.25 I want to thank you for your very nice gifts to us print preview
TO: New York Times 1950.01.25 I have been told that the Sunday magazine of the N print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.25 On Monday, January 23, I mailed you the revised ve print preview
TO: Varga, Tibor 1950.01.25 In response to your request, Mr Schoenberg has had print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.01.24 Statement of Composer\'s Share: Theme & Variations print preview
FROM: Zolla, Theodore, Microstat Company of California 1950.01.24 We have sent to you today via Special Delivery, 76 print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1950.01.24 Thank you very much for your very kind letter and print preview
FROM: Beckman, Irving 1950.01.24 I am sorry that I haven\'t written to you sooner t print preview
TO: Editions Richard-Masse 1950.01.24 Ihr Brief vom 18. Juli ist auf meinem Schreibtisch print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1950.01.23 Wir haben dankend Deinen letzten Brief erhalten. print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1950.01.23 I have just received a phone call from the Microst print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.01.23 I am forced to work for a living and that makes it print preview
TO: Menasce, Jacques de 1950.01.23 Mr. Felix Greissle forwarded your letter to me and print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.01.22 Ich verstehe wirklich nichts mehr. Die Lieder hätt print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.01.21 Would you be kind enough to return the Pelleas Sco print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1950.01.20 Edward and I are very happy that you enjoyed the g print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.01.20 How fortunate that the recent feast of your music print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.19 Supplementing my last letter, I want to report to print preview
FROM: Lochner, Louis P. 1950.01.19 Als langjähriger Chefkorrespondent von \"The Assoc print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1950.01.19 I have not yet made arrangements about the publica print preview
TO: Microstat Company of California 1950.01.19 Enclosed you will find the photostat negatives, 10 print preview
FROM: Barati, George 1950.01.18 Just a hurried note to accompany the announcement print preview
TO: Himrod, Anna 1950.01.18 I am answering your letter on behalf of Mr. Schoen print preview
TO: Field, Michael 1950.01.18 Your plan for making films with music of contempor print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1950.01.17 The Juilliard String Quartet was heard to fine adv print preview
FROM: Pollak, Tini 1950.01.17 Unter verschiedenen Noten und Gedichtbüchern meine print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1950.01.17 Thanks for your letter. Opus 29 out of question du print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.01.17 Thank you for your letter, which satisfies me part print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1950.01.16 Richard Hoffmann brought to me the two gifts to th print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.01.16 I am enclosing a letter by Jacques de Menasce who, print preview
FROM: Marée, Lucienne 1950.01.16 Permettez-moi de vous dire, Cher Maître, car votre print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1950.01.16 Hoffentlich haben Sie mit den Ihren das neue Jahr print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.01.16 I received today a letter from ALCO recording comp print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.01.16 Der Tanz um das Goldene Kalb ist nicht ein Ballet print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.01.16 Es tut mir sehr leid, daß ich schon wieder mit Vor print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick 1950.01.16 I am sorry I could not make a little speech for yo print preview
FROM: Menasce, Jacques de, La Revue Internationale de Musique 1950.01.15 I take great pleasure in bringing to your notice t print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1950.01.14 Immediately upon arrival of Mr. Hoffmann\'s letter print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.01.13 I received your letter of January 6th. The situati print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, Station WABF 1950.01.13 Cordial congratulations. print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.01.13 In answering your letter, I first sign the contrac print preview
TO: Pierce, Ralph 1950.01.13 I am sorry to hear that you could not get a printe print preview
TO: Hundley, Richard 1950.01.13 In the letter which I mailed this afternoon (also print preview
TO: Hundley, Richard 1950.01.13 Enclosed the article of Mr. Schoenberg which I adv print preview
TO: Herbert, Oscar 1950.01.13 According to Mr. Walter Hinrichsen's order, the s print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.12 First of all I want to thank you for your cordial print preview
FROM: Golden West Music Press 1950.01.12 Your letter of Jan.6 to the Golden West Music Pres print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1950.01.12 außerordentlich habe ich mich über Ihren Brief gef print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul, Deutsches Theater 1950.01.12 endlich komme ich dazu Ihnen für Jhre lieben hands print preview
FROM: Himrod, Anna 1950.01.12 Having heard a great deal about your twelve-tone s print preview
FROM: Field, Michael 1950.01.12 I, in conjunction with Mr. Bernard Livingston, a d print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.12 Mr. Schoenberg has to ask you the following three print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.01.12 es ist wohl wahr, dass ich dir sehr lange nicht ge print preview
TO: Hundley, Richard 1950.01.12 Mr. Schoenberg is just completing the contribution print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.01.11 Many thanks for your letter of January 6th. I cert print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W. 1950.01.10 Thank you very much for your letter of the fourth print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Ars Viva Verlag 1950.01.10 Ihr Brief vom 3.Januar hat tiefe Freude in mir aus print preview
TO: Spivacke, Harold, The Library of Congress 1950.01.10 I am sorry for my delayed answer regarding the num print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.10 I am not in the position to make this contract abo print preview
TO: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1950.01.10 A few days ago I sent you a time, until the 17tth print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1950.01.10 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to write you in order to as print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.01.10 Es ist ja wirklich schade, dass dieses Problem wer print preview
TO: Herbert, Oscar 1950.01.10 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to forward you the enclosed print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1950.01.10 Ihr enthusiastischer Brief ist eine große Erquick print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1950.01.09 This is just to inquire if anything was done on yo print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1950.01.09 votre lettre du 10 décembre m\'a donné une grande print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.01.09 1 X1 ten print preview
FROM: Duelberg, Ursula, Amerika Haus Stuttgart: United States Information Center 1950.01.08 Frau Else C. Kraus hat anläßlich des 75. Geburtsta print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.01.07 This letter will embody recent discussions and ser print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.01.07 Vor allem Dir und Trudl vielen herzlichen Dank für print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1950.01.07 Many thanks for your long and detailed letter. In print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1950.01.07 Many thanks for your letter which I am answering i print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.06 In receipt of your letter dated January 3, I am fo print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.01.06 I am sorry that they cannot use my program-notes a print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1950.01.06 If it does not interfere with your plans, I would print preview
TO: Martet, Jacques, Banque de France 1950.01.06 Ich habe, wie ich Ihren Brief bekommen habe, mich print preview
TO: Jackson, Henry H., Zionist Organization of America 1950.01.06 That I delayed the answer to your letter for so lo print preview
TO: Searle, Humphrey 1950.01.06 At first, thank you for your happy New Year wishes print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1950.01.06 I hear from Mr. Greissle of the Edward B. Marks co print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1950.01.06 In attempting to reply to your last letters I am m print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1950.01.05 Den Tag wollen wir 100x anstreichen als Ihr Bild print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1950.01.05 Your notes have arrived and I should first of all print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1950.01.05 I shall take this occasion to wish you and your fa print preview
FROM: Sciini[?], Peter H. 1950.01.04 As a student of composition I am a great admirer o print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1950.01.04 I begin the New Year rather badly in that I cannot print preview
FROM: Kruger, Gert 1950.01.04 As an ardent admirer of your music, and doing a li print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.01.04 I am writing on Mr. Schoenberg's behalf. He is int print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.01.04 I forgot to mention yesterday: Associated Music Pu print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1950.01.03 Das Züricher Programm ist ja sehr schön und auch c print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.01.03 I have been sick many of these days, which explain print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1950.01.03 Mr. Schoenberg who is sick asks me to inform you print preview
TO: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1950.01.03 I am sorry to tell you that I cannot wait any long print preview
TO: Varga, Tibor 1950.01.03 I will have a photostatic copy of the Fantasy made print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1950.01.03 How did you know that I gave up drinking coffee an print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1950.01.03 Wüßte ich nicht, dass Sie ein wirklicher Freund vo print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1950.01.03 Ich muß mich kurz fassen. Ich bin krank und habe print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1950.01.03 Please do not think that I am stingy that I did no print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1950.01.03 I thank you very much for the wonderful Christmas print preview
FROM: Pierce, Ralph 1950.01.02 Thank you so much for your letter of last July. I print preview
FROM: [unknown], Musicians' International Directory and Biographical Record 1950.01.02 On February 26th last year you were kind enough to print preview
TO: Markévitch, Zoia (Zoya) 1950.01.02 Ich nehme an, daß ich Ihnen deutsch schreiben kann print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1950.01.02 ich war krank- über zwei Wochen- und konnte deshal print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.01.01 Die besten Wünsche für das Jahr 1950 print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1950.01.01 Ihr sehr ergebener Wolfgang Steincke print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.01.01 Statement of Foreign Royalties and Miscellaneous E print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1950.01.01 May I first of all wish you a very happy and succe print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1950.01.00 Ja, ich bin es der Arnold, der nach Monaten wieder print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.00.00 ich habe Dir schon öfters geschrieben dass Du Dich print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1950.00.00 P.S. There is a misunderstanding. Bomart does not print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.00.00 I might add that I do not really appear in any of print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1950.00.00 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1950.00.00 Viele tausend herzliche Glückwünsche von uns dreie print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1950.00.00 wir bekamen Ihre Karte aus Arc. Wenn Sie irgend wa print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1950.00.00 avec leurs bien vives félicitations et meilleurs v print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1950.00.00 Hier ist die Liste der Aufführungen fü '48-'49. Ic print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1950.00.00 Mr. Leibowitz brings you my warmest personal greet print preview
FROM: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1950.00.00 I sincerely hope that this letter finds you in the print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1950.00.00 Enclosed you find the essay which you wanted to se print preview
TO: Fassett, James H., CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1950.00.00 Perhaps Columbia Broadcasting Company is right in print preview
TO: [unknown] 1950.00.00 When CBS failed to broadcast Mr. Mitropoulos's per print preview
TO: Fassett, James H., CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1950.00.00 I was very pleased that you read my letter over th print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerischer Rundfunk 1950.00.00 Ich habe mich über Ihren Freund sehr gefreut. print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred 1950.00.00 [not seen] print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1950.00.00 Most cordial wishes for your happiness for your 70 print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.00.00 nebenstehend eine Liste des Packets, das wir dir v print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.00.00 X, /////////, ten | 1 | X, X print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1950.00.00 X, 10.00, 1 print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1950.00.00 Einverstanden daß dritter Akt eventuell ohne Musik print preview
TO: McClung, C.M., Jr. 1950.00.00 I am answering your postcard in behalf of Mr. Scho print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1950.00.00 In fact Mrs. Schoenberg is the owner of the manusc print preview
FROM: Lutyens, Elisabeth 1949.12.31 Our sincere affectionate and devoted greetings wit print preview
FROM: Koshland, Miriam G. 1949.12.30 I must pester you again - but it will be very shor print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1949.12.29 Fantasy which combines beauty, strangeness and log print preview
FROM: Goin, Lowell S. 1949.12.29 I trust that you remember that on an occasion when print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.12.27 We could not mail yesterday the part included in t print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.12.26 Zunächst ein fröhliches Neues Jahr mit allen meine print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.12.26 Mr. Schoenberg is working very hard on the program print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1949.12.24 A Christmas Canon for five voices print preview
FROM: Kyogoku, Takatoshi 1949.12.24 Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger, University of California at Berkeley 1949.12.23 First of all let me send you the very warmest gree print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.12.23 I am writing you today about the Quartets. As I me print preview
TO: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1949.12.23 I received the clipping of your Sunday, September print preview
TO: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1949.12.23 I did not see a picture of Aaron Copland and Dimit print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1949.12.22 Es liegt Gottes Sagen auf Ihrer gütigen Bemühung u print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.12.21 vielen herzlichen Dank für die Uebersendung des wu print preview
FROM: Jackson, Henry H., Zionist Organization of America 1949.12.20 I am making a collection of signed photographs of print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.12.20 The best wishes for Christmas and a very happy New print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.12.20 Holiday greetings being in season may I extend min print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.12.20 First of all I want to thank you for sending me yo print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.12.19 Heute wünsche ich Ihnen und den Ihren vor allem ei print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1949.12.19 I thank you very much for your letter of the 8th o print preview
FROM: Rosenman, Leonard 1949.12.19 I was so sorry to hear of your illness this past w print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.12.19 I had a letter from Dr. Harold Spivacke, Library o print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1949.12.19 Ihr \"character document\" in der Zeitschrift \"Mu print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.12.19 I am enclosing our check in the amount of $250.00, print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.12.19 Da Poldi Ihnen gerade auch schreibt, muß sie den print preview
FROM: Aranha, Antonio B. Martins 1949.12.19 I should be greatly obliged if you kindly send me print preview
TO: Alessandro, Victor, Oklahoma State Symphony Orchestra, Inc 1949.12.19 Shameful as it is, I must admit that even for me i print preview
TO: Breasted, James H., Jr., Los Angeles County Museum 1949.12.17 I am greatly pleased by your intention to honor my print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.12.17 If the engraving coincides with the manuscript, I print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.12.16 nun ist doch Ihr Brief (v.5.d.) früher gekommen – print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.12.16 In receipt of your letter dated December 10, I am print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.12.16 This letter is really very belated indeed for I wa print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1949.12.16 Roman Totenberg brachte Grüsse von Ihnen und ich f print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1949.12.16 am 7. November 1949 hat in Paris unter meiner Leit print preview
TO: Mason, Marilyn, University of Michigan 1949.12.16 Mr. Schoenberg wanted to write you in detail about print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1949.12.16 Please watch this score carefully. There are only print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick 1949.12.16 I am ready to send you, on a record, a few sentenc print preview
TO: Barati, George 1949.12.16 The Ode is originally written for string quartet a print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.12.15 Wir erhalten eben von Dr. Charles B. HUTTON (Europ print preview
FROM: Alessandro, Victor, Oklahoma State Symphony Orchestra, Inc 1949.12.15 Beginning January 11, the Oklahoma Symphony will d print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger, University of California at Berkeley 1949.12.14 I received your letter nearly a month ago and I ho print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1949.12.14 Ich habe heute zum ersten Male die second proofs I print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.12.14 Thank you for your letter of December 10th. I did print preview
FROM: Breasted, James H., Jr., Los Angeles County Museum 1949.12.12 For five years I had the great honor of being a co print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1949.12.12 Ihnen schreiben zu können ist für mich ein Fest. print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil 1949.12.12 Although a Schoenberg Society would be, to my know print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.12.12 I want to know whether you only give up the idea o print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1949.12.11 Your mimeographed letter reached me in Paris and I print preview
FROM: Barati, George 1949.12.11 Thank you very much for both the wonderful acknowl print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.12.11 Thank you very much for the gratifying news of a n print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.12.10 Nehmen Sie aufrichtigen Dank für Ihre Botschaft. W print preview
TO: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1949.12.10 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief, der mich aus print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.12.10 Es wundert mich, dass Sie Wiesengrund dermaßen üb print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.12.10 In my last letter to you I forgot to mention the m print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.12.10 I think your last letter cleared the matter and I print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.12.09 Kindly send Miss Newlin [the] information she requ print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.12.09 Euch allen von uns die besten und herzlichsten Wei print preview
TO: Rubin, Nathan 1949.12.09 The Fantasy for Violin has not yet been published. print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1949.12.09 Dein Bericht über die Pierrot-Aufführung hat mich print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius, Le Club du Gloxinia 1949.12.08 Le Club de Gloxinia vous envoie ses meilleurs voeu print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1949.12.08 Ich habe mit Dank und Rührung Ihr Rundschreiben an print preview
TO: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1949.12.08 Included I return the two contracts, because I hav print preview
TO: Varga, Tibor 1949.12.08 Thank you very much for your kind letter. print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.12.08 I received, today, a telegram from the Philosophic print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.12.07 We are still glowing from the pleasure and inspira print preview
FROM: Kahn, Erich Itor 1949.12.07 Anbei sende ich Ihnen das Programm des Konzertes print preview
FROM: Golde, Morris 1949.12.07 In a few days you will receive the stationery that print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1949.12.06 Ãœber Jhren lieben Brief habe ich mich ganz besonde print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.12.06 In receipt of your letter dated November 25 in ans print preview
FROM: Mason, Marilyn, University of Michigan 1949.12.06 I am wondering if you received the records, and c print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.12.06 I received yesterday an envelope containing a seco print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1949.12.05 Sie sollten böse auf mich sein, und dürfen es ande print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.12.05 Thank you for your letter of November 27th. The pr print preview
FROM: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1949.12.05 Your kind letter came just as we were in the midst print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1949.12.05 Warum habe ich so lange nichts von Ihnen gehört? I print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.12.05 Ich habe längere Zeit von Ihnen und von Rufer nich print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.12.05 Ich habe jetzt so lange von Ihnen nichts gehört, d print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.12.04 I am writing on Mr. Schoenberg's behalf. He is in print preview
FROM: Morgenthau, Alma 1949.12.03 It was my good fortune to have the rehearsals of y print preview
FROM: Markévitch, Dimitry 1949.12.02 Having read your cello concerto after a concerto b print preview
FROM: Schubert, Reinhard 1949.12.02 Es war uns eine ganz besondere Freude, daß wir El print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1949.12.02 en me réservant de repondre d\'une façon attentive print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1949.12.01 Haben Sie herzlichen Dank für Ihre lieben Zeilen. print preview
TO: Bank of America 1949.12.01 By oversight I failed to include the enclosed chec print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.12.01 I find a copy of a list of errors in the last proo print preview
TO: Golde, Morris 1949.12.00 To become recognized only after one's death...! print preview
FROM: Los Angeles County Museum 1949.12.00 Calendar | Los Angeles County Museum | January 195 print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.12.00 Zunächst sehr gerührten Dank für den Becher: - Er print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.12.00 sicher haben Sie inzwischen meinen November-Brief print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1949.12.00 Vor allem vielen innigen Dank für Dein gestern ein print preview
FROM: Molle, Charles F. 1949.11.30 Recently it was my privilege to hear the San Franc print preview
TO: Utley, David H. 1949.11.30 The prospect of waiting two or more weeks and then print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.11.29 Would you be good enough to rush back to us the pr print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.11.29 Will be seeing you next week - and will LA be G l print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.11.28 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 15. November. Ich print preview
FROM: Utley, David H. 1949.11.27 It is most gratifying to me that the arrangements print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.11.27 I am answering your letter of November 22 on beha print preview
TO: Demuth, Norman, Royal Academy of Music 1949.11.25 Will you pleaseexcuse the great delay of my answe print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.11.25 I have not had time to answer your letter because print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.11.25 Excuse me for molesting you again with my affairs. print preview
FROM: Cowell, Henry 1949.11.24 Last night was wonderful. The Capacity audience ye print preview
TO: Utley, David H. 1949.11.24 Thank you very much for informing me about the res print preview
TO: Golde, Morris 1949.11.24 Excuse me for answering so late. I had just a floo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.11.23 Unfortunately I have the impression that Mr. Gray print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.11.22 Due to the extreme difficulty of the score of \"Mo print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.11.22 As I believe I wrote you earlier in the year, the print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.11.22 We received today the following letter from Esoter print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.11.21 We received a letter from Mr. Hoffmann, claiming print preview
FROM: Utley, David H. 1949.11.20 As I mentioned to you over the telephone this morn print preview
FROM: Rubin, Nathan 1949.11.20 I have long admired your composition, and it has b print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1949.11.20 hab Dank für den lieben Brief. 8.9.Nov. London 14t print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1949.11.20 Tausend Dank für Deinen schönen ergreifenden Brief print preview
FROM: Keller, Hans, Music Survey 1949.11.19 Haetten sie etwas dagegen, daß wir Ihren Brief an print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.11.18 We received the second proofs of the String Trio, print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.11.17 The clipping enclosed herewith appeared in a magaz print preview
FROM: Martet, Jacques, Banque de France 1949.11.17 Permettez à un auditeur de la Radio, non musicien print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.11.17 I have just returned from a trip East, in your beh print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1949.11.16 Ich muß wirklich um Entschuldigung bitten für mein print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.11.15 Mrs. K. had her little operation yesterday - her f print preview
FROM: Fekete, Zoltan 1949.11.15 I enclose the letter I wrote today to Universal an print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.11.15 Ich verliere zuviel bei der Ueberweisung meines Gu print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.11.14 Vielleicht finden wir jetzt eine Aufklärung, wieso print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.11.14 Thank you for your letter of November 10. I am afr print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.11.12 herzlichsten Dank für den Brief und die Kopien De print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross 1949.11.11 [not seen] I would like to point out again that th print preview
FROM: Bauer, John Leopold Jergens, Ojai Festival, Ltd 1949.11.11 When the Masterworks Chorale, Allen Lannom conduct print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1949.11.10 Sie können sich kaum vorstellen, welche Freude Sie print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.11.10 I have your letters of the 4th in t. and I will at print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.11.10 I don't think something will come out of dealing print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.11.10 Ich schreibe Dir heute, auf Grund des Herrn Koldof print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.11.09 wir hoffen sehr, daß Sie unsere Glückwünsche zu Ih print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L. 1949.11.09 Thank you for your recent letter. I regret to have print preview
TO: Hoffman, George A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.11.09 I was very happy to receive you letter of November print preview
TO: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.11.09 I was very happy to receive Mr. Hoffman's letter print preview
FROM: Steiner, Arnoldo 1949.11.08 Aus einem Aufsatz mit Photografie von Dir, anläßli print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1949.11.08 ich habe Deinen letzten Brief dankend erhalten. Es print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.11.08 Thank you for your letter of November 3 in regard print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.11.08 Ich habe mich sehr über Ihren Brief gefreut und mö print preview
FROM: Golde, Morris 1949.11.08 When I recently prepared the booklets for the New print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1949.11.08 Eben bin ich von einer 3 wöchentlichen Erholungsre print preview
FROM: Jelinek, Hanns 1949.11.07 Ihre gütigen Zeilen vom 3.IX.a.c. haben mich unbes print preview
FROM: Landesberger, Alfredo 1949.11.07 Als Ihr ständiger großer Verehrer, erlaube ich mic print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.11.07 I am here for a weekend - Bess still with her aged print preview
TO: Sessions, Roger, University of California at Berkeley 1949.11.07 You would do me a great favor if you would give Mr print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1949.11.06 Die herzlichsten und wärmsten Glückwünsche, die ic print preview
TO: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.11.05 Mr Richard Hoffmann has telephoned you my consent print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.11.04 Your letter declining my invitation to be a member print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.11.04 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to write to you, regarding print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.11.04 I must ask your help in an affair which I will exp print preview
TO: Gottlieb, Ernest E. 1949.11.04 Thank you for the very interesting catalogue of ra print preview
FROM: Wallenstein, Alfred, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 1949.11.03 Just a short note to tell you again what a great p print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.11.03 Ich bestätige Ihren Brief vom 22.Oktober. Diese g print preview
FROM: Sabin, Robert, Musical America 1949.11.03 The reference was indeed to Mr. Schoenberg\'s lett print preview
FROM: Hoffman, George A., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.11.03 Mr. Fred Ahlert appeared before our Committee auth print preview
TO: Stewart, Reginald, Peabody Conservatory of Music 1949.11.03 It is true that I have been asked to be in the Eas print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.11.03 In fast response to the question of your P.S. from print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1949.11.03 Das ist ja wirklich unglaublich viel, was Sie für print preview
FROM: Sabin, Robert, Musical America 1949.11.02 We have received a request from Stephen Balogh, De print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.11.02 May we acknowledge receipt of the Survey Form for print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.11.02 Mr. Winter has shown me your letter of October twe print preview
TO: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.11.02 I would have liked very much to accept your kind i print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.11.01 Under separate cover we are sending you a set of r print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.11.01 vor allem vielen vielen Dank für Deinen Brief und print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.11.01 Amsterdam-Conzertgebouw. Arnold Schönbergfeier. c3 print preview
TO: Sabin, Robert, Musical America 1949.11.01 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to inquire about a certain print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.11.01 Abgesehen von Ihrer Gratulation zu meinem 75. Gebu print preview
FROM: Fassett, James H., CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.10.31 I was deeply touched when I received your letter, print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.10.31 This morning I had the pleasure of reading your le print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.10.31 Thank you for your letter of October 28. Of course print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.10.31 Of course I remember your contracts with UE of 193 print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.10.31 I read your letter several times and I agree that print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.10.30 I have just finished listening to your Waldtaube a print preview
FROM: Hehr, Frederick G. 1949.10.30 Es tut mir sehr leid zu hören daß Sie wieder ans B print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.10.30 I am very sorry the wrong information from Associa print preview
FROM: Yelin, Tristram, The Score 1949.10.29 I apologize for my carelessness when posting your print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.10.29 Mr. Harry L. Robin from the Louria-Robin, Inc. wri print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.10.29 Ass. Mus. Gauner haben kein Recht in die Recordier print preview
FROM: Tureck, Rosalyn 1949.10.28 I hope that this letter finds you in good health a print preview
TO: Koldofsky, Adolf 1949.10.28 For three days I tr[ied] in vain to reach you. Yo print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.10.28 I thank you very much for starting at once with th print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.10.28 I come back to the problem of the copyright - of t print preview
TO: Ward, Robert 1949.10.28 Thank you for informing me of the League of Compos print preview
FROM: Stewart, Reginald, Peabody Conservatory of Music 1949.10.27 I understand that you will be in the eastern part print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.10.27 Gestern fand das Festkonzert statt, dessen Program print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.10.26 In connection with your communication of October 2 print preview
FROM: Diamond, David 1949.10.26 Excellent performances of your Fantasy and "Ode t print preview
FROM: Sabin, Robert, Musical America 1949.10.25 I received your new Letter to the World (Emily Dic print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.10.25 I have just learned that Associated Music Publishe print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.10.25 Your letter of October 22, 1949 was certainly a print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.10.25 The following shall supplement the outstanding agr print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.10.25 On Mr. Schoenberg's instruction, I return the enc print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.10.24 May I express my pleasure and satisfaction in the print preview
FROM: Fassett, James H., CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.10.24 In honoring your seventy-fifth birthday on next Su print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1949.10.24 In einem Café von Jerusalem sitzen mehrere begeist print preview
FROM: Ward, Robert, League of Composers, Inc 1949.10.24 The League of Composers would very much like to ha print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.10.24 ich beeile mich Deinen Brief zu beantworten. Leide print preview
TO: Fassett, James H., CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.10.24 Only today I am sending you the statement which yo print preview
FROM: Toldi, Julius 1949.10.23 Ich bin sehr glücklich Sie mit den vier Radiokonze print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.10.23 Sie erhalten mit gleicher Post 1.) die Copien der print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1949.10.23 A hundred years had to pass before wise men became print preview
FROM: Demuth, Norman, Royal Academy of Music 1949.10.22 I have recently completed a book on the History an print preview
FROM: Pisk, Paul Amadeus, University of Redlands 1949.10.22 Es drängt mich, Ihnen zu sagen, wie tief bewegt ic print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.10.22 The reason why I did not answer your letter dated print preview
TO: Byrns, Harold 1949.10.22 at 102 the viola i which otherwise is excellent pl print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.10.22 Ich möchte Ihnen heute nur kurz sagen, dass die Ve print preview
TO: Stoddard, Hope, International Musician 1949.10.22 Your demand to send you a picture comes so late th print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.10.22 Your letter astonishes me. I have received, at fir print preview
TO: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.10.22 Ich entnehme mit Bedauern, aus dem Heftchen mit de print preview
TO: Kostetzky, Eaghor 1949.10.22 Es ist mir ein großes Vergnügen Ihnen zu senden wa print preview
TO: Kraus, Else C. 1949.10.21 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden ...! print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.10.21 I have had a brief preliminary talk with Mr. Donal print preview
FROM: Rau, Franz, Bayerisches Staatskonservatorium der Musik 1949.10.21 Im Januar ds.Js. hatte ich mit Mr. Carlos M o s l print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1949.10.21 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Koldofsky, Adolf 1949.10.21 You see how selfish one becomes if people are trea print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.10.21 I thank you very much for sending me your book, Le print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.10.21 Several weeks ago I sent you all the material for print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.10.21 Du hast meinen Brief vom 3. Oktober noch nicht bea print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.10.20 Ich hätte Ihnen schon längst schreiben sollen und print preview
FROM: Stoddard, Hope, International Musician 1949.10.20 In connection with an article in the forthcoming i print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1949.10.20 In reply to your last letter we are enclosing here print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.10.20 We are surprised not having heard from you since print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.10.19 II. Vortrag Krefeld. sehr viele Leute u. beste Res print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.10.18 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Kostetzky, Eaghor 1949.10.18 Ich bitte Sie durch mich von einer ganzen kleinen print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1949.10.16 Sofie, Marion and myself thank you both very much print preview
FROM: [unknown], Wien, Bezirksvorsteher des 24. Bezirkes 1949.10.15 Durch den Besuch Ihres Herrn Sohnes bei mir bin ic print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1949.10.14 I am enclosing the form which I mentioned yesterda print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1949.10.14 I send you the analysis for the Kammersymphonie, w print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.10.13 ich habe es einfach nicht über mich gebracht in d print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1949.10.13 I was, and still am, terribly busy to satisfy[!] m print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.10.13 X, Ten | 1 | 1 print preview
TO: Utley, David H. 1949.10.11 Thank you very much for your good endeavors on my print preview
FROM: Matalon, Samuel 1949.10.10 My name is absolutely unfamiliar to you, but for m print preview
FROM: Mengelberg, Karel, Genootschap van Nederlandsche Componisten 1949.10.09 Vorstand und Mitglieder der Genossenschaft niederl print preview
FROM: Schubert, Paul, Schubert Quintett 1949.10.08 Das bekannte Schubert-Quintett Kammermusik-Bläserv print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1949.10.08 Es ist eine Schande, daß ich Ihnen mit einer solch print preview
FROM: Utley, David H. 1949.10.07 It is my understanding that you have seen, through print preview
FROM: Barth, Herbert, Jahrbuch der Musikwelt Bayreuth 1949.10.07 In das im November erscheinende \"Jahrbuch der Mus print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.10.06 Zunächst die Meldung: wir sind pünktlich angekomme print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.10.06 I thought you would be glad to know that the Saint print preview
FROM: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1949.10.06 As you probably know, Mr. Monteux is programming y print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.10.05 es waren sogar viele Leute da, ausverkauftes Haus. print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.10.05 It was with great regret that I received your lett print preview
TO: Körner, Theodor 1949.10.05 Mit Stolz und Freude empfing ich die Nachricht von print preview
TO: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1949.10.04 I remember with great pleasure our broadcast from print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.10.03 I am enclosing several copies of the New Friends o print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.10.03 In a true sense this is not a report but rather a print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.10.03 Ich bin sehr froh zu erfahren, daß du, wie du sch print preview
FROM: Winkler, Wilhelm 1949.10.02 Sie haben allzu lange nichts von mir gehört, was a print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1949.10.01 Please excuse me for my failure to send you a gree print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.10.01 I herewith authorize you to negotiate directly on print preview
FROM: Burk, John N., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.10.00 Koussevitzky performs your variations October 20-2 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.09.31 Vor allem vielen Dank für Deinen Brief und für den print preview
FROM: Bampton, Rose Elizabeth 1949.09.30 You must be besieged by requests to see you. I am print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.09.30 I am sorry I must ask you to return by airmail the print preview
TO: Wagner, Wolfgang W., The Canon 1949.09.30 As Australia is "far enough" for even an airmial print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.09.30 I am glad to inform you, that I have finished the print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1949.09.30 Today I send with many thanks for your congratulat print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.09.30 Mr. Schoenberg has sent to Mr. Ross Russell, who t print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1949.09.29 The self portrait has just arrived and we are deli print preview
FROM: Berg, Helene 1949.09.29 Ich möchte Dir nochmals - nicht nur öffentlich, wi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.09.29 Thank you very much for your kind letter and your print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.09.28 ich hoffe, daß Du Deinen Geburtstag in Wohlbefind print preview
FROM: Strunsky, Richard I., Frank Chapman, Public Relations Counsellor 1949.09.28 I was fortunate in securing your address from Mr. print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.09.28 I thought you might be interested to know that the print preview
FROM: Eames, Henry Purmont, Claremont Colleges 1949.09.25 All the musical world is paying tribute to you & t print preview
FROM: Goehr, Walter 1949.09.25 lange habe ich Ihnen nicht geschrieben. Ich habe v print preview
FROM: Wagner, Wolfgang W., The Canon 1949.09.24 In this country whose main motto is \'near enough print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold, American Export Lines 1949.09.24 Ich schreibe Euch diesen Brief auf meiner 4. Fahrt print preview
TO: Bowron, Fletcher, City of Los Angeles 1949.09.24 Allow me to express to you my most sincere appreci print preview
FROM: Travnicek, Josef, Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra 1949.09.22 Ihr 75. Geburtstag ist Anlaß für die über die g print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1949.09.22 Meine Wünsche zu den Feiertagen werden diesmal lei print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.09.21 print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.09.21 es ist wirklich schade, daß Du nicht die Freude ge print preview
FROM: Stein, Fritz, Genossenschaft dramatischer Schriftsteller und Komponisten in Wien 1949.09.21 Leider haben wir von Ihrem 75. Geburtstag erst aus print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.09.21 Ihren Brief vom 27. August habe ich mit sehr große print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.09.21 When I arrived here two days ago I found that the print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.09.21 Herewith note for $600.00 to cover the credit plac print preview
FROM: Patting[?], Ernst 1949.09.20 Als würdige Feier Ihres Geburtstages und zum Segen print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.09.20 Our correspondence seems to have been followed by print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1949.09.20 Thank you very much for offering me to purchase co print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.09.20 I have sent you a foreword to the Kammersymphonie print preview
FROM: Devree, Charlotte, Look Magazine 1949.09.19 Please wire if you approve quotation from your let print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.09.19 The articles all have been sent to Miss Newlin--sh print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.09.19 Congratulations on your seventy-fifth birthday print preview
FROM: Morton, Lawrence 1949.09.19 I am interested in the publications you spoke of o print preview
FROM: Fine, Sidney 1949.09.19 You may put me down as a purchaser of anything tha print preview
TO: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.09.19 Danke Ihnen vielmals für die freundlichen und erfr print preview
FROM: Osswald, Iselin 1949.09.18 es ist ja ein bißchen spät zum Gratulieren, aber print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1949.09.17 RCA Victor writes as follows-"no change was made print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1949.09.17 Als Ihr treuer, aufrichtiger Freund und das Beduer print preview
TO: Jones, Perry T., Los Angeles Tennis Association 1949.09.17 (none) print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Syracuse University 1949.09.17 We received the proofs of Style and Idea without a print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.09.17 Why don't you answer? I asked you to return the u print preview
TO: Pisk, Paul Amadeus 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden ------! print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden----! print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1949.09.16 Ihr Brief hat mir wirklich wohlgetan. Sie wären eb print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Toldi, Julius 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
FROM: Barati, George 1949.09.16 Allow me to congratulate you on your birthday and print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1949.09.16 We wish to acknowledge the receipt of your letter print preview
TO: Stein, Leonard 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tod an erkennt werden - - - -! Ich print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden - - - - -! print preview
TO: Berg, Helene 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1949.09.16 ein Brief von Ihnen ist immer eine große Freude f print preview
TO: Reich, Willi 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.09.16 Schade, daß ich, wenigstens gegenwärtig, Ihre Gra print preview
TO: Dessau, Paul, Deutsches Theater 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Weiss, Adolph 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1949.09.16 ich danke Dir herzlich für Deine Geburtstagsglückw print preview
TO: Kowalski, Max 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Koldofsky, Adolf 1949.09.16 Too bad that you have been informed too late last print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: [various] 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden-----! Ich habe print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
TO: Clark, Edward 1949.09.16 Erst nach dem Tode anerkannt werden...! Ich habe i print preview
FROM: Schwalbe, Luise, Kranichsteiner Musikinstitut 1949.09.15 Wir haben die Pressestimmen zu den Aufführungen Ih print preview
FROM: Blomdahl, Karl-Birger 1949.09.15 Als der musikalische Ratgeber der Zeitschrift print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1949.09.15 Let me humbly join in the celebration of your birt print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.09.15 At long last the Philosophical Library sent me you print preview
FROM: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.09.15 zuerst möchte ich Ihnen meine verehrungsvollsten G print preview
TO: Kallir, Rudolf F. 1949.09.15 Excuse me for not acknowledging receipt of print preview
FROM: Ackerman, R. 1949.09.14 Impelled by Mr. Albert Goldberg\'s article in the print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald, Long Beach City College 1949.09.14 I'm sorry not to have seen you on your birthday, print preview
FROM: Danenberg, Emil 1949.09.14 Please excuse this very delayed note of greeting t print preview
FROM: Fraenkel, Wolfgang 1949.09.14 Zu meinem größten Bedauern hatte ich keine Gelegen print preview
FROM: Koellreutter, Hans Joachim, Grupo Musica Viva Brasil 1949.09.14 Herzliche Glückwünsche [zum] 75 Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Gesellschaft der Autoren, Komponisten und Musikverleger 1949.09.14 Erlauben sich Ihnen verehrter Meister anläßlich print preview
FROM: Hanzl, Rudolf 1949.09.14 An Ihrem heutigen 75. Geburtstag sind die Wiener P print preview
FROM: Turel, Adrien 1949.09.14 Seit vielen Jahren haben Sie an mir einen Bewunder print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.09.14 May I acknowledge immediately your letter of Septe print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1949.09.13 To become recognized only after one\'s death ---- print preview
FROM: Guttman-Rice, Melanie 1949.09.13 In Gedanken feiere ich heute Ihren Geburtstag mit print preview
FROM: Rathaus, Karol 1949.09.13 To your 75th birthday: never has such great achiev print preview
FROM: Ruvina-Rothmund, Ingeborg 1949.09.13 zum heutigen Geburtstag! Alles Dir endenklich Gut print preview
FROM: Heims-Reinhardt, Else 1949.09.13 Sie begehen heute Ihren 75t Geburtstag! Da möchte print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1949.09.13 Ich muß mich sehr entschuldigen, daß ich bisher no print preview
FROM: Eisner Eyn, Stella 1949.09.13 Ein Wort von Goethe - \"Es kommt doch am Ende dara print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1949.09.13 zu Ihrem Geburtstage von ganzem, aufrichtigstem print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1949.09.13 Permit us to extend to your our heartfelt congratu print preview
FROM: Kallir, Rudolf F. 1949.09.13 Vor einer Reihe von Wochen habe ich mir erlaubt Ih print preview
FROM: Lachmann, Erich 1949.09.13 herzlichste Glückwünsche zum 75. Geburtstage print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne 1949.09.13 Die aller herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.09.13 Wir gedenken Ihrer und haben Sie sehr gefeiert. 10 print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne 1949.09.13 Zu Deinem Geburtstag die allerherzlichsten Glückwü print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.09.13 meistens machen Leute viele Worte, wenn sie zu ein print preview
FROM: Sloan[?], Scott 1949.09.13 Mere words do not suffice to let you know [how] pl print preview
FROM: Mishell, Robert 1949.09.13 A birthday note to keep in touch with someone we l print preview
FROM: Backelis, Rose Shomer, Mailamm 1949.09.13 Each happy wish this card conveys is most sincerel print preview
FROM: Kevin, [?] 1949.09.13 with best wishes print preview
FROM: Tichener, Birdie 1949.09.13 With all good wishes print preview
FROM: Carpenter, Patricia 1949.09.13 My best wishes, Mr. Schoenberg, at the time of you print preview
FROM: Körner, Theodor, Stadt Wien 1949.09.13 Der Wiener Stadtsenat hat Ihnen mit Beschluß print preview
FROM: Stagen, William E., Jewish Club of 1933, Inc 1949.09.13 Our heartiest congratulations on your 75th birthda print preview
FROM: Monteux, Pierre 1949.09.13 Sincere congratulations from one of your many admi print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz 1949.09.13 Sincere congratulations on your seventy-fifth birt print preview
FROM: Schirmer, Gustave 1949.09.13 Greetings on this milestone in your life and in th print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.09.13 Most heartfelt thoughts and all best wishes for yo print preview
FROM: Wallenstein, Alfred 1949.09.13 My warmest greetings to you on this day and sincer print preview
FROM: Zeisl, Eric 1949.09.13 Many happy returns on this historic day to one of print preview
FROM: Rohr, F. 1949.09.13 To the greatest living musician our deepest respec print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1949.09.13 Zum 75. Geburtstag die allerherzlichsten Glückwüns print preview
FROM: Bomart Music Publications 1949.09.13 We are extending best wishes to the most distingui print preview
FROM: Aron, Paul 1949.09.13 Far away from the heart of living music. Forced t print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto 1949.09.13 We join with your many friends and countless admir print preview
FROM: Monath, Hortense, New Friends of Music 1949.09.13 Please accept the expression of our greatest admir print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1949.09.13 Will you accept my sincerest wishes and deep respe print preview
FROM: Baum, Vicki 1949.09.13 To the patriarch of the great composers and still print preview
FROM: Willinger, Margaret 1949.09.13 Admiration and best wishes print preview
FROM: Bois, Curt 1949.09.13 Our very best wishes and many happy returns print preview
FROM: Reinhardt, Lally 1949.09.13 We want to express our heartfelt congratulations o print preview
FROM: Pelton, Felice 1949.09.13 Congratulations and best wishes. Sorry Jackie print preview
FROM: Viertel, Salka 1949.09.13 My most reverent and heartfelt wishes on this print preview
FROM: Cort van der Linden, Rudolph 1949.09.13 Hearty congratulations. Am wishing you luck and print preview
FROM: Gottlieb, Ernest E. 1949.09.13 Very sincere wishes on your 75 birthday. Cordially print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.09.13 Heartiest congratulations and many happy returns o print preview
FROM: Auber, Stefan 1949.09.13 With deepest admiration I congratulate you on your print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1949.09.13 Congratulations and affectionate wishes for many m print preview
FROM: Kirchner, Leon 1949.09.13 Very happy birthday. print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1949.09.13 On this your seventy fifth birthday we send you fr print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1949.09.13 Asking forgiveness for the delay, this poem is pre print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1949.09.13 Today the world looks up to you,|And many bow thei print preview
TO: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.09.13 Enclosed you find the three sheets filled out as r print preview
TO: Toch, Ernst 1949.09.13 Dass Sie gerade diesen Zeitpunkt gewählt haben - m print preview
FROM: Seligmann, Maria 1949.09.12 Congratulations on your birthday. Can you send the print preview
FROM: Bowron, Fletcher, City of Los Angeles 1949.09.12 For the past half century you have exercised treme print preview
FROM: Canty, John F. 1949.09.12 I hope you will find it possible to favor me with print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1949.09.12 Ich muß ein wenig weitschweifend als erstes die B print preview
FROM: Hanson, H. Endicott 1949.09.12 I wish to bother you for one thing, if you do not print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.09.12 Ich erhalte soeben beide Telegramme von Leonard St print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger 1949.09.12 I am sending you this note by Miss Jeanne Shapiro print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.09.12 Many happy returns. Many years of health and well print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1949.09.12 With warmest congratulations and sincerest wishes print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1949.09.12 Heartiest congratulations and best wishes print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1949.09.12 A thousand cheers and many happy returns this our print preview
FROM: Buhlig, Richard 1949.09.12 Very good wish for your birthday and for many more print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1949.09.12 All my warmest wishes and thoughts for your birthd print preview
FROM: Achron, Marie 1949.09.12 Heartiest congratulations on the occasion of your print preview
FROM: Hinnenberg-Lefèbre, Margot 1949.09.12 verehrungsvolle Glückwünsche print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, MacDowell Colony 1949.09.12 On your seventy-fifth birthday we pay tribute to y print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.09.12 In alter Verbundenheit denken wir Ihrer und Ihres print preview
FROM: Rosenstock, Joseph 1949.09.12 Please accept my most sincere congratulations print preview
FROM: Feuchtwanger, Lion 1949.09.12 sehr herzliche Glückwünsche. print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1949.09.12 Very many happy returns of this day and best wishe print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1949.09.12 May this day find you in good spirits health peace print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1949.09.12 Respectful regards and affectionate wishes print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Hedi 1949.09.12 Very best wishes for your birthday and many happy print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.09.12 Many happy returns letter follows our deepest reve print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1949.09.12 Congratulations and sincere good wishes on your bi print preview
FROM: Juilliard Quartet 1949.09.12 Our warmest greetings on your birthday. The ple print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.09.12 All that we live for. Road to our future, New eras print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1949.09.11 Zu Ihrem 75. Geburtstage wünsche ich Ihnen alles B print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis, Syracuse University 1949.09.11 May I express my congratulations to you and my gra print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.09.11 Sie werden in diesen Tagen so viel Störungen und s print preview
FROM: Wessel, Mark 1949.09.11 In New York last week I met again your son-in-law, print preview
FROM: Odets, Clifford 1949.09.11 Happiest birthday to you on the 13th!!! We think o print preview
FROM: 1949.09.11 Heartiest congratulations best wishes and good hea print preview
FROM: Toch, Ernst 1949.09.11 Wir haben uns nicht mehr gesprochen seit einem Tel print preview
FROM: Foreman, Mildred L., University of California at Los Angles 1949.09.10 With the opening of the fall semester, we wish to print preview
FROM: Schloss, Julius 1949.09.10 Herzlichst Ihr ergebener print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1949.09.10 Die ganze musikalische und geistige Welt, oder wen print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1949.09.10 Es drängt mich, Ihnen nochmals zu sagen, wie ungeh print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1949.09.10 Vor allem vielen und herzlichen Dank für das avisi print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1949.09.10 nun bist Du fünf und siebenzig Jahre auf dieser bl print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.09.10 I am glad to tell you that your letter is principa print preview
FROM: Marks, Herbert E., Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.09.09 Permit me to convey to you, on behalf of this hous print preview
FROM: Sittner, Hans, Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst 1949.09.09 Zu Ihrem 75. Geburtstag spreche ich Ihnen im Namen print preview
FROM: Heller, Adolph, Center Theatre 1949.09.09 Empfangen Sie zu Ihrem Geburtstage die herzlichste print preview
FROM: Dallapiccola, Luigi 1949.09.09 il y a cinq ans, Florence étant libérée depuis deu print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.09.09 The advised first proofs of the String Trio did no print preview
TO: Compinsky, Alec, ALCO Recording Co 1949.09.09 I am very upset about your not returning the recor print preview
FROM: Togni, Camillo 1949.09.08 Allow me to write to you, as I hope you\'ll get my print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.09.08 It may be that in the next few days someone will a print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.09.08 an Ihrem 75. Geburtstag werden so viele Bekenntnis print preview
FROM: Pisk, Paul Amadeus, University of Redlands 1949.09.08 Ich weiß, daß ich ein paar Tage zu früh bin, aber print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.09.08 We are endeavoring to bring our Survey up to date, print preview
FROM: Sabin, Robert, Musical America 1949.09.07 The statistics which you sent to me did not affect print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.09.07 Under separate cover we are forwarding to Miss Dik print preview
FROM: Kahn, Erich Itor 1949.09.07 Zu Ihrem Feste - welches wir alle glücklich auch a print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1949.09.07 In der großen Schar derer, die in der ganzen Welt print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1949.09.07 It was a pleasure to receive your letter and of co print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.09.07 I wish to acknowledge and thank you immediately fo print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.09.07 It is a long time since I asked you for my fee. print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1949.09.06 Geburtstagsbriefe fielen mir immer schwer. An Dich print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1949.09.06 Zu Ihrem 75. Geburtstag wünsche ich Ihnen vor alle print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1949.09.06 Den besten Anlaß, den ich nehmen kann, um Jhnen n print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.09.06 Hiermit möchte ich Ihnen meine herzlichsten Glückw print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.09.06 We take pleasure in sending, under separate cover, print preview
FROM: Häfner, Herbert, Internationale Gesellschaft für neue Musik 1949.09.05 Unter den zahllosen Gratulanten aus aller Welt, di print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.09.05 ich hoffe daß dieser Brief Sie an Ihrem Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard, Sr. 1949.09.04 Kindly accept my family\'s and my own most cordial print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.09.04 Im Vorgedenken an Ihren baldigen Geburtstag möchte print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1949.09.04 Nun haben Sie lange keine Nachricht von mir erhalt print preview
FROM: Lawrence, Allen 1949.09.04 In the March-April 1944 issue of the magazine, Mod print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.09.04 Wir hoffen am 12. morgens anzukommen. Wir werden m print preview
FROM: Clausen, Leslie P., Los Angeles City College 1949.09.04 When I had the pleasure of studying with you about print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1949.09.04 Enclosed you will find the long promised copy of t print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1949.09.03 um sich vor Ihnen, der alles weiß und dies unausl print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.09.03 vor allem die besten Glückwünsche und das dankbar print preview
TO: Jelinek, Hanns 1949.09.03 Ihr "Zwölftonwerk" verspricht außerordentlich gu print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1949.09.02 Anläßlich Ihres 75.Geburtstages bitte ich Sie, auc print preview
FROM: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.09.02 It was gratifying to learn that the records I sent print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1949.09.02 I have been asking many people in vain for your ad print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey 1949.09.01 This is to send you my very warmest greetings and print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.09.01 It is strange that your last letter and my last le print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.09.01 Semi-Annual Royalty Statement from G. Schirmer, In print preview
TO: Milhaud, Darius 1949.09.00 Mecri beaucoup pour votre double-quatuor print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.09.00 To become recognized only after one's death...! print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude Susanna 1949.09.00 To become recognized only after one´s death -----! print preview
TO: Milhaud, Darius 1949.09.00 Thank you most cordially for the exceptionally dea print preview
TO: 1949.09.00 To become recognized only after one's death...! print preview
TO: Kowalski, Max 1949.09.00 To become recognized only after one's death...! print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1949.08.31 This is to send you my own and my family\'s very b print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.08.31 Under separate cover we have sent you the first print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.08.31 Upon my suggestion, Miss Dika Newlin asked you to print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.08.31 It is a long time since I have heard from you, and print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1949.08.31 es tut mir nicht gut mich an fremde Sonnensysteme print preview
FROM: Lafite, Peter, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 1949.08.30 Schönsten Dank für die Übersendung des hochinteres print preview
FROM: Dencklau, E.J., Security First National Bank 1949.08.30 In regard to our letter of the 23rd, we are enclos print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.08.30 The study score of Theme and Variations just came print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.08.30 In my last letter I forgot to tell you, that Assoc print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.08.30 It is an eternity since I heard last from you. And print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.08.30 I forgot to tell you that Associated Music Publish print preview
TO: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.08.30 I want to write you already for so long a time! Yo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.08.30 Ich kann doch leider nur kurz schreiben. print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1949.08.29 We are planning to perform your Voice of the Fores print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, MacDowell Colony 1949.08.29 Let this come as a preliminary birthday greeting t print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1949.08.29 Since 1941 you had been given the chance of sellin print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1949.08.28 Zum 60ten, 65ten, 70ten, und nun zum 75ten! Es ist print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1949.08.28 es sind nun auch etliche Jahre, an die vierzig, da print preview
FROM: Leer, Eugen 1949.08.28 Da das Spruchkammerverfahren gegen Herrn Professor print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.08.27 Sie befinden sich in einem Irrtum. Denn Sie haben print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.08.27 I was very lucky in finding at once a way to write print preview
FROM: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.08.26 We acknowledge receipt of your letters of 19th and print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.08.26 I wrote to UE about Pierrot Lunaire. They will pri print preview
FROM: Diamond, David, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies 1949.08.25 I am sure that by now you have heard from Mr. Schl print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.08.24 I was very pleased to receive your corrected copy print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Hermann, Saint Mary Abbots Hospital 1949.08.23 My father has just written to me from Jerusalem to print preview
FROM: Kannow, Robert P., Security First National Bank 1949.08.23 This is to notify you that we have received the su print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.08.23 I take pleasure in sending you the enclosed check print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.08.23 I am replying to your letter of August 22. on Mr. print preview
TO: Toldi, Julius 1949.08.23 Beiliegend meine beiden Reden. Ich sende sie Ihnen print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.08.22 May we please have a recent photograph of yourself print preview
FROM: Schröter, Heinz 1949.08.22 Nach der Rückkehr von meinem Urlaub komme ich leid print preview
FROM: Winograd, Arthur, Juilliard Quartet 1949.08.21 I am happy to be able to report to you that the re print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1949.08.21 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1949.08.20 Zu Deinem gloreichen 75. Geburtstag wünsche ich Di print preview
TO: Lafite, Peter, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 1949.08.20 Der beiligende Artikel wird zuerst in einer mexika print preview
TO: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.08.20 I forgot, in my letter of yesterday, to ask you, w print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.08.20 I am afraid you will be very angry about my not an print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.08.19 We are enclosing herewith the examples (seventeen print preview
TO: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.08.19 Enclosed you will find a new version of the articl print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.08.19 Da Ronny heute im Tennistournier spielt, (er hat s print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.08.17 Thank you very much for sending me the corrected p print preview
TO: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.08.17 It was with great joy that I read your letter. print preview
FROM: Betanzos, Isabel, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.08.16 Adjunto remito a usted, por orden del señor Halfft print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.08.16 Mr Schoenberg asks me to thank you on his behalf print preview
FROM: Russell, Ross, Dial Records 1949.08.15 Our mutual friend, Mr. Eduard Steuermann has perha print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.08.14 vor einiger Zeit bekam ich von Ihnen ein (seither print preview
FROM: Rankl, Adele 1949.08.14 Karl interned, would you and Klemperer kindly ask print preview
FROM: Wilde, Kurt 1949.08.13 Ich habe ein übervolles Herz Ihnen gegenüber, seit print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, MacDowell Colony 1949.08.12 Since this is the TWELFTH something nice had to ha print preview
FROM: Baron, Maurice, Society for American Symphonic Music Abroad 1949.08.11 My heartfelt thanks for your eminent endorsement a print preview
FROM: Kokoschka, Oskar 1949.08.11 Ich will Ihnen nur meinen innigen Dank für das Erl print preview
FROM: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.08.11 On July 29 I received a letter from Mr. Richard Ho print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.08.10 Would you kindly send us a recent photograph of yo print preview
TO: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.08.10 I am glad to inform you that I was able to write t print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.08.10 Beiliegend Reproduktionen der Pierrot Kritiken die print preview
FROM: Pool, Fritz 1949.08.09 Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie sich meiner noch erinnern. print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.08.09 You will find the \"corrected\" introduction attac print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.08.09 der Schönberg-Zyklus im nächsten Schuljahr ist glü print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1949.08.08 Mit Ihren gütigen Zeilen haben Sie mir unendliche print preview
FROM: Wagner, Wolfgang W., The Canon 1949.08.08 Your letter and essay on Gustav Mahler arrived an print preview
TO: Mann, Robert 1949.08.07 Upon looking through the program of the Tanglewood print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.08.06 Mr. Schoenberg thanks you for your kind letter of print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.08.06 Thank you for your interesting letter. print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.08.04 Innigsten Dank für Deine wunderschönen Worte, die print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.08.04 Unser Plan, am 1. wegzufahren, wurde durch eine Pl print preview
FROM: Lindegren, Erik, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1949.08.04 I sincerely apologize for not having been able to print preview
FROM: Lustig-Prean, Karl, Konservatorium der Stadt Wien 1949.08.03 Darf ich mich zuerst vorstellen. Ich war unter Fel print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.08.03 I have just returned home from a short trip, and f print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1949.08.03 I should write you more in regard to the telegram print preview
FROM: Diamond, David, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies 1949.08.03 My hours of teaching and lecturing have prevented print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1949.08.02 leider hat sich auch das nicht durchführen lassen print preview
FROM: Kallir, Rudolf F. 1949.08.02 Heute endlich kann ich mein Versprechen halten und print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.08.02 I am sorry to learn that my article about Style an print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1949.08.01 Tureck wants lessons August and September, wire me print preview
TO: Langlie, Warren M. 1949.08.01 Ready to teach Tureck Hundred or Two Hundred month print preview
TO: Wagner, Wolfgang W., The Canon 1949.08.01 Informed by Miss Newlin about her negotiations wit print preview
TO: Carpenter, Patricia 1949.08.01 I am glad to hear from you and that you have a sat print preview
FROM: Carpenter, Patricia 1949.08.00 My situation is again unstable; the position in Bo print preview
TO: University of California Regents 1949.08.00 In 1944 I was forced to resign from letting studen print preview
FROM: International Society for Contemporary Music 1949.07.31 The International Society for Contemporary Music, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.07.30 vor allem danke ich Euch vielmals für das Care-Pak print preview
TO: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.07.29 At the moment Mr. Schoenberg is writing the articl print preview
FROM: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.07.28 I have your letter recommending Mr. Richard Hoffma print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.07.28 Die Lösung ist einfach genug: Mr. Bayer and Mr. Wa print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.07.28 ich hab mich so sehr gefreut, daß Sie mir hierher print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.07.28 Mr. Schoenberg received from Miss Newlin a letter print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.07.27 Statement of Composer\'s Share: Theme & Variations print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.07.27 I am extremely sorry not to have acknowledged rece print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.07.27 Your information that you have just concluded a co print preview
TO: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.07.27 Excuse me for answering your kind letter so late. print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L. 1949.07.27 The Three Pieces for Piano,op. 11 (1909), were not print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.07.27 Das ist fein, daß Ihr endlich wieder einmal kommt print preview
TO: Henderson, Ray, Jr. 1949.07.27 Mr. Schoenberg gave me your letter of July 18. Wit print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.07.27 Um Ihnen rasch zu antworten werde ich mich sehr ku print preview
FROM: Waring, Richard G. 1949.07.26 I want to tell you first of all that I was gratifi print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1949.07.26 Es war wirklich schmerzlich für mich, bei diesem n print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.07.26 I was so happy to find your letter awaiting me on print preview
FROM: Brunker, Florence 1949.07.26 My husband and I have just completed eight books d print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.07.25 Sie haben wohl inzwischen meinen ersten Brief nach print preview
TO: Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1949.07.23 I sent you a manuscript of mine, but curiously you print preview
TO: Ruyneman, Daniel, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hedendaagse Muziek 1949.07.23 Ihre Mitteilung, daß die Niederländische Gesellsch print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.07.23 I have thought over again the case of Mr. Wagner i print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.07.23 I have sent you my article, New Music, Outmoded Mu print preview
TO: Dahl, Ingolf 1949.07.23 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren ausserordentlich li print preview
FROM: [unknown], Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 1949.07.22 Anläßlich Ihres bevorstehenden 75. Geburtstages I print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz 1949.07.22 I hope that you have received my recent letter in print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.07.21 Ich hätte Ihnen längst schon einmal schreiben soll print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.07.20 Ihr langer Brief hat mich sehr gefreut und sehr be print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.07.20 ich nehme an, daß Sie meinen Brief aus Darmstadt print preview
FROM: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.07.20 es muss mir daran liegen, unbedingt von Ihren print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1949.07.20 Es ist eine ungemein wichtige Anfrage, die wir heu print preview
FROM: Jelinek, Hanns 1949.07.20 Gestatten Sie, daß ich Ihnen mit diesem das soeben print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.07.20 Ihr lieber Brief hat uns unbeschreibliche Freude g print preview
FROM: Carpenter, Patricia 1949.07.20 I am living now in Boston, as a kind of housemanag print preview
TO: Vincent, John, University of California at Los Angles 1949.07.20 As Mr Richard Hoffmann is applying for an assista print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz 1949.07.19 I have been away from New York for the last 2 week print preview
FROM: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.07.19 I am happy to inform you that Mr. Steuermann and I print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.07.19 Soeben erhalte ich Ihr wunderbares Stück für Geige print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.07.19 I am sorry that I have to bother you again today. print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.07.19 In answer to your letter of July 19: Kol Nidre, Op print preview
FROM: Waring, Richard G., Music Teachers' Association of California 1949.07.18 This Is An Urgent Letter to solicit your cooperati print preview
FROM: Waring, Richard G., Music Teachers' Association of California 1949.07.18 If it will be at all possible for you to attend th print preview
FROM: Mentzer, Richard E. 1949.07.18 For a number of years I have collected the autogra print preview
FROM: Masse, Richard, Editions Richard-Masse 1949.07.18 Des circonstances indépendantes de notre volonté o print preview
FROM: Gorton, Ronald W. 1949.07.18 Ronald W. Gorton wishes to thank Professor Arnold print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz 1949.07.18 Meinem wiederholten Ersuchen, den Empfang der Note print preview
FROM: Müller, Maximilian, Maximilian Müller Musikverlag 1949.07.17 Es ist schon ein bißchen lange her, als ich print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.07.16 I am writing to inform you of my change of addres print preview
TO: Friese, Alfred P., Friese Timpani School 1949.07.16 I agree that you use examples from my scores for y print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.07.16 The translation of my Pierrot Lunaire is supposed print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang, Internationales Musikinstitut 1949.07.15 Ich habe gar keinen Bericht über das Kammermusikfe print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1949.07.15 Ihren Brief vom 1. Juli habe ich erst am 7. Juli e print preview
TO: Varga, Tibor 1949.07.15 Ich habe von so vielen Seiten übereinstimmend das print preview
TO: Schröter, Heinz 1949.07.15 Ihren Brief mit einen Bericht über die Festkonzert print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D. 1949.07.14 The Jews\' Command by Dagobert D. Runes: Step asid print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.07.14 With the same mail I am sending you the parts of t print preview
FROM: Ruyneman, Daniel, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hedendaagse Muziek 1949.07.13 Von Frau Else Kraus hörte ich daß Sie Absicht habe print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.07.13 Upon returning from Darmstadt I find your letter a print preview
FROM: Gorton, Ronald W. 1949.07.13 Over nine months ago, I took the liberty to reques print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.07.13 Es tut mir furchtbar leid zu hören, daß die Schot print preview
TO: Pierce, Ralph 1949.07.13 I remember very well your contest in Royce Hall an print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.07.12 Abrechnung für Klavierauszüge "Von heute auf morge print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.07.12 Affectionate greetings from a delightful visit wit print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.07.11 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 5.ds.M. Bei der Ve print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.07.11 As you said you\'d like to see reviews, etc. I\'m print preview
FROM: Pierce, Ralph 1949.07.11 I am sure that you have forgotten me since you hea print preview
TO: Knudsen, Vern Oliver, University of California at Los Angles 1949.07.11 If I may ask you a favor, it would be to receive t print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz 1949.07.11 Mr. Schoenberg is worried because you have not ack print preview
FROM: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1949.07.10 Everything concerning CAC is developing beautifull print preview
FROM: Dahl, Ingolf 1949.07.10 Hier ist die versprochene Ãœbersetzung von Pierrot print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.07.09 bitte seien Sie nicht bös, wenn dieser Brief etwas print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.07.09 Ich muß sehr um Entschuldigung bitten denn ich hä print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.07.09 Ihr lieber Brief hat mich riesig schnell erreicht. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.07.09 10 | 1 print preview
FROM: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.07.07 Since receiving your kind letter in regard to your print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.07.06 Your manuscript just arrived. You will receive the print preview
FROM: Armstrong, Alice Catt, Who's Who Historical Society 1949.07.06 You have been nominated for inclusion in the speci print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Ernst, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.07.06 Wir erlauben uns, Ihnen mit gleicher Post 10 Exemp print preview
FROM: Herr, Otto, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.07.06 Auf Ihren Luftpostbrief vom 28. Juni gestatte ich print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.07.06 Thank you very much for your letter of July 1st. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.07.06 Curiously, I received only yesterday, July 5., a m print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.07.05 Thank you for your letter of July 1st. I am very s print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1949.07.05 As you see, I am now at the Villa d\'Este in Italy print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.07.05 Das Manuskript das zum Verkauf angeboten war, war print preview
TO: Shamray, Rosanna, National Television Newsreels 1949.07.05 I thank you very much for your invitation to appea print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.07.05 I received your letter from June 28, which was mai print preview
TO: Kraus, Else C. 1949.07.05 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief. Ich erhielt print preview
TO: Kroll, Erwin, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1949.07.04 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für die Übersendung der Banda print preview
TO: Stein, Fritz, Genossenschaft dramatischer Schriftsteller und Komponisten in Wien 1949.07.04 Ihre Mitteilung, daß mich die Genossenschaft Dram print preview
TO: Thonger, Richard 1949.07.04 Thank you very much for sending me the records of print preview
FROM: Schröter, Heinz 1949.07.02 Nachdem nun unsere \"Woche für Neue Musik\", die d print preview
FROM: Kolm, L.C., Institut für Friedenswissenschaft und Völkerverständigung 1949.07.02 Wir haben vor einiger Zeit ein persönliches Schrei print preview
TO: Kolm, L.C., Institut für Friedenswissenschaft und Völkerverständigung 1949.07.02 In anticipation of the 75th anniversary of my birt print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.07.02 I am very sorry to tell you that I am extremely di print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1949.07.02 so lange habe ich keine Adresse für Dich gehabt, print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1949.07.01 Nun ist unsere Frankfurter Musikwoche zu Ende gega print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1949.07.01 Das schlechte Gewissen, das ich habe, weil ich so print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.07.01 Der Ring is geschlossen. Er enthielt, am Anfang, s print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.07.01 I don't understand your letter entirely, because print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.06.30 Sie schrieben uns am 9.April, daß für die Aufführ print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.06.30 Ihr Brief ist mir hieher nachgeschickt worden (wo print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.06.30 Since I last wrote you, my arrival on the 8th has print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1949.06.30 Ich freue mich Gelegenheit zu haben Ihnen zu schre print preview
FROM: Friese, Alfred P., Friese Timpani School 1949.06.29 May I have your permission or recommendation to re print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.28 Only today can I thank you for your wire (which is print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.06.28 Thank you for your letter of June 14, 1949. We are print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.06.28 Thank you for your letter. I would be very pleased print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz 1949.06.28 Last Saturday the Microstat Co. sent you the photo print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1949.06.28 I enjoyed your information about the progress of t print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.06.28 Yesterday we mailed to you the entire manuscript o print preview
TO: Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.06.28 Ich habe erwartet nach dem Festkonzert in Darmstad print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.28 I am glad I will very soon see you here. print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.06.27 THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS: The Table of Contents and print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.06.27 Thank you for your letter of June 24. I am sorry t print preview
FROM: Keller, Hans, Music Survey 1949.06.26 Verzeihen Sie die kleine Verspätung; ich hatte le print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.06.26 Mit größtem Bedauern erfuhr ich, daß Sie Ihre na print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1949.06.25 I had a fine trip over here, and enjoyed it a grea print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.06.25 I hope that in the meantime you have received the print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.06.24 Ich möchte Ihnen nur sagen dass Ihr \"Pierrot\" wu print preview
FROM: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.06.24 haben Sie verbindlichsten Dank für Ihre freundlich print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.06.24 I just haphazardly discovered two misprints in Es print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.06.23 Ich bestätige Ihren Brief vom 7. Juni und bin ein print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.23 Thank you for your letter of the 14th. We are sorr print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1949.06.23 The 31st of August, 1949, marks the seventieth bir print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1949.06.23 Seit 4 Monaten bin ich ohne jede Nachricht von Euc print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1949.06.22 Da sich Herr Dr. Scherchen zur Zeit in Südamerika print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.22 I have just heard from Mr. Wagner in Sydney and I print preview
FROM: Mazer, Abraham, United Jewish Appeal 1949.06.22 As treasurer of the United Jewish Appeal, I learne print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Ernst, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.06.21 Mit bestem Dank retournieren wir Ihnen anbei das u print preview
FROM: Shamray, Rosanna, National Television Newsreels 1949.06.21 We are writing to you to ask about the possibility print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1949.06.20 Nuria lost two two, Ronny won one love and love th print preview
FROM: Morten, Skillick 1949.06.20 My late father left me a very interesting collecti print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.06.20 Ihr Entwurf ist sicherlich schon ein großer Forts print preview
TO: Myers, Rollo H., International Society for Contemporary Music 1949.06.18 I received your card of June 1. In your reply you print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.18 Enclosed you will find Ex. 14a, b and c. print preview
FROM: Thonger, Richard, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1949.06.17 The Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk, the British licens print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.06.17 Enclosed you\'ll find my check of $50.- for the ph print preview
FROM: Stein, Fritz, Genossenschaft dramatischer Schriftsteller und Komponisten in Wien 1949.06.17 Es ist uns eine Ehre, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, d print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1949.06.17 Ihr Brief vom 16. März ist in einen Stoß anderer print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.06.17 I had planned to send you an example whose title m print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1949.06.17 Danke Dir sehr für Deinen Bericht aus Palermo und print preview
TO: Petterson, Ada Belle 1949.06.17 Mr. Schoenberg wants me to inform you that he is r print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.06.16 Ihr Brief hat mich sehr beschaemt, und ich habe m print preview
FROM: Diamond, David 1949.06.16 I do not find a minute free to see you again befor print preview
TO: Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.06.15 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihr Telegramm, in dem Sie print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.15 You probably learned already that Mr. Broder had t print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.06.14 Bedauern Ihr Nichterscheinen zu unserer Musikwoche print preview
FROM: Petterson, Ada Belle 1949.06.14 Would it be possible for me to study composition w print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.14 This is just to let you know that the Brahms examp print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.06.14 Ich habe scheinbar vergessen Ihnen zu sagen, daß print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.06.14 I have made a new set of the music examples for Mr print preview
TO: Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.06.14 Dass ich die Ehre habe in diesen Festkonzerten tei print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.14 I am sorry you did not find enough interest in my print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.06.14 I am astonished that none of my works has yet been print preview
TO: Altadena, Office of the Sheriff 1949.06.14 I thank you very much for the great kindness in he print preview
TO: Lion, Markus 1949.06.14 I am very sorry that I am not in the position to v print preview
TO: Raid, Kaljo 1949.06.13 I would very much like to fulfill what you want me print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz 1949.06.13 The negative microfilm of Moses and Aron, which ha print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1949.06.12 Vor allem, bitte ich um Entschuldigung, daß ich so print preview
FROM: Diamond, David 1949.06.11 I would be so touched if you would be kind enough print preview
TO: Lundblad, Jane, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1949.06.11 I am very pleased to learn about your plan of havi print preview
TO: Watson, Dorothy, Los Angeles County Museum 1949.06.11 I have to apologize very much for the great delay print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.06.11 I forgot the carbon paper, but perhaps one can rea print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.06.10 In connection with your letter of June 7th, we wou print preview
FROM: Schnabel, Artur 1949.06.10 herzlichsten Dank für Ihre Frage nach meinem Befin print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.10 I am glad that my reaction to the Kammersymphonie print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.06.10 Many thanks for your letter of June 4. Please beli print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.06.10 Israel exists again. print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.06.10 Ich glaube nicht, dass ich solange warten kann. print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.06.10 A little delayed, because I had [to] order another print preview
TO: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.06.10 vor allem möchte ich mich entschuldigen für die Ve print preview
TO: Kastle, Leonard 1949.06.10 I have received your music and will send it back t print preview
FROM: Filippi, Amadeo de 1949.06.09 I must ask a thousand pardons for my delay in answ print preview
FROM: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.06.08 The editors of Nuestra Música and myself wish to t print preview
FROM: Dow, John 1949.06.08 I am writing to ask you for your autograph. (Pleas print preview
FROM: Diamond, David 1949.06.08 If it is at all possible for me to pay you another print preview
TO: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.06.08 To tell you the truth I had a very bad reception print preview
TO: Vélez, José 1949.06.08 It\'s a long time since I received you letter and print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1949.06.08 Ich habe von Ihren grossen Erfolgen in der letzten print preview
TO: Diamond, David 1949.06.08 Enclosed you will find the list of Mr Schoenberg' print preview
FROM: Griller, Sidney, University of California at Berkeley 1949.06.07 Thank you for your letter. It was so nice of you t print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.07 We should like to publish your \"Fantasia for Viol print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.07 Statement of Composer\'s Share: Theme and Variatio print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.06.07 Ich würde Sie sehr, sehr bitten mir in dieser Ange print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.06.07 Ich habe gehört, daß Manuskripte von mir im Hande print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.06.07 I received your letter addressed to Miss Newlin pr print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1949.06.07 Bis jetzt hat es sich herausgestellt, dass ich Ihr print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.07 I thank you very much for your kind letter about t print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.06.06 I am enclosing a copy of my letter sent Air Mail t print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.06 Every time I hear the Second Kammersymphonie I reg print preview
FROM: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.06.06 I wish to take this opportunity on behalf of the m print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.06.06 Thank you for your letter of June 4th. The parts w print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.06.04 Endlich nach so langer Zeit, komme ich heute dazu, print preview
FROM: Kastle, Leonard 1949.06.04 I can not begin to express my deep honor and appre print preview
TO: Griller, Sidney, Griller Quartet 1949.06.04 I have been informed right now, that the firm Brou print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz 1949.06.04 I received your letter and your check, but I am l print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1949.06.04 I assume that Broude Brothers can furnish you with print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.06.03 With the same mail I am asking Bomart to return th print preview
TO: Schnabel, Artur 1949.06.03 Ich habe gehört, daß es Ihnen gesundheitlich nicht print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1949.06.03 Mr. Warren Langlie is a student of mine since 1940 print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.06.03 I would like to know approximately when I can expe print preview
FROM: Rowan, Irwin, Composers-Authors Guild 1949.06.02 At this writing, our first radio transcription ser print preview
FROM: Myers, Rollo H. 1949.06.01 I am in receipt of your letter of May 21st re Musi print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.01 Herewith I enclose my tentative idea of a foreword print preview
FROM: Lion, Markus 1949.06.01 Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie sich noch an unsere gemeins print preview
FROM: Diamond, David 1949.06.01 It is not often that I come to California, and as print preview
TO: [various] 1949.06.01 Mr Schoenberg has contrived a method of teaching o print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1949.06.01 I need the orchestral parts of the Survivor for Ge print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.06.00 I am sorry that this one is so marked up with red print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.06.00 Diesen Entwurf habe ich für Rosbaud angefertigt. E print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.06.00 Will your please read this letter and find out, wh print preview
TO: Herrmann, Bernard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1949.06.00 Cordial thanks for the inspiring performing of my print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.05.31 I\'m extremely happy about your gracious willingne print preview
FROM: Stegman, G.F., University of Stellenbosch 1949.05.29 Thank you ever so much for your very kind letter a print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.05.28 Wir hören vom Hessischen Rundfunk, daß die Grammop print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.05.27 Je réponds en hâte aux questions de Dick Hoffmann. print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.05.26 herzlichsten Dank für Deinen Brief und die Antwort print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.05.26 Thank you for your kind note. I mailed the STRUCTU print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.26 I received this morning a copy of \"Melos\" and I print preview
TO: Simonds, Bruce, Yale University 1949.05.26 I should have answered earlier, but may I say fran print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.05.25 Nun haben unsere Juristen die Angelegenheit der Pe print preview
TO: [unknown] 1949.05.24 Ich glaube den Anfang von Pelleas könnte man ruhig print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.05.23 nach vielem herumreisen erhalte ich heute Ihren print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.05.22 I received your letter, and I am ready and willing print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.05.22 Ich erfahre von verschiedenen Seiten, dass meine M print preview
TO: CARE Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe 1949.05.22 My order from May 13 was returned to me only today print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1949.05.22 Mr. Schoenberg asked me to write you. He wanted to print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.05.21 Vielen Dank für Deinen lieben Brief. Wir sind glüc print preview
TO: Myers, Rollo H., International Society for Contemporary Music 1949.05.21 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg, I wish to draw your a print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.05.21 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I am sending a list of print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.05.20 I should have answered your last letters before th print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.05.20 Many thanks for your kind and informative letter o print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1949.05.20 Es tut mir riesig leid Sie durch mein Nichtschreib print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.05.20 Enclosed is a copy of the complete transcript of t print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.20 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I wish to inform you t print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.05.19 ich erfuhr schon auf der Rückreise in Bad Nauheim print preview
FROM: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1949.05.19 Please excuse the long delay in answering your com print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1949.05.19 I have delayed replying to your letter and suggest print preview
FROM: Grote, Ludwig, Der Blaue Reiter 1949.05.19 das Bayerische Kultusministerium und die Stadt print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1949.05.18 Ich brauche wohl nicht zu sagen wie stolz und glüc print preview
FROM: Lundblad, Jane, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1949.05.18 Our magazine Prisma, which is devoted to literatur print preview
FROM: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1949.05.18 As you requested I am returning the records of the print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1949.05.18 I have to inform you that I will not come to Europ print preview
TO: Jones, Richard C., Capitol Records, Inc 1949.05.18 Mr Schoenberg asked me to inform you of the exact print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.05.18 I cannot understand why you don't write me. print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.17 We have received your outline of the \"Extracts fr print preview
FROM: Kallir, Rudolf F. 1949.05.17 bitte verzeihen Sie mein langes Stillschweigen. Ic print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.05.17 Ich wusste nicht, dass das eine neugegründete Pl print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1949.05.16 Nun kommen Sie also nicht. Es ist mir schwer zu sa print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.05.16 Vielleicht interessieren Sie diese beiden Ausschni print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.05.16 It was wonderful hearing from you again, and the n print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.05.16 Thank you for your letter. I am very sorry that yo print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.16 On April 27, I sent you material of Extracts of Sc print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1949.05.16 I am writing on Mr. Schoenberg's behalf. He needs print preview
TO: Kostetzky, Eaghor 1949.05.15 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.05.15 herzlichsten Dank für den Brief und für Deine Mu print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.05.14 On Mr. Schoenberg's behalf I am answering the poi print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.13 Your letter of April 29 in which you wrote me abou print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.13 Thank you for your letter of May 9. I am only too print preview
FROM: Evarts, John, United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1949.05.13 Your letter of April 23rd brought with it consider print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.05.13 I hasten to send you this communication almost imm print preview
TO: Stegman, G.F., University of Stellenbosch 1949.05.13 Enclosed you find an autographed photograph of min print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.05.13 I received the photographs which I wanted to send print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.05.13 I am very pleased with your idea to perform my print preview
TO: Galindo, Blas, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.05.13 Thank you very much for your invitation to write a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.05.13 heute senden wir auch ein Care Packet. Wir denken print preview
TO: Filippi, Amadeo de 1949.05.13 It is very interesting to me that you like these T print preview
TO: Carlson, Alfred 1949.05.13 I received now the 25 photographs and thank you ve print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.05.12 Letzten Samstag fuhr ich nach Krefeld, um dort in print preview
TO: Broude Brothers Music 1949.05.11 Enclosed you will find a Postal Money Order to the print preview
TO: Wagner, Wolfgang W. 1949.05.11 I am very pleased to hear about your musical activ print preview
FROM: Watson, Dorothy, Special Libraries Association 1949.05.10 In the name of the Museum Librarians of the United print preview
FROM: Fleischer, Herbert 1949.05.10 Sie werden sich meiner vielleicht noch erinnern; s print preview
TO: Laaff, Ernst, Melos: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik 1949.05.10 ich komme leider erst heute dazu Ihren Brief vom 2 print preview
TO: David, Werner 1949.05.10 Ich bin so beschäftigt, daß ich erst heute Ihren print preview
TO: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1949.05.10 It is very seldom that one sees a letter which one print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.05.09 Today I can answer the various questions in your M print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang, Internationales Musikinstitut 1949.05.09 Sie werden vielleicht in der Zwischenzeit von Rufe print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.09 Thank you for informing me about the many performa print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1949.05.09 Es tut mir furchtbar leid, dass ich auch Sie nun e print preview
TO: Glock, William 1949.05.09 I thank you very cordially for your kind invitatio print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.05.08 How good it was to hear your voice today, after so print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1949.05.08 It will be always a great satisfaction to me that print preview
FROM: Burkat, Leonard, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.05.08 By an unfortunate mischance, your letter to me of print preview
TO: 1949.05.08 These are very well sounding words, Mr. Koussevitz print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.05.08 Today only a very short word. I thank you for your print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1949.05.08 Es tut mir furchtbar leid, dass ich Sie nicht sehe print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.05.08 Es wird für Sie vielliecht eine sehr große Entäusc print preview
TO: Hivert, Juliette 1949.05.08 I have enjoyed your letter very much. Firstly, bec print preview
FROM: Malipiero, Riccardo, Primo Congresso Internazionale per la Musica Dodecafonia 1949.05.07 binnen einigen Tagen werden manche Musikanten in M print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.07 Thank you most cordially for describing me so favo print preview
TO: Evarts, John, United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1949.05.07 I am very sorry to tell you that I hesitated so lo print preview
TO: Bodet, Jaime Torres, UNESCO 1949.05.07 Will you please excuse my delay in answering your print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.05.07 Enclosed you will find the Survivor proofs with co print preview
FROM: Simonds, Bruce, Yale University 1949.05.05 I am authorized by the officials of Yale Universit print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.05.04 I wrote you a few days ago about the possibility o print preview
FROM: [unknown], Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1949.05.04 der Nordwestdeutsche Rundfunk Berlin beehrt sich, print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1949.05.04 You might recall that the Erie Philharmonic last y print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.05.03 Sie haben mir mit den beiden Büchern eine große Fr print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.05.03 Yesterday afternoon we received from Mr. Schloss, print preview
TO: Malipiero, Riccardo 1949.05.03 Proudly I greet my companions who aim to present m print preview
TO: Keller, Hans, Music Survey 1949.05.02 Ich erinnere mich an Sie und zwar glaube ich war d print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.05.02 Enclosed you find my answers to your remarks in th print preview
FROM: De la Torre, Roberto 1949.05.00 [no text] print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.05.00 Mr. Wagner from Sidney, Australia writes me that h print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1949.04.30 Zwar hatte ich das Vergnügen, vor acht Jahren mit print preview
FROM: Raid, Kaljo 1949.04.30 Some weeks ago I had the priviledge of listening t print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.04.30 Thank you for your last letter. With regard to the print preview
TO: Broude Brothers Music 1949.04.30 Thank you for the quotation for the cost of the ma print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.29 I thought you might be interested to know that we print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W. 1949.04.29 Mr. La[ng]lie who studies with me has tri print preview
FROM: Thomas, Jean, UNESCO 1949.04.28 I take the liberty of calling your attention to th print preview
FROM: Galindo, Blas, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1949.04.28 Under separate cover we have the pleasure of sendi print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.04.28 This is to thank you for your kind letter of April print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Ernst, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.04.27 Von einer längeren Reise nach Wien zurückgekehrt, print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.27 I thought you might be interested in the reviews f print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.04.27 Thank you for your letter of April 23. Of course w print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.27 I am now in the position to answer your letter of print preview
TO: Carlson, Alfred 1949.04.27 Mr Schoenberg wants me to ask you, whether you cou print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.04.26 We shall be very glad to send you the proofs of yo print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.04.26 I just remember that I never saw proofs of the Vor print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.25 A few days ago I told you that I had played the re print preview
FROM: Keller, Hans, Music Survey 1949.04.25 Ich habe die Kontroverse zwischen Ihnen und Mann i print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1949.04.25 By mistake I have forgotten to enclose this letter print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1949.04.24 Gestern abend müssen Dir lieber Arnold, die Ohren print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.04.23 Ich habe Ihren Brief bekommen und auch den Brief v print preview
TO: Evarts, John, United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1949.04.23 Thank you very much for your very kind letter and print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.04.23 I am glad you liked my article and would like to k print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1949.04.23 I see I have to tell you why I did not answer you print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.04.23 Thank you for sending me the bound copy of my Thre print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.04.23 I gave your address of the photographer for your l print preview
TO: Simon, Erich 1949.04.23 Universal Edition contends that you should have th print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.04.23 It is not necessary to recopy the examples for Hea print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1949.04.23 There is a possibility that Mr. Arthur Cohn, The F print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.22 Mr. Heinsheimer has told me about the \"Fantasia f print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.04.22 I am sending you today a litttle circular of our c print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.04.22 I enclose a prospectus of the Summer School of Mus print preview
FROM: Filippi, Amadeo de 1949.04.22 Thank you so much for your kind reply. It is shock print preview
TO: Kerr, Harrison, United States Department of the Army 1949.04.22 I thank you very much for your kind offer to give print preview
TO: Broude Brothers Music 1949.04.22 I understand you possess the material of Schönberg print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.04.22 Thank you very much for sending me the record of m print preview
TO: Mann, Robert 1949.04.22 I have already been informed by the Ojai Festival print preview
TO: Bauer, John Leopold Jergens, Ojai Festival, Ltd 1949.04.22 I received with great pleasure your news about the print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.04.22 Enclosed you will find a Correction List which inc print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1949.04.22 Für heute, nur eine kurze Nachricht, aber ich glau print preview
FROM: Kostka, Robert 1949.04.21 I am studying Visual Design at the Institute of De print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.04.21 Thank you for your letter of April 13, 1949. print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.04.20 I am sorry that it took so long to acknowledge rec print preview
FROM: Stanley, Louis 1949.04.20 I am quite surprised at your taking objection to p print preview
TO: Archipenko, Alexander 1949.04.20 I have not been present at the Round Table for Art print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.04.20 Heute oder Morgen schicke ich das Paket ab mit dem print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.04.20 Ich höre mit Vergnügen, dass Du nach Europa fahrst print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.04.19 Ich danke Ihnen für Ihren Brief vom 9.ds.M. und ha print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.04.19 wir sind auf der Frühlingstour durch den Staat, ei print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.04.19 I just heard from Broude Brothers that I could buy print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.04.18 At last I can send you three copies of your chorus print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.04.17 herzlichsten Dank für Deinen Brief. Ich habe mich print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.04.17 die Adresse, unter der ich bis Anfang Mai zu errei print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.04.16 ich erhielt Ihren Brief v.8.April. Schade, daß Sie print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.04.16 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to write you regarding an a print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.15 Thank you for your letter of April 13. I am glad print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.04.15 By now you will have heard that I received the Mah print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.04.15 Danke Ihnen vielmals für Ihren lieben Brief. Ja es print preview
