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Original TIF File | 4692 × 3826 pixels (17.95 MP) 39.7 cm × 32.4 cm @ 300 PPI | 35.7 MB | Restricted |
Low resolution print | 2000 × 1631 pixels (3.26 MP) 16.9 cm × 13.8 cm @ 300 PPI | 655 KB | Restricted |
Screen | 700 × 571 pixels (0.4 MP) 5.9 cm × 4.8 cm @ 300 PPI | 75 KB | Download |
Preview | Full screen preview | 75 KB | View |
Art & Objects
Drawer 21
Arnold Schönberg Center - Wien
1926 - 1930
Modell, mittelst welchem ich (1926) dem Zahnarzt (Stellvertreter) beweisen mußte, warum mir das Gebiss nicht mehr paßte, seit die Geschwulst (von der Operation) zurückgegangen war.
angefertigt von Arnold Schönberg
Model of a set of dentures
Translation of annotation:
Model, with which in 1926 I hade to prove to the dentist (substitute) why my dentures no longer fit once the sweeling (from the operation) had subsided.
created by Arnold Schönberg