FROM: Kostetzky, Eaghor 1949.04.15 Ich bitte Sie freundlichst um eine Signatur auf di print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.04.15 We are endeavoring to bring our Survey up to date, print preview
FROM: Colodny, Dorothy N., California School of Fine Arts 1949.04.14 Mr. MacAgy has asked me to forward the enclosed ch print preview
FROM: Kerr, Harrison, United States Department of the Army 1949.04.13 Mr. John Evarts, who is the Chief of the Theatre & print preview
FROM: Mann, Robert 1949.04.13 Perhaps you do not remember me. I am the member of print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.04.13 You were very thoughtful to have not only sent a w print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.13 I thank you for your good news about the Variation print preview
TO: Eckertsen, Dean E., Concerts Against Cancer 1949.04.13 May I say frankly that I would suggest that you ch print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.04.13 I answer first to the Koussevitzky incident. You n print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.04.13 Es ist zwar etwas spät, aber ich habe doch zuerst print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.04.13 We sent the Mahler only on April 8, but by now, I print preview
TO: Kallir, Rudolf F. 1949.04.13 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für die höchst interessante M print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.04.12 Beiliegend sende ich Ihnen die Abrechnung, getrenn print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.04.12 hoffentlich haben Sie meine Briefe v.16.3. und 2./ print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.04.12 You'll be glad to know that the registered packag print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1949.04.12 We have gathered a remarkable album of letters as print preview
FROM: Glock, William 1949.04.12 I hear from my friend Erwin Stein that you may be print preview
TO: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.04.12 Mr. Schoenberg is very anxious to know whether you print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.04.12 Ich danke Dir sehr für deinen letzten Brief. print preview
TO: Burkat, Leonard, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.04.11 I come back to your letter of February 27 in whic print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1949.04.11 I just heard that a Mr. Leonard Burkat, Boston Sym print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1949.04.10 At last, we bought a house, and are now comfortabl print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.04.09 Konto neue Werke | Abrechnung für Verlagstantiemen print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1949.04.09 The included article refers to the story which you print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.04.09 I need urgently two sets of the Pierrot Lunaire, p print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1949.04.09 The story of the third trombone is entirely true. print preview
TO: Filippi, Amadeo de 1949.04.09 Thank you very much for speaking to me in such a g print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.04.08 Ihre Zusage, unsere Musikwoche durch Ihre Anwesenh print preview
FROM: Bauer, John Leopold Jergens, Ojai Festival, Ltd 1949.04.08 The Juilliard String Quartet is making its Califor print preview
TO: Barta, Charles, California Department of Employment 1949.04.08 Your questionnaire embarrasses me in the highest d print preview
TO: Kolb, Leon, American Jewish Congress 1949.04.08 For some time already, I go around with the plan t print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.04.08 Um Ihnen rasch zu antworten, werde ich vielleicht print preview
FROM: Filippi, Amadeo de 1949.04.07 I have been studying your Drei Satiren für gemisch print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.04.07 Corrections of Mahler article. print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.04.06 Statement of Composer\'s Share, Concerto for Cello print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.04.06 It is with regret that I must report my loss of th print preview
FROM: Byrns, Harold, Los Angeles Chamber-Symphony Society 1949.04.06 darf ich Ihnen nocheinmal sagen, mit welcher tiefe print preview
FROM: Bromfield, Louis, American Eretz-Israel Association 1949.04.06 At a juncture of history, permeated by global fear print preview
FROM: Archipenko, Alexander 1949.04.06 Respecting your efforts to find the key of truth t print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1949.04.05 Vor allem möchte ich Dir das März Care-Paket bestä print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.04.05 I was a bit worried when I arrived here yesterday print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.04.05 Today I am writing to you in order to ask you for print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.04.05 Second list of corrections to Second & Third Proof print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.04.04 Ich muß Sie vielmals um Entschuldigung bitten, ve print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1949.04.04 Leider habe ich einige Tage verstreichen lassen mü print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.04.03 Heute lasen wir in einer amerik. Zeitschrift sehr print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.04.02 Ihr Mahnbrief v.8.März kam einen Tag nachdem ich I print preview
TO: Swift, Henry F., San Francisco Art Association 1949.04.02 I want to thank you for your invitation to the Art print preview
FROM: Evarts, John, United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1949.04.01 Mr. Rufer has written you, I believe, that in my c print preview
FROM: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.04.01 At a recent concert conducted by Eleazar de Carval print preview
FROM: Kallir, Rudolf F. 1949.04.01 Vor einiger Zeit habe ich meiner Musikautographens print preview
TO: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.04.01 Though it is impossible for me to come to San Fran print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1949.04.01 Es ist mir leider doch nicht möglich, nach San Fra print preview
FROM: Eckertsen, Dean E., Concerts Against Cancer 1949.04.00 Very seldom in our lifetime is it possible to help print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.03.31 It was good to have your letter and I am delighted print preview
FROM: Orenstein, Martin, Juilliard School of Music 1949.03.31 We thought that it was so rewarding an experience print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.03.31 In reply of your letter of the 29th briefly the print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.30 Thank you for your recent letter and for sending m print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.03.29 herzlichsten Dank für Deinen Brief. Glaube mir bi print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.03.29 Lesen Sie was in diesem Intelligent Digest über Is print preview
TO: Toldi, Julius 1949.03.29 Mr Schoenberg asks me to tell you that he suggests print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J. 1949.03.29 On February 27. we sent you the proof-corrections print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.03.29 Under separate cover, I send you today a package, print preview
FROM: Bodet, Jaime Torres, UNESCO 1949.03.28 This year the world is celebrating the first cente print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.03.28 Il est vraiment dommage que vous n\'ayez pas reçu print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.03.28 Thank you for your letter of March 21, 1949. Yeste print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.03.26 Luckily your letter reached me just before I left print preview
FROM: Laaff, Ernst, Melos: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik 1949.03.25 für Ihre freundlichen Zeilen vom 15. Februar und d print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.25 Thank you for your letter of March 23. All I want print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1949.03.25 I received your letter and was very pleased to hea print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.03.24 My plans have been somewhat upset by a two-week il print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.03.24 Under separate cover, we are mailing a set of 26 o print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.03.24 I am delighted to learn of your prospective trip t print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.03.23 Votre Quintette a marché de manière sensationelle. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.23 I don\'t quite understand, what for you want to gi print preview
TO: MacAgy, Douglas, San Francisco Art Association 1949.03.23 I have been invited to three cities in Germany. Tw print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.03.23 Ich hoffe Du warst nicht beleidigt, daß ich den B print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1949.03.23 The answers to these letters from November and Dec print preview
TO: Eilers, Elise 1949.03.23 I have to write to Mr. McAgy that he should not c print preview
FROM: Grear, Isabel, Albuquerque Civic Symphony Orchestra 1949.03.22 I am enclosing a letter-leaflet which was prepared print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.03.22 I have now all twelve articles and I have just dis print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.03.21 gerade sollte ein Brief an Sie abgehen, der meine print preview
FROM: Swift, Henry F., San Francisco Art Association 1949.03.21 The San Francisco Art Association is honored that print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Lending Music Library in Tel Aviv 1949.03.21 At the suggestion of Mrs. Moshe Shertok, the wife print preview
FROM: Kolb, Leon, American Jewish Congress 1949.03.21 The Northern California Division of the American J print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.03.21 Enclosed, I send you an article of mine, which wil print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.21 Thank you very much for sending me the records of print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.03.21 I received a letter from Mr Hartog, Flat 307, Keye print preview
TO: Hartog, Howard 1949.03.21 I am happy to have received your very pleasant inf print preview
TO: Greissle, Hermann 1949.03.21 We enjoyed your letter very much which informed us print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.03.20 I think my mother is including a note to you with print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.03.18 sorry forgot Rufer address Juttastrasse 16 Berlin print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dorothy H. 1949.03.18 Herewith I enclose the final copies of the Style a print preview
FROM: Gilbert, L. Wolfe, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.03.18 Enclosed is your ballot for the election of a West print preview
TO: Standard Oil Company 1949.03.18 I would like to know, whether you appointed Mr. De print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.17 I was delighted to see from your letter that you l print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.17 I thought you might be interested in the enclosed print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.03.17 Vielen Dank fuer Ihren Brief und Ihre Bereitwillig print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.03.17 Today I am writing to you in English because: 1) I print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1949.03.17 Very sorry for misunderstandings. Of course I print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.03.17 Please wire Rufers address will send cable immedia print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, University of Wisconsin 1949.03.17 Vielen Dank für Deine beiden Briefe. Sobald ich Ru print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.03.17 endlich komme ich dazu Deinen außerordentlich lieb print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1949.03.16 Herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich habe die 2. K print preview
FROM: Eilers, Elise, San Francisco Art Association 1949.03.16 In order that we may be as much help to you as pos print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.03.16 Sie sind sicher schon ungeduldig auf meine Antwort print preview
FROM: Lehner, Lucca Marie 1949.03.16 Ihr Brief kam gerade nachdem Jenoe nach New York a print preview
FROM: San Francisco Art Association 1949.03.15 In presenting \"The Western Roundtable on Modern A print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.03.15 I hope that you will forgive me for the delay in r print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.03.15 Ich freue mich sehr von Ihnen nach so langer Zeit print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1949.03.15 Das ist eine kolossale Überraschung, daß Sie in N print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1949.03.15 Seit langem habe ich garnichts von Ihnen gehört, a print preview
FROM: Vélez, José 1949.03.14 It is now more than six months since I arrived in print preview
FROM: Barta, Charles, California Department of Employment 1949.03.14 The information which you and your attorney, Mr. T print preview
TO: Fendler, Harold A. 1949.03.14 The manner in which Mr. Str[avinsky] is treated by print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang, Internationales Musikinstitut 1949.03.14 Ich beeile mich Ihren Brief vom 30. März sofort zu print preview
TO: Beckmann, Eberhard, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.03.14 Ich bin durch meinen Schüler und Freund, Winfried print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.14 Thank you very much for the telegram which informe print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.14 Beigeschlossen ein Brief an Herrn H.H.Stuckenschmi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1949.03.13 Last year when I got married, I neglected to tell print preview
FROM: Stegman, G.F., University of Stellenbosch 1949.03.12 Thank you ever so much for your kind letter with a print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1949.03.12 Deine Diskussion am Telephon mit Trude, die ich te print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.03.12 Ich bin von 3 Städten in Deutschland eingeladen im print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.11 I have your letter of March 8 and a score of your print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W. 1949.03.11 Broadcast Variations tomorrow 2:00 your time stati print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.11 Dr. Stuckenschmidt has recently come to the United print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.03.11 On me dit que vous viendrez peut-être en Europe ce print preview
FROM: Bernstein, Leonard, American Friends of the Hebrew University 1949.03.11 A few weeks ago I wrote you requesting that you pe print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.03.11 On Mr. Schoenberg's directions, I am sending unde print preview
TO: Epling, Carl 1949.03.11 I thank you for your invitation to a smoker in hon print preview
TO: Downes, Olin 1949.03.11 Being Scapegoat of Russian restrictions on mus print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang, Internationales Musikinstitut 1949.03.10 Mit großer Freude erhielt ich soeben Ihren Brief v print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1949.03.10 Anliegend erlaube ich mir, Ihnen die drei Programm print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1949.03.10 I feel embarrassed about not having answered your print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin 1949.03.10 Will you join with other outstanding American musi print preview
FROM: Kaufman, Ben, Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America 1949.03.09 I attach hereto the descriptive folder mentioned i print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1949.03.09 Clara Silvers sagt mir, daß Du möchtest, daß Du print preview
TO: Krieg, Walter, Universitätsbuchhandlung 1949.03.09 Ich habe Ihren Brief in dem Sie mich um Sendung vo print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.09 You didn't tell me the hour when my Variations fo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1949.03.09 Ich bin ganz entsetzt über Deinen Autounfall. print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.03.09 Nachdem ich so lange garnichts von Dir gehört habe print preview
TO: Henze, Bruno 1949.03.09 Ich bin leider nicht in der Lage Ihren Wunsch zu e print preview
FROM: Morrison, T., Morley College Concerts Society 1949.03.08 The Morley College Concerts Society, which, as you print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1949.03.08 Thank you very much for your letter of March 5th a print preview
FROM: Draper, Carlaud, W. W. Norton 1949.03.08 In Mr. Lunt\'s absence, I wish to acknowledge the print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.08 I thank you for your letter of March 5. We had to print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.08 Thank you very much for your last letter; but let print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.03.08 Vor einiger Zeit, das Datum werde ich Ihnen gleich print preview
TO: Newlin, Dorothy H. 1949.03.07 Upon order of your daughter, Dika, I send you unde print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1949.03.07 Enclosed you find the copy of a letter from the Co print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.05 I have just received six copies of each of my 3 Fo print preview
TO: Rosenthal, Erwin 1949.03.05 I thank you very much for informing me about the s print preview
TO: Limonick, Natalie 1949.03.05 Mr. Schoenberg wonders if you have been kind enoug print preview
FROM: Braun, R. A. 1949.03.04 Invoice. Neue Rundschau print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.04 I have your letter of March 2 in which you say tha print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.03.04 Today I finished going over your corrections to th print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.03.04 It was gratifying to be able to report to the San print preview
FROM: Braun, Joan 1949.03.04 Allow me to inform you that after finishing severa print preview
TO: Hartmann, Ernst, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.03.04 Beiliegend finden Sie eine Photographie aus der le print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1949.03.04 Ich habe schon lange von Ihnen nichts gehört print preview
TO: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.03.04 I am afraid I must tell you that you should better print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.03.04 Ihr Gedicht \"Kaddisch\" ist wirklich ein wundervo print preview
TO: Lange, Francisco Curt 1949.03.04 Thank you very much for your letter. | I regret ve print preview
TO: Rau, Catherine 1949.03.03 As much as I would like to come and meet your audi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.03.02 I am very sorry about the incorrectness of Compose print preview
FROM: Beckmann, Eberhard, Hessischer Rundfunk 1949.03.02 Es dürfte Ihnen vielleicht bekannt geworden sein, print preview
FROM: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1949.03.02 Thank you for your letter of February 25 and your print preview
TO: Odren, Richard, Veterans Hospital 1949.03.02 I will try to have a copy of one or perhaps two of print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.02 To my greatest bewilderment I was informed that my print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1949.03.02 Thank you very much for sending me the report of w print preview
TO: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1949.03.02 Ich habe von Ihren Kursen in Darmstadt schon von m print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1949.03.02 Ich habe natürlicherweise nicht die Zeit lange Bri print preview
TO: Kraus, Else C. 1949.03.02 Ich habe mich sehr über Ihren Brief gefreut und ic print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.03.01 Semi-Annual Royalty Statement from G. Schirmer, In print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.03.01 I am writing to report that so far I have received print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.03.01 This is only to let you know that the Brahms with print preview
TO: United States Department of Justice 1949.03.01 I am the sole owner of the composition of the Thre print preview
TO: Frederickson, Hausena, University of California at Los Angles 1949.03.01 Thank you for the information regarding the Resear print preview
TO: Burkat, Leonard, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.03.01 I thank you very much for your interesting news. I print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.03.01 The "Vorbemerkungen" are published in all my orc print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.03.01 We have already sent you the Brahms with its corre print preview
FROM: Hivert, Juliette 1949.03.00 In advance we beg you forgiveness for the liberty print preview
FROM: Barrows, John R., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.02.28 Enclosed you will find a blueprint copy of the orc print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1949.02.28 I returned from my trip to Europe a few weeks ago print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.02.28 At last your choruses have come off the press. I a print preview
FROM: Lange, Francisco Curt 1949.02.28 Ich bin seit Juni in diesem Lande, habe in za. 20 print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.02.28 I must ask you to write to this "Composer's Reco print preview
TO: Burk, John N., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.02.28 In the interest of the subject for which I wrote t print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.02.27 I was very much worried when I got Mr. Hoffmann's print preview
FROM: Burkat, Leonard, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.02.27 Not long ago I was fortunate enough to acquire a s print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.27 In your last letter to Mr. List you asked not to print preview
TO: Stearns, Peter 1949.02.27 This is intended to help Mr. Peter Stearns who is print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1949.02.26 [not readable] print preview
FROM: Rau, Catherine 1949.02.26 We thank you very much for your telegram of Februa print preview
TO: Musicians' International Directory and Biographical Record 1949.02.26 I am sorry I cannot fill out your list of question print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.26 Harmonics should be written thus: (Examples on att print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.02.25 I received a program of the performance of Ode to print preview
FROM: Meyer, Joseph, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.02.25 Enclosed is the official ballot for election of wr print preview
TO: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1949.02.25 Though I am still alittle offended by your abrupt print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.25 On account of my eye-trouble I am unable to read t print preview
FROM: Steinecke, Wolfgang 1949.02.24 Schon lange wollte ich Ihnen schreiben, um Ihnen v print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.02.24 In May we shall have - in connection with the cent print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.02.23 I have just been notified by the Philadelphia Orch print preview
FROM: Burk, John N., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.02.23 I have read with interest your pointed and print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1949.02.22 Es war ein sehr, sehr großer Publicums-Erfolg.- X print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1949.02.22 Nehmen Sie sehr herzlichen Dank für die frdl. Zuse print preview
FROM: MacAgy, Douglas, California School of Fine Arts 1949.02.21 The San Francisco Art Association plans a Western print preview
FROM: Bernstein, Leonard, American Friends of the Hebrew University 1949.02.21 During the summer of 1948, at the Berkshire Music print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.02.20 The letter enclosed herewith contains verbatim the print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger 1949.02.20 I was so glad to hear direct news of you from Nixo print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.02.19 Would you be kind enough to send us your "first v print preview
FROM: Frederickson, Hausena, University of California at Los Angles 1949.02.18 Provost Dykstra has asked me to inform you that he print preview
TO: Fendler, Harold A. 1949.02.18 I consider it my duty to present my opinion about print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.18 The title will be "A Survivor from Warsaw' becau print preview
TO: Ladd, George, Prisma, P.A. Nordstedt & Söhne 1949.02.18 It gives me great pleasure to write this recommend print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Ernst, Universal-Edition A.G. 1949.02.17 Wir sind eben dabei, in Zusammenarbeit mit Erwin R print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1949.02.17 Wir haben jetzt hintereinander Feier - und Festtag print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.02.17 Ich hoffe, Sie haben inzwischen meinen Brief vom print preview
FROM: Rau, Catherine 1949.02.16 We thank you for your letter of January 23, and le print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1949.02.16 Your letter of the 10th to hand and I am very sorr print preview
TO: Milhaud, Darius 1949.02.16 Unfortunately I had to cancel my visit and lecture print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.02.15 I will make every effort to arrive at your home at print preview
FROM: Nathan, Reuben S., United States Department of the Army 1949.02.15 This office wishes to thank you for your prompt re print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.02.15 I received your letter of February 10 which rather print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1949.02.15 Es ist ziemlich lange her, seit ich zuletzt an Dic print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.02.15 Es fällt mir plötzlich ein--or rather I suddenly r print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.15 I don't know whether you know about my former pup print preview
TO: Laaff, Ernst, B. Schott's Söhne 1949.02.15 Voraussetzend daß das beiliegende Porträt nicht ei print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans 1949.02.15 Ich fürchte ich kann nicht alle Ihre Fragen in vol print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.02.15 beiliegend die Bilder + Unterschrift. Schade nur, print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.02.14 The package containing Menschenrechte, Criteria an print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.02.14 Our letters seem to have crossed. Your choruses sh print preview
FROM: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1949.02.14 I wish we could help you in regard to your request print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.14 I have just read through the proofs of the Survivo print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.02.12 haben Sie vielen Dank für Ihren Brief, und bitte b print preview
TO: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.02.12 I thank you very much for your intervention on my print preview
FROM: Nathan, Reuben S., United States Department of the Army 1949.02.10 We have been requested to obtain original German c print preview
TO: Nathan, Reuben S., United States Department of the Army 1949.02.10 In response to your message telephoned to me this print preview
TO: Lehner, Eugene 1949.02.10 meine Musik ist in Amerika und auch im gegenwärtig print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1949.02.10 It proves that Mr. Weinrich's registration is not print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.02.10 Herr Rufer schreibt mir aus Berlin-Zehlendorf, daß print preview
TO: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1949.02.10 May I ask you whether you have parts of my Pierrot print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.02.10 Did you receive my letter from January 3? print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.02.09 I am delighted to hear that Miss Newlin is doing s print preview
FROM: Krieg, Walter 1949.02.09 Mit meinem ausführlichen Schreiben vom 2. November print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1949.02.08 Just a few lines to ask you for a favor. Could you print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1949.02.08 I looked through your whole book (Thesaurus of Sca print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1949.02.08 The correct date is April 11, 1941 - I cannot und print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.02.08 Ich fürchte das wird ein furchtbar langer Brief we print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.02.08 The best would be to inform me two or three days b print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1949.02.07 Nun habe ich also das Klavierkonzert dirigiert. St print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1949.02.07 For my various writings I need the exact date of y print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1949.02.07 Zuerst muß ich Sie tausendmal um Entschuldigung be print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr. 1949.02.07 I am grievously ashamed of myself not to have than print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1949.02.07 I hoped to find among my music parts of Pierrot Lu print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.02.05 I cannot tell you how heart-sick this whole Broude print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.02.05 I am very disappointed, I must admit, about the sa print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.02.05 [not seen] print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.02.05 Mr. Schoenberg is very nervous because he has not print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1949.02.04 Ãœber einen Monat lang habe ich versucht, der Gripp print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1949.02.04 Would it be possible to have an appointment with y print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1949.02.04 Many thanks for your letter. On second thought I a print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.02.04 I return today the two articles -- Menschenrechte print preview
FROM: Byrns, Harold, Los Angeles Chamber-Symphony Society 1949.02.03 darf ich Sie eine Minute stoeren? --Wir mussten fü print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.02.03 After having gone into our records with a view tow print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.02.02 In connection with your communication of January 3 print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1949.02.02 Herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich bin nicht gan print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.02.02 A West Coast Meeting of the Society will be held o print preview
FROM: B. Schott's Söhne 1949.02.01 wir benötigen zur Illustration eines musikwissensc print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.02.01 Correction 12-tone and Style and Idea. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.02.00 vielen Dank für die schönen Aschenbecher. Ich find print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.01.31 heute kam Ihre Sendung Fotos, die uns große Freude print preview
FROM: Allbritton, Florence Ziegler, Louisiana State University 1949.01.31 We are very anxious to include several of your mos print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dorothy H., Michigan State College 1949.01.31 At Dika\'s request I am enclosing herewith the fin print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.31 Today I mail you a package which should include 1) print preview
FROM: Behrens, Bud 1949.01.31 Recently Mr Stravinsky stated in one of his public print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.01.31 Ich habe die Ode an Napoleon, Englisch komponiert. print preview
TO: Limonick, Natalie 1949.01.31 Mr. Schoenberg has still not received the minimum print preview
TO: Behrens, Bud 1949.01.31 Generalization produces too often the ridiculous. print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1949.01.31 I am very upset about the account of my Harmoniele print preview
TO: Robin, Harry L., Louria-Robin, Inc 1949.01.30 Since Mr. Schoenberg wrote you for the program not print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1949.01.29 I am quite upset about the contract which the Brou print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.28 Today the typed copies of The Relationship to the print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.01.27 I hope you have by now received some word from Bro print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.27 We have been extremely busy here giving semester e print preview
TO: Stegman, G.F., University of Stellenbosch 1949.01.26 The Situation of music resembles in some respect, print preview
FROM: Broude, Alexander, Broude Brothers Music 1949.01.25 We have had several meetings with Miss Clara Silve print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1949.01.25 Your demand that I participate in contributing to print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.25 The task to be editor of the articles in my own En print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.01.24 It gives me great pleasure to inform you that at a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1949.01.23 Excerpt concerning Arnold Schoenberg which was tak print preview
FROM: Strauss, Robert N. 1949.01.23 I am gathering material for a collection, to be pu print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1949.01.23 heute erhielt ich Euer Bild! Ich habe so grosse Fr print preview
TO: Rau, Catherine 1949.01.23 Unfortunately it seems not probable that my health print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1949.01.21 Würden Sie mir, verehrtester Herr Professor, bei e print preview
FROM: Guthman, Seymour S., Slattery & Guthman 1949.01.21 This will acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of you print preview
TO: Oesterreich-Institut 1949.01.21 Ich habe für ähnliche Zwecke die beiliegende Aufzä print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.01.20 Forwarded telegram immediately. Trying to hasten m print preview
FROM: Henze, Bruno 1949.01.20 verzeihen Sie, wenn ich Sie mit einer Bitte beläst print preview
TO: Hunt, Charles B., Jr., University of California at Los Angles 1949.01.20 Mr. Schoenberg wants to inform you that there is n print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.01.20 I would like to know whether the Partisan Review a print preview
FROM: Hunt, Charles B., Jr., University of California at Los Angles 1949.01.19 Thank you for your letter of December 11 in refere print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1949.01.19 Herr Schoenberg ersucht dass ich Ihren Brief über print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1949.01.18 In the early spring The League of Composers will s print preview
FROM: Fuchs, Martin, Austria, Consulate General, New York 1949.01.18 Das Generalsekretariat des Österreich-Instituts ha print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1949.01.18 Beiliegend 4 Koupons für Air mail. | Schreiben Sie print preview
TO: Kraus, Else C. 1949.01.18 Ich sende heute an Sie eine photostatische Verklei print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1949.01.18 Would like to learn Broude's decision about struc print preview
FROM: McNaughton, Patton C., University of California at Los Angles 1949.01.17 I am in the process of intensive research under th print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.17 The two registered packages of manuscript arrived print preview
FROM: Fuller, Donald, League of Composers, Inc 1949.01.17 Naturally I was most pleased to receive your prova print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.17 Mr. Schoenberg asks me to thank you for the articl print preview
FROM: Rau, Catherine 1949.01.16 By this same post, I am sending you invitations to print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1949.01.15 wir haben von unserer Tochter Nachricht, daß sie print preview
TO: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.01.15 Thank you very much for your very kind letter and print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.14 Indeed I am not offended--only very sorry that I print preview
TO: Guthman, Seymour S. 1949.01.14 Upon instruction of Mr. Milton S. Koblitz I send y print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.01.13 Jacqueline Mernick Felix Greissle Married print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1949.01.13 Wie ich mich über Ihren langen Brief gefreut habe, print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.01.13 This is just to let you know that we have decided print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1949.01.12 Enclosed you will find a letter from Herr Stuckens print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.12 Today I am sending you the revised versions of the print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.12 I return today, your and my manuscript of Brahms. print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.01.11 I am mailing to you under separate cover a copy of print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1949.01.11 With further reference to your recent letter to me print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1949.01.11 ich weiß, wie kostbar Ihre Zeit ist und bitte Sie print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.11 You have done extremely good work with your revisi print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.10 It was good to have your fine letter today - indee print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1949.01.10 hab Dank für Deinen Brief. Da ich augenblicklich e print preview
FROM: Brisch, Klaus 1949.01.09 Wenn ich mich an Sie wende, dann nicht, ohne Sie m print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.08 Here at last is "Brahms"--I hope in a form which print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.01.08 es tut mir sehr leid, Sie gekränkt zu haben. Das w print preview
TO: Mayfield, John S. 1949.01.07 My "Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte" has been publish print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1949.01.06 Today I am mailing to you the results of my editin print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.01.06 vielen Dank für das herrliche Geschenk für das Bab print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1949.01.06 I am terribly sorry I delayed the answer to your l print preview
FROM: Schuller, Gunther Alexander 1949.01.05 Vielleicht entsinnen Sie sich noch auf meine print preview
FROM: Steiner, Arnoldo 1949.01.04 Lange Zeit ist vergangen seit unserem letzten Brie print preview
TO: Rodey, Maria-Elise 1949.01.04 [not seen] print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1949.01.04 (so habe ich dich wohl immer angeredet, wenn ich n print preview
TO: [various] 1949.01.03 Mr Arnold Schoenberg has contrived a method of ext print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1949.01.03 Thank you very much for reminding me of the phonet print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1949.01.03 es tut mir leid, daß ich deinen Brief erst heute print preview
TO: Inman, Charles 1949.01.03 In response to your letter, Mr. Schoenberg advises print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1949.01.03 Ich erhielt heute Ihren Brief vom 29/XII und so se print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1949.01.02 Thank you so very much for the photograph and your print preview
FROM: Berlstein, Alfred, New York Public Library 1949.01.02 Many thanks for your reprints and for your good wi print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1949.01.00 I am afraid the Poles wi[ll] be disappointed when print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1949.00.00 No. 81255, The attached check is in payment of the print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1949.00.00 [not seen] This singer is very different from the print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1949.00.00 Die Ode war ein Riesenerfolg beide Male. Das zweit print preview
FROM: Braun, Joan 1949.00.00 My long experience in doing scriptwork has enabled print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1949.00.00 Ich habe mich so innig gefreut, nach so langer Zei print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1949.00.00 Lange, lange habe ich nicht geschrieben. Ich habe print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems 1949.00.00 Approximately a year ago a number of "friends of print preview
TO: 1949.00.00 This is to confirm that I, Professor Arnold Schoen print preview
TO: 1949.00.00 Ich habe so viele Briefe zu beantworten, deswegen print preview
TO: 1949.00.00 Ich habe mit Peters angefangen über St. & I. zu ve print preview
TO: Burk, John N., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1949.00.00 Enclosed I send the comment on my Theme and Variat print preview
TO: Schubart, Mark, Juilliard School of Music 1949.00.00 It seems to me more appropriate to rather tell you print preview
TO: Tennis Patrons of Santa Monica 1949.00.00 enclosed my application for membership and my chec print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1949.00.00 I return the little book by _ _ _ _ _. print preview
TO: Los Angeles City School Districts 1949.00.00 This is to verify that H. Endicott Hanson studied print preview
TO: Nachod, Edith Gertrude 1949.00.00 I assume your main object is an autograph of mine. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1949-00.00 Statement of Composer´s Share. Suite for String Or print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1949 Haben Sie herzlichsten Dank für Ihre so lieben Zei print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.12.31 The following is our agreement: The undersigned (h print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.31 On December 15 we mailed, for your approval, the r print preview
FROM: Fergusson, Erna 1948.12.31 I deeply appreciate your kindness in sending me an print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin 1948.12.31 Replying to your kind letter of December 21st, I m print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.31 Return receipt. Received from the Postmaster the R print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.31 Return receipt. Received from the Postmaster the R print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.31 I am terribly busy finishing my book on Counterpoi print preview
FROM: Rodey, Maria-Elise 1948.12.30 It is with some hesitation that I write, knowing t print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.30 Everything speaks in favor of Leibowitz: he is a f print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.29 I received a sample copy of \"Thyl Claes\" by Wlad print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.29 Many thanks for your letter of December 23rd. I print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1948.12.29 Jahre, bald ein Jahrzehnt seit unsrem letzten Brie print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1948.12.28 Wir haben dankend Eure beiden Briefe, den einen vo print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.26 Thank you for your letter of December 20th. I do h print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1948.12.25 diese Zeilen bringen Ihnen mit dem Glückwunsch für print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.25 I remember the great loss which we all had to expe print preview
FROM: Kyogoku, Takatoshi 1948.12.24 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.23 All your requests in your letter of December 17th print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.12.23 Thank you for your offer to negotiate about an art print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.12.22 I have now completed the preliminary "going-over\ print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1948.12.22 Sie können sich nicht vorstellen, welche Freude Si print preview
FROM: Koshland, Miriam G. 1948.12.22 I hope this won\'t bore you too much, but after re print preview
FROM: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.12.22 Please pardon the delay in acknowledging the recei print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1948.12.22 Thank you so very much for the picture you sent me print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1948.12.22 Thank you so very much for the picture you sent me print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.12.21 Thank you for your very kind letter of December 11 print preview
TO: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1948.12.21 Before responding to some of the points of your ve print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1948.12.20 Ihr lieber langer Brief hat mich ganz unbändig gef print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.12.20 Eine dringende Anfrage in Kuerze: 1) Die Redakteur print preview
FROM: Berlstein, Alfred, New York Public Library 1948.12.20 You will probably hardly know who I am; I am sure print preview
FROM: Gräter, Manfred 1948.12.20 Zuerst möchte ich mich herzlich für Ihren Brief be print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.20 Corrections [of] proofs of Volkslied no. 3 print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.20 Thank you very much for procuring me a publisher f print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.12.19 Vor allen Dingen vielen Dank für das Care-Paket, w print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.18 The possibility of publishing you article in anoth print preview
TO: Schloss, Julius 1948.12.18 Mr.Julius Schloss came to Vienna in order to study print preview
TO: Schloss, Julius 1948.12.18 Hoffen wir, daß das gut genug ist und Ihnen Glück print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.12.17 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 11.ds.M. Selbstver print preview
FROM: Schloss, Julius 1948.12.17 Meinen herzlichsten Dank für Ihr freundliches Schr print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.17 Today I am sending you the first proofs of ES GING print preview
FROM: Grear, Isabel 1948.12.17 You have made me feel very proud and happy by the print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.12.17 The engraver has deviated considerably from my man print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J. 1948.12.17 Enclosed two slips with the corrections.Please not print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.16 Today, finally, I had the long-awaited interview w print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1948.12.16 I have read with interest and appreciation your le print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.12.16 Hier ist Greissles Wohnungsadresse: 1 West, 100th print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.12.15 Sofort nach Erhaltung Ihres Briefes habe ich mich print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.15 Enclosed we are sending you the corrected phonetic print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1948.12.15 Alles Gute Ihnen und den Kindern. Ich würde mich ü print preview
TO: Watch Clinic 1948.12.15 Enclosed you find check of $36.00. Will you please print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.14 You may believe me when I say that not for a momen print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.12.14 We are sending you today, via air express, the fir print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.12.14 "T'is done..." Le concert s'est terminé merveilleu print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1948.12.13 I was beginning to become a little concerned about print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin 1948.12.13 Sorry I disdirected letter of which shall forward print preview
FROM: Stegman, G.F., University of Stellenbosch 1948.12.11 As one of your enthusiastic admirers I would like print preview
FROM: Osswald, Iselin, Pomona College 1948.12.11 I apologize for not letting you hear from me. The print preview
TO: Hunt, Charles B., Jr., University of California at Los Angles 1948.12.11 Your investigation into the works of contemporary print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.12.11 Vor einigen Tagen rief mich aus San Francisco Herr print preview
TO: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.12.11 Thank you very much for your kind letter and your print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.11 You know that Dr. Heinsheimer from Schirmer wanted print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.11 I return the slip about the Survivor. It seems to print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.12.11 Ich kann nicht verstehen, warum du zwei monate lan print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.12.11 I have nothing heard about my article - Au revient print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.12.11 Ich bemühe mich seit sehr langer Zeit meinen Sohn, print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.12.10 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Johnston, Harrie W., New Bedford Chamber Society 1948.12.10 May we have a few bars of music and your auto-grap print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard, Sr. 1948.12.10 I beg to express most cordially and heartfelt - al print preview
TO: Downes, Olin 1948.12.10 I assume Mr. Mitropolous has received a letter dir print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.12.10 2 wax 0.50; 3lb crisco 1.20; 1 lb chocolate 2.48; print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1948.12.09 Probably you received a letter addressed to me, be print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1948.12.09 Dir und Deiner Familie die allerherzllichsten Weih print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.12.08 darf ich vorweg Ihnen und Ihren Lieben ein schönes print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.12.08 In accordance with your request we called in Profe print preview
FROM: Fleischer, Herbert 1948.12.08 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren freundlichen Brief print preview
FROM: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.12.07 I have received a copy of your letter to Mr. Deems print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1948.12.06 Lange muß man immer auf ein Briefchen von Euch war print preview
FROM: Hunt, Charles B., Jr., University of California at Los Angles 1948.12.06 During the current academic year I am engaged in r print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.12.06 Thousand thanks for sending me the brilliant lett print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.12.06 Mille fois merci pour votre si gentille lettre. Ma print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.12.05 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief über Schirmer's. Am print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.12.04 (I) Enclosed you find copies of three letters, a c print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.12.03 Mr. Heinsheimer has reported about your plan for a print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich, Internationale Gesellschaft für neue Musik 1948.12.03 Wir erlauben uns, Ihnen als dem ständigen Ehrenprä print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.12.03 value $ | 1 blue top coat (man), $15.00 | 1 checke print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1948.12.03 A package containing all the manuscripts to Style print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1948.12.03 I send you today all the manuscripts I received ba print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.12.01 Ich bin in denkbar größter Sorge, da wir seit mehr print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.12.01 Your letter dated November sixteenth was more appr print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.12.01 How good it was to hear your First Quartet again l print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1948.12.01 Ihr Brief war mir eine sehr grosse Freude und ich print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.12.01 Diesen Brief sende ich, in Deutsch, an Ihre Privat print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.12.01 I don't know that Max Deutsch has performed the S print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1948.12.00 With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year fr print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.12.00 hier die Kopie meines Briefes. Hoffentlich habe ic print preview
TO: Kowalski, Max 1948.12.00 Cordially yours print preview
TO: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1948.12.00 You end your review on Mitropolous' performance o print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.30 Many thanks for your two letters of November 17th print preview
TO: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1948.11.30 I thank you very much for inviting me to become a print preview
TO: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1948.11.30 It seems to me, prices are at present so different print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.29 I thought you might be interested to know that we print preview
FROM: Byrns, Harold 1948.11.29 ich hoffe, dieser Brief - etwas lang wird er werde print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.11.28 I am sorry I was delayed in answering your letter, print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1948.11.26 Mrs. Moshe Shertok, the wife of the Foreign Minist print preview
FROM: Frank, Nelly 1948.11.26 In Abwesenheit meines Mannes, der sich seit einige print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1948.11.25 Ende August schrieb ich Ihnen einen Brief, auf den print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.11.24 Ich habe Ihnen längere Zeit nicht über die \"Pierr print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.23 This is part of a letter which has been overlooked print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.22 I was sorry to see from your letter of November 16 print preview
FROM: Rau, Catherine 1948.11.22 We thank you for your letter of November 15, and a print preview
FROM: Kempf, Hermann 1948.11.22 Ich bin gestern nach 22 Jahren mit Otto Klemperer, print preview
TO: Schmid, [?], United States Consul, Switzerland 1948.11.22 Ingeborg Ruvina - Ich erhielt diesen Brief heute w print preview
TO: Ruvina-Rothmund, Ingeborg 1948.11.22 Ich erhielt Ihren Brief heute am 19. November. print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1948.11.21 We send in deep gratitude our best wishes and sinc print preview
FROM: Fergusson, Erna 1948.11.20 Kurt Frederick has encouraged me to write to you a print preview
FROM: Bazelon, David L., United States Department of Justice 1948.11.19 The enclosed order to return vested property has b print preview
FROM: Bazelon, David L., United States Department of Justice 1948.11.19 Having considered the claim set forth below and ha print preview
FROM: Schmid, [?], United States Consul, Switzerland 1948.11.18 Im Anschluß an mein kürzliches Telephongespräch print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.11.17 In connection with your letter dated November tent print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.11.17 Thank you for your letter of November 15th and for print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.11.17 Mille fois merci pour votre si gentille lettre. Je print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.17 Let me, as fast as possible, answer your questions print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1948.11.17 Ich höre, daß Sie der Philosophic Library meine M print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1948.11.16 It was good to have your letter last week. I shoul print preview
FROM: With, Karl, Modern Institute of Art 1948.11.16 The Modern Institute of Art would like to express print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.16 Ich beantworte nun Ihren deutschen Brief, Ihren Pr print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.11.16 I am very sorry that my letter offended you. print preview
TO: Searle, Humphrey 1948.11.16 Your letter of October 27 was very enjoyable for print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1948.11.16 Ich kann nicht alle Punkte Ihres Briefes heute bea print preview
FROM: Schlezinger, Julius, United States Department of Justice 1948.11.15 Re your claim return order executed November 12 le print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.11.15 I hope you will not find objectionable that which print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.15 We are in receipt of your contract and your letter print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.15 I am very glad about your intervention on my behal print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.11.15 I am forced to be very brief, because I have so ma print preview
TO: Rau, Catherine 1948.11.15 I thank you very much for your invitation to come print preview
TO: Saturday Review of Literature 1948.11.14 In his novel Dr Faustus, Thomas Mann has taken adv print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.11.13 Just a note to tell you that I got the material fr print preview
TO: Grear, Isabel, Albuquerque Civic Symphony Orchestra 1948.11.13 I am very thrilled by the great success of my "Su print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.12 Thank you for your letter of the 5th. I am surpris print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.11.12 I am sending you today a copy of Sessions\' Second print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.11.12 Muss sich das der arme Mahler immer noch und immer print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.12 Many, many thanks for your acceptance of our print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.12 I am sick and can only write very briefly. I am gl print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt, Albuquerque Civic Symphony Orchestra 1948.11.12 Your enthusiasm and capacity seems to have produce print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.11.12 I am sorry you cannot read the letters of Mann, bu print preview
FROM: Barrett, Jane, University of California at Los Angles 1948.11.11 Before Dean Dodd left on his trip to the east coas print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.11.11 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of N print preview
FROM: Shultz, William Henry 1948.11.10 I have taken the liberty of asking Mr. Kurt Freder print preview
FROM: Shultz, William Henry 1948.11.10 I have taken the liberty of asking Mr. Kurt Freder print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.10 I just received your letter of November 7 and I wi print preview
FROM: Rau, Catherine 1948.11.10 I wrote to you on October 25 in care of the Univer print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.11.10 Merci mille fois pour votre si gentille lettre. Je print preview
FROM: Alpern, J.E. 1948.11.10 I am indebted to Mrs. Ruth K. Rivkin for your addr print preview
TO: Deutsch-Dorian, Paul 1948.11.10 The enclosed letter went 5 days ago to Max. The le print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.09 Dies ist ein privater Brief. Um sofort in medias print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.11.09 I am sorry to learn from your letter of November 3 print preview
FROM: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1948.11.09 Depuis le retour de M. LEIBOWITZ nous avons parlé print preview
FROM: Deutsch-Dorian, Paul 1948.11.09 Mein Bruder Max bat mich Ihnen beiliegende Kopie z print preview
FROM: Miller, Hugh M., University of New Mexico 1948.11.08 I am taking the liberty of writing to you a commen print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.11.08 In answer to your letter of November 3rd I can onl print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.11.08 I just got a letter from Tadeusz Kassern, Consul o print preview
FROM: Grear, Isabel 1948.11.08 May I express the deep gratitude which everyone co print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.11.08 I want to thank you for the Program and Newspaper- print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.07 We are happy indeed to have at last reached an agr print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.07 I am glad that you helped find the clerical error print preview
TO: Cowell, Henry 1948.11.06 At first, I want to thank you for sending me repor print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt, Albuquerque Civic Symphony Orchestra 1948.11.05 Survivor from Warsaw made tremendous impression up print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.11.05 Merci pour votre lettre et les documents concernan print preview
FROM: Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.05 Trio and letter received, details to follow print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1948.11.05 Ich wollte Ihnen schon sehr lange schreiben, aber print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.11.05 I am glad you discovered the clerical error, which print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1948.11.05 Danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief und den Zeitungsa print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.11.05 Ich bin in Kontakt gekommen, mit Wilhelm Hansen, G print preview
TO: Kolodin, Irving 1948.11.05 Dr. Fritz Stiedry sent me your article about Mitro print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.11.04 Heartiest congratulations on Survivor premiere. Wi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.11.04 vielen Dank für Deinen herzlichen Brief. Es wäre print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1948.11.04 First of all I want to thank you for having allowe print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.11.03 Please, Miss Silvers, act now; and contact also Mi print preview
TO: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.11.03 I was merely intoxicated by the great reputation o print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.11.03 I received your information about the use of the p print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1948.11.03 I am sorry, but I had to write this letter. But t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.11.02 ich teile Dir hier einen Vorfall mit, der Dich ver print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.11.02 nachdem mich dein Brief über meine fünf Orchesters print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.11.02 X, Ten Dollar | 1, Standard food, Ten print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1948.11.01 In der Beilage ein Artikel von Irving Kolodin, der print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.11.01 Vor allem möchte ich Dir und Deiner Frau für die 2 print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.01 I wired you as you demanded: "Accept propositions print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.11.01 Accept propositions of your letter October 30 agre print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1948.11.01 I have received such a great number of reviews and print preview
TO: Kowalski, Max 1948.11.00 With many cordial greetings (Oh, I am so busy! Too print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.10.30 Your letter has made me very happy indeed. I am print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1948.10.29 I want to tell you what a satisfaction it was to m print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1948.10.29 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of O print preview
FROM: Rivkin, Ruth K. 1948.10.29 After reading a digest of my article on you in the print preview
FROM: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.10.29 I am informed by Mr. Walter Hinrichsen, President print preview
FROM: Tureck, Rosalyn 1948.10.28 I have wished for sometime to write you of my grea print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.10.28 Ich habe Brief v.18.ds.:die Part.u. Stimmen des St print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.10.28 I am sorry indeed that we seem to have come to suc print preview
FROM: Myers, Rollo H. 1948.10.28 I received your letter of Oct. 21st. today and imm print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.10.28 In today\'s mail I received the enclosed letter fr print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.10.27 Thank you for your letter of October 23. As per y print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.10.27 From the program of the Philharmonic-Symphony-Soci print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.10.27 Ce petit mot pour vous dire que j\'ai un concert, print preview
FROM: Searle, Humphrey, International Society for Contemporary Music 1948.10.27 I have been meaning to write to you for some time, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.10.27 ich entdecke soeben, dass Arnold unverzeihlicherwe print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.26 I have at hand your letters of Oct. 19 + 21. Thank print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.10.26 I cannot tell you what a joy it was to hear your F print preview
FROM: McNamara, Daniel I., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.10.26 As a member of ASCAP engaged in the creation of st print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1948.10.26 Mr. List informs me that you have written a letter print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.10.26 Thank you very much for your good letter and expla print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1948.10.25 The reason we did not reply to your last two lette print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.10.25 This is in answer to your letter of September 27th print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.10.24 This, I am afraid, is going to be a long letter si print preview
FROM: Rhapsody Record Shop 1948.10.23 We have in stock now a recording which we feel may print preview
FROM: Prunières, Henry, La Revue Musicale 1948.10.23 Je trouve votre carte à mon retour de Vienne, où j print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.10.23 I need urgently, for my class, in which I analyse print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.10.22 Tausend Dank für Deinen Brief. Natürlich sah ich P print preview
FROM: Cowell, Henry 1948.10.22 I was completely enthralled by the Five Orchestra print preview
FROM: Berend, Anna 1948.10.21 Wir haben Ihren lieben Brief bekommen, Sie haben u print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.10.21 Wenn Sie mir erlauben, moechte ich gerne etwas nae print preview
TO: Myers, Rollo H., International Society for Contemporary Music 1948.10.21 Many, many months ago I sent you an article which, print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1948.10.21 I do not know enough Dutch to read the book of Mr. print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.21 Your letter of October 18. brings me very interest print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.10.20 Thank you for your letter of October 7th. If I may print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1948.10.20 Sie fragten vor einiger Zeit, ob die Darstellung m print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.10.20 Sie fragten vor einiger Zeit, ob die Darstellung m print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.10.19 Ich hab mich in den Finger geschnitten und Trude r print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.19 I am glad you heard my wire. The broken parts coul print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1948.10.18 Gestern habe ich die 5 Orchesterstücke gemacht. Ic print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.18 Here is some news that I hope will please you. I s print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.10.18 den gestrigen Luftpostbrief werden Sie ja nun scho print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1948.10.18 When Clara Silvers wrote me that you had authorize print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1948.10.18 Nehmen Sie vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihren freund print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1948.10.18 Herr Karl A. Hartmann schreibt mir daß er Partitur print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.17 Yesterday evening, at last, I heard your voice - s print preview
FROM: Ruvina-Rothmund, Ingeborg 1948.10.17 Nur einmal hatte ich das Glück, Sie kurz zu begrüß print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.10.17 am 7.ds.kamen Ihre beiden Briefe v.25.Mai u.30.Sep print preview
FROM: David, Werner 1948.10.16 auf Anregung des Herrn Josef Rufer haben wir in Be print preview
FROM: Zapf, Dietrich Paul 1948.10.15 Haben Sie recht herzlichen Dank für Ihre Zeilen vo print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.10.15 I received a letter from Universal-Edition in rega print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1948.10.15 Ich bin sehr froh, dass Sie so gut waren, meinem W print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.10.15 I am sorry to tell you that the offer I received f print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.10.14 In connection with your recent communication dated print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.10.14 Merci pour votre lettre (dont j\'ignore qui l\'a é print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.10.14 Mr. Guthman has written me and the Alien Custodian print preview
FROM: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1948.10.14 In Bestaetigung Ihres Briefes vom 7. Oktober teile print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1948.10.13 Bermann-Fischer, im Begriffe nach Europa zu reisen print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1948.10.12 We have been offered the attached book for America print preview
FROM: Zissu, Leonard, Zissu & Marcus 1948.10.12 Thank you for your letter of October 8th. I shall print preview
FROM: Wildgans, Friedrich, Wien, Magistrat 1948.10.12 Ich habe Ihnen in meiner Eigenschaft als Musikrefe print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.12 Just a note to tell you that I received the packag print preview
FROM: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1948.10.12 The late reply to your letter of June 14th address print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1948.10.11 First of all, thank you very much for the Survivor print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.10.11 Your letter of the twenty-seventh is received and print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.11 Miss Newlin seems to have been mistaken. Norton di print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1948.10.10 I thank you so much for your so kind and generous print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.10.10 We thank you for your letter of October 7, 1948. print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.08 Thank you so much for your letters of September 30 print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.10.08 As soon as your letter of September thirtieth was print preview
FROM: Perez, Andres Gualberto 1948.10.08 Tengo el mayor agrado de dirigirme a Vd. a fin de print preview
FROM: MacCarteney, Richard S., The Library of Congress 1948.10.08 This has reference to your letter of September 30 print preview
FROM: Ahlert, Fred E., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.10.08 Enclosed please find two copies of the new Televis print preview
TO: Zissu, Leonard 1948.10.08 I owe your address to Mr Paul Dessau. print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.10.08 Your news about your performances in Germany was v print preview
FROM: Rowland-Jones, A.R.V. 1948.10.07 I find it hard to tell you how much it means to me print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.10.07 Mr. Robert Shaw, choral wizard of Juilliard School print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1948.10.07 Wir empfingen Ihr Schreiben vom 22.September und t print preview
TO: Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1948.10.07 Sie wissen ohne Zweifel, daß ich zur Wahrung mein print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.10.07 Mr. Schoenberg is rather reluctant to make any sta print preview
TO: Weinrich, Carl, Princeton University 1948.10.07 Mr. Fredeicks performance has been postponed for print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.10.07 I am still not at all clear what kind of etudes yo print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.10.07 I suggest that we both reconsider our conditions a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.10.07 Ich hoffe Du hast meinen letzten Brief erhalten. print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1948.10.07 I agree that you quote from the "Survivor". I ha print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.10.06 The undersigned declares that the article describe print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.10.05 I have had several talks with Mr. Kassern of the P print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.10.04 I wish to acknowledge your letter of recent date i print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.10.04 Enclosed a letter to Mr. Mitropoulos whose subject print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1948.10.04 From two friends I was informed that you have anno print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.04 I will send you today the first part of the revise print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.10.03 It took me and Dick Hoffman about five hours yeste print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.10.02 We thank you for your kind letter of September 15, print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1948.10.02 This is to thank you for your letter which I recei print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.10.01 I had hoped to be able to write you sooner than th print preview
TO: Bodanzky, Malvina (Malvine) 1948.10.01 Ich hätte Dir schon längst geantwortet, aber die e print preview
TO: Zapf, Dietrich Paul 1948.10.01 Structural Functions of Harmony werden kaum vor ei print preview
TO: Kraus, Else C. 1948.10.01 Ich habe auch Ihren ersten Brief erhalten und mich print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.10.01 Beiliegend ein Brief von Malva dessen erste Seite print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.30 In reference to the COUNTERPOINT BOOK: I am so far print preview
FROM: Weinrich, Carl, Princeton University 1948.09.30 I would be much interested in Mr. Frederick would print preview
FROM: Bauer, Karl F., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.09.30 I have just received an air mail letter from Mr. H print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Walter, C.F. Peters 1948.09.30 I have just become aware that the copyright of my print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.30 I am looking forward to receive the dictaphone wit print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1948.09.30 Zunächst die lang vernachlässigten Fragen des Atla print preview
TO: Rosenzweig, Alfred 1948.09.30 Ich erhielt Ihren Brief von Februar erst einige Ze print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.09.30 If I am not mistaken you wanted to premiere the "S print preview
FROM: Bazelon, David L., United States Department of Justice 1948.09.29 The enclosed notice of intention to return vested print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.09.28 Endlich nach mehr als 6 Monaten bangen Wartens, ei print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi, Los Angeles Times 1948.09.28 I want to tell you that your Sunday-column, the in print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.27 Thank you for your letter of September 23rd. There print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.09.27 Sie haben mich einmal gefragt ob es wahr ist dass print preview
TO: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1948.09.27 Several weeks ago I wrote to your Editor Mrs. Rose print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.09.27 I have been too busy and too sick to react upon yo print preview
TO: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.09.27 You have perhaps observed that I did not Cash the print preview
TO: Rowland-Jones, A.R.V. 1948.09.27 With great delay I answer your letter - but nevert print preview
TO: Fleischer, Herbert 1948.09.27 Erst jetzt finde ich Ihren Brief den ich allerding print preview
TO: Berend, Anna 1948.09.27 Ich habe Ihre Briefe wohl erhalten. Da mir aber me print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.25 Your Webster Wire Recorder will be shipped today, print preview
TO: Weinrich, Carl, Princeton University 1948.09.24 As much as I know, the American premiere has alrea print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.24 Thanks for information. Very improved Mr. Schoeber print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.23 It was such a pleasure to see you again; I hope so print preview
TO: Dunn, [?], United States Department of Justice 1948.09.23 It is now more than 2 1/2 years that I am asked ev print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.23 Your request to tell you my conditions for twelve print preview
TO: Barraud, Henry, Radiodiffusion francaise 1948.09.22 Comme Monsieur Max Deutsch est un des musiciens at print preview
FROM: Dodd, Paul A., University of California at Los Angles 1948.09.22 We are anxious that you know of the considerations print preview
FROM: Weinrich, Carl, Princeton University 1948.09.22 I have heard that you have written a piece for mal print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden 1948.09.22 Danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren höchst interessanten Br print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.09.21 Ich habe seinerseits eine Ãœbersetzung selbst von d print preview
TO: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1948.09.21 With some delay I respond to your letter of Februa print preview
FROM: Bauer, Karl F., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.09.20 In a letter dated August 31st received from Wilhel print preview
FROM: Baron, Richard 1948.09.19 Ever since I had the great pleasure and honor of p print preview
FROM: Kaiser, Alfred 1948.09.18 Even doctors have hobbies. Mine is collecting the print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.17 May I tell you once more how happy I was to see yo print preview
FROM: Berend, Anna 1948.09.17 Sei nicht böse daß ich Dich wieder mit meinen print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1948.09.17 Wir erhielten die Kopie Ihres Briefes vom 24.Augus print preview
FROM: Hampton, Colin 1948.09.17 I have been wanting to write to you ever since you print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.09.16 Ich habe Ihnen vor vielen Wochen, etwa Ende Juli, print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.09.16 Tausend Dank für Deinen Brief. Ich glaube Du beurt print preview
FROM: Cummings, Joseph 1948.09.16 Ich bin ein Junge von 18 Jahren, ein Student von S print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.09.15 endlich ist ein Brief von Dir gekommen, Wir waren print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.15 This is just a note to obtain some information. We print preview
TO: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.09.15 I am very pleased about your response to Mr. List print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1948.09.14 Most sincerely happy birthday to you. Many happy r print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.09.13 viele herzliche Glückwünsche. Ich wollte ich könnt print preview
FROM: Gorton, Ronald W. 1948.09.13 Please allow me to congratulate you, Prof. Arnold print preview
FROM: Mack, Cecelile B. 1948.09.13 Birthday greetings, thinking of you all. print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil 1948.09.13 Our heartiest congratulations and sincere wishes f print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1948.09.13 For Your Birthday. This little four leaf clover is print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1948.09.13 Allerherzlichste Wünsche und Grüße zum Geburtst print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1948.09.13 Best wishes [on] your birthday. As ever yours. print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1948.09.13 Many happy returns. Best heartfelt wishes. print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1948.09.13 Congratulations and all best wishes for your birth print preview
FROM: Lert, Hans 1948.09.13 That 13 certainly is a lucky date for the musician print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, MacDowell Colony 1948.09.13 Congratulations and best wishes for fruitful years print preview
FROM: Toldi, Julius 1948.09.13 Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to your print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1948.09.13 Many happy returns heartiest good wishes to you al print preview
FROM: Achron, Marie 1948.09.13 Heartiest congratulations many happy returns enjoy print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.13 Thank you for your letter of September 9th. Your n print preview
FROM: Tietz, Margot J., Bomart Music Publications 1948.09.13 Pursuant to Mr. Kurt List\'s letter, we wish to re print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1948.09.12 Terribly concerned about right presentation of Qua print preview
FROM: Seligmann, Maria 1948.09.12 Very best birthday wishes. Enjoyed your Trio perfo print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1948.09.12 I am perhaps not yet well enough, oder besser in print preview
FROM: Graff, Clarence, Music Academy of the West 1948.09.11 As the session of the Music Academy has now come t print preview
FROM: Hausdorff, Martin 1948.09.11 Anlässlich Ihres Geburtstages am 13.September, des print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.10 Thank you very much for your letter and the return print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1948.09.10 es tut mir leid, daß ich dieses Jahr meine herzlic print preview
FROM: Schulze, Erich, Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungrechte 1948.09.10 hierdurch gestatten wir uns, Sie ergebenst auf fol print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.09 Als einer der solche Arbeit schon öfters gemacht h print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1948.09.08 Ich muss Ihnen eingestehen, dass meine Wünsche für print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1948.09.08 meinem Glückwunsch zum 13. September 1947 war ein print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.09.08 damit Du endlich doch eine Nachricht von uns print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.09.08 Ich war in St. Barbara (2 Stunden von Los Angeles) print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.09.07 Happy birthday. Best wishes. And may happiness be print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.09.07 A wish for "happiness" might seem a naïve and a print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.09.07 We just received the translations of the Folksongs print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.09.06 Je vous écris aujourd\'hui, avant tout, pour vous print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.09.05 As Mr. Schoenberg is slightly indisposed at presen print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.09.01 Semi-annual Royalty Statement from G. Schirmer, In print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1948.09.01 Seien Sie vor allem aufrichtigst bedankt für das h print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1948.08.31 In Beantwortung Ihres werten Schreibens vom 24.ds. print preview
FROM: Wilson, Howard P., W. W. Norton 1948.08.30 In the absence of both Mr. Lunt and Mr. Burnham, w print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.08.30 Your letter followed me to Maine where I had a bri print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.08.28 Many thanks for your prompt reply. Of course, we a print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.08.27 haben heute das Care-Paket von Dir bekommen, wofür print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1948.08.26 Es ist schon lange her, seit ich Ihnen geschrieben print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.08.25 Thank you for your letter. Mr. Schoenberg received print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1948.08.24 Von verschiedenen Seiten erhalte ich Anfragen über print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.08.24 Having just received your letter, take please, my print preview
TO: Avakian, George 1948.08.24 Mr. Schoenberg received with thanks your recording print preview
FROM: Schloss, Julius 1948.08.23 Vielleicht werden Sie sich meiner erinnern: Ich wa print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.08.23 Thank you for sending me the contracts and the Can print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Bomart Music Publications 1948.08.23 Having just been appointed editor of the above pub print preview
TO: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.08.23 I am sorry I cannot accept this contract. This is print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1948.08.23 I would like information about the progress of pub print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.08.22 von unterwegs - ich war 5 Tage hier meine Mutter s print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.08.22 ich habe Ihren freundlichen Brief noch immer nicht print preview
FROM: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.08.19 I have received your letter of August ninth, which print preview
TO: Ferrando, Guido, Happy Valley School 1948.08.19 After long consideration, we have decided to have print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.08.17 The latest installment of manuscript, everything b print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Karl Amadeus 1948.08.17 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 13.5.ds.Jahres und print preview
FROM: Page, Frederick, Victoria University College 1948.08.14 I am to lecture in music at this University and am print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.08.14 es tut mir leid, wie ich schon geschrieben habe, print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1948.08.12 What with the summer vacations and being away, I h print preview
FROM: Kremenliev, Elva 1948.08.10 My deepest apologies for the long delay in sending print preview
FROM: Böttner, Bernhard 1948.08.10 nachdem meine Disposition für die Saison 1948/49 g print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.08.09 You will recall in 1912 the publication by Tischer print preview
TO: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.08.09 It is true I should have answered your letter from print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.08.09 I was more busy being sick than working here. print preview
TO: Nelson, Boris Erich 1948.08.09 I am really very busy, but I would have answered y print preview
FROM: White, Garry A., Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts 1948.08.08 I have recently discussed with our mutual friend, print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.08.07 Enclosed the contract.--August 24 we left Santa Ba print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.08.06 x, 10 | 1 Standard food package, 1 print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1948.08.06 It seems that I can agree with most of the changes print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.08.05 Seit 5 Monaten bin ich auf 3 Briefen ohne Antwort, print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.08.04 About two weeks ago we sent you a letter together print preview
FROM: Kalmann, Klaus 1948.08.04 Erinnern Sie sich noch an Ihre Schülerin Lorna M. print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald, New Music Edition 1948.08.01 Mr. Platt came in to see me yesterday and gave me print preview
FROM: Nelson, Boris Erich, Massachusetts State College 1948.08.01 I trust that you will understand the liberty of my print preview
TO: Schoenberg, Lawrence Adam 1948.07.31 I am glad you liked the pictures. For some unknown print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred 1948.07.31 ich hatte Ihnen im Vorjahr von der Tournee mit Pie print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred 1948.07.30 es besteht die Absicht, die Ode an Napoleon in deu print preview
FROM: Toch, Ernst 1948.07.30 Dr. and Mrs. Ernst Toch announce the marriage of t print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.07.30 Today I am mailing you the last installment - Chap print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.07.28 Would you kindly send me the signed contract at yo print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1948.07.27 Ihr Klavierkonzert war heute abend ein solcher Erf print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1948.07.25 Verzeihen Sie, wenn ich Ihnen erst heute schreibe. print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger, University of California at Berkeley 1948.07.22 It was so very kind of you to send me that work, b print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.07.22 Vorgestern haben wir Dein Care-Paket und heute Dei print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.07.22 An interim note. I am happy to report that we have print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.07.22 Herewith two copies of our Memorandum of Agreement print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.07.22 Just to advise you that final approval is being re print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1948.07.22 Will try for 10 oclock monday should traffic delay print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.07.21 Since Mr. Schoenberg told me the manuscript of Die print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.07.21 Since Mr. Stein's letter containing your Santa Ba print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1948.07.20 MANY THANKS FOR BIRTHDAY WISHES WHICH WE RETURN print preview
TO: Bank of America 1948.07.20 I am living here for about five more weeks to unti print preview
FROM: Berend, Anna 1948.07.18 Warscheinlich wirst Du sehr überrascht sein von me print preview
TO: Bank of America 1948.07.18 I am living here for about six weeks until about A print preview
FROM: Denton, Grace, Music Academy of the West 1948.07.17 We beg to refer you to your contract with the Musi print preview
TO: Sessions, Roger 1948.07.17 I feel I am much indebted to you for the good lett print preview
TO: Denton, Grace 1948.07.16 I think I must explain you your mistake. I charge print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.07.14 The manuscript of the three choruses just arrived. print preview
FROM: Schulze, Erich, Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungrechte 1948.07.13 Hierdurch gestatten wir uns Ihnen ergebenst folgen print preview
FROM: Maturana, Eduardo 1948.07.11 For me it is one [of] the great honours of my life print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.07.10 Es wird wahrscheinlich nötig werden, die Stimmen a print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.07.09 Tomorrow the three songs for mixed choir will be m print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.07.07 ich habe dir am 3. Mai ein Care Paket geschickt, d print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.07.07 Ich habe dir am 3.Mai ein Care Paket geschickt, d print preview
FROM: Denton, Grace, Music Academy of the West 1948.07.06 As Dr. Lert returned today, I had hoped he could c print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.07.05 Just to let you know I have been diligently at wor print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1948.07.03 Peter and Hedi Stadlen announce the birth of their print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.07.02 I would like to arrange the lesson for July 6 at 1 print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.07.02 Kurt List hat alles Material des Kol Nidre - Orche print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.07.01 Because of the change of residence involved in com print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger 1948.07.00 Forgive me for beginning my letter, thus, in Germa print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.06.30 Thank you very much for your letter and the bluepr print preview
FROM: Buchberger, Ferdinand 1948.06.28 Sie werden es mir als Rücksichtslosigkeit anrechne print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.06.28 Dr. Kurt List, here in New York, has advised me to print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.06.26 The work at this new settings takes about ten time print preview
FROM: Meyer, Wilhelm, Bläser-Kammermusik-Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatskapelle Berlin (Wilhelm Meyer-Quintett) 1948.06.25 Wie sehr ich mich und mit mir meine Kollegen über print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.06.24 I was pleased indeed to learn from your letter of print preview
FROM: Fish, Richard, Richard Fish Photography 1948.06.24 Herewith is the first batch of photographs. Each p print preview
FROM: Denton, Grace, Music Academy of the West 1948.06.23 The Music Academy is greatly honored in having Mr. print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1948.06.23 Im Augenblick da Scherchen mit den Proben zu Ihrer print preview
FROM: Levisohn, Joseph, Jacob Michael Collection of Jewish Music 1948.06.22 I received your kind letter of June 1st, 1948. I w print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.06.21 Please send me some of your most recent order form print preview
TO: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.06.19 In the almost fifty years since I have published m print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.06.18 Thanks [for] letter. Just leaving for Berkeley, wi print preview
FROM: Green, Johnny 1948.06.18 It was a keen disappointment to all of us that you print preview
TO: Green, Johnny 1948.06.18 I am no Hollywood composer but a retired Universit print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.06.17 I am happy to report that in a recent letter Dr. R print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.06.17 Our payment of $300 will certainly be in your hand print preview
FROM: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.06.16 The Money Order paid you herewith is from Edward B print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.06.14 Enclosed you will find my review of your Harmoniel print preview
FROM: Kostetzky, Eaghor 1948.06.14 Ich bitte Sie freundlichst um eine Signatur auf di print preview
TO: Hess, John D., Column Magazine 1948.06.14 Your "Column" is a very well printed and edited print preview
TO: Wughalter, Rosalyn, American Music Center, Inc. 1948.06.14 I am in posession of an official card affirming my print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1948.06.14 In case you have already shipped all the manuscrip print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1948.06.13 Felix and Gertrude Khuner present Jonathan born on print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne, Werner Hoffmann: alte und neue Schmiedekunst 1948.06.12 Lange muß man immer auf ein Briefchen von Euch wa print preview
FROM: Clark, Edward, International Society for Contemporary Music 1948.06.12 Das XXIII Musikfest der Internationalen Gesellscha print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt, Albuquerque Civic Symphony Orchestra 1948.06.12 You were so kind to tell me that I could ask you f print preview
FROM: Roemer, Ernst 1948.06.10 Ich hätte schon lange Ihnen geantwortet, wenn es m print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.06.09 Thank you very much for your letter of June 5. You print preview
TO: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.06.09 I am sure that I have not written a special manusc print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1948.06.08 I am in posession of an official card affirming print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.06.08 Thank you for your letter of June 5th. In the mean print preview
FROM: Tureck, Rosalyn, American Music Center, Inc. 1948.06.08 In preparation of a catalogue of all of the music print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1948.06.08 many thanks indeed for your letter of June the thi print preview
FROM: Herbert, Paul, Music Academy of the West 1948.06.07 If the following meets with your understanding, pl print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.06.05 gestern ist Dein Care-Paket gekommen. Wieder einma print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.06.05 It is impossible - for me, at least - to make chan print preview
TO: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.06.05 I have the manuscript of Verklärte Nacht. print preview
TO: Vélez, José 1948.06.04 I have recently given two affidavits of support to print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.06.03 ich habe hier eben die \"Woche für Neue Musik\" vo print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.06.03 Was meine Informationen hier im Osten betrifft, bi print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.06.03 *, ten (10) | food print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.06.03 I have no knowledge about how the government provi print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1948.06.03 I have here your letter from II/13.1948 according print preview
TO: Schmitz, Heinrich 1948.06.02 Ihr Interesse für meine Musik freut mich sehr als print preview
TO: Levisohn, Joseph, Jacob Michael Collection of Jewish Music 1948.06.01 Will you please excuse the delay of my answer. print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.06.00 I received a communication from Mr. Hoffmann in yo print preview
FROM: Hess, John D., Column Magazine 1948.06.00 I think you may be interested in our new national print preview
FROM: Zapf, Dietrich Paul 1948.05.28 Sie werden wahrscheinlich erstaunt sein, von einem print preview
FROM: Vélez, José 1948.05.28 I have been so involved in problems of my visa, print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.05.28 Von Freundes- und Kollegenkreis, aus denen man imm print preview
FROM: Clapp, Philip Greeley, University of Iowa 1948.05.28 Mr. Egon Kenton is now completing an appointment a print preview
TO: Basetti-Sani, Antonio, Pontificia Commissione Assistenza 1948.05.28 Thank you most respectfully for honoring me with a print preview
TO: Gräter, Manfred 1948.05.26 Es freut mich sehr, dass Sie sich mit meinem Orgel print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.05.25 Thank you for your letter of May 20th and 21st. I print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1948.05.25 heute erhielt ich Ihren Brief vom 17. April, 1948. print preview
TO: Boswell, Rolfe, The Sun 1948.05.22 On behalf of Mr. Schoenberg I am replying to your print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1948.05.22 I have not yet received an answer to my letter of print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.05.22 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Schoenberg. print preview
FROM: Böttner, Bernhard 1948.05.21 der Verlag Schirmer hat mir den Klavierauszug zu I print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.05.21 Under separate cover I sent you my Deutsche Volksl print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.05.20 I herewith confirm receipt of the signed contract print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.05.20 I have just received a letter from my associate co print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.05.20 The "Canons" are specimens of higher counterpoin print preview
FROM: Boswell, Rolfe, The Sun 1948.05.19 At the suggestion of our music critic, Irving Kolo print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.05.19 We are pleased to send you herewith a sample of th print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.05.19 L\'énergie et la volonté donnent quelques fois des print preview
TO: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.05.19 I am replying to your recent letter on Mr. Schoenb print preview
TO: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.05.18 I agree that the question must be discussed whethe print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1948.05.17 Mit gleicher Post sende ich die Photographien.-Ein print preview
FROM: Basetti-Sani, Antonio, Pontificia Commissione Assistenza 1948.05.15 I am taking the liberty to send you this letter in print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.05.13 Once more I am happy to send you the program of th print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.05.13 Aus Versehen wurde ein CARE - Paket für meinen Soh print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.05.12 There has arisen the possibility of a serious prob print preview
TO: Dodd, Paul A., University of California at Los Angles 1948.05.12 Thank you very much for inviting me to give you in print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.05.12 Heute nur kurz, um dich zu verständigen, daß ein print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.05.11 We should primarily be interested in the collectio print preview
FROM: Dodd, Paul A., University of California at Los Angles 1948.05.10 You probably know of the reconstitution of a speci print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1948.05.10 It gives us extreme pleasure to forward to you the print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.05.10 I look back upon my recent visit to your home with print preview
TO: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.05.10 Enclosed I send the assigned "agreement". As I wan print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.05.08 heute sind die beiden Pakete mit Kleidern und Lebe print preview
TO: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1948.05.07 Since you have failed to answer my letter from Aug print preview
TO: Bauer, John Leopold Jergens, Ojai Festival, Ltd 1948.05.06 Men of my age should avoid exertion as much as pos print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.05.06 Ich muß natürlicherweise warten; das macht ja nic print preview
TO: Roemer, Ernst 1948.05.06 Vielen Dank für Ihren sehr freundlichen Brief und print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1948.05.05 Yesterday I had a talk with Paul Puner, President print preview
FROM: Rosenthal, Erwin 1948.05.03 Frau Alma Mahler-Werfel riet mir und ermunterte print preview
FROM: Bauer, John Leopold Jergens, Ojai Festival, Ltd 1948.05.03 Thank you very much for our meeting last Wednesday print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.05.03 Postal communications have in the meantime been di print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.05.03 Ich habe eben ein Care-Paket für dich beordert, d print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1948.05.00 I am writing to inquire [about] the possibilities print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1948.04.30 I am extremely sorry that I have to tell you that print preview
FROM: Roemer, Ernst 1948.04.29 Nachdem ich vor einiger Zeit von meinem lieben Fre print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.04.29 Your letter of April twenty-fifth has been receive print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.04.28 Seit Deinem letzten Brief vom 8 März haben wir ni print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.04.28 I was very happy to receive your letter with the l print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.04.28 Thank you for your kind letter of April 25. As not print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1948.04.25 Thank you very much for your letter. I think some print preview
TO: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.04.25 Let me tell you at first how much I am pleased abo print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1948.04.22 Am Sonntag um 17 Uhr war nun also der Pelleas, es print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1948.04.22 Perhaps you know that your Quintet for Winds will print preview
FROM: Jamieson, John, H.W. Wilson Company 1948.04.21 Thank you for your letter of April 19. Enclosed is print preview
FROM: Burnham, Addison, W. W. Norton 1948.04.21 Mr. Lang, our editorial advisor, who, incidentally print preview
FROM: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.04.21 Simultaneous with the receipt of a communication f print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.04.21 Thank you for your letter of April 5 and the enclo print preview
FROM: Wagner, Wolfgang W. 1948.04.20 By way of introduction: Dika Newlin\'s book \"Bruc print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1948.04.20 Last week, I received the manuscript of your Struc print preview
TO: Jamieson, John, H.W. Wilson Company 1948.04.19 I will gladly send you the photo you want to recei print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.04.17 ich muß einfach diesen Brief damit beginnen, Ihnen print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.04.17 leider war es mir unmöglich, Deinen Brief sofort z print preview
FROM: Jamieson, John, H.W. Wilson Company 1948.04.16 In the near future the H. W. Wilson Company is goi print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1948.04.16 There is a certain chance, that W W Norton might a print preview
TO: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.04.16 Mr. Schoenberg needs urgently the score and parts print preview
FROM: Komaiko, Robert 1948.04.15 I am writing a thesis concerning your musical work print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.04.15 Received your letter few hours before departure fo print preview
FROM: Gräter, Manfred 1948.04.15 Entschuldigen Sie bitte, daß ich mich als Unbekann print preview
TO: Gräter, Manfred 1948.04.15 Es freut mich sehr, daß Sie sich mit meinem Orgels print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.04.14 Je vous envoie ci - inclus une copie d\'une lettre print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.04.14 Thank you for your letter of April 5. Mr. Schoenbe print preview
FROM: Schulze, Erich, Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungrechte 1948.04.13 wir nehmen Bezug auf Ihre fernmündliche Unterredun print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.04.13 es ist zwar heute ein 13ter, das ist so einer, wie print preview
FROM: Schmitz, Heinrich 1948.04.12 Entschuldigen Sie bitte, daß ich Sie belästige. I print preview
TO: Meyer, Wilhelm 1948.04.11 ich will nicht noch mehr Zeit verstreichen lassen print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1948.04.10 Ihr lieber Brief vom 10.III. ist mir länger nachg print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.04.10 I have your favor and have sent it to Mr. Guthman. print preview
FROM: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1948.04.10 I have your letter of March 18th. Due to the fact print preview
FROM: Levisohn, Joseph, Jacob Michael Collection of Jewish Music 1948.04.08 I would like to buy all your works containing Jewi print preview
FROM: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.04.07 Enclosed please find a letter from the German Soci print preview
FROM: Böttner, Bernhard 1948.04.07 erst heute erhielt ich Ihren Brief vom 9. März im print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.04.06 Wir sind im Begriff, die kleine Partitur des \"Pie print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1948.04.06 I have again to apologize for the great delay of m print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.04.03 I am surely indebted to you for trying to help me print preview
FROM: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.04.01 Your full and most friendly letter of March 28th g print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1948.04.01 Wir haben schon seit einiger Zeit gewußt, daß Sie print preview
TO: Leonard, Alfred 1948.04.00 This is the same photograph about which your wrot print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1948.03.31 Herewith letters which explain the questions to be print preview
FROM: King, Eleanor 1948.03.31 I have just heard from Mr. Petrillo that no permis print preview
TO: Vinaver, Chemjo 1948.03.31 Mr. Schoenberg has asked me to reply to your kind print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.03.31 Thank you for your letter of March 25 and the encl print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.03.30 Vor allem unsern herzlichsten Dank für: 1. das Pak print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1948.03.29 Diese Zeilen sollen Ihnen nur sagen, daß ich in d print preview
TO: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.03.28 I am glad my good fortune overcame my hesitation t print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Doris 1948.03.27 vous font part de l\'immense perte qu\'ils viennen print preview
FROM: Stein, Leonard 1948.03.26 In regard to the| ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | I think the fo print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.03.26 Je viens d\'arriver ici et votre lettre est venue print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt, Albuquerque Civic Symphony Orchestra 1948.03.26 This is to thank you for sending me \"A Survivor f print preview
FROM: Vinaver, Chemjo, Friends of Choral Art, Inc. 1948.03.25 Interesting reports about your new choral work \"S print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.03.24 I am sure you will be interested to know that the print preview
FROM: Evarts, John, United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1948.03.24 I received your letters for Mr. Rufer and Mr. Zill print preview
FROM: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.03.24 Our editorial staff having examined your manuscrip print preview
FROM: Böttner, Bernhard 1948.03.24 gestatten Sie mir, Ihnen herzlich zu danken für Ih print preview
TO: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.03.24 On Mr. Schoenbergs behalf I am replying to your l print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1948.03.23 meine Schwester hat Dir wahrscheinlich mitgeteilt, print preview
FROM: Wiggins, Henry H., Columbia University 1948.03.23 In accordance with your request of March 20th, I a print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.03.23 Thank you for your letter of March 19th and the en print preview
FROM: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.03.22 Would you please pardon the delay in acknowledging print preview
FROM: Roemer, Ernst 1948.03.21 Eine Bitte: Würdest Du so lieb sein und Arnold Sc print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.03.20 Two days ago I had a long telephone conversation w print preview
FROM: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.03.18 Thank you for your letter of March 8. I have just print preview
TO: Halffter, Rodolfo 1948.03.18 Unfortunately I could not arrange to come on Mr. C print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1948.03.18 As Mr. Schoenberg is not in particularly good heal print preview
TO: Chávez, Carlos 1948.03.18 Tried to arrange, but very sorry that it is imposs print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1948.03.17 In meinem und Mamas Namen die allerliebsten Osterg print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.03.17 Vor allem möchte ich Euch viele Ostergrüße senden print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1948.03.17 Mr. Schoenberg, who is not feeling particularly we print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.03.17 As Mr. Schoenberg is not in particularly good heal print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.03.15 I have received a letter from Dr. Gradenwitz ackno print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.03.15 Wire whether complete orchestral parts for Gurreli print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.03.15 ich habe eben Ihren außerordentlich klugen und zut print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1948.03.12 Just recently I heard that you wrote a composition print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.03.11 I wrote you a few days ago and I have now received print preview
FROM: Chávez, Carlos, Orquestra Sinfonica de México 1948.03.11 I am writing to ask if you would be available to c print preview
FROM: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1948.03.11 We learn from our co-worker and counselor, Carlos print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.03.11 Heute habe ich endlich ein Probepäckchen an Euch a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.03.10 [not seen] print preview
FROM: [unknown], Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk 1948.03.10 Anliegend senden wir Ihnen eine Liste mit den von print preview
TO: Evarts, John 1948.03.10 Thank you very much for forwarding these two lette print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1948.03.10 Es scheint Sie haben nichts von dem erhalten, was print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.03.10 Beiliegend Inhaltsverzeichnis zweier Pakete. Das print preview
TO: Böttner, Bernhard 1948.03.09 Ich habe mich sehr über Ihren Brief gefreut. Ihr E print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.03.08 I received your letter of March 5 this morning. A print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.03.08 Ich bin soeben nach Hause gekommen und habe Deinen print preview
TO: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.03.08 Because of the negligence of a musician who left t print preview
TO: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.03.06 As I did not receive an answer to my letter from D print preview
TO: King, Eleanor 1948.03.06 Assuming that Columbia Recording Comp. and Associa print preview
TO: Hartmann, Karl Amadeus 1948.03.06 Ich habe mich über Ihre Mitteilungen sehr gefreut. print preview
FROM: Wiggins, Henry H., Columbia University 1948.03.05 Our Publication Committee has given careful consid print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.03.05 I am sorry I find only today the time to answer yo print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.03.04 Merci beaucoup pour votre lettre. Je vais me mettr print preview
TO: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.03.04 Frankly, NO, it is not clear why this should be de print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.03.04 Ich bin sehr beunruhigt, daß ich von euch nichts print preview
FROM: Cary, George D., The Library of Congress 1948.03.03 Your recent letter addressed to Mr. Richard S. Hil print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.03.01 Semi-annual Royalty Statement from G. Schirmer, In print preview
TO: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1948.02.29 Dr. Egon Newman who has contacted me with you[!] print preview
TO: Stadlen, Peter 1948.02.29 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren lieben Brief und di print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.29 G. Schirmer has engraved and corrected the score o print preview
TO: Garrido, Pablo 1948.02.27 Let me at first tell you that I enjoyed your kind print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Frankfurter Rundfunk 1948.02.26 Ihr langer und so freundlicher Brief hat mich auss print preview
FROM: King, Eleanor 1948.02.26 I would like very much to have your permission to print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1948.02.25 After examining the scores we have decided that it print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1948.02.25 The photostats are finished and I have mailed them print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1948.02.25 Herzlichsten Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich bin über di print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.02.24 Konto Neue Werke | Abrechnung für Verlagstantiemen print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1948.02.24 Alma Mahler hat mich von Ihrem, wie ich einsehen m print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1948.02.23 Ãœber Aufforderung der Universal Edition erlaube ic print preview
FROM: Myers, Rollo H. 1948.02.23 I am deeply grateful to you for your kindness in s print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.02.22 Wir haben Dein Care-Paket bekommen und wieder einm print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.22 J\'espère que vous allez bien. Je vous écris ces q print preview
FROM: Garrido, Pablo 1948.02.22 It\'s with the deepest emotion that I address to y print preview
TO: Tudor, Antony 1948.02.22 Would you be so kind to tell me how often you pla print preview
FROM: Halffter, Rodolfo, Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A.C. 1948.02.21 After receiving your letter of February 18, I cons print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1948.02.20 As you will have gathered from my telegram the tis print preview
FROM: Meyer, Wilhelm, Bläser-Kammermusik-Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatskapelle Berlin (Wilhelm Meyer-Quintett) 1948.02.19 Als begeisterter Anhänger Ihrer Kunst drängt es mi print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1948.02.17 das ist freilich ein kurioses Dokument. Es hat mic print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.17 Merci infiniment de m\'avoir envoyé votre réponse print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1948.02.17 wir sind eben von unserer Tour zurück, die uns auc print preview
TO: Buchberger, Ferdinand 1948.02.16 Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, durch meinen Sohn Geor print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.02.15 Thank you at first for your speedy action on behal print preview
TO: Greissle, Arnold 1948.02.14 aus Briefen Görgi's und meiner Schwester, Tante O print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.02.13 I wrote you a few days ago in regards to your lett print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.02.13 Mr. Lawrence, our Treasurer, explains that the $11 print preview
FROM: Böttner, Bernhard 1948.02.13 In a German music-magazine I found an article on y print preview
TO: Myers, Rollo H., International Society for Contemporary Music 1948.02.13 I want to tell you that I have finished a little p print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.02.12 Last week I finally heard from the Atlantis Verlag print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1948.02.12 Thank you for your letter of the 7th, and for the print preview
FROM: Hartmann, Karl Amadeus 1948.02.12 Ich erlaube mir mit einer grossen Bitte ans Sie he print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.02.12 My letter was written in a manner, which I conside print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.12 Your answer to Mr. Rollo Myers (who has also asked print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.02.11 Fast gleichzeitig mit Deinem Paket, Lebensmittel u print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1948.02.11 So nun kann ich Ihnen wieder einige günstige Nachr print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.02.10 Thank you for your letter of February 3, 1948, whi print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1948.02.10 Ihren lieben Brief v.18.12. bekam ich schon nach 7 print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.10 I have just received a letter from Mr. Rollo Myers print preview
FROM: Loriod, Yvonne 1948.02.09 M. Schlée m\'écrit de vous mettre au courant de l\ print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.09 Je vous remercie infiniment des deux lettres que v print preview
FROM: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.02.09 The reason that I did not write to you upon my ret print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald, New Music Edition 1948.02.08 Forgive me for not coming to see your before this. print preview
TO: Dunn, [?], United States Department of Justice 1948.02.07 I herewith affirm that I have cancelled my members print preview
TO: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.02.07 Thank you very much for your interest in my theore print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1948.02.07 I have sent you yesterday the signed contracts. print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.02.07 My Kol Nidrei score and parts and original is stil print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.02.07 est ce que vous pouvez faire ça? print preview
FROM: Goldthwaite, Scott, University of Chicago 1948.02.06 Mr. Smith has permanently severed his connections print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.02.06 In Beantwortung Ihres Briefes vom 27. Jänner 1948 print preview
FROM: Rosenzweig, Alfred 1948.02.06 Ich benütze die günstige Gelegenheit von Anna\'s B print preview
FROM: Aldenhoff, Hans, Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungrechte 1948.02.06 Herr Rufer war so liebenswürdig, uns von dem Schre print preview
FROM: Wiggins, Henry H., Columbia University 1948.02.06 I have your letter of January 26th, and the enclos print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1948.02.06 Enclosed--at last--the contract--excuse, please, t print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.02.05 Will you be so kind [as] to send me collect but in print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1948.02.04 We have received your letter of January 1, which r print preview
FROM: Shafer, Paul F., City of Los Angeles 1948.02.04 I sent your music some time ago but keep forgettin print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried, Frankfurter Rundfunk 1948.02.04 Anbei finden Sie meinen Artikel "Heart and Brain print preview
FROM: Myers, Rollo H. 1948.02.03 Edward Clark and I would be most grateful if you w print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1948.02.03 Thank you very much for sending me the Schirmer-Or print preview
TO: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.02.03 I am sorry: I don't know your first name. When I print preview
FROM: Lunt, Storer B., W. W. Norton 1948.02.02 We were very pleased to receive your gracious lett print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.02.02 I am enclosing herewith a copy of the short piece print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.02.02 Unfortunately it is not yet so far. I cannot yet w print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1948.02.00 I am sorry to admit: this can happen--you know our print preview
TO: United States Postmaster General 1948.02.00 On January 18, I wrote you a letter of which I now print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1948.01.31 Die erste Nummer von Rufers Zeitschrift \"Stimmen\ print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.01.31 Dein heutiger Brief vom 14.I d. hat mich tief betr print preview
FROM: Rowland-Jones, A.R.V. 1948.01.30 I am a mere student-composer and I should not drea print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.01.30 Je commence la partition d\'orchestre de la \"Jako print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1948.01.30 Thank you for your letter of January 26 and the ki print preview
TO: Rowland-Jones, A.R.V. 1948.01.30 With great delay I answer your letter - but nevert print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.01.29 Den beiliegenden, etwas unbeholfenen, aber irgendw print preview
TO: W. W. Norton 1948.01.28 May I ask you whether you would be interested in p print preview
TO: Smith, Cecil M., University of Chicago 1948.01.28 I have recently been told that your leave of absen print preview
TO: Lehner, Eugene 1948.01.28 Ich habe lange von Euch nichts gehört. Wie geht es print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.01.27 I cannot tell you how happy I was to have the scor print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.01.27 Because of the war and the isolation of Germany an print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.01.27 Contents: 1 men's suit (wool), $5.-- | 1 lady's print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.01.26 Im Rahmen der IGNM fanden folgende Aufführungen Ih print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.01.26 haben wieder einmal eine herrliche, unerwartete Üb print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.01.26 Comment vous remercier pour votre inestimable cade print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.01.26 This serves to acknowledge receipt of the filled-o print preview
TO: Wiggins, Henry H., Columbia University 1948.01.26 Thank you very much for your interest in my books. print preview
TO: Eble, Charles L., Bruckner Society of America 1948.01.26 I agree that you use these annotations of my speec print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.01.26 ich konnte mich lange nicht entschließen dir zu s print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W. 1948.01.26 I wonder whether you know when the Harmonielehre w print preview
FROM: Seefehlner, Egon Hugo, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1948.01.24 Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr Schreiben vom 10.d.M. und print preview
TO: Vélez, José 1948.01.23 I herewith acknowledge that Sr. José Velez is a st print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.01.22 Besten Dank für den Brief vom 10. Jänner. Die Aufs print preview
FROM: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.01.22 I wish to thank you for your very kind letter of J print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.01.22 First six pages of my score of Jakobsleiter print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1948.01.21 Your package containing bound original score and c print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.01.21 besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 10., auf dessen In print preview
FROM: Pratt, Alan H. 1948.01.20 Many thanks [for] your kind offer of rerecording. print preview
TO: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.01.20 Enclosed the informations about my opus 42 and 43a print preview
TO: Wood, Roger 1948.01.20 It is unfortunately quite improbable that my own t print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.01.19 I was shocked beyond measure by the action on the print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1948.01.18 Je ne saurais jamais vous dire combien j\'ai été h print preview
TO: United States Postmaster General 1948.01.18 I suggest that a way should be found to send Europ print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1948.01.15 Arnold Schönberg, dem Eigentlichen, mit ergebenem print preview
FROM: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.01.15 We are endeavoring to bring our Survey up to date, print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1948.01.15 Ich habe zu Weihnachten an Sie zwei Pakete abgesan print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1948.01.15 ich habe tatsächlich keinen Ihrer und Rufers Brief print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.01.13 Many thanks for your prompt answer. I have relayed print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1948.01.13 X, ten, 10 | 1 print preview
TO: Ierardi, Joseph 1948.01.12 I am sorry! It seems you misunderstood me. I appea print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1948.01.11 lass mich zuerst dir für dein Weihnachtsgeschenk print preview
TO: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1948.01.11 Will you kindly sign and mail this. Thank you most print preview
FROM: Wiggins, Henry H., Columbia University 1948.01.10 Miss Newlin has forwarded to us your letter of Dec print preview
TO: [various] 1948.01.10 I have the impression that you have not been infor print preview
TO: Seefehlner, Egon Hugo, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1948.01.10 Unter den von mir veröffentlichen Werken befindet print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.01.10 Beiliegend die Kopie eines Briefes an Dr. Seefehln print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1948.01.10 Sie haben mich vor geraumer Zeit ersucht, Ihnen Pa print preview
TO: Pratt, Alan H. 1948.01.09 Privately recorded Third and Fourth String quartet print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1948.01.06 I cannot tell you how happy your beautiful letter print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.01.06 heute sind die Briefe von Dir und Frau Trude gekom print preview
TO: Ierardi, Joseph 1948.01.06 I hope this is your name and address. I try to sen print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.01.06 Thank you for forwarding Mr. Frank's wishes to me print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1948.01.05 Nach Eurer Ankündigung eines II. Paketes und liebe print preview
TO: Cohn, Arthur, Free Library of Philadelphia 1948.01.05 Thank you for extending your interest in chamber m print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1948.01.05 Is your reply to this letter merely delayed or has print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1948.01.05 Have you answered this letter or has your reply be print preview
FROM: Pratt, Alan H. 1948.01.04 Please advise if any of your compositions in the t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1948.01.03 ich wünsche mir sehnlichst zu Dir zu kommen. Ich m print preview
FROM: Duckles, Vincent, University of California at Berkeley 1948.01.02 Mr. Leon Kirchner has called our attention to the print preview
FROM: Mayfield, John S. 1948.01.02 I write to ask that you advise me where I may purc print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1948.01.01 erst gestern bin ich nach einer starken Grippe auf print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1948.01.01 Serge Frank\'s father died suddenly and Serge had print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1948.01.01 When, at the end of August, I sent you the piece print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1948.00.00 Payment on account of Universal Edition, Vienna, A print preview
TO: 1948.00.00 Application for Research Fund print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Hessischer Rundfunk 1948.00.00 Es war ein unbeschreiblicher Erfolg, dem nur Ihr A print preview
FROM: Toch, Ernst 1948.00.00 Wollen Sie so lieb sein, die beiliegende Genehmigu print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1948.00.00 Seit 3. Mai keine Nachricht von Dir, was ist los? print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1948.00.00 Bonne et heureuse année. print preview
FROM: Green, Ray, American Music Center, Inc. 1948.00.00 The enclosed American Composers Biographical Surve print preview
FROM: Cumming, Richard 1948.00.00 I am very happy to be able to finally write you. I print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.00.00 Not that I am especially proud about this "C" be print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1948.00.00 I received your letter and I was a little disappo print preview
TO: List, Kurt 1948.00.00 bitte, lesen Sie die Copie des Briefs an Philosoph print preview
TO: Tompkins, Merritt E., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1948.00.00 I received your check of $199.93/100 or was it 99 print preview
FROM: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1948 01.08 Nous avons reçu, avec un important retard, votre l print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1947.12.30 Die herzlichsten Glückwünsche Ihnen und Ihren Lieb print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1947.12.30 Forgive me, please, for not answering your letter print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.12.29 The best greats[!] for Christmas and a happy New Y print preview
FROM: Kyogoku, Takatoshi 1947.12.24 With Kind Remembrance and Best Wishes for A Merry print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.12.23 Ihr Brief vom 13. Dezember kam hier gerade vor mei print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1947.12.23 Nan erzählte mir nämlich und so hoffe ich daß print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.12.21 vielen Dank für Ihre Zeilen vom 18. Ich will nochm print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1947.12.20 1.) Und vor allem: die herzlichsten und aufrichtig print preview
FROM: Kyogoku, Takatoshi 1947.12.20 I thank you very much for your letters of Oct. 22n print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1947.12.19 (Orgel Variationen) print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1947.12.18 beiliegend die Antworten auf Ihre Fragen, Gestern print preview
FROM: Leonard, Alfred, Gateway to Music 1947.12.17 I was recently fortunate enough to find a photogra print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1947.12.17 I received an advertising sheet from Kings Crown P print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.12.16 wir sind sehr glücklich dass uns mit den Kohlen un print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.12.16 Many thanks for telling me in which nice way your print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1947.12.15 I send them the Brain and Heart Essay. print preview
TO: American Lawn Tennis 1947.12.15 Please, excuse my mistake. The subscription should print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1947.12.15 I send them the Brain and Heart Essay. print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1947.12.15 Do you know, whether I am still alive? And if so: print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.12.15 2 pairs of shoes (men), $4 | 2 lbs of chocolate, $ print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.12.15 Ich mußte mich entschließen, den Artikel: Criter print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1947.12.14 Today I received the enclosed letter from Universa print preview
FROM: Hodgson, C. W., Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 1947.12.13 I thought you would be interested in knowing that print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.12.13 Ich bin seit ungefähr zehn Jahren Mitglied der ASC print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.12.10 habe heute Deinen Brief vom 26.XI. bekommen und wi print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1947.12.10 Stuckenschmidt rief mich gestern an:er erhielt ebe print preview
FROM: Cohen, Elliot E., Commentary 1947.12.10 We think you will be interested in the attached ar print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1947.12.10 Thank you for your letter of November 20th, and fo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1947.12.09 Ich schreibe Dir nur einige Zeilen um Dir zu sagen print preview
FROM: Gallimard, Gaston, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1947.12.09 La traduction de votre \"Traité\" est faite par Ma print preview
TO: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1947.12.08 Thank you for inviting me to write a piece for orc print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.12.08 a food package | X, ten (10.00) print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.12.07 ich benütze mit Vergnügen die Gelegenheit, Ihren m print preview
FROM: Hürlimann, Martin, Atlantis Verlag 1947.12.06 Wir danken Ihnen bestens für Ihre Zeilen vom 27.No print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard, Sr. 1947.12.06 Kindly accept my heartfelt thanks for all your kin print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.12.06 Many thanks for your letter of Dec. 3d. I\'m genui print preview
TO: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.12.06 I am at present with Mr. Schoenberg, writing a tra print preview
FROM: Mahler, Fritz, Erie Philharmonic Soc 1947.12.05 I have heard with the greatest pleasure that you w print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1947.12.04 I thought you might like to know that the Chamber print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.12.04 We are very happy that you accepted the commission print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.12.04 many thanks for your note dated 11/28. I am not ye print preview
FROM: Saunders, Richard Drake, Bureau of Musical Research 1947.12.03 Your manuscript has been received. print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.12.03 Ich bin verzweifelt, daß ich gezwungen bin, Ihnen print preview
FROM: Seefehlner, Egon Hugo, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft 1947.12.02 Die Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft beabsichtigt un print preview
TO: Saunders, Richard Drake 1947.12.02 Enclosed the little article as a contribution to y print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1947.12.00 With Christmas greetings. print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1947.12.00 Das wäre wohl besser, aber es ist dadurch entstand print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.11.28 I do not understand why you do not find "remote ma print preview
TO: Atlantis Verlag 1947.11.27 Auf Verlangen des Herrn H.H. Stuckenschmiedt print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1947.11.27 ich habe Ende August und anfangs September auf Ihr print preview
TO: Hoelscher, Jolandke 1947.11.27 My father had only one brother whose only son had print preview
TO: Ratz, Erwin 1947.11.26 ich weiß nicht ob ich in absehbarer Zeit in der La print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.11.26 warum habe ich so lange nichts von dir gehört. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.11.25 Heute erhielten wir vollkommen unerwartet Euer Car print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1947.11.25 Since my return to the East this fall, I have been print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.11.25 This is to acknowledge - once more -receipt of the print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.11.24 Your letter of November 22nd certainly came as a s print preview
TO: American Lawn Tennis 1947.11.24 Enclosed find a check of $6.00 for subscription to print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.11.23 zunächst: vielen Dank für Euren Brief, die Photo print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.11.22 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 20. Sie haben rech print preview
TO: Philosophical Library 1947.11.22 I assume you are aware that you have let the exten print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.11.22 I have been told that Associated Music Publishers print preview
TO: Gallimard, Gaston, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1947.11.21 I would like very much to learn how the translatio print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.11.20 Please sign the enclosed Power of Atty and return print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1947.11.20 I have received copies of my "Variations on a Rec print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.11.20 Es scheint daß irgend jemand (ich vermute Dr. Ma print preview
TO: Aelberts, Pierre 1947.11.20 Unfortunately I can not sign the contracts which y print preview
TO: Nef, Elinor Castle 1947.11.20 Thank you so much for your very pleasant letter on print preview
FROM: Hertzka, Yella, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.11.19 Zum Zwecke der Klarstellung Eigentumsverhältnisse print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1947.11.19 ich erhielt vor einiger Zeit Ihre lieben Grüße mit print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1947.11.17 I just received your letter and wish to thank you print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1947.11.17 Serge Frank tells me that you believe that I am of print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.11.17 Thank you very much for the encouraging news about print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.11.16 Many thanks for your kind letter. I shall try to a print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.11.15 I have talked to Trudi in New York and found her v print preview
TO: Aram, K. 1947.11.15 In answer to your question: "What can Mr. Reichol print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1947.11.14 The following-named composers of music have referr print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1947.11.14 We trust by now that you have received copies of y print preview
TO: Krüger, Viktor 1947.11.14 Ich arbeite sehr hart um ein Buch fertig zu bekomm print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.11.13 I have been attending diligently in your matter an print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.11.13 Yesterday I sent you a copy of "Heart and Brain in print preview
FROM: Myers, Rollo H., Dennis Dobson, Ltd 1947.11.12 I am editing for the above firm of publishers a ki print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1947.11.12 I am glad to hear from you personally about your a print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.11.10 This is a supplement to yesterday\'s letter. Ex. 3 print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1947.11.09 Ich muß Sie wieder belästigen noch bevor Antwort print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.11.09 This is to report to you on the present state of t print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.11.06 Many thanks for your letter. I shall acknowledge r print preview
FROM: Nef, Elinor Castle 1947.11.04 At last this good book The Works of the Mind is in print preview
FROM: Aelberts, Pierre 1947.11.03 Veuillez trouver, annexé à la présente, deux contr print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.11.03 es ist wirklich traurig daß Du unsere Briefe nicht print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.11.03 In order to accelerate now a little[!] the publica print preview
FROM: Nixon, Roger Alfred 1947.11.01 It has been my good fortune to become familiar wit print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.10.31 Auf Seite 6 des Artikels \"Heart and Brain in Mus print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.10.30 Um die Erträgnisse aus den kleinen Rechten der öst print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger, University of California at Berkeley 1947.10.30 It is now nearly three years since I had from you print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.10.30 Bitte nehmen Sie mir mein Schweigen nicht übel. Es print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1947.10.28 Es ist vielleicht eines der unerklärlichsten Dinge print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.10.28 With the exception of your telegram, demanding del print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.10.24 haben vor einigen Tagen von der Firma R. Genée, Wi print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., G. Schirmer, Inc 1947.10.23 You might have heard that I have recently been app print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1947.10.21 Tausend Dank für Brief und Foto (welch letzteres print preview
TO: Kyogoku, Takatoshi 1947.10.19 I am very glad to hear again from you. And that yo print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.10.17 You will find enclosed a check for $1,000.00 in fu print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1947.10.16 Ihr Brief vom 8. Oktober hat mir eine große Freude print preview
FROM: Kulka, Ernest W. 1947.10.16 In answer to your recent letter I wish to emphasiz print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.10.15 I sent two days ago to you almost the entire artic print preview
TO: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.10.15 Waiting now seven weeks for Honorarium please wire print preview
FROM: Hodgson, C. W., Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 1947.10.13 Enclosed herewith is copy of letter just recieved print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge 1947.10.12 Honorarium after waiting seven weeks not yet recei print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.10.10 ich habe mich gestern abend riesig über Euren Anru print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1947.10.10 Wenn ich nicht kurz und sofort schreibe, so versch print preview
TO: Kulka, Ernest W. 1947.10.09 Ich bin sehr besorgt über den Zustand meiner Tocht print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1947.10.08 Ich bin gerade im Begriff meinen längeren Essay " print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.10.07 2 lbs 8 oz bisquick $0.25, 1" tea $.93, 1" 8" spli print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.10.05 Herzlichste Weihnachtsgrüsse euch Allen Dreien. Ho print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1947.10.05 in den Zeitschriften, die mir aus Europa (besonder print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.10.05 I am writing to you from the boat which tonight is print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.10.05 2 lbs rice, $ -.47 | 1 lb cube sugar, $.10 | 1 lb print preview
TO: Krüger, Viktor 1947.10.05 Das ist ja alles sehr erfreulich, was Sie über die print preview
TO: Krüger, Viktor 1947.10.05 Upon your request I herewith authorize you to repr print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge 1947.10.04 Just arrived, thank you manuscript. Forwarding hon print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1947.09.30 Ãœber Ihren Brief vom 2. September, den ich im Orig print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1947.09.30 I have just been informed that my publisher has ne print preview
TO: Dodd, Paul A., University of California at Los Angles 1947.09.30 Thank you very much for your offer to keep me advi print preview
TO: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.09.30 It is September the 30th and I do still not know w print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1947.09.29 Sie können sich nicht denken, wie sehr mich Ihr Sc print preview
TO: League of Composers, Inc 1947.09.28 I have unfortunately no records of performances of print preview
TO: Schloss, Julius 1947.09.28 Ich würde Ihnen sehr gerne helfen wenn ich Ihnen k print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1947.09.27 I was overjoyed to receive your letter of Septembe print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1947.09.25 Wie ich erfahre kam durch einen Zufall jenes Heft print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.09.25 ich hoffe du bekommst das rechtzeitig. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.09.24 ich bin sehr traurig aus deinem Brief zu entnehmen print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1947.09.22 Kindly reply at once to these questions which will print preview
FROM: Girard, Jacques 1947.09.20 Ayant du quitter mes études pour raison de santé, print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.09.15 ich hoffe du bekommst das rechzeitig. Ich schätze print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1947.09.15 I hope you are feeling better again. You were hav print preview
TO: American Fuel Relief for Austria 1947.09.15 Please send to Georg Schönberg, Mödling bei Wien print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1947.09.13 Many happy returns. All happiness. print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1947.09.13 "Mit aller Lieb' und Treue" Dika Newlin for Sep print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.09.13 Heartiest congratulations. print preview
FROM: University of Chicago 1947.09.12 Congratulations on your 73rd birthday tomorrow print preview
FROM: Lachmann, Erich 1947.09.12 Happiest birthday wishes and sincerest greetings f print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.09.12 Congratulations and sincere good wishes on your bi print preview
TO: Hodgson, C. W., Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 1947.09.11 Many cordial thanks to you for acting in favor of print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1947.09.11 Sorry unable to attend meeting without Mrs. Schoen print preview
TO: Pfitzner, Hans 1947.09.10 Ich habe Dr. Pfitzner zur Zeit der Aufführung der print preview
TO: Leer, Eugen 1947.09.10 Von Frau Alma Mahler-Werfel wurde mir mitgeteilt, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.09.09 habe heute Deinen Brief vom 2.9. erhalten. Ich war print preview
FROM: Pot, Cor, Klavarskribo 1947.09.08 By bookpost I am sending to you some printed matte print preview
FROM: Hodgson, C. W., Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 1947.09.08 Enclosed herewith find copy of letter just receive print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1947.09.08 am 13. September 1919, in Mödling, durfte ich, Sch print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1947.09.07 Wie in jedem Jahr, sollen auch diesmal diese Zeile print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.09.07 meine herzlichsten Gratulationen und besten Wünsch print preview
FROM: Kyogoku, Takatoshi 1947.09.06 I am very glad to inform you that Musical America, print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.09.04 Regarding Structural Functions of the Harmony[!] print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.09.04 What about \"Lichtspielmusik\" op.34? It could be print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1947.09.03 Zu Deinem Geburtstag wünschen Dir Mama und ich all print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.09.03 Vor allen Dingen die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.09.03 Thank you for all your kind letters. I have done w print preview
TO: Hodgson, C. W., Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 1947.09.03 Just a few days ago I have finished a composition print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1947.09.02 Dr. Koussevitzky is now in Europe and has asked me print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1947.09.02 Your letters reached me today. I am delighted to h print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1947.09.02 Herzl. Grüsse. Ich habe am 30. Juni in Wien die 1. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.09.02 Du hast uns nicht mehr geschrieben, seit deiner print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans 1947.09.02 Ich kann Ihr Bedürfnis nach Ferien sehr wohl verst print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.09.01 Thank you for your letter and for the correction. print preview
FROM: Wahl, Jean 1947.08.31 I am writing to introduce the gifted musician, Ren print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1947.08.30 Es ist unverantwortlich lange her, daß ich nicht print preview
TO: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1947.08.30 Thank you very much for your letter and your kind print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1947.08.29 Von meinem Urlaub möchte ich Ihnen zu Ihrem bevors print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1947.08.29 Today your letter arrived containing suggestions f print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.08.28 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 31. Juli. Gleichze print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.08.28 I am sending you herewith a little paper which wil print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1947.08.28 Mr. H.H. Stuckenschmidt, Berlin *Tempelhof Thuyrin print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.08.28 I am just in the process of concluding a contract print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1947.08.28 You are right. This is one of the funniest typing print preview
FROM: Norton, Mildred, Los Angeles Daily News 1947.08.26 Here are a few suggestions which you might care to print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.08.25 Do you think I could give a concert at \"The Eveni print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.08.24 I am happy to inform you that the piece you commis print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.08.20 I am sorry to bother you with the following questi print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.08.19 I wish to thank you in the first place for having print preview
FROM: Berner, Lizzy 1947.08.19 Heute muss ich Sie leider mit einer Bitte bzw. Fra print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.08.19 Rudi hat mir gestern von deinem Brief erzählt und print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1947.08.18 In den sechzehn Jahren die ich in Chile lebend ver print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1947.08.18 Thank you very much for your letter in report to y print preview
FROM: Shafer, Paul F., United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1947.08.16 A long time ago I wrote you briefly concerning the print preview
FROM: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1947.08.14 Je vous écris du littoral belge où je suis en trai print preview
FROM: Hodgson, C. W., Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Ohio 1947.08.13 I thought you would be interested in knowing that print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1947.08.12 zu meiner Freude forderte mich der Züricher Atlant print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.08.12 Ein Wort nur um Ihnen mitzuteilen, daß das Gesamte print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.08.07 Your book is all typeset and the musical examples print preview
TO: Zeitlin, Jacob Israel, Zeitlin and Brugge 1947.08.06 I hereby authorize you to sell for me the original print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, Columbia University 1947.08.05 Thank you for your kind letter acknowledging the A print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1947.08.05 The Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia is holdin print preview
TO: Krüger, Viktor 1947.08.00 I will answer you as soon as possible. Of course, print preview
FROM: McKeon, Richard P., United States Foreign Service 1947.07.31 Both copies of your contribution to the symposium print preview
FROM: Andrus, John R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.07.31 We regret to advise you that we have been unable t print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1947.07.31 We were very glad to hear that you are quite well print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1947.07.31 Many thanks for your information. I am still tryin print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.07.31 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für die guten und interessant print preview
TO: Fisk, Mildred K. 1947.07.31 Thank you for informing me about the score of my o print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.07.30 Hoffentlich kommt dieser Brief rechtzeitig an um D print preview
FROM: Raines, Fyat, G. Schirmer, Inc 1947.07.29 The Music Journal is running a series of full-page print preview
FROM: Candé, Roland de 1947.07.28 Thank you so much for the documents you sent me an print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans, Münchener Philharmoniker 1947.07.26 Nach einer sehr anstrengenden Saison will ich die print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.07.26 Soeben erhalte ich Ihren UNESCO Aufsatz Ich bin no print preview
FROM: De la Vega, Aurelio 1947.07.25 Two days ago I received the news about the last mu print preview
FROM: De la Vega, Aurelio 1947.07.25 I have received the kind letter of Mr. Stein of Ju print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.07.24 I have just received the musical examples and the print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1947.07.24 großer Jubel: vorgestern kam Ihr 4.Streichquartet print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.07.24 I go East tonight and will be as below. I ha print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.07.22 Ich habe seit langer Zeit keine Nachricht von Ihne print preview
FROM: Vélez, José 1947.07.19 I am very sorry of taking the time I have to answe print preview
TO: McKeon, Richard P., UNESCO 1947.07.19 It is Saturday afternoon, and I have to hurry to t print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.07.18 We sent, today, your Structural Functions to Mr. L print preview
FROM: Couch, William Terry, University of Chicago 1947.07.18 Thank you very much for your letter of July 17th r print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.07.17 haben jetzt innerhalb einer Woche 3 Pakete von Dir print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.07.15 I am writing to you from London where I have just print preview
TO: Couch, William Terry, University of Chicago 1947.07.15 As I have marked in the contract my article belong print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.07.15 May I kindly ask you to send by registered mail th print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.07.14 We are very happy to have your letter and to know print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1947.07.14 Heute schon kann ich Ihnen Genaueres über das Wie print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.07.12 Wir haben innerhalb 3er Tage 4 Sendungen von Euch print preview
FROM: Candé, Roland de 1947.07.12 I am very late to thank you for having answered so print preview
FROM: Couch, William Terry, University of Chicago 1947.07.11 I am writing to you at the suggestion of Mr. Heywo print preview
FROM: Jones, Isaac H., Tennis Patrons Association of Southern California 1947.07.11 Indeed I remember you with the greatest pleasure. print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B. 1947.07.11 The corrected musical proof came through to me her print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.07.10 Coming back from London I find your two letters wh print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.07.09 Immediately upon my return from California I urgen print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1947.07.09 Ich habe das ausserordentliche Vergnügen, Ihnen mi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1947.07.08 Vor allem möchte ich Euch mitteilen daß es uns all print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.07.08 ich erlaube mir Ihnen, Ihrem Wunsch gemäß, ein Pro print preview
FROM: McKeon, Richard P., United States Foreign Service 1947.07.07 Your letter informing me that your contribution to print preview
TO: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1947.07.07 It is a coincidence. A little more than a month a print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.07.04 Heute hat Susi mir Deinen Brief mit der Empfangsbe print preview
TO: Prentice-Hall, Inc 1947.07.04 I would like to inform you that I have just finish print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1947.07.04 I want to answer some of your questions to Mr. Ste print preview
TO: McKeon, Richard P., University of Chicago 1947.07.03 I must apologize the great delay of my answer. The print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.07.03 Ich habe heute drei Pakete an dich geschickt. print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret 1947.07.01 You will remember that in March 1944 you were noti print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.07.01 I am writing to you from London where I have just print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1947.07.01 Conducted yesterday Chamber Symphony opus 9 Kollo print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.07.01 wir haben jetzt wieder lange von Euch nichts gehör print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1947.07.01 I have no set of parts of my Wind-Quintet. I think print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1947.07.00 Am 30. Juni 1947 hat in New York City unsere diesj print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.06.30 Thank you for your prompt letter of June 25th. I w print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, Carl Fischer, Inc 1947.06.30 Many thanks for your letter concerning your new te print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.06.27 man hat mir soeben Ihren Brief vom 18. Juni hierhe print preview
TO: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.06.25 My friend, Leonard Stein, was so kind to proofread print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.06.24 Mein Plan Neuseeland am 2. Juni zu verlassen, war print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.06.24 lbs, oz. | 1:12, 1 pair of (high) men's shoes, $5 print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1947.06.23 Mit sehr herzlichem Dank und grosser Freude bestät print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.06.23 Am gleichen Tag, als ich von hier an Euch schrieb print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.06.21 bitte sei nicht böse, daß ich Dir das Care-Paket print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1947.06.21 On the Chamber Music concert series which I have h print preview
TO: Fletcher, Stanley, University of Illinois 1947.06.20 Trio for Violin, Viola and Violoncello | 23 print preview
TO: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1947.06.20 Excuse me; I have to answer in English. print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.06.19 At long last the musical proof is here, and I send print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.06.19 Was ist denn nur los, habe seit dem Paket im Janua print preview
TO: Candé, Roland de, Annuaire International des Compositeurs Contemporains 1947.06.19 Thank you very much for inviting me to contribute print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1947.06.18 Since I last wrote you, I have completed (in Frenc print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1947.06.18 Mit bestem Dank bestätige ich Ihren Brief vom 11. print preview
FROM: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1947.06.18 Une grève inattendue des services postaux ne m\'a print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1947.06.18 Unsere Vereinigung, welche fast restlos alle in de print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.06.18 1 suit (pants and jacket, no waist.), $10.00 | 1 g print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.06.18 Ich habe jetzt schon längere Zeit nichts von Ihnen print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.06.17 not even the peaceful beauty of old and familiar s print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.06.17 $ | 1.10, 1 quart oil | -.24, 2lbs rice | -.05, 1 print preview
TO: Rossi, Heddy, The Playhouse 1947.06.17 May I be brief in order to answer at once? print preview
FROM: Candé, Roland de, Annuaire International des Compositeurs Contemporains 1947.06.16 Nous avons résolu d\'entreprendre la publication ( print preview
FROM: Candé, Roland de 1947.06.16 Vous voudrais bien excuser cette circulaire que j print preview
TO: Leduc, Monique, Schmitz School of Piano 1947.06.15 Your plan for a contest in composition and for pia print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.06.14 I have not been quite well these weeks, but had ne print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1947.06.14 Ich habe gestern von meinem Verleger Antwort bekom print preview
TO: Frederick, Kurt 1947.06.14 Your intention interests me. Do you [have] good en print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1947.06.12 May I be brief in order to answer at once? print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1947.06.12 I am here in New York in order to prepare with Fel print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.06.10 Have you a publisher for your String Trio op.45? I print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1947.06.09 vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihren Brief. Die im Te print preview
TO: Limonick, Natalie 1947.06.09 May I hear from you, if and how many pupils are to print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.06.09 I am very sorry that you have so much trouble with print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.06.07 G. Schirmer, Inc. advise that they have over-paid print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, Carl Fischer, Inc 1947.06.07 I want to inform you (1) that the book on composit print preview
TO: Jones, Perry T., Los Angeles Tennis Association 1947.06.06 I hope you remember me: we met at a dinner in Dr. print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1947.06.05 Wir haben dankend Eure letzten beiden Briefe erhal print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.06.05 The contents of this letter are to be kept strictl print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.06.04 Met with Mr. Winter of Associated Music Pub. this print preview
TO: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1947.06.04 Il est très difficile pour moi de répondre en fran print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1947.06.03 FOR VALUE RECEIVED; I PROMISE TO PAY IN LAWFUL MON print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.06.03 The reason you have not heard from me before, was print preview
FROM: McKeon, Richard P., University of Chicago 1947.06.02 I have just received word from Dr. Julian Huxley c print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.06.02 haben heute Deinen Brief vom 24.V.erhalten. Du wir print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.06.02 I have your note with enclosure which I hasten to print preview
FROM: Perpessa, Harilaos 1947.06.01 Quite unexpectedly I yesterday received the letter print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1947.06.00 Nach langen, muehevollen Verhandlungen, ueber die print preview
FROM: Rathburn, Eldon 1947.06.00 Just a line to convey to you my thanks for your re print preview
FROM: Frederick, Kurt 1947.05.30 I would be very eager to perform your Pierrot Luna print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.05.30 The article I want to include in Style and Idea wa print preview
FROM: Perpessa, Harilaos 1947.05.28 Sie haben mir mit Ihren lieben Zeilen eine große print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.05.28 At the last moment when I practically had no choic print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.05.28 After a spirited and HEATED discussion with Mr. Ge print preview
FROM: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1947.05.27 Le soussigné, a l\'honneur et la joie, de vous ann print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.05.26 We have today written to the publisher of Schoenbe print preview
FROM: Limonick, Natalie 1947.05.24 Your acceptance has made us all very happy and qui print preview
FROM: Geffen, Felicia, American Academy of Arts and Letters 1947.05.23 Many requests to print your remarks. Please wire a print preview
TO: Geffen, Felicia, American Academy of Arts and Letters 1947.05.23 Agree to reprint my speech print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.05.22 Upon Arnold Schoenberg, poet, philosopher, and tea print preview
TO: Rathburn, Eldon 1947.05.22 This is the copy of my letter. Let us hope for suc print preview
TO: Kanitz, Ernest, University of Southern California 1947.05.22 I received the following telegram: \"I am applying print preview
TO: National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.05.22 I am proud about the formulation under which this print preview
FROM: Rathburn, Eldon 1947.05.21 I am applying for [the] Carrie Jacobs Bond Scholar print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin 1947.05.21 I appreciate your letter of May 14th very much. print preview
TO: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1947.05.21 Ich habe mit Mühe die Tränen niedergekämpft, als i print preview
TO: Rathburn, Eldon 1947.05.21 Will write to Dr. Kanitz tomorrow. print preview
TO: Limonick, Natalie 1947.05.21 You and your friends demand to me[!] to teach you print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.05.21 Im zweiten Ausschnitt ist ein blödsinniger Druckfe print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.05.20 Haben gestern ein Care-Paket von Dir bekommen, wo print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.05.20 At last we are speeding to Washington where we hav print preview
FROM: Limonick, Natalie 1947.05.19 The undersigned ask that you conduct a series of c print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1947.05.19 Wir haben Ihren Brief vom 27. April erhalten, könn print preview
FROM: Estep, Don K. 1947.05.18 I\'ve owed you a letter for so long, I\'m ashamed print preview
TO: 1947.05.18 Vielen herzlichsten Dank für Ihr Telegramm, anläßl print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1947.05.17 Two of your friends have advised me that you wish print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.05.17 Wir haben am 12. Mai an dich ein Paket dessen Inha print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1947.05.14 The Symposium is over and I think you would have b print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W. 1947.05.14 Arnold Schoenberg has asked me to write to you abo print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.05.14 Structurals finished. Willing to accept previous print preview
TO: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1947.05.14 I agree completely with you in condemning the blun print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.05.13 Structural Functions offering same contract as Har print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred 1947.05.13 auf dem Rückweg von der italienischen Tournee eine print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin 1947.05.13 Strongly urge you send statement protesting action print preview
FROM: Mayes, Tom, University of Chicago 1947.05.12 Could you please send me a glossy print of yoursel print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.05.12 Please wire your decision about Structural Functio print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.05.12 I am really extremely disappointed not to be able print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.05.12 pounds (lib)[!] | 2lb., 1oz., a three piece woolen print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans 1947.05.12 das Programm Ihrer Aufführung meiner Kammersymphon print preview
TO: Perpessa, Harilaos 1947.05.11 Enclosed the form you sent me. I have answered all print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.05.10 Wir haben heute Euern Brief vom 2.V.47 erhalten, ü print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1947.05.10 wir hoffen täglich wieder einmal von Ihnen zu höre print preview
TO: Rew, Tacie Hanna, University of Southern California 1947.05.10 What you do for young musicians through the Appoid print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.05.08 How can I thank you for your letter and for the le print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.05.06 I have reviewed the documents left with me regardi print preview
FROM: Schorsch, A. 1947.05.05 Wenn mir etwas das Recht gibt, an Sie zu schreiben print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.05.05 vielen Dank für Ihre Zeilen, die mich ebenso erfre print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.05.05 Would you agree to pay dollar 1200.00 advance on S print preview
TO: Composers-Authors Guild 1947.05.04 You may be surprised to receive an answer to your print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1947.05.04 ich freue mich, daß sie die revision meiner Artik print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.05.03 No funds needed on DGR in MGN acc as was figd when print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.05.03 Enclosed six sheets[!] might give you a partial v print preview
FROM: Schorsch, A. 1947.05.02 Weil der große Ethiker, der Dichter und Diener der print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.05.02 The Press has finally come through with the memora print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.05.02 Yesterday I met Douglas Moore of Columbia Universi print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1947.05.02 Are deeply moved by your beautiful and exciting tr print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.05.02 meine Frau hat euch diese Woche ein Fünf Kilo Pack print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1947.05.01 I am sorry to have to tell you that my application print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.05.01 herzlichsten Dank für Eure lieben Briefe, Telegram print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.05.01 mit der Revision des Artikels \"Style and Idea\" b print preview
FROM: Jarnach, Wolfgang 1947.04.29 Darf ich mir erlauben, mich als Sohn von Philipp J print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.28 As you already know, we have turned over Style and print preview
FROM: McManus, George S., Wesleyan University 1947.04.28 Thank you for your letter of April 24 which came S print preview
FROM: Perpessa, Harilaos 1947.04.28 Through the intermediary of Mr. Dimitri Mitropoul print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1947.04.27 Ich hoffe, dieser Brief findet Sie alle in guter G print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1947.04.27 Finally I have found your letter from April 1, whi print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.04.26 To tell you how happy I was on receiving your lett print preview
TO: Brown, S.E., Jr. 1947.04.26 I am sorry, I am so busy with finishing my own wor print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1947.04.25 In reply to your letter of the 23rd, the Variation print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1947.04.25 Sofort nach Erhalt Ihres Briefes vom 22. April hab print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.04.25 die Nachricht von deiner Operation hat mich sehr e print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.24 I can send Friday, April 25 half of the book on st print preview
TO: Greissle, Arnold 1947.04.24 In our telegram we have already told you how enthu print preview
TO: McManus, George S., Wesleyan University 1947.04.23 At first: Greetings to Mrs. McManus, which - I am print preview
TO: Richter, Hans, City College of New York 1947.04.23 Your ideas are very interesting. However, I am sor print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1947.04.23 Before the war you have made a contract with me ab print preview
TO: Greissle, Arnold 1947.04.23 Congratulating enthusiastically to[!] successful o print preview
TO: Chochem, Corinne 1947.04.23 I have to work hard to finish the works I could no print preview
FROM: Chochem, Corinne 1947.04.22 Thank you very kindly for your prompt reply. We re print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Johannespresse 1947.04.22 Thank you for your information about my manuscript print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.04.20 ich bin Euch schon seit langem eine Antwort schuld print preview
TO: Chochem, Corinne 1947.04.20 I think it is the best to tell you at once the print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1947.04.18 I wanted to write you already on so many occasions print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.17 Under separate cover we have sent additional galle print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Opernhaus Düsseldorf 1947.04.17 Endlich bekomme ich eine, wenn auch indirekte Nach print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.16 We should love to receive the manuscript of your n print preview
FROM: Hinnenberg-Lefèbre, Margot 1947.04.16 Nehmen Sie herzlichen Dank für die Grüße, die uns print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1947.04.16 Having gone to sleep last night over Mrs. Folfes f print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.15 Enclosed please find translations of "The Rondo Fo print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.04.15 Wie ich aus Ihrem letzten Briefe entnommen habe, h print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.04.15 Nun bin ich leider schon 3 Monate ohne Nachricht v print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.04.14 Here\'s another letter from the Alien Property Off print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.04.13 I have been notified that you are planning to leav print preview
TO: Lehner, Eugene 1947.04.12 wir haben uns außerordentlich gefreut von Ihnen N print preview
TO: Dessau, Paul 1947.04.12 Bitte, nehmen Sie die beiden (frankierten) Kuverts print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.11 Thanks for returning so promptly the first part of print preview
FROM: McManus, George S., Wesleyan University 1947.04.11 Many thanks for your prompt reply to my letter and print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.04.11 It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1947.04.11 Many people from the past wrote me about my articl print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.10 As per your suggestion, we have turned over the ma print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1947.04.10 I can not read your Bruckner, Mahler, Schoenberg B print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Johannespresse 1947.04.09 Sie werden sich erinnern, daß wir vor ca. einem Ja print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.07 I am delighted to hear that you like the translati print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1947.04.07 endlich find ich die Muße, Ihre freundlichen Grüße print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1947.04.07 In Brüssel soll vom Monat September an eine neue m print preview
FROM: Burk, John N., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1947.04.07 Would like to reprint your article Folkloristic Sy print preview
TO: McManus, George S., Wesleyan University 1947.04.07 I answer at once, though briefly. The piano pieces print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1947.04.06 Hoffentlich hat Sie das Plakat schon erreicht, das print preview
FROM: McManus, George S., Wesleyan University 1947.04.05 Not long ago I played your Klavierstücke op. 19 at print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1947.04.05 Sie werden sich wahrscheinlich wundern, von mir ei print preview
FROM: Glinski, Mateusz, Musica Rivista Int 1947.04.04 I am not sure you will remember me for, after our print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.02 Did you receive the German text, which the transla print preview
FROM: Chochem, Corinne 1947.04.02 I have written to New York for a correct translati print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.04.02 I received the proofs of my Harmonielehre Monday M print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.04.01 Since I am going away, it would be advisable that print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1947.04.01 After discussion with Greissle, I thought it best print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1947.03.31 Der Brief von Winter ist, was mich betrifft, absol print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.03.28 Ich bin ja so froh und glücklich, endlich wieder e print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.03.28 In regard to the negotiations on your Structural F print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1947.03.25 The enclosure should interest you. Please return print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1947.03.23 Please let me thank you again, also in the name of print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.03.23 I am sorry I cannot correct the "Lecture on Brahm print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.03.21 Leider kommen wir mit dem Versuch, die Anteile an print preview
FROM: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.03.20 I humbly ask you to forgive me for not answering y print preview
TO: Armitage, Merle 1947.03.19 I am pleased to hear about your activities and the print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1947.03.17 Für Ihren Brief sage ich Ihnen meinen herzlichsten print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1947.03.16 In Gedanken habe ich Ihnen schon 100 Briefe geschr print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.03.15 Mis[s] Marchesseault, has probably neither the exp print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.03.14 This is in regard to your letter of March 8, in wh print preview
FROM: Cooke, James Francis, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1947.03.13 In a forthcoming editorial in The Etude, I have ch print preview
FROM: Tansman, Alexandre 1947.03.10 We are sending you and Mrs. Schoenberg our most af print preview
TO: Vélez, José 1947.03.09 There is at present a chance that I could place yo print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.03.08 Please excuse the delay of this letter. print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1947.03.08 Some time ago I asked[!] cancellation of my contra print preview
TO: Geffen, Felicia, American Academy of Arts and Letters 1947.03.08 I could not reach the owner of the copyright yeste print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.03.07 I am sorry that an exchange of wires is necessary. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.03.07 Hurried decision impossible. Letter follows. print preview
FROM: Geffen, Felicia, American Academy of Arts and Letters 1947.03.07 Please send immediately first class air mail photo print preview
TO: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.03.07 Philosophical Library, 15 East 40th Street, New Yo print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.03.07 you are mistaken when you say "I put you under Pr print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1947.03.05 No doubt you have already had word from Dr. Runes print preview
FROM: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1947.03.04 Many thanks for your letter of February 28. I am p print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.03.04 Here is a motif of my 3d String-Quartet. print preview
FROM: Wehr, Wesley 1947.03.03 Recently I was examining the Balch autograph colle print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.03.03 Another one! Considering that it happened in the w print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios 1947.03.03 I am doing a book to be titled Concert Memoranda, print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1947.03.02 Safely arrived I send you my kindest regards and b print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Record Retailing 1947.03.02 Problems of Music criticism have become so remote print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.03.01 Vor ungefähr zwei Wochen ersuchte ich Sie in einem print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1947.03.01 du hast jetzt lange von uns nichts gehört, obwohl print preview
TO: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1947.02.28 There is not only one misunderstanding but there a print preview
TO: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.02.28 May I ask for my statement and royalties till Dece print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.27 Thanks for the outline on Structural Functions of print preview
TO: Newcomb, Rexford, University of Illinois 1947.02.27 Thank you for your letter of February 20th in rega print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.25 Thank you very much for your letter with the sugge print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.02.25 Für Ihre lieben Zeilen danke ich herzlichst. Es ta print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.24 We are looking forward to receiving your two artic print preview
FROM: Aucoin, Lionel A., Auccoin Brothers 1947.02.24 I am forming a fine collection of autographed musi print preview
FROM: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1947.02.21 You know, I hope, my profound respect for you and print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.21 Thank you very much for your letter of February 18 print preview
FROM: Apel, Willi 1947.02.21 You may remember that about a year ago I wrote to print preview
FROM: Tischer, Gerhard, Tischer & Jagenberg Musikverlag 1947.02.20 durch Herrn Dr. Toch, 811 Franklin Str., Santa Mon print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1947.02.20 Wir erhielten heute Dein \"Care Paket\". Manchmal print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1947.02.20 About 40 years I have pleaded for printing of a Ge print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.20 Under separate cover I send you the two lectures; print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.19 In connection with your communication of February print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Record Retailing 1947.02.19 I intend to run an artist\'s symposium on the ques print preview
TO: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1947.02.19 After waiting about three weeks for your decision print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.18 Though I am not fond of Dadaistic Abstractionism - print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.18 Enclosed you find the Index of the book "Structur print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.16 Enclosed copies of a letter of mine to Miss Reba S print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1947.02.15 thank you for the Good news. Let us hope this is print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.02.15 I have just read a rather interesting commentary o print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1947.02.15 Nun ist endlich Dein sehnlich erwartetes Paket an print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1947.02.14 I felt so bad about what happened yesterday that I print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.13 Immediately upon receipt of your letter dated Febr print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.13 Thank you for your letter of February 11th and als print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1947.02.13 Ich muß mich sehr bei Ihnen entschuldigen, daß ich print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1947.02.12 Nachdem Mutti leider noch immer durch ihre im Vor print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1947.02.11 Immediately upon receipt of your letter I had the print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.02.11 I want to inform you of a very encouraging trend I print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.11 I hope your talk with Mr. Runes did not stop publi print preview
TO: Cykler, Edmund 1947.02.11 I have known Dr. Edmund Cykler since coming to Los print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.10 We have received from Mr. Greissle this afternoon print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1947.02.08 This brief note is merely to give you an account o print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.07 The other day I had a talk with our lawyer and it print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.06 We are now making arrangements with a very disting print preview
FROM: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1947.02.06 I returned home a bit later than I thought. And si print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.02.06 Am already impatiently awaiting your decision and print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.02.03 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 21.v.M., der soebe print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.02.03 I hope there was no misunderstanding, and the comp print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.02.03 Es tut mir sehr leid, daß ich Sie solange auf Ant print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika, Western Maryland College 1947.02.02 First and foremost this comes to tell you that as print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1947.02.01 Für Ihren lieben Brief danke ich Ihnen recht sehr. print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.02.00 stop i never authorized a friend to decide which p print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.02.00 Please airmail me upon alien property custodians print preview
FROM: Bodanzky, Malvina (Malvine) 1947.02.00 Endlich bekam ich wieder Antwort von Otti, ich war print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.31 Thank you very much for your letter of January 28t print preview
TO: Robertson, Leroy J. 1947.01.31 In regard to the grades of Mr. Leroy J. Robertson print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1947.01.30 zu deiner Information sende ich dir diese Kopie vo print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.01.29 ich beantworte Eure beiden Briefe gleich auf einma print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.01.29 I just received your letter from January 23, 1947 print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1947.01.28 We had an inquiry from Mrs. Mahler-Werfel regardin print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.28 I suggest you cable to Universal Edition, asking W print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1947.01.26 leider habe ich so unmenschlich viel zu tun, daß print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1947.01.26 Große Nachrichten im heutigen Morgenblatt, bestäti print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.01.25 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 23. XII. Es wurde print preview
FROM: Copland, Aaron, League of Composers, Inc 1947.01.25 The first issue of the Composers News-Record publi print preview
TO: Marks, Herbert E., Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.25 I thank you most cordially for your pleasant lette print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1947.01.24 vorgestern brachte mir Schäfer Ihren Brief bezw. d print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.24 Mr. Winter and I have had an amiable conversation print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.01.23 We have received today from Mr. Greissle the enclo print preview
FROM: Vélez, José 1947.01.23 I have received your letter of January 15, and it print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.01.23 I have the honor to inform you that you have been print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1947.01.23 Mit meinem heutigen Schreiben erlaube ich mir die print preview
TO: United States Department of Justice 1947.01.23 the \"borrower\" of this statement is unknown to m print preview
TO: Pasetti, Otto de, United States Forces in Austria 1947.01.22 Your hope to be in USA seems not to have [been] re print preview
FROM: Sargeant, Howland H., United States Department of Justice 1947.01.21 Acknowledgement is made of your letter of January print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1947.01.21 Erlauben Sie mir, daß ich Ihnen nur ganz kurz mit print preview
FROM: Marks, Herbert E., Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.21 Mr. Greissle just showed me the document you were print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1947.01.21 This morning I have received the preliminary annou print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1947.01.21 Kann man den Winter nicht durch einen Frühling aus print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1947.01.21 Ich freue mich sehr, dass Sie die Herausgabe meine print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.01.20 Immediately upon receipt of your letter of January print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1947.01.20 It was so nice to have your letter of January seve print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1947.01.18 I just found a letter, I wrote to you, in which I print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.01.18 After your letter in which you tried to put the bl print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1947.01.17 Wire whether you received article and two correcti print preview
TO: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1947.01.17 I am using a little rest to answer a number of let print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.16 I was very glad to receive your letter of the 11t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1947.01.16 Please send immediately letter stating that Edward print preview
FROM: Eble, Charles L., Bruckner Society of America 1947.01.16 For the forthcoming issue of Chord and Discord, of print preview
TO: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 1947.01.16 I herewith declare that the firm Edward B. Marks M print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.01.15 Until now, we have not received a single translate print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.01.15 Enclose[d] Mr. Gradenwitz's letter. print preview
TO: Vélez, José 1947.01.15 I was too busy, to look at your compositions. print preview
TO: Middleton, George, United States Department of Justice 1947.01.14 We telegraphed you Monday: \"Please wire why relea print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1947.01.14 Ich habe mich sehr über Ihren Brief gefreut. print preview
TO: Middleton, George, United States Department of Justice 1947.01.13 Please wire c. why released money did not arrive print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1947.01.11 Philos. Libr. schreibt mir, daß sie bis jetzt nur print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1947.01.10 I am sorry, there is another mistake in my article print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1947.01.09 P.S. I just discovered a duplication, which occure print preview
FROM: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1947.01.08 Since the last time I wrote to you several years a print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1947.01.08 A little delayed -- because of some corrections -- print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1947.01.06 wir haben uns so sehr über Ihre lieben Worte und print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1947.01.06 es möge ein gutes Omen sein, daß Ihr Brief v.7.Dez print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1947.01.06 That was a very nice idea! Of course we got the jo print preview
TO: Shafer, Paul F., United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1947.01.06 Enclosed an article of mine: Folkloristic Symphoni print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1947.01.06 Als Ihr Brief kam, war ich gerade sehr beschäftigt print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1947.01.03 I have just finished the article I promised you. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1947.01.01 Vor allem will ich Euch fürs Neue Jahr alles Gute print preview
TO: Bazelon, David L., United States Department of Justice 1947.01.00 please wire collect approximate date of release of print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1947.00.00 Thank you for letting me change for this week. Whe print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1947.00.00 Sincere wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1947.00.00 Under separate cover I mailed to you today a littl print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, National Institute of Arts and Letters 1947.00.00 Impossible to thank you all in person will you ple print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried, Opernhaus Düsseldorf 1946.12.31 Wie sehr hatte ich gehofft, im vergangenen Jahr ei print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.12.31 Gestern erhielt ich Deinen lieben Brief vom 8.XII. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg, Gebrüder Weiss Spedition 1946.12.27 Ich bestätige hiermit, daß mir durch Sie am 27.Sep print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.12.26 Thus far we have only received a small fraction of print preview
FROM: Kokoschka, Oskar 1946.12.25 Love and \"compliments of the season\". Yours, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.12.25 vielen, herzlichen Dank fuer das herrliche Geschen print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.12.24 Hiermit sende ich Ihnen meine herzlichsten Glückw print preview
FROM: Tandler, Adolph 1946.12.23 Sende Ihnen, Ihrer lieber Frau Gemahlin und der Fa print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.12.23 Ein Freund aus Deutschland schreibt mir man habe i print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.12.21 Vielen Dank für Ihren lieben Brief vom 2.d.M. Die print preview
FROM: O\'Hara, Geoffrey, Composers-Authors Guild 1946.12.20 You should be among the first to read the accompan print preview
FROM: Vélez, José 1946.12.18 For a long time I have been very interested in stu print preview
FROM: Jeannette, G.K. 1946.12.17 Thank you for your very prompt reply to my letter. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.12.14 Du wirst gewiss interessiert sein zu hören was we print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.12.13 Heute haben wir das 2. Kleiderpaket, von dem ich D print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.12.12 I suggest to grant to Mr. Jeannette the right to r print preview
TO: Jeannette, G.K. 1946.12.12 I received your letter only yesterday. In "Modern print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1946.12.11 Ihren letzten Brief vom 29.8.46 habe ich mit einig print preview
TO: Warner, [?], United States Treasury Department 1946.12.11 In reply to your letter from Dec. 5th 1946: (a) Th print preview
FROM: Benard, Robert, La Revue Musicale 1946.12.10 Je viens d\'avoir votre adresse par notre ami Tans print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.12.09 Konto Alte Werke | Abrechnung für Verlagstantiemen print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1946.12.08 Es hat mir sehr leid getan zu hören, daß Sie nicht print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.12.08 You are right: I wish to have the dedication in En print preview
TO: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1946.12.08 Thank you for inviting me to write an article for print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1946.12.07 Wir warten seit langem auf eine Nachricht von euch print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.12.03 aufrichtig gesagt bin ich selbst überrascht von de print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.12.03 I am glad to have your letter of November 29, givi print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1946.12.02 Ich wollte Ihnen und Ihrer verehrten Gattin (auch print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.12.02 Ihre mitteilung über die Aufführungen des pierrot print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.12.00 Es ist mir unmoeglich und wird es fuer lange Zeit print preview
FROM: Eyer, Ronald, Musical America 1946.11.29 Musical America\'s big Annual Issue, with which I print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.11.29 Glad to hear that the Harmonielehre is finished. T print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.11.28 Make translator responsible for damaging delay if print preview
FROM: Talley, V. Howard, University of Chicago 1946.11.25 Although I am very tardy in answering your very sw print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1946.11.25 Thank you very much for your careful response to m print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.11.25 Da ich annehme daß ein Brief von hier 1 Monat geht print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., Missouri Federation of Music Clubs 1946.11.23 My translation of the Harmonielehre, abridged acco print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.11.22 Ich möchte Ihnen heute über zwei Aufführungen des print preview
FROM: Jacobi, Frederick, Jewish Music Council 1946.11.22 Have not had reply to invitation to sponsor music print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans 1946.11.22 ich habe Ihren Brief vom 6.VII vor einigen Wochen, print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B. 1946.11.21 Many thanks for your letter and your generous resp print preview
FROM: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.11.20 Thank you for the check and the order of November print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.11.19 In reply to the letter of Mrs. Muser, from Modern print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1946.11.15 Zu meinem größten Leidewesen konnte ich die verspr print preview
TO: Heywood, Robert B. 1946.11.15 Here are the answers to your questions. I did not print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.11.13 Thank you for your telegramme am very happy profo print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1946.11.12 Please forgive me for bothering you again; but I h print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1946.11.08 darf ich (infolge der unsicheren und unregelmäßige print preview
FROM: Dodds, Harold Willis, Princeton University 1946.11.08 Colonel Fox has kept me informed of his correspond print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.11.08 Ich erfahre durch einen Brief von Paul Dessau dass print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, Carl Fischer, Inc 1946.11.08 Felix Greissle has telephoned me and told me that print preview
FROM: La Violette, Wesley 1946.11.07 There is a new chamber orchestra group being forme print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.11.06 The bulk of Professor Adams' translation of THEORY print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1946.11.03 I have just received your letter and I am surprise print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.11.03 After your telegram and mine I did not hear from y print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.11.02 Soeben erhalte ich Ihr Trio op 45. Wie kann ich Ih print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.11.02 Besten Dank für die Einladung bei New Music ein We print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1946.11.01 I read an advertisement of Modern Music which anno print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.10.30 habe heute Deinen Brief erhalten. Ich verstehe nic print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.10.25 Mr. Greissle tells me that you would like to withd print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.10.22 ich habe am 19.IX. die schöne 2. Kammersymphonie a print preview
FROM: Newman, Joel, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1946.10.22 Dr. Nissim has gone to Washington this week to att print preview
FROM: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.10.21 We were all disappointed that too little time inte print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.10.21 We missed you at the wonderful performance of your print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.10.21 I am glad to hear that it was not Mr. Hutchins who print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1946.10.18 Mr. Nef showed me your letter, and I was very dist print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.10.18 Vor allem danke ich Dir und Deiner Frau für das Kl print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.10.17 Since answering your very kind letter a few days a print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.10.17 You should not blame me for the delay but I am ent print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.10.16 We understand that you are holding the main articl print preview
FROM: Princeton University 1946.10.16 The President, Trustees, and Faculty of Princeton print preview
FROM: Jacobi, Frederick, Jewish Music Council 1946.10.16 We have not as yet received your acceptance to be print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.10.16 deine beharrliche Weigerung nach Amerika auszuwand print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.10.15 I acknowledge receipt of your check for $100, whic print preview
FROM: Fox, Arthur E. 1946.10.14 Greatly regret that satisfactory lecture program c print preview
TO: Nissim, Rudolf, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1946.10.14 enclosed the two sheets which you sent me an print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.10.12 Thank you so much for your kind letter of October print preview
FROM: Strache, Irving 1946.10.11 During your visit late this spring at the Universi print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.10.10 We have received your Harmonielehre, for which we print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.10.09 wir haben lange keine Nachricht von Euch, und ich print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.10.08 CHECK NO. 1037 In full Payment of mechanical royal print preview
FROM: Rufer, Marie Antonie 1946.10.08 wir möchten Ihnen zu Ihrem Geburtstage von Herzen print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.10.08 I am very happy to tell you that the score of the print preview
TO: Dodds, Harold Willis, Princeton University 1946.10.08 I assume that the chairman of the Department of Mu print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.10.08 With my letter of May 19, 1946 I asked you to send print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.10.07 Thank you very much for the score of your Trio. We print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.10.07 It is quite a long time since we heard something f print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.10.07 On September 25 I sent you a copy of my Harmoniele print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.10.07 Mr. Strang has written you, that we need urgently print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.10.07 Die Nachricht vom Tode deiner lieben Inge hat uns print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.10.06 endlich komme ich dazu, Dir zu schreiben und Dir v print preview
FROM: Welch, Roy Dickinson 1946.10.04 All institutions on list sent you in my last lette print preview
FROM: Welch, Roy Dickinson, Princeton University 1946.10.04 My recent telegrams to you make it clear, I print preview
FROM: Tischer, Gerhard, Tischer & Jagenberg Musikverlag 1946.10.00 im Jahre 1941 schrieben Sie an uns einen Brief, de print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.10.00 We are on our way back after a town in the East wh print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.09.30 Congratulations upon finishing the Trio. As yet we print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.09.30 das Trio ist für Geige, Viola und Cello. Es ist ei print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.09.29 Ich danke Dir für Deine Geburtstagswünsche, der di print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, University of Wisconsin 1946.09.29 Die Nachricht von dem Trio ist sehr aufregend! Für print preview
FROM: Welch, Roy Dickinson, Princeton University 1946.09.28 If you will telegraph me collect the number ok[!] print preview
TO: Welch, Roy Dickinson, Princeton University 1946.09.24 I am deeply disappointed by an offer of $550.00 fo print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.09.24 Thanks to you and Mr. Runes for your kind greeting print preview
TO: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.09.24 I am happy to inform you, that I could finish the print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.09.21 Arnold läßt herzlichst für das Hemd u. das telegr. print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1946.09.21 I did not reply sooner to your letter of August 27 print preview
TO: Beckman, Irving 1946.09.21 I am only afraid you will not have the Background print preview
FROM: Welch, Roy Dickinson, Princeton University 1946.09.20 Colonel Fox, Secretary of the Executive Committee print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.09.18 Of course, we do not intend to rewrite the musical print preview
FROM: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1946.09.18 Enclosed please find a check for $100 - the balanc print preview
TO: 1946.09.18 There is only one matter in this letter which conc print preview
TO: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.09.18 Enclosed the copy of the letter to the president, print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1946.09.18 I am desperate. I am still sick and have nobody to print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge, Rachmaninoff Fund 1946.09.16 Before the National Supervisory Committee undertak print preview
FROM: Spira, Samuel Emil, Dartington Hall, The School 1946.09.16 I wrote to you some time ago, enclosing a letter f print preview
FROM: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.09.16 I hope that you will forgive me for writing again print preview
TO: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.09.15 Enclosed a copy of a letter which I addressed [to] print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.09.13 heute, an meinem 72ten Geburtstag sind einige Freu print preview
TO: Dodds, Harold Willis, Princeton University 1946.09.13 On account of an attack whose cause has not yet be print preview
FROM: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.09.12 There are two matters relating to our Bicentennial print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.09.12 I received with pleasure the signed contract about print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.09.12 Signed contract received but no check stop print preview
FROM: Jacobs, Arthur Leslie 1946.09.11 For some time, I\'ve had the desire to present you print preview
FROM: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.09.10 Thank you for the above order. As indicated, your print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1946.09.07 Lange habe ich nichts von Dir gehört und weiß ni print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.09.06 To statement of August 22, 1946, $200.00 print preview
FROM: Baron, Maurice, Society for American Symphonic Music Abroad 1946.09.06 Your eminent endorsement would be of inestimable print preview
FROM: Nef, Elinor Castle 1946.09.04 The three people in our family were happy to read print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.09.03 Ich hoffe dass dieser Brief am 13ten September print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.09.00 auf weiß Gott welchen Umwegen habe ich heute von print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.09.00 You have probably been told that from the beginnin print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.08.30 Enclosed please find copy of your contract, signed print preview
TO: Shafer, Paul F., United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1946.08.29 Thank you very much for informing me about the att print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1946.08.29 Morgen Freitag ist es vier Wochen, daß ich ins Be print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Else 1946.08.28 Ich habe auf meinen letzten Brief an Sie keine Ant print preview
TO: Koblitz, Milton S. 1946.08.27 Thank you for your kind letter. I am already much print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.08.26 I am sorry to learn from Mr. Stein\'s letter of Au print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.08.22 To professional services rendered and disbursem print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.08.22 In reply to your wire, enclosed please find revise print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.08.22 There is enclosed the check of Associated Music Pu print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.08.20 Due to a severe illness Mr. Schoenberg is unable t print preview
TO: Josefowitz, Samuel, Concert Hall Society, Inc 1946.08.20 As Mr. Schoenberg is indisposed through illness I print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.08.19 Thank God, that you are better again! I hope to me print preview
FROM: Shafer, Paul F., United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1946.08.18 Since 10 July 1945 Mrs. Iselin Oswald nee Heineman print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1946.08.17 It was a pleasure to receive your letter, and I am print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1946.08.15 den 13. September übersehe ich nicht und hoffe mi print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1946.08.14 Wir haben ewig nichts von Ihnen und Ihrer l. Frau print preview
FROM: Beer, Gustave, ALACA 1946.08.14 Mit grösstem und aufrichtigstem Bedauern haben wir print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.08.13 There are enclosed two copies of the proposed corr print preview
FROM: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.08.09 As I wrote you before, Prof. Welch, the chairman o print preview
FROM: Moncrief, H.S., Radio Corporation of America 1946.08.08 Further to my letter of August 2, and particularly print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1946.08.08 I\'m very eager to have a new portrait, sketch, dr print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.08.08 Nun erhielten wir Euren II. ausführlichen Brief na print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1946.08.06 Wie viele Jahre sind es her, seit ich direkt nicht print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1946.08.02 Wir sind Ihnen zweitausend Meilen näher, und wenn print preview
FROM: Moncrief, H.S., Radio Corporation of America 1946.08.02 We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. Heinsheimer print preview
FROM: Popper, George A. 1946.08.01 On my phonograph I am now playing your \"Transfigu print preview
TO: Heifetz, Florence 1946.08.01 If you would telegr. me collect the number O.K. le print preview
TO: Western Union 1946.07.29 I have received today information, that a telegram print preview
TO: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1946.07.29 I am writing at the request of Mr. Schoenberg to e print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1946.07.26 I have just come back to Chicago for a few days in print preview
FROM: Goldthwaite, Scott, University of Chicago 1946.07.26 I was very pleased to have your letter. I gather t print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.07.26 I\'m surprised myself at my 50th birthday and feel print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.07.24 Gestern endlich erhielten wir Euren Brief vom 4 Ju print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1946.07.21 ich habe, nach langer Pause, endlich wieder nachri print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1946.07.20 IM SURPRISED ABOUT YOUR FIFTIETH BECAUSE ONLY A FE print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.07.20 habe heute Deinen Brief erhalten. Das von Dir ange print preview
TO: Castle, Mabel Wing 1946.07.20 Many thanks for your book which was tremendously e print preview
TO: Goldthwaite, Scott, University of Chicago 1946.07.18 I would like to know whether the Music Department print preview
FROM: Fox, Arthur E., Princeton University 1946.07.17 President Dodds is at present on vacation. I know print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1946.07.17 Vor allem muß ich mich bei Ihnen entschuldigen, d print preview
FROM: McAuley, J., University of Chicago 1946.07.16 I hope you will forgive me for bothering you once print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.07.15 Thank you very much indeed for your letter of Jun print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.07.14 hier sind die Antworten auf Deine Fragen: Deine Sc print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.07.13 Schade. Ich hätte mich unendlich gefreut, wenn in print preview
TO: Holen Adjustment Bureau 1946.07.12 Enclosed a copy of the letter which I sent you ans print preview
FROM: Pasetti, Otto de, United States Forces in Austria 1946.07.09 Many thanks for your letter of 20 June 1946. I sha print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.07.09 Es ist schrecklich, daß ihr euch immer solange Ze print preview
FROM: Holen Adjustment Bureau 1946.07.08 Although you made arrangements sometime ago to pay print preview
TO: Dodds, Harold Willis, Princeton University 1946.07.08 I am very honored by your offering me an honorary print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.07.08 My lawyer is on a vacation trip and will not retur print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1946.07.06 Herr Emil Spira war mehrere Jahre hindurch Weberns print preview
FROM: Heller, Hans 1946.07.04 Ich weiß nicht ob Sie sich meiner noch erinnern: print preview
FROM: Dodds, Harold Willis, Princeton University 1946.07.03 The first general University convocation planned f print preview
TO: Kokoschka, Oskar 1946.07.03 ich bin sehr froh, von Ihnen endlich direkt ein Le print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.07.03 Ich muß fort, muß mich also kurz fassen. print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.07.01 Enclosed photostatic copy of one of the "Urheberr print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.07.01 Enclosed two contracts ASM sent me some time ago. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.07.01 Wir haben uns über deinen Brief sehr gefreut aber print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.06.29 My wife and I were simply enchanted by all the gen print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1946.06.29 I hope that our letters have crossed and that you print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.06.29 ich muß mich sehr zusammennehmen, damit dieser Bri print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1946.06.28 Agreement, made in the City of New York, State of print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.06.28 In accordance with our recent correspondence, we a print preview
FROM: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1946.06.28 Thank you very much for your kind and comprehensiv print preview
FROM: Breiseth, Tillman, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.06.28 The State Department is preparing some publicity o print preview
TO: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.06.28 More than a year ago you wrote me a letter about m print preview
FROM: Heywood, Robert B., University of Chicago 1946.06.26 Thank you very much for sending the revised versio print preview
FROM: Kokoschka, Oskar 1946.06.26 Ich wollte Ihnen hundertmal schreiben und danken f print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Richard 1946.06.26 It is not so easy to give you good advice. At firs print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.06.25 I wonder whether you have received the manuscript print preview
TO: Holen Adjustment Bureau 1946.06.25 It seems you are either victim of an error or of a print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1946.06.25 Das tut mir sehr leid, daß Sie weder meine Briefe print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.06.24 Am 28. und 30. Juni dirigiere ich in Wien. Am 28. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.06.24 ich habe auf Eure Briefe nicht antworten können, w print preview
TO: Shafer, Paul F., United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1946.06.24 I can answer all your questions concerning Mr. Jos print preview
TO: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.06.23 Enclosed Check of $10.25 for order No. 708 to be s print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.06.21 I was at the office of Associated Music Publishers print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1946.06.21 Many thanks for your very kind letter of May 16. Y print preview
FROM: Smith, Cecil M., University of Chicago 1946.06.20 It was very good to receive your letter, although print preview
FROM: Holen, O.M., Holen Adjustment Bureau 1946.06.20 Under date of May 17th you wired the Radio Corpora print preview
TO: Pasetti, Otto de, United States Forces in Austria 1946.06.20 Many thank[s] for forwarding Mr. Seefellner's Let print preview
FROM: Rózsa, Béla 1946.06.19 I thought you might be interested to see this prog print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.06.18 You have certainly received by now a letter from R print preview
FROM: Parkhouse, James 1946.06.18 I wonder if you remember having a letter from me s print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.06.18 May I tell you how very grateful I am that you hav print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.06.16 Die Idee mit dem Lastwagen, um kleine Fuhren zu ma print preview
TO: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.06.15 Excuse the delay of my answer: I was away and it i print preview
FROM: Goldman, Richard Franko 1946.06.14 You have probably already heard from Felix that I print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.06.14 Excuse the delay of my answer to your letters of M print preview
TO: Philosophical Library 1946.06.13 I am terribly busy. Letter will follow in a few d print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.06.12 I wonder why you put me in such useless expens, as print preview
FROM: Philosophical Library 1946.06.10 May we please have [a] reply to our recent wire re print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1946.06.09 Es ist nun 1 Jahr vergangen seit wir Dir unsere er print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1946.06.05 Ich habe gestern das von Ihnen gesandte Lebensmitt print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.06.05 Ich habe gestern das von Ihnen gesandte Lebensmitt print preview
FROM: Cook, Lucille, Philosophical Library 1946.06.04 Dr. Paul Nettl, one of our editors, is preparing a print preview
FROM: Wachtel, Hans 1946.06.04 I surely am glad to hear that you got safely to print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1946.06.04 Sicher werden Sie es verwunderlich finden, daß ich print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.06.04 7 0 4 Seven hundred four $9.50 print preview
TO: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.06.04 I might have to go to Holland and after staying th print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.06.04 Herzlichste Glückwünsche zum siebzigsten Geburtsta print preview
FROM: Stein, Leonard 1946.06.03 I do not have the following chamber music and woul print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.06.03 Wir sind glücklich endlich von euch zu hören. Trud print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.06.02 Yes it is not anymore May - time passes so fast. print preview
TO: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1946.06.02 My talk with Mr. Hanns Eisler was very satisfactor print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr. 1946.06.02 At last we are that much rested[!] to start writin print preview
TO: Minky's Stores 1946.06.01 I received the bicycle, but unfortunately it was n print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.06.01 Wire whether you received package containing compo print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.06.00 My not writing was not negligence. It is almost ti print preview
TO: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.06.00 Enclosed an order to Mrs. Trude Gerlach (if the ad print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.05.29 endlich habe ich einen freien Tag und kann diesen print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1946.05.29 Ihr Brief wurde mir hieher (nach Chicago) nachgesa print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.05.28 In reply to your communication of May 12th, I take print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.05.28 Before beginning to bombard you with cards remindi print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1946.05.28 On May first, second and third, 1947, the Departme print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.05.27 habe heute Deinen Brief vom 10.5 bekommen und dank print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.05.27 We are pleased to inform you that your Ode to Napo print preview
TO: California Department of Education 1946.05.27 Mr. Leonard Stein was my assistant in classes in C print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.05.23 Thank you for your letter of May 20th and what you print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.05.20 About a month ago RCA Victor paid composers' roya print preview
FROM: Trimble, H.E., Radio Corporation of America 1946.05.20 Retel assume inquiry relates guaranteed account un print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, Carl Fischer, Inc 1946.05.20 Many thanks for your letter of May 8th. No part of print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.05.19 I can not remember when I got the last statement o print preview
TO: Nef, Elinor Castle 1946.05.18 I did not give you the correct and complete versio print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1946.05.17 I have just been dancing with Ronny. He\'s a prett print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard 1946.05.17 Ihre für mich so wertvollen Worte mir "a little h print preview
TO: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1946.05.16 I want to express also to you my thanks for all th print preview
FROM: Stauffer, Donald Alfred, Princeton University 1946.05.15 The purpose of this letter is to invite you to tak print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1946.05.14 I got your letter yesterday and I enjoyed it very print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1946.05.13 I shall devote this entire letter to news about my print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.05.13 Having not heard from you for a long time and bein print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1946.05.12 Harriet gave me this stationary yesterday, for my print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.05.12 I have concluded an agreement with Mr. Robert D.W. print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1946.05.11 Vor 2 Wochen konnte ich die 2.Kammersinfonie über print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.05.10 Ich bin froh, daß du das dänische Lebensmittelpake print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.05.09 Thank you for your letter of May 7th which I recei print preview
TO: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.05.09 I received with pleasure information that my first print preview
TO: McNamara, Daniel I., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1946.05.09 The sketch of my biography, which you sent me, con print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, Carl Fischer, Inc 1946.05.08 It was a great pleasure to me to receive your lett print preview
TO: Bank of America 1946.05.08 Enclosed a check of $1000.00 (One Thousand) print preview
TO: Bank of America 1946.05.08 Please deposit the enclosed check of $500 (Five Hu print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1946.05.07 Must leave Minneapolis immediately for New York an print preview
FROM: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1946.05.07 Comme suite à ma lettre du 12 Avril, je vous confi print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.05.07 I will be in Chicago until May 23. I have to give print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1946.05.06 Thank you very much for the nice card. I am invite print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Lawrence Adam 1946.05.06 I am dry now. Ronny is better now. He doesn\'t fig print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.05.06 I just received your telegram which states: print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1946.05.05 Were you angry at us? I wasn\'t quite sure when yo print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1946.05.05 I just found the other letter today so I thought I print preview
TO: Körner, Theodor, Stadt Wien 1946.05.05 Ihre Grossherzigkeit, mich aus der Verbannung zurü print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1946.05.05 I have right now informed Mr. Mitropoulos, that I print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1946.05.05 I am here to give a number of lectures, as Visitin print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1946.05.03 Ich bin kein Anhänger der Vergeltungsmoral und je print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.05.03 The whole month of April is over and Associated Mu print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.05.02 Im August oder September wollen wir das erste Heft print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.05.02 Nachstehend führen wir die Werke an, von denen wir print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.05.02 Erbitten herzlichst Beitrag über Zwölftontechnik print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1946.05.02 The days have been going very slowly, and life see print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1946.05.01 This is to inquire if you would care to have your print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, Carl Fischer, Inc 1946.05.01 I had a talk with Felix Greissle a few days ago, a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.05.00 107 | 12.00 | .25 | $12.25 print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.05.00 Living Hotel Shoreland Chicago 15 expect your answ print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1946.04.30 Oh boy! Will you get a kick out of this letter! I print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.04.30 Ein Brief von Paul Dessau berichtet mich[!] über S print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.04.29 Referring to my letter to you of April 18th, I wis print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.04.28 ich war gestern vollständig verschlafen, wie Ihr a print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.26 Paket 22. April erhalten. Visumregistrierung erst print preview
TO: Dresden, Sem, Koninklijk Conservatorium voor Muziek 1946.04.26 Upon your request and the information you gave me print preview
TO: Marinus, HGH 1946.04.26 Upon request of Mr. Sem Dresden and in response to print preview
TO: Goldthwaite, Scott, University of Chicago 1946.04.25 I need phonograph and projector (the reflecting print preview
TO: Mann, Katia 1946.04.24 Our thought are with you hoping to get soon good print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.23 Heute endlich ist das angesagte Paket gekommen. Wi print preview
TO: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.04.23 Mrs. Schoenberg and I accept with many thanks your print preview
FROM: Goldthwaite, Scott 1946.04.22 Mr. Smith has asked me to investigate the possibil print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.04.21 Vorderhand schreibe ich nur um Euch ein Lebenszeic print preview
TO: Klatzkin, Jacob 1946.04.21 I have answered you in my mind already very often print preview
FROM: Dresden, Sem, Koninklijk Conservatorium voor Muziek 1946.04.20 One of my ancient pupils, Mr. H.G.H. Marinus shoul print preview
TO: California Department of Education 1946.04.20 This is to testify that Mr. Leonard Stein was my a print preview
TO: Neider, Charles 1946.04.19 If G.B. Fischer has taken a copyright on my Kanon, print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.04.18 It is wonderful that you should come to Chicago fo print preview
FROM: Pasetti, Otto de, United States Forces in Austria 1946.04.17 Dr. Seefellner, General Secretary of the Austrian print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.04.17 We had a letter from Mr. Robert D. W. Adams, Chair print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1946.04.16 As I wrote in my letter of April 8th, we have been print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1946.04.16 Endlich ist Ihr Brief vom 30.I. angekommen. Ich wa print preview
TO: Smith, Cecil M., University of Chicago 1946.04.16 Pardon me for molesting you with more business. Wo print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.04.15 Besten Dank für Ihren ausführlichen Brief vom 4. M print preview
FROM: Der Turm 1946.04.15 Erbitten herzlichst für Österreichische Monatssch print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1946.04.15 I respect you very greatly indeed for your immedia print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.14 Contents: Clothes, shirts, socks and other furnish print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.13 Pakete nicht erhalten, Briefe unterwegs. print preview
FROM: Neider, Charles 1946.04.13 Many thanks for your permission to reprint your Ka print preview
FROM: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1946.04.12 J\'ai bien reçu votre lettre du 9 Mars ainsi que l print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.11 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Nef, John Ulric Jr., University of Chicago 1946.04.11 My wife and I would be deeply honored if you and M print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael 1946.04.11 Mr. Schoenberg who is not well sends you a little print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1946.04.11 I was pleased to hear from you again, because I wa print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.04.10 Es wäre schwer Ihnen genau zu sagen wie sehr ich m print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1946.04.10 I herewith confirm, that Mr. Serge Frank, a former print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.04.10 Brief heute erhalten annehme gerne nach Mai Unterr print preview
TO: Smith, Cecil M., University of Chicago 1946.04.09 I received your letter from April 8 and noticed wi print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.04.09 Ihren Brief vom 12 März erhielt ich erst heute. print preview
FROM: Smith, Cecil M., University of Chicago 1946.04.08 I am delighted to learn that you will visit the Un print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1946.04.08 Mr. Hutchins has asked me to write to you concerni print preview
TO: Bauer, Julius 1946.04.07 Ich hatte die Absicht mit Ihnen über die folgende print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.06 am dritten April habe ich dir telegrafiert: Antwor print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1946.04.05 Up to the present time, the following classes of m print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.04.05 Soeben ist Dein Brief angekommen. Wie ich Dir in m print preview
FROM: Stauffer, Donald Alfred, Princeton University 1946.04.04 Our committee on \"The Humanistic Tradition in the print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1946.04.04 This letter I have carried in my mind for many a l print preview
FROM: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1946.04.03 The news of your illness is distressing, but I am print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1946.04.03 Ich hoffe daß dieser Brief am 13ten September Sie print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.04.03 drahtet ob du und Ratz dänische Pakete erhalten print preview
FROM: Webern, Wilhelmine (Minna) 1946.04.02 Verzeih mir, daß ich erst heute Deinen so freundli print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.04.02 Please hold manuscript at home and await air mail print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.04.02 Schuman's letter has not yet arrived. print preview
FROM: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.04.01 Your letter of March 22nd received and contents ca print preview
TO: Steiner, Arnoldo 1946.04.01 Du hast Unrecht mir so harte Vorwürfe auf so harte print preview
TO: University of Chicago 1946.04.00 May I like the old Netherlands, who wrote cannons print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1946.03.31 To say that I find myself at a loss in trying to e print preview
FROM: Blair, Ramona Atwood, SPARS 1946.03.31 When I read this article, I thought you might like print preview
TO: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1946.03.31 Last Saturday I heard (unfortunately partly only[! print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.03.30 Dein Brief an Schirmer haette zweifellos auf einen print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.03.29 Du mußt wenigstens drei Briefe und ein Paket Leben print preview
TO: Jewish Year Book 1946.03.28 I do not know, how important I am in your opinion print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.03.28 Mir und Trude fällt es plötzlich ein, daß wir dir print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark 1946.03.28 Sometime ago I have been told, that you have accep print preview
TO: Lafite, Peter, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 1946.03.27 Ich kann leider für nicht abzusehende Zeit kein Ve print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.26 Erinnerst du dich an Julius Toldi, der 1921 im Som print preview
TO: Andrus, John R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.03.25 Upon your request I herewith answer your questions print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.03.25 Many thanks for taking my affairs in your blessed print preview
FROM: Körner, Theodor, Stadt Wien 1946.03.22 Als Bürgermeister der Stadt Wien gereicht es mir z print preview
TO: Stauffer, Donald Alfred, Princeton University 1946.03.22 Accept honorable invitation with thanks but cannot print preview
TO: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.22 I am very sorry to have to direct to you a serious print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.03.21 natürlich bitte ich Dich, mir alte Kleider zu send print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.03.21 habe Deinen Brief vom 29.I. heute erhalten und möc print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.19 I regret very much that you are apparently annoyed print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.03.18 Vom allem besten Dank für Ihre Bemerkungen zum Fu print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.16 Brief zehnter Feber erhalten. Für alles stark print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.03.15 es hat mir außerordentlich leid getan, daß mein print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.14 Für Ihr Telegramm und den Brief vom 10.Feber, den print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.13 Beglückt über Annahme Ehrenpräsidium. Vorbe print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1946.03.12 Heute erhielt ich diesen Brief nach so langer Zeit print preview
FROM: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.03.12 Upon receipt of your letter of March 8th and the l print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.03.12 herzlichen Dank für die Textkopie, die ich soeben print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.12 On January 22, 1946 the three samples of my textbo print preview
TO: Librarie NRF Gallimard 1946.03.09 Ci inclus vous trouverez le contrat endouble qu'e print preview
FROM: Seefehlner, Egon Hugo, Österreichische Kulturvereinigung 1946.03.08 Dürfen wir auch unsrerseits dem Wunsch Ausdruck ve print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.08 List of Errata (queries)[...]Op. 43b print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.07 Darf ich Sie bitten, den beiliegenden Brief meinem print preview
TO: Weinberger, Andrew D. 1946.03.06 Mr. Artie Shaw, whom to meet I had the pleasure so print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.05 We received your wire of yesterday. The material o print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.03.05 You own the "world" rights (does this include Ma print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.04 Ich erinnere mich sehr wohl, dass wir in Berlin we print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.03 Harmonielehre Pierrot Klavierstuecke unveraendert print preview
TO: Dreier, Theodore 1946.03.02 I was very sad to hear of the death of my friend J print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.03.00 Der letzte Vertrag, den ich mit der Universal Edit print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.03.00 This is the copy of my letter to Mr. Winter. I don print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.03.00 Gift, old clothes. Contents: 4 Shirts | 1 suit | 2 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.02.28 Dieser 2. Brief ist ja eigentlich mein 4. Denn de print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1946.02.28 endlich heute habe ich Deinen, so sehnlich erwarte print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.28 I have a letter from Scherchen in which he urgentl print preview
FROM: Fleischer, Herbert 1946.02.27 Sie werden es mir gütigst verzeihen, wenn ich Sie print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Charles 1946.02.27 depuis la liberation j\'avais l\'intention de vous print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.25 Thank you for your letter of February 19th concern print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.02.23 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Dreier, Theodore, Black Mountain College 1946.02.22 When we thought of inviting Heinrich Jalowetz to print preview
TO: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1946.02.22 I am greatly honored by your invitation, to come t print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.02.20 Ihr Brief vom 29.pto., den ich nach meiner Rückkeh print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1946.02.20 Verlanget Einreisevisum Kanton Tessin zuständige print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann 1946.02.20 Verlanget Einreisevisum Kanton Tessin zuständige print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.02.20 I have been trying to ascertain some details about print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.02.20 I am ready to grant you the postponement of the ti print preview
FROM: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1946.02.19 Je vous remercie vivement de votre lettre du 18 Dé print preview
TO: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.02.19 Enclosed my order for a package Nr. 128 my check o print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1946.02.19 Mr. Greissle tells me about the Schönberg-Etude fo print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.02.18 Woher haben Sie dieses Zitat von mir in der letzte print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Richard 1946.02.16 Nach langen Jahren schweren Zweifels habe ich endl print preview
FROM: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1946.02.15 Mr. Simson of the Committee on Social Thought has print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.14 Sometime ago I discussed with Victor Polatschek th print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.02.14 unsere große Neuigkeit weißt Ihr wohl schon durch print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1946.02.13 I am writing to ask whether you would be so good a print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1946.02.12 Enclosed the sketches for a contract in form of tw print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.11 Manuscript piano concerto received. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1946.02.11 wie Du schon weißt, bin ich endlich nach Haus und print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.02.10 ich seh\' schon, wenn ich selbst nicht den Anfang print preview
TO: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.02.10 In der Annahme, dass es in Deutschland und Oesterr print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Johanna, Black Mountain College 1946.02.10 The death of my dear friend Heinrich Jalowetz move print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.02.08 Ich bin aufs tiefste bestürzt über den Tod Jalowet print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.08 Upon your request I sent you today the originals o print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.07 I hesitated several days to send you the originals print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.02.06 Under separate cover I have sent the manuscripts t print preview
TO: Apel, Willi 1946.02.06 I dont want to prevent you in your plans, but I d print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.02.05 The FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPOSITION arrived safely and print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1946.02.04 The second proof and the whole set-up of your \"Va print preview
FROM: Apel, Willi 1946.02.03 Ich schreibe an Sie auf Veranlassung von Miss Gret print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.02.02 Konto Alte Werke: Abrechnung für Verlagstantiemen print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1946.02.01 The general announcements of the lecture series ha print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1946.02.01 when would you be in Princeton, if you go? We will print preview
TO: Davis, A. R. 1946.02 Andante from Second Chamber-Symphony. To print preview
FROM: Steiner, Arnoldo 1946.01.31 Ich habe auf mein Schreiben v. 13.Sept. 44. und au print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.01.30 We are in urgent need of tissues of your Piano Con print preview
FROM: Koblitz, Milton S. 1946.01.30 I am handing you with a duplicate copy for you to print preview
TO: Salm, Peter, United States Forces in Austria 1946.01.30 Will you please excuse me for trouble you[!] again print preview
TO: Ratz, Erwin 1946.01.30 ich weiß nur die obige Adresse, darum schreibe ich print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1946.01.30 Seit Ihrem Brief, den ich durch Dr. Mark Brunswick print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.01.29 Ich habe gute und traurige Nachrichten aus Deutsch print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.01.29 Ich bin augenblicklich mit einem Herrn in Verbindu print preview
FROM: Shafer, Paul F. 1946.01.28 I did not receive but one letter from you dated 22 print preview
FROM: Turck, Charles J., MacAlester College 1946.01.25 I likewise was distressed over the circumstances t print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst, Hamline University 1946.01.24 It was very good to hear from you and to infer fro print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1946.01.24 I do not know whether you gave my manuscripts to D print preview
FROM: Internationale Gesellschaft für neue Musik 1946.01.21 Protokoll der 3. ordentlichen Generalversammlung print preview
FROM: Hartmann, [?], Internationale Gesellschaft für neue Musik 1946.01.21 Wie Sie ja bereits wissen, hat sich gleich nach de print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1946.01.21 The war was finished[!]. I have sent a long letter print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.01.21 I am very surprised that Scherchen writes he has n print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.01.21 wir sind sehr enttäuscht, daß ich diesen Brief er print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1946.01.20 Will you do me the favor of forwarding this letter print preview
TO: Turck, Charles J., MacAlester College 1946.01.20 I was terribly sorry when, because of the army's print preview
TO: Krenek, Ernst, Hamline University 1946.01.20 I realize that, if I would not make this letter sh print preview
TO: Webern, Wilhelmine (Minna) 1946.01.18 Durch viele Wochen haben ich und meine Freunde hie print preview
TO: Bank of America 1946.01.17 I have just become aware that I might have - by mi print preview
TO: Zillig, Winfried 1946.01.17 Ihren Brief vom 4. Juni, 1945, und eine Kopie davo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.01.16 Thank you for your letter of January 14th informin print preview
TO: Salm, Peter, United States Forces in Austria 1946.01.16 Your father, Mr. Harold Byrns, was kind enough to print preview
TO: Salm, Peter, United States Forces in Austria 1946.01.16 I repeat here partly a letter which I sent by air- print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.01.15 In Ergänzung meines Briefes vom 12.ds.M. möchte ic print preview
TO: Paul Tausig & Son, Inc 1946.01.15 Will you please acknowledge receipt of my order, P print preview
FROM: Krombholz, Fritz E., Konzertdirektion Fritz Krombholz 1946.01.14 Durch M. Henry Alter vom ISB Wien, Theatre and Mus print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.01.14 nun sind die Manschettenknöpfe doch endlich angeko print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.01.14 Upon your request Mr. Gerald Strang, my co-worker, print preview
TO: Arlt, Gustave Otto 1946.01.14 I need urgently the copy of my Harmonielehre, whic print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.01.12 Ich bin überglücklich, endlich Nachricht und so gu print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1946.01.09 Ich möchte die erste Gelegenheit, einen normalen B print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1946.01.09 Beiliegend sende ich Ihnen meinen Aufsatz \"J\'acc print preview
FROM:Seligman, Mischa TO:Vogel, Stella 1946.01.08 I just came back from the Embassy print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.01.07 meinen herzlichen Dank für Ihren freundlichen Brie print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1946.01.07 Please answer immediately return wire yes or no h print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.01.07 Received letter from Goergi, he lives in Moedling, print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1946.01.07 wegen Streiks kann ich nicht telegrafieren. Görgi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.01.06 wir hätten Dir schon lange für den wunderbaren B print preview
TO: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1946.01.05 Having shifted another engagement, I am now glad t print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1946.01.03 Will we have your Mi Chomocho by the end of this m print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, League of Composers, Inc 1946.01.01 Will you write three to four hundred words on what print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.01.00 I just received a letter from Hermann Scherchen Sc print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.00.00 I feel that I should now now no longer wait for yo print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1946.00.00 ich wäre Ihren sehr dankbar, wenn Sie sich dieser print preview
TO: Rosbaud, Hans 1946.00.00 jetzt habe ich wieder soviel Zeit verstreichen las print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.00.00 Herzlichste Wünsche euch beiden zu Weihnachten und print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.00.00 Viele herzlichste Weihnachts und Neujahrswünsche. print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1946.00.00 hast du dieses Paket bekommen? Du hast es nicht er print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.00.00 Scherchen Zürich complains that parts of Second Ch print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.00.00 15.00 print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1946.00.00 710 | 20.35 minus --.53 = $19.82 | Trio of Cello S print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.00.00 Adolph Weiss, whom you might recall from Moedling, print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1946.00.00 ich muß Dich nochmals dringend ersuchen mir die M print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1946.00.00 Several months ago I called upon you, as an umpire print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1946.00.00 Here the facts. I start with the insignificant one print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.12.29 The piano team Appleton & Field should like very m print preview
FROM: Price, Franklin H., Free Library of Philadelphia 1945.12.27 The Library is very happy to forward to you under print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1945.12.26 Many thanks for your kind letter of December 18. Y print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.12.26 Thank you very much for your letter of December 5t print preview
FROM: Kyogoku, Takatoshi, The House of Peers 1945.12.25 You had an interview with myself, Eigo Kato, when print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.12.23 heute haben wir Deinen Brief in dem Du uns den Bar print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1945.12.21 I am very happy about your letter because I see th print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.12.21 Our heartiest greetings for a Merry Christmas. print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.12.21 Broadcast date | General Motors Concert - Sunday, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1945.12.21 Noch recht herzliche Weihnachtswünsche an Euch all print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.12.21 Ich sehe eben zu meinem Schrecken, daß heute berei print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.12.21 Ich würde Dir gerne Handschuhe machen, auch andre print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1945.12.20 Now that I have taught a few months I can report t print preview
FROM: Foà, Paola, Foa Photography 1945.12.20 Excuse me please for sending you to late the pictu print preview
TO: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1945.12.18 In response to your last letter I started thinking print preview
TO: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1945.12.18 I have received your letter of Novembre 23 a few d print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1945.12.15 We are bothering you again with some details of th print preview
TO: Scheinberg, Abraham W., Golden Book Foundation of America, Inc 1945.12.14 My eyes do not allow at present heavy works[!]. print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1945.12.12 The orchestra schedule has been so full, I haven\' print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1945.12.12 On October 1, 1945, we enclosed in Circular Letter print preview
FROM: Shafer, Paul F. 1945.12.11 Your letter arrived a few days ago and news of you print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.12.11 The reason you haven\'t heard from me in such a lo print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.12.08 I have just had word from Mr. Gray that Mr. Weinri print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.12.07 Ich weiß nicht, ob du immer die Briefe liest, die print preview
FROM: Webern, Wilhelmine (Minna) 1945.12.06 Du wirst wohl schon erfahren haben, was für ein en print preview
TO: Bate, Peggy, Town & Country Magazine 1945.12.06 I am sorry I kept you waiting for my answer. Frank print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.12.06 I am always a little nervous if one of the few cop print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.12.05 Thank you for your letter of November 27th. First print preview
TO: Schuman, William, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.12.05 Several years [ago] I agreed with Mr. Carl Engel t print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.12.05 Enclosed is a letter to Mr. William Schuman. print preview
FROM: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1945.12.03 Chancellor Hutchins has forwarded to us your kind print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1945.12.02 It might only be wishful thinking on my part but I print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1945.12.02 Now, as the heavy work you had to do is over, I mi print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.12.01 Enjoyed performance immensely, we think we did a g print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.12.00 You will receive our Christmas present for you and print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.12.00 wir haben so lange mit einem Weihnachtsgeschenk g print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1945.11.30 Thank you for your letter of the 27th and we will print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann 1945.11.30 Es ist erfreulich im höchsten Grad, daß man endlic print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.11.27 I am sorry to hear that you had to cancel your app print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1945.11.27 Was soll ich sagen? Soll ich sagen, daß es eine b print preview
TO: 1945.11.27 What kind of a comment do you expect me to make? D print preview
TO: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1945.11.27 I feel greatly honored by your kind invitation to print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1945.11.27 A short time ago I received a letter from Mr. Will print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.11.27 I have often wondered why Toscanini never has play print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Else 1945.11.26 Thank you very much for your kind letter of Octobe print preview
TO: Parkhouse, James 1945.11.24 I enjoyed your letter very much. It is encouraging print preview
FROM: Mascolo, Dionys, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1945.11.23 Après notre lettre du mois de Décembre à laquelle print preview
TO: Patterson, Ellis E., United States Congress 1945.11.22 Thank you for inviting my opinion to[!] the milita print preview
TO: Shafer, Paul F., United States Office of Military Government for Germany, Berlin District 1945.11.22 I hope this letter reaches you while you are still print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.11.21 You know perhaps already why and that I had to can print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1945.11.20 Please write all details about minneapolis what fo print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.11.20 It is really a pity that your generous plan has be print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.11.19 I am deeply distressed, is there not any possibili print preview
FROM: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, University of Chicago 1945.11.19 The University of Chicago is planning to offer a s print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf, University of Wisconsin 1945.11.19 As by order of the Army all air reservations after print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1945.11.19 As by order of the Army all air reservations after print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1945.11.19 As by order of the Army all air reservations after print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1945.11.18 Habe heute endlich nach so langem Warten Deinen Br print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1945.11.18 I am sending you a programme of my next concert. print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1945.11.15 Ihr wart so unendlich lieb zu mir, nach meinem Ung print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1945.11.14 Im Moment kann ich nicht nach Kalifornien kommen; print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.11.14 Ask Philosophical Library to send me air mail at o print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.11.13 Thank you for answering the messages from Scherche print preview
FROM: Scherchen, Hermann, Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft 1945.11.12 Ihr Telegramm hat mir große Freude gemacht. Leider print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1945.11.11 ich habe Ihnen schon zweimal geschrieben, durch Am print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri 1945.11.10 I was so happy to receive your letter. It will be print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1945.11.09 Thank you very much for your letter. Mr. Mitropoul print preview
FROM: Patterson, Ellis E., U.S. Congress 1945.11.08 I feel that I cannot truly act as a people\'s repr print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1945.11.07 I am glad, everything seems to turn out satisfacto print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1945.11.06 Es war mir schwer wegzugehen, ohne Euch noch geseh print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.11.06 Please return this letter at once, after having no print preview
TO: Bernier, [?], Bernier & Co. Orléans 1945.11.05 J'ai reçu votre lettre du 5.10.1945, e[t] j'ai e print preview
FROM: Byam, Marion E., American Red Cross 1945.11.03 Enclosed please find a message from Austria which print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.11.03 ich muß wirklich einen Samstag benützen um Dir zu print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.11.02 Concert Friday ends 10:30 but is far from airport print preview
FROM: Grasso, Benjamin V., G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.11.02 I have written to Dr. Rodzinski regarding the Brah print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1945.11.02 Dass du deinen Urlaub damit zubringen willst, ein print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1945.11.01 You will have heard that Webern is dead. I am most print preview
FROM: Parkhouse, James 1945.11.01 I am a Liverpool University medical student and a print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1945.11.00 Alles Liebe für Euch Beide! print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.11.00 Airmail letter on the way. Have plane tickets print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.11.00 Just informed of army's cancellations of plane tr print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Symphony Notes 1945.11.00 Deeply appreciate your inspired performance and th print preview
TO: Kolisch, Henriette Anna Theresia 1945.10.31 Ich sehe Frieden im Haus als etwas so Wichtiges an print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.10.30 I am - unfortunately - sure, you cannot understand print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1945.10.29 I am on a leave of absence for the fall-quarter in print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1945.10.28 You have no doubt read Mr. Mitropoulos\' letter an print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1945.10.28 As I have never had any news from you again, I pre print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Radio Zuerich 1945.10.26 Glad to hear from you. Your plan using lady sp print preview
TO: Schönberg, Else 1945.10.24 As you see, I am not living in San Francisco and t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.10.23 es war mir leider unmöglich früher zu schreiben print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1945.10.23 Mr. Jacksons Brief, datiert vom 15. September, '45 print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.10.22 I have seen Mr. Shaw and conveyed to him your sugg print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1945.10.21 Ich habe mich viel um Sie gesorgt, insbesondere, s print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1945.10.21 Please have your copyist obey these directions. print preview
TO: Pansky, Stanley H. 1945.10.21 Enclosed the autographed copy of Verkl.N. -- I was print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark 1945.10.21 I am glad to have received Polnauer's letter. I a print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.10.19 Should I rather send you this money and you buy yo print preview
TO: De Witt, Carl, Hqu & Hqu--2nd Cml:Mortar Bn. 1945.10.17 I want to thank you most cordially for sending me print preview
TO: Shanklin, W. 1945.10.17 Thank you very much for forwardi to me a lette print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.10.16 I think you could tell Mr. Shaw that I believe Pea print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1945.10.16 I found there is another lecture (beside Composing print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1945.10.15 I regret to have to say that at the last meeting o print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1945.10.15 Being duly sworn depose and say: 1. That I am a na print preview
TO: Sebba, Gregor, Austrian Action, Inc 1945.10.15 Enclosed three letters, which I send in response t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.10.12 This morning I received your wire concerning the c print preview
FROM: Grasso, Benjamin V., G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.10.12 As you requested in your letter of October 6th add print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1945.10.12 It will be difficult for you to imagine how happy print preview
TO: MacNeal, Vere, Texas State College for Women 1945.10.12 I am very pleased about the plans for developing t print preview
TO: Paschkis, Rudolf 1945.10.12 Enclosed the four affidavits. I hope they are all print preview
TO: Strickland, William, United States Department of the Army 1945.10.11 I have been told that I am protected against viola print preview
FROM: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.10.10 I feel sorry that I have to be the last to write y print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.10.10 H.W. Gray has asked me to obtain information from print preview
FROM: Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.10.10 Would appreciate your reply regarding Theme and Va print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.10.10 in Eile; ich war noch nie so froh unrecht gehabt z print preview
TO: Ratz, Erwin 1945.10.09 Endlich, nach sovielen Jahren bietet sich die Mögl print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1945.10.09 Endlich, nach sovielen Jahren bietet sich die Mögl print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1945.10.09 Endlich, nach sovielen Jahren bietet sich die Mögl print preview
FROM: List, Kurt 1945.10.08 Letter confirming receipt of three manuscripts was print preview
TO: Gaines, Arthur J., Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.10.08 Many thanks to you, Mr. Mitropoulos and the office print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1945.10.07 Many thanks for your kind letter and its contents. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.10.06 Rodzinski (I asked him) had promised to play this print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1945.10.04 Vor einigen Wochen sandte ich Ihnen ein erstes Leb print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.10.04 ich habe mit Mitropulous ein sehr langes Gespräch print preview
FROM: Schüftan, Wolfgang 1945.10.03 You may be surprised to receive a letter from some print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.10.03 Today I had lunch with Bob Shaw, conductor of the print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1945.10.03 Thank you very much for your letter. We are all ve print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.10.02 Collegiate Chorus a nonprofit organization Bob Sha print preview
TO: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1945.10.01 Ich war sehr erfreut über eure Briefe und wenn ich print preview
TO: Leibowitz, René 1945.10.01 I am sorry you disagree with me, but I can not hel print preview
TO: Mitropoulos, Dimitri, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.10.00 For ordering return tickets must know when last co print preview
TO: Gaines, Arthur J., Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.10.00 As TWA cannot guarantee return trip from Kansas Ci print preview
TO: Bank of America 1945.10.00 on September 20, 1945 I mailed to you for my comme print preview
TO: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 1945.09.30 May I express my and my family's deepest sorrow print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.09.30 I decided to direct this letter better to your hom print preview
FROM: Gaines, Arthur J., Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1945.09.29 On behalf of Mr. Dimitri Mitropoulos and the offic print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.09.27 I have just returned from New York and a visit to print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.09.27 Yesterday I had a visit from Andor Foldes who gave print preview
TO: Arlt, Gustave Otto 1945.09.26 Die folgende ungeheuerliche Geschichte wurde uns e print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.09.24 May we have okay on sample of translation best reg print preview
FROM: Ploss, R.C., University of California at Los Angles 1945.09.21 In Mr. Benedict's absence on vacation I am taking print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1945.09.20 Many thanks for your kind letter of June 15th. I m print preview
FROM: Halma, Harold 1945.09.20 I have been out here in Oyster Bay vacationing for print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1945.09.18 I am very glad to hear that you will play with Mr. print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1945.09.15 Dieser Brief ist ein Rundschreiben, das ich an ein print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1945.09.15 I am happy to tell you that Mr. Mitropoulos and I print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1945.09.14 Meine Gratulation zu Deinem Geburtstag kommt zu sp print preview
TO: Jacobs, Arthur Leslie 1945.09.13 I am glad to hear about your plan to perform my Pe print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1945.09.12 Very best birthday greetings print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1945.09.12 The scores of your op.41 and 42 as well as the Mod print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1945.09.10 die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1945.09.10 I hope this reaches you in time for the 13th--as a print preview
FROM: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.09.10 We are sending you herewith a check for $124.23 co print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1945.09.10 Vor allem recht herzliche Glückwünsche und alles print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.09.10 meine allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zum Geburtsta print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1945.09.09 meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem Geburtst print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1945.09.07 Most sincere wishes for your birthday and a long l print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.09.06 please excuse the delay in sending you the sample print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.09.06 In a letter which I sent to you about five weeks a print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.09.05 Could you hurry information re opera and oratorio print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.09.05 Did not receive letter requesting information on print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1945.09.01 Thank you for the three pages of the Fanfare which print preview
TO: Toldi, Julius 1945.09.00 To Julius Toldi, ehemals Schüler, jetzt print preview
TO: Green, G.G., Railway Express Agency 1945.09.00 It is more than 10 months since I sent an electric print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.09.00 I have written much on Jewish affairs since about print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1945.08.31 No, we did not forget you. Your letter of June 25t print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1945.08.31 Mr. Schoenberg has asked me to send you these thre print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.08.30 Mrs. H. N. Shrifte of New York City has asked us t print preview
FROM: Shrifte, Miriam L. 1945.08.28 Miss Gertrude Norman and I have edited an antholog print preview
FROM: Adams, Jack, W. Colston Leigh, Inc 1945.08.24 Anna Kullmer the young American conductor will p print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.08.23 Miss Urban informs me that she has been holding ch print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.08.22 Thank you for your recent letter which I can answe print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1945.08.21 Paul Dessau has just written to me and I really do print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1945.08.17 Ich war "untergetaucht". Meine Frau hat mich ger print preview
FROM: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1945.08.14 This is my understanding of our agreement. You agr print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.08.11 This will acknowledge your letter of August 7, con print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.08.10 Diesen Brief richte ich privat an Sie, um Sie zu f print preview
TO: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.08.07 Frankly, your demand that I should confrm somethin print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.08.06 Mr. Schirmer has turned over to me your letter of print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1945.08.06 einer Ihrer Schüler, der mit unserer dolmetschende print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Richard 1945.08.06 Als Schwägerin von Dr. Rudolf Polnauer, Wien, komm print preview
TO: Milhaud, Darius 1945.08.05 Having just now heard Mitropolus playing your bril print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.08.04 In No. 4 of our agreement about the Harmonielehre print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.08.04 About two weeks ago I wrote to [Rodzinski], asking print preview
TO: Rankin, [?], Continental Securities Co 1945.08.04 Enclosed the new check on $318.55. Frankly I w print preview
FROM: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.08.03 Your letter of June 25th at hand. On the 4th of J print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1945.08.03 Mr. Taylor has asked me to return the enclosed pap print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Margit Eleonore 1945.08.01 Ein weiteres drittesmal habe ich Gelegenheit, Euch print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1945.08.01 I submitted a copy of your proposed contract with print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.08.00 ich habe nun wieder so lange nicht geschrieben, un print preview
TO: Harpers Magazine 1945.07.30 Will you please acknowledge receipt of check and c print preview
TO: Bedient, Carl G. 1945.07.27 I am very glad having received by[!] your letter f print preview
FROM: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1945.07.20 Accept, please, my sincere apologies for not havin print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.07.20 I have received the edited \"Variations on a Recit print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1945.07.20 It was so kind of you to write me so frankly about print preview
FROM: Arundel, Edward 1945.07.18 Under separate cover I\'m sending you a score for print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1945.07.18 The fanfare is finished two thirds in score, the w print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.07.17 Thank you for your letter of the 12th. If you che print preview
TO: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.07.17 Would you not consider repeating the performance o print preview
FROM: Bedient, Carl G., United States Department of the Army 1945.07.13 During the few weeks we have been here in Zell-am- print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.07.13 Thank you for your letter of July 2nd. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.07.12 You never told me whether or not and if so, why, M print preview
FROM: Leonard, Alfred, Music Guild 1945.07.09 Enclosed we take pleasure in sending you a brief o print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold, Hollywood Bowl Association 1945.07.07 I understand exactly how you feel about not wantin print preview
TO: Neches, S.M., Western Jewish Institute 1945.07.07 I am gladly ready to give one or more lectures in print preview
FROM: Scheer, Leo 1945.07.06 Perhaps you have wondered what has become of me, a print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.07.02 The Philosophical Library [has] contacted me with print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold, Hollywood Bowl Association 1945.07.02 Just when I had made up my mind in which way I cou print preview
TO: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.07.02 It is an eternity, since I got a statement of my r print preview
TO: Green, G.G., Railway Express Agency 1945.07.00 I have found that I could buy an electric shaver f print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold, Hollywood Bowl Association 1945.06.26 During July and August I am conducting eight symph print preview
TO: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1945.06.26 That and why I am glad about your invitation: to b print preview
TO: Benedict, Steven, Philosophical Library 1945.06.26 Enclosed I return the samples of translations of t print preview
TO: Green, G.G., Railway Express Agency 1945.06.25 More than seven months ago I shipped this package, print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.06.25 Enclosed my letter to the Philosophical Library. I print preview
TO: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.06.25 I address this letter to you in your threefold cap print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1945.06.25 I hate to annoy you by repeating the reasons why I print preview
FROM: Schlamm, William S., Time, Inc 1945.06.22 May I ask you to read the attached memorandum whic print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.06.22 wir sind sehr besorgt Deinetwegen, besonders da Du print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.06.21 heute beantworte ich Euren Brief (ausnahmsweise ei print preview
TO: Newlin, Dika 1945.06.16 Upon your request I have written a very detailed a print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.06.16 Ich bin jetzt zw ei oder drei Wochen* ich weiss es print preview
FROM: Benedict, Steven, Philosophical Library 1945.06.15 Enclosed please find translation of following smal print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.06.15 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom 11., der eben kam print preview
FROM: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1945.06.15 We are in the process of preparing a statement of print preview
TO: Wambold, J.K., National Bank of Chester County and Trust Company 1945.06.15 The \"Listen\" magazine has forwarded to me your l print preview
TO: Rankl, Karl 1945.06.15 I am glad to hear from you and I am very proud abo print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.06.14 Enclos[ed] is installment refund life annuity cont print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.06.13 The Library of Congress has requested the letters print preview
FROM: Ostora, Greta 1945.06.12 Sie werden erstaunt sein, wenn eine Cellistin aus print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1945.06.12 I assume you want me to return this clip. It is ve print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1945.06.11 For a long time I wanted to write you a few lines print preview
TO: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.06.11 With my letter of May 18, 1945 I sent you the appl print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.06.11 Ihr Brief hat mich sehr enttäuscht. print preview
FROM: Wambold, J.K., National Bank of Chester County and Trust Company 1945.06.08 It rather startled me when I read in the recent is print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.06.08 Vielen Dank für die Uebersendung der Manuskripte, print preview
FROM: Danenberg, Emil 1945.06.08 I am writing you to inform you that I have mailed, print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.06.08 Wire whether you received manuscripts May 27. print preview
FROM: Spira, Samuel Emil 1945.06.06 I am taking the liberty of writing to you to seek print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1945.06.06 Wahrscheinlich, um Ihnen meine Schätzung auf beson print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.06.05 Ich hoffe Sie haben inzwischen meinen Brief vom 27 print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1945.06.04 Five years have passed - five years, which would h print preview
TO: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1945.06.04 I was sick, which might excuse the delay of my ans print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.05.31 Mr. Andor Foeldes, a remarkable pianist who devote print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1945.05.30 Two pupils pay homage to the great master after Od print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1945.05.30 I am very happy that I can tell you \"The Ode of N print preview
FROM: Lange, Francisco Curt, Instituto Interamericano de Musicologia 1945.05.29 Ich bin Ihnen nun schon seit langer Zeit einen Bri print preview
FROM: Merlin, S., The Answer. Monthly Magazine 1945.05.28 Enclosed please find al litte book of poems print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.05.28 The attached check is in payment of the following print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.05.28 On the inside of the cover of each piece we have p print preview
TO: Rojas Garcidueñas, José, Orquestra Sinfonica de México 1945.05.28 Air Express twenty eight dollars but no insurance print preview
TO: Rojas Garcidueñas, José, Orquestra Sinfonica de México 1945.05.27 I received your telegram only after two o'clock, print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.05.27 Ich sende morgen per Air-Express an Sie: print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.05.25 I am in receipt of the retuned proofs of your \"Th print preview
FROM: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1945.05.18 You have probably heard that the American Society print preview
TO: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.05.18 Enclosed the signed application. I understood I ha print preview
TO: Harris, Roy, United States Office of War Information 1945.05.17 It is only a very small number of the music of Ame print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.05.15 In accordance with your letter of May 8, I am encl print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.05.15 I have a letter today from Carl Weinrich stating s print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1945.05.15 Soeben kam Ihr lieber Dankbrief an Anton und mich print preview
TO: Rojas Garcidueñas, José, Orquestra Sinfonica de México 1945.05.15 Your telegram from May 11 to Greissle/Schirmer was print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.05.14 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief, den ich gleich beantw print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Hedi, The Eggery 1945.05.13 Vor allem muss ich mich entschuldigen, dass ich Si print preview
FROM: Foster, A.H., Clayton F. Summy Co 1945.05.12 G. Schirmer Inc. forwarded to us the enclosed tele print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.05.09 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief, dessen Fragen ich zue print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1945.05.08 In response to your letter from April 27, 1945, I print preview
FROM: Harris, Roy, United States Office of War Information 1945.05.04 The Office of War Information is making a democrat print preview
TO: Philosophical Library 1945.05.04 Having been sick for a week am affraid[!] of fu print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1945.05.03 Dein letzter Brief vom 26 March 1945 hat mich wied print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1945.05.03 Upon your request I wrote a letter to Mr. Monteux print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1945.05.02 please, make it yourself. This pamphlet has been r print preview
TO: Gunn, George W., University of Wyoming 1945.05.02 I had at least three pupils with the name of Kelle print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.05.01 No doubt you have been informed of the action of o print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1945.05.01 Mr. Gray has sent me a copy of Maurice Thorner's print preview
TO: Weinrich, Carl 1945.05.00 It is one of the basic principles of my instrument print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.04.27 The attached check is in payment of the following print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1945.04.27 Estimated Retirement Allowance. For members for th print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1945.04.27 This is my first message to you after a long perio print preview
FROM: Gunn, George W., University of Wyoming 1945.04.26 Mr. Alfred Keller has applied for the position of print preview
FROM: Jenkins, Saveria, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.04.26 We take pleasure in sending, under separate cover, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.04.25 I regret to inform you that the proposed Paris Mus print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.04.25 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich will ihn gleich b print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.04.24 In connection with your communication of April twe print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1945.04.24 Your letter of the 19th to hand and duly noted. We print preview
TO: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1945.04.24 On March 30 I wrote you an airmail letter, congrat print preview
FROM: Glière, Reinhold 1945.04.20 Bvui olen rad po iuzurud Vanie pozdravienni. [?!] print preview
TO: Spinner, Leopold 1945.04.20 I have received your Overture and I was very pleas print preview
TO: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.04.20 In a few days you will receive from my lawyer, Mr. print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1945.04.19 I am writing to you in behalf of Dr. Arnold Schoen print preview
TO: Simson, Otto, University of Chicago 1945.04.17 Will arrive April 30 7:30 AM by Stratosphere pleas print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Else 1945.04.15 I was glad to hear from uncle David Bach that you print preview
TO: Chávez, Carlos 1945.04.14 Ready to rent only existing score and parts Orches print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1945.04.12 nur so viel daß wir uns sehr freuen Dich bald wied print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst, Hamline University 1945.04.12 Let me express to you my very great admiration for print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1945.04.12 I decided to go on this tour although my \"Bursiti print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.04.11 Enclosed please find the tentative outline of STYL print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1945.04.10 Nun ist der Tag gekommen - den wir mit unbeschreib print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Margit Eleonore 1945.04.10 Nach 4 Jahren kann ich Dir und Deiner lieben Famil print preview
TO: Monteux, Pierre, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.04.10 I have received a telegram from Mr. Milhaud who he print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1945.04.10 Only to inform you that just now I have written in print preview
FROM: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.04.09 It was with the greatest gratitude that I received print preview
FROM: Spinner, Leopold 1945.04.08 I would be so glad if you could let me know, with print preview
FROM: Ness, Nancy 1945.04.08 It may interest you that I had the privelege and g print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1945.04.08 Delighted with magnificent performance of Kammer S print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1945.04.08 Today I must ask you to forward the enclosed lette print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.04.06 I thank you for your letter of April 2nd. I will print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1945.04.05 Es fällt mir unendlich schwer Ihnen alles folgend print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1945.04.05 Following our meetings for the granting of Fellows print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.04.05 ich beantworte erst Deine Fragen: Arnold ist immer print preview
TO: Bank of America 1945.04.05 I have been informed that the late Mark Sandrich' print preview
TO: Monteux, Pierre, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.04.04 Smaller String section desirable perhaps eight sev print preview
TO: Alexan, Friedrich George, Alexan Tribune 1945.04.03 Agree most cordially stop many congretulations to print preview
FROM: Sandrich, Freda W. 1945.04.02 Thank you for your deep understanding and fine ad print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.04.02 On March 23 I sent this by airmail to Rodzinski. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Else 1945.04.01 When I was in Paris I learnt that you are no print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1945.03.31 ich hoffe, dass Du inzwischen einen Brief von mir print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.03.30 Today only very briefly, because I am affraid I wo print preview
TO: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1945.03.30 If I am not mistaken (and I am sure I am not) you print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.03.28 The attached check is in payment for the following print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.03.28 Jascha Horenstein is going on a South American tou print preview
TO: Bach, David Josef 1945.03.26 I will certainly answer your letter very soon. But print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1945.03.24 Dies war ein schrecklicher Abend und meine Gäste, print preview
TO: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.03.23 A letter and the original manuscript of the canon print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.03.22 May we please have an answer to our recent communi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.03.21 We are pleased to inform you that your Theme and V print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.03.21 We are pleased to inform you that your Chamber Sym print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.03.19 Thank you for your kind answer and the suggestions print preview
FROM: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1945.03.16 I thank you very much for your kind offer to publi print preview
FROM: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1945.03.14 I have started things moving toward the possibilit print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.03.14 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief und die signierten He print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1945.03.13 da sieht man, wie\'s geht. Meine Schreibhilfe lies print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.03.13 ich wollte schon lange schreiben und Dir für Dein print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.03.11 That is going to be a very complicated letter: and print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1945.03.10 Thank you very much for the picture of the childre print preview
FROM: Gallimard, Raymond 1945.03.10 Agree to your conditions, letter follows. print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1945.03.09 Thank you for sending me the photo. print preview
TO: Dyer, Joseph H., San Francisco Art Commission 1945.03.09 Much delayed but nevertheless most cordially I wan print preview
TO: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1945.03.08 I want to use the opportunity of having got in con print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.03.08 Beiliegend die signierten zwei Exemplare der Liebe print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1945.03.06 I can\'t tell you how often I\'ve thought of writi print preview
FROM: Jacobs, Arthur Leslie, First Congregational Church of Los Angeles 1945.03.06 The two programs of music for violin and piano by print preview
FROM: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.03.05 When my son, Richard, was born a few weeks ago, so print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1945.03.03 The Regents of the University of California, on re print preview
FROM: Dark, Robert L., United States Department of the Army 1945.03.03 It has been quite some time since I last wrote you print preview
FROM: Monteux, Doris 1945.03.02 Pierre asks me to tell you that the date of the co print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1945.03.02 Ich bin Dir seit langem einen Brief schuldig, doch print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1945.02.28 Seit Monaten wollte ich Ihnen schreiben, verschob print preview
TO: New York University 1945.02.28 May I gladly recommend Miss Clara Silvers for a gr print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1945.02.27 Words are much too inadequate for me to express ou print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1945.02.25 At last I am able to write you my report about the print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.02.24 Du wirst den Brief den ich Dir vom Bureau aus gesc print preview
TO: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1945.02.22 Will you, please, excuse the delay of my answer: I print preview
TO: Mills, Rodney 1945.02.22 In order to study with me you have to know at leas print preview
TO: Eckertsen, Dean E. 1945.02.22 Thank you for your nice letter, telling me besides print preview
TO: Monteux, Pierre, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.02.21 Let me at first tell that I enjoyed the nice time, print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.02.21 Enclosed a list of errors in the large version of print preview
TO: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Action, Inc 1945.02.20 Inliegend meine Reaktion zu den Memoranden, die Si print preview
FROM: Morse, Rose, Philosophical Library 1945.02.19 Please rush contract form. Best wishes. Rose Morse print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1945.02.17 ich habe auf Deinen Brief, den ich Mitte November print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.02.17 I am very sorry to hear that you did not feel well print preview
TO: Crain, Hal D., Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts 1945.02.15 I am sorry about the delay of my reply to your let print preview
TO: Rathburn, Eldon 1945.02.14 If you think I can in one lesson be of any help to print preview
TO: Stuart, Nellie Marie, Oberlin Conservatory of Music 1945.02.13 I have to excuse the great delay of my answer to y print preview
TO: Putterman, David J. 1945.02.13 As much as I would like to compose the "Mi Chomac print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.02.12 Only these three of my works: Transfigured Night, print preview
TO: Jaffie, Bob, University of California at Los Angles 1945.02.10 I thank you most cordially for inviting me to atte print preview
FROM: Jaffie, Bob, University of California at Los Angles 1945.02.08 On behalf of the student body I should like to inv print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1945.02.06 Our magazine is conducting an enquete on behalf of print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1945.02.05 In the year 1939 Mr. Anis Fuleihan was granted a f print preview
FROM: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1945.02.05 ich danke Ihnen herzlich für Ihren Beitrag zum Tho print preview
FROM: Schweisheimer, Waldemar 1945.02.04 Enclosed I am sending you an article of mine which print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.02.03 Wir haben für Felix einen elektrisch Rasier-Appa print preview
TO: Dyer, Joseph H., San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.02.02 Will arrive Tuesday February sixth about six P.M., print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1945.02.01 Please forgive my persistence -- but we simply mus print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1945.02.01 At the home of the Khuners\' arrived on Feb. 1st N print preview
FROM: Khuner, Gertrude Henrietta 1945.02.01 Arrived: Feb. 1, 1945. Weight: 7lbs. 13ozs. Named: print preview
TO: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Action, Inc 1945.02.00 The memoranda of Dr. Max Graf, Bruno Walter and (e print preview
FROM: Rathburn, Eldon 1945.01.28 I am writing to you regarding composition lessons. print preview
TO: American Mercury 1945.01.27 I would like to remain a subscriber to your Americ print preview
FROM: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Action, Inc 1945.01.26 wir danken Ihnen vielmals für ihr Schreiben vom 8. print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1945.01.24 I acknowledge your letter of January 22nd and resp print preview
TO: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.01.24 I enjoyed your performance of my "Ode to Napoleon print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1945.01.23 The date of our 3rd Annual Sabbath Eve Service of print preview
TO: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1945.01.22 I have served the Guggenheim Foundation quite a nu print preview
FROM: Seligmann, Mischa 1945.01.19 Your \"old Vienna\" package arrived at noon today. print preview
TO: McNaughton, Patton C., University of California at Los Angles 1945.01.19 I suggest you telephone me at the beginning of nex print preview
TO: Dyer, Joseph H., San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.01.19 Waited for doctors agreement will arrive evening print preview
TO: Dyer, Joseph H., San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.01.19 I wired today upon your request: "Waited for doct print preview
TO: Sheer, Leo 1945.01.19 I have read about you in Pacific Coast Musician, a print preview
FROM: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1945.01.16 I have just seen Mr. Greissle, who told me you wer print preview
TO: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1945.01.16 Under separate cover I send by air mail the origin print preview
FROM: Taylor, Noel Heath, Schoenberg Seventieth Birthday Committee 1945.01.14 But for the fact that I have been exceptionally bu print preview
FROM: Carfagno, Simon, United States Department of the Army 1945.01.13 I have been wanting to write to you for a long tim print preview
FROM: Strang, Clara 1945.01.13 The picture of the \"gang\" was a lovely surprise. print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1945.01.13 We've been trying to find a chance to thank you p print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.01.12 Yesterday I had a discussion with Dr. Rodzinski, i print preview
FROM: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1945.01.11 I am very grateful for your kind letter of January print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.01.11 ich will Dir Deinen Brief lieber doch von zuhause print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1945.01.11 [not seen] print preview
TO: Allen, Bennet M., University of California at Los Angles 1945.01.10 In the Schirmer catalogue I marked the composition print preview
TO: Seelav, Robert 1945.01.10 Thank you for your kind letter from December 15th, print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1945.01.09 To get better acquainted with the Schoenberg print preview
TO: University of Southern California 1945.01.09 Enclosed some gummed addresses. | Will you please print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1945.01.09 enclosed some gummed addresses. Will you, please b print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix, United States Department of the Army 1945.01.08 I am very late in answering your kind letter of la print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1945.01.08 endlich finde ich Zeit, Euch zu schreiben. print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1945.01.08 (I am writing an air postcard as I find this the q print preview
TO: Gallimard, Gaston 1945.01.05 By contract with Universal Edition, Vienna, the ri print preview
FROM: Gallimard, Gaston 1945.01.04 Want to secure rights, Traites d\'Harmonie. print preview
TO: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1945.01.04 I am very sorry, my last letter was the cause of a print preview
TO: Ussher, Bruno David 1945.01.04 Your letter from January 2, arrived about an hour print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.01.03 It is already quite a time, I did not hear from yo print preview
FROM: Ussher, Bruno David 1945.01.02 Please be so very kind and send me immediately by print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1945.01.00 einige Freunde von [mir] [cut off] haben-- print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1945.00.00 I realize that what I am asking is an imposition print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1945.00.00 Everybody is thrilled with the lecture you are giv print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1945.00.00 I heard with a great pleasure that you are coming print preview
FROM: Ierardi, Joseph 1945.00.00 I am very sorry that you can not read my writing. print preview
TO: United States Government 1945.00.00 I am Arnold Schoenberg, composer of some reputatio print preview
TO: Monteux, Pierre, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1945.00.00 Change of Reservation not guaranteed besides diffi print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1945.00.00 Please inform Philharmonic I am unable because of print preview
TO: Jackson, David N., United States Forces in Austria 1945.00.00 Many thanks to you for being so kind in forwarding print preview
TO: Rodzinski, Artur 1945.00.00 Without your reply. Sorry. Have to know at once wh print preview
TO: Paschkis, Rudolf 1945.00.00 I think it is better if I send the affidavit for H print preview
TO: United States Postmaster General 1945.00.00 In response to an appeal from my postman pointing print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1945.00.00 Please excuse the delay of my answer, but unfortun print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1945.00.00 Ãœber den vielen Dingen, die ich in diesem ersten print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred 1945.00.00 Vor allem: Ich weiss noch nicht ob ich mich in Unt print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1944.12.31 I want to write a letter to this retirement Dept. print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1944.12.30 please, find enclosed herewith a copy of the list print preview
FROM: Crain, Hal D., Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts 1944.12.29 Since it is our understanding that you will be fin print preview
FROM: Gallimard, Gaston, Librarie NRF Gallimard 1944.12.29 Nous serions heureux d\'acquérir les droits pour l print preview
TO: Glière, Reinhold 1944.12.28 Congratulating and wishing you many more years of print preview
TO: Glière, Reinhold 1944.12.28 This year I was as young as you are now and I know print preview
FROM: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1944.12.27 I must confess I am surprised to hear that you hav print preview
FROM: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1944.12.26 Thank you very much for your friendly letter of De print preview
FROM: Kinoshita, Esther Matsu 1944.12.25 I enjoyed your recent composition, "Ode to Napole print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.12.22 I am terribly busy and working very hard. print preview
TO: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann 1944.12.21 It seems I started a little too late--Ihnen kann i print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.12.18 ich habe wieder ziemlich lange nicht geschrieben, print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Richard, Sr. 1944.12.14 Many thanks for your letter of the 17th Oct. which print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1944.12.12 Je profite de votre voyage aux Etats Unis print preview
FROM: Bird, Remsen DuBois, Occidental College 1944.12.12 We are exceedingly happy here at the college in th print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1944.12.11 I have the great pleasure of announcing to you tha print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1944.12.09 For tomorrow's great day I had devised a very nic print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1944.12.09 I feel most regretful that I have not written to y print preview
TO: Dyer, Joseph H., San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1944.12.09 Thanks for invitation-accepting for fee of dollar print preview
FROM: Bird, Remsen DuBois, Occidental College 1944.12.08 Last evening was memorable and beautiful! Thank yo print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.12.08 I very much regret not being able to tell you that print preview
TO: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Action, Inc 1944.12.08 ich bin mit grossem Vergnügen bereit, alles was in print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.12.07 Thank you for your letter of December 1st. I am in print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1944.12.05 Pierrot Lunaire is in rehearsal. William Vandenbur print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.12.04 die aufregende Woche der Aufführungen ist nun vor print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.12.04 I wonder whether your December issue has already b print preview
FROM: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1944.12.03 Many thanks for your kind letter. I am forwarding print preview
TO: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1944.12.03 Miss Dika Newlin has attended at[!] University of print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.12.03 As my check did not arrive today, I wonder whether print preview
TO: Sessions, Roger 1944.12.03 You would not believe how fast time passes when yo print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1944.12.02 Thank you so much for your letter which has given print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1944.12.02 Thank you for informing me about Mr. Monteux's per print preview
FROM: Beach, Hugh D., Newsweek 1944.12.01 The \"Music\" section in Newsweek\'s December 4th print preview
FROM: Modern Music 1944.12.01 Enclosed please find our check for your contributi print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1944.12.01 der grosse Tag war nun da und ich glaube, Sie haet print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1944.12.01 Enclosed is another of my articles on the \"Ode\". print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1944.12.01 Let me take this opportunity to tell you that the print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1944.12.01 It is with a feeling of considerable embarassment print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.12.01 Enclosed a) six sheets containing the voice part f print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1944.12.00 I beg to acknowledge, with the thanks of the Found print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1944.12.00 Die herzlichsten Weihnachts- u. Neujahrsgrüße! print preview
FROM: Eichberg, Bonnie Lee 1944.12.00 Christmastide makes me think of dear Fritz\'s old print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1944.11.30 That was a real present to me: two letters from yo print preview
FROM: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1944.11.29 As you probably know, Mr. Monteux is planning to p print preview
FROM: Danenberg, Emil 1944.11.29 Just a note to thank you very much for writing the print preview
FROM: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Action, Inc 1944.11.28 entschuldigen Sie bitte, daß ich mich heute mit e print preview
FROM: Gál, Erna 1944.11.26 Many thanks for your kind letter! Surely you have print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1944.11.26 I tried several times to call you today but your p print preview
FROM: Elkus, Albert I. 1944.11.26 I wish to tell you how greatly moved I was today b print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.24 This is an attempt at a report to you on the reher print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1944.11.24 This past week has indeed been a rich musical feas print preview
FROM: Murray, Robert L., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1944.11.24 I believe that you will find the enclosed booklet print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1944.11.23 Friendly Christmas Greetings. May the friendliness print preview
FROM: Bird, Remsen DuBois, Occidental College 1944.11.22 May I acknowledge with very sincere appreciation y print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.11.21 In connection with your inquiry of November 3rd, w print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.20 I am very pleased to inform you that your Ode to N print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1944.11.20 Miss Dika Newlin has applied for a Fellowship in m print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.11.18 I am not surprised at your letter of Novemeber 13t print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1944.11.18 This afternoon I received the two packages you sen print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.11.18 ich habe so lange nicht geschrieben, daß die Vorst print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.17 I have sent you the score of your Opus 43B. I was print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.15 Your Second Chamber Symphony, as performed by the print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1944.11.14 It was genuinely sweet of you to acknowledge my bi print preview
TO: Bird, Remsen DuBois, Occidental College 1944.11.14 I thank you very much for kindly inviting me to Oc print preview
FROM: Merritt, Arthur Tillman, Harvard University 1944.11.13 The Committee to Visit the Department of Music at print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.13 I long to see the Full Orchestra Version, opus 43B print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.11.13 I received your birthday congratulation and you re print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.11 I am glad you are pleased with the sample page of print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix, United States Department of the Army 1944.11.11 Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New print preview
FROM: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.11.09 I am indeed unhappy to hear that your health is ma print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.11.09 meinen allerherzlichsten Dank für Deine lieben Wor print preview
FROM: Aucoin, Lionel A., Auccoin Brothers 1944.11.09 Thanks a million for the fine personally autograph print preview
FROM: Knudsen, Robert Telford Andrew 1944.11.06 I guess Dr. Koussevitzky has already sent you this print preview
FROM: Fischer, Gottfried Bermann, Bermann-Fischer Verlag 1944.11.06 Thomas Mann wird am 6. Juni 1945 siebzig Jahre alt print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.11.06 I can not see anything wrong with the sample page print preview
FROM: Harrison, Lou 1944.11.04 Thank you very much for your kind letter and the c print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.03 Enclosed you will find one sample page of the band print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1944.11.03 Today I received your letters of October eleventh print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.11.03 I am sorry I could not answer you earlier. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.11.01 Thank you very much for your letter of October 28t print preview
FROM: Bird, Remsen DuBois, Occidental College 1944.11.01 We are exceedingly happy at Occidental College tha print preview
TO: Miles, Russell H., University of Illinois 1944.11.01 It seems to me your question can not be answered w print preview
FROM: Goehr, Walter 1944.11.00 This is to introduce a young English composer frie print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1944.10.31 Haette Ihr Brief heute eine schuldbeladene, treulo print preview
FROM: Spinner, Leopold 1944.10.30 At last I got my copy ready, though I started well print preview
FROM: Sessions, Roger 1944.10.30 I hope you will accept the enclosed article,--whic print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.30 This is promising, the interest of the OWI in my print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Hermann, Fulham Hospital 1944.10.29 My father has just written to me your address, so print preview
TO: Reiner, Fritz, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 1944.10.29 You are perfectly all right with your criticism ab print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.28 Enclosed you will find a letter from Mr. Wallenste print preview
TO: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.10.28 It is only a few days since I wrote you I feel I c print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.28 First, I have to tell you that I can not come to N print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1944.10.28 This morning I decided I cannot make these trips, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.27 Yesterday I had a talk with the chief of the Offic print preview
FROM: Aucoin, Lionel A., Auccoin Brothers 1944.10.27 Igor Stravinsky, Darius Milhaud, Jean Sibelius, Ri print preview
FROM: Miles, Russell H., University of Illinois 1944.10.26 If I might have a very brief reply to the followin print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.26 Thank you very much for your letter of October 23r print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1944.10.26 Yesterday, I received your letter, which had been print preview
FROM: Gordon, Rosa, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1944.10.26 Dr. Ranshofen-Wertheimer, für den ich hier als Ass print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1944.10.26 Deine Anerkennung meines Geburtstagsartikels macht print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.26 At least the order in which Mr. Wallenstein tells print preview
FROM: Reiner, Fritz 1944.10.25 Many thanks for your kind acknowledgement of my go print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1944.10.25 Thank you very much for your letter. The Beer-Hofm print preview
TO: McKelvey, Raymond G., Southern California Council of Inter-American Affairs 1944.10.24 I am glad to accept your kind invitation to serve print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1944.10.23 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.23 Here at last is the booklet. Additional copies are print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.23 I have heard Koussevitzky's performance of my Var print preview
TO: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.10.23 As my health--knock on wood--has improved during r print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1944.10.23 Today I dared order railroad tickets for our trip print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1944.10.22 Some messages are too lovely for us to keep them t print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge 1944.10.22 Excellently played Variations found it very beauti print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1944.10.21 I was much pleased to receive your "birthday lette print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.20 I am extremely surprised at the behavior of the Lo print preview
FROM: Rathaus, Karol, Queens College 1944.10.20 I am enclosing a clipping from our college paper w print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge 1944.10.20 We are all happy to perform your wonderful Variati print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1944.10.19 This year the League of Composers undertakes a mor print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.10.18 Thank you very much for the illuminating article y print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.17 Your Theme and Variations for Orchestra, Opus 43B print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Richard, Sr. 1944.10.17 Excuse me for calling you "uncle" - the title wh print preview
TO: Davenport, Frank 1944.10.16 At present I am not teaching classes, but I consid print preview
FROM: Korngold, Julius 1944.10.15 Ich möchte Ihnen noch sagen dürfen, wie sehr ich m print preview
FROM: Lundberg, O., University of California at Berkeley 1944.10.14 Your letter of September 29, 1944, arrived while I print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W. 1944.10.13 Excuse the delay - this letter was mixed among man print preview
TO: Korngold, Julius 1944.10.12 Es ist schade, daß mein Vortrag "Komposition with print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1944.10.11 The great delay of this letter is not only due to print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1944.10.10 It was the very greatest pleasure to me to have th print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.10.10 I mailed you recently an agreement form with a bla print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.10.09 I could not write this earlier. I hope it arrives print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1944.10.08 I just see that I have to answer some points of yo print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.10.06 Thanks for your congratulations. There will be soo print preview
FROM: Bauer, Julius 1944.10.05 Heute erst erfuhr ich, daß Ihr 70. Geburtstag, de print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.10.04 I am in receipt of your letter of September 28th. print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1944.10.04 I am writing to ask you a very great favor. This f print preview
TO: Krenek, Ernst 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Hills, Emil 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1944.10.03 I am glad to hear again from you and I hope I must print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.10.03 In connection with our recent correspondence, kind print preview
TO: [various] 1944.10.03 For more than a week I try compositng a letter of print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1944.10.03 When will you come again to Los Angeles? print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Reich, Willi 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter print preview
TO: Partos, Ödön 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1944.10.03 I am sorry to say, that all the letters I received print preview
TO: Hanna, Irene 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Weiss, Adolph 1944.10.03 ich darf nicht vergessen, dir auch für Deine Tätig print preview
TO: Hilb, Emil 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Steuermann, Clara 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1944.10.03 Eine sehr geistreiche Idee, Ihre Kanons über die M print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
TO: Thomson, Virgil, New York Herald Tribune 1944.10.03 I feel I must finally do, what I intended long ago print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.10.03 For more than a week I tried composing a letter of print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.10.02 We should like to have for the next issue of Moder print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1944.10.02 I hope that by now you are in possession of the Se print preview
FROM: Romberg, Sigmund, Song Writer's Protective Association 1944.10.00 This letter is of the utmost importance, so please print preview
TO: Lundberg, O., University of California at Berkeley 1944.09.29 I do not understand why I should pay much more tax print preview
FROM: Hanna, Irene 1944.09.28 Nehmen Sie bitte meine etwas verspäteten Glückwüns print preview
TO: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.28 I have made plans for founding a "Record of the M print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.28 I hope in November the weather will still be good print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W. 1944.09.27 I feel very neglectful in not having written or pa print preview
FROM: Hodgson, Hugh, University of Georgia 1944.09.25 I want you to know I am thinking about you, and th print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.25 Owing to some last-minute changes and to the fact print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.25 Mr. Wallenstein will be in Los Angeles around the print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1944.09.24 seit zehn Tagen plage ich mich damit, einen Brief print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.09.23 ich möchte einen Teil Deines Briefes den Du mir i print preview
TO: Brentano's Booksellers to the World 1944.09.23 Upon the order of Mr. Hans Eisler, 689 S. Amalfi D print preview
FROM: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1944.09.22 I feel very enthusiastic since my visit the other print preview
FROM: Cooke, James Francis, Presser Foundation 1944.09.22 May I be one of those who are congratulating you a print preview
FROM: Carfagno, Simon 1944.09.22 I have put off writing to you because I hoped to b print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.20 Thank you for your wire, which I received yesterda print preview
FROM: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1944.09.20 I am happy to tell you that our quartet, Lee Wintn print preview
TO: 1944.09.20 This is to certify that I have asked Robert D. W. print preview
TO: Glasser, Lee, Philosophical Library 1944.09.20 Since I sent you the rest of the essays for the bo print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.19 As I have not yet received the following items, I print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1944.09.18 Erlauben Sie, daß auch ich mich dem Chorus der Gra print preview
FROM: Halma, Harold 1944.09.18 Although I\'m a little late in my congratulations print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Clara 1944.09.18 How much the thoughts of all of us at Black Mounta print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.18 Please wire immediately if it is all right with yo print preview
FROM: Kanitz, Ernest 1944.09.17 Es ist mir immer so ergangen, daß Angst vor dem Ge print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.09.16 I sent you a telegram for your birthday but Wester print preview
FROM: Lundberg, O., University of California at Berkeley 1944.09.15 Your letter of September 4 addressed to Mr. Benedi print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1944.09.15 ich bitte Sie, meine herzlichen Glückwünsche anläß print preview
FROM: Knudsen, Vern Oliver, University of California at Los Angles 1944.09.13 There will be a meeting of the Faculty Research Le print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1944.09.13 mit meinen Wünschen zu Ihrem Geburtstage möchte ic print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1944.09.13 Happy Birthday from all of us. You never need to w print preview
FROM: Lisner, Henry 1944.09.13 I want to wish you sincere greetings on this your print preview
FROM: Toldi, Julius 1944.09.13 Unsere herzlichste Gratulation und innigsten Glück print preview
FROM: Lincoln, Daniel 1944.09.13 Birthday Greetings. Best wishes for the happiest o print preview
FROM: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 1944.09.13 Lassen Sie mich in dem Kreise derjenigen, die heut print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Rolf 1944.09.13 Bis ins pianissimo schön erfüllten meisterlichen print preview
FROM: Osborn, Max 1944.09.13 Ich habe zwar nur einmal die Freude und das Glueck print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil 1944.09.13 Es geht mir beinahe gegen den Strich einem mentale print preview
FROM: Rebner, Adolf 1944.09.13 Anläßlich des schönen Festtages sende ich Ihnen h print preview
FROM: Khuner, Gertrude Henrietta 1944.09.13 \"Happy Birthday\". May this birthday bring all th print preview
FROM: Zilzer, Wolfgang A. 1944.09.13 Just read about you in the papers and sincerely wi print preview
FROM: McManus, George S. 1944.09.13 This brings you our heartfelt congratulations and print preview
FROM: Varèse, Louise 1944.09.13 Affectionate greetings and many happy and fruitful print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1944.09.13 Much has changed since the days of Türkenstraße print preview
FROM: Steiner, Arnoldo 1944.09.13 Mein letztes Schreiben, als Antwort auf Dein kurze print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.13 Yesterday I received the returned negatives of the print preview
FROM: Rubsamen, Walter H. 1944.09.13 We should have liked to pay our respects to you on print preview
FROM: Kohn, Carla 1944.09.12 Zu Ihrem siebzigsten Geburtstag möchten wir Ihnen print preview
FROM: Achron, Marie 1944.09.12 Erlauben Sie mir herzlichst zu Ihrem 70-sten Gebur print preview
FROM: Sopher, Bernard 1944.09.12 Ich möchte mich Ihren vielen Verehrern anschließen print preview
FROM: Toch, Ernst 1944.09.12 Mit der herzlichen Ergebenheit und Dankbarkeit ein print preview
FROM: Lachmann, Erich 1944.09.12 Nehmen Sie--diesmal \"in writing\"--unsere allerin print preview
FROM: Manschinger, Kurt 1944.09.12 Auf die Gefahr hin, daß Sie diese Zeilen vielleich print preview
FROM: Fuchs, Viktor 1944.09.12 in der großen Schar Ihrer Freunde und Verehrer wi print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.09.12 My thoughts and those of AMP are with you today. G print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1944.09.12 Please include me among your many appreciative and print preview
FROM: Herbert, Walter, New Orleans Opera House Association 1944.09.12 On the occasion of your seventieth birthday, I wan print preview
FROM: Wines, George M. 1944.09.12 First, may I offer my sincere congratulations on y print preview
FROM: Tansman, Alexandre 1944.09.12 May I convey my heartfelt congratulations for your print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Black Mountain College 1944.09.12 In devotion to the creator Black Mountain Col print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1944.09.12 Many happy returns of 13th September every good w print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1944.09.12 All our warmest wishes and congratulations. print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1944.09.12 Sincere and best wishes. Many happy returns. print preview
FROM: Reich, Anton 1944.09.12 Kindest congratulations. Love and respect, print preview
FROM: Werfel, Franz 1944.09.12 I am very proud to be in possession of your new mu print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1944.09.12 Innigste wärmste Geburtstagswünsche von uns beiden print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1944.09.11 It is a lucky coincidence, that my first act after print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1944.09.11 Seventy years--young! God bless you with many mor print preview
FROM: Horner, Maria Katharina (Käthe) 1944.09.11 Als eine von denen, die das Glück und die Gnade er print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1944.09.11 von ganzem Herzen alles Beste zu Ihrem 70. Geburts print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1944.09.11 For the second time your birthday approaches and w print preview
FROM: Kahn, Erich Itor 1944.09.11 Ich habe leider nie das Glück gehabt Ihr Schüler print preview
FROM: Schwarz, Paul 1944.09.11 Es ist lange her, daß wir einander nicht gesehen print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1944.09.11 I read in yesterday\'s New York Times that you wil print preview
FROM: Polgar, Alfred 1944.09.11 Höchst lächerlich das Getue, das jetzt um Sie gema print preview
FROM: Clurman, Harold, RKO Radio Pictures, Inc 1944.09.11 I understand that the 13th of September is your se print preview
FROM: Neumann, Alfred 1944.09.11 bitte nehmen Sie, zu Ihrem siebzigsten Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Odets, Clifford, RKO Radio Pictures, Inc 1944.09.11 Wednesday, the 13th, is your 70th birthday and the print preview
FROM: Reiner, Fritz 1944.09.11 I am honored to join with my colleagues today in p print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1944.09.11 All my thoughts and thankful wishes are with you print preview
FROM: Gál, Erna 1944.09.11 Fondest wishes print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses 1944.09.11 I have just discovered that my article about you i print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Common Sense 1944.09.11 Beginning with the September issue of \"Common Sen print preview
FROM: Korngold, Julius 1944.09.11 Ich will und darf nicht unter denen fehlen, die Ih print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1944.09.11 Wie Du vielleicht schon von meinen Eltern weißt, print preview
FROM: Mayer, Ernst 1944.09.10 als ich heute in der \"Times\" las, daß Sie diese print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Lotte 1944.09.10 Am 13ten ist Ihr Geburtstag & es tut mir so sehr l print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1944.09.10 Ihr siebzigster Geburtstag ist ein willkommener An print preview
FROM: Diamond, David 1944.09.10 May I, on your seventieth birthday, send you my si print preview
FROM: Horenstein, Jascha 1944.09.10 bitte empfangen Sie die sehr herzlichen Wünsche zu print preview
FROM: Leichtentritt, Hugo 1944.09.10 In der musikalischen Welt kann Ihr siebzigster Geb print preview
FROM: Zweig, Fritz 1944.09.10 Erlauben Sie mir Ihnen - auch im Namen meiner Frau print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.09.10 so schreib ich wieder einmal, anstatt bei Dir zu s print preview
FROM: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1944.09.09 Thank you for your friendly letter. I am delighted print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1944.09.09 Once again your birthday draws near - and since th print preview
FROM: Ranshofen-Wertheimer, Egon, American University 1944.09.09 Gestatten Sie einem Ihnen Unbekannten, Ihnen zu Ih print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1944.09.09 Vor über vierzig Jahren hörte ich in Wien die Rosé print preview
FROM: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1944.09.09 Als Sie mir vor einigen Monaten so freundlich schr print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.08 The approach of your seventieth birthday will doub print preview
FROM: Kestenberg, Leo 1944.09.08 In deep admiration and gratitude for all you have print preview
FROM: Klein, Walther 1944.09.08 Ich habe das große Glück gehabt, ungefähr gleichze print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.08 Koussevitzky is going to give the premiere of your print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1944.09.07 Under separate cover we are mailing to you a copy print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.06 Mr. Gassman has definitely scheduled the performan print preview
TO: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1944.09.06 I am very pleased about your intention of preserva print preview
FROM: Schnabel, Artur 1944.09.05 Wie gern wäre ich zu Ihnen nach Brentwood Park gep print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1944.09.04 This is in regard to my letter of August 29 concer print preview
TO: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1944.09.04 Thank you very much for your kind reply to my lett print preview
FROM: Breuer, Robert 1944.09.02 It is with pride and pleasure that I am sending yo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann, United States Department of the Army 1944.09.01 I want to start out in wishing you a happy birthda print preview
FROM: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.09.01 Thank you kindly for replying to my telegram. I am print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1944.09.00 Dieser Aufsatz ist ein unzulänglicher Versuch, mei print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.09.00 Accept Los Angeles. Only Chicago spring whether print preview
TO: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1944.08.31 I am sorry, I must cancel my lecture. I intended t print preview
FROM: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1944.08.29 I recall with much pleasure the opportunity I had print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1944.08.29 At first let me thank you cordially for your congr print preview
TO: Downes, Olin 1944.08.27 I would like to have this suggestion printed in print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.08.26 Thank you for your letter of August 18. I am sorr print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1944.08.26 I hope you will accept my apologies for not writin print preview
TO: Gassmann, Remi 1944.08.26 Illness obstructs definitive acceptance though dat print preview
FROM: Gassmann, Remi 1944.08.25 Must know at once if dates are satisfactory under print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.25 My secretary had the idea of sending you the negat print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1944.08.24 At the end of the term, in accordance with the sta print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.24 I shall contact Miss Newlin in due time, that is, print preview
FROM: Trimble, Lester, American Red Cross 1944.08.24 I appreciate more than I can say the kind and gene print preview
TO: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1944.08.23 I am to retire this year, and, according to the ad print preview
FROM: Slezak, Walter 1944.08.22 Gestern abend brachte mir Alma Werfel Ihr Blatt au print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.22 Thank you very much for the prompt return of the l print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.21 I have heard Koussevitzky's performance of my print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.21 Miss Dika Newlin (626 M.C. Avenue, East Lansing, M print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.08.18 (1) Unfortunately the greater part of my answers t print preview
TO: Khuner, Felix 1944.08.18 I received your letter from August seventh already print preview
FROM: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.08.17 Since I received your letter of July 17 I have bee print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.17 Yesterday I received a telephone call from Mr. Rem print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1944.08.16 It is really wonderfull that you were remembering print preview
FROM: Brown, Charles, 1944 United Jewish Welfare Fund 1944.08.15 Two weeks ago we wrote to you, asking your contrib print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1944.08.15 I didn\'t think of it. Dr. Oscar Adler, your old f print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.08.15 As we are now formulating our program of classes f print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.11 Thank you for sending me the text of the telegrams print preview
FROM: Twa, Andrew J. 1944.08.10 I acknowledge with thanks receipt of your article print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.09 It just comes to my mind that it would perhaps be print preview
TO: Burgin, Richard 1944.08.09 Very pleased about program and Mrs. Sprague Coolid print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.08.09 Above is my answer to the following telegram: "Pl print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1944.08.08 vor mir liegt Ihr Dankbrief für die Glückwünsche z print preview
FROM: Burgin, Richard 1944.08.08 Planning to give concerts consisting entirely of y print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.08.08 If you are ready to make a contract about reprinti print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.08.07 Thank you for giving me the duration of your Secon print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix, United States Department of the Army 1944.08.07 This letter may reach you long before or long afte print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, Black Mountain College 1944.08.06 The reason why you didn\'t hear from me while I wa print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1944.08.05 ich hoffe, dass diese Zeilen Dich rechtzeitig, das print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.08.04 The duration of my Second Chamber Symphony must, a print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.08.02 Can you tell me the duration of your Second Kammer print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.08.02 Thank you for your kind letter. print preview
TO: Bach, David Josef 1944.08.01 Yesterday I said to my wife: Dr. Bach must have al print preview
FROM: Twa, Andrew J. 1944.07.29 I am enclosing a copy of a paper recently written print preview
TO: Twa, Andrew J. 1944.07.29 May I confess (1) that I resent your statements ab print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.07.28 I am studying your Second Kammersymphonie and am g print preview
FROM: Behrens, Gerda F., University of California at Los Angles 1944.07.28 Your Biographical record sheet recently returned t print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1944.07.28 Many thanks for your letter plus pictures. One of print preview
FROM: Reiner, Fritz 1944.07.27 I am very sorry to hear that there is no reduced v print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.07.27 I have discussed again with President Decker the p print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.07.25 vielen Dank für Euren lieben, leider so kurzen Bri print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.25 Mr. Greissle has shown me the letter that you sent print preview
FROM: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1944.07.25 You are listed on the program for the A.S.A. meeti print preview
TO: Glasser, Lee, Philosophical Library 1944.07.25 "Music of Tomorrow" does not fit to my book.[!] print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1944.07.24 Es ist leider sehr lange her, daß wir nichts von print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.22 It seems my retirement from UCLA, in September, mu print preview
FROM: Glasser, Lee, Philosophical Library 1944.07.21 Thanks for the photographs. Professor Max Graf, a print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.21 This is my last letter before I go on vacation. I print preview
FROM: Rubsamen, Walter H., University of California at Los Angles 1944.07.18 The University of California, Los Angeles, is spon print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.18 Many thanks for your letter of June 29. I understa print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.17 I finally got the copy of your recent letter. I ha print preview
TO: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.07.17 I thank you very much for your kind invitation for print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1944.07.17 I hoped I might be able to send you a better pictu print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.17 Though my letter to Mr. Reese, by naming only the print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.17 This telegram was telephoned to me today. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.07.17 Enclosed you find my statement that I do not ask a print preview
TO: Greissle, Hermann 1944.07.17 It is true, I am not avery industrious writer of l print preview
TO: Reiner, Fritz, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 1944.07.15 I have been informed by Mr. Felix Greissle and by print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.07.15 Enclosed a letter to Mr. Reiner which I would like print preview
FROM: Gassmann, Remi, University of Chicago 1944.07.12 Last season the University of Chicago inaugurated print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.12 I am in receipt of your letter of July 10th. Here print preview
FROM: Glasser, Lee, Philosophical Library 1944.07.11 Please send to our promotional department, at your print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.07.11 Fritz Reiner would like to perform the Five Orches print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1944.07.10 Beautiful surroundings reminding of salzkammergut print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.10 I received the 2 piano version of the Piano Concer print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1944.07.07 At a recent meeting of the Writers' Classificatio print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.07.06 Thank you for your letter of June 27, which was sl print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.07.04 Reese hat Deinen Brief bezüglich der Instrumentati print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.07.03 I have discussed with Mr. Efrem Kurtz the possibil print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.07.01 I am sorry I can send you the rest of the material print preview
TO: Trimble, Lester, American Red Cross 1944.07.00 I am sorry I can only answer you today. I have bee print preview
TO: Greissle, Arnold 1944.07.00 I received your letter from June 30, 1944, and we print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1944.06.30 This is the first letter to you in a long time. Th print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.29 We take pleasure in sending under separate cover s print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.29 In my last letter to Mr. Greissle I have already e print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.28 Thank you for your letter of June 22nd. Unfortunat print preview
FROM: Trimble, Lester, American Red Cross 1944.06.28 I am sending by separate package, today, some manu print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.06.27 Perhaps a week before your letter arrived I wanted print preview
TO: Munro, Thomas 1944.06.27 I expect to attend the meeting of the American Soc print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1944.06.26 Here it has been many months since we have seen yo print preview
TO: Schoen, Max, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1944.06.26 I am at present on sabbatical leave absence and af print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.06.22 Can send rest of material only next week stop print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.19 Thank you for your letter of June 17th. I know Mr. print preview
TO: Smith, Moses 1944.06.17 I am very sorry, I could not do, what you want. print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1944.06.16 I am writing to make a tentative inquiry as to the print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.06.16 I received your letter of June 5th. You know, dear print preview
TO: Glasser, Lee, Philosophical Library 1944.06.15 Enclosed is a recent snapshot. I have at pr print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.06.13 Have you received the sample translation? Our prin print preview
FROM: Thorner, Maurice 1944.06.13 I received [a] letter from Office of Alien Propert print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses 1944.06.13 In connection with [a] magazine article about you print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.13 Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of Mr print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto 1944.06.13 I do not quite understand the purport of your lett print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1944.06.11 you did not tell me for whom you want this print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.06.11 ungefähr gleichzeitig mit diesem Brief wirst Du ei print preview
TO: Frankenberg, Babette "Bobbe" Meyers , University of California at Los Angles 1944.06.11 I would love to participate this year in the Sprin print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1944.06.10 now there are quite a number of delight ful news print preview
FROM: Stadlen, Peter 1944.06.09 Intend performing your piano concerto please cable print preview
TO: Trimble, Lester, American Red Cross 1944.06.09 Though I am very busy, but because your letter is print preview
TO: Knudsen, Vern Oliver, University of California at Los Angles 1944.06.09 I want to apologize for my missing the meeting of print preview
TO: Weber, Ben 1944.06.09 Dr. Rubsamen sent me your letter. | My lecture on print preview
TO: Carter, John, British Information Services 1944.06.08 In answering your letter from January 18, 1944, er print preview
TO: Copland, Aaron 1944.06.08 I assume you know that I asked Mr. Koussevitzky print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.07 Here is a set of proofs for the booklet we are pre print preview
FROM: Cantrell, Byron 1944.06.05 Thank you most heartily for your part in selecting print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.05 In 69 to 70 it should be [quarter note equals dott print preview
FROM: Reitler, Josef (Joseph) 1944.06.04 Wenn Sie ein sehr gutes Gedächtnis haben, werden print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1944.06.04 I've been terribly worried about your health; tha print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1944.06.03 Enclosed a copy of my letter to Associated Music P print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.02 Thank you for your letter of May 30th. As soon as print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.06.01 We have just discovered that we have no score, but print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.06.00 There are too many wrong data. I am not opposed o print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.05.31 I sincerely hope that you have by now recovered fr print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.05.30 I have no copy of the "Full-Orchestra Version" o print preview
TO: Carpenter, Patricia 1944.05.30 I am gladly ready to teach you and to tell you abo print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1944.05.28 At the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1944.05.26 This is to notify you that you have been appointed print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.05.23 In addition to the score of the band version of yo print preview
FROM: Schnierer, Joseph 1944.05.20 I thank you very much for the kind words you found print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1944.05.19 We are planning another special musical service by print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.05.19 Thank you for your letter of May 1st. I was unable print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.05.18 seit ich Deinen Brief vom 3.Mai erhielt, hat sich print preview
TO: Weinrich, Carl, Princeton University 1944.05.16 So many people have written me about your playing print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.05.15 I am the last to pretend I make no mistakes. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.05.15 Don't destroy fineness by unauthorized correction print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.05.13 Unfortunately the band score, and consequently the print preview
TO: Urbach, [?] 1944.05.12 Mrs. Urbach is a very talented musician. She is ce print preview
FROM: Ryan, Wm. B., Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1944.05.09 Many thanks for your kind letter of May 3rd., and print preview
TO: Kallir, Otto, Galerie St. Etienne 1944.05.08 Thank you for inviting me to the Sponsoring Commit print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1944.05.06 Carl Engel Dead; Music Publisher print preview
FROM: Copland, Aaron, Harvard University 1944.05.05 I am hoping that by now you have received the invi print preview
FROM: Weinrich, Carl, Princeton University 1944.05.04 I very much enjoyed playing the Variations for Org print preview
TO: Allen, Bennet M., University of California at Los Angles 1944.05.04 I would certainly not vote aggainst conferring an print preview
TO: Ryan, Wm. B., Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1944.05.03 You remember, I could not attend the dinner and br print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.05.03 You promised to keep me informed about Arnold and print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.05.02 I did, in the case of Koussevitzky, what you sugg print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.05.02 Slowly recovering from quite a long illness, I use print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1944.05.02 Enclosed a copy of my letter to Associated Music P print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.05.01 As my seventieth birthday approaches the feeling g print preview
FROM: American Academy of Arts and Letters 1944.05.00 The American Academy of Arts and Letters and the print preview
TO: Rubsamen, Walter H., University of California at Los Angles 1944.04.30 I will not be there when this man will come to stu print preview
TO: McKay, Francis Howard 1944.04.30 I have sent your letter to the Music Department of print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1944.04.28 Please send greeting and any musical inscription c print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.28 I have received your letter of April 25th. Of all print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.04.28 Better postpone visit untill conditions improved g print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1944.04.27 Strongly and urgently advise you reconsider Kousse print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge 1944.04.27 Wire which compositions Koussevitzky has conduct print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1944.04.25 You will receive by mail paper for greeting to doc print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.04.25 ich erhielt Deinen Brief vom 7.April vor 14 Tagen print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.25 Upon your request, about a year ago I have sent yo print preview
FROM: Grant, Margaret, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1944.04.24 As you may know a group of American Composers are print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.22 Unfortunately the "Variations on a Recitative for print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.22 Have no time to break asunder book like bound tran print preview
FROM: Toldi, Hilda 1944.04.21 Ich bedaure sehr das Mißverständnis. Wenn immer print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.04.20 Thank you very much for your letter. I wrote just print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.19 Although we are publishing the 2 piano version of print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1944.04.19 Thank you for your letter of the 15th and I have w print preview
TO: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1944.04.19 Enclosed Year Book Coupon No. 7 and my check of $1 print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.18 Your letter of April 14th arrived yesterday, and t print preview
TO: Toldi, Julius 1944.04.18 Would you be kind enough to accept the enclosed ch print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1944.04.15 We recently learned with some surprise that Mr. Ca print preview
TO: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1944.04.15 I am glad you want to publish my Variations on a R print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.04.15 Thank you for your kind letter informing me about print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.14 I am terribly sorry to hear that you have had an a print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.14 I return today the transparent sheets of the two p print preview
TO: Wang, Fred Y. 1944.04.14 G. Schirmer, Inc. 3 East 43d Street, New York 17, print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.04.12 Montag haben wir Deine Orgel-Variationen gehört. print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.12 I wanted to revise and correct the whole biography print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1944.04.11 I heard the premiere of your organ variations last print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.10 Only to answer briefly your just arrived letter fr print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.04.10 I was sick for about seven weeks and am starting n print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.04.09 die Frau Eisler hat mir geschrieben, daß Du und Tr print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge 1944.04.08 Thank you for telegram which am communicating to b print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.07 For almost seven weeks I am suffering from a flu-o print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge 1944.04.07 Many thanks for awarding to me grant[!] of Koussev print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.04.07 I don't know what Mrs. Eisler wrote to you, but s print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.04.05 This is just to inquire if you have had an opportu print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.04.05 I hate to bother you with a trivial matter. An acq print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge, Koussevitzky Music Foundation 1944.04.01 It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1944.03.31 The League of Composers is calling the annual meet print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.03.31 Our public accountants, Touche, Niven & Co., 80 Ma print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.28 In my letter of yesterday I forgot to ask you not print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1944.03.28 Vor etwa sechs Wochen ließ ich Ihnen (durch Mr.W. print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1944.03.28 We would like to know how you are coming on with t print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1944.03.28 At a recent meeting of the Writers' Classificatio print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.27 Although some weeks ago I was of the opinion that print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.27 We are preparing a booklet about you containing a print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.25 Incidentally I just learned that Koussevitzky is s print preview
TO: Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 1944.03.23 We, Arnold Schoenberg, Alexander Tansman and Arthu print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1944.03.20 seit 2 Monaten beabsichtige ich täglich, Dir einen print preview
FROM: Halma, Harold 1944.03.19 Do forgive me for not writing sooner; I phoned in print preview
FROM: Cowell, Henry 1944.03.16 This has no particular point except to send hearty print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.15 Enclosed you will find a list with a number of que print preview
FROM: Kreutz, [?] 1944.03.14 I realize that you are a very busy man, so accordi print preview
FROM: Griffen, John H. 1944.03.12 I\'ve had the chance to hear your concerto on thre print preview
TO: Nichols, C.A., Biographical Encyclopedia of the World 1944.03.11 Enclosed you find on two sheets data of mine, a co print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.10 I am in receipt of your brief letter which p print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.03.10 Many thanks for your self-portrait. It did arrive print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.03.07 On December 13 I wrote you that, on that date, we print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1944.03.07 When will you answer my letter and telegram? print preview
FROM: Parker, Millie C., Music Teachers' Association of California 1944.03.04 Will you honor us by accepting this 1944 membershi print preview
FROM: Horowitz, Vladimir, Rachmaninoff Fund 1944.03.02 Circular ready for publication acceptances for adv print preview
TO: Rachmaninoff Fund 1944.03.02 Glad to join artists advisory committee if honorin print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1944.03.01 All of us are keenly disappointed that a musical w print preview
FROM: Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 1944.03.00 The Patrons of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Young print preview
FROM: Janssen, Werner, Werner Janssen Symphony Orchestra 1944.02.28 I am anticipating doing your "Verklarte Nacht" ( print preview
TO: 1944.02.25 a) Establish in two or three measures the key of print preview
TO: Yates, Peter, Evenings on the Roof 1944.02.22 I greatly pleased by your plans to present next fa print preview
FROM: Horowitz, Vladimir, Rachmaninoff Fund 1944.02.21 It [w]as my privilege and honor, for many years, t print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1944.02.20 I very much appreciate your quick action in order print preview
TO: Ryan, Wm. B., Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1944.02.20 We, Arthur Lange, Arnold Schoenberg, Alexander Tan print preview
FROM: Patterson, David 1944.02.18 In final desperation I am appealing to you to lend print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.02.18 Ich habe dir schon von Miss Silvers erzählt. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.02.17 I regret very much to have to inform you that print preview
FROM: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1944.02.15 I received your letter and have asked for the part print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J. 1944.02.15 Did you receive our telegram last Tuesday not havi print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark, International Society for Contemporary Music 1944.02.13 Thank you very much for informing me about the spl print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1944.02.12 I herewith apply for reclassification into a highe print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.02.10 Your kind telegram made me feel very happy especia print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.02.09 Thank you for your telegram which has just arrived print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1944.02.09 First let me express to you my very great pleasure print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1944.02.09 I am happy to say that I have worked out a system print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.02.08 Deeply moved by your kind words. Happy about succe print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.02.08 Enclosed are some more clippings from the New York print preview
TO: Russell, Thomas, London Philharmonic Orchestra 1944.02.08 The above letter to Mr. Carter is supposed to expl print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold, National Broadcasting Company, Inc 1944.02.08 Very enthusiastic about excellent performance and print preview
TO: Carter, John, British Information Services 1944.02.08 Your letter from January 18, 1944 was mailed to Un print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1944.02.08 I do not know where you live. | You need not hide- print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.02.07 Heartiest congratulations on the great success of print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.02.07 We take pleasure in enclosing herewith a copy of t print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.02.07 Es passiert nicht oft, auf meine alten Tage, dass print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1944.02.07 Please please program for March 10th going to pres print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, U.S. Air Corps 1944.02.07 You have of course seen the enclosed notice, but I print preview
FROM: Walter, Bruno 1944.02.06 Lassen Sie sich kurz berichten daß Ihre \"Verklärt print preview
FROM: Stone, Reeve 1944.02.06 Since I heard your \"Pierrot Lunaire\" two years a print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1944.02.06 I can hardly even begin to describe the powerful i print preview
FROM: Jones, Raymond 1944.02.06 For years I had known your music entirely through print preview
FROM: Cox, John Rogers 1944.02.06 I think your Piano Concerto as played by the NBC O print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.02.06 Brilliant performance you surpassed yourself print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1944.02.05 Thank you so much for your letter which was both, print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1944.02.05 I\'m just coming back from a rehearsal of your Pia print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, International Society for Contemporary Music 1944.02.05 Your variations for organ will be played at the ch print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1944.02.04 Since three months in the Army and already an Amer print preview
TO: Small, Arnold 1944.02.04 I don't think I can finish the "Fundamentals of Co print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1944.02.02 Am smelling superbly, thousand thanks, much love. print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1944.02.02 Vor etwa zehn Tagen liess ich Ihnen (durch Mr. Wil print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.02.01 It will be perfectly all right to send your papers print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1944.02.01 I found this letter in my room when I came home fr print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1944.01.31 Pardon me please for not having reported [to] you print preview
TO: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1944.01.30 I was sorry to hear today over the radio, that you print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.01.30 I am glad to hear that in Mr. Harroll you seem to print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1944.01.29 Will you kindly excuse my failure to answer your k print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.01.22 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1944.01.21 Thank you very much for your suggestions concernin print preview
FROM: Carter, John, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1944.01.18 We are forwarding the enclosed letter from the Lon print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1944.01.13 I just received your letter from December 8, 43. I print preview
TO: American Mercury 1944.01.13 Enclosed my check of $2.75 for the next 12 months. print preview
FROM: Wallenstein, Alfred, Musicians Congress Committee 1944.01.07 A call has gone out to musicians explaining the pu print preview
FROM: Buhlig, Richard 1944.01.07 Obwohl ich weiß daß Sie selten in Konzerte gehen print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix, United States Department of the Army 1944.01.06 Your Christmas present was a very pleasant and at print preview
FROM: Dyer, Joseph H., San Francisco Art Commission 1944.01.03 Through our good friend Mr. Alfred Frankenstein, I print preview
FROM: Walter, Bruno 1944.01.02 Selbstverständlich akzeptiere ich Ihre Ablehnung print preview
FROM: Kohn, Carla 1944.00.00 We send you our very best wishes for your birthday print preview
FROM: Russell, Thomas, London Philharmonic Orchestra 1944.00.00 In view of the impending fiftieth anniversary of S print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, U.S. Air Corps 1944.00.00 The publisher of Accent on America is preparing a print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1944.00.00 Geburtstags-Canon und Brain & Heart print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1944.00.00 An article by Larry Thompson in your issue from Se print preview
TO: Berlstein, Alfred, New York Public Library 1944.00.00 [not seen] print preview
TO: Who's Who Publication Company 1944.00.00 A volume: Style and Idea (selected articles and le print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1944.00.00 I would like to discuss this matter of having the print preview
TO: Powell, Lawrence Clark, University of California at Los Angles 1944.00.00 I have to inform you, that because of recently[!] print preview
TO: Hollywood Citizen News 1944.00.00 For ten years I have been your subscriber. print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1944.00.00 You know, I consider the former contract between m print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.30 We are sending you herewith your copy of the Renta print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.12.29 Thank you for your letter. I am taking up the vari print preview
TO: Schoen, Max, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1943.12.29 Enclosed check of $3.00 for Membership 1944. print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.12.28 I am happy to be able to announce that a sufficien print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.12.26 vielen, herzlichen Dank für das wunderschöne Pul print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1943.12.25 Many, many thanks to you and Trude for the marvell print preview
TO: Guggenheim, Felix, Jewish Club of 1933, Inc 1943.12.24 Sometime ago I received a letter from you asking t print preview
TO: Basler Kammerorchester 1943.12.24 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für die Zusendung Ihres Jahre print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1943.12.23 I have finally managed to see Mr. Arlt. He said t print preview
TO: Pacific Blue Print Company 1943.12.23 2 prints of each of the 12 sheets (smaller size, m print preview
TO: Walter, Bruno 1943.12.23 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für die freundliche Form, in print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1943.12.22 The text which you have chosen is ideal, you will print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.22 Enclosed the contracts of the "Kol Nidre". print preview
FROM: Walter, Bruno 1943.12.18 Bitte verzeihen Sie mir die Frage, mit der ich heu print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.12.18 we received your Christmas gifts, which we were ho print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.17 We are sending you herewith revised copies of the print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.12.15 Many thanks for your letter, for the Organ-Piece ( print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.15 Have no objection to your making strictly limited print preview
TO: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1943.12.15 Excuse, please the long delay of my answer: it was print preview
TO: Pallock, Ruth 1943.12.15 Perhaps you remember: we entered in your copy of t print preview
TO: William H. Wise & Company, Inc. 1943.12.14 Enclosed check of $4.75. print preview
TO: National Educational Alliance 1943.12.14 Enclosed a check of $5.70 as demanded by your "it print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.13 At last - Endlich - Enfin - Finalmente! Believe it print preview
FROM: Dubois, E. 1943.12.13 I am writing to you to be so kind and mark in penc print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.12 We have made a record of the piano version of cham print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.12.11 I hope the autographing of the Ode has not b print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1943.12.10 I received your wonderful Christmas package last n print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.12.10 ich erhielt Deinen Brief vor einigen Tage, er hat print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.09 This is merely to acknowledge the receipt this mor print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, International Society for Contemporary Music 1943.12.09 Thank you very much for sending us your Organ Vari print preview
FROM: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1943.12.07 In connection with your communication of November print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.07 [not seen] print preview
TO: 1943.12.07 I, Arnold Schoenberg, residing at 116 N. Rockingha print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1943.12.07 Piano concerto sold to Schirmers have no influence print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.12.03 Mr. Engel has gone carefully with me over the enti print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.12.02 It is very good you made a definite arrangement wi print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1943.12.02 I owe you thanks for your birthday present, for th print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.12.02 Ich weiß nicht, ob Felix dir meinen Wunsch ausgeri print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.12.00 Dear Mr. Schoenberg, I have (have not) received th print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.30 I am in receipt of the negative of your self-portr print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.11.30 I am happy to advise you that extension agreements print preview
FROM: Varèse, Edgar 1943.11.29 Excuse my not answering you letter sooner. Only ye print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.11.29 Enclosed a few pages of the piano score of \"Napol print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.11.29 ich habe nun schon lange nicht geschrieben, habe a print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1943.11.28 Last night, when I heard the Boston Symphony play print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.11.27 We have just discoverred that through an error we print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.11.27 Thank you for your letter of November 23. print preview
TO: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.11.27 Greissle has not informed me about your arranging print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.26 I have received this morning your letter of Novemb print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1943.11.24 I. The negative and one copy of [you] walking print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.11.23 die New Yorker Gruppe der Int.Mus.Ges.(Brunswick, print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1943.11.23 Your very gracious letter consenting to compose a print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.23 I think in order to give me in the new contract (a print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.11.23 G. Schirmer, Inc. who has a contract with me about print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.11.22 Will you please ask Rodzinski whether he has given print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1943.11.22 At first let me thank you and Rankl for your cable print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1943.11.19 I just discovered that this letter has been in our print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1943.11.18 Best regards to all of you. Hope you like this pic print preview
FROM: Howard, B., Westwood Radio Specialists 1943.11.17 We have had requests for the following of your com print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.15 This is a hurried note which I intended to write t print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1943.11.12 Dr. Otto Klemperer--a few weeks ago--told me you h print preview
TO: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1943.11.12 Thank you for inviting me to write a piece for you print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.12 Enclosed a letter from Miss Reba Sparr and two she print preview
TO: Varèse, Edgar 1943.11.12 I found out, that unfortunately from six complete print preview
TO: Halma, Harold 1943.11.12 You forgot to return the copy of my research lectu print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.10 Mr. Engel has just seen a catalogue listing materi print preview
TO: Sparr, Reba, Philosophical Library 1943.11.10 I have a great number of articles and lectures out print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.11.10 I received your Orchestra Catalogue, which is a fi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1943.11.08 The other day I received your letter from Oct. 15, print preview
FROM: Varèse, Edgar 1943.11.06 Thank you for your kind letter of October 27th. I print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.04 Here are the answers to the questions in your lett print preview
FROM: Putterman, David J., Park Avenue Synagogue 1943.11.04 It is with a genuine sense of reverential trepidat print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.02 Your air mail package, containing score of orchest print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.02 Your package, containing: negatives of the orchest print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.11.02 Your package, containing 2 sets of orchestral part print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.29 We are sending you herewith your copy of the agree print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1943.10.29 Received your letter will answer it as soon as pos print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.28 We take pleasure in sending you under separate cov print preview
TO: St. Paul Book and Stationary Co 1943.10.27 I am not in the position to send you a copy of my print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.27 Enclosed an order which I can not carry out myself print preview
TO: Varèse, Edgar 1943.10.27 I am very pleased that you are giving a lecture ab print preview
FROM: Ryan, Wm. B., Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1943.10.26 Thank you very much for your letter of October 22n print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.25 Your package containing the score of the version f print preview
FROM: Varèse, Edgar 1943.10.23 I plan to dedicate an entire lecture to you. Would print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.23 Vor allem vielen Dank für deinen mich sehr befried print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1943.10.22 Mr. Felix Greissle has informed me about your inte print preview
TO: Ryan, Wm. B., Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1943.10.22 Will you please excuse the delay of this letter. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.20 I am anxiously awaiting the score of the orchestra print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.19 Da ich den jüngst verstorbenen Joseph Achron für e print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.18 It does not matter very much that you are arrangin print preview
FROM: University of Kansas City 1943.10.18 Some time ago Sergeant Klauss Mann, Camp Crowder, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.18 I acknowledge receipt of a List of Errata from Oct print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.18 Du hast wohl mein Telegramm bekommen mit der erfre print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann, United States Department of the Army 1943.10.18 Es tut mir fürchterlich leid, daß ich Dir nicht sc print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1943.10.16 If agreeable to you, I would like to conduct your print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1943.10.15 First thousand Models sold out July, new corrected print preview
TO: Greissle, Hermann 1943.10.15 About a week ago we sent you a Christmas package, print preview
TO: Greissle, Arnold 1943.10.15 About a week ago we sent you a Christmas package, print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.14 Very soon I hope to send you the orchestration of print preview
FROM: Mann, Klaus, United States Department of the Army 1943.10.11 This is, first of all, to thank you, most cordiall print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.11 Unfortunately, I have already more than half of th print preview
FROM: Armitage, Merle, U.S. Air Corps 1943.10.10 My autobiography--Accent on America--has just been print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.06 I owe you so much thanks that I am afraid this wou print preview
FROM: Ryan, Wm. B., Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1943.10.05 I would like to repeat the appreciation of this Co print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.04 Pierre Monteux is very much interested in performi print preview
TO: Molnar, Ferenc, Stanford University 1943.10.04 I am terribly busy, thus I can give you only the f print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.02 List of Errata (queries) print preview
TO: Weck, Elmer P., Who's Who in America 1943.10.02 As you asked me to select 12 of my compositions I print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.10.01 I am in reciept of your letter of September 23. I print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix, United States Department of the Army 1943.09.30 All good wishes for the New Year! My army carrier print preview
FROM: Heffernan, Helen, California Department of Education 1943.09.30 By this time you no doubt have my letter relative print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.29 I meant to express to the calligrapher my great ad print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.23 As I suggested to add[!] a Hammond organ (or piano print preview
TO: Torberg, Friedrich 1943.09.21 On your stationery there is unfortunately no addre print preview
TO: Bunzel-Godwyn, Gertrude 1943.09.21 I am sorry, my Harmonielehre is out of print and w print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.20 I am in receipt of your letter of September 4. The print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.20 We are sending you herewith agreement for your \"T print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.09.20 This is to acknowledge yours [letter] of the 15th, print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1943.09.19 Ich habe mich schon weit und mit steigender Spannu print preview
TO: Rosenwald, Hans Hermann, Music News, Inc 1943.09.19 One (or at least "I") makes always the error[!] print preview
TO: Heffernan, Helen, California Department of Education 1943.09.19 I would have answered earlier, if I could have kno print preview
TO: Welles, Orson 1943.09.19 In one of his concerts with the New York Philharmo print preview
TO: Welles, Orson 1943.09.18 I am very sorry, I can not accept your invitation print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.09.17 Thank you very much for your kind letter of Septem print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.09.17 es wird Euch interessieren zu hören, daß Arnold i print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1943.09.16 Our thoughts were with you on evening of the thirt print preview
TO: Who's Who in America 1943.09.16 Arnold Schoenberg | Composing, Theory of Music, Te print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.09.15 Including the list of my works. Unfortunately this print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1943.09.14 es war uns leid, dass wir gestern aus Unwissenheit print preview
FROM: Heffernan, Helen, California Department of Education 1943.09.14 We are planning the annual conference of Californi print preview
FROM: Rink, Anni 1943.09.13 ich kann diesen Tag nicht vorbeigehen lassen ohne print preview
FROM: Torberg, Friedrich 1943.09.12 Hoffentlich werden Sie es nicht als Zudringlichkei print preview
FROM: Halma, Harold 1943.09.12 Happy birthday and felicitations upon having reach print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1943.09.11 Werfel terribly sorry that he cannot interrupt his print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1943.09.10 I received your letter this morning and have sent print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1943.09.10 meine allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem Geb print preview
FROM: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.09.10 We had hoped that the new score of Verklärte Nacht print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1943.09.09 First of all, I want to take this opportunity to w print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1943.09.09 Just returned from our vacation, we wish to extend print preview
FROM: Winkler, Max, Boosey & Hawkes 1943.09.09 I wish to take this opportunity to extend to you print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.09.09 meine allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem Geb print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.08 We are sending you herewith your copy of the agree print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.09.08 You wanted to have a copy of the copyright law. print preview
TO: Mann, Klaus, United States Department of the Army 1943.09.08 I have unfortunately not one good photo - if there print preview
TO: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1943.09.08 Due to much extra work I overlooked asking for my print preview
TO: Paine, John G., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.09.08 As you know AMP is a copyright owner of "Verklart print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich, Black Mountain College 1943.09.08 I was very glad to hear from you again. I often th print preview
TO: Strickland, William, United States Department of the Army 1943.09.07 I am sorry to hear that you have to give up the id print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.06 I worked very hard finishing Variations for Wind b print preview
TO: Bank of America 1943.09.06 Enclosed two checks to be deposited in my Commerci print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.09.06 Excuse me for letting you wait so long. I had to f print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.04 I have been in bed since Monday and I am still wea print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.03 I should be very grateful for an article from you print preview
FROM: Mann, Klaus, United States Department of the Army 1943.09.01 Darf ich Sie um einen Gefallen bitten? Ich möchte print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.09.01 The adoption of the new classification print preview
TO: Krenek, Ernst 1943.09.00 many thanks for remembering my birthday. Of course print preview
TO: 1943.09.00 Gas ration, September 1943 print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1943.09.00 vielen herzlichsten Dank für Alles: Geschenk, print preview
TO: Schwerke, Irving 1943.09.00 The book cannot be replaced; the Harmonielehre is print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.09.00 List of Errata (queries) print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.08.28 We are sending herewith our check for $200.00, as print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1943.08.25 ich wollte dir schon lange für deinen Brief danken print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.08.25 I am having the score and parts of the Ode autogra print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1943.08.24 The H.W. Gray Co. has sent me your letter of the r print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.08.21 endlich kann ich mich entschließen, Euch wieder zu print preview
FROM: Irish, Florence M., Southern California Symphony Association 1943.08.20 For the purpose of launching the Los Angeles Philh print preview
FROM: Smith, L., Daily News 1943.08.20 KFI 23 8:30 6565 RSVP. print preview
TO: Screen Writers Guild 1943.08.20 Please register the enclosed manuscript for copyri print preview
FROM: Halma, Harold 1943.08.19 Everything here has been so exciting and so much o print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.08.16 I have received the string orchestra version of th print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1943.08.13 Please send me all of the counterpoint book, text print preview
FROM: Roback, A.A. 1943.08.11 It was Thomas Mann\'s suggestion that the Editoria print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1943.08.09 Your letter of the 4th to hand and we must apologi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.08.07 We are having a wonderful time with the Cowells at print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.08.06 As you may have learned from Greissle, I fled from print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.08.05 After the last conversation I had with you, I succ print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1943.08.04 nun kann ich Dir endlich schreiben, ohne durch nur print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1943.08.04 I am still looking forward to your reply to my let print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.08.03 This is with further reference to my letter of Jul print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.08.03 wir sind auf 14 Tage hier in ein kleines Dorf in d print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1943.07.30 ich muss Ihnen berichten, wie sonderbar es mir mit print preview
FROM: Goldman, Edwin Franko, Goldman Band 1943.07.30 I had the pleasure of looking over the few bars of print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.07.30 I airmailed yesterday to your office: score of Ode print preview
FROM: Rózsa, Béla 1943.07.29 I just received my Doctor of Philosophy degree at print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.28 Here are the answers to your questions in your let print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.28 Tomorrow I will send the score for string orchestr print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.27 We are sending you herewith our check for $200.00 print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1943.07.26 das Besondere, was ich Dir schreiben wollte, ist, print preview
FROM: Wachtell, Samuel R., Wachtell, Manheim & Grouf 1943.07.21 I will only report to you that until now I have su print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.07.21 I have just read the Circular letter No. 3971 prep print preview
FROM: Paine, John G., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.07.21 There has been a tendency during the last year in print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.07.20 ich habe mir jetzt acht Tage von meinem Urlaub gen print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.18 1. Please start at once preparing material: scores print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.14 This acknowledges receipt of your letter of July 1 print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.13 Here are the answers to the questions in your lett print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.10 Thank you very much for your letter of July 2. 1. print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.10 I. I must return the Bill of Sale, because, print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1943.07.10 Ich habe angestrengtest gearbeitet, weil ich die print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1943.07.10 In a few months it will be two years since I concl print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.10 Please answer all these questions: 1. Did you rec print preview
FROM: Rodzinski, Artur, Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York 1943.07.07 I am confirming herewith my intention of performin print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.07 We are sending you herewith our check for Two Hund print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1943.07.02 At the annual budget meeting of the Regents of the print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.02 1. I agree to arrange the "Ode" for a performanc print preview
TO: Cowell, Henry, New Music Edition 1943.07.02 Enclosed the contract, dear Mr. Cowell, and best g print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.07.01 Please do not think I am not very thankful for you print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1943.07.01 My dear friend, please do not think I am not very print preview
FROM: California Institute of Technology 1943.07.00 Through the generosity of Mrs. Elizabeth Sprague C print preview
FROM: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1943.07.00 New Music Editions, ein kooperativer Verlag in dem print preview
FROM: Mendel, Arthur, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.06.25 Thank you for your letter and its pleasant remarks print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.23 About a week ago, I spent a whole day with Dr. Art print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.06.18 Ich habe die Absicht nach Californien zu fahren un print preview
TO: Mendel, Arthur 1943.06.18 I appreciate very much the great pain you have tak print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.06.16 Please print also one copy for me. print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.15 We are sending you herewith agreement in duplicate print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.15 The June meeting of our Board was held last week, print preview
TO: Wachtell, Samuel R. 1943.06.15 I am very sorry to learn that my old friend D.J. B print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.14 Thank you very much for sending me the tissues of print preview
FROM: Fisher, Winifred Lucia, Music Teachers' Association of California 1943.06.14 The State Board invited you to participate in our print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.06.11 The Ballet Theater has notified us of the followin print preview
FROM: Mendel, Arthur, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.06.08 Herewith I send you a blue-print proof of the newl print preview
TO: Showman, Harry M., University of California at Los Angles 1943.06.08 The grade of "D" given to Miss Elinor Weiss has print preview
TO: National Aeronautics Center, Inc 1943.06.08 Enclosed a check of $1.00. print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1943.06.07 I look forward to meeting your children and both o print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.05 Thank you for your letter of June 1. I shall answe print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1943.06.05 I am very pleased you liked the evening we spent t print preview
TO: Leginska, Ethel 1943.06.05 I have heard Mr. Ralph Pierce in the Young Artists print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1943.06.04 I am still much interested to see the English tran print preview
FROM: Kubik, Gail, United States Department of the Army 1943.06.03 I\'m enclosing a letter of introduction from Mr. F print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1943.06.02 Thank you for the delightful evening I spent with print preview
FROM: Wachtell, Samuel R., Wachtell, Manheim & Grouf 1943.06.01 David Josef Bach will be 70 years old in August th print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.01 We are sending you herewith our check for Two Hund print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.06.01 I sent yesterday via Express Comp. the master tran print preview
FROM: Cowell, Henry, New Music Edition 1943.06.00 As you know, our agreement for publication has in print preview
FROM: Rosenwald, Hans Hermann, Music News, Inc 1943.05.28 I am sending to you today a little review of your print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.26 Please be so kind as to send me at once the transp print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1943.05.25 I have planned my programs for next season, and I print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.24 This letter will be handed to you by my personal f print preview
FROM: Dana, Ethel Nathalie, Music Press, Inc 1943.05.24 I have your letter of May 15th which is a source o print preview
TO: Circle Blue Print Corporation, Inc 1943.05.23 You did not answer my letter from May 10 nor did y print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.21 We are sending you herewith our check for Two Hund print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.19 Thank you very much for your kind letter of May 15 print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1943.05.18 I will be delighted to read the counterpoint manus print preview
FROM: Goldman, Edwin Franko, Goldman Band 1943.05.18 I have been informed by Dr. Felix Greissle that yo print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.17 Return receipt. Received from the Postmaster the R print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1943.05.17 Thanks for letter fifteenth received this morning print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1943.05.15 I thank you very much for your kind answer to my q print preview
TO: Dana, Ethel Nathalie, Music Press, Inc 1943.05.15 The contract you sent me contains a number of stip print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.15 The day before yesterday I sent you two canons, 3 print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.15 Your letter arrived, with great delay, only four d print preview
TO: Sternfeld, Gisela 1943.05.15 I assume you are Mitzi Pappenheim s sister, the fo print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1943.05.15 There is a possibility that I might finish within print preview
FROM: Dana, Ethel Nathalie, Music Press, Inc 1943.05.11 We were pleased to receive your letter of May 2nd print preview
FROM: Clifton, Chalmers, Music Press, Inc 1943.05.11 I am very much gratified by your letter of May 2nd print preview
TO: Circle Blue Print Corporation, Inc 1943.05.10 I received two quires of music paper and your bill print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.05.09 vielen Dank für Dein Telegramm und die Zu print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses 1943.05.08 Thank you for your letter of the fifth, to which I print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.05.08 Since we are going to send you the blue prints of print preview
TO: Circle Blue Print Corporation, Inc 1943.05.08 On April 23, 1943 I sent you three sheets of music print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1943.05.08 Did not receive invitation to write for birthday. print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1943.05.07 kurz vor meiner Uebersiedelung nach hier erfuhr ic print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.06 As I telegraphed you the other day, I could not su print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1943.05.05 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für den Brief, den Sie mir v print preview
TO: Van Dyck, James, Union Grave School 1943.05.05 It is only now that I can tell you that I will be print preview
TO: Smith, Moses 1943.05.05 I am sorry to learn that you are not any longer wi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.05.04 Mr. Engel has requested me to communicate with yo print preview
TO: Clifton, Chalmers, Music Press, Inc 1943.05.02 To a copyist you would have to pay about $60 to 80 print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1943.05.02 Ich danke Ihnen sehr fuer den Brief, den Sie mir v print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.04.29 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses 1943.04.29 I have resigned from Music Press. My resignation s print preview
FROM: Clifton, Chalmers, Music Press, Inc 1943.04.26 We have just telegraphed you as follows: Our summe print preview
FROM: Music Press, Inc 1943.04.26 Summer catalogue closing soon wish to include your print preview
TO: Clifton, Chalmers, Music Press, Inc 1943.04.26 I am ready to accept advance on royalties of print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.04.25 May I say: "Herr gedenke der Athener". There wer print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1943.04.24 In reply to your letter of April 6, I would say th print preview
TO: Circle Blue Print Corporation, Inc 1943.04.23 I am especially interested in blue prints of penci print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.04.22 Here, briefly, is the present situation with regar print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1943.04.13 Ich habe vorgestern Euren lieben Brief erhalten un print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.04.10 Thank you for your letter. We should prefer a stra print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.04.08 Your postcard of March 28 has been referred to me. print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1943.04.06 I am asking your "fatherly" advice on a problem print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.04.06 I enjoyed your last two letters very much. But, ma print preview
TO: Allen, Bennet M., University of California at Los Angles 1943.04.03 I was not on this committee when Otto Klemperer wa print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.04.03 I am sorry, I could not arrange anything for the a print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.04.01 Thanks to your brilliant disciple, Mr. Steuermann, print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.03.31 I await eagerly an answer to my last letter, which print preview
FROM: Lawton, Dorothy, International Society for Contemporary Music 1943.03.30 It is a great disappointment that it will be impos print preview
FROM: Urban, Gretl, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.03.29 We are sending you the enclosed copy of our new re print preview
TO: Shriver, Henry Clay 1943.03.27 This copy of my piano concerto, which is dedicated print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.03.27 March 2 Trude and I wrote you an air mail letter a print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.03.26 ich war froh, endlich wieder von Euch zu hören, ob print preview
FROM: Kerr, Harrison, American Composers Alliance 1943.03.16 Your attention is called to the requirements of Se print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.15 Vielen Dank für Deine lieben Zeilen vom 11ten März print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.15 I thought you might like to see the enclosed annou print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.15 In accordance with your recent request, we return print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.13 We take pleasure in sending under separate cover, print preview
FROM: Schnabel, Artur 1943.03.12 haben Sie Büchlein und Musik, die ich Ihnen unläng print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.11 Time passes terribly fast. When I was told the pac print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.10 We take pleasure in sending you under separate cov print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.10 I have tried several places in order to secure a m print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.03.08 Thank you very much for your cordial letter and fo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.03.04 This is to acknowledge the receipt of the blueprin print preview
TO: Independent Music Publishers 1943.03.04 Enclosed in this air mail package you find 46 page print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.03.02 I can really write only a few words. I am working print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1943.03.01 The General Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Socie print preview
TO: Garrido, Pablo, Tempo 1943.03.01 [not seen] print preview
TO: Bodley, Russell, Phi Mu Alpha 1943.03.01 I am sorry, I must inform you that it is impossibl print preview
FROM: Brandt, Shirley, ACA-ASCAP Survey 1943.02.25 Enclosed herewith are two copies of Form #2 coveri print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.23 Enclosed you will find a report of the School Musi print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1943.02.23 endlich, mit einigem Zagen (ohne zu verzagen) kann print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.02.18 We received your letter of February 9th and the sc print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.17 It is too bad that in spite of all the care we hav print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.02.16 Is it not interesting: the evening before your let print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.16 In response to your letter from January 15: I woul print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.16 I have mislaid your letter concerning orchestratio print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.16 Many thanks for your readiness to mail my complime print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.13 We shall be glad to send out complimentary copies print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Music Press, Inc 1943.02.10 It is many months since I last wrote to you. In th print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.09 I have been laid up again for a few days with \"se print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.09 I am glad the Syllabus is out now. print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.02.09 I acknowledge receipt of your, telegram, letter an print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1943.02.06 I have just received an inquiry from the Graduate print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.02.06 We acknowledge receipt of your telegram of Februar print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.02.06 Agreeable to advancing you three hundred fifty dol print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.04 We take pleasure in sending under separate cover s print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1943.02.04 Bad luck has apparently pursued publication of you print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.02.01 When you told me that at the beginning of January print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.01.30 In addition to my editorial duties, I have been pu print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.01.30 We are sending you herewith our check for One Hund print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.01.30 Are not considering photographing Transfigured Nig print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1943.01.29 wir haben nun wieder lange nichts von Euch gehört print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.01.29 Wire whether you consider writing or engraving a n print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1943.01.27 To finish new version would take about a week print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.01.27 Please answer our letter January 8 concerning new print preview
TO: Ringrose, Hyacinthe 1943.01.16 Unfortunately I am too busy to furnish information print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.01.15 We still have in our possession the original manus print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.01.13 Herewith contract, from which we have omitted the print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1943.01.13 I refer to my letter of December 29th. New Version print preview
FROM: Ringrose, Hyacinthe 1943.01.09 Examine a copy of International Blue Book (establi print preview
FROM: R. Richter & Söhne 1943.01.09 Rechnung... Die elektrische Lichtleitung in Ordnun print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.01.05 We are sending you herewith our check for One Hund print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.01.00 the better one copied for this office, and we shal print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1943.00.00 herzlichste Glückwünsche und ein erfolgreiches näc print preview
FROM: Werfel, Franz 1943.00.00 Anbei ein leider leicht beschädigtes Exemplar mein print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, Timberland 1943.00.00 endlich bin ich in der Lage, Dir einen Separatabdr print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1943.00.00 In this score everything has been written in "C" print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1943.00.00 Did you see this? I am most proud about the text print preview
TO: Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc 1943.00.00 Please send me Bulletin 356. Could "Budgit"[!] h print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.12.30 Even though I shall probably not see the old year print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.12.29 I received your letter of Dec. 22. New version of print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.12.28 Your letter of December 15th only reached us on De print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1942.12.28 As soon as I found your 3-color pencil, I telephon print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.12.22 Kindly answer our letters November twelve and thir print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.12.21 We are pleased to inform you that your Chamber Sym print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.12.20 gerne hätte ich Dir diese Ausgabe mit meinen Namen print preview
TO: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1942.12.20 I am afraid it will not be possible for me to atte print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1942.12.19 Thank you for your gracious letter. I intend to go print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1942.12.19 Ich freue mich, Deinem Wunsch etwas Näheres über u print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.12.18 Ihr habt sicher alle schon gerüchtweise erfahren, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Hermann 1942.12.18 die Mama hat mir heute gesagt daß Du Dich in Dein print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1942.12.18 Application for travel expenses (to be submitted i print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1942.12.18 Application for Special Leave of Absence (for acad print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.12.17 Your package, containing revised proofs of pages 3 print preview
TO: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.12.16 Type combination satisfactory print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.12.15 I considered seriously to accept your invitation a print preview
FROM: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.12.14 The enclosed proof will give you an idea of the ap print preview
TO: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1942.12.14 I am fully acquainted with Dr. Rubsamen's plans a print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1942.12.13 Pour une fois, le bonheur est venu chez moi. Ich h print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1942.12.12 Many thanks for your letter, shall answer it as so print preview
FROM: Pottag, Max P., Northwestern University 1942.12.12 At last I am about ready with my new book, having print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.12.12 Engel hat mir heute jene Stellen aus Deinem Brief print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1942.12.10 Several weeks ago I heard you speak over the radio print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.12.10 Enclosed acheck of $ 30.00 which wants to contr print preview
FROM: Showman, Harry M., University of California at Los Angles 1942.12.04 By recent action of the Committee on Committees yo print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.12.04 The League of Composers celebrates its 20th Annive print preview
TO: Wittenberg, Franz 1942.12.04 I am working as much as my eyes, which are tired f print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.12.03 I am very sorry to see you so disappointed about t print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.12.01 I would like to have these analyses according to r print preview
TO: Prentice-Hall, Inc 1942.12.01 I am sorry, I have returned the book about two wee print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1942.12.00 I beg to acknowledge, with the thanks of the Found print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1942.12.00 Merry Christmas from the Aldrich family, no from t print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1942.11.30 I was very happy to receive your long letter and t print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.11.28 We are sending you herewith our check for One Hund print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1942.11.27 Ich wollte schon so lange deinen so lieben ersten print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.11.20 Ich sehe mit Genugtuung, dass die Probeabzüge der print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.11.20 We are pleased to inform you that your Orchestrati print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1942.11.20 I have just received a request from Dr. Walter H. print preview
TO: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1942.11.20 Having been interviewed by Dr. Rubsamen for purpos print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.11.13 I refer to my letter of Nov. 11, concerning the re print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.11.12 We are planning to reprint the score of the String print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.11.11 We received a letter from Mr. Maurice Thorner, Los print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark, International Society for Contemporary Music 1942.11.10 Thanks for inviting me to cooperate in the interes print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.11.06 In the same mail you will get the first three proo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.11.03 I hope that these lines will reach you in time. Th print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.11.03 ich habe nun wieder sehr lange nicht geschrieben, print preview
TO: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.11.01 Let me first congratulate you for taking successfu print preview
FROM: Hood, Richard B., FBI Federal Bureau of Investgation 1942.10.31 I am enclosing herewith the postcard and letter wh print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.31 We are sending you herewith our check for One Hund print preview
FROM: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.27 Thank you very much for your kind note of October print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.24 I am in receipt of your package containing the man print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.22 Wire whether you received package airmailed Octobe print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.10.21 October 10 I receivd Mr Wagers letter and the print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.19 We are pleased to inform you that your Brahms Pia. print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.18 I consider to begin soon a piece, Variations for W print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.15 Thank you very much for the list forms. I have now print preview
TO: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.14 I want to thank you and Mr. Reese most cordially f print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.13 The slip, which you mention in your letter from Oc print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.12 After receiving your wire of September 11th to the print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar 1942.10.12 I hereby withdraw utterly and irrevocably from any print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1942.10.12 From various sides I was informed that Los Angeles print preview
TO: Harpers Magazine 1942.10.11 My check of $4.00 from August 4, 1942 has been cas print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.10 Sorry, I forgot to enclose this in my last letter. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.10 Some more problems: I. Engraving the harmony in sm print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.09 I am very frightened about the "corrections" in print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1942.10.09 Would accept $400 cash now if you consent to pay a print preview
FROM: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.08 I hope that the form in which this preface has bee print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.06 Enclosed you will find samples of how the engravin print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.06 The photostats had already been made when your let print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar 1942.10.06 Would three hundred dollars in addition to two hun print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.02 We are sending you herewith your copy of the contr print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1942.10.02 I found out that the very reason, why I never offe print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.01 Twenty photostats of pages three to twenty being p print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.10.01 Third Distribution for 1942, Class DD, Amount of R print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.01 I had these two pages already written, when your t print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.10.01 Satisfied with today's suggestions if full book r print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.30 No.21694 Advance against all royalties and payment print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.30 Willing to photostat could handle four pages easil print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.30 Very sorry December first impossible stop November print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.29 Sorry you did not give us longer warning. Old edit print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.29 In order to avoid rush job I could send first two print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.28 What printing establishment printed copies of the print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar 1942.09.28 Received manuscript and wire. Did not realize Eisl print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.28 Golden West Music Press photographed handwritten m print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1942.09.27 Have airmailed seventeen pages piano concerto last print preview
FROM: Maclise, D.G., University of California at Los Angles 1942.09.26 This is to certify that Dr. Arnold Schoenberg is e print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.21 I know you will excuse the delay in my answer to y print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.19 I am very sorry to learn that you are sick. print preview
TO: Resnick, Rose 1942.09.19 The composer of Pierrot Lunaire and other works wh print preview
FROM: Wheeler, J.H., Jr. 1942.09.17 A few days ago I heard the first performance in th print preview
FROM: Waehler, C., Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.09.16 Your earnings have been reported to the Social Sec print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1942.09.16 Received your letter stop will answer shortly stop print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.16 Mr. Engel is not feeling well and is away from the print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.09.16 We are now rehearsing some of the \"birthday\" wor print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.14 Manuscript received. Many thanks. Best regards. print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.14 We shall register copyright. Please wire original print preview
TO: Van Paassen, Pierre, Committee for a Jewish Army 1942.09.13 I am enthuastic about the fact that a Jewish Army print preview
TO: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1942.09.13 I doubt that it will be possible to me to come thi print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.12 Usually 2 or three days before my birthday I finis print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1942.09.12 I had to interrupt composing the piano concerto fo print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.10 We are sending you herewith contract in duplicate print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.10 Printed copy of \"Models\" bears notice indicating print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.09.10 meine allerherzlichsten Wünsche zu Deinem Geburtst print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.09.05 die herzlichsten Gratulationen, Glück und Gesundhe print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.01 Have your telegram accepting Mr. Fuller\'s account print preview
FROM: Brecht, Berthold 1942.09.00 leider hindert mich eine geschwollene Backe, Ihrer print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.09.00 Sales started June 28 in students stre[!] print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.08.31 Accept gladly your proposition stop print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1942.08.31 Many cordial congratulations and best wishes to th print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.08.26 I am assuming that you and Mr. Fuller are in agree print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1942.08.25 I have to apologize, or rather to explain, my long print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.08.24 ich moechte Dir noch gerne einiges ueber die Angel print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar 1942.08.22 Delighted with manuscript, forgive delay, have bee print preview
FROM: Van Paassen, Pierre, Committee for a Jewish Army 1942.08.22 It gives me great pleasure to invite you, on behal print preview
TO: Abraham, M.S., Independent Music Publishers 1942.08.22 The music paper which I ordered August 8, has not print preview
TO: Marx, Rudolf 1942.08.22 I should have written this letter long ago. Will y print preview
FROM: Fuller, R. L., G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.08.21 In reply to your letter of August 1st, I have reex print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.08.21 Mr. Engel has asked me to answer your inquiry conc print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1942.08.21 Wire whether you received beginning of piano conce print preview
FROM: Schmid, Erich 1942.08.17 Vor einigen Monaten erhielt ich einen Brief von Ih print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1942.08.14 The third (and also the fourth) string quartet is print preview
FROM: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1942.08.13 Please pardon my long delay in answering your lett print preview
TO: Flack, Frank M. 1942.08.12 Though I was already quite well known during Mark print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1942.08.09 We are very sorry indeed that we are not able this print preview
TO: Independent Music Publishers 1942.08.08 I have just been told that you have edited a new k print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.08.08 My summer session teaching is over and I have now print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1942.08.08 I am mailing to you today the first 132 measures print preview
FROM: Depken, G., G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.08.07 Your letter of August first addressed to Mr. Fulle print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Rolf 1942.08.07 Zu meinem Geburtstag habe ich keine Arnold-Gabe er print preview
FROM: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1942.08.06 If conditions permit, the Society hopes to arrange print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.08.00 Need scores containing fast legato and staccato ru print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.07.29 Will you please advise by return mail if you can s print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1942.07.29 Kindest regards to you and your dear wife. Hope t print preview
FROM: Dark, Robert L. 1942.07.29 It was a pleasant surprise to receive your letter print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1942.07.24 I have just received the musical examples and the print preview
FROM: Munro, Thomas, Am Soc for Aesthetics 1942.07.24 I am very glad to hear that you have joined the Am print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1942.07.24 Auch wenn ich Ihnen nicht oft schrieb, müssen Sie print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.07.23 I am so glad to hear that things are improving aga print preview
FROM: Paine, John G., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.07.20 A great deal has been in the public press and undo print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.07.16 The Town Hall management has asked me to send the print preview
TO: Grünwald, Karl 1942.07.14 Ich muss Ihnen leider sagen, dass ich nicht in der print preview
FROM: Fuller, R. L., G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.07.10 I am enclosing herewith a statement covering payme print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.07.01 Second Royalty Distribution for 1942, Class DD, Am print preview
TO: Dark, Robert L. 1942.07.00 I am very glad to learn, that though you are in th print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1942.06.30 At the annual budget meeting of the Regents of the print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.06.29 I am glad to know that the draft by telegraph rea print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1942.06.27 Thank you for informing me about the projected pla print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.06.26 Received dollar 500 Many cordial thanks hope good print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael 1942.06.25 Have secured $100 for taking care of copying of pa print preview
TO: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1942.06.22 For Goehr--Moore/and ASCAP, For Deutsch--Moore/A print preview
TO: Curtis Publishing Company 1942.06.22 By mistake I have paid twice for a renewal print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.06.20 You may be astonished that I delayed my answer to print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.06.11 Needless to say I was deeply touched by your lette print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.06.09 Your letter of June 5th has just reached me, and I print preview
FROM: Schneider, Alexander (Sascha, Mischa), Budapest String Quartet 1942.06.08 We heard from Mrs. Claire Reis that you are compos print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1942.06.07 I have given a great deal of careful thought to th print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.06.05 I am afraid, there is a mistake. You must have con print preview
FROM: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Berkeley 1942.06.03 This is in reply to your letter of June 1 concerni print preview
TO: Benedict, H.H., University of California at Los Angles 1942.06.01 Professor Leroy W. Allen, Chairman of the Departme print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1942.06.01 I was very much pleased about your letter from May print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.05.28 I learned today from Felix Greissle that you have print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1942.05.28 I was very happy indeed to hear from you again. I print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.05.26 Appreciate very much your courtesy in offering us print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.05.25 Hearing the broadcast of my Verklärte Nacht played print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1942.05.24 In case I should take sabbatical leave from Univ. print preview
FROM: Wittenberg, Franz 1942.05.23 I have your letter of May 17th., and to be frank, print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1942.05.23 I understand from Mr. Gray that you said you had n print preview
TO: Wittenberg, Franz 1942.05.23 But the publisher can not deny me my share, whethe print preview
FROM: Wittenberg, Franz 1942.05.22 I have your letter of May 15, 1942, and, above all print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.05.22 wir waren ganz entsetzt, wie wir von Ronny gehört print preview
FROM: Pottag, Max P., Northwestern University 1942.05.21 Some years ago, at the reception given in your hon print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.05.20 ich hatte schon durch Eisler von Ronnys Operation print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.05.19 I have just heard from the Budapest Quartet that t print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.05.17 We had an extremely bad time and I hope only, that print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.05.17 During my career, when I was finishing a piece I f print preview
TO: Ballet Theatre New York 1942.05.17 Associated Music Publishers, after having sent me print preview
TO: Wittenberg, Franz 1942.05.17 Would you, please, send this letter to the Ballet print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.05.17 We had an extremely bad time and I hope only, that print preview
TO: Roth, Wilhelm 1942.05.12 I am with pleasure ready to join a committee prepa print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1942.05.11 In response to your letter of April 30, search was print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.05.05 I hasten to acknowledge receipt of your letter of print preview
TO: Bardas, Stefan, Carroll College 1942.05.02 Enclosed [is] a letter from Prof. Leroy W. Allen, print preview
TO: Thorner, Maurice 1942.05.00 Can you understand why he cannot send my letter to print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.04.30 Though we could not reach a perfect agreement abou print preview
TO: Martone, Elizabeth, Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.04.30 Associated Music Publishers Inc. answered upon my print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1942.04.29 I hope you do not mind my calling you this. print preview
TO: Wittenberg, Franz, Rechtsanwalt Doktor Hugo Spitzer 1942.04.29 ich erhalte von Dr. Spitzer eine Rechnung über 206 print preview
FROM: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1942.04.27 On February twelfth I told you we would accept a p print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.04.26 In meinen Bemühungen um ein Einkommen bin ich von print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1942.04.25 Daß ich auf Ihren Brief, den ich vor etwa zwei Mo print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.04.22 Sie wissen wohl schon, dass das Ballet Theatre, mi print preview
TO: Pendleton, Frank D., American Federation of Musicians 1942.04.22 I [was] born in Vienna, Austria, September 13, 187 print preview
FROM: Gehrkens, Karl W. 1942.04.19 At the end of the present school year I am to reti print preview
TO: Carfagno, Simon 1942.04.16 I am glad I did not make a mistake, when, print preview
FROM: Marshall, John Hart 1942.04.16 I have composed a set of eleven short piano compos print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.04.16 Agree to contribute to this fund by deduction of n print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.04.13 I received your letter of April 4th regarding the print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1942.04.10 Under separate cover I have already sent you the p print preview
FROM: Sevastianov, German, Ballet Theatre New York 1942.04.09 Your Verklärte Nacht first performance took place print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1942.04.09 Ohne zu der Korrespondenz wegen "Verklaerte Nacht print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1942.04.09 Heartiest greetings and congratulations. Tremend print preview
FROM: Denham, S.J., Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.04.08 My illness prevented me from answering your letter print preview
FROM: Martin, Wendell R. 1942.04.07 A few months ago I purchased the Victor recording print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.04.04 The "Columbia Recording Company" informed me tha print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1942.04.03 Thank you for your letter of the 28th ult., enclos print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.04.01 First Royalty Distribution for 1942, Class DD, Amo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf, G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.04.00 ich schreibe diese Zeilen in grösster Eile und mir print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.03.30 Sincerely regret your attitude since we acted alwa print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.03.29 It seems we are all in a tough spot. But - even no print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.03.29 I sent you upon your request, at once a copy of my print preview
TO: H.W. Gray Company 1942.03.28 I must, indeed, apologize for the great delay of m print preview
FROM: Denham, S.J., Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.03.26 We received your wire, and at the same time receiv print preview
FROM: Martone, Elizabeth, Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.03.25 This is to supplement [a] letter to you dated Marc print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1942.03.24 We have not yet had a reply to our recent letter a print preview
TO: Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.03.23 Owning morally and by Universals contract rights print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.03.23 Owning morally and by Universals contracts[!] ri print preview
TO: Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.03.21 Because of Ballet Theatre can grant exclusive perf print preview
FROM: Slavenska, Mia ÄŒorak 1942.03.19 Have just had a long talk with Mr. Denham and am v print preview
FROM: Denham, S.J., Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.03.19 Miss Mia Slavenska has just arrived and brought to print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.03.18 I was so happy to have your letter of March 12th, print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1942.03.18 I have had, so far, about fifteen rehearsals with print preview
FROM: Halbert, Fred C., Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.03.17 We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March print preview
TO: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1942.03.17 I am sorry, my request for the Year Book is delaye print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.03.17 Contents: Printed Music only 1 Exemplar, 5 Klav. S print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1942.03.16 ich wollte die Resultate meiner vielfachen Versuch print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.03.16 Membership dues for year ending December 31, 1942 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.03.16 Zemlinsky died Sunday night. print preview
TO: Denham, S.J., Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.03.14 I am ready to grant to the Ballet Russe de Monte C print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Rolf 1942.03.13 Wie schade, Geliebte, daß ich die Einladung für print preview
FROM: Schmid, Erich 1942.03.12 Soeben hörten wir in einer ausgezeichneten Aufführ print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.03.12 Fortunately I can now already tell you what I inte print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1942.03.11 [questionnaire] print preview
FROM: Reed, Raymond R., In-and-About Pittsburgh, Music Educators Club 1942.03.10 Will you fulfill lecture engagement in Pittsburgh print preview
FROM: Eisenberg, Moses Joel 1942.03.07 Would you do me the honor of sending me your autog print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.03.07 Copy of "Melody and Theme" sent to Gr. to make a print preview
TO: Halbert, Fred C., Columbia Recording Corporation 1942.03.05 I received a "Royalty Statement" (Artist Royalty print preview
TO: Jacobs, Arthur Leslie, First Congregational Church of Los Angeles 1942.03.05 Here is a theme for Mr. Tremblay's contrapuntal i print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1942.03.02 Will it be all right if we get together next Satur print preview
TO: Eisenberg, Moses Joel 1942.03.00 No. 2 Colombine, from Pierrot Lunaire opus 21 print preview
FROM: Voigt, Ernest R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1942.03.00 Agreement made this day of 1942, between A print preview
FROM: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Action, Inc 1942.02.30 Our Mr. Lassner has forwarded us your application print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.02.28 dieses ist eigentlich ein Geschäftsbrief. Trotzdem print preview
FROM: Kraemer, Franz 1942.02.25 Durch Zufall in den Besitz Ihrer Adresse gekommen, print preview
TO: Spinner, Leopold 1942.02.25 In a hurry: I answer only your question. 1) I do n print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.02.20 Although I have not yet heard from you regarding t print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1942.02.20 Warum schreiben Sie mir gar nichts, antworten nich print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1942.02.19 I have your message, via Leonard. Will it be all print preview
FROM: Denham, S.J., Universal Art, Inc, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo 1942.02.18 We have been discussing with Miss Mia Slavenska th print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1942.02.18 We have not yet received the signed contract which print preview
TO: Lassner, H., Austrian Action, Inc 1942.02.12 Wir sind seit 11. April 1941 amerikanische Staatsb print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1942.02.11 Ihr Vortrag im Club kann zu jedem Datum stattfinde print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1942.02.07 I have just received a letter from the Office of t print preview
TO: [various], University of California at Los Angles 1942.02.03 Upon the suggestion of Mr. Stein, I have sketched print preview
FROM: Spinner, Leopold 1942.01.31 I don\'t know whether I have not to apologize[!] f print preview
TO: Damrosch, Walter 1942.01.30 In the interest of our art I wish there would alwa print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1942.01.29 I had just written your address, when your letter print preview
TO: Mottram, H.M., Milwaukee Friends of Music 1942.01.28 I accept with great pleasure the invitation to con print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1942.01.27 The Copyright Office received your letter of Dec. print preview
FROM: Carfagno, Simon 1942.01.27 After I had spoken to you I recieved a letter from print preview
TO: League of Composers, Inc 1942.01.26 13.September 1874, WIEN, United States of America, print preview
FROM: Lassner, H., Austrian Action, Inc 1942.01.25 Sie finden beiliegend ein Flugblatt, das von Austr print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1942.01.24 Abrechnung für das Jahr 1941 Verlagstantiemen "Al print preview
FROM: Janssen, Werner, Werner Janssen Symphony Orchestra 1942.01.24 When I telephoned you last week, I had hoped to be print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1942.01.24 In response to your JR/bc letter from January 19, print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.01.22 The League of Composers is delighted to have your print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1942.01.22 I was delighted to receive your letter and to print preview
FROM: Mottram, H.M., Milwaukee Friends of Music 1942.01.21 At a recent meeting of the Program Committee of th print preview
FROM: Varèse, Edgar 1942.01.17 Am enclosing notes of Chorus now in its period print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.01.17 I thank you very much for inviting me to write a s print preview
TO: Sternfeld, Gisela 1942.01.17 Frankly I do not quite understand your letter from print preview
TO: Grünwald, Karl 1942.01.17 I am very sorry to hear that your circumstances ar print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1942.01.14 There were received from you on January 5, with yo print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1942.01.13 The League of Composers is now planning its very i print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1942.01.11 Ich hätte Ihnen längst schon geschrieben, da ich n print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1942.01.02 The discouraging results of this year in my Compos print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.01.01 moechtest Du so lieb sein, mir so bald als moeglic print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1942.01.01 Many thanks for your gifts, for the boys as well a print preview
FROM: Leibowitz, René 1942.00.00 You will find here the Concerto I have told you ab print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1942.00.00 schon bevor wir Deinen Brief erhielten, hatten wir print preview
FROM: Langridge, Roy 1942.00.00 I am a student of music and a pianist and am begin print preview
FROM: Kostal, Irwin 1942.00.00 Some time ago, you were kind enough to send me a c print preview
TO: Reed, Raymond R. 1942.00.00 War conditions caused cancellation of several enga print preview
TO: Who's Who on the Pacific Coast 1942.00.00 Arnold Schoenberg, Composer, Profess or Music at print preview
TO: Shriver, Henry Clay 1942.00.00 Stokowski plays Sunday February 6 Piano Concerto f print preview
TO: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1942.00.00 I have heard the Guggenheim Foundation made a numb print preview
TO: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1941.12.31 Enclosed are applications for renewal of copyright print preview
TO: Engelsberg, R.E., Free Austrian Movement 1941.12.30 Da ich seit fast einem Jahre amerikanischer Bürge print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1941.12.27 Endlich finde ich die vorgefaßte Ruhe, um Ihnen üb print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.12.25 die herzlichsten Weihnachts--und Neujahrswünsche e print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1941.12.25 I received your cable with great pleasure. print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1941.12.24 Am 5. September habe ich--trotz Fieber--von 10 bis print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.12.24 Two translations follow by airmail. print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.12.22 Merry Christmas to you and Mrs Stiedry from the Sc print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.12.22 hier meine Antworten. Ich habe Mittwoch den 4 (ode print preview
TO: Schmid, Erich, Evangelisches Pfarrhaus 1941.12.22 ich habe eine Ewigkeit nichts von Ihnen gehört. Wi print preview
TO: Lange, Arthur, Co-Art Recordings 1941.12.22 When I saw you the other day at the Brown Derby I print preview
FROM: Mendel, Arthur 1941.12.20 I am writing to you on behalf of Associated Music print preview
TO: Mendel, Arthur 1941.12.20 Under 12, "corrections/correct", I have repeated print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1941.12.19 Arranging performance Pierrot. Please cable wh print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.12.19 It gives me great pleasure to inform you that at a print preview
TO: Polk, Rudolph 1941.12.18 Mr. Simon Carfagno, a student of mine, who, I am c print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.12.16 Fourth Royalty Distribution for 1941, Class 1, Amo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.12.16 We found in these times it might be the best not t print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.12.16 You are right we should hear from each other at le print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1941.12.12 Sie hatten die Guete mir einen Scheck ueber $36.18 print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.12.09 I refer to my letter of December 6th regarding "V print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1941.12.08 Upon receiving your letter of October 23, I submit print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.12.08 ich möchte Euch an diesem furchtbaren Tag schreib print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.12.06 I received your letter of December 2nd and was als print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.12.04 Gestern sprach ich mit Mr. Sevastianow vom Ballet print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo 1941.12.03 beiliegend mein Scheck über $36.18 das ist 10% vo print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1941.12.00 Seit unsrer tiefen Enttäuschung, dass Ihr nicht zu print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1941.12.00 Many hearty greetings and merry Christmas print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1941.11.30 Today I had one of the most rare and beautiful mus print preview
FROM: Herbert, Walter 1941.11.28 Hier ist ein Geständnis nach 20 Jahren! Es war ein print preview
FROM: Bailiff, Maude M., University of California at Los Angles 1941.11.27 Last spring you were kind enough to serve as one o print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.11.27 This will acknowledge your recent communication pe print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.11.27 heute, endlich, ob Sie es nun glauben, oder nicht, print preview
FROM: Guernsey, Roscoe, American Academy in Rome 1941.11.26 The American Academy in Rome has announced a compe print preview
TO: Dessau, Paul 1941.11.22 Das Kol Nidre habe ich für Rabbi Dr. Jakob Sonderl print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1941.11.21 I was very pleased with your nice letter from Nove print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.11.20 Dir meine Taetigkeit bei Schirmers in wenigen Wort print preview
FROM: Klug, Paul 1941.11.19 Es ist erst über ein halbes Jahr her, daß ich Ihr print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1941.11.18 Will you please write me your judgments of the thr print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1941.11.18 Durch Herrn Artur Schnabel lernte ich Ihr \"Kol Ni print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.11.18 I must excuse myself for demanding the scores of t print preview
TO: Cress, Anne M., University of California at Los Angles 1941.11.16 I have not been in School for more than a week, be print preview
TO: Loncarie, Nancy 1941.11.16 I am afraid there is a misunderstanding: Do you wa print preview
TO: Appelbaum, Anne Elizabeth, Committee for a Jewish Army 1941.11.15 The delay of my answer to your kind letter from oc print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.11.15 In your letter from September 3, 1941 you refer to print preview
TO: Slavenska, Mia ÄŒorak 1941.11.15 I am ready to grant the permission to perform my print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.11.14 Many greetings from the Music Education Conference print preview
TO: Wecker, Karl, Southern California Music Project 1941.11.14 Since a week I was sick, which should excuse the d print preview
TO: Murray, Josephine, California-Western Music Educators Conference 1941.11.11 I feel very honored by your invitation to attend t print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.11.10 I am sorry to have delayed answering your letter o print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1941.11.10 We enclose herewith contracts for your \"Variation print preview
TO: Schreiner, Alexander, Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1941.11.10 I am very sorry about the great misunderstanding w print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1941.11.10 Thanks for your letter but received nothing from p print preview
FROM: Loncarie, Nancy 1941.11.09 Am anxious to brush up on my piano work, beginning print preview
FROM: Runes, Dagobert D., Philosophical Library 1941.11.08 I am happy to welcome you among the contributing e print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.11.08 This acknowledges receipt of your letter of Octobe print preview
TO: Wager, Willis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.11.08 I just see that I forgot to react to several point print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.11.07 The General Meeting of the Society will be held on print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.11.07 unsere Briefe haben sich anscheinend gekreuzt. Ich print preview
FROM: Schreiner, Alexander, Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1941.11.06 Your organ composition was on my desk when I retur print preview
FROM: Murray, Josephine, California-Western Music Educators Conference 1941.11.06 The Southern District, California-Western Music Ed print preview
TO: Schreiner, Alexander, Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1941.11.06 Please wire collect your reaction to my organ piec print preview
TO: Newman, Alfred, Twentieth Century-Fox 1941.11.05 Mr. Frances Burley, a very talented young composer print preview
FROM: Stewart, James B., United States Foreign Service 1941.11.04 In reply to your letter of September 20, 1941, sta print preview
TO: Williams, J. Harold, University of California at Los Angles 1941.11.04 I am pleased to accept your invitation to become a print preview
TO: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1941.11.04 I never supposed that Mr. Wecker wanted to attack print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.11.03 Ihr Schreiben vom 29.Oct.habe ich erhalten. print preview
FROM: Wecker, Karl, Southern California Music Project 1941.11.01 It is with deep regret that I have learned of an a print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.11.01 Ihr Brief vom 21. Februar 1941 ist tatsächlich ver print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1941.10.31 eben erhalte ich ein Telegramm von meiner Schweste print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.30 Your letter of October 23 had my immediate attenti print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.29 Returning once more to the matter concerning which print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.10.29 I never would have given thought to an idea that y print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.28 Your letter of October 25 regarding Dr. Karl Wecke print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.28 Beigefügt ist eine Abschrift der Bestimmungen in B print preview
TO: Schreiner, Alexander, Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1941.10.28 Today I sent you a piece "Variations on a Recitat print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.10.28 More than a year ago I sent you, upon request of S print preview
TO: Squires, Ralph, Centenary College of Louisiana 1941.10.28 Because of an oversight I received your letter onl print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.10.27 Es ist eine Ewigkeit, seit ich von euch gehört hab print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.10.26 Mein Versuch ein Konzert zu verschieben, hat bis j print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.25 Enclosed the copy of a letter which I had to direc print preview
TO: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.25 Several persons informed me that in his lectures, print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.23 Unfortunately I must again approach you with two o print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1941.10.23 The day before yesterday, I sent you the score of print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.10.21 Your reproachful letter of the 18th has disturbed print preview
TO: Singer Sewing Machine Company 1941.10.21 We have in our possession prove[!] that we have m print preview
FROM: Gronich, Mary Theresa, Philosophical Library 1941.10.20 We are most happy to welcome you among our contrib print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1941.10.20 es ist eine Ewigkeit, seit du mir zuletzt geschrie print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.10.18 Die Auffuehrung ist am 23. April. Ihr Vortrag am 2 print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1941.10.18 That I am much pleased with the complimentary mann print preview
TO: Gronich, Mary Theresa, Philosophical Library 1941.10.18 Your letter from October 3rd reached me with great print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.10.18 Enclosed you find a cut from San Francisco, which print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.10.17 Du wirst mit Recht sehr boese sein, dass ich sola print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1941.10.14 Please forgive my tardy reply to your telegram--we print preview
FROM: Williams, J. Harold, University of California at Los Angles 1941.10.10 It is with pleasure that I extend to you an invita print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1941.10.10 Ihren Brief vom 21. Aug. habe ich erst gestern erh print preview
FROM: Janssen, Werner, Werner Janssen Symphony Orchestra 1941.10.10 On Sunday afternoon October 19, Mrs. John Zublin i print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1941.10.07 Accept Two Hundred Dollars advanced Royalty on Ten print preview
TO: Magnin, Edgar F. 1941.10.04 Mr. Renato Monti, who possesses an extraordinary t print preview
FROM: Gronich, Mary Theresa, Philosophical Library 1941.10.03 Upon suggestion of a member of our editorial commi print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1941.10.03 Regret delay and any misunderstanding. Will you ac print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.10.02 Please wire regarding Transfigured Night. Our lett print preview
TO: Music Printing & Photoprinting Company 1941.10.02 Please excuse the delay of my check. I expected t print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.10.02 Must know approximately what those ballet people p print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.10.01 Third Royalty Distribution for 1941, Class 1, Amou print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo 1941.10.01 auch nur Ihnen zu sagen, dass ich keine Zeit habe print preview
FROM: Lange, Arthur, Co-Art Recordings 1941.09.29 Herewith I am sending you an autographed pressing print preview
FROM: Eichberg, Bonnie Lee 1941.09.29 I thank you & your wife for your sympathy, but ab print preview
FROM: Louis, Joe 1941.09.27 I have been reclassified by the Selective Draft Bo print preview
FROM: Janssen, Werner, Werner Janssen Symphony Orchestra 1941.09.25 It gives me sincere pleasure to advise you that th print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick 1941.09.25 Will try to arrange April date after you have fixe print preview
FROM: Squires, Ralph, Centenary College of Louisiana 1941.09.24 I realize that I am taking a great liberty in writ print preview
FROM: Reed, Raymond R. 1941.09.21 Doctor Dorian is collaborating with us on your app print preview
FROM: Hetrick, Harold F., In-and-About Pittsburgh, Music Educators Club 1941.09.21 As director of publicity for the In-and-About Pitt print preview
TO: Price, Franklin H. 1941.09.20 Enclosed the information about my "Five Orchestra print preview
TO: Stewart, James B., United States Consul, Switzerland 1941.09.20 As a person with the name of Siegfried Oehlschlaeg print preview
FROM: Dieterle, Charlotte 1941.09.19 Ludwig Marcuse, der uns allen bekannte und von uns print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1941.09.19 zunächst vielen Dank für die Chorstimmen. Halten S print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.09.17 It is necessary for us to furnish to the governmen print preview
FROM: Lange, Francisco Curt, Instituto Interamericano de Musicologia 1941.09.16 Seit langer Zeit hatte ich vor, Ihnen zu schreiben print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.09.13 die Verletzung der alten Tradition meiner materiel print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.09.13 I had a talk with Mr. Sevastiano, the Director of print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1941.09.13 Seit vielen Wochen habe ich nichts von Ihnen gehoe print preview
TO: Klemperer, Johanna 1941.09.13 We herewith affirm, that we received from you a lo print preview
FROM: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.09.11 Many thanks for your letter of August 24th. print preview
FROM: Behymer, L.E. (Lynden Ellsworth), Behymer Concert Courses 1941.09.10 I have a letter from the Milwaukee Municipal Music print preview
FROM: Schreiner, Alexander 1941.09.10 A young friend of mine printed some photographs fo print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1941.09.10 In answer to your kind letter of August 24th, I sh print preview
FROM: Stefan, Paul 1941.09.09 Seit Ende April hier im Land, nach mehr als drei J print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1941.09.09 Euer inniger Brief vom 22.Juli ist seit zk. 3 Woch print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Margit Eleonore 1941.09.09 Euer Telegramm und Euer lieber Brief freuten uns s print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1941.09.08 Ich war wirklich sehr freudig überrascht endlich print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1941.09.06 es bedurfte nur wenige Worte der Aufklärung über d print preview
TO: Burey, John C., Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.09.05 According to the order of the Music Department and print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.09.05 Let me at first express my great thankfullness for print preview
FROM: Reed, Raymond R., In-and-About Pittsburgh, Music Educators Club 1941.09.04 I was indeed glad to receive your telegram of Sept print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1941.09.04 It has come to my attention that Miss Evelyn Olmst print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.09.03 This will acknowledge your letter of the 24th whic print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1941.09.03 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich habe gestern Ihr print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.09.02 When may I expect answer to my letters print preview
TO: Reed, Raymond R., In-and-About Pittsburgh, Music Educators Club 1941.09.02 Accept gladly your lecture invitation for March st print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1941.09.01 We are again spending the rest of my vacation in C print preview
FROM: Reed, Raymond R., In-and-About Pittsburgh, Music Educators Club 1941.09.01 Will you be in the East during March of next year print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.08.29 Seit ein paar Tagen bin ich glücklich in New York print preview
FROM: Ritterman, Irving J., Ritterman & Marks 1941.08.27 Thanks so much for your nice letter regarding \"Pi print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1941.08.27 Enclosed the letter of The H. W. Gray Company. Do print preview
FROM: Spaulding, J.S., Southern California Gas Company 1941.08.26 Enclosed is an advance copy of the September progr print preview
FROM: Virtue, Constance Cochnower 1941.08.25 It is difficult for me to say in words how much I print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1941.08.24 It is with the deepest regret that I write you tha print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1941.08.24 Mit Eurem Brief und den Bildern habt ihr mir große print preview
TO: Spaulding, J.S., Southern California Gas Company 1941.08.24 Thank you very much for your kind letter from Augu print preview
TO: Ritterman, Irving J., Ritterman & Marks 1941.08.24 Only a few days ago--after having demanded it seve print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1941.08.24 Since you have distributed the records of my Pierr print preview
TO: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.08.24 A week ago I wrote to Universal Edition in about t print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.08.24 Having not yet got your decision upon my request o print preview
TO: Powell, Eddy 1941.08.24 I told you that the records of Pierrot Lunaire are print preview
TO: Kostal, Irwin 1941.08.24 I am now in the position to fulfill your request t print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.08.23 ich will euch einen ausführlichen Bericht über mei print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1941.08.22 I am delighted that you will write an organ piece print preview
TO: Klatzkin, Jacob 1941.08.21 Ich freue mich wirklich, daß Sie hier sind sehr[!] print preview
FROM: Gray, Donald H., H.W. Gray Company 1941.08.20 Mr. William Strickland has written us of your inte print preview
FROM: Newlin, Claude Milton 1941.08.19 Thank you for your prompt and kind reply to my let print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1941.08.19 Warum lassen Sie von sich nichts hören? Warum antw print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1941.08.17 ich muß Ihnen rasch sagen, wie sehr ich mich freue print preview
FROM: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.08.15 I must apologize for the delay in writing to you print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1941.08.14 Vor allem anderen bitte ich Sie, meine allerherzli print preview
TO: Newlin, Claude Milton 1941.08.14 I am convinced that I can teach Dika for several y print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1941.08.13 Endlich doch angekommen! Hier meine Adresse: c/o M print preview
FROM: Newlin, Claude Milton 1941.08.12 I have thought that perhaps it would be advisable print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.08.11 [questionnaire Kol Nidre op. 39] print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.08.11 [questionnaire Six Orchestral Songs op. 8] print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.08.10 Ich habe Ihnen am 21.II.1941 einen Brief geschrieb print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.08.08 Wir erhielten am 4. August von der STAGMA die Mitt print preview
FROM: Spaulding, J.S., Southern California Gas Company 1941.08.08 On behalf of Mr. Perry King I wish to acknowledge print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1941.08.07 75 - Photostat copies of SCHOENBERG "Friede auf E print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.08.06 Ich danke Ihnen für Ihren Brief vom 19. Juni d. J print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.08.06 Please be advised yours of July 30th will be broug print preview
TO: Strickland, William 1941.08.06 Thanks for inviting me to participate in creating print preview
FROM: Lieberson, Goddard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.08.05 Your letter clarified your position eminently. I s print preview
FROM: Eichberg, Bonnie Lee 1941.08.04 As you and my beloved husband, Friedrich Eichberg, print preview
TO: 1941.08.04 I do not judge these compositions "Kiss the Boys G print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1941.08.03 Your letter of July 21st reached me here so I aske print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael 1941.08.03 Your letter of July 21st reached me here so I aske print preview
FROM: Strickland, William 1941.08.02 The H.W. Gray Co. of New York City has recently un print preview
FROM: Lawton, Mildred E., Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.08.02 Thank you very much for your letter of July 9. We print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.08.02 es tut mir Deinetwegen sehr leid, dass aus dem Ver print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.08.02 es ist wirklich nicht schoen von mir, so lange nic print preview
TO: Fuller, R. L., G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.08.01 I had to teach and to finish a composition during print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.08.00 I wish to inform you that I am under a severe hand print preview
TO: Eichberg, Bonnie Lee 1941.08.00 Condolence to[!] the death of Dr. Friedrich Eichb print preview
TO: Lieberson, Goddard, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.07.31 1) Did you tell me about your arrangement with the print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.07.30 May I remind you of my letter from April 10, 1941, print preview
TO: Bodley, Russell, Phi Mu Alpha 1941.07.30 I accept gladly your invitation to act as one of t print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.07.29 Auf meinen Brief vom 9. Juli, habe ich keine Antwo print preview
TO: Eberle, Nellie Louise 1941.07.27 Though I have been advised to the contrary, I want print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1941.07.26 Many thanks for arranging about the printing of th print preview
TO: Newman, Alfred 1941.07.26 My former pupil, Mr. Julius Toldi, as a violinist print preview
FROM: Lundberg, O., University of California at Berkeley 1941.07.25 We have received your response to the questionnair print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1941.07.25 The absence of any reply to the letters sent you o print preview
FROM: Lieberson, Goddard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.07.24 I think your most recent letter is another example print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1941.07.24 Rene Leibowitz, für den Sie sich derzeit in so hoc print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1941.07.23 I have intended to write to you ever since I retur print preview
FROM: Eberle, Nellie Louise 1941.07.22 As per your telephone instructions, I am enclosing print preview
TO: Corley, J.H., University of California at Berkeley 1941.07.22 Thank you very much for informing me about the nec print preview
TO: Lieberson, Goddard, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.07.21 There lives in 116. N. Rockingham a man with the n print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael 1941.07.21 I have to apologize: a list of would be subscriber print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1941.07.20 Widerwillig füge ich mich den Geboten philiströser print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1941.07.20 Den Brief der AMP und meinen Brief vom 14.d.M.habe print preview
FROM: Corley, J.H., University of California at Berkeley 1941.07.19 In order to enable the University to comply with t print preview
TO: Virtue, Constance Cochnower 1941.07.19 Your system of twelve tone notation has awakened i print preview
FROM: Goehr, Walter 1941.07.17 I feel I must thank you for all you have done for print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1941.07.14 Ihr liebes Schreiben vom 9.d.M. habe ich erhalten. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1941.07.14 [not seen] print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1941.07.14 I have started to write a Syllabus to be used in m print preview
TO: Heidenreich, Margaret Ann 1941.07.14 I am very sorry I cannot change your grade. print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.07.12 Wir empfiengen Ihre beiden Zuschriften vom 21.und print preview
FROM: Höchster, Emil 1941.07.12 erst heute gelangte ich durch Frau Tüschjever print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1941.07.12 I am glad to hear from you after so many months. I print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1941.07.11 At the annual budget meeting of the Regents of the print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.07.10 selbstverständlich werden wir alles tun was wir kö print preview
TO: Irish, Florence M., Southern California Symphony Association 1941.07.09 Many thanks for informing me that Mr. John Barbiro print preview
TO: Lawton, Mildred E., Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.07.09 I am glad to hear that Dr. Dorian intends to perfo print preview
TO: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.07.09 I wonder whether you received my Airmail letter fr print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo 1941.07.09 Gerade, als ich einen Brief an Sie, fragend ob Sie print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.07.09 Ich konnte nicht schreiben dieser Tage. Meine Zahn print preview
FROM: Paine, John G., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.07.08 At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo 1941.07.08 am 21. und 22. Juni sandte ich an Sie 3 Briefe und print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1941.07.07 Sie werden bald ausfuehrliche Antwort auf Ihre an print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1941.07.07 Dir zu deinem Geburtstag meine herzlichsten und in print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.07.06 es ist Sonntag und ich habe kein anderes Papier im print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1941.07.03 Unsere Glückwünsche zur Geburt des kleinen Lawrenc print preview
FROM: Lawton, Mildred E., Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.07.03 On January 14 you wrote to me in reply to my lette print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1941.07.02 In reply to your recent letter about Mr. Carfagno, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.07.02 eben erhalte ich Deinen Brief. Ich erkaere noch ei print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.07.01 Second Royalty Distribution for 1941, Class 1, Amo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.07.01 George\'s immediate departure impossible. Letter w print preview
TO: King, Fred, Station KFAC 1941.07.01 When I heard your announcement that the July progr print preview
TO: Miller, Calvin H. 1941.07.01 I am sorry there is a misunderstanding. print preview
TO: American Composers Alliance 1941.07.00 print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.06.30 Vor drei Wochen bat ich Sie für mich ca. 200 Dolla print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.06.30 Airmailed Goergis letter just received. print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.06.26 gestern haben wir Deinen Brief bekommen. Ich haett print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1941.06.26 The Telephone Operator in the Hotel Biltmore tells print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.06.25 Die amerikanische Schutzfrist Ihrer Werke | op. 15 print preview
FROM: Lieberson, Goddard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.06.23 I find no record of a letter from you on April 12t print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1941.06.23 At last came news from you and a very happy one. I print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.06.22 On April 28, 1941 Associated Music Publishers sent print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo 1941.06.22 In meinem Brief vom 21.VI.1941 habe ich Sie gebete print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo 1941.06.21 In diesen zwei Monaten seit Ihrem Brief am 22. Apr print preview
TO: Langlie, Warren M. 1941.06.21 I am not giving any classes this summer at U.C.L.A print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.06.21 mir fällt ein Stein vom Herzen. Die ganze Zeit cbe print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.06.21 Accept your suggestion and will do everything poss print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1941.06.19 The Committee on Drama, Lectures and Music conside print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.06.19 ich kenne Deine finanzielle Situation zu gut, um i print preview
TO: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1941.06.19 I received a letter, signed by your secretary (but print preview
TO: Lutz, Harold S., Grossmont High School 1941.06.19 I have no classes this summer, but I can give you print preview
TO: Lieberson, Goddard, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.06.19 I wonder when I may expect an answer to my letter print preview
TO: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.06.19 I must appologize for the great delay of my answer print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.06.19 seit vielen Wochen verschiebt sich dieser Brief, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1941.06.18 Gitti hat Euch unser tiefes Leid geschildert, daß print preview
FROM: Khuner, Felix 1941.06.18 Die beiliegenden Uebersetzungen der Pierrot-Gedich print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Margit Eleonore 1941.06.17 Wie ich hoffe, hat Onkel Arnold und Du bereits print preview
FROM: Langlie, Warren M. 1941.06.17 I have been desirous for a long time to have some print preview
TO: Fisher, Winifred Lucia, Music Teachers' Association of California 1941.06.17 I am very sorry to inform you that I will be unabl print preview
FROM: Ritterman, Irving J., Ritterman & Marks 1941.06.15 I recently received the recorded album of \"Pierro print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1941.06.15 We should be happy to welcome you this Thursday or print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.06.14 Deinen Brief mit den an den Konsul gesandten Dokum print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1941.06.13 I am writing to say that I expect to be at the Bil print preview
FROM: Klug, Ludwig 1941.06.12 die 13 Punkte, die Paul beiliegend einschiebt und print preview
FROM: Neruda, Emil 1941.06.09 Ich bin der Bruder des Sängers Oskar Neruda und Sc print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1941.06.07 gleich nach Erhalt Deines Briefes habe ich das Aff print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.06.07 Vorige Woche sandte ich Ihnen einen 1/2 Avion Brie print preview
TO: Banque de l'État de Fribourg 1941.06.05 Veuillez, s'il vous plait, m'informer si un desc print preview
TO: Miller, Calvin H. 1941.06.04 I am sorry, I can not give you credit for the seco print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.06.01 Da ich auf meinen Brief vom 21. April d. J. keiner print preview
TO: Di Vall, Bob, Phi Mu Alpha 1941.06.01 I am very sorry to have missed your dinner party o print preview
TO: Curtis, Louis Woodson, City of Los Angeles 1941.05.31 I am very happy to have been invited to this impor print preview
TO: Sternfeld, Gisela 1941.05.31 ich habe mich gefreut, von Ihnen zu hören, und bes print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.05.30 Hier je viens de recevoir votre lettre daté du 8ct print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.05.29 Mit Deinem letzten Telegramm 25. April hattest print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.05.29 Nachdem ich Dir gestern schrieb, daß ich von Georg print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1941.05.28 I cannot thank you enough for the great trouble yo print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1941.05.28 wieder einmal komme ich in die Lage, Dir ein Mitgl print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1941.05.28 Herr Erich Zeisl, ein wirklich begabter Komponist print preview
FROM: Pascotini, Karl Ferdinand 1941.05.27 zum freudigen Ereignis gratulieren wir herzlichst! print preview
FROM: Curtis, Louis Woodson, City of Los Angeles 1941.05.27 This office is sponsoring a festival of creative m print preview
FROM: Di Vall, Bob, Phi Mu Alpha 1941.05.26 Beta Psi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha is having its for print preview
FROM: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.05.26 You have doubtless received Mr. Stein\'s letter of print preview
FROM: Fuchs, Valerie 1941.05.26 Es wird Dich wundern auf einmal von einer verwandt print preview
FROM: Corser, Mabelle E., University of California at Los Angles 1941.05.22 I have your recent note about a check which you pr print preview
FROM: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1941.05.21 Regulations concerning final examinations | Studen print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1941.05.21 Ich bin wirklich ein pünktlicher \"Abwickler\"! Ab print preview
FROM: Trampus, Gianfranco 1941.05.21 wollte Ihnen eine Kopie meiner italienischen Ãœbers print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.05.20 vielen Dank fuer Deinen lieben Brief und die Bilde print preview
TO: United States Consul General 1941.05.19 As announced in Mrs. Christine Olden's letter atta print preview
FROM: Sternfeld, Gisela 1941.05.18 ich bin seit kurzem hier (nach 2 1/2 jähriger Wand print preview
FROM: Klug, Ludwig 1941.05.15 einen Namensvetter von Ihnen - Herr Jacob Schönber print preview
FROM: Maclise, D.G., University of California at Los Angles 1941.05.15 Thank you for your very kind letter of May 9 in wh print preview
FROM: Feder, Melanie 1941.05.15 Zu meiner großen Freude erhielt ich so unerwartet print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.05.15 einen Tag nach deinem letzten Telegramm erhielt ic print preview
TO: United States Consul, Germany 1941.05.15 A few days ago I received the \"return receipt\" c print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.05.15 herzlichsten dank von den Kindern für die schönen print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, National Committee for Refugee Musicians 1941.05.14 First of all congratulations on becoming an Americ print preview
TO: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1941.05.13 On April ten, I have sent a registered letter, Air print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Margit Eleonore 1941.05.12 Ich möchte nicht versäumen, Euch für die lieben Br print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1941.05.11 Wir danken Euch innigst für Euren letzten so liebe print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick 1941.05.10 zunaechst meinen Dank für die Quartette. Abgesehen print preview
TO: United States Consul, Austria 1941.05.09 In the matter of the application for Immigration print preview
FROM: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1941.05.09 We have just been advised by our Marseille office print preview
FROM: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1941.05.09 According to a cable just received from our office print preview
FROM: Cykler, Edmund 1941.05.08 I talked to Schoenberg about giving me a couple of print preview
TO: Grünwald, Karl 1941.05.08 je ne peux pas comprendre que vous n'avez pas reç print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark 1941.05.08 On February 23, 1941 I sent you seven letters conc print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.05.04 Ihr werdet gewiss schon boese sein, dass ich nicht print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.05.01 I was very happy to receive your letter and to print preview
FROM: Lawton, Dorothy, International Society for Contemporary Music 1941.05.00 You will doubtless have read in the papers that th print preview
FROM: Lawton, Dorothy, International Society for Contemporary Music 1941.04.30 The United States Section of the International Soc print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.04.28 We send you enclosed: A new statement of rental an print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1941.04.24 The League of Composers has circularized the recor print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.04.24 Mailed registered to consul affidavits of support print preview
TO: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1941.04.24 I am glad I looked in a reference book and found i print preview
FROM: Ott, Fanny 1941.04.23 Nach einem Leben schaffensreicher Arbeit, dem Wohl print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.04.23 Stuttgartkonsul verlangt außer Incometaxreturn ein print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.04.23 Deinen Brief mit dem Manuskript und den nächsten m print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.04.23 Wir haben also die Visa! Wir fahren Samstag 26. print preview
TO: United States Consul 1941.04.23 In 1933 I met Dr. Emil Höchster in Paris, France. print preview
FROM: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1941.04.22 Thank you very much for your letter of April 18 co print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.04.22 Zu meinem Bedauern mußte ich Dich heute neuerding print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo 1941.04.22 Sehr danke ich Ihnen fuer Ihren Brief. Auch ich ha print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.04.21 Schönen Dank fuer Ihre Anweisung von $15.--, di print preview
FROM: Fawcett, Howard Samuel, University of California College of Agriculture 1941.04.21 I am pleased to send you a separate of the Faculty print preview
FROM: Kerr, Harrison, American Composers Alliance 1941.04.21 In our last communication, we informed you of the print preview
FROM: Saminsky, Lazare, Congregation Emanu-el of the City of New York 1941.04.20 I am in despair of having found now, liquidating t print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.04.20 ich hoffe, du hast inzwischen meinen Brief mit dem print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.04.19 Let me tell you about the great success Peace on E print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.04.19 Am 7.Februar sandte ich Ihnen einen Brief in welch print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.04.19 also so weit sind wir gekommen, daß wir heute in H print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Edmund 1941.04.19 Mein Schwager Dr. Reik, dem ich zu großem Danke ve print preview
TO: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1941.04.18 Dr. Egon Wellesz studied with me for one year coun print preview
FROM: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1941.04.17 I am writing for the Committee of this Campus on D print preview
TO: Munro, Thomas, Cleveland Museum of Art 1941.04.17 I thank you very much for your kind invitation to print preview
TO: Parrish, Carl, Wells College 1941.04.16 It was a great pleasure, to make your acquaintance print preview
TO: Fisher, Winifred Lucia 1941.04.16 [I] must at first tell you that I am no pianist at print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.04.15 Ich muß Ihnen eine Menge schreiben. Zunächst die print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Lotte 1941.04.15 Bitte seien Sie mir nicht boese dass ich jetzt ers print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Boosey & Hawkes 1941.04.15 I am indeed the Dr. Hans Heinsheimer from Vienna. print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.04.15 Your letter of the 10th came which I read with a g print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1941.04.15 Sie haben letzthin wirklich nur in solchen Andeutu print preview
FROM: Munro, Thomas, Cleveland Museum of Art 1941.04.14 On behalf of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1941.04.14 Nun, nach 14 Tagen, will ich Sie leise erinnern! B print preview
TO: Gurfinkel, Oscar, Joint Relief Committee 1941.04.14 My son in law, Mr. Felix Greissle will arrive in H print preview
TO: Nachod, Josef Felix 1941.04.14 Ich bin sehr froh, daß ich dir sofort nach Eintref print preview
TO: Dieterle, Charlotte 1941.04.14 entschuldigen Sie vielmals, daß dieser Brief, in print preview
TO: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Boosey & Hawkes 1941.04.13 Frankly, I do not know whether I ever was a member print preview
TO: Lehner, Eugene 1941.04.13 so lange Zeit ist verstrichen seit Ihrem lieben Br print preview
TO: William, Rudolph R., Columbia University 1941.04.13 As much as I would like to assist you in your rese print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1941.04.12 Ich habe den Inhalt Deines Briefes sofort an Heinr print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.04.12 Ich wundere mich, woher Ihnen ein Gesetz bekannt i print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1941.04.12 Many thanks for your congratulations to the birth print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.04.12 beiliegend sende ich dir einen "Schmus2, den ich print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.04.10 Would you, please, believe me that I write this le print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.04.09 endlich komme ich dazu, Dir zu schreiben. Wir habe print preview
TO: Schönberg, Heinrich 1941.04.09 ich sende dir hier die Papiere, die der Amerikanis print preview
TO: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1941.04.09 im Januar vorigen Jahres habe ich von deinem Neffe print preview
TO: Feder, Melanie 1941.04.09 ich habe viel Zeit benötigt, um alle die erforderl print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1941.04.08 Zwei Monate vor der Geburt nahm ich print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1941.04.08 ich hoffe, ich kann dir heute oder morgen ein neue print preview
FROM: Parrish, Carl, Wells College 1941.04.05 May I introduce myself to you as a Professor of Mu print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.04.05 Thank you for your kind letter. Note has been made print preview
FROM: Fisher, Winifred Lucia, Music Teachers' Association of California 1941.04.03 Your lovely letter came and I deeply appreciate yo print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.04.03 erst heute finde ich einen Moment Zeit, Dir den Em print preview
TO: Klug, Ludwig 1941.04.03 Ich konnte Ihnen das Affidavit nicht früher senden print preview
FROM: Fawcett, Howard Samuel, University of California College of Agriculture 1941.04.01 I intended to write you the next day after I heard print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.04.01 First Royalty Distribution for 1941, Class 1, Amou print preview
FROM: Nachod, Josef Felix 1941.04.00 Soeben erhielt ich Deinen rec. Flugbrief vom 14./4 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.03.31 ich weiß nicht, wie ich meine Freude beschreiben print preview
TO: National Geographic Society 1941.03.31 National Geographic Society | Application for Memb print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.03.31 Ich nehme an, Sie kennen Moriz Violin.- Aber auf a print preview
TO: Lieberson, Goddard, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.03.30 I am sorry, I have to give up the plan which might print preview
TO: Fisher, Winifred Lucia, Music Teachers' Association of California 1941.03.30 I am greatly honored by your kind invitation. print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1941.03.29 Haben Sie wieder innigsten Dank für die lebenserfr print preview
FROM: Geiringer, Karl 1941.03.29 Es war ausserordentlich freundlich von Ihnen, dass print preview
TO: Hollywood Citizen News 1941.03.29 Since November 1934 (living then in Hollywood, at print preview
FROM: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1941.03.27 I am writing this note to express my regret that I print preview
FROM: Fisher, Winifred Lucia, Music Teachers' Association of California 1941.03.26 The State Board requests me to ascertain if you wo print preview
FROM: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.03.26 The case of Karl Alfred Deutsch has been recommend print preview
FROM: Roditi, Edouard, University of Kansas City 1941.03.25 I am thinking of writing an essay on your musical print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1941.03.25 Erst heute erhielt ich die Geburtsanzeige vom 27. print preview
FROM: Lieberson, Goddard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.03.24 First of all, I want you to know that it has been print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1941.03.24 Thank you for your kind letter. I assume that by n print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.03.24 ich beantworte sofort Deinen Brief vom 20.?. Ich print preview
FROM: Dieterle, Charlotte 1941.03.24 Leider konnte ich meinen versprochenen Besuch bei print preview
FROM: Au Beck, Aileen 1941.03.24 It was such a lovely surprise to get your letter, print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1941.03.23 We all congratulate you and Mrs. Schoenberg most h print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1941.03.23 I did not write you because I could not find appro print preview
FROM: Nachod, Josef Felix 1941.03.23 Nachdem meine zahlreichen Bemühungen eine Einreise print preview
TO: Richter, John H. 1941.03.21 Ich habe mich oft gewundert, warum Rankls noch nic print preview
FROM: Berger, Gottfried F. 1941.03.20 In Beantwortung Ihres Schreibens vom 18.D. bin ich print preview
TO: Geiringer, Karl, Hamilton College 1941.03.20 Bei flüchtiger Durchsicht (und leider bin ich auge print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.03.19 durch den Brief, den Dir Engel leider schreiben mu print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, Bloomingdale's 1941.03.19 If you do not plan a performance of my 2nd Chamber print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Lotte 1941.03.18 Das a Leben! Herzl. Grüße. | So far so good print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.03.18 can procure money only in a few days print preview
TO: Fisher, Caroline, University of California at Los Angles 1941.03.18 I am terribly sorry that the present I wanted to s print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.03.18 Ich bestöttige den Empfang Ihrer Abrechnung v print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.18 Enclosed I am returning the "Bill of Sales" in t print preview
TO: Lieberson, Goddard, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.03.18 Did you receive my letter from February 13? print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.03.18 According to my contract I have to receive 15% fro print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1941.03.18 With great regret I learned through Prof. Arlt tha print preview
TO: Coop, Squire 1941.03.18 Congratulations. Thanking for congratulations print preview
TO: Berger, Gottfried F. 1941.03.18 Ich erhielt die Kopie des Briedes, den Herr Klug a print preview
TO: Lautner, Lois W. 1941.03.16 At first you find much information about me[!] in print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.15 Es fällt mir zwar etwas schwer mit Deiner Korrespo print preview
FROM: Richter, John H. 1941.03.15 Das Kabel wegen Rankl, mit Rückantwort, habe ich b print preview
FROM: Klug, Ludwig 1941.03.14 Auf meine und meines Sohnes Briefe aus Antwerpen u print preview
FROM: Feder, Melanie 1941.03.13 Durch Otti habe ich erfahren, dass bei Euch ein Sö print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1941.03.13 wie glücklich mich und Minna Deine beiden Briefe v print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1941.03.13 To date the Office has received no reply to its le print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.03.12 Kabelerhalt Bemerke vorsorglich dass nicht Affidav print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1941.03.12 Greissle family in immediate and urgent need of si print preview
FROM: Kostal, Irwin 1941.03.12 Last Sunday, Mr. Deems Taylor quoted with extreme print preview
FROM: Taylor, Davidson, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.03.12 It would be a real pleasure to hear your faculty r print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.03.12 heute ist Dein Brief mit den Bestaetigungen gekomm print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.03.12 Please accept Schirmer offer. Everything else out print preview
FROM: Aranyi, Francis 1941.03.12 ich war viel verreist und war sehr beschäftigt mit print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.12 Can at present Schirmer\'s payments not renounce b print preview
TO: United States Consul, Germany 1941.03.12 Fortunately I could make my tax return (for 1939/1 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.03.11 Es ist in jetziger Zeit leider nicht möglich, Dank print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.11 Upon request of Mr. Carl Engel I acknowledge - wit print preview
TO: Emery, Ernest T. 1941.03.11 At first, I forgot to make for your expenses[!] fo print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Boosey & Hawkes 1941.03.10 Our London house asked us to send you the enclosed print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.03.10 Greatly admiring your interpretation of my theorie print preview
FROM: Adler, Raïssa 1941.03.09 Ich habe von einer Bekannten erfahren, daß Mizzi print preview
FROM: Lautner, Lois W. 1941.03.08 Once more I am leaning very heavily on my brief as print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1941.03.07 vor einigen Tagen erhielt ich hintereinander Deine print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.03.07 Erst gestern erhielt ich Ihren Brief vom 27.Dezemb print preview
TO: Klingmann, A.W., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.03.07 I received your letter from March 3rd. Not only wa print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1941.03.06 Thank you for your letter. I spoke to Miss Lotte print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.03.06 Pursuant to yours of the 4th, enclosed are four ad print preview
TO: Thorsten, Regula 1941.03.05 meine Frau kann mir es nicht verzeihen print preview
FROM: McDonald, C.F., G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.05 We are enclosing herewith our revised royalty stat print preview
TO: Rubsamen, Walter H. 1941.03.05 I think we should discuss as soon as possible the print preview
TO: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1941.03.04 May thank you a thousand times for sending me print preview
TO: Rosenberg, Sylvia, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.03.04 Many thanks for sending me the one affidavit of my print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1941.03.03 Es war ein Festtag erster Ordnung für uns als vor print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.03 It was a very thoughtful attention of yours to print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.03 The Money Order paid you herewith is from G. Schir print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.03.03 We are enclosing our Bill of Sale in duplicate for print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.03.03 wir haben uns sehr gefreut, so gute Nachrichten üb print preview
FROM: Klingmann, A.W., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.03.03 Thank you for your letter responding to our inquir print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis 1941.03.03 I took the great liberty of giving your name as re print preview
TO: Aucoin, Lionel A. 1941.03.02 Your letter had disappeared under [a] mass of unan print preview
TO: Dieterle, Charlotte 1941.03.02 Kann ich von Ihnen Informationen erlangen, oder kö print preview
TO: United States Consul, Germany 1941.03.01 With reference to my letter from February 27, 1941 print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1941.03.01 Not having received contract nor your decision I w print preview
FROM: University of California at Los Angles 1941.03.00 The Southern Section of the Academic Senate of the print preview
FROM: Geiringer, Karl 1941.03.00 Dürfte ich mir erlauben, Sie mit einer kleinen Bit print preview
FROM: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1941.02.29 [not seen] print preview
TO: Carfagno, Simon 1941.02.27 may I thank you most cordially for the very print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1941.02.27 Gott sei dank daß ich diesen Brief erhalten habe, print preview
TO: United States Consul, Germany 1941.02.27 My cousin, Diplom Ingeneer Artur Schoenberg, livin print preview
FROM: Reimann, Max 1941.02.26 In der Beilage gestatte ich mir Ihnen ein Schreibe print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.02.26 bitte sendet neuesten Incometaxreturn oder Notarbe print preview
FROM: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.02.26 I received your letter of February 23rd. As per yo print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1941.02.25 The announcement of the arrival of young Lawrence print preview
TO: Stadlen, Peter 1941.02.25 I herewith confirm that I am convinced that Mr. Pe print preview
TO: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1941.02.25 anbei, in drei Exemplaren die Empfehlung für Peter print preview
TO: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.02.23 If it is really impossible for you to do something print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.02.23 Please read the letter to Miss Lotta Loeb on the b print preview
FROM: Eichberg, Friedrich 1941.02.22 Meiner Frau und meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche fü print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1941.02.21 meinen allerherzlichsten innigsten Glückwunsch zur print preview
FROM: Irish, Florence M., Southern California Symphony Association 1941.02.21 I have been wanting to call upon you for many week print preview
FROM: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1941.02.21 Ihr Telegramm war so großzügig und freundlich, daß print preview
FROM: Birchard, Clarence C., C.C. Birchard and Company 1941.02.21 I was glad to get the announcement of the arrival print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.02.21 Will trachten per Post Anweisung zu erledigen print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.02.21 Ich nehme an, dass die Columbia Recording Company print preview
FROM: Zam, Maurice, Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts 1941.02.20 It was with the greatest of pleasure that I learne print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.02.20 Your letter of February 15th arrived two days afte print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.02.20 This is to acknowledge yours of the 12th which arr print preview
FROM: Guttman-Rice, Melanie 1941.02.20 Viele herzliche Willkommengrüße für Lawrence Adam print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1941.02.20 With great delight I acknowledge that the Coordina print preview
TO: Showman, Harry M., University of California at Los Angles 1941.02.20 Miss Dika Newlin, who is applying for a graduate s print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1941.02.20 I would very much like to follow your suggestion, print preview
FROM: Moremen, Alice 1941.02.18 We are a bit tardy in expressing our delight in th print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1941.02.17 The Coordinating Committee for the 1941 Charter Ce print preview
FROM: Schnabel, Artur 1941.02.17 Heartiest greetings and all good wishes to the hap print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1941.02.17 Meine allerherzlichste Gratulation zu dem Familien print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1941.02.17 I acknowledge with great satisfaction that the dat print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.02.16 es tut mir außerordentlich leid, daß ich Dich noch print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1941.02.16 ich habe dir oft in der letzten Zeit geschrieben, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.02.15 Ich habe Dein Affidavit meinem Rechtsberater gezei print preview
TO: Stevens, Halsey, Bradley Polytechnic Institute 1941.02.15 Usually I do not teach much in summer. But if it i print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1941.02.15 Some time ago (it was before the war and I have to print preview
FROM: Reed, Rosalind M. 1941.02.14 May I express to you our deep pleasure in hearing print preview
TO: Stern, Carrie 1941.02.14 Ich bin leider nicht in der Lage-wenigstens augenb print preview
FROM: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1941.02.13 Received your letter of the twelfth and hasten to print preview
TO: Lieberson, Goddard, Columbia Recording Corporation 1941.02.13 I would suggest that you use under any circumstanc print preview
FROM: Wittenberg, Franz 1941.02.12 Vielen herzlichsten Dank für Ihre Anzeige und die print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1941.02.12 I had already heard from Greissle about the birth print preview
TO: Rosenberg, Sylvia, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.02.12 I have made up three affidavits to free pupils at print preview
TO: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.02.12 Encosed a letter from UCLA stating my salary and e print preview
TO: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1941.02.12 I need urgently a statement proving the kind of de print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.02.12 It has been called to my attention that you have b print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1941.02.11 Thank you for the announcement of the birth of Law print preview
FROM: Lehner, Lucca Marie 1941.02.10 heute bekamen wir die freudige Nachricht, dass Sie print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1941.02.10 Thanks for your very kind note, and first of all, print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst, Vassar College 1941.02.10 Ihnen und Frau Schönberg senden wir unsere herrlic print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1941.02.08 Diesen schönsten Ruf des Lebens zu vernehmen, spec print preview
TO: National Educational Alliance 1941.02.08 Enclosed my check of 1.25 for 1st and 2nd payment. print preview
FROM: Lehner, Eugene 1941.02.07 auf Ihr Versprechen, - dass Sie einen Brief mir ni print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.02.07 wir haben außer dem Telegramm und der gedruckten print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.02.07 Trozdem ich Ihnen vorige Woche einen Clipperbrief print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.02.07 vielen Dank fuer das Affidavit und fuer die schnel print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.02.07 I just remember that I forgot to answer some of th print preview
TO: Schrott, Josefine 1941.02.07 I want to tell you that it was not easy for Mrs. S print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.02.06 Ich hoffe daß Sie mein Schreiben vom 8. Januar d. print preview
FROM: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.02.06 We have received a cable from Marseille implying t print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.02.06 wenn ich, im September 1940 (am ersten) die Frage print preview
TO: Saminsky, Lazare, Congregation Emanu-el of the City of New York 1941.02.06 I am glad to learn that my suggestion to look at t print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1941.02.04 I must apologize for not answering your kind lette print preview
TO: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.02.03 Enclosed you find another affidavit from Universit print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.02.03 ich freue mich sehr über eure guten Aussichten. print preview
FROM: Saminsky, Lazare, Congregation Emanu-el of the City of New York 1941.02.02 Kindly forgive the delay of my answer to your lett print preview
FROM: Petty, Winston 1941.02.00 I have thought often of writing you but I have bee print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Madeleine 1941.02.00 Nous avons été bien heurex d\'apprendre la naissan print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1941.01.31 Seit ein paar Tagen erhole ich meine arg zerrüttet print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1941.01.30 I take pleasure in enclosing to you one of the fir print preview
FROM: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1941.01.30 The fire insurance policy on your property, which print preview
FROM: Stevens, Halsey, Bradley Polytechnic Institute 1941.01.30 Mr. Leroy W. Allen, director of the department of print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.01.30 nochmals unsere herzlichste Gratulation. Wir ware print preview
FROM: Davis, Walter F. 1941.01.30 A great admirer of your most beautiful music, asks print preview
TO: Showman, Harry M., University of California at Los Angles 1941.01.30 On the request of Prof. Leroy Allen of the Music D print preview
TO: Schaal, Eric, Pix Incorporated 1941.01.30 separat send ich Ihnen die Bilder zurück, das eine print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1941.01.29 At the suggestion you made to me here in New York print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1941.01.29 I am enclosing a newspaper clipping which I receiv print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1941.01.28 gestern abends um 10 Uhr hat meine Frau einen Bube print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1941.01.28 in Eile, meine Frau hat gestern einen Sohn geboren print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.28 [not seen] print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.01.28 meine Frau hat gestern einen Sohn geboren, am 27.I print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1941.01.28 gestern abend um 10 Uhr hat meine Frau einen Buben print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1941.01.28 Son was born at 10 p.m. We [are] very happy. print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1941.01.28 meine Frau hat gestern einen Sohn bekommen. Es ist print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1941.01.27 Abrechnung für das Jahr 1940 Verlagstantiemen "Alt print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1941.01.27 Many, many thanks for the beautiful presents for print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1941.01.27 January 27, 1941, at 10:02 P.M. a Son has been bor print preview
FROM: Lieberson, Goddard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1941.01.27 I am attempting to arrange all the matters concern print preview
FROM: Klingmann, A.W., American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1941.01.27 In re: \"Tell me along what path\" \"When in holy print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1941.01.27 January 27, 1941, at 10:02 P.M. a Son has been bor print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1941.01.27 A Son has been born to the very happy Arnold Schoe print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1941.01.27 A Son has been born to the very happy Arnold Schoe print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.27 A Son has been born to the very happy Arnold Schoe print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1941.01.27 A Son has been born to the very happy Arnold Schoe print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1941.01.27 A Son has been born to the very happy Arnold Schoe print preview
TO: [various] 1941.01.27 A Son has been born to the very happy Arnold Schoe print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1941.01.27 January 27, 1941, at 10:02 P.M. a Son has been bor print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1941.01.26 Dein l[iebes] Schreiben vom 16.v.M. nebst Affidavi print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.24 I am sorry that only today I find a chance to answ print preview
FROM: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.01.23 You were kind enough to give an affidavit in behal print preview
FROM: Schaal, Eric, Pix Incorporated 1941.01.22 Am 3. Dezember schickte ich Ihnen die farbigen Auf print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.01.22 durch den Krieg gehts natürlich am Campus drunter print preview
FROM: Stern, Carrie 1941.01.21 als ich vor wenigen Nächten den Klängen Ihres Werk print preview
FROM: Tally, Robert 1941.01.20 I am quite a long ways from U.C.L.A. and maybe it print preview
TO: Loeb, Lotta, Emergency Rescue Comm 1941.01.20 In behalf of my pupil Rudolf Goehr I telephoned at print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1941.01.16 Ich startete beim \"Jewish Center\" mit einer \"Mu print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1941.01.16 Thank you very much for writing so nicely to Carl print preview
TO: Saminsky, Lazare, Congregation Emanu-el of the City of New York 1941.01.16 It was a great pleasure to see you on the occasion print preview
TO: Schwartz, Ivan, Guild Recordings, Inc 1941.01.16 Thank you for offering me recordings of the perfor print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.16 I am very sorry to understand that you have not ye print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.01.16 Da sind Bilder. Sie fallen natürlicherweise nicht print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.01.16 Herzlichsten Dank für euer Telegramm, das mich auf print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.01.16 beiliegend einige Beispiele unseres Aussehens. Ich print preview
TO: Tischer & Jagenberg Musikverlag 1941.01.14 Eine Sängerorganisation, die meinen Chor "Friede print preview
TO: Lawton, Mildred E., Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.01.14 I am ready to send you music and records as soon a print preview
TO: Aranyi, Francis 1941.01.14 Ich hatte sehr viel zu tun, als ich von New York u print preview
FROM: Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.01.13 Please furnish us the following: Re-recording of S print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.13 I have your telegram of the twelfth. If I have no print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.12 May I ask whether you remember some of the matters print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1941.01.10 This is a belated reply to your kind letter of Dec print preview
FROM: Manning, D., African Missions 1941.01.10 I would be most grateful to have an autograph from print preview
FROM: Lányi-Mann, Monika 1941.01.09 Ich sandte vor einiger Zeit an Ihre Adresse einen print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Josefa 1941.01.09 First Kammersymphonie enthusiastically received ha print preview
FROM: Lawton, Mildred E., Carnegie Institute of Technology 1941.01.09 Dr. Fritz Dorian has referred your letter of Decem print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1941.01.08 Mit bestem Dank bestätige ich Ihnen hiemit den Em print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.01.08 Ich fand sehr viel Arbeit vor, als ich nach Hause print preview
FROM: Reader's Digest Association, Inc 1941.01.07 Thank you for your kind note commenting on Mr. McE print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.01.07 ich kann wirklich nichts dafür und habe mich solan print preview
FROM: Gesensway, Louis 1941.01.07 I am sending you a letter that was published that print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1941.01.06 Mr. Mark Brunswick asks me to introduce him to you print preview
FROM: Steiner, Arnoldo 1941.01.05 Ich erhielt Dein Schreiben v. 5.Dec. und danke Dir print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1941.01.03 Wir sind schrecklich gerührt. Alles, alles, alles print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1941.01.02 Nochmals meinen herzlichen Dank für alles und ein print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1941.01.01 vielen Dank für die schönen Weinachtsgeschenke. Si print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1941.00.00 Essex Fells. Music & Art Center print preview
FROM: American Composers Alliance 1941.00.00 At a meeting of the Board of Governors of the Amer print preview
FROM: Yates, Frances Mullen 1941.00.00 We know that you are a very happy family indeed to print preview
FROM: Ernst, Frieda 1941.00.00 Danke auch für Brief und Bild, werde schreiben so print preview
TO: Melzer, Eugene C. 1941.00.00 I did not correct all the examples. Please do it. print preview
TO: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1941.00.00 Unfortunately I am not in the position to give you print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1941.00.00 I wish Ronny, Mother, Daddy, Larry and I could all print preview
FROM: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1940.??.?? In full payment of music rentals and performance print preview
TO: Bird, Remsen DuBois, Occidental College 1940.22.05 This serves to introduce one of my best and talent print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1940.12.31 Thank you very much for sending me the copy of you print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1940.12.31 For several reasons I have put off writing to you print preview
FROM: Jessner, Leopold, Jewish Club of 1933, Inc 1940.12.31 Wir sind gluecklich den Beginn dieses neuen Jahres print preview
FROM: Schwartz, Ivan, Guild Recordings, Inc 1940.12.31 Because we again feel we can be of service to you, print preview
FROM: Saunders, Richard Drake, Crescendo Club 1940.12.31 The next meeting of the Crescendo Club will be hel print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1940.12.31 We send you enclosed: a new statement of rental an print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.12.30 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.12.30 Thank you for your letter of the 17th. I, too, am print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1940.12.30 When we arrived home on Christmas the package from print preview
TO: Sandler, Lou, Sidney's, Ltd 1940.12.29 Enclosed my check of $4.12 for the difference of y print preview
TO: Zemlinsky, Alexander 1940.12.29 Just heard your wonderful Sym[f]onietta. Hope it i print preview
TO: Schönberg, Heinrich 1940.12.28 es ist eine Ewigkeit her, daß ich kein Wort von e print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1940.12.28 May I introduce Mr. Otto Besag, a pupil of Bernhar print preview
TO: Schreiner, Alexander, Mormon Tabernacle Choir 1940.12.28 I wanted to answer you earlier, but only now print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1940.12.28 Ich komme erst heute dazu Ihren Brief zu beantwort print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1940.12.28 vor allem ein glückliches Neues Jahr, Dir und den print preview
TO: Sonderling, Jacob 1940.12.28 ich habe lange nichts von Ihnen gehört. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1940.12.28 ich weiß gar nicht, wie lange es her ist, daß du print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1940.12.28 vielen Dank für Ihre guten Wünsche zu meinem Gebur print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.12.27 Wir haben im Februar 1940 auf Grund Ihres Auftrage print preview
FROM: Eichberg, Friedrich 1940.12.26 Dein gutes Schreiben vom 16. Dezember hat mich mit print preview
TO: De Witt, Carl, Reader's Digest Association, Inc 1940.12.25 Enclosed [is] an article, published April 1940, wh print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.12.19 Ich war viel mehr mit Ihnen u. hatte mehr von Ihne print preview
FROM: Caldwell, Constance, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.12.19 On Mr. Engel\'s instructions I am returning herewi print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1940.12.18 ich bin jetzt über die Angelegenheit mit Deiner F print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.12.17 Nun wäre die Aufführung also glücklich hinter uns. print preview
FROM: Morrow, Irving F., Morrow & Morrow 1940.12.17 I enjoyed so much your Second Chamber Symphony whi print preview
FROM: Schwartz, Ivan, Guild Recordings, Inc 1940.12.17 Attached please find an original copy of your \"Se print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1940.12.17 Ich sende Ihnen beiliegend einen Scheck über $30 ( print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.12.17 I regret so much that I had not the opportunity to print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1940.12.17 Only a few people wrote me about the performance o print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1940.12.17 It is a great pleasure to me to thank you for your print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arthur 1940.12.16 Ich sende dir mein Affidavit und wünsche herzlichs print preview
TO: Adams, Mildred, Emergency Rescue Comm 1940.12.16 Referring to the enclosure to my letter from Sept. print preview
TO: Eichberg, Friedrich 1940.12.16 ich habe Artur, dessen Briefe beiliegen (bitte ret print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.12.15 Extraordinary success. Heartiest congratulations print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.12.15 This is here already several days. We did open it print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.12.15 Our living room full of friends and pupils admire print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1940.12.14 Ich schrieb Dir kürzlich, ob Du unter Umständen be print preview
FROM: Resnick, Rose 1940.12.14 As a graduate student at the University of Califor print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.12.13 I want to tell you that I heard the Saturday eveni print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.12.12 I am sending you herewith a copy of a letter recei print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1940.12.12 Thank you for putting Josef Polnauer's brother in print preview
FROM: Janssen, Werner, Werner Janssen Symphony Orchestra 1940.12.12 Thank you so much for lending your valuable name t print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.12.10 Mr. Arnold Schoenberg has sent me a carbon copy of print preview
FROM: Schwartz, Ivan, Guild Recordings, Inc 1940.12.10 This letter is written with the idea of clearing u print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1940.12.10 Einige wenige Fragen, derentwegen es kaum wert ist print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.12.10 I was greatly relieved to receive your welcome let print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1940.12.10 Received your letters, my reply to first on the wa print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Richard 1940.12.10 Vor allem meinen herzlichsten Dank für die sofort print preview
FROM: Schwartz, Ivan, Guild Recordings, Inc 1940.12.10 We are in receipt of your order for the instantane print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1940.12.09 Mit meinem Brief vom 22. Okt. d. J. habe ich Ihnen print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1940.12.09 I am writing to you now, as you suggested, about t print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1940.12.08 I had really looked forward to seeing some of our print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1940.12.08 I feel I owe you this letter in which I am going t print preview
TO: Harvard University 1940.12.08 This letter serves to introduce Mr. Serge Hovey. M print preview
TO: Schwartz, Ivan, Guild Recordings, Inc 1940.12.08 I thank you for your kind offer to record my Secon print preview
TO: Blankfort and Kleinwaks, Inc 1940.12.08 I want to buy at once a black, double-breasted sui print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1940.12.08 ich erhielt den beiliegenden Airmail print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.12.07 Die Hälfte der Proben ist vorbei. So ist es wohl Z print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1940.12.07 Beiliegend wieder eine Liste; leider, oder besser print preview
FROM: Andrus, John R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1940.12.07 Enclosed you will find our check in the amount of print preview
TO: Byrens, Florence 1940.12.07 Pelleas and Melisande is orchestrated for 16 1st a print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1940.12.06 gestern waren es acht Tage, daß ich, von Lansing, print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1940.12.05 I wanted at first to write a letter to Ascap, sayi print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1940.12.05 Vielen Dank für die zurückgesandten Fragebögen. Mi print preview
TO: Steiner, Arnoldo 1940.12.05 es tut mir leid, daß ich dir nur ein negatives Re print preview
TO: Polnauer, Richard 1940.12.05 es ist gar nicht solange her, da ich von Ihrem Bru print preview
TO: Meyer, Leonard B. 1940.12.05 I have not the time to examine your pieces as thou print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1940.12.04 Erst jetzt - nachdem wir schon vier Proben hatten print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1940.12.04 As the National Composers\' Committee Conference w print preview
TO: Simon, Erich 1940.12.04 ich glaube die Korrektur ist sehr gut gelesen. print preview
FROM: Schaal, Eric, Pix Incorporated 1940.12.03 Beiliegend sende ich Ihnen die versprochenen Dupli print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1940.12.03 Confirm herewith your last letter. Everything print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Richard 1940.12.02 Mit meinem Bruder Dr. Josef Polnauer, zuletzt wohn print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1940.12.01 The President's Office is anxious to bring the bio print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1940.12.01 The University Library is desirous of maintaining print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1940.12.01 In order that the purposes of the President's bibl print preview
TO: Klemperer, Otto 1940.11.28 lassen Sie mich zuerst auf die Frage der $200.- di print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1940.11.27 Miss Caldwell hat mir versprochen der Sache mit de print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.27 Slept well. Am perfectly well. Weather good. Arriv print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.26 Are all in high spirits awaiting you at station al print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1940.11.26 Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your kind me print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.26 Going by auto to Chicago Stay at Mr Abelson 4601 W print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.26 (gute ist ein bißchen übertrieben, denn ich habe j print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1940.11.25 I should have spoken to you more fully concerning print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.25 Arrived one AM. Tonight lecture. Am perfectly wel print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.25 morgen abends steige ich in Chicago in der Superch print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.24 Thanksgiving greeting to you, your friends in New print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1940.11.24 On Friday November 22, 1940 I tried several times print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.24 Left nine AM. All well. Arrive East Lansing Michig print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.24 in einer Stunde soll ich in Detroit ankommen, um 9 print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1940.11.23 I am sorry that Mrs. Hirschmann and I were not abl print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1940.11.23 Zunächst meinen Dank für Ihre freundliche Antwort. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.23 Fur exchangeable. Already bought yesterday. I am w print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.22 Presents wrapped as a gift will await you here so print preview
FROM: Aranyi, Francis 1940.11.22 Will meet you in Detroit Sunday night 9:35= print preview
TO: Aranyi, Francis 1940.11.22 Will arrive Detroit Sunday night nine thirty five print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1940.11.21 Die herzlichsten Glückwünsche fürs neue Jahr! Hoff print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1940.11.21 Nun schreibe ich Ihnen in höchster Not! Ich bin in print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.21 Zemlinsky better than expected. Wire by Western Un print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.21 Perfectly well. Tomorrow reception. Hope you hav print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.21 heute ist hoffentlich ein ruhigerer Tag. Nur eines print preview
FROM: Newlin, Claude Milton, Michigan State College 1940.11.20 I was of course very much pleased to learn from Di print preview
FROM: Lederman, Minna, Modern Music 1940.11.20 I have already had the pleasure of telling you how print preview
FROM: Dolbin, Benedict Fred 1940.11.20 Gestern traf ich zufällig Dr. Konrad Maril, der im print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.20 Perfectly well but very busy with interviewing pho print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.20 ich bin sehr müde von Meetings, interviews, lunche print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.20 nun ist es immerhin schon Mittwoch und nur noch print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.19 Remember the turkey is the one who needs filling print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.19 Ihr macht\'s Euch leicht. | Mir macht Ihr\'s schwe print preview
FROM: Binder, A.W., Young Men's Hebrew Association 1940.11.19 After having seen and heard you at Town Hall in yo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.19 Everything perfect. Great success. Got letters and print preview
FROM: Adams, John Mead, University of California at Los Angles 1940.11.18 As you doubtless know, at this time each year the print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst, Vassar College 1940.11.18 erlauben Sie mir Ihnen zu sagen, daß die gestrige print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1940.11.18 Because of the very recent death of Mrs. Hutcheson print preview
FROM: Aranyi, Francis 1940.11.18 Please wire immediately whether you want to stay w print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.18 Many thanks for all your letters. Performance was print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.18 einmal muß jetzt jeder als erstes angeredet werden print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.18 also ein Teil meiner Abwesenheit ist immerhin scho print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.17 jetzt ist auch das vorbei! Die Übertragung war aus print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.17 heute hier nichts Neues. Ich ärgere mich sehr, daß print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.17 Very good broadcast, enjoyed your conducting good print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1940.11.17 Congratulations, best wishes for the concert. W print preview
FROM: Heifetz, Benar Olga 1940.11.17 Infinitely regret not being present at your concer print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1940.11.17 Affectionate greetings and best wishes for the per print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.17 I am perfectly well, very cautious. Rehearsal very print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.16 All good wishes for today\'s performance, we all print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.16 Das ist Schirmer's Rezeption die Übertragung ist: print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.15 I gladly accepted Mr Engels invitation live 125 Ea print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.11.14 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.14 Very happy about good night, all\'s well, love. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.14 How are you? Will you come to the railroad station print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.14 Excellent night quite well but zero temperature wi print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.14 Just got in New York train everything all right al print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.14 ich schreibe heute abend, denn wer weiß, wann ich print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.14 eben bin ich in den Zug nach New York umgestiegen. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.13 Why could you only sleep four hours? Here everythi print preview
FROM: Adler, Raïssa 1940.11.13 Ich bestätige dankend den Erhalt von 10 S. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.13 Ich denke fortwährend an dich, denkst du [ein] Biß print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.13 Jetzt bin ich schon 16 Stunden von euch fort und d print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.13 All well good trip could sleep four hours had brea print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.11.12 Departing today for my concert and lecture you cer print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.11.12 Will arrive Friday November fifteenth with superch print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1940.11.12 ich fahre eben nach New York, zum erstenmal seit 1 print preview
TO: Underwood, Roy 1940.11.12 Accept with pleasure your offer $100 for lecture N print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar 1940.11.11 Am looking forward to your arrival. On such short print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.11.09 Sans nouvelles supplions cabler special visitorvis print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, Bloomingdale's 1940.11.09 Many thanks for your and Mrs. Hirschmann's kind i print preview
TO: United States Consul, France 1940.11.09 I understand that a contract to teach music in New print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.11.06 Abrechnung für Materiale - Orchester. print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave 1940.11.06 Musicological Society honored to have you speak print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1940.11.06 Hearty congratulations. Will be in New York for a print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1940.11.05 Thank you very much for your kind letter. I am gla print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1940.11.04 Sorry, have been confined to home with cold first print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1940.11.04 It was awfully nice of you to assist Adele in that print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1940.11.04 Sometime ago the Office received from the Arthur W print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.11.04 Two weeks since my letter and one since telegram p print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1940.11.01 I often wrote to you but I received no answer. Sin print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.11.00 ein feiner Bursch bist Du, kaum kommst Du an u. s print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1940.11.00 To meet Mr. Arnold Schoenberg G. Schirmer, Inc. re print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.10.31 das ist die Kopie meines Briefes an die New Friend print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1940.10.31 Under separate cover I sent you today the parts of print preview
FROM: O\'Connell, Charles, Radio Corporation of America 1940.10.30 I have your note of October 21st. I am at a loss t print preview
FROM: Adams, Mildred, Emergency Rescue Comm 1940.10.30 Thank you for the documents in behalf of Rudolf Go print preview
FROM: Ring, Sylvia, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.10.29 In Mr. Smith's absence (he is still away and is no print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1940.10.29 Thanks the reminder, slowly recovering from Califo print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.10.29 Hier wieder ein Lebenszeichen von mir und ich bitt print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.10.29 Have not received your answer nor my check stop print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.10.29 Have not received contracts nor fee stop please se print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1940.10.24 We should be extremely grateful for your sending u print preview
TO: Adams, Mildred, Emergency Rescue Comm 1940.10.24 I am so sorry that I could not answer your letters print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.10.23 Vor einer Viertelstunde bekam ich Ihre lieben lieb print preview
TO: Who's Who Publication Company 1940.10.23 Every information about me is to be found in: Ency print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1940.10.22 Vor allem danke ich Ihnen für Ihren verständnisvol print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.10.21 heute einen sehr anstrengenden Tag bei mir. Ich ha print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.10.21 In connection with our contract-letter dated Septe print preview
FROM: Kindler, Hans, National Symphony Orchestra Association 1940.10.21 It is with the utmost regret that I enclose the tw print preview
TO: O'Connell, Charles, Radio Corporation of America 1940.10.21 I was told that your company has made records from print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.10.21 On April 19, 1939 you asked me about my views on y print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.10.21 About a week ago I got your "Statement of Royalti print preview
TO: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1940.10.21 Ihre Absicht, meinen Chor "Friede auf Erden" auf print preview
TO: Adler, Raïssa 1940.10.21 ich bin froh endlich etwas - überhaupt - über Mitz print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.10.20 A few days ago I sent you the songs and songs[!] print preview
FROM: Samoiloff, Lazar, Crescendo Club 1940.10.18 It gives me great joy and honor to inform you that print preview
FROM: Shirley, Constance 1940.10.16 I thought you would like to know about this progra print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1940.10.16 nachdem ich unsern ganzen Briefwechsel durchgelese print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander 1940.10.12 Your letter anent \"Verklaerte Nacht\" as a ballet print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1940.10.11 ich möchte Sie um Ihr Einverständnis zu einer proj print preview
FROM: Adler, Raïssa 1940.10.10 Entschuldigen Sie, bitte, wenn ich an Sie unbekann print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1940.10.09 Ich muß Ihnen mein tiefstes Erstaunen, meine Unge print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.10.09 Kaum hier angekommen stecke ich schon mitten im Tr print preview
FROM: Byrens, Florence 1940.10.07 The Board of Representatives of our rather recentl print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1940.10.07 meinen allerinnigsten Dank für die Ermächtigung, I print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.10.06 The New Scholl announces A Differen Approach to th print preview
FROM: Steiner, Arnoldo 1940.10.06 Vorerst eine kleine Geschichte. Ich saß abends e print preview
TO: Smallens, Alexander, Ballet Theatre New York 1940.10.06 The plan to use my Verklärte Nacht for a ballet su print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.10.04 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief. Wir mussten inzwische print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander, Ballet Theatre New York 1940.10.03 I am writing you in behalf of the administration o print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1940.09.30 wie habe ich mich mit Polnauer über Deine Karte an print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.09.30 The records are finished and I start to relax and print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1940.09.29 ich glaube, dass Sie ein schlechtes Gedächtnis hab print preview
FROM: Rodriguez, José, Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1940.09.28 I am most thankful for your kind consent to contri print preview
FROM: Adams, Mildred, Emergency Rescue Comm 1940.09.25 Thank you for your recently letter concerning Rudo print preview
FROM: Adams, Mildred, Emergency Rescue Comm 1940.09.25 Thank you for your recent letter regarding Mr. Deu print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.09.25 Ich wollte Ihnen noch sagen, daß es sich in meine print preview
TO: Klemperer, Otto 1940.09.25 Sie sind falsch unterrichtet worden. Ich habe nich print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses 1940.09.24 I got your wire of yesterday and hasten to explain print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.09.24 Mit Ihrem Schreiben vom 14. d. M. erhielten wir di print preview
FROM: Coulter, Eliot B., United States Department of State 1940.09.23 Referring to my letter of September 14, 1940, a ca print preview
TO: Dessau, Paul 1940.09.23 gerne gebe ich meine Einwilligung zur Benützung me print preview
FROM: Goossens, Eugene 1940.09.20 Could you kindly forward me immediately for recons print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.09.19 Enclosed are an original and two copies of our con print preview
FROM: Rodriguez, José, Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1940.09.19 I have undertaken editorial direction of the new i print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1940.09.18 Upon my return to Boston, I received a letter from print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1940.09.17 ich habe telephonisch mit Mr. Allen gesprochen, es print preview
FROM: Dent, Edward Joseph, International Society for Contemporary Music 1940.09.15 Am doing all I can but delays unavoidable. print preview
FROM: Dorian, Frederick, Carnegie Institute of Technology 1940.09.15 die Pittsburgher Geburtstags Feier war ein großer print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.09.15 Seitdem ich hier bin, habe ich Ihnen mehrmals gesc print preview
FROM: Newman, Alfred 1940.09.14 Another distinguished year to you with affection print preview
FROM: Coulter, Eliot B., United States Department of State 1940.09.14 In accordance with the request in your recent unda print preview
FROM: Toldi, Julius 1940.09.13 ich erlaube mir Ihnen meinen Entwurf einer Zwölfto print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1940.09.13 Many happy returns always most cordially print preview
FROM: Lisner, Henry 1940.09.13 Many happy returns of the day and may there be man print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1940.09.13 All the best and heartiest wishes and greetings fr print preview
FROM: Mirhass[?], Gottfried 1940.09.13 Es tut mir leid, daß ich heute nicht bei Ihnen sei print preview
FROM: Shirley, Constance 1940.09.13 Today your Birthday Ship sets sail|Over seas that print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.09.13 Bei mir ist ein lapsus claviculae nur der Unleserl print preview
FROM: Dent, Edward Joseph 1940.09.13 Your letter reached me yesterday and I cabled at o print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1940.09.12 Very sincerely happy birthday to you and the kinde print preview
FROM: Kohn, Robert D., New York World's Fair 1940.09.12 The American Common, which is on the site of last print preview
TO: Emergency Rescue Comm 1940.09.11 I was informed that your committee extends its ble print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.09.10 verzweifeln Sie nicht: solange Sie leben, kann imm print preview
FROM: Aranyi, Francis 1940.09.08 Vielen Dank für Ihren freundlichen Brief. print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.09.05 Thank you for your telegram and also for your more print preview
FROM: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.09.05 Thank you very much for your air mail letter of Au print preview
TO: Toldi, Julius 1940.09.05 beiliegend ein Check $10. Ich bin froh dass ich ih print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.09.04 Ich beeile mich, Ihnen zu antworten. 1.) Was [ist] print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.09.04 Wirklich, lieber Herr Schoenberg, lassen Sie uns n print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1940.09.04 Hoffentlich erreicht dich mein Brief. Zum Geburts print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto 1940.09.04 Thank you for your letter of August twentieth, reg print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.09.03 ich habe mich sehr gefreut, von Dir nach so langer print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.09.03 ich habe mich wirklich sehr über Deinen Brief gefr print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.09.02 Final Installment as per contract signed June 1, print preview
FROM: Perle, George 1940.09.02 I would deeply appreciate your consideration of th print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.09.01 During at least five months I wrote no letters, ex print preview
TO: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.08.31 I have the impression you feel yourself it is a me print preview
TO: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.08.31 Will you please reread my letter from July 17. You print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.08.31 I am afraid I left you unduly long wait[!] with my print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.08.31 I accept your proposition of an outright royalty o print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.08.31 in 14 Tagen fangen meine Klassen an und ich habe print preview
TO: Finney, Theodore M. 1940.08.31 Several weeks ago you wrote me that you will send print preview
TO: Dent, Edward Joseph 1940.08.31 The extraordinary circumstances under which we liv print preview
TO: Kindler, Hans, National Symphony Orchestra Association 1940.08.31 Es sind eben jetzt Pläne gemacht worden, Pierrot L print preview
TO: Steiner, Arnoldo 1940.08.30 deinen Brief vom 25.VI.habe ich vor längstens 14 T print preview
TO: Aranyi, Francis 1940.08.30 entschuldigen Sie die grosse Verspätung meiner An print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.08.29 Ihr langes und hartnäckiges Schweigen kann ich mir print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1940.08.28 Ihr Brief vom 25. an die AMP wurde mir zur Beantwo print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.08.27 Sicherlich bin ich im Unrecht, Ihnen ständig Beric print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1940.08.26 The Copyright Office has received your letter of print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1940.08.25 The Kolisch Quartett asked you to send them the pa print preview
FROM: Bouvé, C. L., The Library of Congress 1940.08.22 The Copyright Office has received your letter of A print preview
FROM: Stiedry Wagner, Erika 1940.08.20 Sie können sich denken, wie sehr ich mich freute, print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.08.20 Wie ist es mit dem letzten Satz der Kammersinfonie print preview
FROM: Richter, John H. 1940.08.20 Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Ich glaube es wäre print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Karl Alfred 1940.08.20 I hope you remember me still. 1932 I was admitted print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1940.08.19 Alles Beste und Schönste zum Geburtstag! Hoffentli print preview
FROM: Rankl, Adele 1940.08.16 Please forgive me that I trouble you so much. I go print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.08.15 In the time since I came back east, most of which print preview
FROM: Cooke, James Francis, Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1940.08.15 It seems strange that you have been in America so print preview
FROM: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1940.08.15 Very many thanks for your letter of the nineteenth print preview
TO: Richter, John H. 1940.08.15 besten Dank für Ihren Brief. Beiliegend finden Si print preview
FROM: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.08.14 I am sorry that it has taken us so long to arrive print preview
TO: Rosenwald, Hans Hermann, Who's Who in Music 1940.08.13 Very sorry I never paid for publicity and will nev print preview
FROM: Rosenwald, Hans Hermann, Who's Who in Music 1940.08.12 Referring to my letter of July 30. Please advise b print preview
FROM: Aranyi, Francis 1940.08.12 Sie werden sich vielleicht meiner kaum noch erinne print preview
FROM: Lieberson, Goddard, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.08.08 Mr. Smith has been called out of town and has aske print preview
FROM: Coulter, Eliot B., United States Department of State 1940.08.07 I have your telegram of July 28, 1940, in which yo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.08.07 ich habe gehofft, wie du mir schriebst, dass ihr e print preview
FROM: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.08.06 I am returning herewith the material which you sen print preview
TO: Etude: a monthly musical journal, Etude Music Magazine, Etude: the music magazine 1940.08.06 In your October 1923 issue of the Etude you publis print preview
FROM: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.08.05 Thank you very much for the material you sent us r print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.08.05 Anbei 2 Briefe von Ihrem Sohn und ein Brief von de print preview
FROM: Goehr-Shlionsky, Yehudith 1940.08.04 J\'ai vous ecrit il y a une semaine et, comme vous print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1940.08.04 Ich ermächtige hiemit die Universal Edition A.G. W print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1940.08.04 I herewith authorize the Universal Edition, A.G. V print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.08.04 Beiliegend sende ich die mit Ihrem Brief vom 22. M print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1940.08.04 I have been asked by the publisher of my work, Uni print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.08.02 Ma femme qui vient de se refugier dans les Pyrénée print preview
TO: Richter, John H. 1940.08.00 Suggest preferred immigration visa to Karl Rankl, print preview
FROM: Rosenwald, Hans Hermann, Who's Who in Music 1940.07.30 Engaged in the editing of Who is Who in Music, whi print preview
FROM: Richter, John H. 1940.07.30 I just received your air-mail letter (re-forwarded print preview
FROM: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.07.30 I'm sorry that there has been such a delay in rea print preview
FROM: Goehr-Shlionsky, Yehudith 1940.07.28 Je ne peu pas vous exprimer ce fait, lequel j\'ai print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.07.26 I hope you received my postcards. Unfortunately I print preview
TO: Richter, John H. 1940.07.26 I want to inform you, that I sent the following tw print preview
TO: Harry W. Brintnall Co 1940.07.25 I need some bookbinding supplies. Wouls you kindly print preview
FROM: Finney, Theodore M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.07.24 We have been doing our best to accede to your expr print preview
FROM: Heller-Baghéro, Rudolf 1940.07.24 lange überlegte ich ob ich es wagen dürfte Sie mit print preview
FROM: Richter, John H. 1940.07.23 Implore you to cable State Department and Consulat print preview
TO: Richter, John H. 1940.07.23 Implore you to cable state department and consulat print preview
TO: Waring, Richard G., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.07.20 I am sorry, I can not participate in person at you print preview
TO: Breidter, Eliaria 1940.07.20 Vous comprenez peut être que je ne peux pas écrire print preview
TO: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1940.07.19 You will be surprised to get my answer after so lo print preview
TO: Walter, Bruno 1940.07.19 Herr Renato hat mir die Empfehlungsschreiben bedeu print preview
TO: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.07.17 May 2 I sent you a section of my textbook on music print preview
TO: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.07.17 Please, do not think I am a fool, that I discontin print preview
FROM: Newlin, Dika 1940.07.16 Last night, I heard the first and second movements print preview
TO: Goehr, Suzanne 1940.07.12 A présent il est trés difficile de trouver un nomm print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.07.10 Die Union troubles sind erledigt. Es war ziemlich print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.07.01 14th Installment as per contract signed June 1, 19 print preview
FROM: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.07.00 We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your man print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne 1940.07.00 Vielen, vielen Dank für die lieben Briefe und vor print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1940.06.29 I am afraid I miscalculated my time in the transla print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1940.06.27 I learned this morning that it will be most probab print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.06.25 In Eile dies: Vor 3 Tagen wurden die Union-trouble print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1940.06.25 ich habe schrecklich lange nichts von mir hören la print preview
FROM: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1940.06.20 We have received a certificate of title for proper print preview
FROM: Peters, C.F., C.F. Peters 1940.06.11 Im Anschluß an mein Schreiben vom 15.v.Mts. kann print preview
FROM: Gross, Robert, Colorado College 1940.06.11 I am sending you a young man who has what I believ print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1940.06.10 seit Monaten habe ich nichts von Dir gehört. Deine print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.06.08 Wenn Sie mit Folgendem den idiotischsten Brief erh print preview
FROM: Nachod, Josef Felix 1940.05.30 Obwohl wir uns schon seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.05.29 I am again in a prisoners camp and unhappy about i print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1940.05.28 Sie werden meinen Beweggrund, warum ich Ihnen sein print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1940.05.28 I wrote you several times but I had no reply. I as print preview
FROM: Finney, Theodore M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.05.28 We find that the information required by the Libra print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.05.26 nun habe ich schon auf mindestens vier Briefe an D print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1940.05.25 At the annual budget meeting of The Regents of the print preview
FROM: Finney, Theodore M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.05.23 In answer to your recent letter I must explain tha print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1940.05.23 Seit einigen Monaten bin ich in N.Y. und hatte imm print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.05.22 In der Beilage übersenden wir Ihnen neuerdings zwe print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1940.05.22 ich bin glücklich Ihnen mitteilen zu können, daß i print preview
TO: Waxman, Franz 1940.05.22 This serves to introduce one of my best and talent print preview
FROM: Hungerland, Helmut 1940.05.20 Enclosed you will find a copy of the questions as print preview
TO: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1940.05.20 May I recommend Miss Helen Swaby, who intends to p print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1940.05.19 Ich möchte gerne wissen, ob Sie meinen Brief vom 1 print preview
FROM: Stiedry Wagner, Erika 1940.05.18 Bitte, seien Sie nicht bös, daß ich Sie mit einem print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1940.05.18 ich bin bei der Revision des Artikels \"folklorist print preview
FROM: Goodwin, John E., University of California at Los Angles 1940.05.15 The University Library acknowledges with thanks th print preview
FROM: Peters, C.F., C.F. Peters 1940.05.15 Ihre Schreiben vom 5.März 1940 trafen mit wenigen print preview
FROM: Rodriguez, José, Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1940.05.11 May I remind you that forms will be closing on the print preview
FROM: Delano, Annita, University of California at Los Angles 1940.05.10 I was very sorry not to be able to attend the meet print preview
FROM: Finney, Theodore M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.05.10 Reprints of the articles in the 1939 Volume of Pro print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1940.05.10 Many thanks for your lines from May 8. I have, in print preview
FROM: Hawkes, Ralph, Boosey & Hawkes 1940.05.08 I had the opportunity of talking to your son-in-la print preview
FROM: Graf, Herbert 1940.05.08 verzeihen Sie meine spaete Antwort auf Ihren Brief print preview
FROM: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.05.07 Thank you very much for sending your material alon print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1940.05.06 Frau Blanke, die Mutter vom Filmregisseur Heinz Bl print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.05.04 ich habe mich über den Scheck riesig gefreut und d print preview
FROM: Schlee, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.05.04 Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Schreiben vom 14.II.d.J., print preview
FROM: Aucoin, Lionel A. 1940.05.03 I have a very fine and outstanding collection of a print preview
TO: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.05.02 I must apologize [for] the delay of my answer to y print preview
TO: Register of Copyrights 1940.05.01 Application for Registration print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1940.04.25 seit Deinem Geburtstage - es war eine Karte; ob Du print preview
TO: [various], University of California at Los Angles 1940.04.24 Having received many favorable letters approving m print preview
FROM: McKellar, Muriel, University of California at Los Angles 1940.04.22 The Spring Homecoming Committee of the Alumni Asso print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1940.04.19 The League of Composers\' season will close on Apr print preview
FROM: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.04.19 Thank you for your letter telling about your textb print preview
FROM: Pauly, Rose 1940.04.18 Vielen Dank für Ihren liebenswürdigen Brief, ich h print preview
FROM: New Friends of Music 1940.04.17 Mister Griessle advised wiring you for information print preview
TO: New Friends of Music 1940.04.17 First Kammersymphonie composed 1906, premiere 1907 print preview
FROM: Howard, C.N., University of California at Los Angles 1940.04.16 Dr. Bjork, the Chairman of the History Department, print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.04.16 About 6 weeks ago I sent you 2 letters. As I have print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Heinrich 1940.04.16 Soeben, überrachsend schnell, habe ich vom amerik. print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.04.12 Gerade ist Eric Simon mit seiner Schreibmaschine b print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1940.04.11 Eure lieben Weihnachts- und Neujahrswünsche mit de print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Heinrich 1940.04.11 Ich erhielt für mich und meine Frau Dein Affidavit print preview
TO: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.04.10 I am very glad Oscar Levant talked to you about my print preview
FROM: Jacobs, Arthur Leslie, First Congregational Church of Los Angeles 1940.04.09 The Second Annual Festival of Modern Music comes S print preview
TO: Knudsen, Vern Oliver, University of California at Los Angles 1940.04.09 I am sorry, I could not yet finish the manuscript print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1940.04.09 aufrichtig gestanden: ich bin sehr froh, dass Sie print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.04.08 Beiliegend ist der unverschämteste Brief, den ich print preview
FROM: McCormick, Ken, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc 1940.04.08 I am Oscar Levant\'s editor and worked with him th print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1940.04.05 die Bearbeitung der Serenade für Klaviertrio habe print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.04.03 Ich habe wieder sehr lange nicht geschrieben, aber print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1940.04.02 Vor ungefähr einem Jahr hatte ich mit Otto Klemper print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1940.04.00 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Knudsen, Vern Oliver, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.30 Some weeks ago I sent you a manuscript of an artic print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1940.03.29 The Annual Meeting of the Society will be held on: print preview
FROM: Fisher, Caroline, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.28 Your plan for a discussion group to deal with the print preview
FROM: Deane, Martha B., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.28 The Women's Physical Education Department is very print preview
FROM: McInerney, M.N., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.03.28 I want to take this opportunity to thank you for t print preview
TO: Perlman, William J. 1940.03.28 I agree with [your] proposition to include my phot print preview
FROM: Adams, Juliette Aurelia Graves, Music Teachers National Association 1940.03.27 When we talked together at the banquet of the MTNA print preview
FROM: Entenza, John, California Arts & Architecture 1940.03.27 You suggested that I remind you that the article, print preview
FROM: Wittenberg, Franz 1940.03.26 Vielen herzlichsten Dank für Ihr Bild. Leider bin print preview
FROM: Ford, William G., Prentice-Hall, Inc 1940.03.26 Since you and your wife are about to become the pr print preview
FROM: Eby, Harry L., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.25 I have perhaps neglected too long answering your l print preview
TO: Smith, Moses, Columbia Recording Corporation 1940.03.25 Not only have I not forgotten your name nor your f print preview
FROM: Rubsamen, Walter H., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.24 In addition to my spoken answer, may I express to print preview
FROM: Neuhut, Otto 1940.03.24 Es war außerordentlich lieb von Ihnen mir so rasch print preview
FROM: Fearing, Franklin S., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.23 I am very much interested in the suggestion contai print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.22 As I am this time not in the position to attend th print preview
FROM: C[...?], Squier 1940.03.21 I have your very cordial and friendly note. You n print preview
FROM: Hungerland, Helmut, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.20 Thank you for your letter of March 14th. The formi print preview
FROM: American Composers Alliance 1940.03.20 Negotiations of far reaching importance between AC print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.20 I reconsidered my ideas for my classes and I find print preview
FROM: Cozens, Frederick W., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.19 In response to your letter of March 14 regarding a print preview
TO: Pauly, Rose 1940.03.19 Ob ich mich an Sie erinnere? Gewiß, und besonders print preview
TO: Graf, Herbert 1940.03.19 Lesen Sie bitte, beiliegenden Brief von Rose Paule print preview
TO: Neuhut, Otto 1940.03.19 Leider konnte ich für meinen Freund Karl Grünwald print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.18 Replying to your letter of March 14th I would like print preview
FROM: McLaughlin, Katherine L., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.18 Your letter of March 14 setting forth a need for d print preview
FROM: Bovard, John F., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.18 Your letter of March 14 concerning a forum for the print preview
FROM: Wahlgren, Erik, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.18 This is intended as a short affirmative response t print preview
FROM: Delano, Annita, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.18 Your letter proposing a Forum of the Arts and Aest print preview
FROM: Smith, Moses, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.03.18 I wonder whether you remember that occasion six ye print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1940.03.18 I have just finished a conversation with Mr. Voigt print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1940.03.17 ja, leider waren die Aufführungen in New York nich print preview
FROM: Hilpert, Robert S., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.15 I heartily approve of your proposal for a forum of print preview
FROM: Cox, George J., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.15 Despite the encroaching tide of conferences, commi print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1940.03.15 I do not anticipate much difficulty in adjusting t print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.03.15 nun haben wir endlich doch die Platte gehört, die print preview
TO: McFarland, Frances, United States Federal Works Agency 1940.03.15 I did not know you expected an answer of mine, bec print preview
TO: Dessau, Paul 1940.03.15 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief und die warme print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1940.03.14 I regret exceedingly that you were under the impr print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.03.14 Thank you very much for your letters of March 5th. print preview
TO: [various], University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.14 This letter aims to find your support for the foll print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.03.12 I feel that I should now no longer wait for your d print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1940.03.11 Von meinem Neffen Alfred, dem Sohn meines Bruders print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1940.03.10 Ihr alle wisst um meinen monatelangen Kampf, mir i print preview
FROM: Dessau, Paul 1940.03.08 als ich Paris im Sommer 1939 verliess, bat mich Fr print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.03.07 Thank you for your letter of March 4, regarding sc print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.03.06 I would regret it very much if you would refuse to print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.03.05 We must find a way to republish (at least) some of print preview
TO: C.F. Peters 1940.03.05 Das Volksliederbuch Für die Jugend das die Peters print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.03.04 I will answer your letters about the publication i print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1940.03.04 When--about seven months ago--I got a letter from print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1940.03.04 I am of course very anxious to learn how you get a print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.03.03 Pay to the order of the Bank of America, to the c print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.03.03 Pay to the order of the Bank of America, to the c print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1940.03.03 Es ist wirklich schon ein Jahr her, seit Sie mir I print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1940.03.03 Nocheinmal zum 6. Male versuche ich mit Euch in Ve print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1940.03.02 Vor ungefähr 14 Tagen erhielt ich Deinen Brief vom print preview
FROM: Finney, Theodore M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.03.02 Thank you very much for returning your proof so pr print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.03.01 The Kolisches have their copy of the Quartet. Mrs. print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.03.01 I have before me your recent letter in which you a print preview
FROM: Goehr, Rudolf 1940.03.01 Cela fait longtemps que je ne vous ai pas donné un print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arthur 1940.03.01 Ask Stuttgart consul whether two affidavits airmai print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.03.00 Itinerary: Kolisch Quartet print preview
FROM: Johnson, Georgia B., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 I shall be very much interested in a Forum such as print preview
FROM: Varney, Burton M., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 This is needed. Shall await your further announcem print preview
FROM: Zeitlin, Marion Albert, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 I am interested in such a forum. print preview
FROM: Molly, Marie Devening, University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 I have received your letter about the creation of print preview
FROM: Mulloy, William J., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 Your suggested "Forum of the Arts and Aesthetics" print preview
FROM: Creed, Isabel P., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 I am very much interested in your suggestion conce print preview
FROM: Murray, R., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 I should certainly be interested in having the sug print preview
FROM: Bowne, William F., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 I believe that important consequences should follo print preview
FROM: Gengerelli, Joseph A."Ginger", University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 In reply to your recent query, let me go on record print preview
FROM: Smith, William A., University of California at Los Angles 1940.03.00 This letter aims to find your support for the foll print preview
FROM: Beebe, Elinor Lee 1940.03.00 I shall be interested and would wish to attend suc print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1940.03.00 ich sehe eben zu meiner Ueberraschung print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1940.02.28 I was glad to have your letter of January 23, thou print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1940.02.28 ich bin wirklich entsetzlich faul gewesen, wenn ic print preview
FROM: Dyhr, Käthe 1940.02.26 Durch lange Krankheit und Spitalaufenthalt komme print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.02.26 I could write you 10 letters at once, if I would h print preview
TO: Rebner, Adolf 1940.02.26 ich freue mich, daß Sie aus der Hölle entkommen k print preview
TO: Gruenberg, Louis 1940.02.26 Having heard Saturday's League broadcast and deci print preview
FROM: Rebner, Adolf 1940.02.25 Von Frau Bodansky erfuhr ich Ihre genaue Adresse u print preview
TO: Finney, Theodore M. 1940.02.25 I enclose the galley proof of my papers which I ha print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.02.24 Thank you for your letter of the 20th.inst. I did print preview
FROM:Universal-Edition A.G. TO:University of California at Los Angles 1940.02.22 Firma University of California, Los Angeles empfän print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.02.21 Thank you very much for your letter of the print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.02.20 Untill now we both were convinced that UE has no l print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.02.20 On February 8 I asked you to send me a specified n print preview
TO: Balagur, Leon 1940.02.20 Mr. Leon Balagur is one of the victims of Hitleris print preview
FROM: Rodriguez, José, Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1940.02.17 I can understand why you are puzzled and indignant print preview
FROM: Rainger, Ralph 1940.02.16 It has been quite a while since I last heard from print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.02.15 Thank you very much for your letters of the 14th.i print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.02.15 Would you please tell me whether my letter from Fe print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.02.14 Ich bitte Sie beiliegenden Brief zur Kenntnis zu n print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.02.14 You asked me some time ago, whether I would give y print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.02.14 On the occasion of a legal controversy with Associ print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.02.14 I have re latives in Germany and can not dare to m print preview
FROM: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1940.02.13 I am sending you with this letter a copy of a lett print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.02.12 Was haben Sie für Mühe mit mir! Tausend Dank! Sie print preview
TO: Wittenberg, Franz 1940.02.11 Es ist ein grosses Glück im Unglück, dass es Ihnen print preview
TO: Stuart, Robert Emmett, Saint Louis Institute of Music 1940.02.10 Upon your request I asked Mr. Weiss again, whether print preview
TO: Story, Russell M., Claremont Colleges 1940.02.10 Dear Dr. Russell would say: with pleasure I extend print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1940.02.10 nach dem beiliegenden Brief scheint es doch nicht print preview
TO: Pettis, Ashley 1940.02.10 It is impossible [for] me to answer all the questi print preview
TO: Melzer, Eugene C. 1940.02.10 Mr. Eugene C. Melzer has studied with [me], during print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1940.02.09 As part of the National Musical Educators Conferen print preview
TO: Zemlinsky, Alexander 1940.02.09 dein Brief hat mich sehr gefreut. Ich hatte schon print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.02.08 I know I should have written you long time ago, wh print preview
FROM: McFarland, Frances, United States Federal Works Agency 1940.02.07 I have taken up the matter with some of my friends print preview
FROM: Stuart, Robert Emmett, Saint Louis Institute of Music 1940.02.07 The usual busy days of ending one semester and beg print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.02.07 With further reference to our correspondence regar print preview
FROM: Wittenberg, Franz 1940.02.06 Im Vertrauen darauf daß Sie für den unbedeutendste print preview
FROM: Allen, Warren D., Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.02.05 Thank you very much for your very kind note left a print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1940.02.05 Just received Quartet score most happy about dedic print preview
TO: Schönberg, Heinrich 1940.02.05 ich habe schon so lange nichts von dir gehört. Sch print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1940.02.02 es ist hier die Absicht aufgetaucht, für die Stude print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.02.01 May we request the pleasure of your company at a print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Alfons 1940.02.01 Heute Ihren l. Brief vom 16. d.M. erhalten, und be print preview
TO: [various] 1940.02.01 May we request the pleasure of your company at a r print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1940.02.01 May we request the pleasure of your company at a r print preview
FROM: Zemlinsky, Alexander 1940.02.00 Dein Brief hat mir große Freude gemacht. Wie gern print preview
FROM: Hitchcock, Edith M., Music Educators National Conference 1940.02.00 In behalf of the National Junior College Conferenc print preview
TO: The Library of Congress 1940.02.00 Unfortunately, like many university men, I am not print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1940.01.30 The League\'s second program at the Museum of Mode print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.01.29 Ich glaube unsere Briefe haben sich exact gekreuzt print preview
TO: Stuart, Robert Emmett, Saint Louis Institute of Music 1940.01.27 I can name a certain number of my students and wil print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1940.01.27 leider habe ich heute diesen Brief bekommen, nach print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.01.26 Abrechnung für das Jahr 1939. - Neue Werke print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.01.26 A 2219 Verrechnungs Kto. "Alte Werke" print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1940.01.26 Ich bin nur beschämt vor solcher Güte u. ersparen print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.01.25 We take pleasure in sending under separate cover a print preview
FROM: Stuart, Robert Emmett, Saint Louis Institute of Music 1940.01.25 Your letter of January 20, and your air-mail print preview
TO: Stuart, Robert Emmett, Saint Louis Institute of Music 1940.01.24 I wrote you a few days ago, but I made a number of print preview
FROM: Jacobi, Frederick, League of Composers, Inc 1940.01.23 The League of Composers is delighted to know that print preview
TO: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1940.01.23 It is a pity; your letter from January 16 arrived print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1940.01.23 My airmail letter was mistakenly adressed to 115 D print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1940.01.22 I beg to acknowledge, with the thanks of the Found print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.01.22 We take pleasure in sending under separate cover a print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1940.01.22 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems 1940.01.21 Why do you think so little of us composers? Does print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.01.20 Hearty congratulations to your great success in Sa print preview
TO: Pettis, Ashley, United States Federal Works Agency 1940.01.20 Many thanks to you and Mrs. McFarland for inviting print preview
TO: Maclise, D.G., University of California at Los Angles 1940.01.19 I apologize for the delay of my answer to your re print preview
FROM: Leeds, F. Barclay, Automobile Club of Southern California 1940.01.18 I have your report of the unfortunate trafiic acci print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Walter, Clayton F. Summy Co 1940.01.16 First of all I wish to thank you for the personal print preview
FROM: Adams, Robert D.W., University of Kansas City 1940.01.16 It was a pleasure to see you again, at the time of print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1940.01.16 ich habe so lange nichts von Ihnen gehprt und ich print preview
TO: Klug, Ludwig 1940.01.16 ich bin verzweifelt, nicht erst seit heute, sonder print preview
TO: Goldschmied, Heinrich 1940.01.16 ich sende Dir separat ein Affidavit, welches hoffe print preview
TO: Goldschmied, Alfons 1940.01.16 ich habe Ihrem Vater, um ihm rasch zu helfen, kein print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1940.01.15 Thank you very much for your letter of the 9th.ins print preview
TO: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1940.01.15 May I repeat, what I wrote upon your request about print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1940.01.15 Enclosed you find my check of $10 for my membershi print preview
FROM: Stuart, Robert Emmett, Saint Louis Institute of Music 1940.01.13 The privilege of meeting you and Mrs. Schoenberg i print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1940.01.13 Ich habe jetzt wenigstens ein halbes Jahr keine di print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1940.01.10 Your letter was most interesting, and I hope you w print preview
FROM: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1940.01.10 Let me express to you my sincere appreciation, and print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.01.09 I tried to interest the Library of Congress in a c print preview
FROM: Reed, Rosalind M., Musicians' Club of Pomona Valley 1940.01.09 When I spoke to you after \"Die Walküre\" in Decem print preview
FROM: Frenkel, Stefan 1940.01.09 anbei übersende ich Ihnen einen Brief von Herrn Da print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1940.01.09 I have been ill these days: before that I was abse print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1940.01.09 The other day Mr Rainger wrote, that he is going t print preview
FROM: McFarland, Frances, United States Federal Works Agency 1940.01.08 You will recall meeting me in Kansas City at the t print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1940.01.02 Membership dues for year ending December 31, 1940 print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1940.01.02 I am very glad about your agreement to translate m print preview
TO: Weiss, Adolph 1940.01.02 Es ist nun mehrere Wochen, seit die University Pre print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1940.01.00 ist es richtig, daß ihr zu Ostern nach New York zu print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1940.00.14 Eben kam Dein 3tes Telegramm, was mich sehr beruhi print preview
FROM: Estep, Don K. 1940.00.03 I read in the paper that you will be teaching this print preview
FROM: Estep, Don K. 1940.00.02 I am truly one of the world\'s worst correspondent print preview
FROM: Estep, Don K. 1940.00.01 I am certainly not an admirable correspondent, but print preview
TO: Simon, Erich 1940.00.00 dank für Ihre sehr sorgfältige Korrektur – alle print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.00.00 vor allem: es geht ihm gut und es ist alles in Ord print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.00.00 danke für Deinen Brief. Die Reise war sehr schön; print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1940.00.00 We all like to be here in America and we hope that print preview
TO: Aelberts, Pierre, Dynamo Éditions 1940.00.00 Aelberts print preview
TO: 1940.00.00 Multigraph letters sent to: Philip J. Inman, Willi print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1940.00.00 anbei endlich die beiden Photokopien print preview
TO: 1940.00.00 Friede auf Erden - Berechnung der Herstellung von print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1940.00.00 Good wishes dear dad, nobody shall be mad. I will print preview
FROM: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1940.00.00 The kettle isn't silver and the bottom's only copp print preview
FROM: Zemlinsky, Louise (Luise) 1940.00.00 Ich hab vor 3 Tagen meinem Mann Ihren Brief gegeb print preview
FROM: Zemlinsky, Louise (Luise) 1940.00.00 Mein Mann wollte Ihnen selbst schreiben u. für das print preview
FROM: Varga, Tibor 1940.00.00 Erlauben Sie mir, daß ich unbekannterweise meinen print preview
FROM: Hunt, Charles B., Jr., University of California at Los Angles 1940.00.00 While I realize that your time is quite limited, a print preview
FROM: Bishop, D.W., Time, Inc 1940.00.00 I think the clipping inside will interest you--Nat print preview
FROM: Stein, Leonard 1940.00.00 I was very excited to receive your note this morni print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1940.00.00 [...]It was quite a good performance and certainly print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1940.00.00 Mit vielem Dank bestaetige ich Dir die Geldsendung print preview
FROM: Patterson, David 1940.00.00 Maybe you know someone who might profit from this print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1940.00.00 Je vous écris à la demande du compositeur autrichi print preview
FROM: Milhaud, Darius 1940.00.00 I send you an article by Leibowitz about the ISMC print preview
FROM: League of Composers, Inc 1940.00.00 The Board of Directors of the League is making pla print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1940.00.00 Most sincere good wishes to you and Mrs. Schoenber print preview
FROM: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1940.00.00 [ilg.] [ilg.] f[ilg.] [ilg.] whose [ilg.] print preview
FROM: Czernin, Ferdinand, Austrian Democratic Review 1940.00.00 Your letters received and forwarded w/ cheque co print preview
FROM: Kahn, Erich Itor 1940.00.00 [pg. 2] wie er sich abgespielt hat: Als ich im som print preview
FROM: Irino, Yoshiro 1940.00.00 I am very grateful of your reply to my letter. print preview
FROM: Irino, Yoshiro 1940.00.00 I am a Japanese composer. I recently read by chanc print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1940.00.00 bitte sei nicht böse, daß ich Dich solange ohne print preview
FROM: Frank, Serge 1940.00.00 vielen Dank für Ihre gütigen Zeilen. Antwort: Ihr print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne 1940.00.00 Vor allem die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum Geburt print preview
TO: 1940.00.00 P.S. Es ist schrecklich: Ich komme eben print preview
TO: Coulter, Eliot B., United States Department of State 1940.00.00 I should like to thank you for your kind letter of print preview
TO: 1940.00.00 P.S. Ich möchte gerne ein Buch in deuts print preview
TO: 1940.00.00 Ihre schmeichelhafte Aufforderung in die Heimat print preview
TO: [unknown] 1940.00.00 1) I have given in the past three years several af print preview
TO: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences 1940.00.00 I herewith invite the Academy of M.P.A. & S. to ta print preview
TO: Goldberg, Albert Levi 1940.00.00 You have the habit to mention me always with a mal print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1940.00.00 Mr. Frank is one of the finest musicians I have me print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1940.00.00 Contract | Re: Opus 16. | 1. The fact that the par print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1940.00.00 Confidentially, the poem is on page 180 of the Cam print preview
TO: Who's Who in Music 1940.00.00 The names of the contributors to your Who is Who i print preview
TO: Schirmer, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.00.00 Please read the letter I sent to Deems Taylor as p print preview
TO: Who's Who on the Pacific Coast 1940.00.00 Arnold Schoenberg Composer, Professor of Music at print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1940.00.00 Mr. Peter Abraham is an applicant for a Fellowship print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1940.00.00 In order to settle all the problems which disturb print preview
TO: List, Kurt, Listen Magazine 1940.00.00 Wire whether you received my package containing th print preview
TO: Rodriguez, José, Earle C. Anthony, Inc 1940.00.00 I have been a[t] a book shop these days and inquir print preview
TO: CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1940.00.00 During after World War I America seized German print preview
TO: Carnegie Institute of Technology 1940.00.00 Purchasing Department Order No. A 36533 print preview
TO: United States Consul, France 1940.00.00 Arnold Schoenberg, Professor of Music, composer, f print preview
TO: United States Consul, Austria 1940.00.00 Arnold Schoenberg, Professor of Music at Universit print preview
TO: American Composers Alliance 1940.00.00 ACA-ASCAP SURVEY: Category, Total, Total publ. print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1940.00.00 Wenn die Hand, die ich glaube ausgestreckt zu sehe print preview
TO: Rodriguez, José 1940.00.00 Please excuse me for telling you that I have to wi print preview
TO: Richter, John H. 1940.00.00 ich bin so überlastet mit Refugee-Angelegenheiten, print preview
TO: Putterman, David J. 1940.00.00 Sorry am unable to compose Chomocho print preview
TO: Frank, Serge 1940.00.00 In a hurry I want only to tell you, that the artic print preview
TO: Eames, Henry Purmont 1940.00.00 Will gladly arrange to give private seminary[!] print preview
TO: Achron, Marie 1940.00.00 I could much easier have written a ten page articl print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1940.00.00 If my friend Carl Engel could convince the publish print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1940.00.00 I enjoyed your telegram. I enjoyed the performance print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1939.12.31 Zum Jahreswechsel erinnere ich mich dankbar Deiner print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1939.12.30 It will be a great joy to translate your Harmoniel print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.12.30 vielen Dank für das Bild und den Scheck.--Am 27. h print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.12.29 meine erste Lecture, gestern, ist viel gelobt print preview
FROM: Rainger, Ralph 1939.12.25 Your nephew and his situation in London (Hans Nach print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1939.12.25 All kind thoughts and best wishes for Christmas an print preview
TO: Jones, Archie Neff, University of Idaho 1939.12.25 I am very sorry, I could not answer you sooner - I print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1939.12.25 vorerst Ihnen und Ihrer Frau, herzlichste Wünsche print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.12.24 Bitte, schön der Reihe nach. Zunächst meine, unser print preview
TO: Werndorff, Karl R., Council Bluffs Clinic 1939.12.22 Das iwt sehr lieb, dasa Sie nach Kansas City komme print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.12.20 Leider noch immer keine ersehnte Nachtricht von Eu print preview
FROM: Greissle, Arnold 1939.12.19 Wir sind jetzt schon bald zwei Jahre hier. Ein und print preview
FROM: Klug, Ludwig 1939.12.18 In der ersten Junihälfte 29 schrieb ich Ihnen eine print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1939.12.17 Leider, leider! Ich kann mich kaum entschließen a print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Alfons 1939.12.16 Ich bin der Sohn von Heinrich Goldschmied, und da print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1939.12.15 Nach Wochen voll Sorgen und Aufregungen wegen eine print preview
FROM: Finney, Theodore M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.12.15 I note that you are on the Kansas City program for print preview
FROM: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.12.15 Fourth Royalty Distribution for 1939 print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.12.14 Following your election to Active Membership in AS print preview
FROM: Saunders, Richard Drake 1939.12.13 Yuletide Greeting. This Yuletide song within our h print preview
FROM: Farquhar, Samuel T., University of California at Los Angles 1939.12.12 I should like to confirm in writing the agreement print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.12.12 Für vieles habe ich zu danken--erstens für den li print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.12.12 vielen Dank für die Schallplatte. Wir haben leide print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, League of Composers, Inc 1939.12.09 Your suggestions for the concerts for this season print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1939.12.08 We are pleased to send you the enclosed check for print preview
TO: Swarthout, D.M., University of Kansas 1939.12.08 Many thanks for your kind letter. I am sure it wil print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.12.08 Many thanks for your telegram. Too bad, I did not print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.12.08 ich hätte Ihnen die Partitur schon längst geschick print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.12.08 ich sende dir heute eine Grammophon Platte, die ic print preview
TO: Dyhr, Käthe 1939.12.08 leider hat die Firma Schirmer trotz meines direkte print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.12.08 Seit einem Monat arbeite ich an der zweiten Kammer print preview
FROM: Kerr, Harrison, American Composers Alliance 1939.12.07 Thank you for your letter of November 30th. We ar print preview
FROM: Elkus, Albert I. 1939.12.07 My suggestion is that you do not publish the Harmo print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1939.12.07 au retour d\'un camp d\'instruction je trouve votr print preview
FROM: Jones, Archie Neff, University of Idaho 1939.12.06 We are considering Mr. H.J. Heinz as a vocal instr print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil, Books and Music, Inc 1939.12.06 Many thanks for your letter of November 29th. I ha print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1939.12.06 Thank you very much for your letters of the 28th.u print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.12.04 Extremely sorry my attempts to get you lecture dat print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1939.12.01 I am sending you herewith our check for $100.00 as print preview
TO: Krenek, Ernst, Vassar College 1939.12.01 gestern abend legte ich Ihren Brief vom 5. Septemb print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.12.00 da ich Eure Abneigg für Weihnachtsgeschenke kenne, print preview
TO: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1939.11.30 May I direct your attention to the fact that, acco print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, League of Composers, Inc 1939.11.30 I am very glad you asked me about good new America print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.30 I have been invited to deliver a lecture at the an print preview
TO: Kerr, Harrison, American Composers Alliance 1939.11.30 Many thanks for informing me of the request of the print preview
TO: Rainger, Ralph 1939.11.30 Many thanks for your kind letter I understand print preview
TO: Paschkis, Ella 1939.11.30 beiliegend ein Brief Mr. Ralph Raingers (den ich z print preview
TO: Elkus, Albert I., University of California at Berkeley 1939.11.30 I have to apologize the delay of my answer. It was print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1939.11.29 Application is hereby made that Arnold Schönberg b print preview
TO: Hilb, Emil, Books and Music, Inc 1939.11.29 I am terribly busy and therefore unable to answer print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1939.11.28 I am glad you want to publish both orchestra and o print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1939.11.27 I have been invited to deliver two lectures at the print preview
TO: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1939.11.26 Dr. Rubsamen, whom I showed your letter told me I print preview
FROM: Swarthout, D.M., Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.11.21 From my brother, Max van Lewen Swarthout, I have h print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald, New Music Edition 1939.11.20 Mr. Weiss has probably told you already about the print preview
TO: Lang, Paul Henry 1939.11.20 Enclosed my check for the dues for 1939. print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.11.18 bitte senden Sie an University of California at print preview
FROM: Rainger, Ralph 1939.11.18 I received your enclosure of your copy of your cou print preview
FROM: Arlt, Gustave Otto, University of California at Los Angles 1939.11.16 As you probably know by this time, the Editorial C print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.16 I sent you yesterday the following telegram: "Fift print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.15 Fifty dollars cabled today in our name through Ber print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, League of Composers, Inc 1939.11.15 At the meeting of the Board on November 6th, it wa print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1939.11.15 Thank you very much for your letter of November 12 print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.11.15 ich beeile mich Deine Anfrage wegen der Brahmsstim print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.11.15 vielen Dank für Deinen Brief. Die Fragen, Görgi b print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.14 Please advise immediately present citizenship stat print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.14 Former Czechoslovakian [citizen], I possess now fi print preview
TO: Dyhr, Käthe 1939.11.12 Erwin Ratz forderte mich auf Ihre Ihre Adresse zur print preview
TO: Kalmus, Edwin F., Alfred A. Kalmus 1939.11.12 May I thank you very much for giving my students t print preview
TO: Ratz, Erwin 1939.11.12 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren sehr lieben Brief, print preview
TO: Paschkis, Rudolf 1939.11.12 aufrichtig gestanden, ich weiß nicht, wie ich Han print preview
TO: Dyhr, Käthe 1939.11.12 unser gemeinsamer Freund Erwin Ratz, schreibt mir print preview
FROM: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.11.11 To say that I was delighted to receive your telegr print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.11 entschuldigen Sie, daß ich Deutsch schreibe. Ich print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.11.11 dein Geburtstagstelegram (Birthday greeting print preview
FROM: Kerr, Harrison, American Composers Alliance 1939.11.10 At the recent meeting of the Board of Governors, i print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.08 We received a letter from your son this morning, i print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil, Books and Music, Inc 1939.11.08 Your kind letter of October 30 has been received, print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.11.08 Mr. Buck has asked me to forward you enclosed copi print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.11.08 ich erhielt von Görgi vor ca. 3 Wochen den beilige print preview
FROM: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.11.07 I hope you will not think me importunate in writin print preview
FROM: Elkus, Albert I., University of California at Berkeley 1939.11.07 First, my hearty greetings to you. And then to tel print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Edwin F. 1939.11.06 Thank you very much for your letter of the 2d.inst print preview
FROM: Paschkis, Ella 1939.11.05 Noch am Fjord schreibe ich Ihnen, sehr geehrter He print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1939.11.04 We are very happy to send you the enclosed check c print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.03 Your information regarding the opera lecture is di print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1939.11.03 ich muß doch versuchen, ein Schweigen zu brechen, print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.11.01 "The technic of the opera composer" will be a le print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1939.10.31 Thank you for your letter and the signed agreement print preview
FROM: Locke, Arthur Ware, Smith College 1939.10.30 I thought that you would be interested in seeing t print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1939.10.29 Enclosed you find your copy of our agreement regar print preview
FROM: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.10.28 I was delighted to receive your letter dated Octob print preview
FROM: O\'Connor, J.F.T., Hollywood Committee for Polish Relief, Inc 1939.10.27 We wish to express to you our appreciation of your print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1939.10.26 After consultation with Dr. Stiedry we have agreed print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, Musical Quarterly 1939.10.25 It has come to my attention that you are scheduled print preview
FROM: McFarland, Frances, United States Federal Works Agency 1939.10.23 The fifth series of the Composers\' Forum Laborato print preview
TO: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.10.23 Your invitation to attend the annual Banquet of th print preview
TO: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.10.23 With great pleasure I have learned through your ki print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.10.20 Although it embarrassed me strongly - it was grand print preview
TO: Hauser, Emil, Palestine Conservatory of Music in Jerusalem 1939.10.19 vor allem möchte ich sagen, daß ich mit Vergnügen print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.10.19 I am very happy you like this peace[!] from my print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.10.18 Mrs. Josef Hofmann has purchased a box for the con print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.10.18 We had the first rehearsal last night of Waldtaube print preview
FROM: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.10.18 The sixty-first annual Convention of America\'s la print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.17 Have you any objection to our mentioning Greissle print preview
FROM: Quinn, Alfred Price 1939.10.17 Perhaps you have already heard the program as fina print preview
FROM: Hauser, Emil, Palestine Conservatory of Music in Jerusalem 1939.10.17 Ich habe den weiten Weg von Palästina hierher gema print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.17 Agree mentioning Greissle as arranger of piano ded print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.16 Thank you for your letter of October 11. The dedic print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.10.16 Ihr letzter Brief traf mich mitten in einer dummen print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.10.16 Anbei sende ich die gewünschten Erklärungen zur Ve print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.10.16 Ihr letzter Brief traf mich mitten in einer dummen print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.10.13 endlich hab\' ich gute Nachrichten für euch! Mit d print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.11 Please reduce--for the time being--the dedication print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.11 May I ask the favor to send my check of $100 alway print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1939.10.10 Ich mache mir große Vorwürfe, weil ich es seit 2 print preview
FROM: Buck, Gene, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.10.10 We are very happy to inform you that at a meeting print preview
TO: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.10.10 With respect to the agreement entered into between print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar 1939.10.09 I learned of your acceptance into SACAP dear Mr. print preview
TO: Deutsch, Max 1939.10.09 ich erhielt Ihren Brief, sowie einen ähnlichen Inh print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.07 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of Oc print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.06 Your "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra" bears the print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.10.05 Sie haben ganz recht recht bezüglich der Schreibma print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.10.03 Wir sind gestern von Miller Place hier eingetroffe print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1939.10.03 Dr. Stiedry has shown me your letter of August 12t print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.10.02 I assume that my fourth String Quartet and the Vio print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1939.10.02 Do you remember that I asked you - I don't know h print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.10.00 Große Sieg der Verbindeten! Es war wirklich so gut print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.10.00 ich fürchte, ich werde Ihnen nicht die 2. Kammersy print preview
FROM: Jacob, Paul Walter 1939.09.29 ich wage kaum anzunehmen, daß Sie sich meiner von print preview
FROM: Colbert, Henry, New Friends of Music 1939.09.27 Mr. Hirschmann has asked me to write you this lett print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.09.27 Sie irren, ich schreibe selbst Schreibmaschine und print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.09.24 Zunächst: Ich freue mich sehr, daß der zweite Satz print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.09.21 Wir bitten Sie, uns beiliegende Erklärung (in deut print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.09.21 Ich denke oft an Sie u. gestehe, daß die gegenwärt print preview
FROM: Bear, Donald J., Denver Art Museum 1939.09.20 I learned from Robert Gross that you have had no w print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1939.09.19 Es ist sehr bedauerlich für mich, daß ich auf kein print preview
TO: De Motte, Warren, Music Guild 1939.09.18 With pleasure I take advantage of your kind invita print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.09.18 ich wollte Ihnen heute folgendes telegrafieren, fi print preview
TO: Showman, Harry M. 1939.09.15 may I recomend Mr. Georg Kreisler who wants print preview
FROM: Clark, Edward 1939.09.14 Sincere good wishes on your birthday with unaltere print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1939.09.13 wir denken am heutigen Tage - 13.IX - mit den inni print preview
FROM: Viertel, Berthold 1939.09.13 Höre eben von Ihrem Geburtstag. Wünsche aus ganze print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich 1939.09.13 Nehmen Sie diese verspätete, aber darum nicht mind print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.09.13 Very sorry I cannot be with you hoping this will print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.09.12 Congratulations and all best wishes on your birthd print preview
FROM: Eames, Henry Purmont, Claremont Colleges 1939.09.08 My advisee, Mr. William Fleming, candidate for a d print preview
FROM: Scheyer, Galka E. 1939.09.07 Es tut mir sehr leid daß ich das Selbstportrait vo print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1939.09.06 Schon seit Monaten bedrückt es mich täglich, daß print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1939.09.05 to 13.IX.39 many happy returns. Yours thankfully, print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1939.09.05 ich hoffe sehr, daß Sie einen guten Sommer gehabt print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Max 1939.09.05 der beiliegende Hilferuf Georg Schönbergs erreicht print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.09.01 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1939.08.30 Seit ich Euch das letzte Mal geschrieben habe, hat print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, American Musicological Society 1939.08.30 I take pleasure in notifying you that you have bee print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1939.08.28 Yes, indeed, you may be sure I remember very well print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.08.26 daß ich Ihnen erst jetzt schreibe, hat seinen Grun print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1939.08.25 du darfst nicht glauben, dass ich dich vergessen print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.08.24 Ihre liebe Gattin hat recht u. wieder nicht recht. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1939.08.24 Endlich hören wir wieder von Euch und ich kann sag print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1939.08.24 wenn ich auch jetzt schon sooo[!] lange nicht mehr print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1939.08.24 Ihr Geburtstag kommt heran und ich denke wenn mögl print preview
TO: Weiss, Adolph 1939.08.24 ich freue mich, daß Sie sich - endlich - entschlos print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.08.22 Eben traf Euer Brief ein der mich sehr beunruhigt print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.08.22 Eigentlich wollte ich erst so schreiben daß der Br print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1939.08.21 So weit! So furchtbar weit scheint es mir - fast u print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1939.08.18 Ich habe auf meinen letzten Brief keine Antwort be print preview
TO: Braun, Reinhard H. 1939.08.17 an der Tätigkeit des German Jewish Club - von der print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.08.15 Can no longer wait for remaining Brahms tissue par print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.08.15 No Austrian letters for months. Suggest you ca print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1939.08.14 Ich bin ganz verzweifelt, daß ich bis heute nicht print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1939.08.12 Sie sind mir hoffentlich nicht böse, daß ich Ihre print preview
FROM: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1939.08.10 Mr. Violin came to see me with his credentials fro print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1939.08.09 das ist sehr schade, dass ihr nicht gekommen seid. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1939.08.07 Nachdem Du Dich in so liebenswürdiger Weise für me print preview
TO: Soter, [?] 1939.08.04 vor 4 Wochen übergab mir Frau Freund einen Hilferu print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.08.03 After first telegram reached definite agreement w print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.08.03 Very grateful to you anxious to know details as Kh print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.07.31 Succeeded to win Khuner back for quarte[t], print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.07.28 Simon schrieb mir alles. Ich glaube, ich habe mich print preview
FROM: Cole, A.L., Reader's Digest Association, Inc 1939.07.25 We have been able to secure a refund of the $3.00 print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1939.07.25 Nun sind wir doch nicht gekommen, wie wir es uns e print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1939.07.25 die Instrumente kann ich nicht verkaufen. print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.07.24 Da nützt es mir gar nichts, daß ich immer dachte m print preview
TO: Newman, Alfred 1939.07.23 May I introduce to you Janet Leigh-Taylor, whom I print preview
TO: Buttolph, James David 1939.07.23 May I introduce to you Janet Leigh-Taylor, whom I print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.07.21 On July 7th, I received a letter from AMP, copy of print preview
TO: Coordinating Comm for German Refugees 1939.07.21 Moriz Violin was born March 30 1879 in Vienna. He print preview
TO: Rheinhardt, Aurelia Isabel Henry, Mills College 1939.07.21 This letter wants to aquire your interest in favou print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1939.07.21 lassen Sie mich zuerst Ihnen sagen, dass ich es se print preview
TO: Jelinek, Hanns 1939.07.21 Two years ago, I had the pleasure to meet you in t print preview
TO: Hertz, Alfred 1939.07.21 How are you? I have been told you were sick, is th print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Georg TO:Deutsch, [Max] 1939.07.20 Vor allem danke ich Dir für Deinen Brief und Deine print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.07.20 Anbei hoffentlich richtig des Gewünschte. Ich gebe print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1939.07.20 Heute kam Ihr Flugpostbrief vom 6.7. Ich las ihn t print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.07.19 Nur ein \"mieser\" gestriger Tag nach meiner glück print preview
FROM: Kestenberg, Leo, Palestine Orchestra 1939.07.17 Für Ihr Schreiben vom 16.Juni danke ich Ihnen herz print preview
FROM: Eichberg, Friedrich 1939.07.16 Deine lieben Zeilen vom 6. VII haben mich hier err print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1939.07.14 At the annual budget meeting of The Regents of the print preview
FROM: Robinson, Philip J., National Council of Jewish Women 1939.07.11 Enclosed is a copy of a self-explanatory letter fr print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.07.10 eben kommen wir von Herrn Weissi einem ausgezeichn print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1939.07.10 With pleasure I open the envelope of these letters print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1939.07.08 meien Frau hat gestern einen Sohn geboren. am 27.I print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1939.07.08 ich habe dir allerdings sehr lange nicht geschrieb print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1939.07.08 Frankly, I would not believe one word, Mr. Voigt s print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.07.07 Die Juden gehen so lange zu einem Comité, bis sie print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1939.07.07 1) Concerning the distribution of royalties as for print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1939.07.06 bitte glauben Sie nicht, dass ich nicht viel an Si print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl 1939.07.06 Das "Französische Canada" erfreut sich einer ideal print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.07.06 I am informed that the orchestral arrangement of \ print preview
FROM: New Music Society of California 1939.07.06 According to the books of the New Music Society of print preview
TO: Eichberg, Friedrich 1939.07.06 mein Kousin, Artur Schönberg, schreibt mir, daß d print preview
TO: Schönberg, Heinrich 1939.07.04 es scheint daß du zwei bis drei Briefe, die ich a print preview
TO: Neff, Andrew, Pasadena Music Festival Association 1939.07.04 I will gladly write you something about your perfo print preview
TO: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.07.04 Trude wird dir mehr über uns schreiben. print preview
TO: Hoilt, Karl, California State Relief Administration 1939.07.01 Mr. Noel Heath Taylor was employed by me to type a print preview
FROM: Hartigan, M., Radio Corporation of America 1939.06.30 This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter o print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1939.06.29 Vielen Dank für Dein freundliches Schreiben v.16. print preview
TO: O'Connell, Charles, Radio Corporation of America 1939.06.25 I was so busy that I forgot perfectly[!] your corr print preview
TO: Gallagher, Irene, Crawford Music Corp 1939.06.25 You have been so kind to assist me in my attempts print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.06.24 I wonder whether you received my letters from May print preview
TO: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.24 It seems I forgot to enclose in my letter to Mr. R print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.24 Please do not order the remaining parts of the Bra print preview
FROM: Broder, Nathan, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.22 In accordance with the instructions in your recent print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.21 I have your note of the 16th. The Brahms material print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1939.06.21 ich muß Dich wieder bitten, es mir nicht übel ausz print preview
TO: Coordinating Comm for German Refugees 1939.06.21 I herewith affirm that I consider it my duty to do print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1939.06.21 Curriculum vitae | Moritz Violin, born March 30, print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.06.20 Seien Sie nicht böse. Die N.Y. Institute wünschen print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.06.19 Ein Glück, daß es Geburtstage gibt, an denen ich m print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.16 Enclosed you find the Bill of Sale in duplicate fo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arthur 1939.06.16 ich kann dir im Augenblick leider keine günstige N print preview
TO: Kestenberg, Leo, Palestine Orchestra 1939.06.16 Ich habe mit Vergnügen von der Aufführung meines P print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.16 I hope the Brahms material has arriv[ed] in the me print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.06.13 Die kurze Strecke vom Erhabenen zum Lächerlichen, print preview
FROM: Klug, Ludwig 1939.06.11 ich danke Ihnen herzlichst für Ihren lieben Brief print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.09 We are enclosing a Bill of Sale in duplicate for y print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1939.06.08 Played indescribably by the Kolisch's and Klempere print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1939.06.06 ich bin froh zu erfahren, dass Sie nun endlich doc print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1939.06.06 (1) enclosed you find a letter of Universal Editio print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.06.03 I am writing you now such information as I have ob print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.06.02 I did not, after my letter to you of May 23, wait print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1939.06.01 soeben komme ich aus Black Mountain zurück und zwa print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.05.31 Accept proposed contract Brahms orchestration and print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1939.05.31 I gave never[!] the permission to record any of my print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.05.27 I have your kind favor of the 17th. I shall make i print preview
FROM: Kestenberg, Leo, Palestine Orchestra 1939.05.25 Es ist mir eine ganz besondere Freude, dass mich h print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.05.23 I have your letter of illegible date (it may be 17 print preview
TO: Varèse, Edgar, The Ten 1939.05.23 I am sorry I have to tell you I cannot be a member print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.05.22 In der Beilage übermitteln wir Ihnen Abschrift ein print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1939.05.22 wir stehen ganz unter dem Eindruck von einer ganz print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1939.05.22 ich weiß wirklich nicht, was ich dir antworten sol print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arthur 1939.05.21 Vor einiger Zeit hatte sich Dr. Eichberg, nach Dir print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.05.19 When I asked you at first whether you would like t print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.05.19 man hat mir erzählt, Sie hatten Verdruß mit der U print preview
FROM: Eames, Henry Purmont, Scripps College 1939.05.18 I am gratified to have you as examiner of my advis print preview
FROM: Mangold, F.R., Black Mountain College 1939.05.17 Dr. Heinrich Jalowetz, who is applying for a print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.05.17 Ich hätte Sie nicht so kurzerhand mit dieser Nachr print preview
FROM: Cooke, W. Henry, Claremont Colleges 1939.05.17 We are very glad that you will be able to serve as print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.05.17 Thank you very much for your interest in my affair print preview
TO: Mangold, F.R., Black Mountain College 1939.05.17 I am very glad your letter offers the opportunity print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.05.16 Thank you so much for your copy of the contract an print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.05.14 I had to use the weekend to send you the copy of m print preview
TO: Leeds, F. Barclay, Automobile Club of Southern California 1939.05.14 I am very sorry that I have to undergo so much tr print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.05.12 Wir bestätigen den Erhalt Ihres Schreibens vom 24. print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1939.05.12 darf ich mich beklagen, daß Du und auch Deine Frau print preview
FROM: Cooke, W. Henry, Claremont Colleges 1939.05.11 We have a candidate for the Master of Arts degree print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.05.05 I have carefully weighed all the arguments propoun print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1939.05.04 sind Sie nicht böse, dass ich Ihnen schreibe, ich print preview
FROM: Taylor, Deems 1939.05.03 Thank you for your note. As a matter of fact, I co print preview
FROM: Rózsa, Béla, Baylor University 1939.05.02 It seems that in this world one's good will is no print preview
FROM: Nylen, Grace, Musical Courier 1939.05.02 Thank you very much for your letter of April 24. W print preview
TO: Goodwin, John E., University of California at Los Angles 1939.05.02 I am glad I can send you a set of my works. print preview
FROM: Abraham, Gerald 1939.04.30 I thank you for your kind and prompt reply to my r print preview
FROM: Ewen, David 1939.04.27 Ihr werther Freund, Herr Dr. Walter Rubsamen, hat print preview
TO: Armitage, Merle 1939.04.27 Would you be so kind as to give the bearer, Mr. N. print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1939.04.26 I was delighted to hear from you. Both Mrs. Speise print preview
TO: San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1939.04.25 Will you kindly return prepaid express two scores print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.04.24 Kindly excuse my writing in English. I am too busy print preview
TO: Reiner, Fritz, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 1939.04.24 Kindly excuse my delay in answering your letter of print preview
TO: Kindler, Hans, National Symphony Orchestra Association 1939.04.24 Please forgive my delay in answering your kind let print preview
TO: Nylen, Grace, Musical Courier 1939.04.24 In reply to your letter of March 29 I must inform print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1939.04.24 I am sorry to say that I did not receive your lett print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.04.24 I am working very hard on the second draught of th print preview
TO: Gallagher, Irene, Crawford Music Corp 1939.04.24 Thank you for your letter of March 7, advising me print preview
TO: Speaks, Oley, Crawford Music Corp 1939.04.24 I wish to thank you for your much appreciated effo print preview
TO: Taylor, Deems, CBS Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc 1939.04.24 Several weeks ago Mr. Levant told me that you have print preview
TO: Rózsa, Béla, Baylor University 1939.04.24 My deep thanks for your great help. I think my hin print preview
TO: Waldo, Alice, American Committee for Christian German Refugees 1939.04.24 Allow me to thank you very much for your kind sugg print preview
TO: Wilson, H.W. 1939.04.24 In reply to your interesting letter of March 26 (I print preview
TO: Strocker, A.W. 1939.04.24 In reply to your letter of April 17, may I inform print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.04.24 Kindly excuse my delay in answering your letter of print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1939.04.24 I remember with great pleasure the delightful even print preview
TO: Mallachow, Agathe 1939.04.24 As I have been extremely busy, I hope you will for print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1939.04.24 In order to answer you immediately I must dictate print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1939.04.24 Please excuse my long delay in answering your lett print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.04.24 Enclosed is a letter from Mr. Rozza and one from M print preview
TO: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1939.04.24 I am so busy that I can only affirm receipt of you print preview
FROM: [unknown], Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.04.22 Wir entsprechen gerne einem Wunsche des Komponiste print preview
FROM: Reiner, Fritz, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 1939.04.22 I was very glad to hear from you, and to know that print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1939.04.22 Although we have not had any reply from you to our print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.04.22 In reply to your letter of April 16, I will send y print preview
TO: Goossens, Eugene, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1939.04.22 Will you kindly excuse my delay in answering your print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1939.04.22 Being very busy, I regret that I have been obliged print preview
TO: Klemperer, Otto 1939.04.22 May I introduce Miss Irene Hanna, who was a well-k print preview
TO: Hanna, Irene 1939.04.22 Please excuse my delay in replying to you. I am ve print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.04.19 The firm of Tischer & Jagenberg has recently writt print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1939.04.19 No doubt you have heard that the performance of yo print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.04.18 We were obliged to postpone the performance of you print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.04.13 zunächst beantworte ich Deine Fragen. print preview
TO: Abraham, Gerald 1939.04.13 I do not have the 1928 article of Grove's diction print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1939.04.12 Seit ich in Prag im September ankam, hörte ich nic print preview
FROM: Engelbrecht, Richard 1939.04.12 Eigentlich wäre es das Gegebene, daß ich Ihre Ant print preview
FROM: Paskusz, Gerta 1939.04.11 vielen Dank für Ihre werte Zuschrift vom 3. März, print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1939.04.10 I have an inquiry from Professor Elkus, Chairman o print preview
FROM: Rózsa, Béla 1939.04.08 I am very sorry to read about your son-in-law's t print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.04.08 Euren lieben Brief habe ich mit viel Interesse gel print preview
TO: Hodgson, Hugh, University of Georgia 1939.04.05 Terribly busy, attempting to finish my new textboo print preview
TO: Rózsa, Béla 1939.04.05 [Terribly busy, attempting to finish my new textbo print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1939.04.04 Thank you for your letter and forgive my delay of print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.04.03 Ich war wirklich gerührt, als ich Ihre und Frau Ge print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1939.04.02 Wir leben nun über ein Jahr hier in Frankreich und print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.04.00 bitte sei mir nicht böse, daß ich Dich solange ohn print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.04.00 Chavez will certainly not reply immediately theref print preview
FROM: Kostakowsky, Jacobo 1939.03.31 If you cannot get tourist visa, send biographi print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.03.31 ich will jetzt zuerst berichten, was Weinhaus gesa print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.03.31 If you cannot get tourist visa stop send biographi print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.03.31 beiliegend das Antworttelegramm aus Mexico. Ich ha print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.03.30 In case you should not have found the letter of Ja print preview
FROM: Seybert-Model, Lisette 1939.03.30 Ich hoffe, Sie nehmen es mir nicht übel, wenn ich print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.03.29 Temporarily everything in order. Thanks. Letter fo print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1939.03.28 It has been impossible for me to reply sooner to y print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.03.28 Must leave country April first. Can you arrange co print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.03.28 wir haben heute (am 28.III) die Erledigung unsere print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1939.03.27 diesen Brief nimmt morgen Mrs. William Robert Shep print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1939.03.27 Ihr Brief hat mich aufs Tiefste bewegt. Welch ein print preview
FROM: Wilson, H.W., Wilson's Record Library 1939.03.26 For two years I have been attempting to purchase t print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1939.03.25 Ich habe allen Anlaß, ein schlechtes Gewissen Ihne print preview
FROM: Goldschmied, Rudolf 1939.03.25 Sehr viele Jahre haben wir von einander nur durch print preview
FROM: Goossens, Eugene, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1939.03.23 I must apologize deeply for not having answered yo print preview
FROM: Abraham, Gerald 1939.03.23 In Anbetracht der Krankheit des Herrn Edwin Evans print preview
TO: Los Angeles Times 1939.03.23 I mailed the reservation form immediately after yo print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.03.20 Expect to write to you in [a] few days, kindest re print preview
FROM: Voigt, Ernest R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1939.03.20 We have a letter from Universal Edition dated Marc print preview
TO: Frankenstein, Alfred V., San Francisco Chronicle 1939.03.18 Here a few remarks about the "Brahms". My reasons: print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.03.16 Wir haben die mit Ihrem Schreiben vom 28. v. M. an print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.03.15 1/2294 1/2277 1/2267 1/2260 1/2258 1/2257 print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.03.15 Wir erhielten Ihre Zuschrift vom 28. v. M. und las print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.03.14 ich kann die folgenden Fragen Krasner nicht beantw print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1939.03.14 Will you allow me to recall an affair to your mind print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.03.11 Bezugnehmend auf den letzten Satz Ihres Schreibens print preview
FROM: Goodwin, John E., University of California at Los Angles 1939.03.09 The Library gratefully acknowledges receipt of you print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1939.03.09 I have taken up the matter of your son with Miss C print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1939.03.09 Thank you very much for your letter which I was de print preview
FROM: Kindler, Hans, National Symphony Orchestra Association 1939.03.08 I will be delighted to do the Brahms-Schoenberg Pi print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.03.07 We are enclosing herewith your copies of the signe print preview
FROM: Gallagher, Irene, Crawford Music Corp 1939.03.07 This is to advise you that Mr. Dreyfus has had you print preview
FROM: Rosenberg, Sylvia, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.03.07 This is to acknowledge receipt of your application print preview
FROM: Goodwin, John E., University of California at Los Angles 1939.03.06 The University Library acknowledges with thanks th print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar, Chappell & Co., Inc 1939.03.06 I have been lax in my reply due to a necessity for print preview
FROM: Engelbrecht, Richard 1939.03.06 Anbei überreiche ich Ihnen den Prospect meines Ins print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.03.04 ich beantworte Deinen Brief sofort. Die Sache mit print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Hoogstraten, Willem van, Seattle Symphony Orchestra 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Monteux, Pierre, San Francisco Symphony Orchestra 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Reiner, Fritz, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Kindler, Hans, National Symphony Orchestra Association 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Goossens, Eugene, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1939.03.04 Would you be interested in performing my orchestra print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1939.03.04 ich war so muede von anstrengender Arbeit, dass ic print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1939.03.04 Am 30.XII, 1938 habe ich (wahrscheinlich airmail) print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1939.03.04 ich möchte dir heute nur kurz mitteilen, dass ich print preview
TO: Ratz, Erwin 1939.03.03 wenn Sie eine Ahnung hätten, wieviel ich derzeit print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1939.03.03 Long time ago you telegraphed me, you are going to print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1939.03.02 denken Sie nicht, dass ich Sie vergessen habe, abe print preview
FROM: Waterman, Edmund, Guild for the Jewish Blind 1939.03.02 Many thanks for your letter of February 24th. We a print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1939.03.02 Your information about the possibilities for my so print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1939.03.02 so traurig ich bin, dass meine Versuche Ihnen zu h print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1939.03.02 denken Sie nicht, daß ich Sie vergessen habe, aber print preview
TO: Paskusz, Gerta 1939.03.02 ich habe erst heute Zeit gefunden, Ihren Brief vom print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.03.02 Felix hat Strang einen Brief geschrieben (das erfu print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1939.03.01 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Boult, Adrian, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1939.03.01 Thank you very much for your letter; I quite under print preview
TO: Mamon High School 1939.03.01 I thank you very much for telling me about your in print preview
TO: Buchanan, A.C., Encyclopaedia Britannica 1939.03.01 Many thanks for answering my questions in your kin print preview
TO: La Violette, Wesley 1939.03.01 Many thanks for your letter and your writing to As print preview
FROM: Zemlinsky, Alexander 1939.03.00 Bald nach unserer Ankunft in New York erkrankte ic print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.03.00 ich muss dir leider mitteilen, dass es noch sehr u print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.02.28 In Ihrem Brief vom 10.1. waren Sie so freundlich, print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.02.28 ich kann augenblicklich meine Notizen über nicht v print preview
TO: Darnell, H.C., Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.28 Thank you for giving me an idea how many of the se print preview
TO: O'Connell, Charles, Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.28 May I first tell you that I am very pleased with y print preview
TO: Voigt, Ernest R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1939.02.28 Mr. Wesley La Violette was so kind to communicate print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.02.25 Thank you for the kind letters. I should have answ print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.02.25 Enclosed you will find the signed contracts for th print preview
TO: Southerland, Gordon 1939.02.25 I have known Mr. Gordon Southerland for about four print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.02.24 As 2219 Verrechnungs Kto "Neue Werke" print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.02.24 Abrechnung für das Jahr 1938 - Neue Werke - Verlag print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.02.24 Awaiting signed contracts to proceed with Quartet print preview
TO: Guild for the Jewish Blind 1939.02.24 As business has been very bad the last two years I print preview
FROM: Loewenstein, Hubertus, American Guild for German Cultural Freedom 1939.02.23 da das Publikum bei der Auktion leider mehr auf da print preview
FROM: Mallachow, Agathe 1939.02.19 bitte werden Sie nicht ungehalten, wenn ich mir er print preview
FROM: Epstein, Paul Sophus, California Institute of Technology 1939.02.18 Das Komité, welches unter anderem Vortragsreisen f print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1939.02.17 Thank you for your letter. Concerning your son Ge print preview
FROM: Darnell, H.C., Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.16 We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 8th i print preview
FROM: La Violette, Wesley, De Paul University Press 1939.02.16 The enclosed letter came in reply to my letter to print preview
FROM: O\'Connell, Charles, Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.14 Thank you for your letter of February 8. I recall print preview
FROM: Loewenstein, Hubertus 1939.02.14 Innigsten Dank für Ihre große Güte und für die gro print preview
FROM: Sutherland, Gordon 1939.02.11 My year at Harvard has been very valuable and enjo print preview
FROM: Voigt, Ernest R., Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1939.02.11 Mr. Tompkins has asked me to answer your letter of print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1939.02.11 Tausend Dank für Ihre Mühewaltung. Ich bitte Sie n print preview
FROM: Loewenstein, Hubertus, American Guild for German Cultural Freedom 1939.02.10 Die American Guild for German Cultural Freedom hat print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1939.02.10 nun habe ich schon wieder sehr lange keine Nachric print preview
TO: Rankl, Karl, Deutsches Landestheater 1939.02.09 bitte nehmen Sie es nicht als Teilnahmslosigkeit, print preview
TO: Mengelberg, Willem, Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest 1939.02.09 es ist sicher weit mehr als fünfzehn Jahre, daß ic print preview
TO: Boult, Adrian, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1939.02.09 I am writing on behalf of Mr. Karl Rankl, musical print preview
TO: Klug, Ludwig 1939.02.09 ich bin sehr unglücklich, Ihnen zunächst nichts print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark 1939.02.09 I was really happy when Dr. Jalowetz wrote me that print preview
FROM: Neustadtl, Otto 1939.02.08 H. Karl Rankl ist ein guter Freund von mir. Er ist print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.08 About three years ago one of your presidents, Mr. print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.08 I wonder whether you will be kind enough to tell m print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.08 On many occasions during the last years I have had print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1939.02.08 When my Gurrelieder have been recorded by you (abo print preview
FROM: Dieterle, Charlotte 1939.02.07 Ich bestaetige Ihnen hiermit wunschgemaess den Emp print preview
TO: Dieterle, Charlotte 1939.02.07 ich gebe Ihrem Boten drei Manuscripte. Das erste i print preview
FROM: Budge, Helen 1939.02.06 The enclosed list of music is to be used as the ba print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.02.06 Ich nehme an, dass ich der naechsten Zeit eine Rec print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1939.02.06 Beiliegend finden Sie die gewuenschte Erklaerung print preview
TO: Paschal, Marian 1939.02.06 Including[!] you find a letter of Miss Newlin in w print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1939.02.05 alle meine Bemühungen, ein Affidavit zu erhalten, print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1939.02.05 ich danke Dir sehr für Deine lieben Grüße, die ich print preview
FROM: Buchanan, A.C., Encyclopaedia Britannica 1939.02.02 I have your letter of January 22nd. I am sorry but print preview
FROM: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1939.02.01 You are doubtless familiar with the work accomplis print preview
FROM: Bunzel-Godwyn, Gertrude, American Express 1939.02.00 Da Sie die große Liebenswürdigkeit hatten, mir zu print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1939.02.00 vielen Dank für Deine Bemühungen. Ich habe sofort print preview
TO: Budge, Helen, Columbia University 1939.02.00 Without further explanation it is difficult to mak print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.01.30 Ihr Brief vom 10.I.39, in welchem Sie mir eine unu print preview
TO: Gallagher, Irene, Crawford Music Corp 1939.01.30 Thank you very kindly for sending application form print preview
TO: Schönberg, Heinrich 1939.01.28 ich habe schon sehr lange keinen Brief von dir bek print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1939.01.28 du hast mir seit wenigstens 5-6 Wochen nicht gesch print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1939.01.26 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1939.01.26 Wir haben ewig nichts von Ihnen gehört. Wir haben print preview
FROM: Allen, Walter A., Pomona College 1939.01.26 Please find enclosed an examination report. Will y print preview
FROM: Gallagher, Irene, Crawford Music Corp 1939.01.26 At the request of Mr. Oscar Levant, I am sending y print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1939.01.24 Wir teilen Ihnen hierdurch höflichst mit, daß auf print preview
FROM: Levant, Oscar, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 1939.01.23 Am very happy to take care of your ASCAP applicati print preview
TO: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1939.01.22 In connection with a textbook in musical compositi print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1939.01.21 Da ich von Paris die Nachricht erhalte, daß Sie a print preview
TO: Scheyer, Galka E. 1939.01.21 ich will, in Eile Ihren Brief beantwortend, sagen, print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1939.01.21 ich moechte dir heute nur einen Gruss zu deinem Ei print preview
FROM: Valeska, L. 1939.01.18 Ich habe das Aquarell weiter gegeben um es so hoch print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1939.01.18 Warum höre ich gar nichts von Euch, das ist ja zum print preview
TO: Norman S. Johnson Co 1939.01.18 Including my check of $25.00 as first installment print preview
TO: Levant, Oscar 1939.01.18 The only thing I heard from you, was over the radi print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1939.01.17 Ihr lieber Brief war ein hohes Lied der Güte. Bei print preview
FROM: Varèse, Edgar 1939.01.16 Enclosed minutes till story of our meeting, and print preview
TO: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1939.01.16 Please send the music of the Brahms quartet as fas print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.01.16 dein Brief vom 12. scheint nicht per Airmail gegan print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1939.01.15 Leider habe ich auf meinen letzten Brief keine Ant print preview
TO: Taylor, Noel Heath 1939.01.15 I want to ask you today, whether you want to come print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1939.01.15 ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für Ihren Brief. Er be print preview
FROM: Brandt, Shirley, American Composers Alliance 1939.01.13 In regard to the question in your letter of Decemb print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.01.12 Fuleihan showed me your note [of the] tenth. We print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1939.01.12 es ist soweit: das Quartett steht vor der Auflösun print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.01.11 I am sorry that I had to delay my reply to your vo print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1939.01.10 Mit grossem Interesse haben wir Ihre Zuschrift vom print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1939.01.10 ich bin leider sehr lang ohne Nachricht von Dir, n print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1939.01.10 I assume NBC knows know[!] already, whether it print preview
FROM: Mann, Thomas 1939.01.09 Sie haben mir eine Ehre erwiesen mit der Ãœbersendu print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W. 1939.01.07 Aaron Copland called on me the other day and told print preview
TO: Paschal, Marian 1939.01.06 I heard with pleasure you are interested in Miss N print preview
TO: Independent Music Publishers 1939.01.04 Please send me as soon as possible No. 106 20 Stav print preview
FROM: Sonderling, Jacob, Society for Jewish Culture 1939.01.03 Ich muß Sie herzlich um Entschuldigung bitten mei print preview
FROM: Bunzel-Godwyn, Gertrude 1939.01.02 meinen herzlichen Dank für Ihren freundlichen Brie print preview
FROM: Feuermann, Emanuel 1939.01.01 Ich habe Ihren Brief vom 19. Dezember mit großer print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1939.01.00 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schoenberg request the pleasur print preview
FROM: Sonderling, Jacob, Society for Jewish Culture 1939.00.00 Im Falle von Zweifel bitte ich Sie jederzeit über print preview
FROM: Beresonsky, George 1939.00.00 In appreciation for all the enjoyments and benefit print preview
FROM: Collins, Russell 1939.00.00 First of all, I wish to apologize for not having a print preview
FROM: Zemlinsky, Louise (Luise) 1939.00.00 Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren lieben Brief. Unglü print preview
FROM: Krüger, Viktor 1939.00.00 Der Krieg hat auch gute Folgen. Ohne Krieg, wie kä print preview
FROM: Engelbrecht, Richard, Conservatorio Argentino 1939.00.00 in meiner neuen Eigenschaft als künstlerischer Lei print preview
TO: Tovey, Donald 1939.00.00 In your article about harmony XI 211b you say that print preview
TO: Hughes, Edwin, Music Teachers' Association of California 1939.00.00 Cannot yet definitively decide whether I will spea print preview
TO: Winter, Hugo, Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1939.00.00 Friede auf Erden was published in German and Engli print preview
FROM: Klug, Ludwig 1938.12.30 Wiener Freunde, die ich derzeit in der Schweiz auf print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.12.30 vielen Dank für die Weihnachtswünsche und Schecks. print preview
TO: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1938.12.30 Included you find [a] check of $24.70. This chec print preview
TO: Eggarter, Fred W. 1938.12.30 Es tut mir leid, daß soviel Zeit verstrichen ist, print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1938.12.30 ich habe ein Affidavit für dich, aber Mr. Haeft b print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1938.12.28 Heute kam Ihr Brief vom 11.d.M. und ich will Ihnen print preview
TO: Mann, Thomas 1938.12.28 darf ich Sie um eine Gefälligkeit bitten? Möchte print preview
FROM: Prawossudowitsch, Natalie (Natalja Micha 1938.12.27 Die besten Glückwünsche zum Neuen Jahr sende ich I print preview
FROM: [unknown] 1938.12.25 Ich hörte gestern Ihre göttliche Bearbeitung des g print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.24 Included a letter from Chicago, which explains, wh print preview
TO: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1938.12.24 I can not remember a relative of mine with the nam print preview
TO: Voegeli, Henry E., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1938.12.24 Many thanks for your kind letter. I am very glad t print preview
TO: Rachmaninoff, Sergei 1938.12.24 The Committee for the Mailamm Gabrilowitsch Conser print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1938.12.23 bitte glauben Sie nicht daß es an mir liegt, daß print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Werner 1938.12.22 Wir haben geheiratet! print preview
TO: American Composers Alliance 1938.12.22 I wonder whether I could get Number 1 of your ACA print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.20 We are enclosing herewith a check for $75.00 to co print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.12.20 nun habe ich Dir wieder einige Zeit nicht geschrie print preview
TO: Scheyer, Galka E. 1938.12.20 bitten lesen Sie den beiliegenden Brief eines Freu print preview
TO: Feuermann, Emanuel 1938.12.19 Ich beabsichtige eine oder mehrere der Cellosonate print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1938.12.18 I guess there will not be too many people who have print preview
TO: Taylor, Noel Heath 1938.12.16 In accordance with your letter of December 14th, w print preview
FROM: Voegeli, Henry E., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1938.12.16 We have pleasure in sending you under separate cov print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.16 Many thanks for your kind letter of December 11th. print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.12.16 Ich weiss nicht, ob es Ihnen bekannt ist, dass in print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.15 My orchestration is so well balanced that it would print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1938.12.14 diesen Brief habe ich wohl schon viele Male geschr print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1938.12.14 Weihnachten und das neue Jahr nahen heran und ich print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.14 ich habe solange nicht geschrieben und muß nun ei print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.13 Have you got tissues or negatives of the parts of print preview
FROM: Schirmer, Gustave 1938.12.12 Further to wire regarding Brahms piano quartet NBC print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1938.12.12 Nun ist wieder ein 1/2 Jahr vergangen ohne eine Na print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.12 I have already longtime[!] intended to write you o print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.12 Betrifft meine Harmonielehre. Nachdem ich jetzt ba print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.12 Die betrifft mein Buch: Fundamentals of Musical Co print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.12 Betrifft: The Students Private Library, Ich habe m print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.12 Prices are going up. Todays special $150. Tomorrow print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1938.12.11 in Eile nur, dass ich versuche, ein Affidavit für print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.11 Yes, I had a very good impression of your scores a print preview
TO: Burkley, Francis 1938.12.11 Thanks for your telegram stop. I will be glad to s print preview
FROM: Engelbrecht, Richard 1938.12.10 Ihr Brief hat mir viel geholfen! Ich muß Ihnen se print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.12.10 auf mein Ersuchen hat dir gestern Herr Gerald Stra print preview
TO: Asofsky, Isaac L., Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society 1938.12.09 I can not remember a relative of mine with the nam print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.12.08 I wanted to write to you some time ago to thank yo print preview
FROM: Kulka, Heinrich 1938.12.06 wie soll ich meine große Freude über das Testimoni print preview
FROM: Paz, Juan Carlos 1938.12.05 ich habe das Vergnügen Ihnen die Programme der Con print preview
TO: Leichtentritt, Hugo, Harvard University 1938.12.03 in der Universität hatte ich nicht Zeit, Ihre Frag print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.12.02 Am 11. Juli d. J. sandten wir Ihnen 2 Erklärungen print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.12.02 Bitte Sie vielmals nicht böse zu sein daß ich Ihne print preview
TO: Natelson, Rachel, American Palestine Music Association 1938.12.02 I am much honored being elected unanimously Honora print preview
TO: Dieterle, Charlotte 1938.12.02 es tut mir sehr leid, daß ich Sie enttäuschen muß print preview
TO: Bunzel-Godwyn, Gertrude 1938.12.02 so gerne ich jedem helfen möchte, so muss ich Ihne print preview
TO: Bush, Alan 1938.12.01 Your idea of an arrangement for string orchestra o print preview
TO: Guernsey, Roscoe, American Academy in Rome 1938.12.01 Thank you for inviting me to tell you names of Ame print preview
TO: Sonderling, Jacob 1938.12.01 anbei nochmals die Daten: Professor Moriz Violin g print preview
TO: Cleve, Fanny 1938.12.01 ich möchte Ihnen nur in Eile mitteilen, dass ich h print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.12.00 Herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße und die besten Wünsche print preview
FROM: Buch, Alan D. 1938.12.00 Thank you very much for your letter of December 1s print preview
FROM: Steiner, Maria 1938.11.29 Verziehen Sie, wenn ich mich mit diesem Brief an S print preview
FROM: Schirmer, Gustave 1938.11.28 In the absence of Mr Carl Engel we beg to inquire print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1938.11.28 auch ich bin sicher, dass es für euch kein großes print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.11.28 No negotiation necessary because Rodzinsky agreed print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1938.11.27 Herr Alan Bush, englischer Komponist von Rang, (au print preview
FROM: Buch, Alan D. 1938.11.27 Mit gleicher Post erhalten Sie einen Brief von Han print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.11.26 wir haben gestern alle unsere Papiere zurückbekomm print preview
FROM: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.11.25 In our former correspondence I advised you that we print preview
FROM: Deutsch-Dorian, Paul 1938.11.23 Ihr liebes Schreiben vom 10. November beantworte i print preview
TO: Silvers, [?], Twentieth Century-Fox 1938.11.22 Immediately after the performance of my Kol Nidre print preview
TO: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.11.21 You, curiously, did not answer my letter to its fu print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.11.20 vielen Dank für Deinen Brief. Es tut mir sehr leid print preview
TO: Kulka, Heinrich 1938.11.16 I herewith confirm that I have known the architect print preview
FROM: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1938.11.14 I want to thank you very much for the correction o print preview
FROM: Bunzel-Godwyn, Gertrude 1938.11.14 Sie werden sich über die Anrede wundern, aber Sie print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.11.14 ich bin seit fast 8 Tagen krank und konnte daher n print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.11.14 ich bin seit Dienstag voriger Woche krank und heut print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.11.12 Mir macht die Arbeit sehr sehr viel Freude und ich print preview
FROM: Jontof, Margarete 1938.11.10 Ohne Wissen meines Mannes erlaube ich mir Ihnen ei print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.11.08 Ich habe jetzt schon lange nichts mehr von Dir geh print preview
TO: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1938.11.08 It is now the second time that I see you call my print preview
TO: Downes, Olin, New York Times 1938.11.08 I see in the New York Times from October 30, 1938 print preview
TO: Keller, Margarthe (Grete) 1938.11.08 Entschuldigen Sie die große Verzögerung meiner Ant print preview
FROM: Eggarter, Fred W. 1938.11.07 In eigener Sache sowohl wie im Auftrage Ihres Sohn print preview
TO: Engelbrecht, Richard 1938.11.05 ich kann Ihnen nur kurz antworten. Ich bin sehr üb print preview
TO: Colgan, Charles J., California Franchise Tax Commissioner 1938.11.05 It seems I am erroneously asked for the payment me print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.11.05 ich sende dir heute die Partitur meiner Brahms-Bea print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.11.04 soeben haben wir die Extension unseres Visums beko print preview
TO: Heller-Baghéro, Rudolf 1938.11.02 Bestätigung, womit ich erkläre, daß Herr Rudolf Ko print preview
FROM: Kulka, Heinrich 1938.10.28 Zur Bekräftigung meines Einreisegesuches nach Aust print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.10.24 ich sende Dir mit diesem Brief einen Scheck für 12 print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.10.22 Wir sandten Ihnen am 11. Juli d. J. 2 Erklärungen print preview
TO: Sachs, Herman 1938.10.17 Excuse, please, the delay of my answer - I was, an print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.10.17 vor beinahe drei Wochen habe ich deinen Mann ersuc print preview
FROM: Haft, Joseph 1938.10.15 I want to acknowledge with thanks your very intere print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.10.15 also, Du willst ohne Umschweife die Wahrheit hören print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1938.10.13 Obwohl ich weiß, daß Sie sicher allzu große Sorge print preview
FROM: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.10.10 In reply to your letter of September 6th, I hasten print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.10.07 Gestern kam endlich das Affidavit an. Ich danke Di print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1938.10.07 der Faden unserer Korrespondenz ist leider abgeris print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1938.10.06 gestern, in einem Konzert des Kolisch Quartetts, h print preview
TO: Heaft, Joseph 1938.10.06 You can not imagine how happy I felt through your print preview
TO: Hoellering, Franz, The Nation 1938.10.06 Sie erinnern sich, daß wir uns in Bruck kennengele print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1938.10.03 Nur schwer konnte ich mich entschließen Euch zu s print preview
FROM: Etwanik, Arthur 1938.10.03 Vielleicht vermittelt Ihnen mein Name die Erinneru print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.10.01 ich habe (wirklich!) ein außerordentlich schlechte print preview
TO: Coulter, Eliot B., United States Department of State 1938.10.00 May I allow me to thank you very heartily for your print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.09.30 leider wird es noch 2-3 Tage dauern bis wir das print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.09.27 Many thanks for your wire. It would indeed be a go print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.09.26 Erhielt heute Deinen Brief vom 13. September mit d print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.09.26 aus deinem Brief kann ich nicht entnehmen, ob ihr print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.09.23 Have not received reply to my letter of September print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Boosey & Hawkes 1938.09.23 Die Karte soll Ihnen nur anzeigen, daß ich glückli print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.09.23 Seit etwa 14 Tagen bin ich in Frankreich, (fragen print preview
FROM: Novakovic, Olga 1938.09.18 darf ich zu allererst sagen, wie glücklich wir gew print preview
FROM: Rózsa, Béla 1938.09.17 I am very happy to write you that I have been elec print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.09.16 An dem Tage, an dem ich schmerzerfüllt von meinem print preview
TO: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.09.14 Parts and Letter mailed September twelve will arri print preview
FROM: Rufer, Marie Antonie 1938.09.13 wir gedenken Ihrer an Ihrem Geburtstag in größte print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1938.09.13 Please forgive the delay in replying to your lette print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1938.09.13 mit einer Verspätung von fast einer Woche (an der print preview
TO: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.09.13 I acknowledge the receipt of a check of $155 for t print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.09.12 Would you care to send us the score and parts of y print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.09.11 gerade, wo wir uns jetzt doch räumlich näher sind, print preview
FROM: Western Union 1938.09.09 Message today from New York NY signed Trudie pleas print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.09.09 Unsere Immigrationssituation ist definite fertig B print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.09.09 zur Erklärung unseres heutigen Telegramms: durch j print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.09.09 Very happy about success and glad I could do it al print preview
TO: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.09.06 I am sorry, I can not agree with your last letter. print preview
FROM: Klarfeld, Pauline 1938.09.05 Dieser Brief wird Sie voraussichtlich um Ihren Geb print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1938.09.05 auf die Gefahr hin, von Ihnen als furchtbar aufdri print preview
FROM: Herscovici, Filip 1938.09.04 Ich bin Schüler Dr. Weberns und erlaube mir Ihnen print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.09.03 leider kann ich noch immer nichts Definitives über print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1938.09.02 eine erfreuliche Nachricht: es ist mir gelungen ei print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, Saks Fifth Avenue 1938.09.02 Yesterday our common friend Mr. Leo Robin of Param print preview
TO: Alexander, William 1938.09.02 Mr. Sparks just finished his work, I think you won print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1938.09.01 Vor allem möchte ich Ihnen zu Ihrem bevorstehenden print preview
TO: Rainger, Ralph, Paramount Studio 1938.09.01 It was so great of you to give me the affidavit fo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.09.01 beiliegend kann ich dir endlich das versprochene A print preview
TO: 1938.09.00 But may I show you the other side: For September 1 print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.08.29 Tentative plans for performing of[!] Concerto with print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Georg 1938.08.29 Als ich heute an meinem Geburtstag meine Papiere d print preview
TO: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.08.29 For two days I could not find your letter because print preview
FROM: Einstein, Albert 1938.08.28 Frau Goldner, die Schwiegermutter von Eugen Ormand print preview
TO: Rodzinski, Artur, Cleveland Orchestra 1938.08.28 I got yesterday a letter from your manager (I can print preview
FROM: Singer, Gustav 1938.08.27 Staunen Sie nicht, wenn Sie diesen Brief bekommen, print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1938.08.25 1 Loos, Ins Leere gesprochen 5,50/1 Kielka, Adolf print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1938.08.25 Nun ist wieder ein ereignisreiches Jahr vergangen print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1938.08.24 besten Dank für Ihre freundlichen Zeilen vom 19.ds print preview
FROM: Bach, Martin 1938.08.24 Die heutige Zeit schafft oft so merkwürdige Wieder print preview
FROM: Simon, Erich, New Friends of Music 1938.08.23 Ich beeile mich, Ihren Brief vom 20.ds. zu beantwo print preview
FROM: Vosburgh, Carl J., Cleveland Orchestra 1938.08.23 Dr. Rodzinski was in Cleveland today and told me a print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1938.08.22 Da ich so lange, seit der Geburtsanzeige Ihres Soh print preview
TO: Taylor, Noel Heath 1938.08.21 Thank you for your interesting letter. print preview
TO: Borisoff, Alexander 1938.08.21 You have been asked several times to return my cel print preview
TO: Adler, Oskar 1938.08.21 ich möchte dein Buch gerne einigen hiesigen Wissen print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1938.08.20 vor allem und hoffentlich rechtzeitig einlangend u print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.08.20 entschuldige bitte, daß ich Dich nicht sofort davo print preview
TO: Einstein, Albert, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 1938.08.20 Sie sind gewiß viel mehr noch mit den Angelegenhei print preview
TO: Novakovic, Olga 1938.08.20 würdest du so freundlich sein, den beiliegenden Br print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1938.08.15 Diesmal habe ich seit meiner letzten Karte nicht m print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.08.15 ich bin sehr überrascht: Ihr schreibt, dass Ihr da print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.08.14 Ich habe Deinen Brief erhalten und freue mich natü print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.08.12 Tausendmal Dank für Ihren Brief vom. 30. Juli. Ich print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1938.08.10 Soeben empfing ich von Ihnen meinen ersten Sonnens print preview
TO: Fadrus, Gretl 1938.08.10 es wurde mir bisher nicht bekannt, daß ich ein Ne print preview
FROM: Brunswick, Mark, Placement Committee for German and Austrian Musicians 1938.08.09 Mother has written me about how you have tried so print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1938.08.09 Honolulu means not only "Waikiki Beach" and "Hula print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.08.03 Dein Brief war mir, trotzdem er nicht das ersehnte print preview
TO: Buchhandlung Richard Lanyi 1938.08.02 Ich bitte um freundliche Zusendung folgender Werke print preview
TO: Knudsen, Vern Oliver, University of California at Los Angles 1938.08.01 I find the idea of naming the unit of the equally print preview
TO: Robin, Leo 1938.08.01 Deeply moved by your generosity thank you for your print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.07.30 hier die Abschrift des Briefes an Miss Fisher. Ich print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1938.07.30 es ist vielleicht doch möglich, daß ich Dir ein A print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1938.07.30 Ich möchte Ihnen nur in Eile mitteilen, dass sich print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.07.30 ich habe höchstwahrscheinlich ein Affidavit für di print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.07.29 vielen, vielen Dank für das Zusatzaffidavit; wir h print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.07.20 bitte vielmals schicke mir baldigst die in meinen print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1938.07.19 ich bin sehr traurig, daß ich dir nicht helfen kan print preview
TO: Wise, Stephen, Free Synagogue House 1938.07.19 I am very sorry I have to trouble you again, telli print preview
TO: Klatzkin, Jacob 1938.07.19 ich sende gleichzeitig mit diesem Brief das Buch print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.07.18 Wir überreichen Ihnen anliegend den Abschluß Ihres print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.07.18 Wir überreichen Ihnen anliegend den Abschluß Ihre print preview
FROM: Feder, Melanie 1938.07.16 Vor einigen Tagen übergab mir meine Schwester eine print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.07.15 gestern und heute war ich also bei den \"Jewish Wo print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1938.07.14 ich danke Dir für Deinen letzten Brief, dessen gro print preview
TO: Jenner, George O., Los Angeles Times 1938.07.14 Do you remember that some three weeks ago you aske print preview
TO: Who's Who Publication Company 1938.07.14 Having mailed to you today the lsit of additions o print preview
TO: Robin, Leo 1938.07.14 You know me and I may perhaps assume that you put print preview
TO: Lautner, Lois W. 1938.07.14 Mrs. Lois W. Lautner has studied with me when I ha print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1938.07.13 I opened the letter by mistake--I saw only that it print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.07.12 Ich habe gestern Deine Karte erhalten, aus der ich print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.07.11 Die amerikanische Schutzfrist Ihrer Sechs print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.07.11 deine letzten Briefe erfüllen mich mit grosser Bes print preview
FROM: Paz, Juan Carlos 1938.07.10 ich erlaube mir mich an Sie zu wenden, und erfülle print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.07.10 wir sind sehr glücklich über das Affidavit, es war print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1938.07.07 seit lange bin ich ohne jede Nachricht von Ihnen u print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.07.05 Lange habe ich keine direkte Nachricht von Dir. Me print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.07.05 ich schreibe Dir heute in einer Sache die nicht un print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.07.04 soeben komme ich von den christlichen \"Jewish Wom print preview
FROM: Gale, Joseph 1938.07.02 I hope that you will forgive me for addressing you print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.07.01 Wir überweisen heute für Rechnung laut Ihrem Auftr print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1938.07.01 Ich danke Ihnen von ganzem Herzen für das schöne print preview
FROM: Lautner, Lois W. 1938.06.30 I have been asked to teach theory and ear-training print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.06.30 da mein Mann rasend zu arbeiten hast, will ich an print preview
TO: Jenner, George O., Los Angeles Times 1938.06.30 Including[!] you find the article you asked me to print preview
TO: Brunswick, Mark 1938.06.23 wenn sie nur einmal das mitgemacht hätten, wie ich print preview
FROM: Harris, Leo A., Fresno High School 1938.06.23 Thank you very much for your kind letter dated Jun print preview
TO: Burkley, Francis 1938.06.23 I am sorry, I can not change my fees on account of print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1938.06.22 Vor allem vielen Dank für Eure guten Wünsche, die print preview
TO: Stevenson, Alice Barnett, San Diego Symphony Association 1938.06.22 Thanks for your kind letter from June 20. I agree print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1938.06.20 Thank you for your letter. I know too well the cir print preview
FROM: Weigl, Karl 1938.06.20 Vielen Dank für Deine warmherzigen Worte! Hoffent print preview
FROM: Manfred Pascotini, Olga 1938.06.18 viele der glücklichen Erinnerungen der Sachsenköni print preview
FROM: Pascotini, Karl Ferdinand 1938.06.18 Euer Kartengruß v. 22./4. hat uns sehr erfreut und print preview
TO: Harry W. Brintnall Co 1938.06.17 I need some boob9nding supplies and would like to print preview
TO: Hertz, Alfred, United States Works Progress Administration 1938.06.16 I am very sorry to hear you have been sick and hop print preview
TO: Weigl, Karl 1938.06.16 ich bin sehr traurig, daß ich dir keine besserer print preview
TO: Stevenson, Alice Barnett, San Diego Symphony Association 1938.06.16 I should have answered you already longtime, but I print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph, Malkin Conservatory of Music 1938.06.16 Ich freue mich nach so langer Zeit wieder von Ihne print preview
TO: Birchard, Clarence C. 1938.06.16 it is an eternity I did not hear from you. But I h print preview
TO: Hertz, Alfred, United States Works Progress Administration 1938.06.16 I am sorry to hear you have been sick and hope you print preview
TO: Bromfield, Innis, Coast Magazine 1938.06.15 I just - 8:30 - came home and although writing im print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander 1938.06.13 You are so right in asking the fee you first menti print preview
FROM: Lubitsch, Ernst 1938.06.13 Your letter of May 18th in regard to Dr. D.J. Bach print preview
TO: Cohen, Mrs. Frank, Mailamm 1938.06.13 I agree to sign the letter which you want to send print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.06.12 ich habe bis jetzt leider noch keinerlei Erfolg mi print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.06.12 ich habe bis jetzt leider noch keinerlei Erfolg mi print preview
FROM: Kulka, Heinrich 1938.06.12 Wie soll ich meine große Freude über das Testimon print preview
TO: Graf, Herbert, Metropolitan Opera 1938.06.12 unter den vielen betroffenen aus Wien, befindet si print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1938.06.11 2 x 2 = 4 : Ihr Brief mußte kommen. Daß es in mens print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.06.11 soeben haben wir Deinen Brief erhalten. Das wichti print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, Saks Fifth Avenue 1938.06.11 I have been so busy the last two months with my te print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.06.10 ich sende dir beiliegend ein Affidavit in zwei Exe print preview
TO: Burkley, Francis 1938.06.10 In case you takeweekly a lesson of a full hour I w print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.06.08 nun sind wir eine Woche hier, und es beginnt, print preview
TO: Hodgson, Hugh, University of Georgia 1938.06.08 Just through with my classes and examination, I hu print preview
TO: Natalie, Inc 1938.06.08 I am very sorry I have to return to you the two ch print preview
TO: Harris, Leo A., Fresno High School 1938.06.08 Please excuse me for answering your letter with so print preview
FROM: Dieterle, William 1938.06.07 Ihren Brief und das Buechlein Ihres Freundes Dr. B print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1938.06.07 [not seen] print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1938.06.07 anbei sende ich Ihnen eine Kopie des Empfehlungssc print preview
TO: University of California at Los Angles 1938.06.07 Please make the following changes in the final gra print preview
TO: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1938.06.07 It is scheduled that I should on Monday and Friday print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1938.06.07 Erwin Stein belongs to this small number of men wh print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1938.06.07 so traurig alles ist, was man aus unserem Freundes print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.06.07 ich bin ganz entsetzt über das was dir passiert is print preview
TO: Smallens, Alexander 1938.06.06 I am very sorry, you will understand I cannot give print preview
FROM: Neurath, Fritz 1938.06.05 Ich weiß, daß Sie auf die Abstattung meines Dankes print preview
FROM: Allen, Leroy W., University of California at Los Angles 1938.06.04 I am happy to inform you that the Committee on Cou print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.06.03 zur vorläufigen Beruhigung: Herr Engel hat mich em print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1938.06.02 Gestern sind wir also glücklich gelandet. Wir ware print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.06.01 Wir überweisen heute für Rechnung laut Ihrem Auftr print preview
FROM: Fleischer, Arthur 1938.06.01 verzeihen Sie bitte, dass ich erst heute Ihnen mei print preview
FROM: Schwarz, Paul 1938.06.01 Ich danke Ihnen vielmals für Ihre so liebenswürdig print preview
TO: Welch, Spencer, Princeton University 1938.06.01 The Viennese composer and teacher Prof.Dr. Karl We print preview
TO: Ganz, Hugo 1938.06.01 The composer and teacher Prof. Dr. Karl Weigl, fro print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.06.00 Mit Gegenwärtigem teilen wir Ihnen höflichst mit, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.05.31 hoffentlich hast Du bereits meine und Krasners Ver print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander 1938.05.30 Your letter in hand. I must tell you at once that print preview
FROM: Davenport, John L. 1938.05.29 Kolisch concert last Tuesday the most remarkable f print preview
FROM: Jokl, Otto 1938.05.28 Verzeihung, daß ich mir erlaube, diesen Brief, den print preview
TO: Sholtz, Jeanne 1938.05.28 Jeanne Sholtz is certainly very talented and I can print preview
FROM: Harris, Leo A., Fresno High School 1938.05.27 There is a possibility that a position will open u print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, Columbia University 1938.05.27 I suppose Mr. Ettinger, who is very much in favour print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.05.27 ich bin sehr glücklich, dass es euch gelungen ist, print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.05.25 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
TO: Smallens, Alexander 1938.05.25 I am glad you like the score of the Brahms Piano Q print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.05.24 I have just received a cable from Mr. Greissle in print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.05.24 Wir erhielten Ihr Schreiben vom 20.v.Mts. und teil print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.05.24 Ihr Brief hat mich sehr überrascht. Ich habe nich print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.05.24 Ich habe noch eine Bitte an Sie: Meine Tochter war print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.05.23 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Locke, Arthur Ware 1938.05.23 I received your letter of May 18 and I am glad to print preview
FROM: Davenport, John L. 1938.05.23 The enclosed note was written months ago, & myster print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1938.05.22 ich sehe mich nach verschiedenen Seiten hin um ein print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.05.21 Wir überweisen heute für Rechnung laut Ihrem Auftr print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.05.21 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.05.21 Wir überweisen heute für Rechnung laut Ihrem Auftr print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, Columbia University 1938.05.20 I have discussed the question of your composition print preview
TO: Lubitsch, Ernst 1938.05.18 I am writing you on behalf of my dear old friend D print preview
TO: Dieterle, William 1938.05.18 wieder ist einer meiner Jugendfreunde ein Opfer de print preview
FROM: Marble, Mauton[?] Monroe[?], G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.05.17 Enclosed please find contracts to cover our public print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander 1938.05.17 Found your score waiting for me when I got back fr print preview
TO: Rózsa, Béla 1938.05.17 Would you be so kind as to do me a favour? print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1938.05.16 Daß Sie in dieser traurigen Zeit sich meiner erin print preview
FROM: Locke, Arthur Ware 1938.05.16 Sure miss the day, a month ago, when I had the ple print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1938.05.16 unter den wenigen Noten, die ich bei diesem ewigen print preview
FROM: Prawossudowitsch, Natalie (Natalja Micha 1938.05.14 Zum Geburtstage Ihres Sohnes gratuliere ich Ihnen print preview
FROM: Schwarz, Paul 1938.05.13 ich habe sehr lange von Ihnen nichts gehört. Die print preview
FROM: Fleischer, Arthur 1938.05.12 Ich bin seit dem Jahre 32 wieder hier in Wien gela print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.05.12 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 1. April, welcher print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1938.05.11 wir hat uns Deine liebe Karte gefreut! Sei vielmal print preview
TO: Hertz, Alfred, United States Works Progress Administration 1938.05.11 Thank you very much for your intention to write di print preview
TO: Smallens, Alexander 1938.05.11 I send you today the score of my Orchestration of print preview
TO: Chávez, Carlos 1938.05.11 Many thanks for your very kind letter from April 2 print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.05.10 Wir danken bestens für Ihr freundl. Schreiben vom print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.05.10 gestern erhielt ich deinen Brief worin du mir dein print preview
FROM: Hertz, Alfred, United States Works Progress Administration 1938.05.09 Many thanks for your letter of May 2nd. I do reme print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1938.05.09 Es ist schön, wieder einmal so unmittelbar von Ihn print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1938.05.08 ich danke Ihnen herzlich für Ihre Karte. Sie werde print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1938.05.08 deine Karte lieber Arnold habe ich erhalten und wa print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.05.07 Telegramm und Anspruch unverständlich. print preview
FROM: Williams, J. Harold, University of California Regents 1938.05.06 At the annual budget meeting of the Regents of the print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.05.06 Drahte zweitausendfünfhundert Mark sonst Ausreise print preview
TO: Thiman, Kenneth V., Harvard University 1938.05.06 It is curious: I remember exactely the name of Dr. print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1938.05.04 vor allem danke ich Dir für Deinen lieben Brief vo print preview
TO: Violin, Moritz 1938.05.02 ich habe oft an Sie gedacht, nicht bloss in diesen print preview
TO: Hertz, Alfred 1938.05.02 ein alter Freund meiner Jugend, der ausgezeichnete print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander 1938.05.01 Thank you for your letter of the 22nd. I am very print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.05.01 At the boat, I\'ve received a letter from Mr. Cabe print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.04.30 ich erhielt heute Deine Überweisung von RM.500 aus print preview
TO: Weigl, Karl 1938.04.29 ich glaube, ich brauche nicht zu sagen, wie gerne print preview
TO: Spinner, Leopold 1938.04.29 Ich kann Ihnen leider nur versprechen, Sie auf ein print preview
TO: Grünwald, Karl 1938.04.29 bezüglich Ihrer Schiele Bilder habe ich eine Antwo print preview
FROM: Chávez, Carlos 1938.04.27 I received your letter dated March 18th last. Upon print preview
FROM: Kulka, Heinrich 1938.04.27 Ich schrieb Ihnen vergangene Woche einen Brief, de print preview
FROM: Richter, John H. 1938.04.26 ich schreibe Ihnen auf eigene Verantwortung und print preview
TO: Schoenberg, Nuria Dorothea 1938.04.24 Zu Deinem 6. Geburtstag wünsche ich Dir alles erde print preview
FROM: Machlis, Joseph 1938.04.23 May I thank you very much for your kind letter. A print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1938.04.22 wie geht es Ihnen? Sie haben mir eine Ewigkeit lan print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, Columbia University 1938.04.22 Thank you for your very illuminating letter about print preview
TO: Werfel, Franz 1938.04.22 nehmen Sie es nicht für Interesselosigkeit, daß ic print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1938.04.22 wie geht es Ihnen? Sie haben mir eine Ewigkeit lan print preview
TO: Smallens, Alexander 1938.04.22 I would gladly send you a score of the orchestrati print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.04.21 Ich schrieb Ihnen vor ungefähr drei Wochen, dass i print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.04.21 ich weiss noch immer nicht, wie ich dir Geld schic print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.04.20 Auf meine Anfrage vom 7. Juli 1936 waren Sie so fr print preview
FROM: Smallens, Alexander 1938.04.18 Oscar Levant told me of your new orchestral transc print preview
FROM: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, New Friends of Music 1938.04.18 Please forgive the long delay in replying to your print preview
FROM: Kulka, Heinrich 1938.04.18 Es ist mir gelungen mit meiner Frau und meinen 2 k print preview
TO: McCormick, Kathryn D. 1938.04.18 I want to ask you whether you would consider makin print preview
FROM: Violin, Moritz 1938.04.17 Sie werden sich sicherlich nicht wundern, noch es print preview
TO: Moore, Douglas, Columbia University 1938.04.16 I am very glad about your interest in the text boo print preview
TO: Skeath, Harold 1938.04.16 I aked my freind Mr. Adolph Weiss, who tran print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1938.04.15 Wir sitzen zusammen u. denken an Dich! Es wäre s print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.04.14 eben teilt mir der Papa mit, daß Du operiert wurde print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1938.04.11 du hast mir jetzt wenigstens drei Monate nichts ge print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1938.04.11 wie geht es Ihnen? Ich hätte germe einmal von Ihne print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1938.04.11 wie gehts dir? Wir haben schon solange nichts print preview
FROM: Moore, Douglas, Columbia University 1938.04.11 I understand that you have in preparation a text b print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.04.11 nun hast Du wohl schon das Brahmsmaterial. Dein an print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1938.04.11 warum höre ich nichts von Ihnen? Sind Sie und die print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1938.04.07 Große Freude hat mir Dein lieber Brief bereitet, print preview
FROM: Marble, Mauton[?] Monroe[?], G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.04.05 On January 13, I wrote you as follows: "Mr. Engel print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.04.05 You must forgive me if I don't answer your letter print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1938.04.05 mir ist es wieder so weit. Mit der gleichen Post s print preview
TO: Machlis, Joseph 1938.04.05 I thank you very much for your kindly letter, whic print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich, Stadttheater Reichenberg 1938.04.05 ich bin sehr müde, nach 5-stündiger Arbeit an eine print preview
FROM: Spinner, Leopold 1938.04.04 ich möchte in die U.S.A. auswandern. Ich erwarte, print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.04.01 Wir danken für Ihre freundl. Mitteilung vom 17. II print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.04.01 Yesterday I cabled you as follows: \"Rückhaltet Gr print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.04.01 ich bemühe mich sehr, für euch hier eine Stellung print preview
TO: Scheyer, Galka E. 1938.04.01 Ich möchte Sie fragen, ob Sie jemenaden wüßten der print preview
TO: Grünwald, Karl 1938.04.01 Ich danke Ihnen sehr, daß Sie sich an mich wenden print preview
TO: Pascotini, Karl Ferdinand 1938.04.00 wir haben nun schon längere Zeit gar nichts von eu print preview
FROM: Weigl, Karl 1938.03.31 Wir haben lange Zeit nichts von einander gehört. print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.03.31 Rückhaltet Greissle Geldsendung bis aviso Afidavi print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.03.27 vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht vom 25.III. Mit Af print preview
TO: Norman, Dorothy, Twice a Year 1938.03.27 It was a lecture I gave on the occasion of a four print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.03.27 darf ich mit Ihnen europäisch reden und kurz sagen print preview
TO: Wise, Stephen 1938.03.26 Since I am here in Los Angeles, I outlined many a print preview
TO: Bear, Donald J., Denver Art Museum 1938.03.25 May I use this occasion, to thank you again for th print preview
TO: Hirschmann, Ira Arthur, Saks Fifth Avenue 1938.03.25 if I am not mistaken, I had the pleasure to meet y print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.03.25 Aufbringung neunhundert Dollar erfordert einige Wo print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.03.23 Wir verweisen auf unsere Schreiben v. 12. XI., v. print preview
FROM: Davenport, John L. 1938.03.23 This is not a particularly pleasant world to retur print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.03.22 vielen Dank für Dein Telegramm. Es war etwas verst print preview
FROM: Grünwald, Karl 1938.03.21 Schweren Herzens schreibe ich Ihnen, nachdem wir f print preview
TO: Schönberg, Heinrich 1938.03.21 du mußt nicht bös sein, daß ich dir so lange nicht print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.03.19 It happened that I was with Mr. Greissle at his ho print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.03.18 in Eile; entschuldige daß ich nichts schreibe, abe print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1938.03.18 Ich kann doch nicht einen Brief wegschicken ohne a print preview
TO: Laberge, Bernard R. 1938.03.18 Included you find a letter from Mr. Krasner which print preview
TO: Chávez, Carlos 1938.03.18 In writing to you I assume, though we did not meet print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1938.03.17 nach langem vergeblichem Suchen habe ich endlich print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1938.03.16 ist es nicht furchtbar? Ich bemühe mich, meine Kin print preview
FROM: Nachod, Hans 1938.03.15 Deinen Luftpostbrief vom 30.7. erhielt ich vor wen print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1938.03.15 Schon wieder sind 3 Monate vergangen ohne daß ich print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.03.14 ich schicke Dir morgen den 1. Fragebogen. Ich möch print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.03.12 Wie geht es Euch? Wir waren hier wegen der Übersch print preview
FROM: Newman, Alfred, Twentieth Century-Fox 1938.03.09 The enclosed is self explanatory. Mr. Gledbull, of print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.03.08 herzlichsten Dank für die beiden Schecks, $52.50 f print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1938.03.06 Ich bedauere es aufrichtig, und ich weiß wirklich print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1938.03.06 Fortunately we and Rosensweets were never endanger print preview
TO: [?] 1938.03.00 And therefore Mr ----- I congratulate you very hea print preview
TO: Gledhill, Donald, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences 1938.03.00 I deeply regret that illness during the past two n print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.02.26 Zunachst Arbeitsberichterstattung: Wie wir Dir ber print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.02.19 Wir sandten Ihnen am 12. XI. v. J. 2 Erklärungen print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.02.19 jetzt ist auch der 3.Satz vom Klavierauszug gekomm print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.02.19 ich danke Dir vielmals für Deine und Trude\'s Kart print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1938.02.14 Ich bin gerührt über Ihren ausführlichen Bescheid. print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1938.02.12 ich will statt meines Mannes, der dringend einen b print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1938.02.11 Herr H.I. Heinz ersucht mich, ihn bei Ihnen eizufü print preview
TO: Nathan, Hans 1938.02.11 Die Lieder, die Sie mir am 20.I. gesendet haben, e print preview
TO: Krasner, Louis 1938.02.11 Kolisch hat mir von Ihnen im günsigsten Sinne gesp print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.02.07 As 2219 General Verrechnungs Kto-Alte Werke print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.02.01 gestern - 31.Jänner - erhielt ich den 1.Satz des K print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1938.01.27 Herr Kolisch hat mir gestern erzählt von sein Gesp print preview
TO: Holzinger, Walter Denman 1938.01.22 1. I personally prefer to hear chamber music and e print preview
FROM: Coop, Squire, University of California at Los Angles 1938.01.21 Horizons. To the ancients the heavens and the eart print preview
TO: Josepha, Mary, Ramona Convent of the Holy Name 1938.01.21 Let me thank you most cordially for the very kind print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.01.15 ich habe die Partitur von Levant fertiggeschrieben print preview
FROM: Marble, Mauton[?] Monroe[?], G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.01.13 Mr. Engel wrote you on October 6th with respect to print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.01.12 We have your request for transparent paper to send print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1938.01.08 Sie wissen wahrscheinlich, daß ich seit Oktober 1 print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1938.01.08 ich sende in den nächsten Tagen die Partitur des B print preview
FROM: American Composers Alliance 1938.01.00 The enclosed statement of the aims of the American print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1938.00.00 vielen herzlichen Dank für das Affidavit, das wir print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1938.00.00 Zinsen Rechnung für: 1938 print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.00.00 Ich bitte Dich, mir Folgendes sofort zu schicken: print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1938.00.00 leider nützt das Affidavit mir nichts, da eine Quo print preview
FROM: Prentiss, Thomas 1938.00.00 Recently I have come upon a not very serious but a print preview
FROM: Nachod, Walter Josef 1938.00.00 Es ist lange her, daß ich Dich zuletzt sah und ich print preview
FROM: European Film Fund, Inc 1938.00.00 Sie wissen, daß durch die beispiellos traurigen Ve print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1938.00.00 ich habe Dir schrecklich lange nicht geschrieben u print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1938.00.00 Deinen lieben herzlichen mitfühlenden Brief habe i print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1938.00.00 Would you please kindly send Chicago's and NBC's print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.12.31 Abrechnung für das II Halbjahr 1937 print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.12.30 Mit unserem Schreiben v. 12. v. M. übersandten wir print preview
FROM: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1937.12.27 Thank you for your letter. If you wish to close yo print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1937.12.26 May I again write to say much I should like to hav print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1937.12.26 nocheinmal muss ich Sie wegen Ihrer Quartette bela print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1937.12.17 vor allem danke ich Dir für Dein Weihnachtsgeschen print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1937.12.16 die herzlichsten Weihnachtswünsche von uns allen a print preview
FROM: Levi, S., World Center for Jewish Music in Palestine 1937.12.15 vor mehreren Monaten sandten wir Ihnen ein Memoran print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.12.09 heute, 9.XII. kam Dein Brief mit Weihnachtswünsche print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1937.12.08 Mein Brief gilt zwei Gründen. Erstens: Wir machten print preview
TO: Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1937.12.08 in Anbetracht dessen, daß Sie den Phonographen er print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1937.12.06 obgleich Sie mir nichts schreiben und meine Briefe print preview
FROM: Mendel, Arthur, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.12.03 In preparing your Fourth Quartet, Opus 37, for the print preview
FROM: Powell, E., Encyclopaedia Britannica 1937.12.03 The Britannica Society Certificate for those inter print preview
FROM: Hooper, Franklin Henry, Encyclopaedia Britannica 1937.12.03 It gives me great pleasure to welcome you as a Bri print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.12.01 shall I return manuscript first movement piano sco print preview
FROM: Encyclopaedia Britannica 1937.11.30 This statement of your account should be retained print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.11.20 ich schicke beiliegend noch 1 Fehlerliste vom letz print preview
FROM: Toldi, Julius 1937.11.17 Ob Sie sich wohl noch an Ihren Schüler Toldi erinn print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1937.11.16 Seit vielen Monaten bin ich ohne jede Nachricht vo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.11.13 Du erhältst mit gleicher Post das Kl.A. Manuskript print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.11.13 ich habe jetzt eine Menge Briefe nicht beantwortet print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.11.12 Wir bitten Sie, uns die beiliegende Erklärung (eng print preview
FROM: Peters, Harry, Encyclopaedia Britannica 1937.11.12 We acknowledge receipt and thank you for your orde print preview
TO: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1937.11.11 What I think about Mr. Strang's talents, ability print preview
FROM: Singer, Gustav 1937.11.10 Die Nachricht über die Geburt Ihres Sohnes hat mic print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.11.07 Ich habe dem Görgi alles, was Du bezüglich des 1/i print preview
TO: Politzer, Jerome 1937.11.06 I thank you very much for your intention to invite print preview
TO: Unger, Nell Avery, Library Association of Portland 1937.11.05 By unknown reasons your letter comes only now to m print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.11.04 This is merely a brief acknowledgement of your wel print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.11.04 vielen Dank für Deine Briefe vom 16.X (Anweisungen print preview
TO: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1937.11.03 I have known Mr. Dolbin from his very start, when, print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.10.30 vielen Dank für Deinen Brief. Ich bin sehr betrübt print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.10.28 vielen Dank für die Anweisungen zum Klavierauszug print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.10.27 We have just received from your son in Vienna, the print preview
FROM: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1937.10.24 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1937.10.22 das Konzert in Salt Lake City war sehr gut. (15ter print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.10.22 Die Arbeit geht nun doch ihrem Ende zu. Morgen sol print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.10.21 Darf ich Sie sehr bitten, die hier im Folgenden vo print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.10.18 gestern kam ich von Denver zurück, sehr befriedigt print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.10.16 ich möchte nur in Eile das Wichtigste zum Klaviera print preview
FROM: Dolbin, Benedict Fred 1937.10.14 Irgend jemand mag Ihnen bereits erzählt haben, daß print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.10.13 I am very much disturbed by the fact that your son print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.10.09 ich reise heute nach Denver für ein Schoenberg Fes print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.10.08 Wir empfingen Ihre Depesche und verständigen Sie h print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.10.08 zunächst: vielen herzlichsten Dank für die 25 Doll print preview
TO: Scheer, Leo 1937.10.07 I am leaving tomorrow for a short trip to Denver, print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.10.06 After a two-months vacation in Europe I returned l print preview
TO: Lasker-Schüler, Else 1937.10.03 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre ehrende Aufforderung print preview
FROM: Kraus, [?], Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien 1937.10.02 Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, feiert die Gesellschaft print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1937.10.02 When you asked me to send you a memorandum concern print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.10.01 so wie ich von Schirmer einen Vertrag oder endgült print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.10.01 seit Juli habe ich keine Nachricht von Dir, und bi print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.09.30 Please pay immediately my account to Georg Schoenb print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.09.30 Ready for Chicago proposition December 2 although print preview
TO: Cykler, Edmund 1937.09.28 I have known Mr. Cykler since he attended some pri print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.09.23 ich arbeite jetzt an den Stimmen mit, trotzdem ich print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.09.23 ich schicke beiliegend 1 Fehlerliste in doppelter print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.09.22 I have just received a most interesting suggestion print preview
TO: Payne, Harriet 1937.09.22 There might be an opportunity to join a class of f print preview
TO: Nathan, Hans 1937.09.22 es tut mir leid, daß Sie mich mißverstanden haben print preview
TO: Felt, Seth Jehiel 1937.09.22 There might be an opportunity to join a class of f print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.09.15 The Chicago Symphony Orchestra has been pressing u print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.09.15 von Schirmers erhielt ich heute folgenden Brief: print preview
TO: Schoenberg, Rudolf Ronald 1937.09.13 Am 26. Mai 2000 wirst du so alt sein, wie ich print preview
FROM: Jones, Isaac H., Tennis Patrons Association of Southern California 1937.09.13 It would be very pleasant if you and Mrs. Schoenbe print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1937.09.13 Zum heutigen Geburtstag alles Gute und Schöne wüns print preview
TO: La Joie, Romeo J., Tennis Patrons Association of Southern California 1937.09.12 Just back from a concert tour, I hurry to answer y print preview
TO: Clement, Evelyn, California State Board of Education 1937.09.12 Recognizing Mr. Gerald Strang as a very talented c print preview
TO: Payne, Harriet 1937.09.12 Just coming back from San Francisco I want to answ print preview
TO: Falt, Geth 1937.09.12 Just back from San Francisco I answer your letter print preview
FROM: Hashimoto, Qunihico 1937.09.09 I send you the pictures of which I had taken in Lo print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.09.08 ich erhielt heute 131.25S, welche ich mit größtem print preview
FROM: Schweppe, Richard J., Tennis Patrons Association of Southern California 1937.09.07 The Tennis Patrons Association of Southern Califor print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1937.09.06 Da ich mir den ganzen Sommer keine Post nachschick print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1937.09.03 Nun kommt wieder einmal dein Geburtstag, den ich n print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.09.03 in aller Eile, um Dir zu sagen daß ich auf Anforde print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.09.01 Beigeschlossen überreichen wir Ihnen die Abrechnun print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.09.01 einem irrsinnigen Wunsch Arnolds ("endlich einmal print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.08.31 As 2219 General Verr. Kto. "Alte Werke" print preview
FROM: La Violette, Wesley, De Paul University Press 1937.08.30 Late in July I sent you a package containing a sco print preview
FROM: Vlach-Vruticky, Josef 1937.08.28 Als Ihrer Verehrer, welcher hat oft Ihre Werke auf print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1937.08.25 Erlauben Sie mir zuerst, Ihnen und Ihrer sehr vere print preview
FROM: Bear, Donald J., Denver Art Museum 1937.08.24 We have received a letter from Mr. Gerald Strang w print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1937.08.23 Ich danke Ihnen vielmals für die freundliche Nachr print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.08.23 die herzlichsten Glückwünsche und alles Gute zu De print preview
FROM: Bear, Donald J. 1937.08.20 According to contract signed with Alexander F Haas print preview
TO: Liebling, Leonard 1937.08.18 With reference to your remarks on account of Heube print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.08.17 Manuscript safely received, mailing check today, w print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.08.15 da Schirmer und der Klavierauszug U.E. sich schlie print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.08.12 Ueber Veranlassung von Herrn Winfried Zillig print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1937.08.05 Denn - erstens habe ich vergessen Ihr Ihre Hose (g print preview
TO: Stone, Seymour I., Long Beach Schools 1937.08.00 Can very highly recommend Gerald Strang stop print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1937.07.30 Zu der Geburt Ihres Jungen wünschen wir Ihnen und print preview
FROM: Marble, Mauton[?] Monroe[?], G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.07.29 Answering your inquiry of July 26th, you will be g print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.07.29 Your speech is great. It shows the greatness of yo print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1937.07.28 Deinen l. Brief erhalten, den 1. aus Deiner Hand s print preview
TO: Howell, Julia Gilmore 1937.07.26 Today I write to you as to the chairman of the Alc print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Hoffmann Emergency Fund 1937.07.26 With great pleasure I do accept your kind invitati print preview
TO: Leichtentritt, Hugo, Harvard University 1937.07.26 Herr Gordon Southerland, ein amerikanischer Musike print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.07.26 In a letter dated VII 13,37 Mr. Greissle writes me print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.07.26 I was too busy to answer your last letter, but I h print preview
TO: Daniels, Minerva, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.07.26 As Mr. Engel advised me to address to you[!] if I print preview
TO: Michelson, Henriette 1937.07.26 Many thanks for your kind letter and the good time print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1937.07.25 Endlich hatte ich nun wieder Ihre Adresse u. es is print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.07.20 vielen Dank für den Zuschuß, der mir viel schwere print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.17 Greatly dislike to trouble you again but you will print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.07.17 Very unhappy not to be able to come to Berkeley bu print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.07.16 Abrechnung für das I. Halbjahr 1937 print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1937.07.16 Entschuldigen Sie, daß meine Antwort auf Ihre Ver print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1937.07.15 ich denke, Du mußt mein "Nein" gehört haben, als print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.15 Mrs Coolidge just pointed out that tea Sunday July print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.07.14 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.07.14 Wir überreichen Ihnen anliegend den Abschluß Ihres print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.07.14 Greetings to you and family Please telegraph me co print preview
FROM: Zemlinsky, Alexander 1937.07.14 Zemlinskys gratulieren herzlich. print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1937.07.14 I enclose two letters from Donald Bear of Denver p print preview
FROM: Sparks, Hale S. 1937.07.14 NBC approves your broadcast NBC Hollywood studio f print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.14 Shall gladly wait till Friday morning for answer c print preview
FROM: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.14 Mrs. Deutsch and I would like to give a tea here i print preview
TO: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.14 Very sorry but cannot come to Berkeley this time. print preview
TO: Sparks, Hale S., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.14 Can not risk a positive acceptance for your kind i print preview
TO: Deutsch, Monroe E., University of California at Berkeley 1937.07.14 Being asked to speak over KECA introduction to the print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.07.13 Wir haben die letzten Fragebögen erhalten. print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1937.07.12 Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, als wir die Mitteilung print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.07.09 We have received from Mr. Greissle his copies of t print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1937.07.08 We are spending a delightful two weeks at the summ print preview
FROM: Bear, Donald J., Denver Art Museum 1937.07.07 Mr. James Sykes, Colorado College, Colorado Spring print preview
FROM: Bear, Donald J., Denver Art Museum 1937.07.07 Mr. James Sykes, Colorado College, Colorado Spring print preview
FROM: Hagemann, Paul, Fr. & Ed. Gotschalk 1937.07.05 Obwohl nur eine gedruckte Anzeige machte dieselbe print preview
FROM: Prawossudowitsch, Natalie (Natalja Micha 1937.07.04 Zu dem freudigen Ereignis gratuliere ich Ihnen und print preview
FROM: Mahler, Alma Maria 1937.07.04 Ich danke Euch innigst für die liebe schöne Nachri print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1937.07.01 ich versuche, mir Ihre Freude und Ihr Glück vorzus print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Max, C.F. Peters 1937.07.01 Im Namen meiner Eltern möchte ich Ihnen und Ihrer print preview
TO: Irish, Florence M., Hollywood Bowl Association 1937.07.01 I learn with pleasure and satisfaction you like th print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1937.07.00 Vielen Dank für die 25.-- Dollar, für welche ich m print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.07.00 heute ist Dein Brief gekommen in dem Du mir über d print preview
TO: Sparks, Hale S. 1937.07.00 Many thanks from Mrs. Schoenberg and myself for yo print preview
FROM: Matlowsky, Samuel 1937.06.30 With Mrs. Bradley's letter at hand I was greatly e print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.06.30 Den uns mit Ihrem Schreiben vom --- übersandten Ab print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.30 I have just received your wire. In the mean time-- print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1937.06.30 Die mir gesandte Geburtsanzeige eines Sohnes/Posts print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Margit Eleonore 1937.06.30 Also I want to congratulate you [on] the birth of print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1937.06.29 Following our conversation this morning, I thought print preview
FROM: Hertz, Alfred, United States Works Progress Administration 1937.06.29 I have taken over the position as Regional Directo print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.28 Many thanks for your letter of June 25th which mak print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.28 Sent Georg Schoenberg seven hundred eleven print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1937.06.28 Dank Dir sehr für Deinen l. Brief, ich freu\' print preview
FROM: Roner, Hermann 1937.06.27 Sehr erfreut war ich, als ich gestern Ihre Mitteil print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1937.06.26 aus den Wolken gefallen, bin ich bei dieser ganz u print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1937.06.25 Your letter of June 7th, addressed to Dr. Hedrick, print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.25 I carried out all the corrections myself and I gue print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.23 We have received the transparent master sheets of print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.06.22 Anweisung für die Herstellung eines Klavierauszuge print preview
TO: Irish, Florence M., Hollywood Bowl Association 1937.06.22 This serves to introduce Mr. Albert Sendrey, a ver print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1937.06.20 es ist meine Absicht, die mein Violin Konzert zu w print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.06.20 ich möchte Dir nocheinmal - nachdem ich heute, in print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael 1937.06.20 May I at first congratulate you to[!] the splendid print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.19 Please sign and return contracts for the Kammersym print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1937.06.19 Warum hört man gar nichts von Euch. Ich nehme an d print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.19 I have to apologize for not answering all your let print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.17 Contract and letter asking some changes follows ai print preview
FROM: Sparks, Hale S., University of California at Berkeley 1937.06.12 You undoubtedly know of the chamber music concerts print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.06.11 I wanted to thank you personaly for the marvelous print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.06.11 vor allem: Deiner Frau und Dir meine herzlichste print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.06.11 vielen Dank für Deinen lieben Brief. Ich freue mic print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.09 I just want to tell you that on Saturday I am leav print preview
TO: Hedrick, Earle R., University of California at Los Angles 1937.06.07 As the very satisfactory talk I had with you convi print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1937.06.06 [not seen] print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.06.05 Mr. Strang is the one of these two young American print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.06.03 heute ist die Uhr gekommen! Wir haben sie ausprobi print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1937.06.03 I am too busy to write you an exact statement abou print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.06.01 We are sending to you by express prepaid, valued a print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.06.00 Sehr erfreut über die Nachricht von der Geburt print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.06.00 ich sende dir heute die erste Fehlerliste betreffe print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1937.05.31 sei noch schönstens bedankt für das Programm von d print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.05.28 Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief und vor allem für das print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1937.05.26 Arnold and Gertrud Schoenberg announce the birth print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1937.05.26 herzlichsten Dank für Ihren liebenswürdigen Brief print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1937.05.26 Arnold and Gertrud Schoenberg announce the birth o print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1937.05.26 Arnold and Gertrud Schoenberg announce the birth o print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.05.25 gestern ist der 2. Satz, Partitur und Stimmen an S print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.05.24 We are sending to you by express prepaid, valued a print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.05.19 Could you come tomorrow Thursday six oclock to din print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.05.13 As the time goes by, I am hoping very much that yo print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.05.10 Vor einigen Tagen habe ich an Schirmer den ersten print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.05.08 die fotografische Kopie deine 107 Seiten die du ve print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.05.06 heute 5. Juni, erhielt ich die Partiturabschrift d print preview
TO: Cowell, Olive Thompson 1937.05.01 Henry Cowell is probably the most outstanding Amer print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.04.30 besten Dank für die rasche Erledigung der Fragebög print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.04.27 Wir vermissen noch Ihre Anzeige über den Richtigbe print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.04.23 Also endlich ist heute die Partitur fertig geworde print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1937.04.20 Heute habe ich an Schirmer die Copie (Lichtpause) print preview
FROM: Levi, S., World Center for Jewish Music in Palestine 1937.04.18 Ihre Adresse verdanke ich Herrn Dr. Georg Wolfsohn print preview
FROM: Smetanka, J.F., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1937.04.15 I beg to acknowledge your letter of April 9th. I d print preview
TO: Seligmann, Maria 1937.04.14 ich kann dir nicht mit historischen Tatsachen komm print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.04.10 ich schicke heute den Fragebogen zum 3. Satz. print preview
FROM: Manfred Pascotini, Olga 1937.04.09 Wir sind heute bei uns vereint, um den 14. Geburts print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.04.09 Es war wirklich eine wünderschöne Rede, die Ca print preview
TO: Smetanka, J.F., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1937.04.09 I have to apologize the delay of my answer. I am s print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1937.04.08 in den freien Tagen in Ägypten habe ich begonnen, print preview
FROM: Smetanka, J.F., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1937.04.06 I am very sorry that you neglected to answer my le print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.04.03 beiliegend die Fragebögen zum 2. Satz des Streichq print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1937.04.02 wie oft schau ich mir das Bild an, das Du mir von print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.04.00 ...I would like to know whether the Violin Concert print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1937.03.17 Thank you for your very kind note. print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.03.17 I have now also a letter from your son acknowledgi print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.03.15 I received today a note from Mr. Greissle telling print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1937.03.15 endlich ich ist das Violinkonzert eingetroffen! Ic print preview
FROM: Smetanka, J.F., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1937.03.15 I am anxious to straighten out your status as Czec print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.03.12 Zweck dieses Briefes ist, bei Ihnen ganz ergebenst print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.03.10 On January 15th we sent you a contract for the rev print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna, League of Composers, Inc 1937.03.07 As it is perfectly impossible for me to find the t print preview
TO: Halliday, John R., Brigham Young University 1937.03.07 ich werde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie im Sommer hie print preview
TO: Raue, W.C. 1937.03.07 I have to apologize the delay of my answer. print preview
TO: Labunski, Wiktor 1937.03.07 es tut mir sehr leid, Ihnen aufrichtig sagen zu mü print preview
FROM: Rittenberg, Louis, American Hebrew 1937.03.04 To a lesser degree, perhaps, than in other lands, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.03.02 Vorgestern erhielt ich Eure Karte--mit gleicher Po print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.03.02 gestern (1.III) habe ich die Photopartitur Deines print preview
FROM: Smetanka, J.F., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1937.03.01 The Czechoslovak Consulate General in New York rec print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.03.00 [not seen] sind, und unsere Kinder sind doch nahez print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1937.02.28 Dank Dir herzlich für deine lieben Nachrichten, di print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Inge 1937.02.28 Sowie ich neue Bilder habe werde ich Euch senden. print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1937.02.22 Ich beeile mich, den Empfang Ihres heute eingegang print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.02.19 This is merely to tell you that the violin concert print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1937.02.18 Vielen Dank für die Vermittlung der Arbeit. Soviel print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1937.02.17 irrtümlicherweise habe ich eine an Dich bereits au print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1937.02.17 wir waren so froh neulich von Ihrem Schwiegersohn print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1937.02.16 Anbei erlaube ich mir, Ihnen noch zwölf Seiten der print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.02.15 Some time ago, I believe at your request, we print print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.02.11 I am grateful to you for your note of February 5th print preview
FROM: Krasner, Louis 1937.02.10 Mr. Klemperer and Mr. Kolisch have told me of your print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1937.02.10 ein Lebenszeichen nach knapp entronnener Gefahr w print preview
FROM: Corti, Mario, La Biennale di Venezia 1937.02.09 Charges par Son Exc. le Comte G. Volpi di Misurata print preview
TO: 1937.02.05 I want to inform you kindly that all my four strin print preview
TO: Ritterman, Irving J. 1937.02.05 I want to inform you kindly that all my four strin print preview
TO: Lemberger, Carl 1937.02.05 I want to inform you kindly that all my four strin print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.02.05 I wrote and wired you several times, but dont know print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.02.05 I want to inform you kindly that all my four strin print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1937.02.03 wir danken auch sehr schön für die Weihnachtswünsc print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.02.03 It is now nearly four weeks since I got your kind print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.02.03 es ist mir gelungen Herrn Engel (Mr. Carl Engel, P print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1937.02.00 vielen, herzlichsten Dank für Deine 2 Briefe, 10 D print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1937.01.29 As 2219 General Verrechgs Kto. Alte Werke print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1937.01.28 ich bin glücklich auf dem Dampfer, mit Reentry Per print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.01.27 Wir überreichen Ihnen anliegend den Abschluß Ihres print preview
FROM: [unknown], Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.01.27 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1937.01.25 beiliegend ein hebräischer Artikel voll des Lobes print preview
FROM: Freund, Marya 1937.01.22 endlich, wirklich nach jahrelangem Schweigen Euer print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1937.01.21 Endlich gestern kam Dein lieber Brief /d.h. Brief print preview
FROM: Nathan, Hans 1937.01.20 ich sende Ihnen 6 Lieder, damit Sie Ihre Wahl tref print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.01.15 We are enclosing contract in duplicate for the rev print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.01.14 Immediately after the Kolisch left I had to teach print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.01.12 On January 21st and 22nd Klemperer proposes to giv print preview
FROM: Starch, J., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1937.01.11 I would appreciate your answer to my letter No. 21 print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1937.01.08 Viele Grüße; nächstens kommt eine kleine Überaschu print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.01.06 I have your New Year's letter and hasten to reply print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1937.01.06 Viele herzlichste Grüße von einem Europäer-Abend. print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1937.01.06 Viele herzlichste Grüße. Lassen Sie doch einmal et print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1937.01.06 Viele herzlichste Grüße. Lassen Sie doch einmal et print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1937.01.04 Best greetings to you, Kolisch and University Pres print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.01.01 I am afraid I could not answer your kind letter fo print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.00.00 Wie weit bist du eigentlich mit den Stimmen? Du so print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1937.00.00 bitte verlange von Schirmer die Lichtpausen zur Pa print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1937.00.00 Zinsen Rechnung für: 1937 print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1937.00.00 Im Finale scheint nur die Verwendung dieser gebroc print preview
TO: Rhodes, Anna, Juilliard School of Music 1937.00.00 Mr. Maurice Hyman has studied with me, he had part print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1937.00.00 We had to go down town for a sugar blood test for print preview
TO: Daniels, Minerva, G. Schirmer, Inc 1937.00.00 Did you receive my letter from July 26? print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1937.00.00 1. Abschreiben auf Transparentpapier, normales For print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.12.31 Abrechnung für das II. Halbjahr 1936. Verlagstant print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1936.12.31 Den uns mit Ihrem Schreiben vom xxx übersandten A print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1936.12.30 viele herzliche Weihnachtsgrüsse an Dich und Deine print preview
FROM: Schmid, Josef 1936.12.27 Nicht einer Gepflogenheit folgend, sondern aufrich print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1936.12.26 Herr Steuermann war so freundlich, mir Ihre Stell print preview
FROM: Roner, Hermann 1936.12.24 Erlaube mir heute nach langer Zeit wieder ein rec print preview
TO: Swingle, F., University of California at Los Angles 1936.12.23 Included [is] the list of people whom I would like print preview
TO: Columbia, Ltd 1936.12.19 As I wired, I am very sorry I could not give you t print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1936.12.12 was sich wieder alles aufgehäuft hat, worüber ich print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1936.12.11 meine babylonische Gefangenschaft geht nun endlich print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.12.11 I have your brief note with reference to "a cheap print preview
TO: E. S. Mittler und Sohn 1936.12.10 ich bin so beschäftigt daß ich erst heute dazu ko print preview
TO: Broadway Department Store, Inc 1936.12.10 Included a check of $50 and 39/100 for the balance print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.12.09 Kamm Dein Brief mit Weinachtswünschen und Scheck. print preview
TO: Columbia, Ltd 1936.12.07 Sorry cannot permit recording Pierrot partly but o print preview
FROM: Columbia, Ltd 1936.12.06 For collection of examples of last forty years mos print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1936.12.03 seit unserer Korrespondenz anlaesslich Ihres 60. G print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.12.01 I am enclosing a clipping from the Christian Scien print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.12.01 ich habe Deinen Flugpostbrief erhalten, und heute print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1936.12.00 ein Kurort mitten in der Wüste, wo print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1936.12.00 Happy new year to all from mother and any who will print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.12.00 I will answer your kind letter as soon as possible print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1936.11.26 bitte setze das Schreiben auf Transparentpapier print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1936.11.23 Wir haben hier eine kleine "House-warming" Zusam print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1936.11.22 Ihr weißt ja gar nicht was Ihr mir antut, dass Ihr print preview
FROM: Stewart, Alexander, United States Works Progress Administration 1936.11.14 We are verifying the tentative arrangements for yo print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1936.11.13 Schon lange habe ich nichts mehr direkt von Ihnen print preview
FROM: Hunter, W., Barker Bros 1936.11.12 Thank you for your check for $61.29. This amount h print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.11.11 I was very glad, indeed, to hear from you after yo print preview
TO: Kolisch, Henriette Anna Theresia 1936.11.11 3500 überraschend günstig. Verkaufe um jeden Preis print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1936.11.10 Ich habe heute, den 10.XI.1936, 10 Seiten Lichtpau print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1936.11.09 du lässt wieder nichts von dir hören. Anbei sende print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.11.09 Many thanks for your kind letter of October 10 and print preview
TO: University of California at Berkeley 1936.11.08 I should be very glad to give several public lectu print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.11.07 Wir haben uns mit den Ausführungen Ihres Briefes v print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.11.04 Wir erhielten heute durch Frau Dr. Simon, hier, (i print preview
FROM: Levine, Marks, Radio Corporation of America 1936.11.03 Mrs. Coolidge anxious to know if it would be possi print preview
TO: Cartmill, Gordon 1936.11.02 You did not tell me how old you are.Besides I ough print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.10.28 We take pleasure in sending you under separate cov print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.10.26 deine Nachricht, dass Ihr nicht genug Zeit haben w print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1936.10.23 Jetzt sind wir fast in unserer Wohnung schon eing print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.10.21 Ihr Schreiben vom 10. ds. haben wir soeben erhalte print preview
FROM: Ussher, Bruno David, United States Works Progress Administration 1936.10.19 I feel greatly honored by the kind reception you a print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1936.10.17 Very successful performance, Suite Webern Sinfoni print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1936.10.16 I am writing a detailed history of modern music, u print preview
TO: Sweet, Masel B. 1936.10.15 I suppose you do not know I am not living in New Y print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.10.10 Seit vielen Wochen wollte ich Ihnen schreiben, hab print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.10.10 I am very glad you like the way in which the parts print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.10.10 Ich schulde Ihnen solange Antwort und Sie sind vie print preview
TO: Ussher, Bruno David, United States Works Progress Administration 1936.10.10 I have to apologize for the long delay of my answe print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.10.05 unsere Dispositionen sind geändert: das Konzert in print preview
FROM: Rosbaud, Hans 1936.10.01 Es ist schon so lange her, daß ich Ihnen nicht ge print preview
TO: Heifetz, Florence 1936.09.30 I am gladly ready to teach your daughter whom I ex print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.09.25 Would you be good enough to tell me who extracted print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1936.09.21 ich bin Dir überaus dankbar für Deinen lieben ausf print preview
FROM: Meyer, [?], Hotel Regina 1936.09.16 J\'ai l\'avantage de vous accuser réception de vot print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1936.09.13 Most affectionate birthday greetings print preview
TO: Stationers Corporation 1936.09.10 included a check of $5.96. I waited not only for y print preview
FROM: Klarfeld, Pauline 1936.09.09 Wollen Sie meine allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zu print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.09.04 Expect Kolisch directly from Chile end of October print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.09.02 Herzlichste Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag von print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.09.00 I am delighted that the manuscript is finished! Wi print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.08.27 Please telegraph collect Wendell Hotel Pittsfiel print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.08.27 vielen Dank für die Geburtstagswünsche, die ich an print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1936.08.27 ich habe gestern, endlich, den 2ten Satz meines Vi print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1936.08.26 Wie immer meine herzlichsten Segenswïnsche zu Ihr print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.08.20 I am very sorry you misunderstood my telegram. print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.08.18 Many thanks for the check. Would not dare to send print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.08.17 I cannot understand why copies of your "Suite for print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.08.16 Quartet score registered last Friday hope you get print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.08.14 I have received the copy of the letter which you s print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1936.08.13 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1936.08.13 Ich bin sehr traurig, daß ich so lange nichts von print preview
FROM: Hilb, Emil, Simon and Schuster, Inc 1936.08.10 Von Witmark & Sons hörten wir, daß Sie die Weiss print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.08.08 da, wie mir mitgeteilt wurde, diesmal von Seiten d print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.08.08 Mr. Otto Klemperer told me the score of my Suite f print preview
TO: Nixon, [?] 1936.08.06 I suppose your bill of June 28, 1936 shows an erro print preview
TO: Olson Rug Co 1936.08.05 the check we sent you was cashed by my bank July 2 print preview
TO: Hotel Regina 1936.08.03 En 1933 nous avons habité dans votre hotel durant print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.08.03 I finished the string quartet July 26 and should h print preview
TO: Dieterle, Charlotte 1936.07.30 es hat uns außerordentlich leid getan, daß Sie le print preview
FROM: Barker Bros 1936.07.28 Acct. No.... $10.00 due on each 20th print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1936.07.27 Nun bin ich wirklich bei Susi und will versuchen e print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.07.22 As 2219 General Verrechgs Kto. Alte Werke print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.07.16 es ist hier schöner, als man sich\'s vorstellen ka print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1936.07.14 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.07.14 Have asked Witmark five hundred you five hundred u print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1936.07.07 Ich erlaube mir hiemit die Anfrage, ob ich den Bet print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.07.06 Wir bitten Sie um die Freundlichkeit die beiliegen print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1936.07.06 endlich habe ich das Geld diesen Monat bekommen, e print preview
TO: Moore, R. M., Continental Securities Co 1936.07.06 This incuded check of $125 for the rent was for th print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.07.02 My letter of April 27 has apparently remained with print preview
FROM: Irish, Florence M., Southern California Symphony Association 1936.07.02 On behalf of the Southern California Symphony Asso print preview
TO: Dowling, Lyle 1936.07.02 Many thanks for your kind letter of the 29th of Ju print preview
FROM: Kandinsky, Wassily 1936.07.01 es hat mich sehr gefreut, einige Zeilen von Ihnen print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.06.30 Abrechnung für das I. Halbjahr 1936. Verlagstant. print preview
TO: Kolisch, Henriette Anna Theresia 1936.06.29 Please pay five thousand Schillings to Doktor Juil print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.06.25 Schönsten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 12. VI. Wir wer print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.06.25 vor Allem bitte ich Euch, nicht böse zu sein, dass print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.06.25 ich erhielt am 22. einen Scheck per Flugpost, für print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1936.06.18 wohl wirst Du es schon erfahren haben: Freitag, d. print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.06.16 We have received the material of your Kammersympho print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.06.15 This is just a little reminder that I shall be ver print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.06.12 Ihr Schreiben vom 20. Mai 1936 haben wir erhalten print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.06.11 It is a great misfortune for us, that we cannot go print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1936.06.09 Most cordial congratulations to Mrs Coolidges offe print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.06.03 Wir erlauben uns Ihnen im Folgenden einen Bericht print preview
TO: Schwarzschild, Leopold, Das Neue Tage-Buch 1936.05.29 ich erhielt Ihren Brief vom 23. April während mein print preview
TO: Zimbalist, Samuel 1936.05.29 I did not know you understand no German at all. print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.05.25 may I at first reassure you about the question of print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.05.24 I am writing to ask you what would be the four mos print preview
FROM: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1936.05.22 The copy of your letter of May 14, addressed to me print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.05.21 ich will dir nur kurz schreiben, dass wir endlich print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.05.20 ungefähr vor einer Woche kündigte ich Ihnen die Ab print preview
TO: Badham, Byron, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce 1936.05.20 With great regret I am seeing right now that I mis print preview
TO: Birmingham, Lilian 1936.05.20 I thank you very much for your kind letter and I w print preview
TO: Pepper, Jacques 1936.05.20 I had the pleasure to hear the Beethoven String Tr print preview
TO: Kerr, W. M., United States Office of the Voters 1936.05.19 Having moved to Brentwood, it is perfectly alright print preview
TO: Irish, Florence M., Southern California Symphony Association 1936.05.19 The circumstance that we moved to Brentwood has pr print preview
TO: Keyser, John de, Preeman Matthews Music Company 1936.05.19 We moved to another house and this will serve to e print preview
TO: Briggs, Ernest, Management Ernest Briggs, Inc 1936.05.19 Many thanks for asking me about lectures in the co print preview
TO: Sproul, Robert Gordon, University of California at Los Angles 1936.05.14 Would you be kind enough to give me an appointment print preview
FROM: McCormick, Kathryn D. 1936.05.12 Thanks for telegram, have found my Verlaine my mot print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.05.08 Please pay my son immediately and June first fifty print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.05.01 nun haben wir schon wieder sehr lange von Euch kei print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1936.05.00 die erste Nacht scheint ja nicht sehr gut gewesen print preview
TO: Moore, [?], University of California at Los Angles 1936.05.00 To discuss my coming activity at the University I print preview
TO: Lawton, Dorothy, International Society for Contemporary Music 1936.05.00 Not even those fifty or sixty pieces of today's c print preview
TO: Wien, Zollbehörde 1936.05.00 Die in beifolgendem Paket an meine Kinder Gertrud print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.05.00 Please would you kindly send as soon as possible o print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1936.04.30 Ich danke Ihnen herzlich für Ihren Brief vom 9.und print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.04.27 Herzlichen Dank für Ihre lieben Zeilen vom 2ten Ap print preview
FROM: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1936.04.26 Many thanks for your letter. I enjoyed studying th print preview
FROM: Schwarzschild, Leopold, Das Neue Tage-Buch 1936.04.23 am 18. Mai ist der 25. Todestag Gustav Mahlers. Wä print preview
FROM: Underhill, Robert M., University of California Regents 1936.04.23 This is to notify you that you have been appointed print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.04.23 Unfortunately I could not remain for the dancing y print preview
TO: Schenker & Cie 1936.04.17 Hereby authorize all arrangements made by Paris Pa print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1936.04.17 Many thanks for sending me the program of your con print preview
TO: Arvey, Verna 1936.04.16 1. I have written no ballet because I have no unde print preview
TO: Zimbalist, Samuel 1936.04.11 According to what you wrote me about your backgrou print preview
TO: Macdonald, Frank 1936.04.10 I am very much touched by your sensitive descripti print preview
TO: Raue, W.C. 1936.04.09 I thank you very much for your kind offer, to send print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1936.04.02 I am writing to ask if I may call upon you in acco print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.04.02 heute abend spielt Feuermann hier zum erstenmal da print preview
TO: Lewis, Howard 1936.04.01 Not knowing your Hollywood adress, I am writing yo print preview
TO: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power 1936.03.26 Enclosed you find a receipt of $10, which I want t print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1936.03.25 I have your kind favor of the 18th with reference print preview
FROM: Hill, Richard S. 1936.03.24 I\'m finally getting off to you under separate cov print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.03.20 die Überfahrt war wunderbar und ich bedaure, daß print preview
TO: Banque de l'État de Fribourg 1936.03.20 Veuillez, s'il vous plaît, m' informer, si l'un print preview
TO: Klemperer, Otto 1936.03.18 Ihren Wunsch nach einer persönlichen Aussprache hä print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.03.16 Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, nach langer Zeit wiede print preview
TO: Scherchen, Hermann, Soirées de Bruxelles 1936.03.16 ich danke Ihnen sehr für die Einsendung der Progra print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.03.13 ich bestätige mein heutiges Telegramm, in welchem print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.03.13 endlich eine Nachricht über die Quartett-aufführun print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1936.03.09 wie sehr hat mich Dein lieber Brief bewegt! Und wi print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin 1936.03.09 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihren Brief vom 17.I.36. print preview
TO: Tagress, Jerome M. 1936.03.09 Answering your kind letter from March 31 I inform print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1936.03.04 Transfer-Moratorium. Auf Grund des Gesetzes über Z print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1936.03.04 I herewith affirm that the whole furniture to be f print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.03.03 Pay both today and April first fifty dollars to my print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.03.02 vor allem möchte ich Ihnen, sowie Fräulein Rothe, print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.25 Wir erlauben uns Ihnen hier einen Ausschnitt zu üb print preview
TO: California State Board of Education 1936.02.20 Mr. Gerald Strang, who is applying for a special c print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.19 Wir bestätigen unser Telegramm: "Zürich Uraufführ print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.18 Beigeschlossen überreichen wir Ihnen die Abrechnun print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.13 Zürich Uraufführung Lulu November 1936 angesetzt print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1936.02.12 Vielen Dank für das Febergeld. Ich habe es gester print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred 1936.02.12 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Kulka, Heinrich 1936.02.09 Ihren freundlichen Brief vom 24.I. erhielt ich ers print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.08 Wir senden heute an unsere amerikanische print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.08 Es ist uns ein Bedürfnis, Ihnen, als Verleger von print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Berta (Bertel) 1936.02.07 Verehrte liebe Schwägerin! Wie oft und wie gerne s print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1936.02.07 Mehr als ein Jahr ist verstrichen, seit ich von Di print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.02.04 Please pay fifty Dollars to my son Georg charge of print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.02.01 herzlichsten Dank für Deinen Brief. Vor allem also print preview
TO: Seligmann, Maria 1936.01.30 von New York zu uns fährst du am billigsten mit de print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1936.01.28 As 2220 General-Verrechgs. Kto. "Neue Werke" print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.01.28 endlich ein Wort von Dir! Gestern hatten wir hier print preview
TO: Kulka, Heinrich, Buchhandlung Richard Lanyi 1936.01.24 ich habe voraussichtlich Gelegenheit, mir hier ein print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1936.01.23 wohl hunderte Male habe ich Dir in Gedanken schon print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1936.01.23 vielen Dank für deinen Brief und den Ausschnitt üb print preview
TO: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.01.18 I have to apologize the delay of my answer. print preview
FROM: Heifetz, Jascha 1936.01.17 Having just recently returned from England I found print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1936.01.17 Helene Berg hat, soviel ich weiß, es nicht über si print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1936.01.15 Auf Ihrem Konto wurden heute folgende Buchungen ge print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1936.01.15 also zunächst vielen, vielen Dank für das Geld und print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1936.01.15 ich bin in gespanntester Erwartung eines Briefes v print preview
TO: Luce, Henry C., Time, Inc 1936.01.15 A friend of mine told me, you had broadcast on occ print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.01.08 I am enclosing some echoes of the London performan print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1936.01.07 für den zweiten Tag nach der Ankunft ist Dein Quar print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1936.01.01 Sei umarmt in unendlicher Trauer. Das Unfaßbare, i print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1936.00.00 Zinsen Rechnung für: 1936 print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1936.00.00 suggest to use as title now: CHAMBERSYMPHONY opus print preview
FROM: Zilzer, Wolfgang A. 1936.00.00 Rudi Goehr schrieb mir wieder und ist sehr begeist print preview
FROM: Dieterle, Charlotte 1936.00.00 bitte wenn Sie so lieb sein und beiliegenden Aufru print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1936.00.00 In hurry: | I have a scholarship of $100 at my own print preview
TO: Kohn, Robert D., New York World's Fair 1936.00.00 Deeply honored by selection of my name to be inscr print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.12.31 Abrechnung für das II. Halbjahr 1935 Verlagstant. print preview
FROM: Fuleihan, Anis, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.12.30 In response to a request received from the Los Ang print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.12.24 Alban Berg ist tot. In tiefer Ergriffenheit drücke print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1935.12.21 Zum neuen Jahr möchte ich nicht versäumen, Ihnen u print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1935.12.21 Es tut mit von Herzen leid, dass ich schon so lang print preview
TO: Shaw, Edna Baylor 1935.12.20 Answering your kind letter to Mr. Schoenberg, he w print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1935.12.18 Nun haben wir so ewig lange nichts von einander ge print preview
FROM: KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, University of Southern California 1935.12.14 It is a pleasure to advise you of your appointment print preview
FROM: KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, University of Southern California 1935.12.14 It is a pleasure to advise you of your appointment print preview
FROM: Roner, Hermann 1935.12.10 Noch unter dem Eindruck der herrlichen Aufführung print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1935.12.06 Ich schreibe in größter Hetze vor allem aus folgen print preview
TO: Thalberg, Irving, Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios 1935.12.06 When I left you, about three weeks ago, you told m print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.12.06 ich habe gestern ein Weihnachtsgeschenk von 40Doll print preview
TO: Heifetz, Jascha 1935.12.06 I refer to a letter, which I wrote to you about si print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.12.05 Ich kann es mir nicht versagen, Ihnen persönlich e print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1935.12.04 herzlichsten Dank für Eure beiden lieben Briefe, ü print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.12.04 Have parts of Kammersymphonie on onion paper but n print preview
TO: Associated Music Publishers, Inc 1935.12.04 Send me on loan immediately fourhand arrangements print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1935.12.02 Die beiden Aufführungen der Gurre-Lieder waren ein print preview
TO: Klemperer, Otto 1935.12.02 in der gestrigen Times stand daß Herr Lange dirigi print preview
TO: Newlin, [?] 1935.12.00 I accept with great pleasure the committee to spon print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.11.30 Vor allem: verzeih' den Bleistift aber ich lieg i print preview
FROM: Irish, Florence M., Southern California Symphony Association 1935.11.26 I am sending this letter to you special delivery, print preview
TO: Fraenkel, Bessie Bartlett 1935.11.26 I thank you very much for your very kind letter, a print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.11.22 Please pay to Gertrud Greissle nine hundred Schill print preview
TO: Southern Pacific 1935.11.21 Return-Ticket (Calexico-Los Angeles) not used. print preview
FROM: Odell, B.B., California Bank 1935.11.09 As per your request, this is to advise you that th print preview
FROM: Uhl, Byron H., United States Department of Labor 1935.11.07 I acknowledge receipt of the joint letter of yours print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.10.31 Please pay again fifty dollars to my son Georg sto print preview
TO: United States Department of Labor 1935.10.30 We have this day called at the United States Burea print preview
FROM:Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.10.29 Im Vertrag vom 22. Juli 1912 hat Herr Schönberg un print preview
FROM:Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc TO:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.10.29 Mr. Schoenberg has proposed to us the publication print preview
TO: Clark, Thernon, University of Southern California 1935.10.23 please could you kindly tell me, what kind of repo print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.10.21 Vielen Dank für Ihre zwei Briefe--englisch und deu print preview
TO: Ritterman, Irving J. 1935.10.18 I suppose, you would like to learn for which purpo print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.10.18 Many thanks for your very kind letter and the chec print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.10.18 ich schreibe Ihnen in dieser Angelegenheit einen p print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.10.14 Wir haben uns sehr gefreut nach längerer Zeit wied print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.10.14 I am very sorry, indeed, to hear that you have bee print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.10.08 Drahtet zwecks Neuherstellung welche Teile Gurreli print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.10.02 seit 15. September liege ich im Bett, hatte einen print preview
TO: Downes, Olin 1935.10.00 A friend sent me your article "New Suite by Arnold print preview
TO: Schnabel, Artur 1935.10.00 Although engaged as University professor, can get print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.09.28 Please pay October first fifty dollars to my son G print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.09.25 Mit vielen Entschuldigungen wegen der unverzeihlic print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1935.09.20 ich habe meinem letzten Brief noch etwas nach zutr print preview
TO: Swarthout, D.M. 1935.09.20 This is to inform you that I have awarded the scho print preview
FROM: Southern California Symphony Association 1935.09.19 AGREEMENT, executed at Los Angeles, California, Se print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.09.18 Der Beginn des akademischen Semesters hat Ihnen wa print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.09.16 ich habe im December hier einen Orchesterabend mit print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1935.09.12 Feiern Geburtstag durch Probe Fismoll Senden print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1935.09.02 Nach der prächtigen Aufführung der Variationen Dir print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.09.00 dzt an umstehender Grenze zwischen Italien u. Öste print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1935.08.29 I've been able to make arrangements so that I can print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.08.28 kommt dieser Brief zurecht zum 13. September? Ich print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.08.21 It is a pity with us:[!] you are so busy and I am print preview
FROM: Dieterle, Charlotte 1935.08.19 The bearer Mr. Arnold Schoenberg is a personal fri print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.08.17 As 2219 General Verrechgs Kto "Alte Werke" print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1935.08.15 besten Dank für Deine Karte. Du wirst recht böse s print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1935.08.13 Sie werden bestimmt glauben, dass ich auch zu dene print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.08.06 You must forgive the delay in answering your welco print preview
FROM: Strang, Gerald 1935.08.02 I've seen Roger Sessions and will have lunch today print preview
TO: Zerkowitz, [?], Schenker & Cie 1935.07.31 wir bitten Sie nun so rasch als möglich uns die ei print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.07.22 ich habe eine halbe Stunde Zeit, vor meinen Klasse print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.07.19 nebenstehendes Referat gibt den Eindruck der gestr print preview
TO: Steinberg, William, Kulturbund Deutscher Juden 1935.07.19 ich bin Ihnen schon so lange Antwort schuldig auf print preview
TO: Genossenschaft deutscher Tonsetzer 1935.07.16 In Ihrem letzten Brief kündigten Sie mir die Über print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1935.07.15 I suppose that long before this you will have hear print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.07.14 meine 2 fast gleichzeitig geschriebenen Briefe (in print preview
TO: Evangelische Kirche A.B. 1935.07.10 da ich für behördliche Zwecke hier den Totenschein print preview
TO: Evangelische Kirche A.B. 1935.07.10 da ich für behördliche Zwecke hier den Trauungsche print preview
TO: Berlin, Polizeipräsidium 1935.07.09 Da ich ein Leumundszeugnis (Führungsschein) benöti print preview
FROM: KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, University of Southern California 1935.07.01 It is a pleasure to advise you of your appointment print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1935.07.01 heute (1. Juli) erhielt ich Deinen Brief vom 17. J print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.06.30 Abrechnung für das I. Halbjahr 1935. Alte Werke Au print preview
FROM:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. TO:Berg, Alban 1935.06.28 Ich habe trotz des Ergebnisses der Sitzung in der print preview
FROM:Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.06.25 Der Austritt Schönbergs erfolgte bereits per Ende print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.06.25 ich werde versuchen, daß dieser Brief vor meinem print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.06.24 This is in reply to your note of June 18. I am sor print preview
TO: Moe, Henry Allen, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1935.06.24 I had already once the pleasure to find my suggest print preview
TO: Weiss, Adolph 1935.06.24 meine Sommerkurse haben bereits begonnen und ich s print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.06.23 noch nie hab ich Dir so schweren Herzens geschrieb print preview
FROM:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. TO:Berg, Alban 1935.06.21 Die Angelegenheit Schönberg ist vorgestern inoffiz print preview
FROM: KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, University of Southern California 1935.06.21 It is a pleasure to advise you of your appointment print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1935.06.19 die immer schwerer werdende Last meines schlechten print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.06.18 ich möchte gerne wissen: 1. Haben Sie die Korrektu print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1935.06.17 am 3. April habe wir deinem Mann einen Anzug und print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.06.16 es tut mir sehr leid, dass du mit deinem Ohr so ei print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1935.06.11 bitte vielmals, nehmen Sie mein langes Nichtantwor print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.06.04 I had heard already, through Klemperer, that there print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1935.06.04 Much as I dislike to hurry you in a decision, it s print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.05.28 Endlich ist es mir gestern nachmittag gelungen Her print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.05.24 I must apologize to you for the long delay in repl print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1935.05.24 ich hatte vorgehabt, Dir womöglich zweimal im Mona print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.05.24 da ich auf meine beiden Briefe vom 3. Mai deine An print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill 1935.05.22 erbitte dringenst Finalisierung durch Kompromiß s print preview
TO: Hill, Richard S. 1935.05.19 I want to answer you kind letter which informs me print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.05.07 Drahtet ob Georg weitere fünfzig Dollars für Eure print preview
TO: Thornten, [?] 1935.05.07 ich habe ganz vergessen. Anbei die Daten zur gefül print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1935.05.04 in Eile heute nur eine Bitte: man sagte mit du sei print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.05.03 ich schreibe Ihnen heute, weil die Frage wegen ein print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.05.01 Today I returned the proofs of my Concerto for Vio print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1935.05.00 ich habe nun schon sehr lange nicht geschrieben, u print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.04.18 anbei eine Fehlerliste. Vielleicht sende ich die n print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.04.11 Bei meiner Rückkehr vom Kammermusikfest in Washing print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.04.08 eben kommt dein Brief. Vor Allem deine Fragen: I. print preview
FROM: Travnicek, Josef 1935.04.08 Lange habe ich mich nicht über etwas das von Mensc print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.04.07 ich hoffe, Dir in einer Woche den Rest der Kammers print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.04.07 I do not know, whether the Philharmonic Society of print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1935.04.06 Many thanks for your kind letter of March 28. On r print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.04.03 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 16. III., aus dem print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.03.28 The performance of your Handel Concerto, last Thur print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1935.03.28 ich werde hier immer wieder gefragt, ob es wahr is print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.03.22 ...heartiest congratulations on splendid work rema print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.03.19 übermorgen findet die amerikanische Erstaufführung print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.03.18 ich habe soeben (Mitternacht) Dein III. Streichqua print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.03.16 bitte zahlen Sie an meinen Sohn Georg Schönberg bi print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1935.03.13 [...] der durch die Umwälzungen in Österreich print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.03.13 [not seen] print preview
TO: Bach, David Josef 1935.03.13 warum ich dir so lange nicht geschrieben habe, lie print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.03.11 das war gestern ein schöner Abend: der Gurrelieder print preview
TO: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.03.11 I am Chekoslovakian[!] citizen. Misunderstood your print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1935.03.10 nur ein paar Zeilen, vor allem, um Dir meine neue print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.03.09 Besten Dank für Ihre lieben Zeilen vom 19. Februar print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.03.08 General Verrechnungs Kto "Alte Werke" print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1935.03.08 es würde mich interessieren, ob es den wirklich gi print preview
FROM: Howell, Julia Gilmore, University of Southern California 1935.03.07 Are you available for Alchin chair of composition print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.03.06 bis jetzt haben wir noch keine Zeit gehabt irgend print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1935.03.06 I thank you very much for your kind telegramm. print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1935.02.23 [not seen] es würde mich interessieren, ob es den print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1935.02.21 Ihre beiden Schreiben - richtiger wohl, Rundschrei print preview
TO: Schenker & Cie 1935.02.21 am 25. Februar werde ich Ihnen telegrafisch Dollar print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1935.02.21 ich staune, dass Du so ungeschickt warst, nicht je print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.02.19 bitte zahlen Sie meinem Sohn Georg, für meine Rech print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1935.02.18 wie soll ich Dir danken für Deine Widmung, für die print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1935.02.13 das Tempo Achtel Note=126 hat sogar dem Kolisch Qu print preview
TO: Howell, Julia Gilmore 1935.02.12 First I want to thank you for the lot of work[!] y print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.02.09 ich habe nicht geglaubt, daß man noch so glücklich print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.02.08 Sie haben meinen englischen Brief vom 6ten und mei print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.02.07 Your son cables sending of parts impossible before print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1935.02.07 Ich schreibe Ihnen erst jetzt, weil ich erst jetzt print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.02.06 I have been frightfully rushed, hence my belated a print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1935.02.04 endlich komme ich dazu, Ihnen etwas ausführlicher print preview
TO: Schenker & Cie 1935.02.04 This will be your authority to deliver to Bedel an print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.02.03 da Stoessel unsicher ist, ob er die Aufführung der print preview
TO: Cowell, Henry 1935.02.03 I thank you very much for your kind letter anddI a print preview
TO: Zerkowitz, [?], Schenker & Cie 1935.01.31 wie Sie aus beiliegendem Brief der Berliner Tech print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.01.30 Das, was wir hier für Ihren Sohn Georg tun, machen print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1935.01.30 Du kannst Dir nicht denken, liebster Freund, wie print preview
TO: Schönberg, Anna 1935.01.24 bitte sagen Sie auch dem Görgi, ich muss umgehend print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.01.24 It now looks as though your Quartet Concerto will, print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1935.01.24 Endlich,--nach fast 3/4 Jahren habe ich wieder was print preview
TO: North, Alex, Hanns Eisler Reception Committee 1935.01.23 As a stranger in this country I feel, I have to ke print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.01.22 Wir bestätigen bestens dankend Ihren Brief vom 31. print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1935.01.22 das ist das angefangene Gedicht, welches, als ich print preview
TO: Casals, Pablo 1935.01.22 je crains que la lettre de la "G. Schirmer Inc." print preview
TO: Knight, Lovina May 1935.01.21 Mr. Schoenberg finds your article very talented an print preview
TO: Bernstein, Martin 1935.01.21 Mein Mann ist mit Arbeit so überhäuft, daß ich Ihn print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.01.20 ich freue mich sehr über Ihren Brief, in welchem print preview
FROM: Southern California Symphony Association 1935.01.19 This Agreement made the 19th day of January 1935, print preview
FROM: Adler, F. Charles, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.01.18 Heute habe ich eine unangenehme Pflicht zu erfülle print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.01.17 I believe it would help us greatly if we could rec print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1935.01.15 in Eile: ich möchte Dir nur Beweise eines meiner V print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.01.14 Unsere monatlichen Vorschußzahlungen nehmen mit de print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.01.14 vor Allem sage ich Ihnen meinen herzlichsten Dank print preview
TO: Stoessel, Albert, Steinway Hall 1935.01.14 I send you a photoprint copy of the piece I have w print preview
TO: Dos Passos, John 1935.01.14 It is about 2 months that Mr. D.J. Bach wrote you print preview
TO: Bach, David Josef 1935.01.14 ich hoffe wenn Sie diesen Brief bekommen, sind Sie print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1935.01.11 Gott s. Dank endlich eine Nachricht von Dir! Wir w print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1935.01.11 sei vielmals bedankt für Deinen lieben ausführlich print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1935.01.11 Many thanks for charming picture of Nuria and your print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1935.01.10 was seit zehn Jahren nicht vorgekommen ist: das Qu print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.01.09 für Telegrammspesen vom 7. Jänner print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.01.09 Wir bestätigen den Empfang des Telegramms und werd print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1935.01.09 Pay this time fifty but further only if I ask. Let print preview
TO: Feiler, Morton 1935.01.08 A teacher is not interested to acknowledge the att print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1935.01.04 Vor allem, wenn auch verspätet, unsere herzlichste print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1935.01.02 du bist durch das "Journal", das ich vor ein paa print preview
TO: Garrett, Charlotte L., Baltimore Music Club, Inc 1935.01.01 I am very unhappy, that I must tell you, that I ca print preview
FROM: Genossenschaft deutscher Tonsetzer 1935.00.00 Die Schlußbilanz der G.d.T. i.L. ist soeben fertig print preview
FROM: Hungerland, Helmut 1935.00.00 I am sorry indeed that I missed the chance of seei print preview
FROM: Adler, Oskar 1935.00.00 Nicht leichtfertig und erst nach langem Zaudern, a print preview
TO: Strang, Gerald 1935.00.00 I am at breakfast in the dining hall. I don't want print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.00.00 Bestimmungen für das Stimmenschreiben I.Wendestell print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1935.00.00 Did you receive my music and letters? But I got no print preview
TO: KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, University of Southern California 1935.00.00 I received yesterday a letter with a check of $138 print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.12.31 Abrechnung für das II. Halbjahr 1934. - Verlagstan print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.12.31 ich schulde dir schon solange Antwort und Dank für print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.12.31 ich kann Ihren Brief heute nicht ausführlich beant print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1934.12.27 soeben ist Dein großer vervielfältigter Brief in print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.12.25 bei einer Sitzung der "International Composers' Gu print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.12.25 Schönbergs herzlichste Weihnachtswünsche. print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.12.19 Wir überreichen Ihnen gleichzeitig 1 Ehrenexemplar print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.12.18 Besten Dank für Ihren Brief vom 28. November, den print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.12.18 In further reply to your note of December 8: The d print preview
TO: Dohan, William, Brand & Oppenheimer 1934.12.17 You were so kind to propose me,[!] to write you ab print preview
TO: Adler, F. Charles, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.12.15 vor allem beglückwünsche ich Sie allerherzlichst z print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.12.12 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1934.12.12 ich weiß nicht, wie lange jetzt Briefe zu Dir brau print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1934.12.12 Dir, Deiner Frau und Nuria viele herzliche Weihnac print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.12.08 fünf kleine Fragen, zu deren jeder Sie nicht einma print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.12.08 I got today your Check of the National Province Ba print preview
TO: Gutman, Lucile, Baltimore Music Club, Inc 1934.12.08 I am very sorry to tell you so late, that I cannot print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.12.07 Wir bedauern sehr, auf unser Telegramm in Angelege print preview
TO: Hinrichsen, Henri, C.F. Peters 1934.12.06 Sie haben inzwischen sicherlich einen Brief von mi print preview
FROM: Gutman, Lucile, Baltimore Music Club, Inc 1934.12.05 I desire to extend to you a most cordial invitatio print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.12.05 [not seen] print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.12.04 [not seen] print preview
TO: Patterson, David 1934.12.04 vielleicht geht Strindberg, der große schwedische print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1934.12.01 zunächst muss ich Dir nochmals für Deine Güte und print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.12.00 vielen Dank mit dem großzügigen Kommentar zu unser print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.12.00 Nicht um den Turnus der von Dir mir nahegelegten print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.30 eine Kleinigkeit auf ein paar Weihnachtstunden. print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.29 Consent principally. Many hearty greetings print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.29 es ist nunmehr vollkommen gesichert, dass du nach print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.28 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Furtwängler, Wilhelm 1934.11.28 Ich habe soeben Ihren Brief erhalten und will glei print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.11.28 ich danke Ihnen bestens für Ihr Telegramm und die print preview
TO: Stoessel, Albert, Juilliard School of Music 1934.11.28 ich habe leider keine andere Adresse von Ihnen als print preview
FROM:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. TO:Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.26 Wir erhalten soeben Ihren Brief ohne Datum und bed print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Georg TO:Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.11.26 Habe heute Ihren Brief erhalten und danke Ihnen vi print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.11.26 Wir haben uns sofort nach Erhalt Ihres Briefes vom print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.11.26 welche örtliche Riesenentfernung trennt uns derzei print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1934.11.25 Ich habe vor allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: Nachod, Hans 1934.11.25 Ich habe vor allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: [various] 1934.11.25 Ich habe vor Allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: Kowalski, Max 1934.11.25 Ich habe vor allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.11.25 Ich habe vor allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: Lewin, Deborah 1934.11.23 Included you kindly will find a check for $40.00 w print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1934.11.22 Many thanks for your kind invitation which I get t print preview
FROM:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. TO:Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.21 Wir danken Ihnen bestens für Ihre Karte vom 18. d. print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.11.21 Da Frachtdampfer unmöglich Gesamtkosten Persondamp print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.11.20 die Partitur is gut angekommen, vielen Dank dafür. print preview
FROM:Schönberg, Georg TO:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.11.19 vor allem meinen besten Dank für Ihren Brief und d print preview
FROM: KleinSmid, Rufus Bernhard von, University of Southern California 1934.11.19 It is a pleasure to advise you of your appointment print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1934.11.16 ich schreibe Ihnen und bitte Sie, Görgi den Brief print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1934.11.15 referring to my letter of June 29, 1934 I want to print preview
TO: Dill, Helen C., California-Western Music Educators Conference 1934.11.15 With greatest pleasure affirming the promise, I ga print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1934.11.13 ich beginne heute endlich, mich für die Geburtstag print preview
FROM:Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. TO:Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.12 Ihr Herr Vater schrieb uns heute von Ihrer geplant print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.12 [not seen] print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph, Malkin Conservatory of Music 1934.11.12 ich habe eine Bitte an Sie: als ich im März Bosto print preview
TO: Bricken, Carl, University of Chicago 1934.11.12 I am very sorry to be obliged to ask you about my print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.10 [not seen] print preview
TO: Lipschitz, I. Irving, Federation of Jewish Welfare Organizations 1934.11.08 I am very glad to inform you that your action to g print preview
TO: Klemperer, Otto 1934.11.08 ich war gestern genötigt, die Einladung zu einem B print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.07 [not seen] print preview
TO: Shawmut Bank of Boston 1934.11.07 9 Checks 1. Bank of America (Eischen) $55.- print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.07 I am very glad to learn of your intention to come print preview
TO: Behymer, L.E. (Lynden Ellsworth) 1934.11.07 I thank you very much for your kind letter. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.06 ich habe zwei Schritte unternommen, um das Reisege print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.06 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.05 [not seen] print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.05 [not seen] print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.11.05 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1934.11.04 ich habe Dir wieder längere Zeit nicht geschrieben print preview
TO: Bernstein, Martin, New York University 1934.11.03 Sie müssen nicht glauben, daß ich den Plan einer print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1934.11.02 The affairs of the School have kept me so busy tha print preview
TO: Peters, [?] 1934.11.02 I am very sorry, but I think it is better for seve print preview
TO: Dunham, W.D. 1934.11.02 I have a Ford Black Dx 34 Sedan bought from you an print preview
FROM: Uhl, Byron H., United States Department of Labor 1934.11.01 It gives me pleasure to grant your request for an print preview
FROM: Reich, Willi 1934.11.01 Anbei gestatte ich mir, Ihnen das soeben erschiene print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.11.00 Ich habe vor Allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1934.11.00 Ich habe vor Allem zu erklären, warum ich erst so print preview
TO: Polnauer, Josef 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Weirich, Rudolf 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.11.00 die Partitur ist bisher nicht angekommen und ich h print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Mahler, Alma Maria 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Kowalski, Max 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Quimby, Arthur W., Cleveland Museum of Art 1934.11.00 Am very sorry that my letter didnt reach you in w print preview
TO: Stiedry Wagner, Erika 1934.11.00 vielen, vielen Dank für Ihre lieben Briefe! Wir so print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.11.00 An meinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag fühlten sich viel print preview
TO: Gehrkens, Karl W., Music Teachers National Association 1934.10.31 I feel, I have to apologize both the delay of my a print preview
TO: Preussische Akademie der Künste 1934.10.30 Im Anschluss an meinen durch die Tschechoslovakisc print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.10.30 Aufs Geratewohl wegen meiner Gesundheit hieher ger print preview
TO: Furtwängler, Wilhelm 1934.10.30 es ist lange her, daß ich Ihnen geschrieben habe; print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.10.28 Vorerst meinen Dank für die gesendeten Drucksachen print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.10.28 Ich schliesse daraus, dass du nichts von mir brauc print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.10.26 Ich wundere mich, daß Sie meine Adresse noch nich print preview
TO: Keyser, John de, Preeman Matthews Music Company 1934.10.25 Thank you very much for your interesting proposal. print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1934.10.22 MANY THANKS FOR YOUR KIND AND FRIENDLY LETTER STOP print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.10.20 vor 10 Tagen habe ich die telegrafisch $50 Dollar print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.10.19 vor allem herzlichsten Dank für Ihre freundlichen print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.10.18 I had to write and to answer you and that is so mu print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.10.17 [not seen] print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna 1934.10.17 I know Dr. Bach more than thirty years. At that ti print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.10.16 I presume that you have received the first of the print preview
TO: Quimby, Arthur W., Cleveland Museum of Art 1934.10.14 answering your letter written to Mr. Engel, Iwould print preview
TO: Columbia Storage and Warehouse Company 1934.10.13 I am sorry, I forgott in my letter of yesterday to print preview
TO: Lavrans, Hayne 1934.10.12 I am not coming to New York this winter, but stay print preview
TO: Shawmut Bank of Boston 1934.10.12 Having shifted my residence to Hollywood I ask you print preview
TO: Columbia Storage and Warehouse Company 1934.10.12 as I moved to Hollywood I want to get the 12 goods print preview
TO: Chemical Bank and Trust Company 1934.10.12 having moved to Hollywood, I ask you to send me ki print preview
FROM: Bernstein, Martin, New York University 1934.10.10 Unsere Briefe haben sich wahrscheinlich gekreuzt. print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.10.09 Wir erlauben uns, Ihnen mit gleicher Post das letz print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1934.10.09 Got your very kind letter today am very interreste print preview
TO: Chemical Bank and Trust Company 1934.10.07 Please send by wire to Georg Schoenberg Hotel Lorr print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.10.06 endlich, am ersten Konzert- und reisefreien Tag ka print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, Kolisch Quartett 1934.10.06 Nach glaenzend gelungener Urauffuehrung danken b print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest 1934.10.05 MANY THANKS FOR YOUR KIND TELEGRAM STOP I DO NOT W print preview
FROM: Kowalski, Max 1934.10.03 Ich gestatte mir, Ihnen nachträglich zu Ihrem 60. print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1934.10.03 vor allem möchte ich Ihnen sagen, daß mich Ihr An print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.10.01 [not seen] print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1934.10.01 I got today your very kind and very exciting lette print preview
TO: Schenker & Cie 1934.10.00 Mon fils, Mr. Georg Schönberg, qui prouvera son id print preview
FROM: Wild, J., Great Britain, Inspector of Taxes 1934.09.29 I thank you for your letter of 2nd instant, and wi print preview
TO: Bernstein, Martin 1934.09.29 vor allem danke ich Ihnen für Ihre freundliche Geb print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.09.28 Accept your proposal of your telegram according my print preview
TO: Cornell, Mrs. W.G. 1934.09.28 I am very very sorry that you found the house in s print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.09.27 zu deinem 28. Geburtstag konnte ich dir diesmal ke print preview
TO: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.09.27 Accept proposition of your Telegramm according my print preview
TO: Schenker & Cie 1934.09.27 mein Sohn Georg Schönberg, der sich vor Ihnen legi print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.09.27 1. Schlafmöbel | ein weisslackiertes Eisen bett mi print preview
FROM: G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.09.26 Agree to publication of Violoncello Concerto and h print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.09.25 wir sind im Endspurt vor den Konzerten, heute geht print preview
FROM: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1934.09.25 In case you have decided to live in New York this print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1934.09.24 We check your baggage from your door to any destin print preview
FROM: Schwarz, Paul 1934.09.23 senden etwas verspätete-aber nicht minder herzlich print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1934.09.21 ich bitte Sie, meine herzlichen Wünsche anläßlich print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1934.09.21 Man bat mich, für die Festschrift, die anläßlich print preview
FROM: Gehrkens, Karl W., Music Teachers' Association of California 1934.09.20 I am delighted to hear from my friend Carl Engel t print preview
FROM: Birchard, Clarence C., C.C. Birchard and Company 1934.09.19 I am just in receipt of the enclosed letter from M print preview
FROM: Speiser, Maurice J., Maurice J. Speiser Law Offices, Speiser & Speiser, Law Offices 1934.09.18 Just a line to advise you that I am now establish print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1934.09.17 Ihre Karte mit der Nachricht, daß Sie tatsächlich print preview
FROM: Kleiber, Erich 1934.09.17 ich weiss, dass Sie in diesen Tagen Ihren 60. Gebu print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.09.17 [not seen] print preview
TO: Bernstein, Martin 1934.09.17 Many thanks for your kind congratulations. The pub print preview
FROM: Jonasz, Anton 1934.09.16 Zu schöner Erinnerung an unsere Jugendzeit (Musikv print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto 1934.09.16 Herzlichste Glueckwuensche verehrungsvoll print preview
FROM: Graf, Herbert 1934.09.16 Kurz nach meiner Ankunft in New York habe ich im H print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.09.15 in großer Eile denn wir reisen morgen nach Pasaden print preview
FROM: Ganz, Rudolph 1934.09.14 Recht verspäteten, aber herzlichen Dank für Ihren print preview
TO: Chemical Bank and Trust Company 1934.09.14 We shall this Sunday (IX.16) leave Chautauqua and print preview
FROM: Felix, Oskar 1934.09.13 Meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem Sechzigs print preview
FROM: Hines, Alma 1934.09.13 Congratulations and Best Wishes on your Birthday print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1934.09.13 mit all den vielen Gratulationen, die Du zu diesem print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.09.13 vor allem: die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum 60. G print preview
FROM: Schwarzmann, Norbert 1934.09.13 Anläßlich Ihres heutigen Geburtstages bitte ich Si print preview
FROM: Weirich, Rudolf 1934.09.13 In der Kirche habe ich heute Ihres 60. Geburtstage print preview
FROM: Rózsa, Béla 1934.09.13 Greetings on your birthday. Wish I could be there print preview
FROM: Figueras, Angles 1934.09.13 Herzlichste Glückwünsche print preview
FROM: Behrendt, [?] 1934.09.13 Innigste Glückwünsche print preview
FROM: Maristany, Carles (Charles T.) 1934.09.13 Heureux soixante answer print preview
FROM: Herbert, Walter 1934.09.13 Herzlichste Glückwünsche print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1934.09.13 Zu Deinem 60. Geburtstag die allerbesten Wünsche. print preview
FROM: Birchard, Clarence C., C.C. Birchard and Company 1934.09.13 I am enclosing herewith a copy of a reply this mor print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1934.09.13 I am so sorry not to be able to help you in the ma print preview
FROM: Stuckenschmidt, Hans Heinz 1934.09.12 Herzliche und verehrungsvolle Glückwünsche in tr print preview
FROM: Steuermann, Eduard 1934.09.12 Innigste Wünsche Segensreiche Jahre/Glücklich print preview
FROM: Weiss, Adolph 1934.09.12 Best wishes for a happy birthday indeed we shall print preview
FROM: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1934.09.12 Your letter Aug 27 recd, permit control board for print preview
FROM: Stransky, Josef 1934.09.12 Just received here at Nineteen East Sixty Fourth S print preview
FROM: Kountz, Richard, Witmark Educational Publications 1934.09.12 Mr. Martin Bernstein has brought to my attention, print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.09.12 I am disappointed that I cannot give you today a d print preview
FROM: Schenker & Cie 1934.09.12 Wir bestätigen den Eingang Ihres werten Schreibens print preview
FROM: Roner, Hermann 1934.09.11 Zum morgigen Tag bitte ich Sie verehrter Meister m print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.09.11 vielen Dank für die Karte vom 26ten Aug. und den B print preview
FROM: Quimby, Arthur W., Cleveland Museum of Art 1934.09.10 I would like to conclude arrangements for a lectur print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.09.10 Mit gleicher Post senden wir Ihnen das neue Heft v print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.09.10 ich höre - von einem mehrwöchentlichen Aufenthalt print preview
FROM: Ornstein, Beate 1934.09.09 ich finde eben eine Karte von Ihnen mit einer ganz print preview
FROM: Zenk, Ludwig Karl Maria 1934.09.09 Das herzlichste Bedürfnis, Ihnen meine Huldigung z print preview
FROM: Goehr, Walter 1934.09.09 heute möchte ich Ihnen auf das herzlichste zu Ihre print preview
FROM: Remus, Susanne 1934.09.09 Die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem Geburtstag print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.09.08 Besten Dank für Ihre liebe Karte. Herr Stein teilt print preview
FROM: Klatzkin, Jacob 1934.09.08 Herzliche Wünsche für Rosch-ha-Schona von Ihrem Ja print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1934.09.08 Could you make me a great favor? Could you arrange print preview
FROM: Koehen, Toni 1934.09.07 ich will mich doch von der Yetti nicht ausstechen print preview
FROM: Werndorff, Marietta (Etta) 1934.09.07 Eben lese ich vom bevorstehenden Geburtstag Ihres print preview
TO: Bernstein, Martin 1934.09.07 So sorry we can not play today. Couldn't you both print preview
FROM:Webern, Anton TO:Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.09.06 längst schon wollte ich Dir auf Deinen lieben Brie print preview
FROM: Rankl, Karl 1934.09.06 Am 13. September ist Ihr 60. Geburtstag. Es tut mi print preview
FROM: Lewy, Leo 1934.09.06 Zu den vielen Gratulanten in diesen Tagen gesellt print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1934.09.05 Nach der wunderschönen \"Schoenberg-Feier\" sitzen print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1934.09.05 Dein letzter Brief, den ich inzwischen bereits bea print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.09.05 Wie Sie wissen ist es leider seit Jahren unmöglich print preview
FROM: Polnauer, Josef 1934.09.05 Zu Ihrem 60. Geburtstag gedachte ich Ihnen als bes print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1934.09.05 Mit Deiner Karte vom 17. Aug. hast Du mir, liebste print preview
FROM: Sachs, Benno 1934.09.04 erlauben sich, Ihnen, sehr verehrter Herr Schönber print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Roberto 1934.09.04 Unsere Gedanken, die viel öfter bei Ihnen sind als print preview
FROM: Eisler, Hanns 1934.09.04 Ich habe Ihren Entwurf erhalten und schicke densel print preview
FROM: Ratz, Erwin 1934.09.04 Zu Ihrem sechzigsten Geburtstage möchte auch ich I print preview
FROM: Bloomfield, Meyer 1934.09.04 I do not feel I can safely advise you with regard print preview
FROM: Wolfsohn, Georg 1934.09.03 Wie gerne hätte ich Ihnen meine Wünsche zum 60ten print preview
FROM: Gradenwitz, Peter 1934.09.03 Es scheint mir mehr in Ihrem Sinne zu sein, wenn i print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Henriette Anna Theresia 1934.09.03 Vor meiner Abreise von hier, 6 Uhr früh, erinnere print preview
FROM: Gerhard, Leopoldina "Poldi" 1934.09.03 Vom ganzen Herzen wünsche ich Ihnen alles, alles G print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred 1934.09.03 den vielen Wünschen, welche Ihnen in diesen Tagen print preview
FROM: Pisk, Paul Amadeus 1934.09.03 Diese Zeilen sollen kein gewöhnlicher Gratulations print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1934.09.03 Ihr Geburtstag stellt uns vor eine Aufgabe, der wi print preview
FROM: Ornstein, Hans 1934.09.02 Ich habe bedauert, auf meine beiden Briefe ohne An print preview
FROM: Klarfeld, Pauline 1934.09.02 An diesem Tage, da Ihnen von nah und fern Glückwün print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.09.02 Gestatten Sie uns allen Ihnen zu Ihrem 60. Geburts print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.09.02 ich bedaure es sehr, daß ich diesen Tag nicht mit print preview
TO: Wild, J., Great Britain, Inspector of Taxes 1934.09.02 Many thanks for your kind answer. But, as I suppos print preview
TO: Stransky, Josef 1934.09.02 Sie haben vielleicht auch gehört, dass mich die Er print preview
TO: Hertz, Alfred 1934.09.02 sie waren so liebenswürdig, mir zu meinem ersten E print preview
FROM: Höchster, Emil 1934.09.01 Wenn ich auf zwei Schreiben, die ich an Sie richte print preview
FROM: Schacht, Peter 1934.09.01 Zu Ihrem 60. Geburtstage sende ich Ihnen meine her print preview
FROM: Stiedry, Fritz 1934.09.01 Wir denken oft jener Berliner Jahre, Ihrer Wohnung print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.09.00 In der Angelegenheit Schoenberg-Festschrift wurde print preview
TO: Seligmann, Maria 1934.09.00 auch meine herzlichsten Geburtstagsglückwünsche. print preview
FROM: Bivolarevic, Dimitrije 1934.09.00 Zum Ihren 60 jährigen Jubiläum gratulieren Ihnen E print preview
FROM: Park, Mrs. Robert I. 1934.09.00 Your letter Aug 27 recd permit Control Board 7.4 print preview
TO: Katz, Hedi, Music School 1934.09.00 Please wire immediately your garantie-offer[!] for print preview
FROM: Keith, Irma, Grand Opera Guild 1934.08.31 I have your card asking for information on certain print preview
FROM: Seligmann, Mischa 1934.08.30 Ich sende Dir die allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche z print preview
FROM: Daniels, Minerva, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.08.30 Your letter of August 20 is still on Mr. Engel's d print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1934.08.30 zu Deinem 60. Geburtstag nahen wir uns mit unseren print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.08.30 Sei zu Deinem 60. Geburtstage von mir, meiner Frau print preview
FROM: Rufer, Marie Antonie 1934.08.30 mein Mann liegt leider an einer saftigen Grippe un print preview
TO: Columbia Storage and Warehouse Company 1934.08.30 Mr. Jennelli, the Head Porter of the Hotel Ansonia print preview
TO: Bloomfield, Meyer 1934.08.30 as you see, we chose for our vacation a place next print preview
FROM: Seligmann, Maria 1934.08.29 Wieder ein gemeinsamer Geburtstag getrennt! Das is print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.08.29 Die Jahre, in denen sich Deine beiden letzten Lebe print preview
FROM: Cuhney, Ralph E., Hotel Ansonia 1934.08.29 We are in receipt of your letter of the 27th. print preview
FROM: Hajny, E. J., Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1934.08.29 In addition to the information you submitted in yo print preview
TO: Rice, Mela 1934.08.29 um Ihnen doch einstweilen rasch den Zemlinsky-Brie print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1934.08.29 at first I must apologize [for] my silence. print preview
TO: Birchard, Clarence C. 1934.08.29 The circumstance that your kind letter to Mrs Scho print preview
FROM: Berg, Helene 1934.08.28 zu Deinem 60. Geburtstag auch meine aller-allerinn print preview
FROM: Hinrichsen, Henri, C.F. Peters 1934.08.28 Wie ich aus den deutschen Zeitungen ersehe, begehe print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.08.28 ich danke Dir vielmals für Deine Karte aus Chautau print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1934.08.28 ich weiß daß du auf meine ( - auf Alwas) Frage: print preview
FROM: Heifetz, Benar Olga 1934.08.27 Ich habe schon seit langer Zeit das grosse Bedürfn print preview
FROM: Wolfsthal[?], Olga 1934.08.27 erlauben Sie auch mir, Ihnen in größter Verehrung print preview
TO: Keith, Irma, Grand Opera Guild 1934.08.27 It is a very long time since I got your last lette print preview
TO: Schenker & Cie 1934.08.27 Sie hätten bereits entnehmen können, daß ich aus print preview
TO: Katholische Kirche Karlsbad 1934.08.27 darf ich um ein Duplikat meines Taufscheins ersuch print preview
TO: Jenelli, [?], Hotel Ansonia 1934.08.27 I sent the signed slip to the storage but did not print preview
TO: Hotel Ansonia 1934.08.27 When I left your Hotel, the 11th of July, I told y print preview
TO: Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1934.08.27 I beg pardon for writing in English. I want to get print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1934.08.27 Beiliegend eine Bestätigung des Kontoauszuges und print preview
TO: Frazier, Katherine, Cummigton School 1934.08.27 I must apologize the neglect of answer[!] which I print preview
TO: Berlin, Landesfinanzamt 1934.08.27 Da das Unterrichtsministerium meinen Vertrag (als print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.08.27 beiliegend eine Fehlerliste. Bitte verbessere alle print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.08.26 vor Allem, dass die Bank mir bereits zwei Schecks print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.08.24 Viele Grüße; morgen sende ich dir wieder etwas print preview
FROM: Kraus, Else C. 1934.08.24 Ob dieser Brief Sie noch erreicht zu Ihrem Geburts print preview
FROM: Apostel, Hans Erich 1934.08.24 Ihr sechzigster Geburtstag soll auch für mich der print preview
TO: Czechoslovakia, Consulate General 1934.08.24 malheureusement je ne connais personne ici, qui sa print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.08.22 Wir übersenden Ihnen inliegend den Empfangsschein print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, Kolisch Quartett 1934.08.21 eben erhalte ich die Nachricht, daß am 27. Septemb print preview
FROM: Stoessel, Albert 1934.08.20 Please accept my apology for not coming to see you print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.08.20 ich glaube Sie haben einen kleinen Unterschied zwi print preview
TO: Eisler, Hanns 1934.08.20 Beiliegend ein kurzes Exposé. Ich habe zuerst zwan print preview
FROM: Krenek, Ernst 1934.08.19 erlauben Sie mir, meine aufrichtigsten Glückwünsch print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.08.18 Benötige dringendst meine Dokumente und erbitte vi print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.08.16 Wir empfingen heute Ihr Schreiben vom 2. VIII. und print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.08.16 eine Karte schreibe ich doch rascher, entschuldige print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.08.15 I owe you a reply to your note of August 8. You su print preview
TO: Hines, Alma 1934.08.14 Your opinion that a contract is existing between y print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf, Kolisch Quartett 1934.08.10 wir haben das Quartett Konzert jetzt zusammen durc print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.08.09 wenn Du nicht selbst den Wunsch geäußert hättest, print preview
TO: Garrett, Charlotte L., Baltimore Music Club, Inc 1934.08.09 Unfortunately I can not find a copy of an answer o print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.08.08 In your letter of July 31 you ask whether Schirmer print preview
TO: Rice, Mela 1934.08.08 [not seen] das wäre sehr nett, wenn Sie herkommen print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.08.08 vor allem danke ich Ihnen sehr für den Empfang des print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.08.06 leider ist Deine Annahme daß wir schon was \"fixes print preview
FROM: Rufer, Josef 1934.08.05 gestern kam Ihre Karte (mit der so treffenden Ansi print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1934.08.03 Wohin seid Ihr nun jetzt wieder veschlungen, das i print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.08.02 Many thanks for your letter of July 31. To some of print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.08.02 bitte freundlichst zu Lasten meiner Abrechnung die print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1934.08.01 ein Vertrag = zur Darnachrichtung - muss print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.08.00 vielen Dank für Deine Karte mit dem großzügigen K print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.07.31 There is a large society of music teachers in this print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.07.31 vor allem vielen herzlichsten Dank für die rührend print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1934.07.31 I wrote the included letter, as you see, before we print preview
FROM:Webern, Anton TO:Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.07.30 sei herzlichst bedankt für die liebe Karte print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.07.30 In Erledigung Ihres Briefes ohne Datum haben wir u print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.07.29 habe gestern das Geld und heute Deinen Brief bekom print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.07.27 Ich will Ihnen kurz Bericht erstatten über meinen print preview
TO: Ganz, Rudolph, Chicago Musical College 1934.07.24 Regretting very much I cannot accept to teach more print preview
TO: Keith, Irma, Grand Opera Guild 1934.07.23 having been somewhat tired, I have been obliged to print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1934.07.22 wir sind endlich am Land, 10 Stunden von New York print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1934.07.22 du tust uns Unrecht, wenn du unserem Schweigen unf print preview
TO: Great Britain, Inspector of Taxes 1934.07.21 You ask for an income tax 26 . 5 . * , but do not print preview
TO: Brown, Margerete 1934.07.20 I shall not be in New York nor in Boston, during t print preview
TO: Gradenwitz, Peter 1934.07.20 vor etwa 10 Tagen haben wir Ihren Schwiegereltern print preview
FROM: Neuer, Berthold B. 1934.07.19 This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of J print preview
FROM:Bach, David Josef TO:Schönberg, Gertrud 1934.07.19 unsere Berichte haben sich gekreuzt. print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.07.18 sei vielmals bedankt für die Zeitschrift mit Deine print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.07.17 Ãœber telephonischen Anruf der hiesigen Kultusgeme print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.07.16 du hast mich wieder einmal sehr lange warten lasse print preview
TO: Eisler, Hanns 1934.07.16 mein Sohn übermittelt mir Ihre Idee, mich für eine print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.07.14 Abrechnung für das I. Halbjahr 1934. Verlagstant. print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.07.13 As 2220. General Verrechgs. Kto. "Neue Werke" print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.07.13 Many hearty greetings and kisses for birthday from print preview
TO: New York City Post Office 1934.07.13 Would you kindly forward my mail addressed to my f print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1934.07.08 Corresponding [to] your suggestion, I spoke today print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.07.07 ich habe jetzt das Konzert einmal durchgearbeitet print preview
TO: Neuer, Berthold B. 1934.07.07 This is to confirm your statement to me when you l print preview
TO: Nardone, Alba 1934.07.07 Miss Dehartog sent me kindly your letter, for I am print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.07.06 das ist ein Pech! Ich habe sofort Ihren Vorschlag print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1934.07.04 wir haben lange nicht geschrieben, print preview
TO: Ganz, Rudolph 1934.07.03 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihr freundliches Telegram print preview
TO: Birchard, Clarence C., C.C. Birchard and Company 1934.07.03 many, many thanks for the pains you toke over to b print preview
TO: Regimentskanzlei des ehem. K u. K Infanterieregiments Hoch und Deutschmeister Nr. 4 1934.07.02 ich benötige dringendst bis Mitte August den Nachw print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.07.02 besten Dank für Ihr Telegramm, wir haben sehr geho print preview
TO: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde 1934.07.02 ich erlaube mir hiemit das höfliche Ersuchen um Au print preview
TO: Berlin, Polizeipräsidium 1934.07.02 da ich ein Leumundszeugnis benötige, ersuche ich h print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.07.02 seit meinem Brief vom 10.V. und meiner Geldsendung print preview
TO: Rózsa, Béla 1934.07.02 Both you and Mr. Black promised me, when (twelve print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.07.01 Endlich gestern ist das langersehnte Geld gekommen print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.07.01 ich wüsste nun sehr gerne, wie es mit dem Quartett print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.07.00 Vielen herzlichen Dank für das Telegr. Von Chautau print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.07.00 Ich habe das Deutschmeister Reg. um meinen Landstu print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.07.00 ich war nie sehr begeistert darüber, daß eine F print preview
TO: Knopf, Alfred A., American Mercury 1934.06.30 meine Secretärin, Mrs. Keith, hat bei Ihnen angefr print preview
TO: Radio Corporation of America 1934.06.29 For some time past you have used upon your records print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.06.28 Drahtet ob Barauszahlung Abfindung noch vor Ferien print preview
TO: Garrett, Charlotte L., Baltimore Music Club, Inc 1934.06.27 I will gladely come on Saturday afternoon January print preview
FROM: Ganz, Rudolph 1934.06.25 It is with sincerest regrets that I am compelled t print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1934.06.23 Vielen herzlichen Dank für Ihr Bild und Ihren Aufs print preview
TO: C.C. Birchard and Company 1934.06.23 Many thanks We tried yesterday in vain by phone to print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.06.22 I shall follow your advice and reduce the fee, in print preview
FROM: Birchard, Clarence C., Musical College Chicago 1934.06.21 Dunhams says the offer is sixty percent of receipt print preview
FROM:Universal-Edition A.G. TO:Schönberg, Georg 1934.06.19 Durch Herrn Rudolf Kolisch erfahren wir soeben, da print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.06.19 Du Armer hast da wieder eine echte Ärzte-Operation print preview
FROM: Demuth, Norman, Notgemeinschaft Deutscher Wissenschaft im Ausland 1934.06.18 unsere Notgemeinschaft ist eine Organisation führe print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.06.18 ich danke Ihnen sehr für die Liste der Universität print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.06.17 anbei 40$ für Juni. Mein Scheck aus Francs. Die Ki print preview
FROM: Ganz, Rudolph, Chicago Musical College 1934.06.17 I sent you a night letter June 15 which read as fo print preview
FROM: Reese, Gustave, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.06.16 [not seen] print preview
TO: Weede, Fred L., Chamber of Commerce 1934.06.14 Can we rent cottage you wired[!] Dr. Stephen Wise print preview
TO: Garrett, Charlotte L., Baltimore Music Club, Inc 1934.06.14 I will gladely come to lecture on January 12th 193 print preview
TO: Simon, Curt Max Oswald 1934.06.13 ich erfahre von einem Bekannten dass Sie hier sind print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.06.10 wir sind heute noch in NEW York und werden kaum print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.06.10 wir sind heute noch in New York und werden kaum vo print preview
TO: Yasser, Joseph 1934.06.10 ich bin sehr froh, dass Sie so gut Deutsch schreib print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.06.09 Mit den in Ihrem letzten Brief gestellten Fragen h print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.06.06 It is unfortunate that your letter of June 6 shoul print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.06.06 vielen herzlichsten Dank für Ihren liebenswürdigen print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, G. Schirmer, Inc 1934.06.06 ich möchte diesen Sommer eines der theoretischen W print preview
TO: Weaver, [?], Cornell University 1934.06.06 I learned you will get answer by the secretary print preview
FROM: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1934.06.04 Wir empfingen Ihr Schreiben vom 24.v.Mts. und beme print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph 1934.06.03 ich konnte leider Ihrem Bruder noch keine Zusage f print preview
TO: Payne, Harriet 1934.06.03 Leaving New York in some days for my vacation, pro print preview
TO: Victor Record Corporation 1934.06.02 [...] For some time past you have print preview
TO: Shilkret, Nathaniel 1934.06.02 We remained in New York for our baby is sick and w print preview
TO: Goehr, Walter 1934.06.02 herzlichsten Dank für Ihren Brief. Ich wäre hnen s print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.06.01 vor wenigen Tagen erfuhr ich (durch Zufall!!!) daß print preview
TO: Goehr, Walter 1934.06.00 ich sende Ihnen beiliegend die Kopie eines Briefes print preview
TO: Bergardi 1934.06.00 I regret very much not to be able to tell you more print preview
FROM: Ritter, L[...?], Genossenschaft deutscher Tonsetzer 1934.05.31 In Beantwortung Ihres Schreibens vom 15. d. Mts. t print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1934.05.31 Ich ersuche hiemit höflichst zu Lasten meines Sper print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.05.31 ich schreibe nach Paris, obwohl die Mama schreibt, print preview
TO: Speiser, Maurice J. 1934.05.30 The fifth of May, by Rainer, we were asked, whethe print preview
TO: Beck, Albert I., Beck School of Piano 1934.05.30 I could not answer your kind letter of May 14, for print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.05.28 Ihr Brief aus New York (ohne Datum) hat uns sehr i print preview
FROM: Brown, William L., The Library of Congress 1934.05.26 This is to certify, in conformity with section 55 print preview
TO: Filene, Therèse Estelle 1934.05.26 Till print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1934.05.24 zum Glück brauche ich augenblicklich diese Noten n print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.05.16 eben habe ich deinen Brief von [...] erhalten. Dam print preview
TO: Rasch, Hugo, Berufsstand der Deutschen Komponisten 1934.05.16 mit Beziehung auf die "Zweite Aufforderung", die print preview
TO: Genossenschaft deutscher Tonsetzer 1934.05.15 Da ich seit Jahr und Tag vergebens die Auszahlung print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.05.13 Dein lieber ausführlicher Brief vom 12. IV., ich d print preview
TO: Bergardi 1934.05.13 I. When I ordered a suit in the first days od Febr print preview
TO: Wise, Stephen, Free Synagogue House 1934.05.12 1916, als österreichischer Soldat, mit Begeisterun print preview
TO: Bach, David Josef 1934.05.11 zuerst bestätige ich den Empfang deines Briefes vo print preview
TO: Bricken, Carl, University of Chicago 1934.05.10 I don't know, whether you have learned, that we l print preview
TO: Bruce, Robert, Music Publishers Association 1934.05.08 ich glaube nicht, dass Sie meine Angelegenheiten r print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.05.06 Kapellmeister Rainer (früher in Dresden) der nächs print preview
TO: Graf, Herbert 1934.05.06 Kapellmeister Rainer (früher in Dresden), der näch print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.05.05 nun war doch heute Herr Schilkresbei mir und denkt print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1934.05.05 ich weiß nicht, wie es mit Ihrer Beschäftigung in print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.05.04 dass du seit 20. III. keine Nachricht von mir hast print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1934.05.04 die Firma Associated Publishers sandte mir meine N print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1934.05.04 Heute ist der 4, Mai Jetzt erst komme ich dazu, d print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.05.02 Vielen Dank für Ihren lieben Brief. Die fehlenden print preview
TO: Koons, Walter Emmet Charles, National Broadcasting Company, Inc 1934.05.00 I must write you in German, for I feel, I can not print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.05.00 ich benötige dringend 1. eine Kopie unseres letzte print preview
TO: Maury, Lowndes 1934.05.00 I think it is a misunderstanding: I wrote Mr. Malk print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph 1934.04.30 Ich habe lange nichts von Ihnen gehört und habe ge print preview
TO: Noble's Milk, Inc 1934.04.28 We left Brookline on 26. of March. print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.04.27 du musst nicht glauben, dass ich nicht an dich den print preview
TO: Zerkowitz, [?], Schenker & Cie 1934.04.26 ich möchte Sie bitten mir sobald als möglich mein print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.04.25 ich habe jetzt 3 oder 4 Mal an Dich geschrieben (d print preview
TO: Koons, Walter Emmet Charles, National Broadcasting Company, Inc 1934.04.21 Music is a simultaneousness and a successiveness o print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1934.04.19 Sendet retournierten Dollarscheck an mich print preview
TO: Pelham Hall 1934.04.18 I got yesterday a letter from the Pitts Company, 5 print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1934.04.16 ich habe nun sehr lange gar nichts von Ihnen gehör print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1934.04.15 herzlichsten Dank für Eure vielen Briefe und den S print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.04.14 wir leben jetzt ständig in New York. -- Du hast wo print preview
FROM: Koons, Walter Emmet Charles, National Broadcasting Company, Inc 1934.04.14 Following our conversation in your dressing-room a print preview
TO: Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.04.14 Unfortunately I can not find the lett in which the print preview
TO: Boult, Adrian, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1934.04.14 I was so occupied all this time, that I did not fi print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1934.04.12 ich habe Boston verlassen. Ich war dort ununterbro print preview
TO: Katz, Ernst Fritz 1934.04.11 Autogramm für Herrn Ernst Fritz Katz print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1934.04.10 Hast Du meine Nachrichten nicht erhalten? print preview
TO: Bok, Mary Louise Curtis, Curtis Institute of Music 1934.04.10 Many thanks stop we shall wire hour arrival stop l print preview
TO: Winter, Max 1934.04.10 Sie befinden sich leider im Irrtum über das Schick print preview
TO: Hansen, Wilhelm, Wilhelm Hansen Musik-Forlag 1934.04.05 ich habe lange Zeit nichts von Ihnen gehört. print preview
TO: Beck, Albert I., Beck School of Piano 1934.04.05 Miss Dehartog sent me your letter of March 22 toda print preview
TO: Rapoport, [?] 1934.04.05 Mr Schoenberg wrote you a letter, not finding your print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph 1934.04.04 anbei ein Scheck über 70$. print preview
TO: Neuer, Berthold B. 1934.04.03 ich glaube es wird gut sein, wenn ich Ihnen einmal print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1934.04.00 es tut mir furchtbar leid, Sie alarmiert zu haben, print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph 1934.04.00 Wir waren für heute aufs Land eingeladen, mußten print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.03.30 wegen meiner Krankheit sind wie lieber übersiedelt print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1934.03.30 we have not left New York, for we were told print preview
FROM: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1934.03.30 ich danke Dir sehr für das Zeugnis. Es ist gerade print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1934.03.28 du wirst in einigen Tagen von der Deutsche Bank in print preview
FROM: Bach, David Josef 1934.03.27 die mir jetzt aufgezwungene Sparsamkeit und auch a print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1934.03.27 ich kann nur vermuten, daß Berg Ihren Brief nicht print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.03.27 Engel aus Washington, der dir einen Auftrag für ei print preview
TO: Shawmut Bank of Boston 1934.03.24 Please send me the balance of my account to be dep print preview
TO: Hilb, Emil 1934.03.24 es tut mir furchtbar leid, Ihnen sagen zu müssen, print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1934.03.24 ich will Ihnen nur rasch mitteilen, dass ich diesm print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.03.23 As 2219. General Verrechgs Kto print preview
TO: [Direktion de l`Hotel Majestic] 1934.03.22 Mon fils, Georg Schoenberg, porteur de cette letre print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.03.21 mit welcher Spannung erwarte ich schon Deine nächs print preview
FROM: Bricken, Carl, University of Chicago 1934.03.21 In my last letter to you I enclosed a letter from print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.03.20 ich kann es noch nicht bestimmt dagen, aber ich ho print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.03.17 am 2. III. habe ich dir 35$ geschickt. Du hast sie print preview
FROM: Zillig, Winfried 1934.03.17 Ich schäme mich schon ganz, daß ich Ihnen solange print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrude 1934.03.16 ich freue mich sehr, daß der Radioapparat gut in print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1934.03.16 beiliegend das Zeugnis im zwei Exemplaren. print preview
TO: Brodsky, Herbert 1934.03.15 You asked me to send you a photo of me, which you print preview
FROM: Filene, Therèse Estelle 1934.03.14 It is with keen anticipation that we are looking f print preview
TO: Filene, Abraham Lincoln 1934.03.13 both Mrs. Sch and myself thank you very much for y print preview
FROM: Filene, Abraham Lincoln 1934.03.12 Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Filene request the pleasure o print preview
FROM: Preussisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung 1934.03.12 Im Anschluß an den Bescheid vom 14. November 1933 print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1934.03.09 ich kann leider Dienstag abend nicht mehr in New Y print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1934.03.08 mit Vergnügen gebe ich Ihnen die Zusage print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, The Library of Congress 1934.03.06 nur um Ihnen für Ihren Brief rasch zu danken, denn print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1934.03.06 nur ein hoffentlich nicht unverdientes Bussi. print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1934.03.06 nur um Ihnen für Ihren Brief rasch zu danken, denn print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.03.05 Vor allem danke ich Dir vielmals für die Geldsendu print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W. 1934.03.04 many thanks to Mrs.Downes for her kind letter. print preview
FROM: Downes, Agnes 1934.03.01 As my husband is extremely pressed with work, I am print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1934.03.01 I hope you got the examples I sent you the II.17 i print preview
TO: Shawmut Bank of Boston 1934.03.01 Please wire to your Bank in Paris to send express print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph 1934.03.00 Wir sind nicht nach dem Süden gefahren, weil man u print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1934.02.28 beiliegend 1. zwei Scheine über eine telegr. Sendu print preview
TO: Neuer, Berthold B. 1934.02.28 Vorerst möchte ich-unfreiwilliges- Versäumnis nach print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.02.27 wie freuten wir uns über das liebe Bildchen Deiner print preview
TO: Engel, Carl 1934.02.27 da ich mich absolut nicht erinnern kann ob ich Ihn print preview
FROM: Supan, Susanne 1934.02.24 ich danke Dir vielmals für Dein \"hohes Haus\". Wi print preview
TO: Bricken, Carl, University of Chicago 1934.02.23 When I answered your letter, I was very pressed an print preview
TO: Abrams, Samuel J., Temple Chabei Shalom 1934.02.23 I was not in Boston (but in Chicago and New York l print preview
TO: Feuermann, Emanuel 1934.02.23 ich traf dieser Tage in Chicago zufällig Piatigors print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.02.22 hoffentl. geht es Dir jetzt schon wieder ganz gut! print preview
TO: Damrosch, Walter 1934.02.22 I thank you very much for the kind words you have print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.02.20 im Prinzip wäre ja eine Beteiligung an den portugi print preview
FROM: Amersdorffer, Alexander, Preussische Akademie der Künste 1934.02.20 Wir teilen Ihnen ergebenst mit, daß wir Ihrem Ban print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1934.02.19 ich wollte Ihnen solange schon schreiben, aber ich print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1934.02.17 herzlichsten Dank für Ihren Brief und den Artikel. print preview
TO: Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.02.17 It is a great pleasure to remind the wonderful hou print preview
TO: Boston Symphony Orchestra 1934.02.17 as you know perhaps I was for some time very ill, print preview
TO: E. A. Raphael Co 1934.02.16 You find enclosed a check of $ 40.-(forty). print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1934.02.15 Keine Gefahr. print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Henriette Anna Theresia 1934.02.15 Auslandsgerüchte falsch. Vollkommene Ruhe und Ordn print preview
TO: Bankverein 1934.02.14 Verkaufet bestens meine Effekten dringend ben print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.02.14 Was konnen wir fuer euch tun? Verwende erloes mein print preview
TO: Greissle, Felix Anton Rudolf 1934.02.14 Koennten Geld anweisen wenn Unruhen Ausland abwart print preview
TO: Schreker, Franz, Staatliche akademische Hochschule für Musik in Berlin 1934.02.12 having nothing heard long time about you, I hear t print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1934.02.11 Greetings to Arnold Schoenberg who enriches our mu print preview
FROM: Rodzinski, Artur 1934.02.11 Today in Northampton on a tour with the Cleveland print preview
FROM: Goossens, Eugene, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1934.02.10 May I add my greetings to many you will already ha print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.02.10 Viele herzlichste Grüße! Vielleicht hat das doch print preview
TO: Engel, Carl, The Library of Congress 1934.02.10 Ich freue mich sehr, dass Sie meiner Anregung Gehö print preview
FROM: Simon, Alicja 1934.02.08 Vielleicht erinnern Sie sich noch meiner von meine print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.02.08 vor allen Dingen vielen Dank für das unerwartete a print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge 1934.02.08 May I send my heartiest greetings to Mr and Mrs Ar print preview
FROM: Damrosch, Walter 1934.02.07 The creative artist like an explorer should always print preview
FROM: Engel, Carl, The Library of Congress 1934.02.07 Mrs. Coolidge hat mir gesagt Sie hätten ihr geschr print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.02.07 Die Bibliotheken gehen heute an Sie ab. Die Sendun print preview
FROM: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.02.06 Invoice of Merchandise print preview
FROM: Stein, Erwin 1934.02.06 Bibliothek von Professor Arnold Schönberg, 1284 Be print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Georg 1934.02.06 Habe gestern Deinen Brief erhalten. Ich bin entset print preview
FROM: Reiner, Fritz 1934.02.06 Hail to the great master who is never afraid to ca print preview
FROM: Klemperer, Otto, Arts Club of Chicago 1934.02.06 Dem grossen Arnold Schoenberg meine verehrungsvoll print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.02.05 Abrechnung für das II. Halbjahr 1933. Verlagstant. print preview
FROM: Hoogstraten, Willem van, Portland Symphony Orchestra 1934.02.05 I am happy to have this opportunity to send my gre print preview
TO: Shawmut Bank of Boston 1934.02.05 Please send on my account to Mr. Georg Schoenberg print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.02.03 Mit gleicher Post lasse ich Ihnen noch "Elements o print preview
TO: Palmer, John, Arts Club of Chicago 1934.02.02 As Mr. Stock has asked me to rehearse already Tues print preview
FROM: Palmer, John, Arts Club of Chicago 1934.02.01 Will you kindly let us know the exact date and tim print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1934.02.01 ich bin sehr in Eile, entschuldigen Sie, daß ich print preview
TO: Copley, Richard 1934.02.01 entschuldigen Sie, dass ich Ihnen Deutsch schreibe print preview
TO: Palmer, John, Arts Club of Chicago 1934.02.00 With great pleasure I want to say my cordial thank print preview
TO: Seligmann, Maria 1934.02.00 wir warten unausgesetzt auf Briefe und wenn wir ke print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1934.01.31 ich möchte dir nur in Eile sagen, daß ich sehr gl print preview
TO: 1934.01.31 In Eile hier Antwort auf Ihre theoretischen Fragen print preview
TO: Bricken, Carl, University of Chicago 1934.01.31 Many thanks for your kind letter. As I have alread print preview
TO: Goldman, Edwin Franko 1934.01.31 You find enclosed the translation you have send me print preview
FROM: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.01.30 Daß das erste Lebenszeichen, das Sie mir direkt vo print preview
FROM: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.30 Ihre werten Zeilen erhielt ich vorgestern; die ame print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.01.29 Es liegt uns daran, Ihnen mitzuteilen, daß vorgest print preview
FROM: Goldman, Edwin Franko, Goldman Band 1934.01.29 My absence from town is the cause for the delay in print preview
TO: Fast French Line Steamer 1934.01.26 I forgot on the "Ile de France" leaving Le Havre print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A. 1934.01.25 [In German; concerns 1922 edition of Fünf Orchst.] print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1934.01.25 I hope I have got well again, and if you wish, we print preview
TO: Voegeli, Henry E., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.24 Mr. Malkin gives[!] me your letter to answer you d print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1934.01.22 Memorandum of Agreement, made at Chicago, Illinois print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1934.01.22 Dein lieber ausführlicher Brief vom 3.XII. hat si print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1934.01.20 ich hätte dir gerne noch etwas Ausführliches gesch print preview
TO: Goehr, Rudolf 1934.01.20 ich habe am 9.I. an Sie telegrafiert, daß ich Ihn print preview
FROM: [unknown], Heinrichshofen's Verlag 1934.01.19 Wir gestatten uns, Ihnen beigeschlossen die Abrech print preview
FROM: Copley, Richard 1934.01.18 I want to discuss with you the possibility of an a print preview
TO: Stein, Erwin, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.01.18 Eben war Herr Kapellmeister Fiedler, Boston, bei m print preview
TO: Lederman, Minna, League of Composers, Inc 1934.01.18 I was ill and I am still now not healthy, but neve print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.18 ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre freundliche Einladun print preview
TO: Copley, Richard 1934.01.18 Excuse please the delay in answering your telegram print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.01.17 ich bin so voll Glück über Deinen lieben Brief, da print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1934.01.17 in diesem Augenblick erhalte ich Deinen Brief. Ich print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1934.01.17 On account of the death of my sister Mrs Coolidge print preview
TO: 1934.01.17 In Europa ist überall dort die Musik zu einer Volk print preview
TO: Goldman, Edwin Franko, American Bandmasters Organisation 1934.01.17 anbei sende ich Ihnen einen Beitrag in deutsher Sp print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1934.01.17 You know perhaps that I am ill, and I can not hope print preview
TO: Kalmus, Alfred, Universal-Edition A.G. 1934.01.17 ich habe eine Bitte an Sie: ich muß mein Englisch print preview
FROM: Stock, Frederick A. 1934.01.16 Im Einklang mit unserer telephonischen Rücksprache print preview
TO: Rogers, Leslie 1934.01.16 Please could you not kindly send somebody to me fo print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1934.01.16 ich bin sehr unglücklich, daß ich meinen Vortrag print preview
TO: Brennan, W.H., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.16 many thanks for your kind letter. I have also very print preview
TO: Copley, Richard 1934.01.16 GOT TODAY YOUR TELEGRAMM STOP I AM ILL AND print preview
FROM: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1934.01.15 We were very much disappointed to hear of your ind print preview
FROM: Brennan, W.H., Boston Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.15 We all wish to express our regret that you were pr print preview
TO: Weiss, Adolph 1934.01.15 ich musste leider den Vortrag in Princeton, den ic print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1934.01.13 Very honoured agree with pleasure and hope to get print preview
FROM: Buttenwieser, Benjamin Josoph, Jewish Philanthropic Societies 1934.01.09 Unforseen circumstances beyond our control have n print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1934.01.06 Mr. Schoenberg being very busy, writing quite a ne print preview
FROM: Goldman, Edwin Franko, Goldman Band 1934.01.05 I am taking the liberty of writing this letter in print preview
TO: Deutsche Bank und Diskonto-Gesellschaft 1934.01.05 Hiemit ersuche ich Sie höflichst zu Lasten meines print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.01.04 Bitte retourniere mir den Brief. Ich bin neugierig print preview
TO: Rogers, Leslie, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.04 Many thanks for your letter and the kind assistanc print preview
FROM: Kahn, Otto 1934.01.02 Your generous readiness to participate in federati print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1934.01.02 Your two letters of the twenty-eighth and the twen print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.01.01 Herzlichste Grüße; aber möchtet ihr nicht doch auc print preview
TO: Seligmann, Maria 1934.01.01 nur ein paar Worte, denn ich ruhe mich gerade von print preview
FROM: Heinrichshofen's Verlag 1934.01.01 In der Zeit vom 1. Januar bis zum 31. Dezember 193 print preview
TO: Webern, Anton 1934.01.01 vor allen langen Erklärungen, laß mich dir aufs print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.01.00 Will arrive Thursday afternoon. print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1934.00.00 du wirst inzwischen den AUszug vom III. Satz des V print preview
FROM: Genossenschaft deutscher Tonsetzer 1934.00.00 Hiermit überreichen wir Ihnen die Abrechnung für d print preview
TO: 1934.00.00 Vorstellung Ernst Kreneks print preview
TO: Kolisch Quartett 1934.00.00 sehr schöne Aufführungen! Ich habe mich sehr print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrud 1934.00.00 ist es nicht schrecklich, daß Nuria uns bei der print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.00.00 Ich bitte Dich, liebster Freund, mir recht bald wi print preview
FROM: Berend, Anna 1934.00.00 Ich hab im Radio glücklich gehört, daß Sie leben u print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1934.00.00 Wie wird sich Bach über Deine Widmung freun! Hatte print preview
FROM: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1934.00.00 das Telegramm, daß ich Ihnen geschickt habe, stütz print preview
FROM: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.00.00 ich alles in meinen Kräften stehende versuchen wer print preview
FROM: Gutmann, John 1934.00.00 erst jetzt habe ich Ihre Aufnahmen fertigstellen k print preview
FROM: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1934.00.00 ich danke Dir für die Übersendung der \"Modern Mus print preview
TO: Jarnoff, [?] 1934.00.00 Herr Malkin war gestern bei mir und erzählte mir v print preview
TO: Stock, Frederick A., Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1934.00.00 Accept your proposition print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1934.00.00 anbei etwas Tabak für Dich, Webern und einige mein print preview
TO: Eischen, Marjorie 1934.00.00 Do you know of these classes? Will you come once a print preview
TO: Katz, Hedi, Music School 1934.00.00 Can not come this winter perhaps in spring or next print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1934.00.00 Ich sehe eben, daß ich ganz vergessen habe, über print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.00.00 ich erhielt heute Deinen Brief vom 6 aus Stockholm print preview
FROM: Kolisch, Rudolf 1934.0.00 Wie ist die Anmerkung in Tkt # 124, 125, 130, 140, print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1933.12.30 ich gratuliere Ihnen und Ihrer Frau Gemahlin herzl print preview
TO: Rosenfeld, Valentin (Valti) Josef 1933.12.30 gewiß erinnere ich mich Ihrer und sehr genau. print preview
TO: Appel, Richard G., Public Library of the City of Boston 1933.12.29 Ich sehe eben, dass ich einen großen Fehler gemach print preview
TO: Carpenter, John Alden, Arts Club of Chicago 1933.12.29 I thank you very much for your kind invitiation, b print preview
FROM: Sarnoff, David 1933.12.28 As one concerned with music in its newest realm of print preview
FROM: Proskauer, Joseph M. 1933.12.28 On behalf of Federation\'s thousand of wards and o print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1933.12.28 eben habe ich einen Brief an Sie in den Kasten gew print preview
FROM: Webern, Anton 1933.12.27 ich kann Dir gar nicht sagen, wie sehr es mich bed print preview
FROM: Morros, Boris, Jewish Philanthropic Societies 1933.12.27 I was more than happy to learn that you had accept print preview
FROM: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1933.12.27 I have received a letter from Mr. John Alden Carpe print preview
TO: Hotel Ansonia 1933.12.26 I think I have forgotten a gray unlined ladycoat i print preview
FROM: Steiner, Lilly 1933.12.25 Lilly Steiner--Weihnachten 1933. print preview
TO: Travnicek, Josef 1933.12.25 Prosit Neujahr! Herzlichste Grüße auch an Ihre F print preview
TO: Schönberg, Arnold 1933.12.24 Weihnachten ist da. Ich wünsch dir viel Glück im L print preview
TO: Block, Anita Cahn, Theater Guild, Inc 1933.12.24 ich habe gehofft Sie werden mir nach einiger Zeit print preview
TO: Shubow, Joseph Shalom, New England Office 1933.12.23 es war sicherlich sehr gut, dass ich keine Gelegen print preview
TO: Slonimsky, Nicolas 1933.12.23 I was enjoyed[!] by the programs you have kindly print preview
TO: Rosowsky, Solomon 1933.12.23 es tut mir sehr leid, daß ich Sie enttäuscht habe print preview
TO: Rodrek, Beatrice 1933.12.23 In this matter you must not write to me, but only print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1933.12.23 I was ill and am not yet healthy, and so, excuse m print preview
FROM: Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.12.19 Wir erhielten Ihren Brief vom 6. d. M. Es tut uns print preview
TO: Preussische Akademie der Künste 1933.12.16 Unter Aufrechthaltung meines Standpunktes: daß di print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1933.12.14 Eben schreibt mir Rudi, dass er von dir weder die print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1933.12.14 ich sende heute die Streich-Quartett-Konzert-Parti print preview
TO: Hoffmann, Camill, Légation de la Republique tchécoslovaque 1933.12.13 May every joy this Christmas tide print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Heinrich 1933.12.13 Von uns allen die innigsten u. herzlichsten Weihna print preview
TO: Stiedry, Fritz 1933.12.13 [not seen] print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Gertrude 1933.12.12 ich erhielt vor einigen Tagen den Scheck, und nun print preview
FROM: Krauss, August, Preussische Akademie der Künste 1933.12.11 Der Herr Minister für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volk print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1933.12.11 Many thanks for your kindly letter and my agreemen print preview
TO: Bacon, Katherine, MacDowell Club of New York City 1933.12.10 It seems this had been a mistake: I believed to ha print preview
FROM: Heinsheimer, Hans W., Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.12.07 Nehmen Sie herzlichsten Dank für Ihren freundschaf print preview
FROM: Hoffmann-Behrendt, Lydia 1933.12.07 Schon wieder einmal komme ich mit persönlichen Anl print preview
FROM: Berg, Alban 1933.12.06 Deine soeben eingetroffene Karte vom 21. Nov. aus print preview
TO: Kallen, Horace M. 1933.12.06 Dr. Ernst Toch not only is one of the most success print preview
FROM: Koussevitzky, Serge 1933.12.04 Ayant recu votre lettre j'ai aussitot demande Mr. print preview
TO: Landau, Jacob, Jewish Daily Bulletin 1933.12.01 anbei sende ich Ihnen einen Artikel. Ich habe Ihne print preview
TO: Koussevitzky, Serge 1933.12.01 on m'a envoyé deux partitions: Verklärte Nacht et print preview
FROM: Schönberg, Arnold 1933.12.00 Viele herzlichste Grüße! Wir möchten so gerne print preview
TO: Schmid, [?] 1933.12.00 Kind remembrances for a Merry Christmas and Every print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.11.30 Den uns seinerzeit avisierten Betrag von R. M. 300 print preview
TO: Wolfsohn, Georg 1933.11.29 wissen Sie schon, dass wir hier sind? print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1933.11.29 erst heute finde ich Zeit, mich für den herrlich-s print preview
TO: Askwith, Herbert, American Friends of the Hebrew University 1933.11.28 With many thanks for your kindly invitation, let m print preview
TO: Downes, Ralph W., Princeton University 1933.11.27 I am forced to begin my letter with two excuses: a print preview
TO: Damrosch, Marie 1933.11.27 ich habe noch nicht Zeit gefunden, Herrn Joseph Ma print preview
TO: Kolisch, Rudolf 1933.11.24 über alles persönliche werde ich demnächst ein Ar print preview
TO: Saminsky, Lazare 1933.11.23 It is not Friday, I am in New York, but Saturday. print preview
TO: Jones, Hunt B., Haverford College, Pa 1933.11.22 [not seen] print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.11.22 Bitte freundlichst den Herrn Greissle erteilten Vo print preview
TO: Jalowetz, Heinrich 1933.11.21 herzlichste Grüße. Nächstens ausführlicher! print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1933.11.21 warum hast du nicht eine Zeile geschrieben. Willst print preview
TO: Gerhard, Roberto 1933.11.21 Sie sind wohl sicher sehr überrascht. Es ist sehr print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1933.11.21 Von dir haben wir bis jetzt garnicht gehört. Hoffe print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.11.21 Ich komme zufällig vorbei. Haben Sie meine Karte s print preview
TO: Rothe, Betti, Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.11.21 hier meine neue Adresse und viele herzlichste Grüß print preview
TO: Schlionsky, Verdina 1933.11.21 [not seen] print preview
TO: Berg, Alban 1933.11.21 du bist mir schon so lange Antwort schuldig, dass print preview
FROM: Blumauer, Ottilie 1933.11.19 Bin leider bis heute ohne jede Nachricht von Euch print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1933.11.18 gestern abend war es natürlicherweise nicht mehr print preview
TO: Schönberg, Gertrud 1933.11.17 wir kommen erst um 6h an. Leider wird es etwas print preview
FROM: Krauss, August, Preussische Akademie der Künste 1933.11.16 Ihr Schreiben vom 3. Oktober d. Js. habe ich dem H print preview
FROM: Jäger, [?], Preussisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung 1933.11.14 Die Kündigung der mit Ihnen geschlossenen Vereinba print preview
TO: Hutcheson, Ernest, Juilliard School of Music 1933.11.14 With many thanks I will accept your invitation to print preview
TO: Stokowski, Leopold 1933.11.14 I think you know, that I have lost my engagement a print preview
TO: Reis, Claire Raphael, League of Composers, Inc 1933.11.10 mit bestem Dank bestätige ich den Empfang Ihres Br print preview
TO: Schloss, Elinor Ann 1933.11.08 To Miss Elinor Ann Schloss print preview
TO: Heinecke, Paul, Society of European Stage Authors and Composers 1933.11.08 The November 8 I shall be at New York, first at St print preview
TO: Dovar, René, Radio Genève 1933.11.08 votre lettre vient malheureusement chez moi, dans print preview
FROM: Bloch, Ernest 1933.11.05 If my life had not been so terribly "hectic" --I print preview
TO: Freund, Marya 1933.11.05 auf der Ueberfahrt habe ich ständig gefürchtet, se print preview
TO: Seligmann, Maria 1933.11.05 jetzt habe ich an Mama sehr ausführlich geschriebe print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1933.11.02 sehr gute Überfahrt ganz ohne Seekrankheit. Am 30. print preview
FROM: Stokowski, Leopold 1933.11.02 Welcome to our very disturbed country. I hope you print preview
FROM: Boult, Adrian, BBC British Broadcating Corporation 1933.11.01 We are in receipt of your letter of 5th October, w print preview
TO: Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague 1933.11.01 Gratefully accept concerts and receptions Washingt print preview
TO: Allatini, Éric 1933.11.00 [not seen] print preview
TO: Berlinische Lebensversicherungs Gesellschaft 1933.10.31 Ich habe Ihnen seinerzeit mitgeteilt, daß ich bere print preview
TO: Rogers, Leslie, Boston Symphony Orchestra 1933.10.31 Have no parts of Lichtspiel musik - publisher Hei print preview
TO: Golden West Music Press 1933.10.31 Photographed handwritten music of models stop print preview
TO: Godowsky, Leopold 1933.10.31 Joining with all people who loves and appreciates print preview
TO: Ierardi, Joseph 1933.10.31 [ilg.] print preview
TO: Bok, Mary Louise Curtis 1933.10.31 As I am for some time in New York and got your kin print preview
TO: Schönberg, Georg 1933.10.30 wir haben noch kaum 224 Stunden, wenn kein schlech print preview
TO: Malkin, Joseph, Malkin Conservatory of Music 1933.10.30 Vorschlage SanMoritz Hotel. Drahtsendet Schiff hun print preview
FROM: Winter, Hugo, Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.10.28 Ihr Schreiben vom 24. ds. aus Paris haben wir soeb print preview
FROM: Bacon, Katherine, MacDowell Club of New York City 1933.10.26 As Chairman of the Music Committee of The MacDowel print preview
FROM: Chéran, Henry, France, Département des Animaux 1933.10.24 Le soussigné Dr. Henry Chéran diplome de la Facult print preview
TO: Rufer, Josef 1933.10.24 ich schulde dem Rudi--1000 Mark. Darf ich Sie sehr print preview
TO: Universal-Edition A.G. 1933.10.24 An[!] Hofmeister Leipzig habe ich verabredet mi print preview


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